Child magazine | PTA June/July 2018

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June / July 2018

winter holiday special let’s party themes, planners, food, fun & games

free health




june & july 2018 - the bumper holiday issue upfront

4 pub’s note Making happy holiday memories, fabulous food recipes from around the world and planning the best birthday party, this issue is filled with inspiration and helpful tips 6 over to you Our readers have their say and share their news and views


14 highly sensitive children How to recognise them, understand them and help them cope in the world 16 tutoring One-on-one or group? We discuss the benefits that will help you make the right choice 19 road trip Take it slow and explore our country’s off-road hidden gems, you never know what discoveries you’ll make 22 party planning Don’t stress, just follow our guidelines for planning and hosting the perfect party 24 birthday party essentials Give your child a memorable birthday party using one of our novel themes and find everything you need – from accessories to venues – in our handy resource guide



8 health The truth about the flu vaccine 10 pregnancy Don’t suffer heartburn in silence, try these tips to stop it 12 best for baby Your baby can thrive on a vegan diet – we discuss the pros and cons 28 recipes Taste the world with these super party food recipes 30 what’s on in June & July Family events and winter holiday programmes 32 in the next issue of child magazine Education in the spotlight, tips to get organised and super spring recipes 34 finishing touch Are birthday theme parties overrated? 35 a good read Recommended reads for the whole family – from fun to suspense

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Joburg’s Child magazine 55 350 Cape Town’s Child magazine 47 817 Durban’s Child magazine 40 026 Pretoria’s Child magazine 40 173 Free requested Jul 17 – Dec 17

Pretoria’s Child Magazine is published alternate monthly by Hunter House Publishing, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. Office address: Unit 6, Canterbury Studios, 35 Wesley Street, Gardens, Pretoria. Tel: 0861 867 885, email: Annual subscriptions (for six issues) cost R150, including VAT and postage inside SA. Printed by CTP. Copyright subsists in all work published in Pretoria’s Child Magazine. We welcome submissions but retain the unrestricted right to change any received copy. We are under no obligation to return unsolicited copy. The magazine, or part thereof, may not be reproduced or adapted without the prior written permission of the publisher. We take care to ensure our articles are accurate and balanced but cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage that may arise from reading them.


pub’s note

Making holiday memories


My heart soars at the thought of holidaying with my family. Every so often we (all) save up, plan way in advance and journey somewhere brand new. The mere thought of meeting up after at least a year of not seeing my extended family in Australia keeps me dreaming and, sometimes just going, especially when school and work life gets a little, well … shall we say taxing? The brief is simple, pick somewhere we haven’t been before and make sure it’s affordable, especially for those of us travelling on South African Rands. Other than that, all we need are vegan and vegetarian food options and decent wine (a nice South African sauvignon blanc would be first prize, but I’ll settle for something dry and white from New Zealand too). Exploring with my family is never boring and our most recent holiday was no exception. In fact, I think it may well have been my family’s best holiday ever. Destination: Bali. I can honestly say this holiday was life-changing. Bali is not a place, it’s a state of mind, calm, relaxed, rejuvenating. What could possibly be better than starting the day with yoga and ending with a swim or a surf? My youngest daughter Robyn celebrated her birthday there, simply and beautifully. My oldest, Julian … well she was so taken with the island and its people, that she stayed on for two weeks, travelling around on a scooter, alone, with no plan and very little money. Content with the sun on her back, salt in her hair and a smile on her face! Here’s wishing you a warm and happy holiday with your family this winter, and if an overseas destination is beyond your family budget, consider taking a road trip around our beautiful country. Turn to page 19 to read one family’s account of their Cape Town to Joburg journey of exploration. If you can’t travel, but still want to taste adventure, try some of our party food from around the world recipes on page 28.


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018





over to you have your say – we value your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. rest days On the subject of reasons to miss school, as seen in your Feb/Mar issue (childmag., I would advise that students be given a rest day. Senior year learners, in particular, are overwhelmed with an incredibly heavy workload, and they can’t study for tests and complete their homework while attending school for seven hours, not to mention any extracurricular activities. Of course time management is important, but it gets too much. Anonymous

is this a problem? My eight year old is very charming, kind and makes good grades. All round she’s a good child. However, she likes to talk like a robot or in a deep raspy voice during class. It makes the other students laugh and is disruptive. She says that it makes her comfortable. Am I making her out to be weird? Is this a problem? We have moved twice in the past four years, could this be a factor? Concerned mom

Child Magazine responds: We suggest you consult her teacher and discuss your daughter’s behaviour to ascertain if the

teacher thinks it’s a problem and then decide on the way forward. Changing environments and school can be difficult for children, so keep in mind that your daughter may still be trying to find her place in her new school.

initials can cause embarrassment I picked up a copy of your Feb/Mar issue at the casualty section of Sandton Clinic where I was having a couple of stitches inserted. I especially enjoyed the article on names and thought I should tell you about another precaution to heed when deciding on a name for the new little person in your life: Beware of initials! In my class at school there was a boy named Robert Sole. You can imagine the anticipation and delight in the class when a new teacher called out the register for the first time: “A Smith? D Sneath? R Sole?” At which point the entire class burst into loud laughter. Richard

sport versus exercise I am working hard to change teachers’, parents’ and children’s perceptions around sport. Exercise is not sport. Exercise is something our bodies need and crave, and something that we should all be given the opportunity to take ownership of – to develop according to our own natural abilities – and feel great about. Sport is just one form of exercise, and we need to stop teaching our children that playing a sport is the only way to be strong, able and confident in your body! Anonymous

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magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

we need to stop teaching our children that playing a sport is the only way to be strong, able and confident in your body! delighted prizewinners Thank you so much for the wonderful hamper of books, so swiftly delivered. With small children in the family and visitors from elsewhere in SA and around the world, the books are going to be so useful. I have looked through them and they are a mine of information! It sure is my lucky day, many thanks, such a surprise for us all. Margaret Davison, a winner of our Map Studio book hamper giveaway Thank you so much, I’ve never won anything before! I’m so excited!! Thank you. Jashmeen Pillay, a winner of our FarmFresh fruit and veg box giveaway I would like to take this opportunity to thank Child Magazine for picking my name as a winner of the Spur voucher giveaway. My voucher was delivered to my door and I am looking forward to enjoying a meal out with my family. Patronella Moremi

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fight the flu this winter With the dreaded flu season already upon us, here are five misconceptions about the virus you probably didn’t know. CHILD MAGAZINE


inter is coming, and with it, the inevitable and dreaded bouts of flu. For parents, this means doing everything possible to keep our children healthy and influenza-free at school and at home. With predictions that this year’s flu season could be especially bad, it’s more important to start implementing strategies that will help boost your and your children’s immune systems.

myth: The flu vaccine is only for the elderly and high-risk patients. fact: Flu affects people of ALL ages and anyone who does not want to contract flu should be vaccinated.

fact versus fiction

myth: I was vaccinated last year so I am good to go. fact: Different flu viruses circulate each flu season because the viruses regularly change due to various factors including mutation. Therefore, a new vaccine is manufactured each year in response to that year’s prevalent flu strains.

Many misconceptions surround influenza and the vaccine. myth: It is natural and almost expected to get the flu every year as it does its rounds. fact: Incorrect – flu can be avoided by having the flu vaccine.

myth: Flu is not that serious. fact: Flu is actually a severe and possibly life-threatening illness. It kills more than 500 000 people worldwide every year.

myth: The flu shot causes flu. fact: Impossible – the viruses contained in flu shots are dead, which means they can’t cause infection. Getting a flu shot stimulates the immune system, which may cause mild flu-like symptoms.


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

when to get vaccinated “The sooner the better, and certainly before the winter flu season hits us,” says Jackie Maimin, CEO of the Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA).

“We urge members of the public to go to their nearest local independent community pharmacy clinic and be vaccinated to protect their health and to curb the spread of influenza.” Most medical aid schemes now cover the costs of the flu shot, so if you are on a medical aid scheme, check with your pharmacy whether your scheme covers flu shots. Those considered high-risk are pregnant women; children between the ages of six months and five years; people older than 65; those with HIV/AIDS; chronic disease sufferers; and those who work and live in densely populated areas and high traffic sites (teachers, students and cashiers in busy retail outlets). The ICPA advises that being vaccinated not only protects you from the flu, but also protects those who come into contact with you and your community.

how do flu vaccines work? Flu vaccines cause antibodies to develop in the body about two weeks after vaccination. These antibodies provide protection against infection from the viruses that are contained in the vaccine. The vaccine increases your defence against the influenza virus. It works by introducing very small amounts of viral components into the body. It’s important to make sure you receive your flu vaccine as soon as it becomes available at your

local pharmacy, as it takes about two weeks following vaccination for the antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against the flu strains. Influenza seasons are unpredictable and can begin early, so don’t be caught unprotected. To get the most out of your vaccination, make sure you are feeling well when you have your shot – this will ensure you have the best immune response to the dead viruses in the vaccine.

other ways to avoid the flu You can also employ basic hygiene practices to help protect you and your family from coming down with the flu. Take the necessary precautions by washing your hands often; covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue; and staying at home when you are ill to avoid spreading spreading the germs.

prevention is better than cure • • • • •

eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and nuts consider taking probiotics avoid tobacco smoke and alcohol get enough sun and sleep to maintain a strong immune system at the first sign of a tickle in the throat, gargle with salt water or an iodine solution for thirty seconds to kill the bacteria.


resisting reflux More than half of all women will experience the burning discomfort of acid reflux during their pregnancy. But, there are effective ways to beat the heartburn. CHILD MAGAZINE


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018


eartburn, or acid reflux – acidic digestive juices backing up into the oesophagus – is a common condition that plagues most moms-to-be at some point during their pregnancy. Progesterone, the hormone that relaxes muscles in pregnancy, also relaxes the stomach valve that keeps acid out of the oesophagus. Diane Julies, an independent clinical services consultant based in Pietermaritzburg, says that: “In addition, the growing uterus crowds the stomach, forcing acid up into the oesophagus and causing that unpleasant burning sensation.” Julies, who has been studying the effects of prenatal exposure on maternal and foetal health for more than 14 years, says that there are effective ways to stop heartburn among pregnant women. She offers the following advice:

smaller meals, slower bites Pregnant moms suffering from morning sickness usually have no problem eating little bits at a time. “But, if you have a healthy appetite during your pregnancy, make sure you avoid eating too much and feeling over-full.” According to her, an overly-stuffed stomach can contribute to heartburn. “Instead of three square meals a day, try five or six smaller ones.” Julies adds that eating too fast can also lead to heartburn and indigestion. “Relax and enjoy your meal. This will help you avoid overeating,” she says.

water, water everywhere Avoid drinking large quantities of milk during meal times, rather drink plain old water. “Drink lots of water, but not all at once,” says Julies. “Gulping a lot of water in one sitting actually increases the risk of heartburn,



particularly when baby’s larger size is pushing your stomach upwards.” And, she advises to try and get most of your fluid intake by drinking beverages (preferably water) between, rather than during, meals.

fast a little Having a hearty meal and then heading to bed is a recipe for heartburn. Julies recommends trying not to eat for at least three hours before you go to sleep. “You should also try to avoid liquids starting a few hours before bedtime,” she adds.

keep moving After every meal, take a leisurely walk or do a little housework, then sit down and read a book. “Don’t just lie down shortly after eating, and don’t do anything that requires you to bend over,” Julies warns. She says that both lying down and bending over can contribute to acid juices washing back up into your oesophagus.

let it flow “Wearing tight clothing is only going to put more pressure on your already crammed abdomen, and could possibly worsen acid reflux,” says Julies. She advises pregnant women to opt for loose-fitting maternity wear, “especially if you’re trying to stamp out heartburn.”

Rather opt for fresh fruit and raw veggies. spice is not nice Keep your food choices simple, avoid fatty, spicy, acidic foods. “This type of food will only worsen incidences of heartburn. Rather opt for fresh fruit and raw veggies,” Julie advises.

ginga’ ninja The exception to the guideline above advising pregnant women to avoid spicy foods, is ginger. Some women find that ginger – in the

form of ginger ale, ginger sweets or ginger biscuits – helps ease heartburn and can combat nausea and vomiting. Although there is not much scientific evidence for ginger as a remedy for pregnancy woes, Julies says: “It is safe to consume when you are pregnant.”

when all else fails …

When these natural methods fail to ease your heartburn, Julies recommends the following medication: • antacids containing calcium or magnesium are safe to take during pregnancy. • H2 blockers like Tagamet or Zantac suppress the production of stomach acid. Consult your doctor before taking them. • proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Prevacid have a powerful acid-suppressing effect. These are available over the counter and are safe to use during pregnancy.


best for baby

raising healthy children

the natural way


ood is a very personal choice and many people are changing from meat- and dairy-based diets to purely plant-based (vegan) diets for a number of reasons including personal ethical beliefs, concern for the environment, allergies to certain meat and dairy products, or concern about contaminated or sub-standard food. For those parents already committed to a vegan lifestyle, it is natural to choose the same diet for their children until such time as the child is old enough to make their own choice. But, how do they ensure that their babies and toddlers get the necessary nutrients to thrive and be happy. “It’s really not that difficult,” claims Tammy Fry, Marketing Director of Fry Family Food (a vegan and vegetarian food company), a South African Karate champion and the mother of two boys. “A well-planned, well-balanced vegan diet can provide all the fibre, iron, protein, vitamins and minerals a baby or toddler child needs to develop.”

As parents, we have every right to choose and influence what our children eat as long as they are thriving and content. For many parents, a vegan diet ticks all the boxes. CHILD MAGAZINE


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

Apart from providing your child with a moral compass from an early age by creating a connection between animals, the environment and what is on their plates, Fry says that there are significant health benefits to a vegan diet. “Children raised on plant-based diets could go on to benefit from reduced risk of heart disease, some types of cancer and type two diabetes as adults. By avoiding dairy, you lower the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis and

PHOTOGRAPH: Sonja Wrethman

health benefits

breastfeeding is in fact vegan. some cancers. Your child may also experience fewer allergies, colds and flu. And, they develop and maintain strong bones and health, have improved attention at school, better balanced hormones, stable moods, and better digestion,” she explains.

starting off Before introducing baby to a vegan diet, parents should educate themselves on the various dietary requirements. “Anyone wanting to bring up their child on a plant-based diet should seek the advice of a qualified doctor, nutritionist or dietician to ensure they are well-prepared to provide their child with the healthiest food options possible with competence and confidence,” advises Fry. “Remember, not all vegan diets are created equal. Just as you can have a healthy or an unhealthy omnivorous diet, you can also have a healthy or unhealthy vegan diet.” When it comes to meals for a baby’s vegan diet, breast is best (breastfeeding is in fact vegan), so try to breastfeed for as long as possible. Baby’s first foods are typically fruits, veggies, and rice cereal – all of which are naturally vegan, making weaning to solids relatively simple. Fry suggests that babies should be weaned to soy milk fortified with vitamins B12 and D to ensure they have enough of those key nutrients. “Soy is one of

the most protein-rich and versatile foods. It is recommended to avoid other forms of plantbased milk in the early years of development as they lack sufficient protein,” she says. “Once baby is ready to start eating small pieces of food, introduce plant proteins such as tofu, tempeh, and plant-based meat alternatives. To ensure your child receives adequate amounts of Omega 3, treat them to walnuts, flax seeds, and kale and chia seeds. Fortified orange juice or soy milk will boost vitamin D intake. Fortified cereals or supplements are the best vegan sources of vitamin B12, while kale and leafy greens, fortified non-dairy milk, and chickpeas and kidney beans are an excellent source of calcium,” she concludes.

be prepared Health benefits and simplicity of meals aside, there are some potential pitfalls ahead when you choose a vegan diet for baby. Some toddlers may prove to be fussy eaters and not easily embrace the foods suggested above. In that event, parents would be advised to seek

help from a registered dietician and nutritionist who can develop special menus and vitamin and supplement plans to suit both the child’s tastes and needs. Many people are misinformed about the health benefits of a vegan diet and may be critical of your choice. It would be helpful to arm yourself with knowledge to successfully fend off criticism and competently answer any questions about your dietary choice. Lastly, remember that your baby will develop into an intelligent, observant child and may question why they eat differently to their friends. In time, they may wish to make their own different food choices, so keep an open mind and consider the possibility that you may, at some point, have to make peace with them following a different path. As Fry wisely says: “I believe it’s important when educating your child to not make food options such as meat and dairy taboo, or to have strict rules around food. I have educated my boys on where food comes from, and ultimately it is up to them to decide. For now, simply trust that you are doing the best job of parenting possible.”

tips for lunch box and party food • m ini wraps filled with fresh salad or stir-fry style vegetables • avocado • hummus • falafel • fruit kebabs

• vegetarian chickenstyle strips and nuggets • vegetarian sausage rolls • sliders (mini burgers using plant-based patties or mushrooms) • pumpkin fritters

• z ucchini fritters • mini burrito bowls • cheese straws using plant-based cheese (available from most supermarkets) • plant-based ice-cream


dealing with difference

handle with care

understanding highly sensitive children Is your child constantly on the brink of tears? Is their reaction a little over-emotional sometimes? If you’ve answered yes, then your child could be highly sensitive, and needs to be dealt with delicately.



ne of the more common questions asked in family therapy practice relates to parents dealing with highly sensitive children (HSC) who seem to feel things a lot more intensely, proving to be much different than their peers and quite confusing to parents. “With anxiety in children, there’s often a heightened sensitivity through which that child experiences the world.” This is according to Cape Town-based family therapist and social worker Talya Ressel. She adds that in some cases, the sensitivity in children occurs without signs of anxiety, but rather “other challenging behaviours.”


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

“Highly sensitive children are confusing to their parents – often acting in a way that seems so much more mature than they actually are, and then at other times, they experience emotional meltdowns,” Ressel says.

what is HSC? HSC is a very real term to describe children who tend to notice the world in a lot more detail; children who often feel things more intensely and need to feel 100% comfortable before taking action. Research has shown that there are fundamental differences in temperaments among highly sensitive children and, according to Ressel, it can be useful to understand children in terms of dandelions, orchids and tulips. “Most children are like dandelions, they can grow anywhere and under any conditions and can often thrive regardless of their experiences. Orchid children are very sensitive to their environment and present more of a challenge to deal with. However, they’re likely to thrive under the right conditions.” She says that tulip children tend to fall somewhere in the middle, being both delicate like an orchid and robust as a dandelion. “This idea of the tulip having the potential to wilt and thrive is so important for understanding HSC and the role parents play in the child’s development.”

Ressel encourages parents to put aside the labels and negative connotations that society equates with sensitivity, especially in boys. A highly sensitive adolescent once asked her if, when faced with the choice, she’d ever change her sensitivity? “I told him I would not. Sensitivity, if managed correctly, can be a real blessing and strength,” Ressel says. She refers to the book by a leading researcher in the field of HSC, Elaine Aron, entitled The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping our children thrive when the world overwhelms them. In the book, Aron shares a valuable quote with the reader: “If you want to have an exceptional child, you must be willing to have an exceptional child.” According to Ressel, parenting a HSC has its challenges and responsibilities, “but it also provides an opportunity to be moved and amazed by the insight, kindness and compassion a HSC can exert.”

helpful strategies for dealing with a HSC

Ressel’s own experience as a HSC and HSC-parent has given her valuable insight and understanding to help support young people and adults dealing with HSC. She highlights five helpful strategies for parents to help these personalities thrive: acknowledge it: By acknowledging and accepting the child’s temperament, you help them to understand what they’re going

through and gain self-acceptance. “Do not apologise to others for your child’s sensitivity. It’s not something your child should feel ashamed about,” she says. consider practicalities: Manage basic needs such as making sure your child gets enough rest, adequate nutrition and that heat and noise levels are comfortable. “These elements are felt more intensely by a HSC and so it becomes quicker to feel overwhelmed.” at their own pace: Understand that a HSC may want to participate in activities, but at their own pace and level of comfort. Labelling this behaviour as shy or fearful creates negative associations, when in fact it can be a positive attribute. fill/empty the emotional jar: It’s important to acknowledge how much each child is capable of managing themselves – think of it as their emotional jar filling up. When it’s full, we often see behaviours such as meltdowns, tantrums or outbursts. “Parents can help them find ways to empty their jar by encouraging soothing activities such as walking, reading, quiet play or even going for a drink of water,” explains Ressel. avoid harsh discipline: When reprimanded, punished or embarrassed, a HSC is likely to become so overwhelmed by the emotion that they tend to disregard the information you want them to learn. “But that doesn’t mean anything goes. It is okay and necessary to set limits in a gentle, caring but firm manner,” she concludes.



help, my child needs a tutor! Is private one-on-one or group tuition the way to go? Why not both? We look at the benefits … CHILD MAGAZINE


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

results, but coupling it with some group tuition could be the perfect solution,” Cheney says.

benefits of one-on-one tuition Cheney says that this style of tuition is essentially when a child has the full attention of a tutor in that the lesson involves only the child and the tutor. These lessons are normally conducted in a home – either the child’s or the tutor’s – and can take place as often as once or twice a week. “The benefits of one-on-one tuition are endless,” says Cheney. “But the fact that your child will have the full attention of their private tutor is probably the most significant.” He says that this also leads to a stronger relationship with the tutor, allowing your child to build up trust and feel more comfortable when attending his private classes.

other benefits include

• more focused attention for your child • personalised teaching for your child’s needs • reinforces knowledge learned in school



he trend of private tuition is growing fast. In the United Kingdom, the proportion of tutored pupils has risen by more than a third over the past decade – from 18% in 2005 to 44% last year – with a sharp increase in the number of tuition agencies. The argument these days revolves around whether one-on-one or group tuition is best. But why not both? A new growing trend is for children to have one-on-one private lessons, combined with less frequent group lessons. This way, your child can have the cake and eat it with the benefits offered by both types of tuition. Mike Cheney, sales manager at Teach Me 2 tutoring company in Cape Town, says that private tuition is something parents consider for many reasons such as for extra help with understanding school topics, exam preparation, to learn something new (musical instrument, language, sport), to boost a child’s self-esteem and confidence or catch up on school work. “When thinking about whether to opt for a one-on-one tutor or group tuition for your child, there are plenty of pros and cons that can be argued for each, but the answer is simple. One-on-one tuition gets better

other benefits include • • • • • • a child can study at their own pace • little or no travelling. Often, the tutor will come to your home so travelling is eliminated, saving time for other activities • flexible lesson scheduling • more emotional support • customised lesson and exam preparation

benefits of group tuition Cheney says group tuition has many benefits that are often overlooked. “Your child will have the opportunity to interact with other students and meet new people, which means they will be able to hear other people’s opinions and listen to questions they may not have thought of themselves.” According to him, the lesson will not focus solely on the child, so they may have more time to digest certain pieces of information.

• • • •

sually more affordable than one-on-one tuition u tuition centres provide well-researched materials for the lesson tutors are often full-time workers, committed to teaching group tuition is usually at a centre with better equipment children are able to share their knowledge or problems with each other encourages interaction and enhances social skills children can make new friends promotes friendly competition offers a livelier environment for more enjoyable learning

combining one-on-one and group tuition The general rule is the smaller the group the better, so one-on-one tuition has a higher impact than a group lesson would. “Saying that, small group tuition does offer some advantages that cannot be gained in a one-on-one lesson,” explains Cheney. According to him, having weekly or twice-weekly one-to-one lessons, and adding a once or twice-monthly group lesson, you will ensure that your child is one step ahead; gaining the advantages of both types of tuition. “In this way, it breaks up a certain monotony to the child’s style of learning, and increases their chances of future success.”



finding the right tutor for your child

... understanding your child’s individual needs will be the most important factor when choosing a tutor.

As seen from the benefits above, one-on-one and group tuition are both effective, so understanding your child’s individual needs will be the most important factor when choosing a tutor. Some questions to ask when thinking about the right tutor for your child are: • what recommendations do they come with? • are they qualified enough? • do they have the time? • are they able to travel? • can they work around your schedule? • are the tutor and child compatible? • do they prepare their own lessons? • do they have the right material or follow a curriculum? Cheney agrees that it is up to the parent to decide which structure better suits their child. “A positive conclusion would, therefore, be for children to continue with their one-on-one lessons and integrate a group tuition lesson once or twice-monthly so they can have the best of both worlds.” Your child will then have the opportunity to build a good relationship with their tutor, with the added benefit of experiencing other student’s opinions from a group lesson.


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

road-trippin’ RSA


During a road trip across South Africa, a family discovers that it’s far more about the journey than the destination.


full tank of fuel? – check. The latest Now CD compilation? – check. A stack of Roald Dahl audio books? – check. This inventory of items is usually all it takes to keep my 10-year-old son, Noah, and 14-yearold daughter, Khaiya, happy on a road trip. But even I knew that no amount of imaginary exploding sweets was going to take the sting out of some 1 500-odd kilometres from Cape Town to Johannesburg. I had to get more creative. To soak up as many ocean views as possible, we took the


scenic, coastal route (R44) from Muizenberg. Double-storey houses with sea-facing balconies were littered along the road from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond, where we stopped at a country-style café for sandwiches made from freshly baked farm bread. While munching on our plaasbroodjies, we wondered if there was anything more beautiful than the relentless waves sculpting the huge rocks at Kleinmond beach. But after venturing to the top of the rocks and getting showered by sea water, we decided there was.

ostrich encounters After a brief stop in Hermanus, we made our way to the Old Mill Lodge in Oudtshoorn where we spent the night. The next morning, we visited the Cango Ostrich Show Farm in Schoemanshoek where we learned about the various uses of ostrich feathers and skins over the decades.

pouring over the contents of an actual general store ... proved nostalgic.



shoulder, chomping greedily. It was meant to resemble a massage, but judging by Khaiya’s squealing and giggling, I’m not sure how relaxing it really was. As for me, had I been more aware of the controversy around ostrich rides, I probably would have reconsidered. After a terrifying, thirty-second bout where I held onto stiff feathers for dear life, I’m now completely convinced that I won’t be doing that again any time soon.

... for no other reason than a promising charm in the name and a white church steeple in the distance. Travelling along the N9 towards Aliwal North, we stopped off in Willowmore for no other reason than a promising charm in the name and a white church steeple in the distance. At Sophie’s Choice, we manoeuvred through antiques and half-body mannequins in ghostly dresses towards the dining area. Here, we discovered how filling a roosterkoek could be when 20

magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

stuffed with grilled vegetables and transformed into a gourmet sandwich. Pouring over the contents of an actual general store in Willowmore proved nostalgic. I remembered the days when small, sticky fingers loved to reach into tilted, sweet-filled containers.

a wee taste of Scotland Our midnight arrival in Aliwal North in the Eastern Cape was something out of BFG (Big Friendly Giant) country. After driving among tall trees that looked like giant, knuckled fingers ready to reach down and pluck us off the road, we eventually reached Conville Farm Bed and Breakfast. For anyone who has ever wondered about life during the time of Downtown Abbey (let’s face it, who hasn’t?) Conville gave us a modest glimpse. With bedroom fireplaces, Victorian baths and bookshelves filled with dusty books, it was all I could do to stop myself from ringing for the butler. Over breakfast, with a pony making the odd appearance outside and, yep, you guessed it, corgis scurrying beneath the table, our host gave us a fascinating history lesson of the house. After moving to South Africa from Scotland, Conville’s original owner yearned for a similar retreat to the Scottish castle he’d left behind, and built

Conville, a scaled-down look-alike. Not long after, we arrived in the quaint town of Parys. It was as though my kids could taste the wanton commercialisation in the nearby Gauteng air. They showed little interest in the antique shops that the town is known for and claimed not to care if they never saw another herd of grazing cattle again. I had to admit: I could relate. I practically welcomed the mayhem on the streets of Johannesburg and had to stop myself from kissing the security guards at the boom gate. Home was in sight.

things the Juliens missed • T   he Kogelberg Nature Reserve just outside Kleinmond • T   he Harold Porter National Botanical Garden, near Kleinmond • M   eerkat Magic in Oudtshoorn • C   ango Caves in Oudsthoorn • T   he Pierre Ferreira hiking trail in Willowmore • T   he Stables Tea garden, a converted horse stable in Aliwal North • T   he Vredefort Dome in Parys created by a 300km wide meteorite


Noah was fascinated by the fact that a scrambled ostrich egg is the equivalent of 22 ordinary sized chicken eggs. “Just like in George’s Marvellous Medicine,” he whispered to me. Outside, I found my daughter face-to-face with an ostrich. When the tour guide placed a handful of seeds at Khaiya’s back, the ostrich reached over and placed its long neck over her


plan your party like a pro From themes to party favours, plus all the dos and don’ts, we tell you how to take the hassle out of party planning. CHILD MAGAZINE


lanning a party for your child can be daunting, but it needn’t be. If you plan and work well in advance, and have a clear idea of what you want, you can alleviate much of the party stress. Here are some tips for planning and hosting the perfect party. draw up a budget: Before you start, work out how much you are prepared to spend and what you can do based on your budget. set up a time schedule: Keep track of every aspect of the event and set dates for the completion of tasks. Send the invites at least a month in advance (with RSVP date about two weeks before the party). check Pinterest and Instagram: Social media is a great source for collecting ideas and party inspiration, from party themes and entertainment to food and décor.


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

decide on your theme: This will guide your decision about invites, venue, décor, food and entertainment. Involve your child in the preparation as much as possible. consider the season: This is crucial when you’re choosing a venue for the party. Will you be able to host it outdoors, or could rain or cold weather put a damper on things? date and time: Select a suitable time of day, date and duration for the party. Make sure there are no other big events happening around that time. inviting parents: Decide if you are going to invite the parents of the children, bear in mind that this could impact on your budget. From about the age of five, most children will not need their parents to stay. numbers: Choose the number of guests to invite. The rule of thumb is usually the age of your child, plus one. So, for a four year old, you would invite five guests. cake: This is often the centrepiece of the event, so it’s best to decide upfront what type of cake you will have and the size. invites: Bear in mind that if your child is at school, there may be a policy regarding the handing out of invites. Check with the school on the correct etiquette when it comes to invites. You can also consider posting invites or email/SMS parents directly. The invitation sets the tone for the party. Make sure you include all the relevant information, including times (don’t forget to indicate the time the party ends), venue and

PHOTOGRAPH: Kat Grudko Photography | Erin Smylie

let’s party

whether parents need to pack additional gear for their children, such as a swimming costume or closed shoes. plan the entertainment: Younger children will be happy to play games, while older children may want a bit more to keep them busy. safety: If you’re hosting at home, make sure the party space is safe and secure. If it’s a pool party, restrict access for younger guests who can’t swim and make sure there are plenty of adults to supervise pool time. Lock away any valuables that could be broken or cause damage before young guests arrive. food: Your choice of food may be determined by the theme, the age of your child, and even the time of day. Younger children will enjoy simple, finger foods while older children can eat just about anything. If you have a mix of ages at the party, ensure that younger children can’t ingest anything that may be a choking hazard. Always ask parents to advise on any dietary requirements and allergies. after the party: Manners are always important and a party is a good opportunity to teach children about showing appreciation. Think about simple thank-you gifts, such as a plant with an organic pot that can be planted or a brightly-coloured ball of homemade playdough or glitter slime. These double as party favours, so no need to fill goodie bags! If you are planning to have goodie bags or party favours, keep it simple and healthy – fill with small bags of popcorn, snack-sized peanuts and raisins, fruit bars and fruit rolls.

... teach children about showing appreciation.


best birthday bash


Want to be a superhero in your child’s eyes? We tell you how to host the birthday party that rocks! CHILD MAGAZINE


arents, it’s time to think out the box, push the boundaries, and organise a birthday party that will delight your little one and raise your status to party boss. Forget the old ‘done-to-death’ balloons that pollute the ocean, the themed disposable paper plates and juice cups that end up in landfills, and the stock standard jumping castle. It’s time to do things differently, so draw inspiration from these exciting themes and give your child a unique, memorable and eco-friendly birthday bash.

keep it behind closed doors little Picassos Hosting a painting party for your child and their friends is a great opportunity for them to get a little messy and to let their creative juices flow freely. Plus, it’ll keep them busy when the cold weather forces us indoors (not to say it wouldn’t be a great outdoor party theme for a warm summer afternoon). This is a no-waste, small-spend, low-effort affair. Simply, set up the washable acrylic paint, brushes, canvasses and easels and let the children’s imaginations run wild. Remember to provide a cleaning and snack station. And, no party packs are required as each child gets to take home their painted masterpiece. 24

magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

pop idol party Rent a PA system and microphone (check, check), download some popular karaoke songs and get the children to partake in this very cool ‘Pop Idol’ party theme. Create the right vibe with colourful disco lights and bubble, snow or smoke machines for added cool factor. What’s more, record each child’s performance and have a pop idol paparazzi photo session. Then cut each child’s song onto a CD. Use their photos on the front and inside sleeve of the CD cover and give them their recorded CD to take home. Make your child and their party guests feel like a star! You can do this easily and inexpensively, or you can go the whole hog and rent a photo booth with props and a sound system. glamping is the new camping When the weather turns nasty and it’s too cold to ‘rough-itoutside’, turn camping into ‘glamping’! This is an ideal theme for pre-teen and early teenaged girls and will ensure lots of giggling! A decked out camping sleepover setup with ruffled tents, pillows and blankets will get you started. Tents can double up as mini-spas with manicures and pedicure and facials on offer, or provide a safe spot for a good old-fashioned pillow fight. Fill goodie bags or ‘Glam Aid’ kits with manicure sets, face masks, glow sticks, torches, compasses, solar lights and glow in the dark games. Supply marshmallows and Marie biscuits for late night toasting around the fire and don’t forget the Milo or sugar-free hot chocolate. Ask each child to bring their own sleeping bag, pillow and travel mug, that way there will be less mess to clean up and no cups to wash. budding little scientists and engineers Is your child a bit of a science geek? Then, spoil them with a mad scientist-themed birthday party. Mix the birthday cake with (safely) exploding experiments and add oozing goo to your dessert table. Throw in some white lab coats, safety goggles and drinking beakers and you’ve invented a fun, exciting and educational party theme. Fun, engineering activities will get children’s brains and bodies moving! Whether they’re building a catapult, constructing PVC pipe creations, designing a fort or hosting a Lego party, you’ll thoroughly test each child’s engineering skills. Equip them with a junior engineers kit, a hard hat and the necessary tools to build, and watch them being entertained for hours on end.

PHOTOGRAPH FAR LEFT: ISTOCKPHOTO.COM | GLAMPING: LYNNE O’CONNOR | POP IDOL: The Rocket Karaoke Microphone from Prima Toys | BOARDGAMES: Giant Snakes and Ladders from Prima Toys | SO Slime DIY FROM PRIMA TOYS

let’s party

blast from the past drive-in movie night While most children today are unfamiliar with the concept, a drivein movie night birthday bash – complete with cute custom cars, a refreshment stand and drive-in moviescape – is a really fun and novel party idea. Add some ‘wow’ factor with customised movie ticket invitations, cardboard 1950s-style cars (with personalised licence plates), and cardboard food trays for all those traditional drive-in snacks. If this all sounds a little too much, just opt for a good old-fashioned movie night and rig up a white screen or sheet in your living room, rent a movie or choose something from Netflix. Don’t forget the “popcorn, chewing gum, peanuts an’ bubble gum”. Ok, just the popcorn then.

let the games begin

Try out some of these indoor games for cold wintry days and nights: mummy roll Divide children into two teams and give each team two rolls of toilet paper. Each team chooses a ‘mummy’ and they race to see who can wrap their mummy the fastest from head to toe. If toilet paper rips, teams have to start over, making the game all the more challenging. Remember to collect it all up and use for cleaning up any spills or put it into recycling. human twister Let the children form a circle, facing one another. All the players then extend their hands inwards, grabbing someone else’s hands. The goal is for the group to ‘untangle’ itself without ever letting go of one another’s hands. The players may turn, twist and step over one another as necessary. other indoor games to consider • board games (7 Wonders, Jenga, Hoot Owl Hoot, Telestrations, Splendor, Robot Turtle Game) • foosball • cards • table tennis

take it outside treasure hunt Awaken the intrepid explorer in all of us. Draw a map of your yard or a nearby park and bury some treasure (X marks the spot on the map). Hide goodies in the spot and create some decoys to send the children on a bit of a wild goose chase on their quest to find the real treasure. Depending on the children’s age you can make the clues (and decoys) as testing as necessary. obstacle course Use your imagination and existing outdoor furniture to turn your backyard into an obstacle course. Set up chairs that children have to crawl through. Lay out old tyres and inner tubes for them to step in, and have them ride tricycles or bicycles through the sandbox. For an added challenge, let the children attempt to complete the course while holding a potato on a spoon. slip into the slime pit Fill a big bucket with slime (or jelly) and hide items inside. Blindfold the birthday boy or girl (and guests) and let them plunge their hands into the slime to find a prize. chariots of fire Is your child an aspirant athlete or a fan of the Olympics? Celebrate in gold-medal style by firstly, serving a variety of round, ring-style foods (doughnuts, mini pizzas, bagels). Make Olympic-style torches out of paper towel tubes and use international flags as part of the party décor. Print some programmes and make some faux gold, silver and bronze medals for the closing ceremony. Let the children participate in games such as relay races, tug-o-war, hockey, football, trampoline, gymnastics, and swimming. Other accessories include glow bracelets, headbands, sports bottles filled with water (children can take these home once the party is over), Olympic-torch cupcakes and treats. outside action If the weather is good and there is sufficient space, consider getting the children involved in some of these outdoor games: • tennis • volley ball • juggling • bubble soccer • dodgeball • croquet • skittles • bowling 25

let’s party

birthday basics Planning a birthday party? Use our handy resource guide to find not only inspiration, but everything – from accessories and entertainers to venues – you’ll need in the Pretoria area. accessories Kids Fancy Dress – Pretoria East 012 993 1370 / Cosmo Balloons – Waterkloof 012 998 3596 / Costume Castle – The Willows 012 807 2243 / Crazy Plastics – Joburg 011 817 5357 / Money Box Party Packs – Pretoria 083 659 4055 / Parties4Africa – Pretoria 072 083 4844 / Sunrise Sweets – Pretoria 012 379 4748 /


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

Scrooge & Marleys – Pretoria 012 667 2287 / The Crazy Store – nationwide 0861 111 281 / Toy Adventures – Pretoria 010 007 3078 /

indoor parties Bounce Inc. – Pretoria 012 942 1117 / Build-A-Bear @ Toy Kingdom – Pretoria 0861 862 343 / The Ice Rink Forest Hill – 012 668 1044 / Grove – 012 807 3060 /

equipment hire


Crazy Inflatables – Midrand 082 449 4197 / JK Productions – Joburg 086 111 2876 / Rainbow Parties – Pretoria 012 362 0568 /

Giggles & Glamour – Pretoria 012 543 0843 / Uncle Dum Dum – Joburg 086 111 2876 /

catering Donut Cakes – Centurion 079 497 4444 /

outdoor parties Acrobranch – Pretoria 086 999 0369 / Honeydew Mazes – Honeydew 073 795 2174 /

indoor & outdoor venues Spur Steak Ranch – National 0860 007 787 / Supersport United Soccer Schools – Pretoria East 012 771 2400 / 079 254 9355 / The Collection – Pretoria 012 993 3638 / Villa San Giovanni – Wonderboom 012 111 8888 /

Get your comprehensive party planning checklist from



explore and taste the world A world-themed party is a novel way of making your child’s next birthday party memorable and educational, especially with this smorgasbord of tasty international food recipes. Incorporate a theme by encouraging party guests to don an outfit or accessory that pays homage to the heritage of each country.

minted halloumi and watermelon salad

• 2 00g halloumi cheese, cubed • 1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for frying and drizzling • ground black pepper • 3 spring onions with green tops, sliced • 1 small red onion, sliced • 1 cup pitted black olives • 500g watermelon, cut into bite-sized pieces • 20 fresh mint leaves, chopped • ½ tsp dried oregano • ½ ripe lemon to squeeze over salad. Toss halloumi in the tablespoon of olive oil and season with black pepper. Heat a little olive oil in a heavy-based frying pan and cook halloumi until golden on all sides. Toss all the salad ingredients together with the halloumi and pile onto a platter. Drizzle with olive oil and give it a splash of lemon juice. Make it festive with individual servings of the salad in plastic wine glasses, glass jars, ceramic tasting spoons and even cupcake holders in the colour or theme of your party (double these up to prevent the holders from becoming too soggy).



• 2 cups dried chickpeas, soaked overnight in warm water • 1 small onion, finely diced • 1 small green chilli, chopped • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed • ½ cup flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped • 1 tbsp fresh mint, chopped • 1 ½ tsp ground cumin • 1 tsp ground coriander • ½ tsp salt • tsp chilli flakes • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda • 3 tbsp flour • Oil for deep frying. • 2 tbsp fresh coriander, chopped Place chickpeas with all the ingredients, except for the bicarbonate of soda, flour and oil, into food processor and pulse until almost smooth. Don’t overwork it. Stir in bicarbonate of soda and flour and leave mixture to marinate for 30 minutes. Roll the mixture into balls to the size you desire. Heat oil and fry falafel balls in batches until crisp and golden brown. Serve with pita bread, pickled vegetables, tzatziki, hummus and tahini, and a large bowl of crunchy greens and sun-ripened tomatoes.

magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

nutmeg ice-cream • • • • • •

1 ½ cups full-cream milk 1 ½ cups cream ¾ cup castor sugar 1 tsp finely grated fresh nutmeg 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 large fresh eggs, at room temperature

Heat together milk, cream, castor sugar and nutmeg. As the mixture comes to the boil, remove it from the heat. Whisk eggs and vanilla together in a bowl, then whisk half a cup of the milk mixture into the eggs. Finally, whisk this egg combination into the saucepan containing the remaining milk mixture, return to the heat and simmer, stirring until just thickened. Remove from the heat and cool down, then chill until ice cold. (You now have the option to churn the mixture in an ice-cream machine until frozen, or do it by hand.) Serve in individual sugar ice-cream cones with multi-coloured sprinkles as a topping or cinnamon pastry baskets. [Watch youtube’s “cinnamon baskets: a fun way to serve ice-cream!” video for step-by-step instruction on how to make the baskets.]

maple pecan pie

for the pastry • 1 cups flour, sifted • 2 tsp orange zest (optional) • 114g chilled, cubed butter • 1 small egg • 1 tbsp iced water • 2 tsp sugar Place flour, sugar, orange zest and butter into the bowl of food processor and pulse a few times until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Whisk together egg and iced water and add this to the flour mixture with the motor running, pulsing until mixture comes together in a ball. Add a bit more iced water if needed, but don’t make dough too wet, flour shouldn’t stick to your hands. Turn pastry out onto a clean, flat surface and shape it into a disc. Enclose in plastic wrap and chill for one hour. Remove pastry from fridge. On a clean, flat, lightly floured surface, roll out pastry to fit your pie tin. Make sure the pastry overhangs the sides, but don’t stretch it as it will shrink during baking. If you want a decorative feel, you can flute the edge of the pastry with your thumb and forefinger. Prick the base all over with a fork, then chill until needed. for the filling • 3 eggs • 1 cup brown sugar • pinch of salt • 1 tbsp flour • ½ cup maple syrup • ½ cup cream • 1 tbsp butter, melted

• 1 tsp vanilla extract • 1 ½ cups pecan nuts, very lightly toasted Preheat oven to 1800C. Beat eggs and sugar together, then stir in salt, flour, maple syrup, butter, cream and vanilla extract. Roughly chop 1 cup of nuts and stir into mixture. Spoon into pie crust and bake in the preheated oven for 50–60 minutes. Remove from oven and let pie cool and set. Serve with lashings of thickly whipped cream, mascarpone cheese or vanilla ice-cream.


for the icing • 50ml boiling water • 25g soft butter • 90ml milk • 30g cocoa powder, sifted • 375g icing sugar, sifted • 270g fine desiccated coconut Place water and butter in a bowl and stir to melt it. Add milk and cocoa, stirring to dissolve, then stir chocolate mixture into icing sugar. Set aside. for the lamingtons • 150g self-raising flour • 35g cornflour • Pinch of salt • 25g butter • 80ml boiling water • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 4 eggs • 150g castor sugar

Preheat oven to 1800C. Grease a 20 x 30cm baking tin and line it with baking paper or a silicone sheet. Sift together self-raising flour, cornflour and salt. Place butter, boiling water and vanilla extract in a heatproof bowl and mix to melt the butter. Place eggs into food processor and mix together to break up yolks. Then add castor sugar and beat until mixture is light and fluffy, has doubled in volume and leaves a trail when the beaters are removed. Gently fold flour mixture into egg mixture, then stir butter mixture into this. Do not overmix – it must be kept light and airy. Spoon into prepared baking tin and bake for about 25 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean and dry. Only test cake once it has been in the oven for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and let cake rest for 5 minutes, turn it out onto a clean board and allow to cool slightly before cutting into even squares. Dip each lamington into icing mixture, then roll in coconut and set aside to dry. Decorate with miniature Australian flags or pictures of koalas.

about the book

The Giggling Gourmet Jenny Morris’ World Atlas of Food, is a compilation of 100 recipes, one for each of the 100 countries featured. It encapsulates the essence of traditions, food styles and flavours comprising of elements that serve to make a country unique. World Atlas of Food is a journey of the senses, offering armchair travel into the kitchen of six continents. Published by MapStudio, the book is available at leading bookstores for R220. Visit



what’s on in june & july For more events go to or submit an event for our August & September issue before 6 July to

2 June

Boeps2Babes Antenatal Workshops Antenatal classes are presented every second month on a Saturday morning (8:30am–1pm) at the Shelanti Tea Garden. Classes are divided into three sessions and topics such as exercise and relaxation, nutrition and vitamins, birthing options, breastfeeding, formula feeding, burping techniques, feeding and sleeping routines and immunisations are covered. For more information, contact 012 644 0377 or 079 799 8659.

4 June

Big on Books Book Fair Qualibooks at 327 Roan Crescent, Midrand is hosting the Big on Books Library Book Fair daily (9am–4pm) until 8 June. Meet authors, find good books to suit all tastes and get discount specials on library material. RSVP by 21 May to info@qualitybooks. or 086 111 3337 9 June

and explore the assortment of antiques and collectables on show. You may just make a valuable discovery. Find the fair on the roof of the large amphitheatre at the Voortrekker Monument Heritage Site, Eeufees Road, Groenkloof. It opens at 9am and ends at 3pm. For more information, contact Geraldine Paulsen 012 326 6770 / 323 0682 or email

Verdi Gala 2018

Saturday Concerts

The Brooklyn Theatre presents this gala performance by the Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra at 3pm. Contact: Erica Loubser, 012 460 6033 / /

The Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra and Brooklyn Theatre present a gala performance of Verdi’s most beautiful music at 6pm. There is a repeat performance at 3pm on 10 June. The line-up features an impressive quartet of fine SA opera singers. Tickets from R210–R260, book at

World Clubfoot Day


Globally, more than 100 000 babies are born annually with clubfoot worldwide, about 5 000 in South Africa, mainly in rural areas where the parents have little to no access to information or help. The positive side of clubfoot is that the condition is treatable using the Ponseti Method. This day is aimed at raising awareness and various events organised by healthcare organisations take place throughout the world. STEPS is a South African NPO supporting babies born with clubfoot and their parents. It has helped treat over 10 000 children with the Ponseti method, distributed 5 000 clubfoot braces, has 26 partner clinics across the country, and has trained more than 500 healthcare professionals. For more information, visit

Come and meet Donkie (the donkey with blue eyes), Joseph (the bull), Charlie, Eva, Linkie, Piglet, Rosy, Bella and Marmelade (the pigs), Zanza and Spottie (the goats), birds and many more small animals at Kinderplaaszoo at Greenlyn Village Centre, Menlo Park. The petting zoo is filled with the most adorable farm animals that you children will be able to stroke and learn more about. It costs just R15 per person and is open every Saturday 8am–2pm. For information, email suzette.

Saturday concerts at 11am is a hands-on and interactive opportunity providing an exciting need in the market for young performers and scholars to express themselves. Held every Saturday at the Brooklyn Theatre, the concerts include choirs, operatic concerts, guitar, piano and violin recitals – a surprise performance each time. Suitable for children two years and older, it costs R20. Contact: Erica Loubser, 012 460 6033 / /

3 June

Johann Strauss Gala


16 June

Antique and Collectables Fair Take a trip down memory lane

magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

22 June

Dream BIG as Disney On Ice sprinkles pixie dust Enter a world where adventure is awaiting and courage leads the way as Disney On Ice presents Dream Big. Join Tinker Bell as she takes you on a journey of beloved Disney tales live on ice. Make a splash with the fearless dreamer Ariel and watch Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White, Tiana and Belle remind you to always be strong, kind and fearless. Travel to the wintry world of Arendelle with Anna, Elsa and Olaf from

Disney’s Frozen as they learn that true love is the greatest magic of all. Be there to discover a whole new world with the daring Jasmine. Believing is just the beginning when Disney On Ice Dream Big skates into South Africa at theTicketpro Dome. Book at 28 June

National Arts Festival The National Arts Festival takes place in Grahamstown and provides 11 days of amazing entertainment for all, providing a heady mix of uniquely South African and international arts, culture and creativity from a range of emerging and established artists. The Festival runs until 8 July. Visit

The Children’s Art Festival The Children’s Arts Festival – a 10-day creative arts experience for primary school children (age 4–13 years) – runs concurrently with the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and is held in association with St Andrew’s Preparatory School. It offers supervised programmes specially designed for children aimed at releasing the artist within and developing their creativity, imagination and artistic ability. Visit 30 June

Music from the Movies The Brooklyn Theatre and Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Paul van Zuilenburg, present Music

do this Mandela Day either on or offline, this is your go-to site, visit No matter how small or big the action, your contribution will be greatly valued.

17 June

Craft Festival Calling all dads, you’re invited to this craft festival getaway event. Celebrate this Father’s Day with a unique compilation of craft gin, whiskey, brandy, rum, beer and wine tastings, paired with imaginative menu offerings. You’re sure to enjoy it because you deserve it! The event takes place at the Leriba Hotel, 245 End Avenue, Centurion 12pm-3pm. Call 012 660 3300 to make a booking.

from the Movies at 7pm. There is another performance at 3pm on 1 July. Music from the Movies features popular sound tracks from famous movies. Ticket prices range from R160–R310, book at 1 July

Fit2018 VIA and Adventure Boot Camp presents #FIT2018. Get active at these weekly boot camps held every Saturday (7am– 8am) at the Pretoria National Botanical Gardens, 2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria. Classes cost R30 weekly or pay for a full year (R800) and receive an awesome gift bag. For more information, contact 021 406 3466, or purchase your tickets online from 11 July

Beauty and the Beast O.A.K. Youth Theatre performs

Beauty and the Beast at the Atterbury Theatre until 21 July. This production is sure to enthrall audiences. Through music, dance and drama the talented performers relate the story of the book-loving Belle, a young woman from a small town, and her encounter with the Beast, who is holding Belle’s father captive. There are performances at various times day and evening, tickets are available form online.computicket. com and cost R130–R150.

Lock In Your Heart

time to public service today. To mark the centenary, volunteering platform,, has listed 100 different opportunities across the country for individuals or groups to get involved in. If you’re looking for something to

Come lock in your heart for Mandela Day at Woodrock Animal Rescue, 51 R511 Pretoria Rural, Hennopsriver (9am–3pm). Purchase a padlock for R67 and secure it to the fence at the entrance to the shelter, known as the ‘Bridge of Commitment to Animals’. In so doing, you are locking your heart into animal welfare. Taking the key home is a constant reminder of

18 July

100 opportunities for Mandela Day

3 July

Marking 100 years since Nelson Mandela’s birth, now is the time to do something really cool for Mandela Day. This year’s theme “Be the Legacy’ encourages everyone to take #ActionAgainstPoverty by devoting 67 minutes of their

An interactive and spectacular stage production for kids aged 5+ featuring The Powerpuff Girls, and popular characters from Ben 10, The Amazing World of Gumball and Adventure Time. Join forces with the Cartoon Network characters to hopefully help Kelvin Gizmo, a scientist extraordinaire, stop the evil robot Zarr and his evil plans. Catch them at Montecasino until 8 July. Tickets cost R175–R395 from

Cartoon Network Live!



the animals locked away without a voice and without a choice who depend on us. This ties in with the number of years Madiba fought for social justice, some of which were spent locked away without a choice and without a voice. Entry is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted. For more information, contact 082 431 1333 or visit Facebook: WoodrockAnimalRescue

Peas in a pod Peas in a pod safe house for girls is appealing to the public to do their bit on Mandela Day by donating canned food to the home situated at 343 Jeff Masemola Street, Pretoria. Contact Annali Swanepoel on 0827892570 / /

27 July

High School Career Expo South Africa’s only national public exhibition designed to provide both primary and high school students with the necessary tools to succeed in high school or tertiary education and beyond. All primary and middle school students and their parents can learn more about public and private high schools, including special programmes, extracurricular activities and admissions criteria. It takes place at the Forest Hill Shopping Centre, Centurion and entry is free. Visit


Banting Food Market If you are a dedicated banter, trying to cut out sugar, high carbs

and embracing high fat foods, or just someone who strives to live a healthier lifestyle, then the Banting market in Pretoria is a must-visit. Here you will find the best local, fresh, quality LCHF products in your area. Visit this outdoor market held in the beautiful, tranquil setting of the Pretoria National Botanical Garden, 2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria. The market is held on the first Saturday of every month (9am–1pm). Don’t forget to bring a picnic blanket and enjoy good food under the trees.

Bolobedu Market Visit the Bolobedu Market at Bagaphala Farm every first Saturday of the month from 10am to 7pm. Do some shopping, enjoy amazing food and great music.

There’s a play area for the children and its pet-friendly too.

Deep Roots Market Enjoy amazing gourmet street food and your pick of craft beer and drink specials every Friday from 3:30pm–11.30pm at the CBC Old Boys Club. Come early, book a table or picnic spot and enjoy a wonderful outdoor experience.

Greenlyn Goods Market Come and enjoy the buzz of the great Greenlyn Goods Market every Saturday from 8am until 2pm at Greenlyn Village centre park, corner of Mackenzie and Thomas Edison Streets, Menlo Park. Enjoy the tranquility while indulging in some of the exotic food from the neighbouring Hazel Food market. Feast your eyes on

august & september is

the education issue health

delicious spring recipes for breakfast, lunch(box) and supper


dealing with bullying + new research uncovers four simple ways to grow children’s brains and how schools can TRULY prepare them for the future

et tre




10 quick ways to get organised retreats for body, mind and soul

To advertise call: 0861 867 885 or email: | Booking deadline: 10 July | Material deadline: 12 July 32

magazine | pretoria June/July 2018


on s


what better way for children to learn about life and the world they inhabit, than travel? one mom shares her trip to Mozambique

high quality and exquisite handcrafted products and imported goods ranging from art and clothing to household items and gifts. Contact: 082 373 3516 /

Kimiad Food & Farmers Market This vibrant food and farmers Market at the Kimiad Golf Course, Wekker Road, Moreleta Park, offers food and craft vendors, a picnic area, live music, golfing, a fun run and play areas. Open 9am–3pm every Saturday. Contact or 082 881 0104

holiday programmes RAVE-O Winter School

Winter school is an opportunity for struggling readers to receive

high-quality, intense intervention. Hosted by the Bellavista School, 35 Wingfield Avenue, Birdhaven, the workshop is aimed at children whose reading competency is lagging and is of concern to their teachers and parents. For children aged 8–11 years, the

winter school runs from 9 July until 9 August from 8am–1pm, Monday–Thursday each week for five weeks. It costs R8 900 per learner for the full clinic, including materials, recreational activities, refreshments and assessments, and there is a R390 application

fee. Contact Michelle Yudelowitz on 011 788 5454, email raveo@

open days

HeronBridge College Pre-preparatory HeronBridge College is a private school offering educational excellence from grade 000 to 12 within a Christian environment. Attend the pre-preparatory open day on 9 June from 8am where educators will introduce you to the exciting new features and focal points such as the special fantasy play area, the mud kitchen and sensory gardens. To book your spot (booking is essential), go to, or contact Tarryn Payne on 011 540 4800, email tpayne@


final touch

a party with a difference


Parties are more about the children creating their own fun and games than the theme. ANÉL LEWIS

o, after two consecutive train parties, Conor finally decided to change direction when choosing the theme for his birthday party this year. I was delighted. There are only so many times you can convince your son that a block of chocolate atop two finger biscuits is a train carriage. The problem though was that I had no clue as to what Conor was talking about when he asked for a “ghast” and a “creeper” to make an appearance on his special day. After some animated discussion, and a few Google searches, we worked out that he was talking about a ghost and another character from Minecraft, a popular computer game where players build block structures in a 3D virtual world. I had thought that after five years of birthdays – of which three involved some kind of locomotive – we had mastered the

Erin, Craig, Conor, and Anél

art of party prep. How difficult could it be to slap together a few sheets of white paper for a ghost, we thought? But we soon realised the error of our ways when, at 7am on the morning of the party, we were frantically glueing pictures of TNT and pickaxes from the game onto party packs. Fortunately, the themed Creeper piñata I had ordered was on spec, and Dad managed to pull a décor trick that would have put Martha Stewart to shame. With some skilful snipping of a few black garbage bags, we soon had a ‘portal’ entrance for our guests. For the next two hours, our home was overrun with exuberant boys high on sugar and the thrill of whacking a green, sweet-filled piñata into pieces. When we noticed a circle of black swirling out from the stairs of the pool, the children were convinced that another portal

had mysteriously appeared. Unfortunately, it was just the ink from the piñata streamers that had fallen into the water. But the boys were undeterred and they blithely ignored the autumn chill to play in the now somewhat murky pool. No one cared about the stickers on the party packs, or whether the ghost had made an appearance (alas, we never did get around to building it). Conor was just delighted to have his friends at his home to celebrate his birthday. And this got me thinking that as long as there is cake, a few sweets and a couple of mates, we don’t need fancy portals or ghost appearances to call it a party. Anél Lewis has already decided that next year’s theme must be easily recognisable with party props that are readily available in the shops. Maybe it’s even time to revisit that train theme?

family marketplace


magazine | pretoria June/July 2018

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