Child Times July 2011

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Child times Volume 1 Issue 11 Winter Edition 2011

For early childhood professionals

Conference on Early Childhood Education & Care an outstanding success In June this year we hosted the 2011 Western Australian Early Childhood and Education Conference, “Windows of Opportunity”. Delegates from across Australia and SE Asia were treated to two days of the latest research and pedagogy about early childhood best practices, a smorgasbord of exciting world class speakers, great helpings by some of the best practitioners in the country and delicious tastings of current research. Renowned key note speakers included Prof Stuart Shanker (Canada), Dr Margy Whalley (UK), Wendy Lee (NZ) and Dr Louise Hard (N.T.). The themes were leadership, learning, environments and relationships.

“We wanted to create a space for early childhood professionals to engage in stimulating conversations with one another and to further bridge the gap between education and care.” Dawson Ruhl, CEO, Child Australia An innovative addition to this year’s conference was the introduction of a Wiki, an internal conference intranet where delegates were able to access conference material, communicate with one another and provide instant feedback via their own smart phones or with the iPads given out on loan during the conference. With the educational applications loaded on them, delegates could explore resources that educators could use in their classrooms and centres.

We received some great feedback including your interest in continuing to share information about early childhood education and care practices. We urge you to continue to use the WIKI as a platform for ongoing discussion and to access all of the conference papers. Please go to: waecec/. At this year’s conference the 600 delegates and practitioners were evenly represented between the care and education sectors and we hope to see many more at our next conference in 2013.

enriching children’s lives

Inclusion and Professional Support Program providing you with ongoing support and professional development

Creating a centre of excellence in early learning “The educators create great experiences for the children.” “I never realised how much he’s learnt while he’s been playing!” Parents at Early Learning Centre, Lockridge, W.A.

Child Australia made a splash as it launched its first Early Learning Centre and Outside School Hours Care service in Lockridge, Western Australia. Not simply stand-alone learning centres, they are part of a broader initiative to work in partnership with parents, the community and other service providers in the area.

Director of Child Early Learning Centre, Ralph Southall presenting childrens art to Robyn McSweeney MLC. Minister for Child Protection; Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering; Women’s Interests; Youth

Our aim is to contribute towards significant improvement for local families. In for the long haul, we want the Lockridge centre to operate in the context of an integrated service delivery “hub” providing families with associated health and other specialist services. We look to be part of the journey wherever we believe we can make a difference. The release of the AEDI scores earlier this year indicated that children living in the Lockridge area were vulnerable or at risk on two or more domains.

Chantel Miller DEEWR, Joan Bender Dept of Communities, Lee Jeffery Child Australia and Lesley Moreschi CEO Meerilinga

An inspiring learning journey …implementing the Early Years Learning Framework “The enthusiasm and passion that shone from the educator was wonderful. In particular, embracing the spontaneity of children and the subsequent renewed relationships with their families was so rewarding.” Judy Walker, Inclusion Support Facilitator, Mandurah A child with challenging behaviour, one day asked their educator if he could have the laundry basket. Holding a piece of string, he jumped into the basket and began an imaginary game of fishing. Subsequently, he added a piece of paper tied to

another string as an anchor and soon he attracted a group of children who joined in. Recognising his interest in fishing, educators introduced art activities for underwater scenes. They added fishing stories and reference books, they talked about the colours and life cycle of fish, whilst parents brought in fishing nets; the local fishing shop donated crab nets and a grandmother loaned them sea shells. This experience and the sense of self-worth and belonging became evident over some weeks, drawing children in with different experiences at different times.

National Quality Framework Update PSC WA and PSC NT are moving full steam ahead in the delivery of information on the National Quality Framework (NQF). The initial rollout of the PSC Alliance’s NQF Foundational Information Sessions has seen us travel throughout WA and the NT, delivering 150 sessions to over 500 educators. Our next steps are to: • Deliver NQF foundation sessions to services leaders and management,

• Financial management and budgeting for change • Change management • Articulation of current curriculum • Leadership • Communication • Quality • Policies

• FAQ available on the PSC alliance website, ,

The NQF implementation strategy is a holistic approach to be delivered to ECEC services across Australia and all presentations and publications have been approved by DEEWR. PSC will advertise additional events and information as they occur, via email, our website and e-newsletters.

• nationally consistent fact sheets, and regular NQF newsletters.

More to come….including a framework for School Age Care workshops.

• customised consultation, • webinars and online packages,

Please visit either or to access the online documents We will also deliver in-depth sessions in a variety of forms (workshops, networking meetings, meeting packages, consultations) about what the NQS looks like in practice, including :

In all the excitement leading up to 1 January 2012 and the implementation of the much anticipated NQF and EYLF, do remember the NCAC conducts spot checks to ensure that services are maintaining standards. For further information go to

Supporting ongoing professional development of early childhood professionals Professional Development is an ongoing process that provides systematic learning, improvement and broadening of skills and knowledge to achieve best outcomes for children and families. Why not request a consultancy visit from the Professional Development Coordinator (PSC)? “We used the consultancy visit to ensure techniques learned in theory were being implemented effectively. It helped to refresh our memory, and for the messages to sink in.” Service Director Our consultant can spend time with your educators discussing quality care practices, observing and role modelling quality interactions. These visits are valuable and help complement your knowledge gained from attending professional development sessions with us at Child Australia. Our aim is to help you embed theory into practice and to contribute positive outcomes for children and families. To find out more, call the PSCWA Helpline on 1800 783 768 or the PSCNT Helpline on 1800 138 662

Child Australia’s PSC Professional Development Calendars for WA and NT are out now. Download from and au. Helping to promote a range of professional development workshops, consultancy and role modelling focusing on supporting early childhood educators implement the NQF.


Experienced facilitator to present at Child Australia’s PSC workshops Karen will deliver fantastic sessions on the National Quality Framework, the Early Years Learning Framework, Emergent Curriculum, Environmental Sustainability, Environments and Play Based Learning. COUNTRY Karen’s extensive experience working acrossCHILDREN'S long day care, occasional care, earlyCONNECTIONS parenting services, inclusion support and TAFE teaching means she has a wealth of experience she PRESENTS can share with participants. She most recently worked as a kindergarten teacher and sustainable projects coordinator at a Reggio Emilia inspired Kinder 3-YR 12 school. Karen’s upcoming sessions: W.A.: Jul/Aug/Sept/Nov/Dec N.T. : Aug/Nov. Check your PSC calendar for more details.

ExcitingCONFE changes to the RE NCE Bicultural Support Program 2011 (BISS) We are very excited to announce that the delivery of the Bicultural Support Program is changing this financial year. We are currently selecting local providers (Multicultural Agencies and individual consultants) to work with services to give a more contextualised and local presence across WA and the NT. The program is centrally coordinated by a consultant working out of Child Australia’s Malaga office who will frequently travel throughout WA and the NT.






Opening the door to get outside Friday 28th to Saturday 29th October 2011 Denmark Centre for Sustainable Living

Opening the door

Opening the door to get outside

Friday 28th to Saturday 29th October 2011 This is a unique event developed to reconnect educators Speakers and children to the environment through outdoor play, Denmark Centre for Sustainable Living • Niki Buchan experiences and exploration. Keynotes and workshops Head of Mindstretchers Nature Kindergartens will focus on hands–on experiences that can be transported in Scotland, U.K. into every day practice with children 0 to 8 in all settings

Friday 28th to Saturday 2 Denmark Centre for Sus Speakers

including child care anddeveloped kindergartens. This is a unique event to reconnect educators and over children to the environment through outdoor With 24 workshops held over two days and play, experiences and exploration. Keynotes and workshops presenters from around the world this is an amazing will focus on hands–on experiences that can be transported event not to be missed. into every day practice with children 0 to 8 in all settings including child care and is kindergartens. Cost for the conference $275 inc gst for two days or $175 inc gst for one day. To register your With over 24 workshops held over two days and interest visit or email presenters from around the world this is an amazing event not to be missed.

• Dr Brenda Abbey Early education and care consultant and author • Niki Buchan of 'EYLF: Putting it into practice and Managing Head of Mindstretchers Nature Kindergartens Compliance in Child Care Services' in Scotland, U.K. • Dr Marie Martin: • Dr Brenda Abbey Educational consultant, Learning Conversations Early education and care consultant and author 'EYLF:with Putting it into ...ofalong many morepractice soon toand be Managing announced. Compliance in Child Care Services'

This is a unique event developed to reconnect educators and children to the environment through outdoor play, • Dr Marieand Martin: andincexploration. Keynotes workshops Cost experiences for the conference is $275 gst for two Educational consultant, Learning Conversations days or $175 inc gst proudl for oneyday. To register your supported by: experiences that can be transported will focus on hands–on interest visit or email ... along with many more soon to be announced. into every day practice with children 0 to 8 in all settings including child care and kindergartens.

Opening the door to get outside

The Bicultural Support Program is an important resource that you should access where you have children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CaLD). The program aims to build your skills and knowledge to successfully support children and families settle into childcare. Support offered includes:

proudly supported by:

With over 24 workshops held over two days and presenters from around the world this is an amazing event not to be missed.

Friday 28th to Saturday 29th October 2011 Cost for the conference is $275 inc gst for two days or $175 inc gstLiving for one day. To register your Denmark Centre for Sustainable

• online resources and tools to assist you include children from CaLD backgrounds and to help you confidently engage with event their families This is a unique developed to reconnect educators • children access totointerpreter services tothrough assist with enrolment and the environment outdoor play, processes (time limited) experiences and exploration. Keynotes and workshops will on hands–on experiences can beeffectively transported • focus Consultants to advise and supportthat Educators into every dayCaLD practice with(time children 0 to 8 in all settings work with families limited) including child care and kindergartens. • Workshops and other professional development activities offered through the PSC to build cultural competence in With over 24 workshops held over two days and educators

presenters from around the world this is an amazing To access contact your PSC Helpline or talk to your event not toBISS, be missed. Inclusion Support Facilitator (ISF).

Cost for the conference is $275 PSCWA helpline: 1800 783 768 inc gst for two days or $175 inc gst for one day. To register your PSCNT helpline: 1800 138 662 interest visit or email

interest visit or email


proudly supported by:

• Niki Buchan Head of Mindstretchers Nature Kindergartens in Scotland, U.K. • Dr Brenda Abbey Early education and care consultant and author of 'EYLF: Putting it into practice and Managing Compliance in Child Care Services' • Dr Marie Martin: Educational consultant, Learning Conversations ... along with many more soon to be announced.

CHILD AUSTRALIA TRAINING & RESEARCH INSTITUTE Introducing the Child Australia Training and Research Institute

Flexible and highly personalised education, training and research services for the early childhood education and care sector ACCREDITED TRAINING Through an auspicing arrangement with RTO Solutions, a registered training organisation, we deliver several accredited programs. • CHC30708 Certificate III in Children’s services • CHC41208 Certificate IV in Children’s Services(Outside School Hours Care) • CHC50908 Diploma of Children’s Services (Early Childhood Education and Care)

We currently offer these courses in Western Australia and expect to have them available in the Northern Territory later this year. LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT We build training and professional development on contemporary research, industry standards and current successful practice. We: • are innovative in training design & delivery • apply adult learning principles

• Food Safety and Menu Planning

• offer a wide range of customised training

[CHCCN303A Contribute to the provision of nutritionally balanced food in a safe and hygienic manner – a stand-alone unit of competence for food coordinators.]

• develop & deliver professional development programs to extend or bridge the knowledge, confidence and skills of educators.

LEARNING MATERIALS We develop and customise professional learning materials for the early childhood education and care sector. • User friendly documentation • Consultation & validation of work with key industry stakeholders. • Food safety RESEARCH • professional research and information gathering • needs analyses

Training & Research Institute

Let’s talk about speech and language The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI au ) is a measure of how young children are developing in different communities. This information enables communities and governments to pinpoint the types of services, resources and supports young children and their families need to give children the best possible start in life. We know from the AEDI that in many communities children are developmentally vulnerable in their language and cognitive skills as well as in their communication and general knowledge. Communication acts as a foundation for developing the child’s understanding and ability to express themselves through verbal and/or nonverbal methods. Play is the platform that develops a child’s verbal and nonverbal communication to: • Express their needs and wants (e.g. asking for a toy, making a choice) • Understand other people’s messages (e.g. giving people their toy) • Understand concepts (e.g. up/ down, over/under, high/low) The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia states “Communication is crucial to belonging, being and becoming”. Many children’s services are well aware of the additional speech and language needs of some children in their services. The

question is how do we mobilize the development of forward planning and action, based on the results of the AEDI? If you have made use of the AEDI results in your planning with your community and have ideas to share we would love to hear from you. Our Resource Centre has a range of resources Centre (www.pscwa. that you might like to use: • Story Boxes and Chatter Boxes contain children’s books, with additional information and ideas on language development and stimulating use of resources. • Show Me, Tell Me Kits have resources and information on using augmentative communication for children with significant language disorders. They include a DVD, children’s books and the basics for introducing Makaton key word signing and/or picture symbols into your program. • Learning Language and Loving It by Weitzman, Elaine. This is a guide to promoting children’s social and language development in early childhood settings. • English as a 2nd language in early childhood by Clarke, Priscilla. This is Second Language learning, Strategies for staff, Language Dev. (0-5 yr) Books and Story Telling, Music.

Resource Centre Professional Membership Our Resource Centre has over 20,000 items to support early childhood educators meet their professional needs. We provide resources to continue our learning and challenge our thinking. Child Australia Professional Membership includes: Professional resources such as books, journals and DVDs to support the professional development of educators in Services, Inclusion Support Agencies and other organisations. Multi-cultural resource boxes are based on • • • •

Celebration of events; Storytelling and Anti-Bias Curriculum. Encouraging English as a second language

Professional Membership for Australian Government Approved Child Care Services (AGACCS): • Individual services: $140 • Organisation (3 or more services): $360

Professional Membership for Non AGACCS: • Individual services: $280 • Corporate: $440 • Student: $40

The resource boxes are user-friendly and include a series of 4 Professional Development workbooks, and PowerPoint presentation to support educators in ensuring a sense of cultural competence is embedded into their everyday practices and directly linked with the National Quality Framework. Resource items to support Inclusion : children’s books on disability, inclusion, emotions and family and available including support materials such as Makaton and Board Maker. Interactive Kits such as Chatter Boxes, E-Kits (on emotions) and Show Me Tell Me Kits (augmentative communication) to help educators meet children’s language and social needs. Access to the online member’s login where educators can access: • The Policies To Go By manuals have been recently updated with help of a consultation group representing all sector types to include the National Quality Framework.

Enriching children’s lives Professional Support Coordinators We provide professional development and support to early childhood educators in Australian Government Approved Childcare Services. Our aim is to improve the quality of care provided in childcare settings. Our key focus in 2011 is to assist educators to articulate and understand their practices and documentation with the Early Years Learning Framework. Child Australia manages the Professional Support Coordinator program in Western Australia and Northern Territory; it is funded by the Commonwealth Government’s Inclusion and Professional Support Program. Child Australia provides programs & services throughout Western

Australia and the Northern Territory. In addition to our Professional Support Coordination for child care professionals in WA and NT, our programs & services include 6 Inclusion Support Agencies; playgroup and children’s services in remote and rural communities and a Resource Centre for industry professionals. Child Australia provides: • Professional support in Western Australia and Northern Territory; • Inclusion support and specialist resources; • Playgroup and children services in remote and rural communities; • Training and research; and • Quality early learning and care as well as outside school hours care.

2012 Early Childhood Services Diary This diary is an outstanding organisational tool and is specifically designed with features to support early childhood professionals.



Child Australia Locations Head Office 5 Carson Road, Malaga WA 6090 PO Box 2562, Malaga WA 6944 Phone: (08) 9249 4333 Fax: (08) 9249 4366 Email: Website: PSCWA 5 Carson Road, Malaga WA 6944 Helpline: 1800 783 768 Fax: (08) 9249 4366 Email: Website: Northern Territory Office/PSCNT Unit 1, 13 Bishop Street, Woolner NT 0820 PO Box 37645 Winnellie NT 0821 Email: Email: Website: Website: Support Line: 1800 138 662 North Metro Inclusion Support Agency 5 Carson Road, Malaga WA 6090 PO Box 2562, Malaga WA 6944 Phone: (08) 9270 6607 Fax: (08) 9249 4366 Central Inclusion Support Agency Lotteries House, Cnr Wilson & McDonald Sts, Kalgoorlie WA 6433 PO Box 10381, Kalgoorlie WA 6433 Phone: (08) 9021 3679 Fax: (08) 9091 6211 75 Mitchell St, Geraldton WA 6530 PO Box 2713, Geraldton WA 6530 Phone: (08) 9923 2840 Fax: (08) 9923 0277 Great Southern Inclusion Support Agency The Link, Shop 10, 5 St Emilie Way, Albany WA 6332 PO Box 517, Albany WA 6331 Phone: (08) 9842 3163 Kimberely Inclusion Support Agency 5 Carson Road, Malaga WA 6090 PO Box 2562, Malaga WA 6944 Phone: (08) 9249 4333 Fax: (08) 9249 4366 Pilbara Inclusion Support Agency Karratha Office The Welcome Lotteries House, Morse Court, Karratha WA 6714 PO Box 1504, Karratha WA 6714 Phone: (08) 9143 1551 Fax: (08) 9185 4448 South Hedland Office Lotteries House, Unit 5/1 Leake Street, South Hedland WA 6722 PO Box 2591, South Hedland WA 6722 Phone: (08) 9172 1722 Fax: (08) 9172 3908 South West Inclusion Support Agency Mandurah Office 63 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah WA 6210 Phone: (08) 9535 1936 Fax: (08) 9535 1936 Dunsborough Office Naturalist Community Centre, Lakes Drive, Dunsborough WA 6281 PO Box 1164, Dunsborough WA 6281 Phone: (08) 9755 3711 Fax: (08) 9755 3833

Child Australia is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations (Inclusion and Professional Support Program) to manage the Professional Support Coordinator (PSC) programs in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. enriching children’s lives

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