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20 Years of Children’s Rights The Right Year for Children www.ry4c.org.uk

20 YEARS OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS BUT HOW EQUAL ARE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE? Matrix Chambers equality workshop Thursday 15 December 2011, 3-6pm 16th December 2011 is the 20th anniversary of the United Kingdom agreeing to follow the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Children's Rights Alliance for England is starting its celebrations with an equality workshop for young children's activists (under 18 year-olds) at Matrix Chambers* in London. We are delighted that Karon Monaghan QC and Ulele Burnham – two of the country's leading discrimination barristers – will speak at the workshop.

Participants are asked to bring one object or photograph that they feel symbolises how children and young people are treated in the UK today.

Attendance is free but you must book in advance, as places are limited. We have a small travel bursary, provided by UNICEF UK, for children and young people who would otherwise be unable to attend. Email info@crae.org.uk for more details and to apply for support. Matrix Chambers is wheelchair accessible. Snacks and refreshments will be provided (please tell us about any dietary requirements you have).

Contact us now at: info@crae.org.uk (with subject ‘equality workshop’) *Matrix Chambers, Griffin Building, Gray's Inn, London WC1R 5LN: http://www.matrixlaw.co.uk/Contact.aspx

20 Years of Children’s Rights The Right Year for Children www.ry4c.org.uk

Send your footprint to Downing Street Friday 16th December 2011 is the 20th anniversary of the UK Government ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We want YOU to help us celebrate and push for even more change for children – by sending your footprint to 10 Downing Street! If you are a child or young person (under 18 years) we would like you to draw around one of your feet on a piece of card (a cereal box will be ideal), colour it in and/or write a message to the Prime Minister David Cameron telling him why children's rights are important to you. When you are happy with your footprint, please send it to: Pupil Voice & Participation England 6 Albion Place Hartley Wintney Hook Hants RG27 8RL to arrive no later than Monday 12th December 2011. Your footprint will then be taken to 10 Downing Street on Friday 16th December 2011. We'll post photos the next day on www.ry4c.org.uk!

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