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England Report from the Speak to the World consultation with children and young people Contents Section 1: Introduction page 1 Section 2: Key findings page 4 Section 3: Understanding page 5 Section 4: Desire to be involved page 7

Section 5: Experiences of participation page 9 Section 6: The best international participation process page 12 Section 7: Evaluation page 15

Section 1: Introduction The Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) protects the human rights of children by lobbying government and others who hold power, by bringing or supporting test cases and by using regional and international human rights mechanisms. CRAE provides free legal information and advice, raises awareness of children’s human rights and undertakes research about children’s access to their rights. CRAE mobilises others, including children and young people, to take action to promote and protect children’s human rights. CRAE coordinated the European Commission funded project ‘Children’s views on engaging in European and international decision-making’, exploring children and young people’s views and experiences of their involvement in European and international decision-making. This project was carried out with partners in Austria, Estonia, Ireland and Romania and associate partners in the Republic of Moldova and Russia. The project comprised several elements, including a survey of European nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), a literature review and consultation events with children and young people in partner countries.

‘For the first time it felt good sharing my opinions!’

This is a report on the consultation event run by CRAE in England. Separate reports have been published on the consultation events held in the four other partner countries. The findings and recommendations from the country consultation events have been incorporated into the main project report, Speak to the World: Children’s views on engaging in European and international decision-making. A total of 93 children and young people participated in the consultation activities in England. This included attending the consultation event in central London on 20 November 2010, submitting views and comments online and discussions at CRAE residential meetings and outreach sessions. This meant that children and young people who were unable to attend the main event could still have their views and experiences taken into account.

With financial support from the EU’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme

Children’s views on engaging in European and international decision-making

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