Estonia Report from the Speak to the World consultation with children and young people Contents Section 1: Introduction page 1 Section 2: Key findings page 4 Section 3: Understanding page 4 Section 4: Desire to be involved page 6
Section 5: Experiences of participation page 6 Section 6: The best international participation process page 7 Section 7: Evaluation page 7
Section 1: Introduction The Estonian Union for Child Welfare (EUCW) is a non-governmental and non-profit umbrella organisation with 39 local child welfare associations. EUCW has been operating for 22 years promoting the rights of the child across Estonian society. EUCW’s main activities are to inform the public about children’s rights, to monitor the state of children’s rights and advocate for those rights and children’s participation in matters that affect them. EUCW has a Youth Council comprised of young people which takes an active role in the organisation’s activities. EUCW is a member of EMSL (Network of Estonian Non-profit Organisations) and also belongs to the EUROCHILD, INSAFE and Separated Children networks. The consultation event was part of the European Commission funded project ‘Children’s views on engaging in European and international decision-making’, exploring children and young people’s views and experiences of their involvement in European and international decisionmaking. This project was coordinated by the Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE) and was carried out with partners in Austria, Estonia, Ireland and Romania and associate partners in the Republic of Moldova and Russia. The project comprised several elements, including a survey of European non-governmental organisations (NGOs), a literature review and consultation events with children and young people in partner countries.
‘Children see things differently - it is different from a grown-up view.’ (Girl, 16 years)
With financial support from the EU’s Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme
Children’s views on engaging in European and international decision-making