4 Ways to Introduce Children to Music FOLLOW US:
INTRODUCTION Music can be fascinating for most children. Introducing your children to music at an early age can be easy as they are already curious learners. You can use creative and interesting ways to introduce your child to music.
Ways to Introduce Children to Music 1. Sing A Song One of the best ways to introduce your child to music is through singing a song to them. This helps to not only introduce melodies to them but also encourages them to sing along. 2. Play Music Whenever you are busy in the kitchen, in the car or relaxing at home, you can play music to help your child learn more about music. These can all be effective ways to introduce children to music.
Ways to Introduce Children to Music 3. Introduce Them Instruments You can introduce your child to musical instruments to allow them to see how melodies are created. Encourage them to play instruments as well to learn firsthand.
4. Let Them Experience Live Music To introduce children to music, you can take them to live music concerts and programs. This will give your child exposure to music and its power to bring people together.
CONTACT US At Childventures Early Learning Academy, we understand the importance of music in early child development and include it in all our curriculum programs. We have specialty rooms that allow children to immerse themselves in creative interests. They include music, art, drama, computer/library rooms and a gym.
For more information and to book a free tour visit www.childventures.ca or call us at 905-332-7539.