Introduction ď ś
Play-based learning bridges the gap between knowledge and playing, it helps to experience the best of both worlds.
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There are various benefits of play-based learning for children to enhance the overall development of decision making, logical thinking, and softs skills.
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The early years in a child's life are symbolic and hold great value to develop essential cognitive skills and imagination.
Top 5 Benefits of Learning Through Play For Children: 1. Develop Social Skills Learning by playing requires a group of students to take part in combined learning. Such situations set groundwork for playing, and while your little one is learning while playing, he/she is also learning to cooperate with other kids which ultimately forms a foundation of community-based learning. 2. Improvised language Skills
Playing and learning together with peers is a fun activity, it also sharpens the communications skills of the little ones. Asking questions, increased curiosity, and the introduction of new words becomes a part of learning while playing.
Top 5 Benefits of Learning Through Play For Children: 3. Fosters Creativity Research suggests that there is a clear link between creativity and imagination. By applying imagination, children can come up with new ideas and scenarios for problems, strengthening their fundamentals to develop curiosity and logical thinking. 4. Flexible Learning Playing while learning primarily focuses on the child's happiness. Playing based learning is widely seen as a critical step in the early years of learning as it dramatically benefits overall development. It is less boring and more interactive compared to book based learning.
Top 5 Benefits of Learning Through Play For Children: 5. Expect the Unexpected When you provide children the freedom and scope of bridging studies with playing, they might surprise you by doing something more than expected. As playing while learning activates the right and left brain, you can anticipate logical yet creative solutions from your little ones.
Enrol your Child Today! ď ś
At Childventures Early Learning Academy, we understand the importance of play for children and offer a mix of many extracurricular activities in our blended curriculum and education programs.
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For more information or to enrol your child visit or call us at 905332-7539. Book A Campus Tour today!