"A ClassiJicatiolz of' the Sampling Pi.ocess"
BEFOREProfessor Kendall spoke to the very well attended Third Meeting of Members, the Chairman of Council, Dr. C. Oswald George, presented cheques of ÂŁ25 each to the winners of the Philips and Hollerith Prizes. The Philips Prize, given by Philips Electric, Ltd., for the best set of papers in the Final Examination of the Association in June, was awarded to Mr. J. L. Stewart. The Hollerith Prize, awarded by the British Tabulating Machine Co., Ltd., for the best paper in the Final Examination on the "Organization and Equipment of a Statistical Office," was won by Mr. B. W. Andrews. After the presentation of the prizes, Professor Kendall gave an informal talk on "A Classification of the Sampling Process." Although there was an audience of about seventy people to hear him, the subject, and his treatment of it, was so interesting that it was felt that some report should be made available to members who were unable to attend the meeting. It should, however, be borne in mind that the following prCcis is based on notes taken during Professor Kendall's discourse, and that any omissions are the sole responsibility of the reporter. Professor Kendall said that he proposed to discuss a conspectus of the sampling processes. He had set them out in the form of a genealogical tree. (For the convenience of readers the chart prepared and discussed by Professor Kendall is printed overleaf.) This had not been done, to his knowledge, in any of the standard textbooks. He started with a division of the population. The population could be existent or hypothetical. The distinction was not simply a matter of interest. It was a necessary one all through the sampling processes. It underlay the nature of the inferences to be drawn from the samples when obtained. Most populations dealt with in practice were existent in the sense that they could be enumerated, and were therefore necessarily finite. Others were equally necessarily hypothetical as in the cases of throwing a die or tossing a penny. One had to imagine some sort of population in these cases. 41