Change in the Structure of American Polit,ical

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Change in the Structure of American Polit,ical Attitudes: The Nagging Question of Question Wording* George F. Bishop, Alfred J. Tuchfarber, Robert W. Oldendick, University of Cincinnati

One of the current controversies raging in the voting behavior literature concerns the "rational" character of the American electorate. The early Michigan studies depicted the typical American voter as nonrational and inconsistent in his political attitudes, while recent research has cast him in a more favorable light. Using data from the 1956 and 1964 SRC Election Studies, this article demonstrates that much of the change which has been uncovered during this period can be traced to methodological artifacts, specifically changes in question wording and format introduced by the SRC in 1964. The effects of these artifacts have some major implications for many current theories of electoral behavior.

If we are to believe the burgeoning literature on trends in political attitude consistency and issue voting (Bennett, 1973; Boyd, 1972; Declercq et al., 1975; Field and Anderson, 1969; Jackson, 1975; Kessel, 1972; Kirkpatrick et al., 1975; Luttbeg, 1968; Miller et al., 1976; Nie and Andersen, 1974; Nie et al., 1976; Page and Brody, 1972; Pierce, 1970; Pomper, 1972; Repass, 1971; Schulman and Pomper, 1975; St. Angelo and Dobson, 1975; Stimson, 1975 ) the American voter has become surprisingly sophisticated. So sweeping have the changes been that some writers have begun to talk about a new voter "rationality," even an "ideology" (cf. Nie and Andersen, 1974; Niemi and Weisberg, 1976, pp. 67-84). But whether increased attitudinal consistency can be equated with ideology in the classic sense or whether issue voting can be identified with rationality remains disputable and will no doubt lead to various conceptual clarifications and reclarifications, ad infinitum (see, for example, Converse's recent discussion in the Handbook of Political Science, 1975, pp. 75-169). How to account for the rapid changes in the supposedly similar empirical indicators of mass political sophistication, however, represents a far

* The research reported in this paper was supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (SOC77-10509). We would especially like to thank Richard Dawson, Program Director for Political Science at NSF, for his encouraging support of this project. American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 22, No. 2, May 1978

0 1978 by the University of Texas Press 0026-3397/78/2202-0250$01.60

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