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COMMENT O N T H R E E "CLIMATE O F OPINION" STUDIES BY J A M E S S. C O L E M A N X HE short history of survey research has been marked perhaps less by purely technical change than by change in the uses to which it has been put. From a sociologist's viewpoint there has been one important milestone in the use of surveys, now being iollowed by a second that promises to be equally important. Initially, surveys and polls were designed to measure a population characteristic through interviews of a sample of the population. T h e first important milestone was passed when, in the hands of analytically oriented researchers, these surveys came to be used to study correlations between characteristics of the population. A survey ceased to be solely a barometer (as it continues to be, for example, in Gallup Polls and some market surveys) and became in addition an analytical and explanatory tool. Used in this way, it has become the most important research instrument of the sociologist, which he uses for a host of purposes: to relate social class to child-rearing practices, to study the causes of voting changes, to explain variations in job satisfaction, etc. Yet certain survey analysts, chief among them sociologists, felt some discomfort in carrying out such research. For the answers to interview questions, punched on IBM cards and cross-tabulated, gave rise to peculiarly individualistic studies. T h e typical survey analysis inferred causes and processes internal to the individual, simply because the variables being cross-tabulated were attributes of the same individual. T h e sociologists' dismay with this sort of analysis arose because many of the problems that concerned them as sociologists were not of this kind. They were, instead, problems concerning the functioning of a social system, seen as a set of interrelated parts (not as an aggregate of individuals), or problems concerning the relations between people (not the relations between a single person's attitudes), or problems concerning the effect of a person's social context upon him (not the effects of his own background or attitudes). All these problems have been somewhat "unnatural" for survey research, for the processes they investigate are between people, rather than within a person. But recently a second milestone has appeared. Under certain conditions of sampling, and with the appropriate problems in mind, some survey analysts have begun to study these three classes of problems.'


* T h e author is in the Department of Social Relations at The Johns Hopkins University. 1 The first two problems, the study of social systems and the study of interpersonal relations, are particularly appropriate to the ability of electronic computers to in-

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