Previous findings showed that comparative judgments in survey questions are largely affected by the direction of comparison, that is, whether the question asks respondents to compare A (subject) to B (referent) or B to A. These asymmetry effects were attributed to the dynamics that respondents attend differently to the features of an object depending on whether it functions as the subject or the referent of a comparison. Most research on direction-of-comparison effects, however, confounded direction of comparison and word order so that the subject is typically presented first and the referent second. This article disentangles this confound and investigates the separate impact of the direction o f comparison and word order. The results replicate earlier findings regarding direction-of-comparison effects and found no evidence for a systematic impact of word order. Even when the referent of the comparison is presented first and the subject is presented last, direction-of-comparison effects are observed. The findings are discussed in terms of applied and theoretical significance. Abstract
Previous findings demonstrated that asking respondents to compare A to B resulted in different comparison judgments than questions that asked respondents to compare B to A (Wanke, Schwarz, and NoelleNeumann 1995). For example, in the study by Wanke, Schwarz, and Noelle-Neumann (1995), 59 percent of the respondents indicated they had had more luck in life than other people when asked to compare themselves with other people, while only 29 percent thought themselves luckier when asked to compare other people to themselves. is a research associate at the Universitat Heidelberg. Address correspondence to Michaela Wanke, Psychologisches Institut, Universitat Heidelberg, Hauptstr. 47-51, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany; E-mail The reported research was supported by grant 28915-1 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to H. Bless, N. Schwarz, and M. Wanke. The author would like to thank Eric Igou, Eva Ischen, Daniel Kumpf, Claudia Scharwachter, Markus Schuster, and Kornelia Stark for collecting the data, and Norbert Schwarz for comments on a first draft. MICHAELA WANKE
Public Opinion Quarterly Volume 60.400-409 0 1996 by the American Association for Public Opinion Research All rights reserved. 0033-362X/%16003-0004$02.50