Context Effects on Survey Responses

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Context Effects

on Survey Responses

to Questions About Abortion



ALTHOUGHcontext effects in survey data are always a possible problem, they pose a particularly serious threat when surveys are used to study social change. In such research, a response difference due to questionnaire context is quite likely to be interpreted as a reflection of true change. Yet is is difficult to hold context constant from one survey to another: questions are almost always repeated on a selective basis, and it is rare for an earlier question order to be maintained perfectly. Even a vehicle like the National Opinion Research Center's General Social Survey (GSS), designed in part to measure change, rotates items in and out of the survey for practical reasons, which in turn alters context. Thus, it is important that we Abstract The proportion of favorable responses to h general question about abortion was significantly smaller in an NORC survey than were responses to the same item in an SRC survey. We hypothesized that questionnaire context was the main source of the difference-in one survey the general item followed a more specific question about abortion-and carried out two split-ballot question order experiments that provide strong support for the hypothesis. The context effect seems to arise from the generality of the abortion question; the specific question itself showed no change due to context. Furthermore, there is some evidence that ambivalence toward the issue of abortion is a factor in the sensitivity of the general question to context. The context effect in these experiments is also notable for producing contrast rather than consistency between responses to adjacent questions on the same issue. Implications of the findings for the study of social change are emphasized. Howard Schuman is a Professor of Sociology and Program Director, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Stanley Presser is a Research Associate in the Institute for Research in Social Science and Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina. Jacob Ludwig is a doctoral student in sociology at the University of Michigan. This article is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. SOC-7804021.

Publlc Opinion Quarterly Vol. 45:216-223 Published by Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

1981 by The Trustees of Columbia Univers~ty 0033-362X18110045-2161$2.50

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