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CONTROLLING O R D E R - E F F E C T BIAS BY WILLIAM D. PERREAULT, JR.* Researchers have long been aware of the importance of questionnaire and interview schedule design on the quality and quantity of response. Detailed thought is given t o the type of questions that should be asked and to how they should be worded and sequenced. Selecting the appropriate sequence for the questions is a complex issue in questionnaire design. The researcher must be careful to place questions so that he evokes and maintains the respondent's interest, stimulates his attention, and in some cases even overcomes his resistance to answering questions. For example, questions which are of a personal nature ("what is your income?") or those which might prove sensitive to the respondent ("do you approve of interracial marriage?") are frequently placed at the end of the questionnaire. It is felt that by the time the respondent has reached the end of the questionnaire he will be more likely to have adopted a positive response set, and even if he is offended by a question it will not have influenced his response to the other questions. Thus, in most situations, the sequence of questions is a positive factor that opinion researchers use as a tool to improve the quality of the research instrument. Unfortunately, the position of a question may also exert a negative bias on response. THE PROBLEM

The relative position of an item in an inventory of questions or stimuli may uniquely influence the way in which a respondent reacts to the item. This phenomenon, referred to as "order effect," may be attributable to any of a number of factors. Landon suggests that early items in an inventory may tend t o act as an "anchor" upon which subsequent responses are made.' From a similar perspective, Kornhauser and Sheatsley note that earlier items of an inventory may create a response set or expectation that influences response to later items.2 Some bias may result from dissonance; in the vein of Anderson, Taylor, and Holloway, the re-

* The author is Assistant Professor of Marketing in the College of Business Administration, University of Georgia, Athens. ' E. Laird Landon, Jr., "Order Bias, The Ideal Rating, and the Semantic Differential," paper presented at the Fall Conference of the American Marketing Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1970. Arthur Kornhauser and Paul B. Sheatsley, "Questionnaire Construction and Interview Procedure," in C. Sellitz, M. Jahoda, M. Deutsch, and S. Cook, Research Methods in Social Relations, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1959, pp. 546-574.

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