George H. Gallup Between his junior and senior years a University of Iowa undergraduate spent the summer as an interviewer for the D'Arcy advertising agency in St. Louis. Editor of the university's Daily Iowan, George Horace Gallup had looked forward to a career in journalism. This summer as an interviewer changed his plans. He thought the reader research methods he found in use could be improved, and so he resolved to remain a t the university to search out methods which might produce more accurate research findings. George Gallup took his B.A. at the University of Iowa in 1923, his M.A. in 1925, and his Ph.D. in psychology in 1928. The title of his doctoral dissertation was A NEW TECH-
By JAMES PLAYSTED WOOD The Curtis Publishing Company
studies of the Chicago Daily News, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Buffalo Evening News, and many other newspapers. In the course of making these studies of daily and Sunday newspapers, Gallup discovered the great interest in pictures and in comic strips. Advertisers, and particularly Ralph Starr Butler of General Foods, seized on these findings, and the first comic-strip advertising resulted. The great interest shown in pictures and in picture journalism stimulated Gardner Cowles, Jr., to consider the possibilities in this field, and later led him to establish Look magazine. Gallup applied his reader research methods to magazines for the first time when in 1931 he made comparative readership studies of the ediNIQUE FOR MEASURING READER torial and advertising content INTEREST IN NEWSPAPERS. of The Saturday Evening This dissertation,contained Post, the Literary Digest, Collier's, and Liberty. the elements of the new kind of reader research which I n actuality these readership studies constituted marGeorge Gallup originated and the basic technique of the now keting research directed toworld-famous Gallup Poll. ward the improvement. of newspaper and magazine prodGallup's work came to the ucts, a fact which advertisers attention of John and Gardner Cowles, Jr., of the Des Moines were quick to recognize. By Register and Tribune. They this time also Gallup had persuaded Gallup, who had begun to do research on product advertising. He had made been teaching a t Iowa while doing his graduate work, to a number of studies for Lever join the faculty of Drake UniBrothers when he went t o versity in Des Moines as a GEORGE H. GALLUP Northwestern University in teacher of journalism and to 1931 as a Professor of Jourdo a study of the Register for them. Gallup's readernalism and Advertising. He spent only one year a t Northwestern, for Raymond Rubicam went t o ship study of the Register in 1928 was the first Chicago in 1932 and urged Gallup to join Young such study ever made. Gallup took readers through & Rubicam as Director of Research. For Y & R, the paws of the most recent issue of the newspaper, where he remained for 15 years, Gallup conducted finding out how much or how little they had read of numerous readership studies of the various media each item, and then breaking down the items by and comparable studies in advertising research. As category so that the publisher could see what stories Audience Research, Inc., he pretested the popularity and what kinds of features were well read and of movie-script titles and stars as to the most effecwhich failed to draw significant readership. tive methods of marketing, specific films. Soon thereafter, Ge0rg.e Gallup made comparable