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PHILIP M. HAUSER and MORRIS H. HANSEN Bureau of the Census EDITOR'S NOTE:The authors wish to acknowledge that this paper was written at the suggestion of Dr. A(fred N. Watson, Assistant Manager, of the Research Department of the Curtis Publishing Company which has been conducting excellent researches with a oiew to improoing methods of sampling.

sound basis in fact. In this type of survey, it is frequently believed that a large enough number of cases is an adequate substitute for good principles of sample design, but experience has well demonstrated (for example, the Literary Digest poll) that a "chunk" is not an adequate substitute for a sample. I t is to the surveys that are making some use of sampling methods that this paper is primarily addressed with the purpose of directing attention to recent developments which are not yet widely known and which hold forth promise for great dividends to all sample surveys including market surveys.

O F THE funded knowledge which is converting marketing from a loosely practiced art to a modern science is directly traceable to the results of marketing surveys, and such surveys are feasible and practical largely because of the availability of methods of sampling. Market surveys vary tremendously, of course, in the extent to which they utilize modern sampling methods. Such surveys are still relatively new and, in consequence, the principles of good survey and sampling methods have not always been The current method, perhaps most assimilated by those who conduct them. widely employed in the selection of reUnfortunately, enthusiasm and energy spondents in market surveys and in polls are no adequate substitutes for the sta- of opinion, is that of "in ratio" or tistical and other techniques requisite "quota" sampling. This method of samfor a good survey. Because of the general pling has been especially attractive beimportance of increasing the efficiency of cause of the ease with which it can be distribution in our economy and because administered and because of its apparent of the great stakes involved for indi- success in some of the better known pubvidual enterprises, it is important that lic opinion polls. the best that statistical science has to The essentials of this method consist offer be utilized in the marketing survey. in: ( I ) the selection of certain attributes No extended comment will be made in of the population to be used as "conregard to those market surveys which, trols"; ( 2 ) the determination, in acwhile they do not cover the entire uni- cordance with the known, assumed or verse as in complete consumer surveys, estimated composition of the population do not pretend to use sampling methods to be sampled, of the proportion of each in the selection of respondents. Suffice it class or control group of the population to say that such surveys can be of service which is to be included in the sample; and only through coincidence and that they (3) the fixing of quotas for each enumeramay be of considerable disservice to the tor in such a way that the respondents extent that they give the agency con- selected for interview will include the ducting the survey and the distributor a specified proportion of each class of the false sense of security which has no population originally agreed upon.



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