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Comments on points raised by Mr. Stagner

George Gallup

Dr. Stagner's criticisms indicate a clearly constructive approach on his part to the problems of public opinion measurement, a s encountered by individuals and organizations actually engaged in this work. It is to be hoped that his article will stimulate further discussion of current polls and polling techniques. The science of public opinion measurement is still adolescent--so relatively new that it will take the combined thinking of many research minds to chart and develop its future. I have suggested from time to time that a national committee of research be set up in this field a s a permanent body to advise the various survey organizations and projects. The need for such a body is indicated, indeed, by Stagner's present paper. Stagner's conclusions concerning the wording of questions very largely rest, he indicates, upon the findings of Blankenship. But there a r e certain distinct limitations to Blankenship's experiment--limitations which Blankenship himself was careful to point out, but which, it may seem to other observers, have not been sufficiently regarded in the Stagner paper. Blankenship's study of opinion in Irvington, New Jersey, on the question of the popular referendum on legalizing parimutuel betting in June, 1939, dealt with a question which apparently was of no great interest to a large section of the population. The official vote in Irvington brought out slightly less than 7,000 voters, which represented something smaller than one-third of the Irvington voting population and less than 20 percent of the adult population. In comparing the results on the different question forms on separate samples (which averaged about 350 each), with the election returns, however, Blankenship used all people interviewed who were registered voters and who indicated an intention to vote in the parimutuel referendum--an average of about 58 percent of the samples. It seems clear that Blankenship's samples contained too great a proportion of people who were not sufficiently interested in the election to register their vote at the polls, for the samples to

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