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THE PUBLIC OPINION POLLS AND THE 1940 ELECTION By DANIEL KATZ What factors make or break the polls in predicting elections? Why did Gallup, with his achievement of the lowest state-by-state error in polling history, t.egard the presidential contest as too close to justify a definite prediction? How did the Fortune Survey again predict almost the exact percentage of votes received by the President? What did the 1940 polling experience contribute to the science of public opinion measurement? In discussing the answers to these questions, Dr. Katz, a social psychologist at Princeton University and a pioneer in the field of attitude and opinion measurement, inquires into the polling methods used to forecast the 1940 election.

BEFORENovember 5, 1940, when the figures of the Gallup poll showed that President Roosevelt would be reelected, General Hugh Johnson in a diatribe against public opinion polls promised to eat his column if the Gallup poll were correct. Upon being reminded of this promise, he countered that it would not be difficult to swallow his 600 words since Gallup had already eaten his own figures the day before election. A similar attitude toward the polls, more seriously expressed, was the evaluation of Arthur Krock in the New York Times on November 10, 1940, to the effect that if the polls had a four per cent margin of error they were of no use in a close election. And, he argued, since they were unnecessary in elections that were not close, they were of no use at all. On the other hand, the magazines Time, Lifeand Tide gave fairly discriminating praise to the work of the polls in 1940. The student of public opinion, however, is interested in a more careful analysis of the polls than journal-

istic accounts can give the week after election. The problem of the accuracy of public opinion polls is a basic one, for unless they correctly reflect the state of the public mind there is little point in relying upon them for knowledge about trends of public opinion in relation to events, nor need they be considered as a device for extending the democratic process. Moreover, a study of the predictive performance of the polls should yield significant information for evaluating methods of research, both in the applied fields of public relations and in the general socia~lscience field. For example, the experience of the polls in 1936 definitely proved two things about measuring the opinions of people. In the first place, they demonstrated that it is possible to set up a small stratified sample, representing a cross section of the population, which will yield more accurate returns than a large sample taken without regard to its representativeness. In the second place, they showed that the mail ballot is definitely inferior to the interview tech-

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