Chili Gallei Portfolio

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design for love

I work as an art director and video artist in the competing area between art, culture and advertising.

I build my artworks step-by-step, combining ideas with art and media to create a coherent story line. Using images, graphics, animations, videos, sounds, music and text, which I blend into a harmonious, multi-layer collage designed to tell a cohesive story.

in the säge

es a place for culture. Once a year his brother’s sawmill becom s professional design knowledge Christian Gallei is happy to provide hi arts festival. and promotional experience to this local

Among the national and international artists performing at Scheiblingkirchen have been: Tina Prichenfried (A), The Branka (SRB), Joe Ditty & The Big Joke (A), Ingrid Glatz (A), Guts Pie Earshot (D), Frau Doktor (D), Boom Boom Kid (ARG), Ottto Reisenbauer (A), The Rocksteady Conspiracy ....


see all videos:

& DER WESTEN On 17 March 2018 the opening of the BYZANZ exhibition at the Schallaburg took place. For this 8 month lasting international exhibition I made 6 format-filling wall projections and an additional video in portrait format. Bringing the illustrations of Angelo Monne to life was an exciting and interesting task. I first adjusted and adopted the illustrations of 6 Mediterranean coastal cities to fit the walls dimensions. Then I disassembled and animated individual parts. Starting with the sea, then single ships, sea monsters, animals, cars, clouds, ‌

1000 vergessene Jahre It’s like a stage set with several scenes and a holistic dramaturgy. The individual moving images have to fit together and into each other, to complement each other, to tell small stories, but to interact holistically. Connecting exciting worlds creating its own universe.

Client: Clever Contents Filmproduktion

Illustration: Angelo Monne

Animation: Chili Gallei

Implementation: Gregor Haushofer

Video: Chili Gallei, Š 2018

Since, in the world today, it always takes time to fully appreciate those who have multidimensional skills and ideas, Christian Gallei’s first work in the theatre focused on building sets and scenery. As a set designer he provided the backgrounds for works by many famous authors. Gradually his other skills were recognized. With his broad educational background – including training as an actor – and with his artistic sensibility he brings a holistic, interdisciplinary philosophy to his work in theatre: On the business side you benefit from the fact that Christian Gallei is fully trained in marketing and advertising. But, on the artistic side you benefit from the fact that he is no stranger to drama and directing. And his skills in computer programming and web design provide a synergistic complement to these business and artistic abilities.

Gespenster – Wolfgang Bauer / Harald Posch Andorra – Max Frisch / Dieter Haspel

Große Schmährede an der Stadtmauer – Tankred Dorst / Michaela Scheday

Don Juan – Peter Turini / Dieter Haspel

Cigarettes in Vienna – Thomas Gratzer

Der Tollste Tag – Peter Turini / Dieter Haspel

Mobbing – Margret Czerni / Dieter Haspel

Das Narrenschiff – Hubsi Kramar

Der gute Mensch von Sezuan – Bert Brecht / Dieter Haspel

Bel Ami – Guy de Maupassant / Dieter Haspel

I Furiosi - Nanni Balestrini

Die Tankstelle der Verdammten – Georg Ringsgwandel / Thomas Gratzer

Kottan ermittelt - Zenker / Thomas Gratzer

Nazis im Weltraum – Habsburg Recycling / Thomas Gratzer, Harald Posch Leonardo da Vinci trifft Mr. Spock - Hubsi Kramar Der zerbrochenen Krug – H.C. Artmann / Michaela Scheday weekends Like Other People– David Blomquist / Christiane Krotz, Clemens Aap Lindenberg Diener zweier Herrn – Carlo Goldoni / Michaela Scheday

Häuserl am Oasch - Ernst Molden / Thomas Gratzer Science Busters - H. Oberhummer, W. Gruber, M. Puntigam, Ch. Gallei I hired a contract killer - Doris Schnabl Lisa - Thomas Glavinic / Thomas Gratzer

Agamemnon – Aischylos, Peter Stein / Dieter Haspel

DIE TAGESPRESSE SHOW - Roman Freigaßner / Thomas Gratzer

Die Fliegen – Jean-Paul Satre / Dieter Haspel


Theatre is about magic.

Not about tricking the audience.




A good auditor never makes mistrakes.

We need to understand the psychology of risk more than the mathematics of risk.

Internal Auditing made simple ‌ booklet by chili.

Nobody Likes New Ideas We are a conservative species: try something as simple as standing, rather than sitting, in your next group meeting. How accepting were your peers? Conformity is deep in our biology. While talking about creativity is very popular, actually being creative puts your social status at risk.

Danger in the first degree. But powerful as soon as you but it in a machine.

S I D N . A O R B G O A L A T O N A brand is the unique idea of a product/service that you own in people's minds.

a brand is always a promise. Grafik: Chili Gallei

ds. n a r b wear me one. o t t no to beco s i l a o It‘s The g


see video:

& Poetry by Chili Gallei (iPaintings) and Audrey Esteban (Poetry)



mariahilfer strasse 20

Don't tell me about self-discovery. There is only hope if you go astray.




TRENNUNG der Patientenwege

Notfall und Traumatologie




Kinder und Familie

an Sinnesorgane und Plastische Chirurgie



science magazine on TV

QUANTENSPRUNG A multifaceted roadshow through the world of science presented on ORF III (Austria)

A series of 16 explainer videos and infographics on various scientific topics for a TV Science-Channel in Austria.

Inspiring lies are often more

popular than the complex


Take a shower. There’s some kind of weird psychic link between showering and creativity (

11 Ways to

Think Outside the Box 1. Study another industry. 2. Learn about another religion. 3. Take a class. 4. Read a novel in an unfamiliar genre. 5. Write a poem. 6. Draw a picture. 7. Turn it upside down. 8. Work backwards. 9. Ask a child for advice. 10. Invite randomness. 11. Take a shower.

Graphic: Chili Gallei

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