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Advice School News
School News Primary School Applications
The school application process can be daunting, so if you are not sure where to start, this guide gives you a detailed overview of how to apply for a school place
When do children start school?
Children are eligible to start school (Reception) in the academic year following their fourth birthday. Although most children start school in the September after their fourth birthday, children don’t have to be in education until a ‘set date’ following their fifth birthday; this is known as the Compulsory School Age. The set dates are the 31st December, 31st March and 31st August. There is the option to delay a child’s start date if you feel your child is not ready to start school full-time in the September following their fourth birthday. We would recommend discussing delayed admission and part-time admission with the schools you are applying to.
Important dates for admission
The individual Local Authority will set the date from which you can start applying for primary school places. This information will be available on your Local Authority website or by phoning or writing to the Local Authority directly. In Lincolnshire this is 16th November 2020. 15th January: The deadline for ‘on-time’ applications. Late applications will still be considered but there is less chance of getting a place at one of your preferred schools. 16th April: Primary Schools National Offer Day.
The application process
Each Local Authority should publish an admissions booklet online that explains their application process and should include a directory with a list of schools’ details, admissions policies etc. It’s a really good idea to do some of your own research in the lead up to applying for a school place. This could include: • Attending Open Days – during the Covid-19 pandemic many schools aren’t offering open days but may offer one on one visits, video calls or online tours. • Reading the Schools Admissions Criteria • Consulting Ofsted Inspection Reports This is to check that your child is eligible for the schools that you want to apply to. Local Authorities must provide a Common Application Form (CAF) for you to put in your preferences for a place at state-funded schools. You must be able to name a minimum of three schools in order of preference and the form should allow you to provide reasons for why these are your preferences. Listing three schools means that if your first preference school is unable to offer a place, there are other options to go with. It is important to be truthful about the information you give on the application form. The information will often be checked and a place could be withdrawn if you submit a fraudulent application.
School admissions criteria
All applicants must be offered a place if the school is not oversubscribed. If a school is oversubscribed, that is when more parents applied for a place than the number of places available, then the school uses its oversubscription criteria to decide the priority order in which places are allocated. The government allows the admission authority some leeway in how they decide on their oversubscription criteria, but in all schools the highest priority must be given to looked-after children and previously looked-after children - that is children who are, or have been, in the care of the local authority such as foster care. Other examples of criteria that are often used are: • Children with a sibling at the school • Children living in the catchment area
To apply for your child’s place visit www. lincolnshire.gov.uk/school-admissions/ apply-school-place
Monkshouse Primary School Pennygate, Spalding, Lincs, PE11 1LG Tel: 01775 722006 enquiries@monkshouse.lincs.sch.uk
Nursery & Reception Virtual School Tour Is your child due to start Nursery or Reception in September 2021? If so, our “Vibrant learning community with enthusiastic pupils and energetic sta ” (OFSTED) may be the perfect environment for your child. Due to current circumstances, school tours will be delivered virtually and can be found on our school website from the beginning of November. Question and answer sessions with the Head teacher and EYFS lead will be o ered via Microso Teams on Wednesday 11th November between 1:00-2:30pm and ursday 12th November between 9:30-11:00am. Please contact our school o ce to book your slot. We look forward to meeting you!
Holbeach Bank Academy is part of the exciting and expanding Lincolnshire Educational Trust committed to success for all young people of all ages.
Education is a partnership between home and our Academy and we really value our relationship with our parents/ carers.
We know that all children learn best when home and school work closely together and very much value our families.
Online applications will be open from 16th November 2020. The closing date for receipt of applications is 15th January 2021.
Tel 01406 423375 or enquiries@holbeachbankacademy.co.uk Roman Bank, Holbeach Bank, Spalding, Lincs PE12 8BX
Kitchen Supervisor At St John the Baptist Primary School Hawthorn Bank, Spalding
Do you have the creativity, imagination and skills to tickle the taste buds of a seven year old? Would you like a job in catering with day time working hours and school holidays o ? If the answer is “yes” then you might just be the Kitchen Supervisor we are looking for. St John the Baptist Primary School, Spalding require a Kitchen Supervisor to cook meals for pupils and manage the catering operation of our very successful school kitchen. Hours: 32.5 hour per week term time only (38 weeks) Salary: Grade 6 - £22,911 - £25,295 (Pro Rata) depending on experience.
All shortlisted candidates will be asked to complete a cookery skills test, literacy and numeracy test and an interview. If you think you could tickle our tastebuds we would love to hear from you.
You can download an application pack from our school website www.st-john.lincs.sch.uk or to request a postal pack or to discuss the role further please contact our School Business Manager, Leanne Manton on Tel: 01775 722644 or e-mail leanne.manton@st-john.lincs.sch.uk Closing date noon 30th October 2020. Interviews will take place week commencing 2nd November 2020.
Holbeach Primary Academy is part of the exciting and expanding Lincolnshire Educational Trust committed to success for all young people of all ages.
Education is a partnership between home and our Academy and we really value our relationship with our parents/ carers.
We know that all children learn best when home and school work closely together and very much value our families.
Tel 01406 422397 or enquiries@holbeachprimaryacademy.co.uk Boston Road (South), Holbeach, Lincs, PE12 7LZ
St John the Baptist C.E. (Aided) Primary School Hawthorn Bank, Spalding, PE11 1JQ
Starting School in September 2021? Covid restrictions mean we can’t open our school for tours this year - so we thought we would come to your home with our virtual tours.
Intake 2021 See the “quick link” on our website for dates and details of how to join.
Call the school o ice on 01775 722644 for any further information.
The Welland Chilli Media Proof Primary Schools Federation Our three schools are driven by the same educational ethos and values; we strive to ensure every child is given the best introduction to their primary school educational journey. Starting school can be a daunting prospect for some children. We work closely with our families to build those important relationships that are so crucial in ensuring a happy start to school life. We work closely with pre-schools as well, which enables us to know the number and writing, our Foundation Stage curriculum builds on pre-school learning and provides rich opportunities for children to explore and investigate as well as develop those very important social skills that allow them to build positive relationships with their friends as well as adults. Unfortunately, due to Covid, we are not able to offer visits into school. We will be providing virtual visits but, in the meantime, please do take a look whole child and creates a picture at each school’s website as that of their pre-school learning. As provides a detailed insight into well as focussing on phonics, each school
Pinchbeck East Primary School 01775 723841 offi ce@pinchbeckeast.lincs.sch.uk
We would like to invite you to our open and friendly school where every child matters to every member of our school community. We look forward to showing you a glimpse of our busy day to day school life.
For further information please contact the school offi ce via email to offi ce@pinchbeckeast.lincs.sch.uk or call 01775 723841
Executive Headteacher: Mr A Raistrick Head of School: Mrs T Vayro Part of The Welland Primary Schools Federation
Surfl eet Primary School’s Virtual Tours for Parents of Children starting school in September 2021
Our Virtual Tour gives you the chance to come and look around our school and our facilities.
We are a caring and friendly school, where we know every child well. Children in small schools benefi t from the ‘family feel’ learning environment that we provide, please join us and discover why we are the right choice for you and your child.
Surfl eet Primary School, Station Road, Surfl eet, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 4DB
Contact us by phone or email if you are interested
Executive Headteacher: Mr A Raistrick Head of School: Mr R Chipperfi eld
Tel: 01775 680373 Email: admin@surfl eet.lincs.sch.uk Website: www.surfl eet.lincs.sch.uk
SPALDING Primary School
Woolram Wygate, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 1PB Part of the Welland Primary Schools Federation
Virtual Tours
Parents and carers are warmly invited to attend our Virtual Tour for Parents of Children starting school in September 2021
During the Virtual Tour, parents/carers will be given information on how to apply for a school place To register your interest, please contact the school offi ce on 01775 769445 or email offi ce@spalding-pri.lincs.sch.uk We look forward to welcoming you to our school.