School News Primary School Applications The school application process can be daunting, so if you are not sure where to start, this guide gives you a detailed overview of how to apply for a school place When do children start school? Children are eligible to start school (Reception) in the academic year following
website or by phoning or writing to the Local Authority directly. In Lincolnshire this is 16th November 2020. 15th January: The deadline for ‘on-time’
their fourth birthday. Although most children start school in
applications. Late applications will still
• Reading the Schools Admissions Criteria
when more parents applied for a place than
This is to check that your child is eligible
the number of places available, then the
for the schools that you want to apply to. Local Authorities must provide a
be considered but there is less chance of
children don’t have to be in education until
getting a place at one of your preferred
Common Application Form (CAF) for you
a ‘set date’ following their fifth birthday;
to put in your preferences for a place at
16th April: Primary Schools National
Age. The set dates are the 31st December,
Offer Day.
31st March and 31st August. There is the option to delay a child’s
The application process Each Local Authority should publish an
start date if you feel your child is not ready
If a school is oversubscribed, that is
• Consulting Ofsted Inspection Reports
the September after their fourth birthday,
this is known as the Compulsory School
the school is not oversubscribed.
school uses its oversubscription criteria to decide the priority order in which places are allocated. The government allows the admission
state-funded schools. You must be able to
authority some leeway in how they decide
name a minimum of three schools in order
on their oversubscription criteria, but in all
of preference and the form should allow
schools the highest priority must be given
you to provide reasons for why these are
to looked-after children and previously
your preferences. Listing three schools
looked-after children - that is children who
to start school full-time in the September
admissions booklet online that explains
means that if your first preference school
are, or have been, in the care of the local
following their fourth birthday. We would
their application process and should
is unable to offer a place, there are other
authority such as foster care.
recommend discussing delayed admission
include a directory with a list of schools’
options to go with.
and part-time admission with the schools
details, admissions policies etc.
Other examples of criteria that are often used are:
information you give on the application
• Children with a sibling at the school
own research in the lead up to applying for
form. The information will often be
• Children living in the catchment area
a school place. This could include:
checked and a place could be withdrawn if
It’s a really good idea to do some of your
you are applying to. Important dates for admission
It is important to be truthful about the
• Attending Open Days – during the
The individual Local Authority will set the date from which you can start applying
Covid-19 pandemic many schools aren’t
for primary school places. This information
offering open days but may offer one on
will be available on your Local Authority
one visits, video calls or online tours.
you submit a fraudulent application.
School admissions criteria
To apply for your child’s place visit www. All applicants must be offered a place if
Monkshouse Primary School
Pennygate, Spalding, Lincs, PE11 1LG Tel: 01775 722006
Nursery & Reception Virtual School Tour Is your child due to start Nursery or Reception in September 2021?
If so, our “Vibrant learning community with enthusiastic pupils and energetic staff ” (OFSTED) may be the perfect environment for your child. Due to current circumstances, school tours will be delivered virtually and can be found on our school website from the beginning of November. Question and answer sessions with the Head teacher and EYFS lead will be offered via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 11th November between 1:00-2:30pm and Thursday 12th November between 9:30-11:00am. Please contact our school office to book your slot. We look forward to meeting you!