China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC) is a nongovernmental, nonpartisan Chinese thinktank registered in Hong Kong. It has Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC). With partners and associates in China and overseas, CEFC conducts research and related activities focusing on transnational topics such as energy security, issues relating to China’s emerging place in the world, and Chinese culture and thought. CEFC is dedicated to promoting international dialogue and understanding via offices throughout China and the United States. Published by China Energy Fund Committee Hong Kong Office 34/F, Convention Plaza Office Tower, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China Tel: (852) 2655 1666 Fax: (852) 2655 1616 E-mail: U.S. Office 25/F, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA22209, U.S.A Tel: +1-703-260-1828 Fax: +1-703-666-8081
CEFC China Energy Focus 2015: Nuclear Energy CEFC中国能源焦点2015:核能
Editorial Board (编辑委员会) Chairman: YE Jianming (叶简明) Executive Vice Chairman: HO Chi Ping, Patrick (何志平) Vice Chairman: CHAN Chau To (陈秋途) Member: LO Cheung On (路祥安)
Editor-in-Chief (主编) HO Chi Ping, Patrick (何志平)
Deputy Editor (副主编) LO Cheung On (路祥安)
Executive Editors (执行编辑) LIU Yadong (刘亚东) ZHANG Ya (张雅)
Guest Editor-in-Chief (客座主编) XU Yuming (徐玉明)
Editorial Assistants (编辑助理) CHENG Waikin (郑伟健) WANG Haixia (王海霞)
ISSN: 2310-2810 ©China Energy Fund Committee 2016. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Table of Contents 目录
Section One: Introduction 第一部分:简介...........................................................................................5 Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语................................................................................ 6 Chapter 2: Guest Editorial 第二章: 客座主编寄语....................................................................... 17 Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要...................................................................................... 21
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分:中国核电调查报告.............................................................27 Chapter 1: Methodology 第一章: 调查方法.............................................................................. 28 Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料....................................................................... 29
Chapter 3: Background 第三章: 背景...................................................................................... 34 Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China's Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析..................................... 36 Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度......................................... 43 Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用................................................ 49 Chapter 7: Latest Developments on China's Nuclear Reactors and Technical Routes for Nuclear Power Generation 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研现状以及核电技术路线.......................... 54 Chapter 8:“Going Out” Status of China's Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电“走出去”状况.................................................... 59 Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China's Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析............................................................ 62
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分:中国专家观点..................................................................67 Chapter 1: China's Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Out Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略......................................... 68 Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管............................................................ 76 Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展...................... 83
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 20112015 第四章:“十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾....................................... 97 Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系.................................. 102 Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Out” Strategy of China's Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议....................................111 Chapter 7: Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略..................................117 Chapter 8: The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性............................................................. 123 Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁............................ 134 Chapter 10: The Future of Green Nuclear: Energy Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统.................... 144
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Section One:
Introduction 第一部分:
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
HO Chi Ping Patrick Editor-in-Chief Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of the China Energy Fund Committee
何志平 主编 中华能源基金委员会常务副主席、秘书长
We are at an energy crossroads. Climate
which cannot be brought about without
change and other environmental concerns
accessible and affordable electric power.
require energy sources to be clean, low
Demand for energy is huge. (1)
emission, and with limited environmental impact. On the other hand, billions of people
We urgently need energy solutions that will
are still in need of economic development,
light the decades ahead. Nuclear power is one
International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2015 Factsheet: Global Energy Trends to 2040,
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
such solution, which the world can no longer
amounts of energy, on the order of millions of
afford to ignore. Fortunately, continuous
what had been possible through the burning
advancements in nuclear technology are
of coal or gasoline.
making nuclear power even more safe, clean, and efficient. Together with more
Unfortunately, the discovery of nuclear
sophisticated energy policy, the growing
fission paralleled the unfolding of the Second
approval of energy experts, and acceptance
World War. Thus, scientists were first tasked
by the general public, the stage is gradually
with weaponing atomic energy, an objective
being set for a nuclear renaissance.
they realized in August of 1945. Two nuclear bombs, dropped on Japan, demonstrated to
China, in particular, has much to gain from
the world the tremendous power unlocked
nuclear power, and is leading efforts to
from the nucleus of the atom. (2)
realize a nuclear future, for both itself and the world. Chinese investment in nuclear
It was not until the early 1950 ’ s that
power research, training, safety measures,
scientists were charged with utilizing “atoms
and construction is advancing the pace of
for peace” – employing nuclear fission to
nuclear development. These efforts promise
produce electricity. A variety of experimental
to enable a future where nuclear energy will
reactors were developed over the course of
serve as the bedrock of global sustainable
that decade, constituting the first generation
of reactors. By the early 1960 ’s, the first Generation II civil and commercial reactors
A Brief History of Nuclear Power
started to come online. These reactors were
Decades of research in the early 20th century
the mainstay of nuclear power generation
culminated in the discovery of nuclear fission
until about the mid-1990’s. (3)
– the splitting of the atom. By 1939, the world’s leading scientists understood that a
The history of most Generation II nuclear
nuclear chain reaction could unleash colossal
reactors has generally been one of quiet
World Nuclear Association, Outline History of Nuclear Energy,
Stephen M. Goldberg and Robert Rosner, Nuclear Reactors: Generation to Generation,
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
success. (4)
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Over the last fifty years,
Its accident rate is far lower than that
reactors were switched on in 33 countries,
exhibited by a multitude of other sectors,
together tallying more than 16,000 years of
including transportation, mining, drilling,
operation. (5) These reactors have generated
and manufacturing.(8) However, some notable
tremendous amounts of energy with almost
incidents have occurred, which have shaped
zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. (6)
much of the public dialogue on nuclear power.
They have been a boon for people, economies, and the environment.
Nuclear power’s most prominent incidents are Three Mile Island (1979), Chernobyl
France’s use of nuclear power presents an
(1986), and Fukushima (2011). These
illustrative case, with 59 reactors providing
accidents generated considerable pubic
75% of the country’s energy. As a result,
anxiety and alarm, notwithstanding that
its citizens and businesses enjoy some of
only Chernobyl resulted in direct deaths,
the lowest electricity rates in Europe. The
and in contamination beyond the immediate
country also has one of the lowest carbon
vicinity of the generating plant. (9) Most
emissions per KWh in Europe. (7)
epidemiological studies conducted in afflicted areas for all three incidents have
Today, nuclear power has the lowest death
demonstrated either zero or minimal adverse
per megawatt hour rate of all energy sources.
direct human health impacts. (10)
Rebecca L. Grant, Why Nuclear Power Is Part of America’s Future,
World Nuclear Association, Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors,
Nuclear Energy Institute, Life-Cycle Emissions Analyses,
World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Power in France,
James Conca, How Deadly Is Your Kilowatt?,
World Nuclear Association, Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors.
Id.; World Health Organization, Global Report on Fukushima Nuclear Accident Details Health Risks,; World Health Organization, Chernobyl: Thirty Years On,
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Despite the continued successful operation of
On the other hand, many other countries are
hundreds of other reactors, nuclear power has
embracing nuclear power with a renewed
acquired a reputation in some circles as being
enthusiasm. Prompted by the urgent need
unreliable and dangerous, presenting a hazard
of a clean fuel to mitigate the deleterious
to both human health and the environment.(11)
effects of climate change, these countries are
As a result of this adverse publicity, and the
drawing from decades of lessons learned,
stringent safety requirements and austere
tempering their progress with an absolute
regulations that it subsequently drew,
commitment to safety. (14)
demand for reactors began to stagnate in the 1980’s. Since then, world share of electricity
Nuclear power is increasingly being advocated
generated by nuclear power has remained
as an essential option in tackling climate change
stable, accounting for approximately 16%.
and promoting economic development.(15) At the
same time, technological advancements promise Recent years have seen both rejection,
to address nuclear power’s shortcomings and
hesitation, and increased adoption of nuclear
strengthen vigilance for safe operation.(16) As
power. After Fukushima, public opinion of
a result, nuclear power is planned for 20(17)
nuclear power remained negative in many
countries that currently do not have it, and
countries, many of which have begun
under consideration by another 20. Nuclear
stepping away from nuclear power, including
power is returning to prominence.
Japan, Germany, and Italy.
George Monbiot, Power Crazed,
World Nuclear Association, Outline History of Nuclear Energy.
Richard Anderson, Nuclear Power: Energy for the Future or Relic of the Past?,
World Nuclear Association, Plans for New Reactors Worldwide,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2015,
Steven Kotler, Meltdown or Mother Lode: The New Truth About Nuclear Power, html.
World Nuclear Association, Plans for New Reactors Worldwide.
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Where We Stand Today
skilled operators. Stringent mandatory safety
There is considerable debate today on what
requirements further inflate investment costs.
role nuclear power will play in our future
Furthermore, because nuclear power has
energy mix. Like all other energy sources,
not yet become a primary power source,
nuclear power has its advantages and
the economies of scale have yet to truly
drawbacks, its benefits and risks.
develop. As a result, nuclear power facilities are expensive, and require significant capital
As has been mentioned, nuclear power offers
outlay. (20)
attractive advantages given humanity ’ s current circumstances: providing dependable
The second issue, waste, is closely tied
baseload energy while producing effectively
to the issue of safety. It relates, however,
zero GHG emissions during operation.
mainly to the byproducts of nuclear fission,
By efficiently providing baseload power,
rather than operational safety. The main
nuclear power can also help to balance the
waste problem of nuclear power is that the
output from renewables, thereby aiding the
waste is hazardous and, in some cases, takes
decarbonization of the power supply.
thousands of years to become safe. Thus,
disposal of nuclear waste must factor in long
Until recently, these advantages were
spans of time, adding to the complexity of the
countered by three principal shortcomings:
disposal. Waste also presents a terrorism risk,
(i) investment costs, (ii) waste, and (iii)
as the material may be targeted or utilized
safety. (19)
by terrorists in an attack. (21)
The first issue is mostly self-explanatory:
Issue three, safety, relates mainly to
nuclear power facilities are large, intricate,
operational safety. The main concern,
high-tech, and require the employment of
particularly in the case of Generation II
International Atomic Energy Agency, Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2015.
International Energy Agency, Energy Technology Essentials: Nuclear Power,
World Nuclear Association, The Economics of Nuclear Power,
Gwyneth Cravens, Terrorism and Nuclear Energy: Understanding the Risks,
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
reactors, is the risk of a meltdown and
that it is not only highly safe, but indeed
potential human health and environmental
much more so than most other power sources.
repercussions. There is, here too, concern
Whether one considers accident rates, loss of
for terrorism and nuclear proliferation. (22)
life, or human health consequences, nuclear wins over mainstream energy sources.(26)
The actuality and severity of these shortcomings is itself a source of debate.
It is puzzling that many express concern
A telling feature of the nuclear debate is
over the dangers of nuclear, while accepting
the discrepancy between public opinion
or ignoring the dangers and externalities
and the opinion of scientists and engineers.
presented by other mainstream energy
Support for nuclear power among the latter
sources. Far more people have suffered ill
group is significantly higher than for the
health and shortened lifespans from energy
general public. (23)
Among the general
sector generated air pollution alone than all
public, perceived risk for nuclear power far
nuclear incidents combined.(27) Mainstream
outweighs actual risk, with perceptions often
energy sources have, among other things,
founded on an antiquated understanding of
resulted in spills, exploding freight trains,
nuclear technology.(24) Most of the public
pollution of air, water, and soil, as well as
is not aware of the extensive gains made in
climate change.
nuclear technology and reactor management since the 1970’s.
Nevertheless, public opinion remains a real challenge to the uptake of nuclear
An objective analysis of nuclear power shows
power – as do nuclear power’s fundamental
22 Id. 23
Cary Funk and Lee Rainie, Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society,
David Robert Grimes, Why It’s Time to Dispel the Myths about Nuclear Power,
International Energy Agency, Technology Roadmap: Nuclear Energy,
Pushker Kharecha and James Hansen, Coal and Gas Are Far More Harmful Than Nuclear Power,
George Monbiot, Power Crazed.
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
drawbacks, which are true, if overstated.
efficient, implement passive nuclear safety,
Realizing the benefits of nuclear thus means
and standardize design (thereby reducing
not only addressing its shortcomings, but
also addressing public perception of those
such as the advanced heavy-water reactor,
shortcomings and allaying the public ’ s
which uses thorium – also address fuel and
anxiety. (28)
waste safety issues. (31)
A Promising Future
Generation IV reactors promise even greater
Fortunately, new nuclear reactor designs
advancements. Breeder reactors, for example,
and technologies promise to address
are highly efficient and create more nuclear
nuclear power’s shortcomings. New reactor
fuel than they use. They could be used
designs further bolster nuclear power’s case,
to extend the supply of nuclear fuel for
augmenting its strengths while addressing
thousands of years, and possibly indefinitely.
its weaknesses. Many of the new designs
New breeder reactor designs can also be
are either already being fielded or are set
used to recycle and reduce existing nuclear
to be fielded in the near term, while other
Some generation III reactors –
technologies are expected to be accessed in the coming decades. All this, in turn, bodes
Other advancements promised by Generation
well for turning public opinion on nuclear
IV reactors are passive safety – completely
eliminating the possibility of a meltdown – and major improvements in efficiency.
Generation III reactors began fielding in the
Some Generation IV reactors also remove
1990’s.(29) These newer reactors are more
or reduce the risk of proliferation. Integral
OECD, Public Attitudes to Nuclear Power,
Stephen M. Goldberg and Robert Rosner, Nuclear Reactors: Generation to Generation,
World Nuclear Power Association, Advanced Nuclear Power Reactors,
Steven Kotler, Meltdown or Mother Lode: The New Truth About Nuclear Power.
Gen IV International Forum, Technology Roadmap Update for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems,
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
fast reactors, liquid fluoride thorium reactors,
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
six to eight nuclear reactors each year. (35)
and very high temperature reactors are other Generation IV designs that are being
Nuclear energy makes sense for China. China
has committed to addressing environmental
and human health issues, particularly those Other advancements in nuclear power include
caused by coal power generation. Nuclear
small scale reactors, which could be used to
energy can help China meet its growing need
address emissions generated through air and
for power while simultaneously improving
shipping, as well as remote generators. (34)
the well-being of its people and fulfilling its commitment to reducing GHG emissions.
China’s Contribution: Bridging to
Nuclear power can also help China address
the Future
its energy imports, and thereby bolstering
China began its own foray into nuclear power
the country ’ s energy security, ensuring a
in the 1990’s, with the Qishan Nuclear Power
self-sufficiency of at least 85%. (36)
Station. Since then, China has incrementally integrated nuclear power into its energy mix.
Nuclear energy is also a long-term investment
In 2014, the country adopted an even more
for China. Much as it did with its space
ambitious program with its New Action
program, China hopes to use the development
Energy Plan. Today, China has 33 nuclear
of nuclear energy to spearhead innovation
reactors, amounting to a capacity of 28.8GW.
in science, industry, education, and society
Another 22, set to provide 22.1GW of power,
as a whole. Pursuing nuclear power creates
are under construction. Many more reactors
jobs – from construction workers, to nuclear
are already in planning stages. Under the
engineers, to plant managers – and increases
13 Five Year Plan, China is set to approve
the competitiveness of Chinese companies
33 Id. 34
World Nuclear Association, Small Nuclear Power Reactors,
World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Power in China,
Nuclear Energy Institute, Nuclear Energy in China,
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
in the energy sector. (37)
already developed its own reactor designs – CPR-1000, Hualong-One (HPR-1000, a
China is also in a unique position to take
generation III reactor), and ACP100 (a small,
on the challenges of improving nuclear
multipurpose, modular reactor) – all of which
power. It can bear the high capital costs
feature domestically developed intellectual
of nuclear, having access to vast amounts
property. (40)
of both physical, financial, and human resources. It also has the economic power
Other advanced reactors currently being
– such as manufacturing scale – to bring
developed in China include the Shidao Bay
down the cost of nuclear power, something
HTGR (high temperature gas-cooled reactor)
that will ultimately be of benefit to both
plant – the first modularized HTGR nuclear
itself and the world. Finally, China also
power plant in the world that is equipped with
has the resources to invest in research and
a Generation IV nuclear power safety system.
development, helping to realize innovative
Construction of the plant started in 2012 and
reactors that overcome nuclear power ’ s
is scheduled to finish by 2017. China has
traditional shortcomings.
also developed an experimental fast reactor
(2011), and is working on a pilot compact All this means that China has been doing
reactor (construction slated for 2017). Other
more than merely building power plants.
reactors China is currently exploring include
China has actively pursued advancement
a super-critical water-cooled reactor (SCWR)
in the entire chain of nuclear development.
and a thorium molten salt reactor (TMSR).
It has invested heavily in research, schools
and training, as well as refined construction
China has also committed to achieving
the world ’ s best nuclear safety standards
Most notably, China has
Kathleen McLaughlin, Science Is a Major Plank in China’s New Spending Plan,
Camila Ruz, Why Does the UK Need China to Build Its Nuclear Plants?,
World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Power in China.
Brian Spegele, China Inc.’s Nuclear-Power Push,; World Nuclear News, First HTR-PM Construction Progresses, CAP1400-reactor-under-construction-0404144.html.
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
and reviews. Since its first nuclear power
to export, its nuclear technology include
unit went into operation in 1994, China
Pakistan, Romania, Iran, South Africa,
has maintained an admirable safety record,
Egypt, and Kazakhstan. (44) Nuclear power
without incidents of grade 2 or higher,
and engineering design have become a
thus leading the world in all operational
trademark export of China, thereby also
indicators. China has requested and hosted
benefitting the infrastructure objectives of
12 Operational Safety Review Team missions
the One Belt, One Road Initiative.
from the International Atomic Energy Agency since 2011, and each of its nuclear plants
The export of China’s nuclear technology
receives one external and independent (non-
underscores how China’s pursuit of nuclear
domestic) safety review every year. China is
power is beneficial for the whole world.
also collaborating with the ASEAN+3 Forum
China is unlocking nuclear power’s benefits
on Nuclear Safety and the OECD’s Nuclear
and turning nuclear power into a global
Energy Agency. (41)
solution for sustainable energy development.
As a result of all these efforts, Chinese
Towards the Holy Grail of Energy
enterprises have already begun exporting
Imagine a tomorrow where energy is abundant,
their work abroad. China National Nuclear
accessible, affordable, non-polluting, and
Corporation (CNNC) has won bids to build
safe. The benefits would permeate society,
two nuclear reactors in Argentina;
with enormous ramifications for human
General Nuclear Power Group (CGN)
health, the environment, and the global
will build the new reactors at Hinkley
economy. This is the holy grail of energy, a
Point, in the United Kingdom. (43) Other
destination that has been sought across the
countries where China is exporting, or set
globe by generations of researchers.
World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Power in China.
World Nuclear News, Argentina and China Sign Two Reactor Construction Agreements,
Cecily Liu, EU Gives Regulatory Approval to CGN, EDF for Hinkley Point,
World Nuclear Association, Nuclear Power in China.
Jeremy Kang Deng, How is China Planning to Execute One Belt One Road for Nuclear?,
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 1: Editorial 第一章: 主编寄语
Perhaps in a not too distant future, some
China is making this future a reality, writing
technological breakthrough will make that
the next chapter of the nuclear power story.
vision a reality. For now, the world must
While much of the world has hesitated with
make do with what it has: employing a mix
nuclear power, China has become a bastion
of energy sources, balancing the “pros and
for its research and development. As the
cons” of each while factoring in market and
only country to embrace nuclear energy in
environmental realities.
a significant way through investments and policy, China presents an unprecedented
Among the existing energy options, nuclear
opportunity for nuclear professionals around
power presents a clear, inevitable option for
the world to develop their careers and pursue
our energy future. Given the circumstances
their dreams. In time, by bringing together
that humanity finds itself in – pressed on
the best brains in the world and fostering
one side by environmental limits, and
a globally cooperative spirit, China will
on the other by development needs – the
capitalize on its investment. In doing so, it
most reasonable choice is to go nuclear.
will make nuclear power an affordable, safe,
We should recognize the powerful solution
clean, and healthy option, for the benefit of all.
presented by nuclear energy, and embrace its future.
China has come of age, in the nuclear age.
Chapter 2: Guest Editorial 第二章: 客座主编寄语
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 2: Guest Editorial 第二章: 客座主编寄语
XU Yuming Guest Editor-in-Chief Deputy Secretary General of China Nuclear Energy Association
徐玉明 客座主编 中国核能行业协会副秘书长
Energy constitutes the foundation and
development and people’s living standards as
driving force for a civilized modern society.
well as huge increase in energy production and
Energy consumption, especially electricity
consumption. In 2015, energy consumption
consumption, has become an important
in China (mainland) totaled 4.3 billion tonnes
hallmark of where a country or region stands
of standard coal and electricity consumption
in its development.
5.55 trillion KWh or 4,100KWh per capita, four times that of year 2000 and ranking
Since reform and opening up, China ’ s
first in energy production and consumption
economy has been growing by leaps and
worldwide. Compared with advanced
bounds, with substantial progress in social
countries, however, China remains low in
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 2: Guest Editorial 第二章: 客座主编寄语
terms of per capita energy consumption, less
1980s. By the end of January, 2016, China
than 40% of that of the U.S., leaving ample
has 54 nuclear power units in operation or
room for energy production and consumption
under construction in eight provinces or
growth in the next 20 years.
autonomous regions including Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Shandong,
In 2015, non-fossil energy consumption
Fujian, Guangxi and Hainan, with a total
accounted for 12% in China’s primary energy
installed capacity of over 55 million KW.
consumption mix, far below the targets set by
Among them, 30 units are in operation,
the government to increase the share of non-
with an installed capacity of 28.31 million
fossil fuels in primary energy consumption
KW; and 24 units under construction, with
mix to 15% by 2020, and 20% by 2030.
an installed capacity of 26.72 million KW.
In primary energy consumption mix, coal
Besides, another two units have already been
consumption in 2015 accounted for 64.4%.
approved for construction. In 2015, China
Though a remarkable drop compared with the
ranked fourth globally in installed capacity
past, it was still twice the world’s average.
and generation of nuclear power.
It is urgent and also tough for China to shift the energy consumption mix from a coal-
In China ’ s future energy development,
dominated one to a modern energy system
nuclear power will play a significant role.
that is green, low-carbon, safe and efficient.
Based on the 58 million KW of installed capacity in 2020, installed nuclear capacity
To achieve such a modern energy system,
will exceed 120 million KW in 2030, when
the share of low-carbon energy consumption,
estimated nuclear power generation will
such as renewable energy, nuclear energy
reach about 900 billion KWh, accounting
and natural gas, must be gradually increased.
for 8-10% of China ’ s total electricity
With long operating period (over 7,500
consumption. By then, with nuclear power
hours a year), high energy density, low
generation, coal consumption and CO 2
operating cost, and barely no green-house
emission can be reduced by about 300 million
gas and pollutants emission, nuclear power
tonnes and 800 million tonnes respectively,
generation is an important choice for the
contributing greatly to the development of
development of green and low-carbon energy.
low-carbon and green energy in China.
China started nuclear power generation in the
China is faced with both precious opportunities
Chapter 2: Guest Editorial 第二章: 客座主编寄语
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
and challenges as well in its development
and breaking Generation-III technology
of nuclear power. In the development of
bottlenecks has been prioritized in the 13th
nuclear power, we must stay committed to
Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), and the industry
safety and efficiency while upholding the
is encouraged to gain a good grasp of all
concept of “innovative, coordinated, green,
key technologies concerning Generation-III
open and shared development” so as to serve
nuclear reactors, including Hualong-One,
as a strong support to fuel China’s economic
CAP1000 and CAP1400, so as to improve
and social development.
domestic technological capabilities, design, construction and operation. China is already
Safety represents the lifeline of nuclear
a nuclear power but it has yet to become a
energy. Since commercial operation of the
nuclear superpower. This will require greater
first nuclear power unit in 1994, China has
indigenous innovation on advanced nuclear
maintained good safety record, without
technologies catered to the country’s needs.
incidents of grade two or higher and leading
China should be innovative with institutional
the world in all operating indicators. We
mechanisms and management, further
should continue to put safety first and ensure
consolidate resources, optimize its nuclear
safety for the whole life cycle including
industrial structure, and improve government
design, construction, operation, and
administration, so as to foster a more
decommissioning, and for the entire nuclear
enabling internal and external environment
industrial chain. For operating units, a high
for innovation-driven development.
level of safety must be maintained. For new units, the most advanced international safety
The development of nuclear power requires
standards must be adopted. For the whole
long construction periods, huge investment
industry, we must exercise scientific and
and demanding technologies, therefore, China
effective supervision and promote nuclear
must formulate scientific and authoritative
safety awareness in a constant effort to
plans for coordinated development of nuclear
enhance safety.
power. At present, China is compiling the 13th Five-Year Plan and mid-and long-term
China’s nuclear industry is faced with an
(by 2030) plan concerning the development
important mission to improve capacities for
of nuclear power in five years, 15 years and
indigenous innovation. By 2020, enhancing
even longer. For long-term and sustainable
capacities for indigenous innovation
development of nuclear power, the scale and
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 2: Guest Editorial 第二章: 客座主编寄语
pace of development must be compatible with
capacity and accumulate experience over
nuclear equipment manufacturing capacity
time with an aim to enhance indigenous
and the development of nuclear fuel supply
chain. The management of spent fuel and treatment of radioactive waste, among other
Public support and understanding are
things, must be properly handled.
essential for the development of nuclear power and development achievements must
We must stay committed to green development
be shared by the whole society, especially
during the construction and operation of
areas in the vicinity of nuclear power plants.
nuclear power units, as it is a type of green
We must establish an open and transparent
and clean energy. We must further reduce
information release system and a reasonable
energy and raw material consumption to
and effective benefits-sharing mechanism
lower cost and enhance the competiveness of
to further communicate with the public
nuclear power. We must implement the idea
for understanding and support, in order to
of minimum radioactive waste by reducing
promote the smooth development of nuclear
discharge of various wastes.
China ’ s development of nuclear power is
China has already become the most dynamic
closely tied with the world. In terms of
country in the development of nuclear
nuclear safety, the world is a community with
energy, attracting worldwide attention
shared future, bound together for good or
to its development of nuclear power. We
ill. With regard to nuclear fuel supply, R&D
compile and release the China ’ s Nuclear
on advanced technologies, key equipment
Power Development Research Report (2015)
manufacturing and supply of raw materials,
with an aim to present with detailed data a
China needs to collaborate with international
true and objective general picture and latest
peers and has offered opportunities for
progresses on the development of nuclear
engagement and common development.
power in China, and provide a transparent
For years, China’s nuclear sector has been
window for friends both home and abroad
longing for presence and expansion overseas,
to know more about the development of
which is necessitated by development and
nuclear power in China. China stands ready
yielding initial results. As a strategic task for
to share development achievements and
the long term, we will make progress with
tackle common challenges with the rest of
going global step by step, explore, build
the world.
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
China has witnessed a slowdown in its
most obviously for the environment and
economic growth recently, but it will still
human health.
maintain a medium-high speed in the long run. In addition, the energy demand will
However, arriving at these benefits means
notably increase in China, but with high
addressing and working through many
dependence on oil and natural gas imports,
issues. These issues are well known. First
it will be a huge challenge to guarantee
and foremost is safety, followed by waste
a sufficient domestic energy supply. At
disposal, large initial investment costs, and
the same time, recognizing the fact that
concerns over a limited supply of usable
China has committed to reducing its
greenhouse gas emissions by around 2030, the country’s power sector will be urgently
Recognizing the importance and urgency
shifting from fossil fuels to cleaner and
of developing nuclear technologies in
more efficient energy sources.
China and its critical role for the country’ s sustainable development, CEFC decided
Among the existing energy options, nuclear
to present this publication to introduce the
power offers some strong and unique
latest developments, challenges, as well as
advantages. It produces a base power
market opportunities of China ’ s nuclear
load that is reliable and predictable, it is
development to a broader audience.
powerful and efficient, and it is clean and zero carbon in operation. Replacing power
This report consists of two main sections.
currently generated by fossil fuels with
The first is a summary of the views and
nuclear would yield enormous benefits –
opinions collected from the leading experts
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
in China through interviews conducted by
of articles written by ten Chinese scholars
CEFC between January and February in
and experts who provide their analyses on
2016. The second section consists of a series
nuclear from multiple perspectives.
Summary of Key Findings
1 With the exception of two heavy
water reactors account for about
water reactors and one high
two thirds of all nuclear power
temperature gas cooled reactor
units. In the future, nuclear power
(HTGR), all Chinese nuclear power
units that adopt Generation-
units, whether in operation or
III technologies will serve as
under construction, are pressurized
mainstream reactors, including
water reactors. In terms of reactor
Hualong-One, CAP1000 and
models, CPR1000 pressurized
Whether China will be able to
period of 2020-2030. Efforts have
secure a sufficient supply of
b een m ad e o n tap p in g as man y
natural uranium in the long run
natural uranium supply sources
is a major issue. By 2020, China ’ s
as possible, including domestic
real demand for natural uranium
production, international trade,
will reach around 14,000 tonnes.
development of overseas uranium
Nevertheless, the supply of natural
resources, and building up of
uranium to China is considered
both commercial and strategic
to be secure, at least within the
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
3 China
experimental fast reactor in
progress on development of high
May 2000, and the arrival of its
temperature gas cooled reactors
criticality was first seen in July
(HTGR) and experimental fast
2010. Fast reactors could raise the
r e a c t o r s . To w a r d s t h e e n d
u t i l i z a t i o n e ff i c i e n c y o f n a t u r a l
of 2012, Huaneng Shandong
uranium from pressurized water
Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Co.,
reactors’ 1% to fast reactors’
Ltd. launched the construction
60% to 70%. China has also
of a demonstrative HTGR,
achieved significant progress in
which features high thermal
basic research and development
e f f i c i e n c y, d e e p b u r n - u p a n d
of Generation-IV nuclear power
a high conversion ratio. The
t e c h n o l o g y. P r o g r e s s h a s a l s o
demonstrative HTGR is now
been made with work on passive
expected to come into operation
pressurized water reactors, as
by the end of 2017. China had
part of the nation ’ s major science
also started construction of an
and technology program.
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
4 There are a number of advantages
capacity of nuclear power equipment.
and challenges with regard to the
Main challenges include fierce
“ going out ” strategy of China ’ s
competition in international markets,
nuclear power industry. Advantages
lengthy technical examinations
include the promotional efforts by
of foreign countries, a general
state leaders, implementation of the
reluctance to accepting Chinese
“ Belt and Road ” Initiative, a good
nuclear power technology, as well
safety record, relatively competitive
as slow approval of related project
pricing and improved manufacturing
Construction costs for the eleven
the on-grid price (including tax) of
nuclear power units built before
Generation-II plus nuclear power units
2010 ranged from US$ 1,286/KWh
operative after 2013 remains at 0.43
to US$ 2,068/KWh. The average
yuan (US$0.07)/KWh, lower than
construction costs for units put
local benchmark electricity prices in
into operation in 2010 moved up
general. This shows the commercial
to 13,000yuan(US$1,975)/KWh.
competitiveness of nuclear power.
In recent years, costs for building
Compared with either wind or solar
Generation-III nuclear power units
power, nuclear power enjoys a strong
have surpassed the 20,000 yuan
edge in terms of economics and on-
(US$ 3,038)/KWh mark. At present,
grid ability.
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
6 Coastal areas in China are
beginning there have been no
increasingly limited in terms of
separate standards of safety for
their potential for further nuclear
nuclear power units located by
p o w e r d e v e l o p m e n t . Wi t h t h e
the coast or inland. Site selection,
slowdown of economic growth in
exit arrangements, construction
these areas and the depletion of
site resources, the general trend
requirements are no different, and
is to focus on the development of
should not be. Currently more than
nuclear power in the hinterland
half of operational nuclear power
provinces. Indeed, from the very
units worldwide are located inland.
7 Several European countries
wind and solar power generating
have long imposed protective
units accounting for nearly 9%
t a r i ff s t o s t i m u l a t e g r o w t h o f
of her total installed power
renewable energy. This practice
generating capacity, the Chinese
usually ignores the resulting costs
government is closely monitoring
brought to the overall power
the situation, and carefully
system by renewable energy
preparing responsive measures to
power generation. The practice
ensure safe and stable operation
also limits the competitiveness
of the many diversified energy
of nuclear power. In China, with
Section One: Introduction 第一部分: 简介
Chapter 3: Executive Summary 第三章: 摘要
8 F a c t o r s a ff e c t i n g t h e p u b l i c ’ s
to promote public acceptance, due
acceptance of nuclear power are
to a divergence of risk perceptions
complex and diverse. Opinion
between the general public and the
surveys in China show that
experts. Public opinion on risks is
technological opinion and expert
influenced by various social and
assessments have very limited
psychological factors. In addition
to public concern over nuclear
public opinion. The continuous
power safety, insufficient public
education on nuclear power is also
technologies has not and is unlikely
an important factor.
Chinese nuclear power enterprises
to identify key stakeholders,
launch active communication
building open and transparent
campaigns to gain and consolidate
support, solicit neutral groups, and
with the public. Hopefully these
persuade opponents to consider
e ff o r t s w i l l e n a b l e t h e p u b l i c
the arguments of the other side.
to gain a rational and unbiased
Nuclear power enterprises have
understanding of nuclear power.
also been asked to ensure sufficient
Nuclear power enterprises are
operational transparency and
therefore committed to mapping
periodically carry out effectiveness
out their communication strategy:
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分 中国核电调查报告
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Section Two:
China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分:
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 1: Methodology 第一章: 调查方法
Chapter 1: Methodology 第一章: 调查方法
Ten experts within China’s nuclear power
the following survey report. This report is
industry were interviewed via telephone and
written on the basis of the viewpoints from
they were asked to write specific articles in
these exports, but not just including their
terms of their research directions and our
viewpoints, it also contains a good deal of
requirements. These experts elaborated on
the latest data and information of China’s
certain topics that were assigned to them
nuclear power industry. The personal profiles
and we integrated their viewpoints into
of these experts are listed below.
Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料
ZHANG Huazhu (张华祝) graduated from Tsinghua University in 1968 and currently serves as the president of China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA). He was once the vice-president of China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), vice-director of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND), director of China Atomic Energy Authority (CAEA) and vice-director of nuclear power independent leading group of the State Council. He has been devoted to the development of China’s nuclear power industry for a long time and ever worked in nuclear fuel factories and for nuclear power engineering projects. He has also participated in the compilation of China’s nuclear power and nuclear industrial development plans.
LIU Hua (刘华) obtained his bachelor ’ s degree of Nuclear Radiation Physics from National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in 1982 and master’s degree of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety from China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) in 1987. He has worked successively in the former Ministry of Nuclear Industry, State Bureau of Nuclear Safety, Chinese Embassy in the United States and Nuclear Safety Center of State Science and Technology Commission. He has been the chief engineer of nuclear safety in the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) ever since May 2013.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料
YIN Dejian (殷德健) is now head of the General Office of Nuclear Safety Supervision Department of MEP. After getting a master’s degree from Tsinghua University in 2001, he went to work in Nuclear Safety Supervision Department of MEP. He also served as third secretary, second secretary of Science Department of Chinese Embassy in France from 2007 to 2009. After that, he returned to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Yin has also furthered his study at France ’ s Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), and at Duke University, studying public administration and public policy.
ZHENG Mingguang (郑明光) is a senior engineer as well as a doctoral supervisor who got his PhD of Nuclear Energy Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiaotong University. He is a member of standing advisory group of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and once served as assistant to the director, vicedirector and director of the Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute (SNERDI), and board member of American Nuclear Society. Since July 2015, he became the vice-general manager of the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC).
HUANG Xiaoyong (黄晓勇) is the dean of graduate school of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) who graduated from World Economy major of Renmin University of China in 1982. He is also vice-chairman of Chinese Association for Japanese Economy Studies, vice-chairman of China Research Society of Urban Development (CRSUD) and director of the International Energy Security Research Center of CCAS. He published several works like “ China ’ s Energy Security ” and “ China ’ s Energy
Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Dilemma and Way Out ” , and published numerous articles on newspapers like People’s Daily and People’s Tribune.
ZHANG Luqing (张禄庆) graduated from Physics major of Tsinghua University and got his PhD from Technical University of Munich in 1986. After coming back to China, he served as deputy director of Research Institute of Nuclear Power Operation in Wuhan, first secretary of Chinese Delegation to IEAE, deputy director of Nuclear Power Department of CNNC and so on. He published a good deal of works as well as articles in domestic and international nuclear energy field. He also worked as associate editor of Nuclear Power Volume of China Electric Power Encyclopedia (ver.2 & ver. 3).
FAN Bi (范必) is a guest researcher at China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), mainly engaged in research on public policies concerning macroeconomics, energy and environment as well as economic reform. He once worked in the policy research office of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). He has more than 20 years of experience in policy research and in recent years published treatise “China’s Energy Policy Research (Chinese & English version)”, “Building Beautiful Home with Ecological Civilization” and co-wrote “New Pattern of World Energy ” , “ Reform of the Supply Front ” and “ Environmental Protection and Social Development” . He also published more than 70 pieces of papers on domestic professional journals and was awarded many prizes from NDRC, NEA and CCIEE.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料
ZHANG Jindai (张金带) obtained his bachelor degree of Geochemistry from Zhejiang University in 1982 and ever since worked in Jiangxi Nuclear Geology till 1990, then was transferred to China Nuclear Geology (CNG). He served as chief engineer of CNG since November 2001, and held a concurrent post in CNNC as chief engineer since May 2012. He also served as standing committee member of Council for Science and Technology of CNNC, council member of Chinese Nuclear Society and expert committee member of CNEA and editor in chief of the magazine “Uranium Geology”, etc. He published more than 10 treatises and 20 pieces of papers, and was awarded “Li Siguang Geology Science Awards” in 2007.
ZHENG Yuhui (郑玉辉) is a senior engineer and director of research and development department of CNEA. He has been engaged in the research on development strategy, planning, policy and laws and regulations concerning nuclear energy after graduating from Tsinghua University in 1965. He once served as chief of education department of the former Ministry of Nuclear Industry, director of Economic Research Center for China’s Nuclear Industry and director of Science and Technology Committee of China Institute of Nuclear Information and Economics. He is lately engaged in the research on medium to long-term development planning of China’s nuclear power, major issues upon the development of nuclear fuel and the legislation of Atomic Energy Act, providing strategic support and consultancy for the State Council and nuclear companies.
Chapter 2: List of Interviewed Experts 第二章: 受访专家资料
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
LOU Yun (娄云) served as senior manager of China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN). He got his bachelor’s degree of Engineering Mechanics and MPA from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He has long-time experience of PR, publicity, brand management and public communication in nuclear industry. He’s also a member of working committee of the Eighth Council of Chinese Nuclear Society.
FANG Jinqing (方锦清) has been serving as researcher, Ph.D supervisor and consultant in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) after graduating from Engineering Physics major of Tsinghua University in 1964. He concentrated his research on heavy nuclides electromagnetic separation, plasma physics and high current ion optics from 1960s to 1980s, and transferred to interdisciplinary sciences like complexity science, nonlinear science, chaos control and synchronization and network science, and their application after 1980s. He is also responsible for projects like key researches supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and researches of overseas students sponsored by Ministry of Personnel. He’s been invited to visit more than 20 renowned universities in America, Australia, Europe and Asia, and also paid visit to the Center for Complex Quantum Systems in University of Texas and the International Solvay Institute in Brussels many times at invitation by the Nobel prize winner Ilya Prigogine. By far, Mr. Fang has published more than ten treatises(translations), and over 300 pieces of papers both at home and abroad.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 3: Background 第三章: 背景
Chapter 3: Background 第三章: 背景
According to BP Statistical Review of
of clean energy. However, to meet the goal
World Energy, China’s energy consumption
of increasing the proportion of non-fossil
increased by 2.6% in 2014, marking a record
fuel consumption to 15% in 2020 is pretty
low ever since 1994, but it still set a record
tough for China.
that China saw 14 consecutive years of growth in primary energy consumption. Study
As the reduction of coal consumption
suggests that China’s power consumption
cannot be perfectly substituted by any
would be doubled in the coming 30 years.
single kind of clean energy, it is necessary
Meanwhile, fossil fuel takes up a large
to diversify energy sources. Nuclear power,
proportion in China ’ s energy structure,
as a clean and efficient energy, is crucial to
with coal consumption accounting for 66%,
secure energy supply and optimize energy
which is 35.8 percentage points higher
structure. According to “Medium and Long-
than the world average, whereas non-fossil
term Development Plan for Nuclear Power
fuel accounts for only 11.2%. Of all the
(2011-2020)”, by 2020, the nuclear power
electricity generated, 74.94% came from
installed capacity of Mainland China is
coal-fired power plants. High proportion
expected to reach 58 million KW, installed
of fossil fuel (especially coal) consumption
capacity that is under construction 30 million
causes severe air pollution and poses higher
KW. This means that China will enhance its
pressure of reducing emission of greenhouse
development in nuclear power sector in the
gas. Therefore, to be in accordance with the
coming five years, with five to six nuclear
global requirements to reduce greenhouse
power units starting construction every year.
gas emission and effectively improve air quality, we must increase the consumption
Based on the analysis on China ’ s energy
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 3: Background 第三章: 背景
demand and energy structure, experts predict
there ’ s large room for China to further
that by 2030, China’s nuclear power installed
develop its nuclear power.
capacity will be over 100 million KW; by 2050, more than 200 million KW.
In order to promote the rapid development of China’s nuclear power sector, the Chinese
Although China ranks the fourth in nuclear
government has mapped out concrete
power installed capacity globally, nuclear
development plan and formulated a series
power only accounted for 3.01% of all
of specific policies and measures, including
the power generated in the country in
offering on-grid priority to nuclear power and
2015, which is a far cry from some other
offering preferential policies upon pricing
countries. For example, France has the
and taxing to nuclear power plants. In the
largest proportion of nuclear power, which
meantime, the country pays high attention to
is 75%. The United States, Russia, Germany
the nuclear safety and sets up independent
and Britain have a proportion of around
and effective security systems so as to ensure
20% reach. That in South Korea, Ukraine,
the safety of nuclear power is always under
Sweden and Belgium surpasses 30%. Thus,
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China's Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
According to the data of IAEA-PRIS, by
put into commercial operation with a total
January 5 th, 2016, there are 441 nuclear
installed capacity of 28.31GW (GW), 24
reactors in service and 66 under construction
units with 26.72GW capacity are under
around the globe, among which China has
construction. Among the above installations,
30 nuclear reactors in service (excluding
6 were newly put into commercial use in
Chinese Experimental Fast Reactors), with
2015, including Ling’ao Nuclear Unit No.1,
total installed capacity ranking No.4 in the
Hongyanhe Nuclear Unit No.3, Ningde
world; and 24 under construction, ranking
Unit No.3, Fuqing Unit No.3,Yangjiang
No.1 (The above data does not include that
Unit No.2, Fangjiashan Unit No.2 and
of Taiwan).
Fangchenggang Unit No.1.
4.1 Construction Situation of
And 2 units went into operation in January
Nuclear Power Plants
2016, including Yangjiang Unit No.3 and Fangchenggang Unit No.1 (See Table 1).
4.1.1 Progress of Construction
According to the statistics of China
Six started construction in 2015, including
Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA), in
Hongyanhe Unit No.5 and 6, Fuqing Unit
the mainland China, by the end of January
No.5 and 6, Fangchenggang Unit No.3 and
of 2016, 30 nuclear power units have been
Tianwan Unit No.5 (See Table 2).
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
Table 1 China’s 30 nuclear units under commercial operation Name of nuclear power plant (NPP)
Qinshan NPP
Operation time
Apr. 1994
Daya Bay NPP
Feb. 1994
Daya Bay NPP
May. 1994
Qinshan Phase II NPP
Apr. 2002
Qinshan Phase II NPP
May 2004
Qinshan Phase II NPP
Apr. 2011
Qinshan Phase II NPP
Feb. 2012
Ling’ao NPP
May 2002
Ling’ao NPP
Jan. 2003
Ling’ao NPP
Sept. 2010
Ling’ao NPP
Aug. 2011
Qinshan Phase III NPP
Dec. 2002
Qinshan Phase III NPP
Jul. 2003
Tianwan NPP
May 2007
Tianwan NPP
Aug. 2007
Hongyanhe NPP
Jun. 2013
Hongyanhe NPP
May 2014
Hongyanhe NPP
Aug. 2015
Ningde NPP
Dec. 2012
Ningde NPP
Aug. 2013
Ningde NPP
Jun. 2015
Fuqing NPP
Dec. 2013
Fuqing NPP
Oct. 2015
Yangjiang NPP
Mar. 2014
Yangjiang NPP
Jun. 2015
Yangjiang NPP
Jan. 2016
Fangjiashan NPP (expansion of Qinshan NPP)
Dec. 2014
Fangjiashan NPP (expansion of Qinshan NPP)
Feb. 2015
Changjiang NPP
Dec. 2015
Fangchenggang NPP
Jan. 2016
Note: Data collected by Jan. 31st, 2016
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
Table 2 China’s 24 nuclear units under construction Capacity
Nuclear power plant (NPP)
Tianwan NPP
Dec. 2012
Tianwan NPP
Sep. 2013
Tianwan NPP
Dec. 2015
Hongyanhe NPP
Aug. 2009
Hongyanhe NPP
Mar. 2015
Hongyanhe NPP
Jul. 2015
Ningde NPP
Sept. 2010
Fuqing NPP
Dec. 2010
Fuqing NPP
Nov. 2012
Fuqing NPP
May 2015
Fuqing NPP
Dec. 2015
Yangjiang NPP
Nov. 2012
Yangjiang NPP
Sept. 2013
Yangjiang NPP
Dec. 2013
Changjiang NPP
Nov. 2010
Sanmen NPP
Mar. 2009
Sanmen NPP
Dec. 2009
Haiyang NPP
Sept. 2009
Haiyang NPP
Jun. 2010
Taishan NPP
Nov. 2009
Taishan NPP
Apr. 2010
Fangchenggang NPP
Dec. 2010
Fangchenggang NPP
Dec. 2015
Shidao Bay NPP
Dec. 2012
Note: Data collected by Jan. 31st, 2016
Construction time
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
4.1.2 Options of Reactor Type and
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Technology In China, all the nuclear power units, both
Requested by the nuclear safety supervision
under commercial operation and under
departments, newly-built nuclear power
construction, are pressurized water reactors
units will mainly adopt the third-generation
except two heavy water reactors and one
nuclear power technology. Hualong-
high temperature gas cooled reactor. CPR
One, CAP1000 and CAP1400 will be the
1000 series type account for two thirds of
prevailing reactor types in future nuclear
China ’ s nuclear power units. CPR 1000
power plants. Hualong-One is the third-
series is an improved second-generation
generation nuclear reactor type indigenously
nuclear power technology developed by
developed by the Chinese scientists referring
Nuclear Power Institute of China on the
to the advanced international concept
basis of M310 tech of France, including
over the past 30 years of research, design,
M310+, CNP600, CPR1000, CNP1000, and
manufacturing, construction and operation.
Figure 1 Number of China’s nuclear power units under operation and construction of different types
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
4.1.3 Geographical Distribution of
increasing by year. The 28 units which
Nuclear Power Units
were put into commercial operation before
By the end of January 2016, a total of 54
the end of 2015 have the total installed
nuclear power units in mainland China were
capacity of 26.42737GW, which takes
put into operation and under construction
up 1.75% of the country ’ s total power
and they are located in 13 nuclear power
installed capacity. These units generated
bases in eight coastal provinces and region
168.993 billion KWh in 2015, which
(See Figure 2), with a combined installed
was 29.02% higher than that of 2014 and
capacity of 55GW.
accounted for 3.01% of the national total
Figure 2 Location of China’s nuclear power units
Operation of China’s Nuclear
Power Plants
electricity generation. In 2015, on-grid electricity generated by nuclear power units totaled 158.289 billion KWh and the
4.2.1 Power Generation
average available hours for using power
Since 2009, nuclear power generation
generation was 7279.28 hours with the
capacity and on-grid electricity have been
average utilization reaching 83.30%.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
Figure 3 China’s nuclear power generation and on-grid electricity in 2009-2015
Source: China Nuclear Energy Association
Table 3 China’s nuclear power generation by quarter in 2013-2015 Year
Unit quantity
Accumulative power generation
Ratio of national On-grid total
(TWH) 22.818
Source: China Nuclear Energy Association
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 4: Overview and Trend Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power Industry 第四章: 中国核电发展概况及近期趋势分析
4.2.2 Operation Safety of Nuclear
and the Medium-Long Term Development
Power Industry
Plan of Nuclear Power (2011-2020), and
China has maintained safe operation of
made specific arrangement to carry out
nuclear power units all the time and any
the policy of safe and efficient use of
accident above level 2 of INES did not occur.
nuclear power including steady restart of construction, rational distribution of new
According to the comprehensive ranking of
projects and increase of technological
WANO, the performance indexes of China’s
nuclear power units rank high and medium level and some of the units rank advanced
In December 2012, the Chinese government
level of the world.
greenlighted the construction of Tianwan Phase II Project. On March 10, 2015,
The location, design, manufacturing,
permission was granted to the construction
installation and debugging of nuclear power
of No.5 and No.6 units of Hongyanhe Phase
units are all well supervised to ensure the
II Project. This signals the restart of China’s
overall quality is trustworthy.
nuclear power sector has entered into a substantial stage.
Besides, radiation monitoring devices are set up around the power nuclear plants and
According to the Energy Development
through years of monitoring, the radiation
Strategic Action Plan (2014-2020), the total
level around is in the normal range.
installed capacity of nuclear power will reach 58GW and the capacity under construction
4.3 Development Tendency of
will be above 30GW by 2020. It is expected
China’s Nuclear Power Industry
that during 2016-2020 there will be 6-8
In October 2007, the State Council of
nuclear power units newly started each year.
China approved the Medium-Long Term
Development Plan of Nuclear Power
Under the strategy of “One Belt, One Road”
(2005-2020), in which the determination
initiatives, China has reached cooperation
of actively promoting the development
agreement with countries from Europe, South
of nuclear power was made. On October
America, Asia and Africa, which has created
24 th, 2012, the State Council approved the
a sound environment for China ’ s nuclear
Safety Plan of Nuclear Power (2011-2020)
power to “go overseas”.
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
After thirty years of practice, China has
consists of laws, administrative regulations,
formed its own nuclear power policy, namely
departmental rules, guidelines and technical
“to develop nuclear power on the basis of
documents. In May 2010, China’s National
ensuring safety”; and basic principle namely
Nuclear Safety Administration issued “Legal
“to put safety and quality at the first place”. On
System on Nuclear and Radiation Safety
March 25, 2014, China’s president Xi Jinping
(Five-Year Plan)” to guide the revision of laws
pointed out on the Third Nuclear Security
and regulations on nuclear safety. In recent
Summit held in Hague that China would firmly
five years, a total of 16 laws and regulations
strengthen its own ability to keep nuclear
were released, among which there were one
safety, continue to intensify governmental
regulation, two departmental rules and 13
supervision over nuclear safety, enhance the
technological research upon nuclear safety and human resources, and insist on cultivating
China currently has 126 laws and
and developing nuclear culture.
regulations on nuclear and radiation safety in force, among which there is one law,
Laws and Regulations and
seven administrative regulations, seven
Supervisors upon Nuclear Power Safety
departmental rules and 89 guidelines. As of March 2014, all provinces (except
5.1.1 Introduction of Laws and
for Taiwan), autonomous regions and
Regulations of Nuclear Safety Sector
municipalities had enacted regional formal
China ’ s legal system on nuclear safety
documents on nuclear and radiation safety
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
of different levels, 166 of which are
which will be China ’ s supreme laws on
currently in effect.
peaceful use of nuclear energy, are now under formulation. The draft of the two
“ The Atomic Energy Act of the People ’ s
laws was delivered to related law-making
Republic of China ” and “ Nuclear Safety
department in 2015 and it is expected to
Law of the People ’ s Republic of China ” ,
be officially published soon.
Table 4 China’s regulations and guidelines published in recent years No.
Regulations on Radiation Waste Safety
Dec. 12, 2011
Administrative Measures on Storage and Treatment of Radiation Solid Waste
Departmental rules
Dec. 30, 2013
Administrative Measures on Certificates of Nuclear and Radiation Inspectors
Departmental Rules
Dec. 30, 2013
Emergency Preparations and Responses of Nuclear Power Operators
Aug. 20, 2010
Emergency Preparations and Reponses of Nuclear Fuel Recycle Facility Operators
Aug. 20, 2010
Staff Employment, Training and Authorization of Nuclear Power Operators
May 24, 2013
Measures for Aging Units of Nuclear Power Plants
May 23, 2012
Measures on Research Reactors
Jun. 23, 2010
Measures on Maintenance, Regular Experiment and Check-up
Jun. 23, 2010
Measures on Reactor Core Regulation and Fuel Loading and Unloading
May 23, 2012
Measures on Location Choice for Treatment Facilities of High Radiation Waste
May 24, 2013
Measures on Retirement of γIrradiation Facilities
May 24, 2013
Pilot Measures on the Manufacturing of Simulators of Civil-use Nuclear Safety Equipments
May 24, 2013
14 over License Application for Installing Civil-use Nuclear Safety Guidelines
May 24, 2013
May 31, 2010
Jun. 9, 2014
Pilot Measures on Technological Requirements on Operators Equipment
Standard Form and Content Required for the Report of
15 Design Safety Appraisal of Container for Radiation Mate- Guidelines rial Transportation
Standard Form and Content Required for the Report of Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Radiation Materials
Publish time Serial number
Source: “Report on Regulations of Nuclear and Radiation Safety” issued by National Nuclear Safety Administration
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
5.1.2 Overview of Nuclear Safety
safety management of nuclear fuel cycle
Supervision Departments
facilities, nuclear materials transportation, radioactive wastes, radiation source, Uranium
The National Nuclear Safety Administration
mining and metallurgy and electromagnetic
of China (NNSA) was established in 1984,
which was entitled to independently supervise the civil-use nuclear facilities. In 1998,
Technical support organizations include
the NNSA was merged into the National
the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center of
Environmental Protection Administration.
MEP (NRSC), the Radiation Environmental
In 2008, the Ministry of Environmental
Monitoring Technology Center (REMTC),
Protection (MEP) was set up and NNSA
Suzhou Nuclear Safety Center, the Nuclear
was still kept.
Facility Safety and Reliability Center and Beijing Nuclear Safety Reviewing
NNSA is composed of the board authority,
Center. The six local supervision stations
six local supervision stations and technical
refer to the East, South, Southwest, North
support organizations. The board authority
Northeast and Northwest China Radiation
is composed of three operational divisions
Supervision Stations. The MEP has been
and an international cooperation office.
guiding 31 provincial-level environmental
The Nuclear Facility Safety Supervision
departments on supervising and monitoring
Department is in charge of policy making,
radiation safety and set up Nuclear Safety
planning, regulation standards and R&D,
and Environment Committee of Experts as
emergency management and radiation
the decision-making advisory body of NNSA.
monitoring, HR management and nuclear facility safety management. The Nuclear
Nowadays, more than 1000 staffs from
Power Safety Supervision Department is
the central governmental departments and
responsible for the administrative permission
nearly a total of 10,000 staffs nationwide
and supervision of nuclear safety, radiation
have been involved into the nuclear and
safety and radiation environmental protection
radiation supervision (nearly 100 from
of nuclear facilities such as nuclear power
NNSA, 330 from local stations, 600 from
plants, research-oriented reactors and critical
NRSC and 100 from REMTC). The nuclear
assemblies. The Radiation Source Safety
safety reviewing and supervising capability,
Supervision Department is in charge of the
which includes calculation and experimental
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
validation, site supervision and monitoring,
5.2.3 Superv ision of Nuclear
emergency response capabilities and
radiation environmental monitoring, was
The radiation environmental monitoring
fully developed.
system is launched nationwide and some supervision spots are distributed around
5.2 Main Activities of Nuclear
each nuclear power plant, which is also
Power Supervision
equipped with its own monitoring system. Thus, nuclear power plants are put under
5.2.1 Administrative Examination
monitoring for 24 hours a day. The MEP
and Approval
publishes daily radiation environmental
Any nuclear power plants and nuclear safety-
monitoring data at its official website for
related activities should be examined and
people to check out.
approved by the NNSA. NNSA conducts technological examination on nuclear safety
5.2.4 HR Management
for the location, construction, fuel charging,
NNSA carries out registration system
operation and retirement of nuclear power
over nuclear safety engineers by granting
plants. NNSA grants administrative license
certificates to nuclear safety equipment
to nuclear power plants only after they meet
welders and to operators of nuclear power
related regulations and standards.
plants, and implementing nuclear safety engineer examination. NNSA is also in
5.2.2 Supervision and Inspection
charge of granting certificates to inspectors
NNSA is responsible for safety inspection of
of nuclear and radiation safety supervision.
the whole process of the design, construction,
adjusting, operation and retirement of
nuclear power plants. Through daily, routine
Investigation and Treatment
and non-routine, and specific checks, all
The NNSA is in charge of appraisal of
nuclear-related activities are ensured to be
emergency response plans and inspection of
covered under national supervision. Besides,
daily emergency response preparations. The
NNSA also carries out in-base supervision
team building of nuclear emergency response of
over nuclear facilities produced by home
nuclear power plants is also under the guidance
manufacturers and also conducts safety
of NNSA, thus to ensure the effective operation
inspection of imported facilities.
of emergency response system.
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
China has built eight technical centers for
international one. Construction quality is
nuclear emergency response and related
fully under control. And the national nuclear
training system. A rescue team of nuclear
safety regulations and standards and the
emergencies composed of 320 staff is being
internationally prevailing regulations as well
formed to deal with serious nuclear accidents
are referred to when there are new projects
and take part in international nuclear rescue.
5.3 Safety Situation of Nuclear
As the safety level increases, challenges
Power Plants of China
follow. The various reactor types, techniques
China has kept a sound safety performance
and the coexistence of standards bring
of nuclear power units all the time and no
difficulties for management. The capability of
accidents above the level 2 of INES ever
risk mitigation when operating the facilities
occurred. And the supervision results show
is yet to be improved.
that the radiation level around nuclear power stations is in the normal range. According
5.4 Public Acceptance Analysis
to the comprehensive ranking of WANO, the performance indexes of China’s nuclear
5.4.1 Situation of Public Acceptance
power plants rank at high and medium level
The biggest barrier for the development of
and some units rank at advanced level of
nuclear power, as the techniques improve
the world.
and safety is maintained, is transferring from safety to public acceptance, which greatly
For example, 75 out of the 99 indexes of
influences the strategic making of the country
the 11 commercial nuclear power units of
and enterprises. And nuclear power projects
China General Nuclear Power Corporation
and enterprise are facing greater pressure
(CGN) ranked high and medium level, and
from media and the public. The Chinese
62 reached the world’s advanced level.
government also puts public opinions on nuclear-related projects into a higher level
The amount of nuclear power units under
in decision making.
construction in China accounts for one third of the global total. The quality control system
The Fukushima Nuclear Accident profoundly
is effectively operating and the construction
impacted the nuclear power industry of China.
technology is kept as the same level as the
Reports of media, which ceaselessly exposed
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 5: Nuclear Power Safety Supervision and Public Acceptance 第五章: 中国核电安全监管和公众接受度
even the tiniest details of the accident, have
experts and public in the acknowledgment of
caused panic among the public so enormous
risks. Experts assess risks through academic
that in some Chinese cities people would
quantification while the public judge by the
rush to purchase salt. Four days after the
social and psychological factors. Besides,
accident, the Chinese government announced
the lack of popularization of nuclear also
the “Four Acts” to adjust the nuclear power
leads to the public’s worries.
development plan, saying that nuclear power stations, whether in operation or under
For a long time, the nuclear power has
construction, must be fully inspected, and
impressed people so mysteriously that few
new projects are stopped being approved.
know much about it. Although only three
And new projects are banned for construction
major accidents occurred in the world, they
during the 12 Five-Year Plan (2011-2015)
are far enough for people to fear.
in the inland of China. Therefore, it is vital for China to improve
5.4.2 Factors Influencing Public
the public acceptance for the development
of nuclear power. Chinese nuclear power
The factors influencing public acceptance
enterprises have been looking for effective
are quite implicated and often vary. The
way to communicate with the public and build
essential concern comes from people ’ s
up transparent communication mechanism
uncertainty of nuclear power safety and
to advocate reasonable attitude towards
waste treatment. However, investigation
nuclear power. After years’ experiences, a
shows that the improvement of nuclear
set of strategies has been formed in China,
techniques does not reduce their worries
including identifying the key interest
and is not enough to change their attitude.
parties, taking initiative actions, ensuring
The reason is there is a gap between the
transparency and making assessment.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用
Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用
6.1 Demand Analysis on Nuclear
and also arouses domestic and international
Fuel Industry
Nuclear fuel used by pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants is offered by
The natural uranium consumed by pressurized
specific nuclear fuel manufacturers and the
water reactor (PWR) nuclear plant consists
main raw material for nuclear fuel is natural
of two parts: First loading of a newly-built
unit and reloading of an operational unit. A gigawatt-class unit requires 400 tons
China ’ s nuclear power industry has seen
of natural uranium for the first loading
large-scale development. The natural
and 175 tons for reloading each year. For
uranium consumption reaches about
example, in 2015, the installed capacity of
10,000 tons for a gigawatt-class nuclear
operational units totaled 19GW, and newly-
unit throughout its life cycle of 60 years
built units capacity 7GW, which means the
or above and about 20,000 tons of uranium
uranium demand for reloading is 3325 tons
resources are needed for this.
(19.00 × 175) and that for first loading is 2800 tons (7.00×400), making the overall
Thus, the large scale development of nuclear
demand 6,125 tons. It always takes two to
power industry requires a good deal of
three years to make natural uranium into fuel,
natural uranium. However, whether China
so this means the demand in 2015 needs to
could ensure the long-term supply of natural
be fulfilled in 2012. According to this, China
uranium is a major issue encountering the
will need 14,000 tons of natural uranium
development of nuclear power industry,
in 2020.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用
6.2 Natural Uranium Supply and
not been changed obviously. So in order
Oversea Uranium Exploitation
to meet China’s natural uranium need, the
China is one of the countries in the world
government should make good use of both
that are rich in uranium resources, with
domestic and international markets.
350 uranium ore deposits proven and 320 predicting areas, which has a total of about
From the beginning of 21st century, Chinese
2.1 million tons of uranium resources. Thus,
enterprises have imported a certain number
the uranium reserves of China can meet the
of natural uranium and low enriched
requirements of about 100GW nuclear units.
uranium from overseas through contracts and agreements. From 2009 to 2013, China
From reserves to natural uranium, there is a
imported 70,000 tons of natural uranium,
series of procedures. According to the data
accounting for about 25% of global
from World Nuclear Association (WNA),
production. The imported natural uranium
the output of natural uranium in 2014 was
is used not only for nuclear units, but also
1500 tons in China, ranking ninth globally.
for strategic reserves. In line with current
In the coming several years, China’s natural
agreements, China will import around 10,000
uranium output will continue to grow, which
tons of natural uranium each year by 2020.
is expected to reach 5000 tons per year. However, compared to China’s huge uranium
In recent years, some Chinese nuclear power
demand, domestic natural uranium capacity
enterprises such as CNNC actively expanded
still cannot meet the development need of
oversea market of uranium resources, and
the nuclear power industry.
cooperated with Niger, Namibia, Australia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Zimbabwe to
Looking at some countries (eg. the U.S.,
exploit uranium by means of share right
France, Japan and South Korea) that are
transfer, merger and so on. After 2020, China
experienced in nuclear power, the natural
will get more than 7000 tons of share uranium
uranium supply for nuclear units comes
output from overseas every year.
not from the domestic market, but the
international markets. The basic pattern that
China is enforcing “ The Three Great
“nuclear power producing countries do not
Strategies ” in the sector of natural
produce uranium while uranium producing
uranium supply. First is innovation-
ones do not produce nuclear power ” has
driven development, that is, to further
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用
expand the investment in technology, to
the development of more advanced
complete the technical support system,
technologies such as fast reactors.
to cultivate high-level creative talents and to improve the ability of efficient
6.3 Overview of Nuclear Fuel
exploitation and indigenous innovation.
Processing Industry
Second is construction of large bases for
The fuel to be “ignited” in nuclear reactor
natural uranium, namely, to build several
is low-enriched uranium fuel assembly.
environment-friendly uranium mines that
Natural uranium needs to undergo uranium
are of thousand-ton capacity to secure
conversion, enrichment and manufacturing
domestic supply. Third, further strategic
process to finally become fuel assembly.
cooperation with foreign countries, especially “One Belt, One Road” countries:
China ’ s nuclear fuel processing industry
to cooperate with Kazakhstan, Russia,
started in 1960s, which mainly served the
Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Czech, Mongolia
national defense. Since 1980s, this industry
and African countries in many ways,
witnessed great progress both in technology
expanding cooperation in nuclear energy
and scale with the development of nuclear
and nuclear fuel supply to promote common
power industry. Up to the end of 2015, the
production capacity of uranium conversion and enrichment was three times higher than
On the whole, before 2000, China’s uranium
that of 2010, and the production capacity of
supply exceeded demand, the spare capacity
fuel assembly was four times higher than
and imported uranium needed to be reserved.
that of 2010, which satisfied the needs of
From 2020 to 2030, though China’s nuclear
the development of China’s nuclear power
power generation is expected to exceed
100GWh, the demand of natural uranium can still be guaranteed by domestic production,
Meanwhile, the processing technology has
international trade, overseas exploitation and
also seen significant progress. The first
strategic reserves. After 2030, China will
AP1000 assembly line for nuclear fuel was
make an overall consideration according to
established. A great breakthrough has been
the development scale, technical route and
made in the research and industrialization of
domestic and international environment.
CF fuel assembly which China has indigenous
There are primary solutions so far, including
intellectual property right. Mastering the
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
technology of China Experimental Fast
Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用
90Sr, 137Cs and 99Tc.
Reactor, China has established a nuclear fuel production line of high temperature
The after-treatment of spent fuel is to separate
gas cooled reactor, which is the first one of
uranium, plutonium and fission products by
industrial scale in the world. The capacity is
means of chemical process. The recycled
enough to meet the fuel demand of domestic
uranium and plutonium can be used again
nuclear power plants and reactors.
and again in the reactor to generate much more power. The full use of uranium also
By far, the processing enterprises are almost
helps the treatment of the wastes.
subordinated to CNNC and mainly located in central and west China. While further
There are two cycle approaches for the
enhancing and optimizing the capacity
treatment of spent fuel. One is “ open
to realize industrial transformation and
cycle ” which is to send the spent fuel to
upgrading, CNNC is also planning to adjust
the underground to be treated. The other is
the ability structure and to build intensive
“ closed cycle ” which is to conduct after-
nuclear fuel industrial park alongside
treatment for spent fuel, separating uranium,
southeast coastal areas near to nuclear
plutonium and fission products. China
power plants. “One Plan and Step-by-step
decided to adopt “closed cycle” approach
Implementation ” policy will be adopted
and planned to establish after-treatment
by the park to focus on the construction
plants and matched MOX fuel manufacturers
of processing facilities, fulfilling one-stop
around 2030 to create conditions for the
service for the processing of nuclear fuels
recycle of spent fuel.
to improve the industry ’ s international competitiveness.
It is estimated that by 2030, the cumulative spent fuel production of China’s PWR will
6.4 Treatment and After-treatment
reach 23,500 tons. Due to the limited pools
for Spent Fuel
of after-treatment plants, the spent fuel needs
The fuel unloaded after the reaction in
to be processed little by little, thus a large
the reactor is called spent fuel, which still
number of them have to be stored away from
contains unspent 235U, newly formed 239Pu,
reactor first and be processed later.
transuranic like neptunium, americium and curium, as well as radioactive elements like
Away-from-reactor (AFR) fuel storage
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 6: Nuclear Fuel Supply and Recycle in China 第六章: 中国核燃料供应及循环利用
includes two types: wet storage and dry
6.5 Disposal of Radioactive Waste
storage. Wet storage is to store and cool
Deep disposal is to build a cavern in deep
down the spent fuel in the pool. Dry storage
geological bodies to separate the radioactive
is to store the spent fuel in special facilities
waste, which is considered the most feasible
and cool down it by ventilation. Currently
way to dispose the waste. Caverns are always
the adoption ratio of the two approaches
built either deep under the ground or deep
is half and half in the world, but more and
under mines. The former is always as deep
more nuclear plants are inclined to adopt
as several thousands of meters while the
dry storage.
latter 300-1500 meters.
To date, the spent fuel of China’s PWR is all
In 2003, China enacted “ Radioactive
stored in pools. Some plants have extra pools
Pollution Control Act ” to regulate the
established around them to serve as storage
management upon radioactive waste. In
pools besides reactor pools. Because of the
November 2011, the State Council executive
limited pool capacity, China is also studying
meeting passed “ Safety Management
dry storage and relevant facilities recently to
Regulations on Radioactive Waste” to further
meet the storage needs. The government has
complete disposal procedures and strengthen
already approved the proposal of building
the safety supervision upon waste disposal
AFR dry fuel storage and facilities in Daya
and unlawful act. The government plans
Bay nuclear power plant and Tianwan nuclear
to finish the establishment of underground
power plant, and will openly call for bids in
radioactive waste disposal cavern and put
the first half year of 2016.
it into operation around 2025.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 7: Research Situation of China’s Nuclear Reactor and Technical Route of Nuclear Power 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研 现状以及核电技术路线
Chapter 7: Latest Developments on China's Nuclear Reactors and Technical Routes for Nuclear Power Generation 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研现状以及核电技术路线
7.1 Current Situation of HTGR Research,
in National Medium and Long-Term Plan
Demonstration Projects and Follow-up
for Science and Technology Development
(2006-2020) as key national projects.
The High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) stands out because of its high thermal
Shidao Bay HTGR Plant, co-invested by
efficiency, high burnup and high conversion
Huaneng Group, Tsinghua University and
ratio. Helium is a safe gas because its eminent
China Nuclear E & C Group, is the first
stability and heat transfer performance and
modularized HTGR nuclear power plant
its less induced radio activity enables it to
in the world that is equipped with the
safely bring out the excess heat after shut-
generation-four nuclear power safety system.
down. China’s research on HTGR started
A 200-megawatt unit is in planning. The
in mid-1980s. In December of 2000, the
construction of the pilot project of Shidao
10MW HTGR reached critical condition
Bay nuclear power plant started at the end
and in January 2003 reached its full power
of 2012 and will be put into operation in
and started grid generation. This meant that
late 2017.
China had mastered the core technologies of
designing and running HTGR and reached the
In May 2015, the feasibility report of the
advanced level. In January 2006, the State
Ruijin Project in Jiangxi province submitted
Council listed the “Large-scale Advanced
by China Nuclear E & C Group, which is
PWR and HTGR Demonstration Project ”
to be constructed into a commercial HTGR
Chapter 7: Research Situation of China’s Nuclear Reactor and Technical Route of Nuclear Power 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研 现状以及核电技术路线
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
plant with 600-megawatt capacity, was
7.3 R&D Situation of Compact
approved by the expert committee. The
first-stage project with two 2 units will start
Compact nuclear power unit is the one that
construction in 2017.
generates at the power of less than 300MW. It can be categorized, by technical routine,
7.2 Progress and Follow-up Project
into Light Water Reactor (LWR), High
of China’s Experimental Fast
Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR),
Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactor (LMCFR)
Fast reactor can improve the utilization
and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR). LWR is the
rate of uranium to 60-70%, compared
main representative.
to the 1% of pressurized water reactor (PWR). This is of great significance for
Recently, the compact nuclear power
the stable development of nuclear power.
unit attracted most countries, especially
It can also transmutate the enduring wastes
developing countries due to its limited
generated by PWR, making nuclear power
initial investment, short construction cycle
more environment-friendly.
and efficiency in electricity transmission. In the first years of 21st century, the IAEA
China ’ s experimental fast reactor started
declared its support toward the compact
construction in May 2000, and reached
nuclear power unit just because of being safe,
critical condition for the first time on July
reliable, economical and non-proliferating.
21 st, 2010, making China the 8 th country with fast reactor technology. On July 21 st,
Nowadays, the CNNC and CGNPG are
2011, it successfully joined the national
both carrying out R&D of compact unit. It
power grid. This project was implemented
is forecast that the pilot project will start
by China Institute of Atomic Energy.
construction in 2017 and be completed around 2020. The compact unit can offer
The thermal power of this reactor is 65MW
reliable and stable power for offshore oil-
and the experimental power is 20MW. Its
gas field and island development.
parameters and systematic settings are close to commercial fast reactor, which
7.4 R&D on Other Advanced
is appropriate to be developed into
commercial use.
The generation four nuclear power system is
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 7: Research Situation of China’s Nuclear Reactor and Technical Route of Nuclear Power 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研 现状以及核电技术路线
advanced in its safety, economical efficiency
first generation technology included the plant
and environment-friendship. It generates
of graphitite boiling water reactor of 5MW
few wastes and stops nuclear diffusion.
built up by the former Soviet Union in 1954,
The whole world is keen on its research and
the natural uranium graphite reactor plant of
development of this system.
45MW by Britain in 1956 and the prototype PWR plant of 60MW by U.S. in 1956.
China has completed the first-stage research of super-critical water-cooled reactor
Second-generation technology was developed
(SCWR) technology which is crucial for
on the basis of the first generation and it
the following design and experiment. The
greatly promoted the commercialization and
technological routine has been proposed
standardization of nuclear power industry.
along with the design and material selection
PWR, BWR and PHWR are all invented
scheme of CSR 1000, a SCWR of gigawatt
by the help of the second-generation
capacity. China has also completed the basic
technology. The power level was also
research of key technologies and initially
drastically improved. The accident of Three
built a platform of design and experimental
Mile Island and Chernobyl catalyzed the
turnout of improved second-generation nuclear power plants, whose main features
Besides, the Thorium Molten Salt Reactor
were the addition of hydrogen control system
Nuclear Energy System (TMSR) is under
and containment pressure relief devices that
R&D in Shanghai Institute of Applied
improved the safety performance. Most of
Physics and it’s striving for the buildup of
the nuclear power plants in the world under
the world’s first solid fuel TMSR of 10MW
opration belong to the second generation.
and a liquid fuel TMSR of 2MW before 2020. The third-generation plant, equipped with
7.5 Situation and Prospect of China’s
PWRs and meeting the standards of URD
Nuclear Power Technological
and EUR, is much safer and more power
efficient. The technologies adopted by the
The first-generation nuclear power
third-generation advanced PWR plant are
technology (early prototype reactor) is
mainly ABWR and System80+, AP600,
developed to test the feasibility of nuclear
AP1000, EPR, ACR. AP1000 of US and
power construction. Examples adopting the
EPR of France are the examples.
Chapter 7: Research Situation of China’s Nuclear Reactor and Technical Route of Nuclear Power 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研 现状以及核电技术路线
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Like other countries in the world, most of
mature plant design method was adopted
the nuclear plants in China under operation
in designing reactor coolant system and
belong to the second generation. In April
facilities; non-dynamic design is simplified
2015, the State Council put forward the
to raise safety and economy standards;
plan of developing the third generation in
modularized technologies are applied in
the future. In 2015, the Hualong-One pilot
emergency prevention system and control
projects of No.5 and 6 units of Fuqing
system designs.
Nuclear Power Plant and No.3 and 4 units of Fangchenggang Nuclear plant power were
7.5.2 Hualong-One
started, symbolizing that the third generation
CGNPC and CNNC initiated ACPR 1000+
was replacing the second.
and ACP1000 respectively, and they codeveloped “Hualong-One” technology, the
By far, the third generation plants under
self-developed third generation nuclear
construction in China are AP1000, Hualong-
power technology. On August 22nd, 2014,
One, CAP1400, EPR and VVER.
the technical scheme of the “Hualong-One” technology was approved by the expert
7.5.1 AP1000
panel organized by NEA and NNSA. In
AP1000 is developed by Westinghouse as a
2015, construction of pilot projects with
“Non-Dynamic Type of PWR Technology”
“Hualong-One” technology in No.5 and 6
and is a leading technology in the world.
units of Fuqing Nucler Power Plant and No.3
China will import the AP1000 in 2017 and
and 4 units of Fangchenggang Nuclear Power
build up two AP1000 units separately in
Plant were started.
Sanmen of Zheijiang province and Haiyang of Shandong province as the support projects
The maturity, safety and economical efficiency
of the Chinese third-generation technology
of “ Hualong-One ” technology reaches
and the State Nuclear Power Technology
the technical requirements of the third-
Corporation (SNPTC) will adopt the
generation and China possesses proprietary
advanced technology. The two projects are
intellectual property in key technologies
postponed today but are predicted to be
in design, equipment manufacturing and
connected to the national grid in 2017.
operation maintenance. The “ HualongOne” technology proposes the safety design
The design features of AP1000 include: the
notion of “combining the dynamic and non-
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 7: Research Situation of China’s Nuclear Reactor and Technical Route of Nuclear Power 第七章: 中国核反应堆科研 现状以及核电技术路线
dynamic” and fully implements the principle
innovated by the State Nuclear Power
of defense in depth by adopting reactor core
Technology Corporation through adopting
with 177 fuel assemblies, multiple safety
and upgrading the non-dynamic technology
system, single core attribution and double
of AP1000. It has been listed among the
barrier containment.
major projects of nuclear power development of China. The No.1 and 2 units of Shidao Bay
7.5.3 CAP1400
pilot project with CAP 1400 in Rongcheng,
CAP1400 is a non-dynamic PWR unit
Shandong province, is to be approved
with greater power that was indigenously
Chapter 8: “Going Overseas” Status of China’s Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电“走出去”状况
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 8: “Going Out” Status of China's Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电“走出去”状况
8.1 Analysis of Global Nuclear
develop economy and improve people ’ s
Power Market
living standards. Therefore, nuclear power
After the Fukushima accident, the global
has become a crucial supplement for energy
nuclear power industry gradually went
pinch in these countries.
through the bad times. Apart from China, America, Britain, Russia, India and South
However, with the recovery of global nuclear
Korea, building nuclear power plants has
power industry, intense international market
been put on agenda for countries like Belarus,
competition is coming. Both experienced
UAE, Egypt, Bangladesh, Jordan, Lithuania,
countries like Japan and Russia and late-
Poland, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam, some
comers like China and South Korea are all
of which have already started to build their
expanding international market. China is
first nuclear power plant.
also actively taking “Going Out” strategy and has signed cooperation contracts with
In the meantime, the structure of the global
Pakistan, Britain, France, Romania, South
nuclear power market has been changed,
Africa, Argentina, Turkey, Egypt, Kenya,
with its focus transferring from developed
Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Armenia. Some of
countries to emerging market. Developed
the projects have already been carried out.
countries almost have no room to increase energy demand with developed economy
8.2 Favorable Situation and
while emerging countries have a strong
Challenges for “Going Out” Strategy
energy demand because they need to
China has thirty years of experience in
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 8: “Going Overseas” Status of China’s Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电“走出去”状况
constructing and managing nuclear power
5 million jobs and production value of 3
plants, but has just started the “Going Out”
trillion yuan. Thus, the “One Belt, One Road”
strategy, thus in the face of complicated
initiatives have become the drive for China’s
international situation and strong competitors,
nuclear power industry to “go overseas”.
China will meet lots of challenges as well as opportunities.
Thirdly, the safety of China’s self-developed technology is at the same level as the
8.2.1 Favorable Situation
international standard, but more economical,
Firstly, the “Going Out” strategy has become
which is its core advantage. For example,
a national strategy. It is also an important
“Hualong-One” reactor increased its core
topic in the bilateral political and economic
number from 157 to 177, improving the
interactions between China and its potential
generated power by 5-10%. Being more
nuclear power importers. State leaders even
economical, it reduced the power density
recommend China’s nuclear power brands
and melt probability of the cores, and also
personally during state visits, seeking for
the probability of releasing radioactive
international cooperation.
substances. Study shows that nuclear power units that possess safety and economical
Secondly, the “One Belt, One Road” initiatives
efficiency have more huge business
also bring great commercial opportunities
for China’s nuclear power to “Going Out”.
There are more than 60 countries alongside
Last but not least, the innovative technology
the “One Belt, One Road”, most of which are
provides powerful support to the “ Going
underdeveloped countries. These countries
Out ” of China ’ s nuclear power. For
are laggard in infrastructure and need to
example, “Hualong-One” has already been
develop their economies, which have strong
used in Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant and
demand for power investment. So some of
Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant already
these countries are making or have already
under construction. Advanced pressurized
made development plans for nuclear power
water reactor CAP1400 has passed state
industry. Statistics show that the “One Belt,
appraisal and is ready for construction.
One Road” countries will establish more than
China’s high temperature gas cooled 600MW
200 new nuclear power units till 2030 and
pilot reactor now under construction has
even 20% of the market share could create
got attention from emerging nuclear power
Chapter 8: “Going Overseas” Status of China’s Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电“走出去”状况
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
countries. These are all proof that China’s
8.3 Prospect Analysis on “Going
nuclear power technology is becoming more
Out” Strategy
and more developed, which will uphold the
The “Going Out” strategy for China’s nuclear
“Going Out” strategy.
power is quite promising. In the coming ten years, foreign countries will construct 60 to
8.2.2 Challenges
70 new nuclear power units, with 30 to 40
China also faces enormous challenges
units decommissioning and 20 to 30 units
for its nuclear power to “ Going Out ” .
prolonging their operation life. Newly-built units in “ One Belt, One Road ” or along
Firstly, China sees intense competition
countries will take up 80% of that of the
from international nuclear power market,
world, which provides broad development
because Russia, America, France, Japan
space for the “Going Out” of China’s nuclear
and South Korea are also recommending
their technologies to nuclear power importing countries.
By far, progress is witnessed in the China ’s cooperation with Pakistan, Britain, Argentina,
S e c o n d l y, i t f a c e s c h a l l e n g e s f r o m
Egypt and South Africa. Cooperation with
technical aspect. Developed countries
Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Sudan, Jordan and
like Britain are very demanding for
Romania is in planning. And Thailand,
technology, entering British market
Indonesia, Kenya and Kazakhstan are all
requires passing GDA which not only
interested in “Hualong-One”.
costs a lot of material and financial resources, but also takes at least five
The “Going Out” of China’s nuclear power is
years to do technical preparations.
a long-term strategy as well as a progressive development. The third generation of China’s
Thirdly, China needs to further improve
self-developed unit is still at beginning
the internationa l rec ognition o f i t s
stage, so currently China needs some time
nuclear power standards. Overseas
to accumulate experience and continually
investment risk and financing cost are
improve the capability of indigenous
also the factors for China to take into
innovation, laying a solid foundation for
the “Going Out” of China’s nuclear power.
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析
Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China's Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析
9.1 Investment Situation of China’s
overseas. The localization rate of equipment
Nuclear Power Plants
in nuclear island and conventional island
9.1.1 Situation Before 2010
were respectively 10% and 15%, and the
Before 2010, 10 nuclear power plants were
cost was lowered to 1,762 US dollars per
put into operation in China, with the cost
of 1,386 to 2,068 US dollars per kilowatt. As for Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant, Russia
Of all the 10 plants, Daya Bay Nuclear Power
took all the technical responsibility as well as
Plant was China’s first commercial one that
the design of conventional island, the supply
is of gigawatt capacity, whose equipment
of equipment and the preoperational test
was imported from France and Britain. Due
of the plant. China was responsible for the
to the shortage of constructing experience,
management of its construction, construction,
most of the plants were constructed by
procurement of some of the equipment, part
foreign companies. So the cost was pretty
of the design and the installation of most
high, which was about 2,068 US dollars per
part of the plant. The cost at that time was
1,510 US dollars per kilowatt.
The situation for Ling ’ ao Nuclear Power
The phase II of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant
Plant was better. The plant was constructed
was indigenously designed and constructed
and partly designed by China itself
by China itself. The localization of the
(with consultations provided by foreign
equipment used was up to 55% and the cost
companies), with equipment imported from
was 1,386 US dollars per kilowatt, which is
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析
the lowest in investment for nuclear power
13,000 yuan per kilowatt.
9.1.3 Investment of China’s The phase III of Qinshan Nuclear Power
Generation Three Nuclear Power
Plant used heavy water reactors which was
undertook by Atomic Energy of Canada.
There are nine units under construction that
The cost was 1,923 US dollars per kilowatt.
adopt the third generation nuclear power technology, which are Sanmen Nuclear
To conclude, before 2010, China’s nuclear
Power Plant (2×1.25GW, adopting American
power plants were small-scale, diversified
AP1000), Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant
in unit types, and had low proportion of
(2×1.25GW), Taishan Nuclear Power Plant
indigenous technology and equipment. But
(2×1.75GW, adopting French EPR), No.5 and
localization can reduce the cost, which was
No.6 nuclear units of Fuqing Nuclear Power
shown in Qinshan phase II project.
Plant (adopting Chinese Hualong-One) and No.3 nuclear unit of Fangchenggang Nuclear
9.1.2 Situation after 2010
Power Plant. Besides, there are also units
The investment cost for nuclear power plants
that meet the basic standards of the third
which were put into operation after 2010
generation technology, like No.5 and No.6
was calculated with Chinese RMB of yuan.
nuclear units of Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant and No.5 and No.6 nuclear units of
In September 2010, unit No.1 of the phase
Hongyanhe Nuclear Power Plant.
II of Ling’ao Nuclear Power Plant was put into operation. The phase II which adopted
The average cost of Sanmen Nuclear Power
CGNPC’s self-developed brand CPR1000
Plant and Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant is
was designed, manufactured, constructed
over 20,000 yuan per kilowatt. AP1000 was
and operated all by China itself. After that,
adopted for the first time in the world, so
from 2012 to 2015, nine CPR1000 units in
foreign technology and project delay are the
nuclear plants of Ningde, Hongyanhe and
main reason of the high cost.
Yangjiang were put into operation. Besides, four M310-modified units and three CNP600
9.1.4 Cost Comparison with Other
units were also put into operation. The
average investment of these units was around
The cost of investment increased after China
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析
adopted the third generation technology in
of current policies, the price of electricity
the construction of nuclear power plants.
generated by nuclear power plants that
However, compared to the plants in other
were put into operation before 2013 is set
countries, the cost in China is still the lowest.
according to its investment and expecting
According to the newly released “Nuclear
profit, which means each plant has the right
Technology Roadmap 2015” by IEA-NEA,
to set electricity price of its own. While for
the average overnight cost of China’s nuclear
those plants put into operation after January
power plants is about 3,500 US dollars per
1, 2013, the on-grid electricity price was
kilowatt, that of Europe 5,500 US dollars
fixed at 0.43 yuan per kilowatt as benchmark
per kilowatt. That in the United States is
on-grid price. The government will adjust
10% lower than that in Europe, while at least
the benchmark price in terms of variation
30% higher than that in China, 25% higher
of technology, cost and market supply and
than South Korea.
9.2 Economic Analysis on China’s
In accordance with related state policy,
Nuclear Power
nuclear power is prior to coal power when it
The characteristics of nuclear power are:
comes to set on grid. For years, the generation
fixed cost is high while variable cost is low.
load remains at a high level of over 85%,
Fuel cost takes up 17% of the total cost,
which is the main reason that nuclear power
plus the processing cost of spent fuel (0.026
is profitable.
yuan/kw), it accounts for 25% of total cost. In 2015, China’s power consumption stepped
Factors affecting the economical efficiency
into a new phase, with generation load of
of nuclear power are: electricity sale price,
all kinds seeing reduction. In the meantime,
utilization hours, construction cost, interest
China released new power reform policy to
rate, exchange rate, nuclear fuel cost, labor
open appropriately the side of electricity
cost and processing cost of spent fuel, etc.
sales, which would bring some uncertainties
The main affecting factors are electricity sale
to the generation load and electricity price
price, construction cost and generation load.
of nuclear power plants.
The on-grid price of nuclear power is
At present, China has two nuclear power unit
supervised by the government. In terms
operators: China Guangdong Nuclear Power
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析
Co., Ltd. (CGNPC) and China National
plus technology which were put into
Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (CNNCC). CGNPC
operation after 2013 is 0.43 yuan/kwh
has 16 nuclear units in operation, with a total
(tax included), which is lower than local
installed capacity of 16.92GW. CNNCC has
benchmark electricity price and shows the
14 units in operation with a total installed
competitiveness of nuclear power.
capacity of 11.60GW. Statistics show that the net profit rate of CGNPC averaged to
9.3.2 Nuclear Power, Wind Power
30% during 2011 to 2014, returns on assets
& Photovoltaic Power
averaged to more than 4%, which indicates
The specific investment of wind power and
a favorable economic efficiency.
photovoltaic power is pretty the same as that of nuclear power, but they are hugely
9.3 Economic Efficiency Comparison
affected by natural conditions and have
of Different Power Technologies
yearly effective on-grid hours of 1,500 to 2,000 hours. Nuclear power is more stable
9.3.1 Nuclear Power & Coal Power
which has yearly on-grid hours of over 7,000.
Nuclear power industry has tiny influence
The intermittent supply of wind power and
on the environment, because nuclear power
photovoltaic power needs to be adjusted
plants do not emit air pollutants like SO 2
by coal power and pneumoelectric, etc,
and PM. A gigawatt-level nuclear power
which increases the cost of grid operation.
plant would help to reduce the emission 6
What’s more, China’s wind power and solar
million tons of CO2 compared with a coal-
power resources are concentrated in the west
fired power plant of the same level. The cost
and northeast part of China, so the power
of coal-fired power consists of processing
generated needs to be transmitted by long-
fees of desulphuration, denitration and
distance grid. But currently, China does not
dedusting, but does not consist of the cost of
have enough long-distance grids, which
collection and disposal of CO2, while the cost
makes wind power and photovoltaic power
of nuclear power includes the treatment cost
enterprises face the problem that more and
of decommissioned units and after-treatment
more power produced by them is abandoned.
cost of spent fuel. At present, the cost of wind power and On-grid price of electricity generated by
photovoltaic power is higher than that of
nuclear power plants with second generation
nuclear power. According to OECD’s study
Section Two: China Nuclear Power Survey Report 第二部分: 中国核电调查报告
Chapter 9: Economic Analysis on China’s Nuclear Power 第九章: 中国核电经济性分析
in 2010, the cost of nuclear power in Europe
rate of key equipment. Practice indicates that
was 1/5.3 of that of photovoltaic power, 1/1.8
localization rate is the key influencing factor
of that of wind power and 1/1.2 of that of
in nuclear power investment. The first batch
coal power. As for China, the cost of nuclear
of third generation nuclear power plants with
power is 1/4.7 of that of photovoltaic power
a relatively high investment can increase their
and 1/2.1 of that of wind power. Although
generation by improving load and prolonging
the cost of photovoltaic power was largely
operating life so as to guarantee the profit,
reduced during the past five years due to
while the follow-up third generation ones can
technology improvement, it is still higher
maintain their economic efficiency through
than nuclear power. So photovoltaic power
increasing the localization rate of design and
and wind power need fiscal subsidies to
equipment, management capability and the
help them to make profits and their on-
number of units.
grid electricity price is higher than that of nuclear power. Though now nuclear power
In the long run, coal-fired power will
does not have fiscal subsidy and undertakes
gradually be restricted. And wind power and
benchmark price, nuclear power has a long-
solar power cannot take the responsibility
term profitability.
of on-grid load in the short term. Due to the competitive strength of nuclear power
After twenty years of development, China’s
in terms of both cost-effectiveness and
nuclear power industry has developed its
flexibility to grid, economic efficiency of
own technology of design and construction
nuclear power is expected to further increase
and also seen an increase in the localization
if being constructed on a large scale.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Section Three:
Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分:
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
Chapter 1: China's Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Out Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略 ZHANG Huazhu Chairman of China Nuclear Energy Association
张华祝 中国核能行业协会理事长
Thirty years into the development of nuclear
Four projects were launched between 1996
power since its initiation in 1985, China has
and 2000 with a total of eight nuclear power
forged ahead with both indigenous R&D and
units, including two 650,000KW nuclear
introduction of foreign technologies.
power units designed and constructed indigenously for Phase Two of Qinshan
In 1985, China began indigenous design and
Nuclear Power Plant; Ling’ao Nuclear Power
construction of Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant
Plant built with French technologies; heavy
-- a 300MW pressurized water reactor (PWR)
water reactor (HWR) nuclear power plant
nuclear power unit; in 1987, construction
built with Canadian technologies for Qinshan
began for Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant
Phase Three; and Tianwan Nuclear Power
which adopted the French technologies and
Plant built with Russian technologies. These
equipment -- two 900MW PWR nuclear
projects were brought to fruition between
power units. The three units were completed
2002 and 2007.
and commissioned successively between 1991 and 1994.
Since the beginning of the second Five-Year
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
Plan period in the 21st century, China’s nuclear
Since connection to the grid of Qinshan
power development has been scaled up both
Nuclear Power Plant, the first of its kind
in terms of quality and quantity. Due to the
indigenously designed and constructed by
ripple effects of Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear
China, China has registered a cumulative 177
Incident, China had slowed its pace in the
reactor-years (a year of a reactor’s operation
past four years, but we are now restoring the
is referred to as a reactor-year) of operation
previous growth momentum. In the span of
with a good safety record.
a decade since December 2005, altogether 45 new nuclear power units were approved
To sum up, all together there are 56 nuclear
for construction by the Chinese government,
power units in operation, under construction
including 32 upgraded Generation-two units
or approved for construction, which are
(28 million KW units and four 650,000KW
located at 13 plant sites in eight provinces
units), one high temperature gas cooled
including Liaoning in the north and Hainan
reactor (HTGR) demonstration project
in the south and play a significant role in
unit, four AP1000 units, two EPR units,
economic, social as well as green and low-
two VVER units and four Hualong-One
carbon development in coastal areas of east
units). Following a decade’s development,
China has ranked itself among major nuclear power countries and most active developers
In line with goal of 58 million KW materialized
of nuclear energy in the world.
and 30million KW under construction by 2020 outlined in the Energy Development
At present, there are 30 nuclear power units
Strategy Action Plan 2014-2020 published
in commercial commissioning on mainland
in 2014 and in compliance with the highest
China, with a total installed capacity of nearly
international safety standards, new nuclear
30GW. Cumulative electricity generated
power projects will be kept on an appropriate
by nuclear power in 2014 stood at 130.58
scale during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.
billion KWh, accounting for 2.39% of the
It is estimated that China will maintain a
country’s total electricity generation and up
continuing and smooth growth momentum
18.89% year on year. There are 24 units under
for its nuclear power after 2020.
construction, ranking first in the world and well-managed in terms of project quality,
Liu Baohua, Chief of Nuclear Power
progress and investment.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
Administration (NEA), once summarized
driven development.
where China stands into four transitions that might characterize its development of
Research institutes affiliated to China
nuclear power in the next several years to
National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC),
come: First, from second to third generation
China General Nuclear Power Corporation
technologies; Second, from introduction and
(CGN), State Nuclear Power Technology
digestion of advanced foreign technologies
Corporation (SNPTC), including Nuclear
to indigenous innovation; Third, from focus
Power Institute of China (NPIC), China
on domestic construction to coordination of
Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., CGN
domestic and foreign markets; Fourth, from
Engineering Co., Ltd., China Nuclear Power
one of the major nuclear-powered countries
Technology Research Institute (CNPRI) and
to one of the nuclear powerhouses.
Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI), and
1.Several Major Competitive Edges
Tsinghua University Institute of Nuclear
of China’s Nuclear Power
and New Energy Technology (INET), are
After 30 years of development and in
fully equipped for nuclear power R&D
particular nearly a decade of scaled-up
and properly staffed by researchers both
development, China has acquired its own
old and young, able to conduct all kinds
identities in the development of nuclear
of technology researches and experiment
power, thus well-positioned to take part in
verifications concerning NPP system and
international competition.
equipment as well as develop new types of reactors.
Stronger Nuclear Power R&D System
Jointly funded by the government and the
Underpins the Innovation-driven
enterprises themselves, new innovation
Development of China’s Nuclear
achievements have been made in nuclear
power R&D in the past decade. Under the
After several decades of development with
strong support of a key national S&T special
both indigenous R&D and adoption of
project named the Large-Scale Advanced
foreign technologies, China has shaped a
PWR and HTGR NPP Demonstration Project,
full-fledged R&D system for nuclear power,
preliminary design for CAP1400 has been
which effectively underpins its innovation-
ready for construction following national
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
review and HTGR NPP demonstration
management and specialized operation. Based
project (Shandong Shidaowan Nuclear Power
on design, the specialized operation model
Plant) is well under way as planned. Based
for nuclear power project EPC (Engineering
on more than 20 years’ mature experience
Procurement Construction) integrating
concerning nuclear power construction and
equipment procurement, construction and
operation and drawing on the advanced
debugging management has been adopted.
international design philosophy, Hualong-
To meet the needs of multiple project and
One represents the crystallization of
site construction, large project management
respective self-financing and joint R&D of
and team organization mode are put in place
CNNC and CGN and fruition of indigenous
to further utilize the advantages of intensive
innovation with Generation Three nuclear
and scaled-up development, so as to ensure
power technologies.
effective control over quality, progress and investment of ongoing nuclear power
Strong market demand prospect is driving
projects. In the past decade, China Nuclear
non-stop China’s nuclear power technology
Power Engineering Co., Ltd. affiliated to
R&D, and technology innovation underpins
CGN and China Nuclear Power Engineering
the sustainable development and “going out”
Co., Ltd. affiliated to CNNC undertook the
of China ’ s nuclear power. China enjoys
EPC contracts that involves nearly 30 nuclear
tremendous late-mover advantage.
power units, among which 12 have already been up and running, bearing testament to
3.Excellent EPC and Nuclear
their EPC capacity and establishing a good
Po w e r
market reputation.
Capacity Makes a Reality Scaledup Development of China’s Nuclear
In terms of nuclear power plant construction,
the civil engineering and installation company
With faster nuclear power development,
affiliated to CNNC have been undertaking
China continues to enhance its indigenous
construction of all nuclear islands and part
design, construction and management of
of conventional islands in China for the past
nuclear power projects. Companies like
30 years. After many years’ experience in
CNNC and CGN are constantly pressing
nuclear power project construction and
ahead with new management models in line
nurturing of professionals, the company
with the philosophy of corporation-oriented
has mastered construction technologies
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
for multiple reactor types with different
technologies, indigenous innovation and
capacity and has as many as 30 nuclear
large-scale technological transformation,
island engineering units under construction
nuclear power equipment manufacturers
simultaneously. By constantly improving
led by Shanghai Electric, Dongfang
intensive, standardized, specialized and
Electric Corporation, Harbin Power
IT-based management and operation, the
Plant Equipment Corporation and China
company has shaped a management mode
First Heavy Industries have established
compatible with construction of multiple
world-leading manufacturing bases for
reactors and management of multiple projects,
nuclear power equipment, mastered key
and forged an experienced and tough team
nuclear island and conventional island
that is world-leading both in management
equipment design and core manufacturing
and technology. With capabilities acquired
technologies, and nurtured nuclear safety
through construction of conventional islands
culture and quality guarantee system that
for nuclear power plants, companies such as
are gradually enhancing the consistency
Zhejiang Thermal Power Company (ZTPC),
of product quality, thus ensuring to a
Guangdong Thermal Power Company
large extent the scaled-up development
(GTPC), Jiangsu Electric Power Construction
of China ’ s nuclear power. We are capable
Company and Shandong Electric Power
of manufacturing over 80% of Generation
Construction Company (SEPCO) have
Two APWRs at home and have long
played an important role in nuclear project
been capable of producing 10-12 sets
of key nuclear power equipment per year. Through introduction and digestion of key
Po w e r
equipment manufacturing technologies
Equipment Manufacturing and
for Generation Three AP1000 and EPR,
Supply Capacity Meets the Need for
joint production and science & technology
Scaled-up Development of Nuclear
solutions, we have made significant
progress in domestic manufacturing
Manufacturing capacity for nuclear
of Generation Three nuclear power
power equipment grows side by side
equipment and indigenous R&D of HTGR
with the development of nuclear power
equipment, with equipment R&D for
in China. In the recent decade, through
Hualong-One and CAP1400 already in
introduction and digestion of foreign
full swing.
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
5.A Sound Education and Training
the talent pool needed for the industry ’ s
System for Nuclear Professionals
long-term development and going global
Is Channeling New Blood to the
Nuclear Energy Industry. In order to accommodate latest developments
6.“Going Out” Strategy for Nuclear
of nuclear power, we have further strengthened
Power Technologies and Equipment
and promoted education and training of
Promoted personally by state leaders
nuclear professionals in the past decade
in recent years, we have made some
or so. At present, 44 institutions of higher
progress with nuclear power “ going out ” .
learning including Tsinghua University,
On January 15 th , 2015 when we were
Peking University, University of Science
celebrating the 60 th anniversary for the
and Technology of China, Shanghai Jiaotong
establishment of the nuclear industry,
University and Xi’an Jiaotong University
Premier Li Keqiang pointed out again in
have nuclear majors, with teaching being
his written instructions that the nuclear
constantly beefed up and 10,000 on-campus
industry should comprehensively enhance
students constituting a dynamic source of
its competitive advantages and move ahead
new blood for the nuclear energy industry.
with the “ going out ” of equipment.
Since corporate education and training have been prioritized and thus enhanced, on-the-
In November 2013, the National
job training has been further standardized and
Energy Administration published the
administered on a regular basis. Corporate
Implementation Plan for the Coordination
and university cooperation as well industry,
Mechanism Serving the Scientific
academic and research integration have much
Development of Nuclear Power Enterprises,
to offer when it comes to the nurturing of
where it first mentioned nuclear power
“ Going Out ” strategy, which is to charter the course for nuclear power enterprises
University education and corporate training
in their going international endeavors
of nuclear professionals have not only
and list nuclear power “ going out ” as an
alleviated the hunger for professionals
important item on the agenda for bilateral
resulted from fast development of nuclear
political and economic exchanges between
power previously plagued by insufficient
China and potential recipient countries of
supply of human resources but also provided
our nuclear power-related technologies.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
The Plan outlined that we should enhance
Following several years of efforts,
the core competitiveness of the nuclear
substantive progress was made in the
industry, strengthen organization and
“Going Out” strategy: CNNC signed with
guidance of nuclear power export, and
Nucleoelectrica Argentina a commercial
support the corporate sector’s participation
contract concerning HWR nuclear power
in international competition for projects
plant and a framework contract concerning
by diverse means, such as project
PWR nuclear power plant. CGN signed with
construction, equipment manufacturing,
Romania ’ s state-owned Nuclearelectrica
technology support and state bank loans,
a MOU on Development, Construction,
so as to enhance the overall strength
Commissioning and Decommissioning of
and international competitiveness of our
Cernavoda NPP Units 3 and 4; CGN signed
country ’ s nuclear power.
an investment agreement with Electricite de France (EDF) for UK’s new nuclear projects
On January 15 th , 2014, jointly initiated
and move ahead with Hinkley Point and
by CNNC, SNPTC and CGN and joined
follow-up nuclear power project (Bradwell);
by 14 companies concerning nuclear
nuclear power cooperation is moving forward
power technology development, project
with countries such as South Africa, Turkey,
construction, operation and management,
Czech, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.
equipment manufacturing, engineering
consultation and relevant financial
Nuclear power technology innovation
institutions, China ’ s Nuclear Power
achievements have provided strong
Technology and Equipment Industry
support for the nuclear power “ going out ” .
Association for “Going Out ” was founded.
First, construction has already began for
In line with the principle of thinking as one,
Hualong-One in Fuqing of Fujian and
seizing market trends, sharing resources and
Port of Fangcheng of Guangxi; Second,
win-win reciprocity, and via an effective
CAP1400, a large-scale APWR, has been
alliance mechanism, the alliance is tasked
preliminarily reviewed by the government,
with communication and coordination for
thus ready for construction upon approval;
overseas projects, and enhancing feedback
Third, the 600,000KW modular HTGR
of day-to-day experience and information
developed by the HTGR nuclear power
sharing, in order to jointly promote the
plant demonstration project has caught the
success of the “ Going Out ” strategy.
attention of some countries embarking on
Chapter 1: China’s Nuclear Competitive Edge and Going Global Strategy 第一章: 中国核电优势及“走出去”战略
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
nuclear power. The application of these
more and more on proprietary technologies
innovation fruits in domestic projects
rather than on foreign technologies and a
symbolizes the maturing of our nuclear
combination of both domestic and foreign
technologies fueled by indigenous
technologies as we did in the past, which
innovation, thus underpinning the nuclear
will promote the presence and expansion
power “ going out ” efforts. When “ going
of China ’ s nuclear power technologies,
out” with its nuclear power, China will rely
equipment and services overseas.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管 LIU Hua Chief Engineer on Nuclear Safety, Ministry of Environmental Protection
刘华 环境保护部核安全总工程师
YIN Dejian Division Director, Department of Nuclear Safety Management, Ministry of Environmental Protection
殷德健 环保部核电安全监管司处长
At the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC
safety and efficiency in the development of
Central Committee, the concept of the
nuclear power. It is thus highly relevant as
concept of “innovative, coordinated, green,
to how to make nuclear safety oversight and
open and shared development” was proposed,
management more effective.
which is of great significance in guiding the development of nuclear power during
1. Safety Overview
the 13 Five-Year Plan period. During the
With over 30 years of uninterrupted
new period, our nuclear community needs
development, we have scored eye-catching
to keep enhancing technology competence,
achievements in our nuclear industry as well
boosting independence and promoting safety
as nuclear safety oversight and management.
culture, so as to go global, build amicable and enabling neighborhood relations, and deliver
By January, 2016, China has 30 nuclear
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
power units in operation, with a total installed
2. Regulatory Activities
capacity of 27658MW, and 26 units under
In 1984 when in the early days for the
construction, with a total installed capacity
development of nuclear power, China
of 26925MW; and another 18 units have
established the National Nuclear Safety
been through or undergoing safety review
Administration (NNSA) for independent and
for site selection. China ranks third in the
unified safety oversight of nuclear facilities
world in terms of installed nuclear capacity,
nationwide. After more than 30 years of
following the U.S. and France.
exploration and practice, China has put in place a legal framework for nuclear safety
We have maintained a good safety
that is in line with international standards and
record concerning nuclear power units
an organizational framework for oversight
in operation and never had any operation
with relatively complete functions, ensuring
events that scored level II or above on the
safe and sound development of nuclear
International Nuclear Event Scale (INES).
energy and utilities.
According to WANO performance indicators (WANO-PI), our nuclear power plants are
Over the past 30 years, China has moved
generally above global median in terms
from the beginning stage to improvement
of performance indicators, half of which
through consolidation and then rapid
are among the best in the world. We have
development in its nuclear safety oversight,
exercised effective safety management on
with a firm grip on basic traits and laws
every step of the way for nuclear units
of nuclear safety oversight throughout all
under construction, including site-selection,
three stages and dedication to the idea of
design, manufacturing, installation, and
independent, open, law-based, rational
debugging and maintained good quality in
and efficient oversight, advocating a
general. We have put in place reasonably
work ethic that is prudent and detail-
sound environmental radiation monitoring
oriented. Our track record of oversight
network nationwide and monitoring
and safety performance in the past 30 years
networks around nuclear power plants.
bore testament to the efficacy of safety
Many years of monitoring have shown that
oversight, where there is much experience
radiation levels around nuclear power plants
to be taken stock of and carried forward,
in China fluctuate within the normal range
which are prominently characterized by
of natural background radiation.
the following aspects:
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
2.1 Insisting on Independent
Nuclear safety oversight works on
two dimensions. 1) Substantive safety.
Nuclear safety oversight independent from
Regulatory bodies must prompt effectively
the development of nuclear energy is a
more attention to nuclear safety management
fundamental principle and is found between
among nuclear power operators through
the lines of international instruments like
pragmatic and effective regulatory actions,
Convention on Nuclear Safety and country-
so that they operate in accordance with
specific laws and regulations concerning
safety requirements established in nuclear
nuclear safety. Since the day it was founded
safety authorizations and keep on boosting
until now, China ’s NNSA has maintained
nuclear safety. 2) Procedural safety. Laws
its independence in exercising oversight
and regulations on nuclear safety, technical
and administration away from departments
requirements, nd regulatory procedures must
responsible for the development nuclear
be accessible to the public and subject to
energy, which is very rare even worldwide.
public oversight. Regulatory activities
Nuclear power giants like the U.S., France
must be recognized by the public both in
and Japan enhanced regulatory independence
terms of format and efficacy. To enable
during the development of nuclear power.
proper performance on the two dimensions mentioned above, independent oversight is
The principle of independence is of critical
indispensable and must be sustained and
importance to ensure nuclear safety. There
improved on a constant basis.
are many dimensions to this principle, among which independent decision-making
2.2 Insisting on Adoption of Global
is central. That is to say, decisions concerning
oversight made on nuclear safety issues shall
The requirements and practice of nuclear
be free from any interference exerted by
safety is internationally applicable. Nuclear
entities developing or promoting nuclear
safety oversight that is in tune with
energy. Independent regulatory judgements
international standards is not only intrinsic
and decisions take precedence over all other
to safe and sound development of nuclear
interests when major risks are identified
power in China but is also what is expected of
regarding nuclear safety (46).
us in honoring our international obligations
IAEA Handbook on Nuclear Law, P9
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
and projecting our international image.
First, we have adopted in full International
Third, we invited on our own initiative
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear
IAEA Integrated Regulatory Review Service
safety standards and established a relatively
(IRRS) and follow-up missions in 2000, 2004
comprehensive legal framework on nuclear
and 2010 respectively, and another follow-
safety. When it comes to technical review and
up mission is due in June 2016. Through
field supervision, the NNSA has also drawn
IRRS, our nuclear safety regulatory system
on the U.S. Standard Review Plan (SRP)
and practices have been recognized by
and its supervision and inspection programs
international experts while their constructive
as well as best practices of other countries.
opinions and suggestions have served
With respect to specific nuclear power
to boost our regulatory competence on a
programs, we also take into account technical
constant basis.
regulations and regulatory conclusions of technology recipient countries when making
2.3 Insisting on Being Tune with
nuclear safety-related decisions.
National Realities Compared with other nuclear giants, we are
Second, with adequate reference to good
faced with some unique national realities
practices observed in nuclear powerhouses
and objective problems, such as inadequate
such as the U.S. and France, we have
indigenous R&D capacity, relatively weak
established an institutional framework that
industrial foundation, inconsistent equipment
combines administrative approval, field
quality, immature social organizations, and
supervision and technical review, outlining
insufficient public trust in nuclear enterprises.
the oversight philosophy that is proactive,
To make up for the deficiencies, we need to
clear and unequivocal as well as detailed
put in place management mechanisms or
and comprehensive administrative rules
steps in line with our national realities. For
and procedures. Dedicating in particular to
instance, we have established a qualification
good practices in international nuclear safety
licensing system for entities engaged in
oversight, we have sent field supervisors to
design, manufacturing, installation, and
nuclear power plants for round-the-clock
non-destructive testing of critical nuclear
supervision. We also attach great importance
safety equipment and a registration system
to public participation and information
for foreign entities engaged in nuclear
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
equipment-related activities; we have set
3. Tasks and Challenges
up an environmental radiation supervisory
Though much progress has already been
monitoring system around nuclear power
made in the development of nuclear power,
plants and release monitoring data on a regular
our nuclear power generation accounts
basis; we have put in place a registration
for less than 3% in the country ’ s power
system for nuclear safety engineers tasked
generation, which is almost the lowest among
with major responsibilities.
all nuclear-powered countries and far lower than global average. In order to accelerate
It is worth mentioning that the NNSA has
the development of green and low-carbon
prioritized the development of nuclear safety
energy and improve the energy mix in an
culture in recent years by issuing together
effort to grow the economy and protect
with the National Energy Administration
the environment, nuclear power will play
and the State Administration of Science,
a bigger role in China’s power generation.
Technology and Industry for National
Besides, China’s nuclear power is also tasked
Defense a Nuclear Safety Culture Policy
with the important mission of going out.
Statement and launching campaigns against
falsification and irregularities to implement
In order to accommodate the development
and promote nuclear safety culture, so as
of nuclear power, we have the primary task
to strengthen the awareness of the nuclear
of pushing forward modernization in nuclear
industry, improve related mechanisms, and
safety regulatory systems and capacity during
promote nuclear safety culture. The NNSA
the 13th Five-Year Plan period. To be specific,
also continues its efforts to establish and
we need to consolidate the four cornerstones
ensure effective running of a feedback
including legal framework, institutional
system for best practices. With such an IT-
and team building, technical competence,
based platform, the NNSA gathers, sorts
and cultural progress, and strengthen eight
out and analyzes representative safety
pillars, including review and approval,
incidents and best practices both from home
supervision and law enforcement, radiation
and abroad before giving feedbacks, and
monitoring, emergency preparedness,
enable exchanges and sharing of experience
experience feedback, technology R&D,
among entities involved in the nuclear power
public communication, and international
industry in a common effort to enhance safety
cooperation, so as to make supervision
management of nuclear power plants.
systematic, informed, law-based, IT-enabled
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
and detail-oriented.
and learn from good international practices, exchange with certain countries (export
From a macro perspective, as we scale
destination countries or technology partners,
up the development of nuclear power and
for example) on specific reactor types, and
implement the strategy of “ Going Out ” ,
harmonize stances to make supervision
we find it necessary to provide a more
more coordinated. Fifth, we must keep on
adequate institutional guarantee and more
advancing nuclear safety culture, improve the
solid technical foundation for safe and sound
system for ensuring nuclear safety, explore
development of nuclear power. First, we
scientific evaluation methods, and eradicate
must continue to advance the legislation of
falsification and irregularities, so as to ensure
Law on Nuclear Safety, so as to establish in
quality and safety. Sixth, we must attach
the form of legal framework ground rules,
greater importance to public participation
principles and methods for nuclear safety
and information disclosure. With disclosure
oversight as early as possible, improve the
and transparency, we can subject ourselves
system for nuclear safety management, and
to public oversight and turn related pressure
lay a statutory foundation for safe and sound
into motivation, with an aim to boost our
development of nuclear power. Second, in
nuclear safety oversight capacity.
light of latest international developments concerning nuclear safety standards and
From a micro perspective, it is estimated
existing legal framework on nuclear
that nuclear power will play an increasingly
safety, we must further improve our legal
bigger role in the country’s power supply in
framework. We need to study further safety
the period to come, with a clearer technology
requirements on new nuclear power plants
roadmap, more stable development and
in a bid to make nuclear power plant design
operating reactors constantly on the rise. The
safer. Third, we need to beef up technology
NNSA must keep on strengthening nuclear
R&D for supervision and boost technical
safety supervision to ensure international
capacity, in particular, independent safety
safety standards for our nuclear power plants.
analysis and verification for new designs
First, for new nuclear power plants in the
and new technologies as well as supervision
13th Five-Year Plan period, new requirements
of software development and application.
concerning de facto elimination of large-
Fourth, we must conduct international
scale radiation releases to the environment
cooperation on nuclear safety, understand
must be implemented in design, and
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 2: Nuclear Power Safety Oversight in China 第二章: 中国核电的安全监管
standardized construction must be pushed
reactors and floating reactors in view of
forward. Regulatory activities must be more
nuclear power developments. Sixth, we
detailed and targeted. Technical review must
need to make regulation more efficient by
prioritize differences. Safety oversight must
straightening out and optimizing regulatory
be more feedback-oriented. Second, we
should make it a top priority to strengthen
nuclear power plant safety supervision,
The NNSA must fulfill its regulatory
and the whole industry must also pay more
obligations by creating an independent,
attention to actual risks related to nuclear
rational, and effective supervision
power plant operations by enhancing quality
environment via clear procedures,
guarantee and safety management so as
unequivocal requirements, and informed
to enhance preparedness for all kinds of
decision-making. It should also win
eventualities. Third, we need to diversify
public trust through public participation
approaches to field supervision and make it
and information disclosure in an effort to
more coordinated and normative, in order to
shape an enabling social environment. Since
be better at identifying problems on our own
nuclear operators are first in line to shoulder
initiative and making informed judgment.
safety responsibilities, only when the whole
Fourth, we should promote the application
industry upholds safety and quality as the
of risk management in safety supervision so
highest priority, advocate and practice nuclear
that we can determine the importance of and
safety culture, and improve safety through
how to deal with safety-related problems.
technology and management measures, will
Fifth, we should conduct policy studies on
there be truly safe and sound development
regulation of inland nuclear power, compact
of nuclear power in China.
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3:Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展 ZHENG Mingguang Chief Designer, President of SNERDI, Vice President of SNPTC
郑明光 国家核电技术公司副总经理
1. Introduction of the Passive PWR
in 2008, the State Council approved Large
Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor and
To ensure energy safety and structure balance,
High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor as
alleviate environmental pressure, upgrade
NSTMP, formulated the large pressurized
the industry quality and fuel the economic
water reactor (PWR) R&D national roadmap.
growth, it is indispensable to develop nuclear
It focuses on research and development
energy on a large scale by deploying advanced
of the large passive nuclear power plant
nuclear power plants with higher safety
(NPP) CAP1400 model and constructing
features and economic competitiveness,
the first project of CAP1400 on basis of
less negative impacts on social security,
introduction, digestion and assimilation of
environment and people’s living. Therefore,
AP1000 technology from Westinghouse.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
National Energy Administration (NEA)
2. Objectives of the PWR
is responsible for implementation and
A series of top objectives have been set for
organizing, State Nuclear Power Technology
the large passive PWR project.
Corporation (SNPTC) is the execution entity and Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research
1)Objectives of digestion and absorption:
and Design Institute (SNERDI) is the R&D
To master world advanced passive
entity. The passive PWR project is divided
technology and AP1000 design
into four sub-projects, which are:
technology, and to develop CAP1000 based on AP1000;
Assimilation and absorption of AP1000 technology and CAP1000 development;
2)Objectives of R&D: To develop the key
CAP1400 R&D and construction of first
design technology for nuclear power, the
CAP1400 in the world (R&D);
major test validation technology, key
R&D of generic technology and core
equipment and material;
Preliminary R&D of CAP1700
equipment design and manufacturing technology, and to complete the R&D of advanced nuclear power plant CAP1400/1700;
The introduction, digestion and assimilation of AP1000 technology is realized through the
3)Objectives of demonstration project: To
technology transfer and the first construction
complete the construction of the first
of four AP1000 units in Sanmen of Zhejiang
CAP1400, promote the fleet construction
province and Haiyang of Shandong province
of CAP1400, and accelerate the
in the world, which is an important step to
internationalization of CAP 1400;
verify the AP1000 technology. Up to now,
with over 20,000 R&D staffs involved in,
4)Objectives of nuclear power innovative
the implementation of passive PWR project
system: To form the mechanism of
has comprehensively uplifted the capability
sustainable development of nuclear power.
of domestic technology, testing, equipment
To facilitate the talents, R&D, testing
manufacturing and also laid a solid foundation
and validation, analysis software, codes
for the sustainable development of China’s
standards and intellectual property rights
nuclear power industry.
and so on.
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
3.Digestion and Absorption of
Through the construction of the first four
AP1000 units and technology transfer, China’s
The first AP1000 unit in Sanmen will perform
domestic nuclear community mastered the
the systematic commissioning after RCP
design techniques of AP1000 and obtained
installation. Civil engineering has been
the capability to indigenously design and
completed. Major equipment, including
continuously develop the serial passive
reactor pressure vessel, steam generator,
nuclear power plants. A comprehensive,
squib valve and etc., are in place. The
advanced and supporting nuclear island
new fuels are on site. The tests are nearly
design and analysis software system and
completed for control and protection system.
platform have been built. The equipment
It is expected to get connected to grid at the
localization has been moving forward
beginning of 2017.
continuously and a thorough Generation Three nuclear power plant equipment manufacturing capability has been formed
Figure 4 Status of the first four
based on the existing domestic Generation
AP1000 units
Two plus nuclear power plant equipment manufacturing facility and capability.
4.Standardized Design of CAP1000 CAP1000 is indigenously designed by SNERDI/SNPTC on the basis of AP1000 by complying with domestic codes & standards, (A) Sanmen site
adopting local equipment and materials, fully absorbing the experience and feedback from the AP1000 construction, and learning lessons from Fukushima nuclear accident. Compared to the nuclear power plant using active engineering safety features, AP/ CAP1000 adopts the passive concept, which is more reliable than that of the active nuclear power plant under external extreme events and needs very little supporting facilities
(B) Haiyang site
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
to cope with design basis accidents and
experience and technology of safe operation;
severe accidents. AP/CAP1000 innovatively
based upon the passive safety concept from
employs steel containment which effectively
Westinghouse and the engineering experience
removes heat from the internal of steel
and feedback from AP1000 construction;
containment to the ultimate heat sink.
based upon the NSTMP requirement of
Moreover, for accident conditions, such as
massive design and research, experiment
Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), closed
investigation and safety review and the
steam-water cycle will be formed within
generic technical requirements on Fukushima
the containment and all the possible coolant
nuclear accident from National Nuclear
inventory within containment including
Safety Administration (NNSA). The large-
the primary system, core makeup tank,
advanced passive nuclear power plant with
accumulator and Internal Refueling Water
indigenous intellectual property rights is
Storage Tank (IRWST) will be circulated by
an integrated innovation and re-innovation
passive features to remove the decay heat
driven by whole-nation coordination and
from reactor core to environment without
support system.
injection of coolant from external sources of containment, which will effectively
To obtain intellectual property rights, the
control and reduce the amount of waste
technical proposal of CAP1400 has made
water production under beyond design bases
continuous breakthrough in design and
accident (BDBA) to eliminate possibility of
manufacturing capability. The R&D process
the occurrence of radioactive liquid leak like
is depicted in Figure 5. Taking the design
that of Fukushima accident.
and manufacturing capability in 2007 and 2008 into account, for Proposal 1 and 2, the
gross power output is beyond 1350MWe
which is realized by redesigning a new
The R&D of CAP1400 is based upon the 60
reactor with the number of fuel assembly
years’ experience of China nuclear industry
increasing from 157 to 193 and appropriately
and the equipment manufacture capability
increasing the mass flow rate, expanding
of China power industry; based upon the
the temperature difference between reactor
40 years ’ experience in PWR technology
core inlet and outlet, increasing containment
research, core fuel design, engineering
volume and core cooling capability. While
design, construction and more than 20 years’
the containment diameter, reactor coolant
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
pump and steam generator basically remain
output of CAP1400 is over 1350MWe with
the indigenous intellectual property rights realized.
The challenges of IP issues forced us to unceasingly optimize the experiment
The overall design of CAP1400 conforms
research and engineering development
to the latest advanced regulation and laws,
especially in the generic technology and
codes & standards, including IAEA safety
Figure 5 CAP1400 R&D process
Source: China Nuclear Energy Association
research capability. The third proposal was
requirement and guideline, domestic laws,
put forward in 2010 by the development
national standard and industrial standard,
of new reactor coolant pump and steam
NRC, ASME, IEEE, IEC, URD, and etc.
generator with increase of 17% flow rate
Meanwhile, the economic competitiveness
and 27% of heat transfer area, etc. The
of CAP1400 has been enhanced under the
proposal 4 is the final one whose net power
prerequisite of the ensured safety.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Table 5 General parameters of CAP1400 Parameter
Rated core output
Electric power output
Overall efficiency
~37% RFA modified or selfdeveloped fuel 193
Fuel type No. of fuel assemblies Average linear power density
Coolant average temperature
System operation pressure
Steam pressure at SG exit
Steam flow per SG
1123.4 Domestic manufactured Canned motor pump or wet winding motor pump
Reactor coolant pump(RCP) RCP flow rate
RCP head
m H2O
Steal containment height
Steal containment diameter
Steal containment design internal pressure
0.443 (10% margin)
Concerning the floor area for unit capacity,
approved by NEA in Dec 2010. The basic
CAP1400 has a compact and reasonable
design of CAP1400 has been approved by
general layout with an area of only 0.164
NEA in Jan 2014 after 14-months national
m2/kW which is less than that of traditional
review. The preliminary safety analysis
Generation Two plus and AP1000.
Figure 6 General layout of CAP1400
report (PSAR) review
The general layout
of CAP1400 is
come to an end by
shown in Figure 6.
August 2014.The review ’ s scope
The conceptual
and depth are
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
including PSAR and 5 additional special
Over 90% of the detailed design has been
areas review. The review requirements are
finished by Jan 2016. The first CAP1400
reflected in the detailed design. After the
project site preparation is ready for FCD,
review, the NNSA believed the CAP1400
as shown in Figure 7. The construction
could meet the latest Chinese and IAEA
permission was expected to be issued in
nuclear safety standards. In order to validate
March 2016.
Figure 7 Status of the first CAP1400 project site
and verify the design, 12 test rigs were
6. Major technology innovations
newly built and 10 rigs were reconstructed.
of CAP1400
887 operational conditions have been carried out, and all 357 key conditions for
6.1 Advancement in Safety
first concrete date (FCD) were completed
The design of CAP1400 fully implements the
before Oct 2014. Test analysis reports were
concept of defense in depth, adopts the passive
witnessed by NNSA. Procurement contracts
safety concept and simplification, and provides
for the 27 of 29 long period equipments
systematic severe accidents prevention and
which need to be purchased before the
mitigation measures. Meanwhile, innovations
construction of nuclear power plant have
and improvements were realized in promoting
been signed and come into force, totaling
the CAP1400’s safety margin and its response
more than 10 billion yuan.
capacity for BDBA.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Innovations to enhance its safety margin
the process of long-term operation, thus
enhances the operation safety.
1)RFA modified fuel or better performed
4)The containment vessel was designed
self-developed fuel would be used and
with larger capacity to better meet the
the average linear power density was
requirements of confining the mass
moderately reduced, ensuring the core
released. By optimizing the containment
thermal margin and peak linear power
wall thickness, the pressure bearing
density margin >15% and the operation
capacity was strengthened and safety
margin was also expanded.
margin was improved to be over 10%.
2)The configuration of engineered safety
5)The neutron shielding pad was eliminated,
systems was further improved and
which reduces the risk of loosen parts
optimized to enhance the safety design
occurrence; and in the lower plenum, a
margin. The robustness of the passive
dismountable even-flow distributor was
systems was taken into account to avoid
placed instead of conventional flow skirt,
“ cliff-edge ” effects. Meanwhile, 21
which optimizes the flow distribution into
tests were conducted, which included
the core. Besides, the reactor internal mass
advanced core cooling mechanism
were additionally increased to facilitate
experiment (ACME) and containment
the implementation of in-vessel retention
safety verification via integral test (CERT)
and to enhance the ability of internals to
to validate the design reasonability
resist flow induced vibration.
and correctness. Furthermore, passive phenomena such as reflux condensation,
In terms of strengthening its response
circulation stratification, and fragment
capability to BDBA, the following design
effect were studied based on the test results.
improvements are conducted for first CAP1400:
3)The primary pipes and the main steam pipes
were optimized to reduce the flow velocity
1)Enhance the seismic capability: The nuclear
with the performance requirements met as a
safety shutdown earthquake (SSE) is 0.3g,
prerequisite. This design further alleviates
and a seismic automatic trip system of
the flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) in
seismic category I was installed to enhance
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
the plant seismic response capability.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
inside the containment and the power supply window for hydrogen igniter
2)Ensure the plant to be water-proof: The
was prolonged; meanwhile, the seismic
“dry” site design was adopted; movable
resistance capability of hydrogen
flashboard was installed between the
monitoring instruments and hydrogen
auxiliary building and the 1E class battery
igniters were strengthened, ensuring the
compartment to protect the plant from
availability when earthquake happens.
external flooding. 6)Strengthen the normal decay heat removal 3)Resist large airplane crash: advanced steel-
cooling chain: The seismic resistance
plate concrete structure was adopted for
capability of normal decay heat removal
the shield building, which improves the
facilities (as called cooling-chain, non-
resistance to larger commercial airplane
safety class) were strengthened from the
perspective of seismic capability.
4)Strengthen the emergency water supply and
The probabilistic safety analysis (PSA)
power supply: In order to further ensure
shows that the probability of accident
the decay heat removal path for the core
consequences that lead to high radiation dose
and the spent fuel pool after 72 hours of
or high radioactive release is very low with
accident initiation, seismic-resistant water
high confidence, and the probability of large
source interfaces and portable diesel pumps
radioactive release is less than 5.0×10-8/ry
were installed for the Passive Containment
which is much lower than that of regulatory
Cooling Auxiliary Water Storage Tank
(PCCAWST), and the emergency water source and power source were strengthened
in design. For example, the emergency
power source was stored in a specified
The cost-effectiveness of CAP1400 was
improved generally through the large power output, improvement of the plant efficiency,
5)Strengthen the hydrogen control capability
simplification of the system configuration,
in severe accidents: Another 6 passive
modularization in construction, localization
hydrogen re-combiners were installed
of equipment and material, optimization of
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
project management, and etc. It is estimated
of system configuration also reduces the
that the domestic construction cost is around
plant construction cost, shortens the
0.4 yuan/KWh.
construction duration, and reduces the long-term operation and maintenance cost.
1)Large plant power output: As the largest passive PWR, the core nuclear power of
4)Modularity on design and construction:
CAP1400 is 4040MWt, and the electrical
CAP1400 adopts modular design and
power reaches above 1500MWe, which
construction, which reduces the workload
reduces the investment per KW and
of site construction assembly and facilities
generation cost by taking advantage of
production, transportation, and installation,
the scale effect.
leading to shorter construction duration and reduced total cost.
2)Improvement of the plant efficiency: Selfdeveloped high efficient dryer was installed
5)Localization of equipment and material:
in the steam generator to improve the steam
Through the research and manufacture
quality; self-developed long blade (the last
of key equipment and bulk material as
grade blade is as long as 1.828m) with
well as orderly market competition, the
larger exhaust area was installed in the
equipment and materials were basically
turbine to improve the turbine-generator
domestically supplied (localization rate
efficiency; the cold end optimization of
above 85%), which greatly reduces the
the T-G was adopted to further optimize
plant construction cost. The localization of
the plant heat efficiency.
key equipment also lays a solid foundation for the construction of CAP1400 and
3)Simplification of system configuration:
reduces the project schedule risk.
The system configuration of CAP1400
was simplified, the safety class supporting
6)Optimization of project management:
systems were reduced, safety class
Through the implementation of standard
equipment and seismic buildings were
design, solidification of project
reduced, 1E class emergency diesel engine
management pattern, and optimization of
systems and lots of other active equipment
construction process, the economics of the
were eliminated, and bulk material demand
plant was further improved, especially for
was apparently reduced. The simplification
succeeding units.
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
6.3 Other Advancements
based on experiences and interpretations.
Aside from upgraded safety features and
The reliability design and PSA results
design refinement, the CAP1400 reactor
further helped to balance the plant design
core, reactor pressure vessel, reactor vessel
and guide the plant optimization.
internal, main steam pipe, steam generator, waste processing technology, I&C, Water-
2)Integral I&C systems was adopted and
proof and flooding avoided arrangement and
human factor engineering (HFE) was fully
shield building are indigenously developed
considered in designing the main control
and designed, which further enhanced the
room. Moreover, the availability of the
performance in safety, economics and
main control room was enhanced and the
technology through various technology
human-machine interface was improved.
innovation and improvement. 3)Advanced fuel management strategy was In addition to safety and economy
applied such as taking the low neutron
performance, other advanced features of
leakage fuel load from the first cycle
CAP1400 include:
which improved the neutron economy. The load-following mechanism was
1)According to the latest PSA criteria,
strengthened by using mechanical shim
comprehensive PSA innovations on human
core control, which equips the plant
reliability analysis, data analysis, and
with stronger operation flexibility and
common cause analysis were conducted
reduces the boron water discharge during
Figure 8 Core loading pattern of the first cycle and control rod assembly arrangement
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
operation. Figure 8 gives the core loading
6)Equipment and components were optimized
pattern and control rods arrangement.
in design to improve the performance
The outmost assemblies use fuels with
and reliability. The forging capability of
enrichment of 0.74 w/o and 2.86 w/o,
equipment manufacturing was enhanced
representing the low leakage loading
and welding seams on the primary system
pattern. Control rod assemblies consist
were significantly reduced to ensure the
of 41 regulation bundles (of rods) and
integrity of the primary system and to
48 shutdown bundles, and among the
simplify the in-service inspection. The
regulation ones MA~MD are gray rods
main coolant pipes and the upper head of
(less poisonous), M1/M2/AO are black
RPV were forged integrally.
rods, combination of gray and black rods realize the mechanical shim control.
7)The layout and the space of buildings were optimized based on feedbacks from
4)The domestically-manufactured 50Hz
AP1000 projects to accommodate bigger
canned motor pumps (wet winding motor
components and to improve accessibility
pump as backup) were applied, avoiding
for operation and maintenance. Meanwhile
the long time running of the frequency
the modular design of CAP1400 was
converter, so as to improve the primary
pump reliability and reduce energy consumption.
8)The plant is designed to control the production of liquid radwaste from the
5)New steam generator model was developed
source of material and operation mode,
and equipped in CAP1400 with heat
and also advanced radwaste treatment
transfer area increasing by 27% (compared
technologies were applied, such as
with that of AP1000), which reduces
the Liquid Radwaste System (WLS)
primary loop resistance, and improves
equipped with ion exchange sequence
secondary side performance. Meanwhile
and chemical coagulation process, to
test-validated steam separators, consisting
lower the concentration of discharged
of 146 primary separators and 8 group
radioactive liquid waste under 1000Bq/L
dryers (double hook plate), were installed
for coast site and 100Bq/L for inland
in the steam generator, which contribute
site. Besides, the ventilation system was
to higher steam quality.
equipped with iodine filter. All efforts
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
were made to minimize the total amount
on the self-independent capability and
of waste gas, waste liquid, and waste solid.
technology introduced were built. The
And interfaces were provided for stricter
international advanced CAP1400 with
environment protection requirements in
independent proprietary intellectual property
the future.
rights was successfully developed, and at the same time, the serially developed passive
9)The reliability allocation and reliability
nuclear power plant helps the whole industry
design are to be further conducted, and
transform to Generation Three and boosts the
the plant’s online safety and performance
continuous innovation in the nuclear industry.
monitoring systems are under development, which will improve the safety of plant in operation.
2)International advanced experimental validation platform A number of experimental facilities were
7. Strategic Value of NSTMP
newly built and renovated which reinforces
Led by the State Council, National
the representativeness of the experimental
Development and Reform Commission,
results by using techniques including
Administration of Energy, Ministry of Science
PIRT analysis and proportional analysis.
and Technology and Ministry of Finance, the
Also, the usability evaluation methods and
passive PWR project takes the advantage of
procedures for experiment rig have been
power throughout the nation and more than
established which drives improvement of
20,000 technical professionals from over
experimental technology in China’s nuclear
100 entities and organizations are involved
power industry. More importantly, the quality
in the research and development which
assurance program for experiment rigs has
leads to the final success. In the meantime,
been established as required by regulators.
it innovatively promotes China’s R&D mode and improves the state’s industrial capability systematically.
3)Nuclear power codes & standards system Through four years ’ hard work by 34
1)International advanced design system
domestic corporations and organizations, the NSTMP of research on Chinese
An advanced design system and a
Advanced Nuclear Power Standard
comprehensive software platform based
System has realized the objectives of
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 3: Development of Passive PWR Series as National Science & Technology Major Project (NSTMP) 第三章: 国家科技重大项目非能动压水堆系列的进展
the first stage. It timely consolidated the major project experience in R&D, design,
6)Nuclear power safety rev iew capability
manufacture, construction of AP1000,
The regulator NNSA implemented an
CAP1000 and CAP1400. And over 100
unprecedented review on PSAR of CAP1400
research outcomes have been approved
from the perspective of depth and width.
as industrial standards, which can support
During a period of 18 months, over 260
the healthy and sustainable development
staffs from NNSA got involved in dialogue
of China ’ s nuclear power industry.
and over 5000 questions were answered by SNERDI which enhanced the nuclear power
4)Leap-forward development of
safety capability in China.
equipment manufacturing A globally-shared supply chain system for
8. Conclusion
CAP1000/1400 has been built, through which
For the past eight years, the Large Advanced
China ’ s top manufacturing capability has
Pressurized Water Reactor is moving forward
been greatly enhanced, including nuclear
by overcoming massive challenges and
class welding material, plate, heavy forgings,
obstacles. The first AP1000 project has
and 690 heat transfer tube for steam generator,
come to the operation stage; the detailed
which China had depended on imports for
design of CAP1000 has been finished and
quite a long time.
gone through the acceptance check of NEA. Especially, the advanced CAP1400
5)Advanced design and analysis software system
is ready for construction. Furthermore, the massive projects have driven the domestic
Advanced design software gives support
nuclear power industry to transform from
to improve nuclear power technology.
Generation Two to Generation Three, which
CAP1400 has two sets of design software
will also enhance the competitiveness of
and platform systems. The self-developed
high value added manufacturing. The
nuclear power software COSINE has realized
systematic capability established through
its engineering verification version which
national projects will guarantee a healthy
meets the needs of nuclear safety analysis,
and sustainable development of the nuclear
design development and promotion of “going
power industry at both domestic and overseas
out” of China’s nuclear power.
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 2011-2015 第四章 :“十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 2011-2015 第四章: “十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾 HUANG Xiaoyong President of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
黄晓勇 中国社会科学院研究生院院长
As an efficient, clean and economic source
but not yet started was delayed. The growth
of energy, nuclear power is important for
of China’s nuclear power construction had
global electric power supply. In March
been in decline since then.
2011, just at the start of China’s 12th FiveYear Plan period (2011-2015), the world
Since 2014, Chinese senior officials have
nuclear power construction suffered an ebb
asserted on several occasions that China
impacted by Japan ’ s Fukushima nuclear
should initiate building of new nuclear power
accident. Nations like Germany, Italy, and
projects in east China ’ s coastal areas, on
Switzerland declared to shut down all of
the premise that the highest international
their nuclear power plants gradually. China
safety standards are adopted and the safety
also announced to carry out an overall safety
is ensured. In February 2015, construction
inspection on nuclear power facilities, and
of No.5 and No.6 Reactors of Hongyanhe
suspended all the approvals of new nuclear
Nuclear Power Plant in Liaoning province
power plants. In addition, the construction
was approved to begin. It has been more
of some plants which had been approved
than two years since the start of the last
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 2011-2015 第四章 :“十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾
project—the second stage project of Tianwan
capacity under construction up to 18 million
Nuclear Power Plant. After that, the pilot
KW by 2015. The statistics released by the
projects of Generation-III Hualong-One
National Energy Administration show that
(Hualongyihao) Technology on which China
the installed capacity of nuclear power
has proprietary intellectual property rights—
reactors being operated has increased to
No.5 and No.6 reactors of Fuqing Nuclear
25.5 million KW by the end of 2015, and
Power Plant in Fujian province got approval
in the meantime the capacity of nuclear
of construction. In December 2015, The State
power reactors under construction and
Council approved construction of No.3 and
approval has reached 32.03 million KW.
No.4 reactors of the second stage project
China boasts its largest capacity of nuclear
of Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant as
power reactors under construction in the
well as No.5 and No.6 of Tianwan Nuclear
world. However, the goal for nuclear power
Power Plant. With building of a series of
construction in the 12th Five-Year Plan was
reactors nodded to kick off, the construction
not achieved.
of nuclear power in China has returned to a period of peak growth.
In the present context that the world slows down on nuclear power construction, China
The 12th Five-Year Plan concludes in the year
has re-gained its momentum of the nuclear
of 2015 in which the building of at least six
power building. This growth is mainly due
reactors was begun. Meanwhile, six reactors
to three needs — to increase the supply of
went into service. It is the year with the
power, to adjust the structure of energy and to
most nuclear power reactors being brought
promote the export of China’s nuclear power
into operation and the crucial year for the
facilities. The nuclear power facilities and
re-start of nuclear power plant construction.
technologies, in company with high-speed
According to the 12th Five-Year Plan for the
railway, are seen as the most competitive
development of China ’ s energy industry
Chinese products. As for the absolute quantity
publicized in 2013, the installed capacity
of installed capacity of nuclear power, China
of China’s nuclear power had reached 10.83
still lags behind the United States and France,
million KW, and during the 12 th Five-Year
while in terms of the relative quantity, the
Plan period, the installed capacity would
nuclear power supply accounts for only 2%
grow by 29.9% annually and finally run up
of China electricity supply, much lower than
to 40 million KW with the nuclear power
the world average of about 16%.
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 2011-2015 第四章 :“十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the
Power Plant, No.3 and No.4 reactors of
innovation capacity with China ’ s nuclear
Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant, as
power technology had been greatly improved.
well as the first overseas pilot project which
After the introduction and absorption of
was launched in Karachi, Pakistan were all
technology, China has successfully developed
underway and progress well currently. In
the third generation nuclear technology with
October 2015, China Guangdong Nuclear
proprietary intellectual property rights –
Power Company (CGN) signed an agreement
Hualong-One and CAP1400, as well as
with the EDF of France on the investment of
the technology for high temperature gas-
British nuclear power projects. In November
cooled reactor of the fourth generation
2015, China National Nuclear Corporation
safety standards. From the perspective of
(CNNC) signed a business contract with
international technological development
the nuclear power company of Argentina
trend, the third generation technology, which
on building a heavy-water reactor and a
has greatly improved the safety standards
framework contract on a pressurized water
on the basis of the second generation, has
reactor. The contracts of these projects
become the mainstream. The probability
symbolize that the Hualong-One Technology
of reactor melting is reduced from one in
has made great breakthroughs in exploiting
one hundred thousand yearly to one in ten
the overseas market.
million; and that of large scale emission of radioactive substance is reduced from
In November 2015, the founder of Microsoft
one in one million yearly to one in one
Corporation, Bill Gates visited China as
hundred million. In comparison with the
the president of Terra Power Corporation.
second generation technology, the third
During his visit, Gates disclosed that Terra
generation technology has automatic repair
Power was cooperating with China National
functions. The nuclear power reactors can be
Nuclear Corporation in developing a new
cooled down automatically without human
nuclear power technology--traveling wave
intervention within 72 hours in the case of
reactor, which uses depleted uranium instead
natural disasters such as an earthquake, a
of enriched uranium. Actually, the depleted
tsunami and etc.
uranium is a by-product of enriched uranium refining. Once the traveling wave reactor
In 2015, the pilot project of Hualong-One-
technology comes into commercial use,
-No.5 and No.6 reactors of Fuqing Nuclear
the efficiency of uranium resources can be
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 2011-2015 第四章 :“十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾
improved considerably.
and China Power Investment Corporation in 2015, China rooms three giant companies in
As for the nuclear power policy, whether
nuclear industry-- China National Nuclear
or not to build inland nuclear power plants
Corporation, China Guangdong Nuclear
is still debated, and no breakthrough has
Power Company and National Power
been achieved at present. The 12 th Five-
Investment Corporation. China has stated
Year Plan for Energy Industry states that
that the private sectors will have access to
only a few nuclear power project sites
the nuclear power construction gradually as
in coastal areas which have undergone
long as they can meet the safety standards.
sufficient demonstration can be approved, and the inland projects are not allowed to
As for the rate for power incorporating into
set out. Several inland sites such as the one
the power network, China has adopted a new
in Pengzehu, Jiangxi province for which the
policy since 2013, which rules that for the
preparation work has been completed have
plants put into operation after January 1,
not been approved to start construction until
2013, the rate for power incorporating into
now. As the economic growth slows down
the power network is approved to be 0.43
in coastal areas, there are increasingly fewer
yuan per kilowatt hour based on the average
suitable sites. Therefore, it is a trend that
costs, and supply and demand of market. The
more nuclear power plants shall be built
rate will be assessed and adjusted according
inland. Actually, the nuclear power plants are
to technological progresses, cost changes, and
not differentiated between the coastal ones
conditions of electricity market. This reform
and the landlocked worldwide. The standards
has changed the individualized rating policy
of construction and safety supervision for
from each plant, ie, the plants which cost
both are identical. Moreover, more than half
more for construction could enjoy a higher
of the plants worldwide are built inland.
rate for power incorporating into the power network. The new rating policy helps to guide
During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, China
the nuclear power investment, stimulate the
initiated the merger and acquisition among
companies to improve technology, lower
nuclear companies, and the restriction to
the costs, and promote the development of
enter nuclear power industry was loosened
nuclear industry.
to some extent. With the merger of State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation Ltd.
In general, during 12th Five-Year Plan period,
Chapter 4: Development Review of China Nuclear Industry in 2011-2015 第四章 :“十二五”我国核能行业发展回顾
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
China did not achieve its goal for nuclear
plants on their agenda. The world nuclear
power construction because of the shock of
power industry is recovering. According
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. Nevertheless,
to China’s relevant plan, China’s installed
China started the construction of new plants
capacity of nuclear power plant will reach 58
at the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan period.
million KW by 2020, and the nuclear power
Meanwhile, China has developed the third
capacity under construction up to 30 million
generation technology with proprietary
KW. China’s current installed capacity is still
intellectual property rights. With the pilot
far below the target. In the light of world
projects under construction, China’s third
nuclear power recovery and China’s plans
generation technology will be increasingly
and policies, the nuclear power construction
mature. Moreover, some reforms have been
in China and the export of Chinese nuclear
carried out in the nuclear power industry in
technologies are expected to speed up in
the past five years.
the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020).
With the improvement of safety and economy
(Huang Xiaoyong, the president of the
of nuclear power, in recent years some
Graduate School of the Chinese Academy
nations have begun to strengthen support
of Social Sciences, and the director of the
to nuclear power industry. Japan and South
International Energy Security Research
Korea have put the re-start of nuclear power
Center )
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系 ZHANG Luqing nuclear power expert, former member of the Science and Technology Standing Committee of China National Nuclear Corporation
张禄庆 中国核工业集团公司原科技委常委、核电专家
At present, China’s annual coal consumption
mind ” according to Prime Minister Li
has reached 50% of the world ’ s annual
Keqiang. China and the United States are
coal output. China ’ s CO 2 emissions have
countries with relatively more greenhouse
exceeded those of the United States and
gas emissions. During the APEC meeting
the European Union combined, making
in Beijing, President Obama promised to
it the country that emits the most carbon
raise the US ’ s emission reduction target,
dioxide. Recurrent and widespread fog and
17% by 2025, to 26%-28%. President Xi
haze caused by environmental pollution have
Jinping reiterated that China’s CO2 emissions
become a big problem, or “the disaster in
would peak around 2030, and that the
people’s livelihoods, the pain on people’s
proportion of non-fossil fuels in primary
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
energy consumption would be increased to
Xinxiong listed the compilation of the 2030
around 15% by 2020.
Mid-and Long-Term Energy Development Plan as the first task of 2015. No doubt, the
In the 2015 National Energy Working
only way to honor China’s commitment is
Conference, Wu Xinxiong, then Director of
to maximize the role of renewable energy
the National Energy Administration, stressed
sources such as nuclear power, hydropower,
that the international commitment made by
wind power, solar power, and biomass
President Xi Jinping was a hard target, a
energy; greatly reduce the share of coal in
hard requirement, and a hard task; balancing
primary energy; and gradually accomplish
measurement and task decomposition must
the transition from the traditional energy
be carried out immediately to scientifically
system dominated by fossil fuels to a new
determine the objectives of total energy
one dominated by renewable energy sources.
Table 6 Key data of 2014 national electricity production Item
Installed capacity (10MW)
Thermal Hydro-
Electricity generated (100 GWh)
Average utilization hours
Note: 1. The data cover a full year’s data of 2014; 2. Hydropower includes pumped storage of 21.83 million KW; 3. Thermal power includes coal power of 825.24 million KW and gas power of 55.67 million KW)
consumption control in 2030, development
1.Interpretations of 2014 National
goals of all energy varieties, objectives of
Electricity Production Data
energy structure optimization, as well as
Regarding data in the Table 6 above, the
strategic tasks and policy measures. Wu
author has the following interpretations:
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
First, on-grid wind power has ranked the
Second, under the support of government
third in total installed power capacity.
policies, China’s wind and solar power have
Although in 2014, there were five new
been developing rapidly. China’s installed
nuclear power units combined to the grid,
capacities of hydropower and wind power
the share of nuclear power in China ’ s
have ranked first in the world. But in recent
installed electricity capacity was only
years, more and more electricity generated
1.46% which was one fifth of the share
by wind power, solar power and hydropower
of on-grid wind power and ranked far
was abandoned, raising wide concern. At
behind on-grid photovoltaic power. It is
current stage, the main reason behind the
quite possible that the title “ fifth nuclear ”
phenomenon is the lack of understanding of
will be hard to get rid of. However, the
how important and necessary using renewable
average utilization hours of nuclear power
energy is, as well as the drive of some
units were the most (about 4 times those of
enterprises ’ own interests. The problems
the on-grid wind power units) and the gross
can be expected to ease up to a certain extent
electricity generated by nuclear power was
with the deepening of electricity system and
126.2 billion KW, similar to that of on-grid
mechanism reform as well as the promotion
wind power and 100 billion KW more than
of smart grid which will greatly enhance the
that of on-grid photovoltaic power. This
adjustment function and level of the grid.
means that the characteristics of nuclear
power as a safe, stable, and clean base-
However, intermittency and randomness of
load energy did not change with increased
renewable energy power generation pose
installed capacity of renewable energy,
non-negligible challenges to the adjustment
and in the low-carbon energy system of
function and even the security of the grid.
the future, the mainstay role of nuclear
Such challenges will grow bigger and bigger
power will not change either. China
with increased proportion of renewable
should continue to develop nuclear power
energy. Therefore, transformation must be
on the premise of ensured security and
made to the existing power grid system, which
continue to improve its technological level
will increase the construction costs of the
and economic competitiveness, making
power system that are accumulated from the
greater contributions to energy structure
power plants, grid operators, to consumers.
optimization, pollution reduction, and the
Higher investment costs, balancing costs,
development of national economy.
standby costs, and extra spending on power
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
transmission and distribution are required,
cost will rise more or less (vary from country
driving up the power supply costs. Research
to country), from 5% to 50%; if renewable
in this area has begun early in some foreign
energy accounts for more than 30%, the cost
may increase by 16%-180%. This issue has been brought to EU’s attention and measures
At the end of 2012, on the European Nuclear
have been taken.
Conference (ENC 2012) held in Manchester,
released an article on April 15, 2014 that
United Kingdom, Ron Cameron from OECD/
says according to Guidelines on State Aid for
NEA made a report named The System Costs
Environmental Protection and Energy 2014-
of Different Power Generation Technologies:
2020, nuclear fuel processing enterprises
A New Look at the Competitiveness of
in EU countries will be eligible for state
Nuclear Power. Some European countries
subsidies to deal with rising production costs
has for a long time maintained guaranteed
(due to the implementation of renewable
electricity price to stimulate the growth
energy financing plans) and the said subsidies
of renewable energy while often ignoring
will reach 85% of the cost increased.
the costs of the entire power system that renewable energy power generation requires,
Since China ’ s installed capacity of wind
thus affecting the competitiveness of nuclear
and solar power has reached nearly 9% of
power. Ron Cameron pointed out that the
the total figure, the author recommends
power grid cost of schedulable energy
that relevant government departments and
technologies (nuclear power, coal power,
research units take preventive measures,
etc.) is one magnitude less than that of
consider China’s national conditions, speed
renewable energy (wind power, solar power,
up follow-up studies, and develop appropriate
etc.); with the influx of renewable energy,
countermeasures in a timely manner in order
electricity production structure will change
to facilitate the safe and stable operation of
largely which was specifically referred to as
a new multi-energy system.
“deoptimization”. It will make power grid costs increase disproportionately which
2.Major Natural Factors Restricting
can severely compromise the security
Scale of Nuclear Power Development
of electricity supply. In his view, if the
in China
intermittent renewable energy occupies 10%
With the mass production of the 3rd generation
of the total energy supply, the per megawatt
of indigenous nuclear power units in China,
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
installed nuclear power capacity of the
of up to 70 million KW will be put into
country will witness considerable growth
operation by 2020, 200 million KW by 2030,
by 2030. The 3rd generation of indigenous
and 400-500 million KW by 2050. Consider,
nuclear power technology will go abroad.
in 30 countries or regions around the world,
China National Nuclear Corporation has
there are nearly 440 units that have been put
started research and development of a safer,
into operation with a total installed capacity
more economically competitive model called
of less than 380 million KW. The said vision
Hualong-Two, which will also enter the stage
is therefore stunning by comparison, but
of verification and demonstration running
visions of this kind swept the world and a
by 2030. Around 2030, China will become
calculation that worldwide installed nuclear
a country with the largest installed nuclear
power capacity will reach 900-100 million
power capacity and strong nuclear power
KW by 2050 also appeared.
technology in the world. Now, I ’ d like to reasonably analyze the Recently, I often think about one question:
feasibility of China ’ s nuclear power
what are the decisive factors that restrict the
scale of China’s sustainable development of nuclear power? The factors can be roughly
It is not hard to work out that a thermal reactor
divided into two categories: 1) Human
nuclear power plant with the capacity of one
factors such as government policies on
gigawatt consumes about 10,000 tonnes of
nuclear power development, localization
natural uranium in its design life of 60 years.
ability of equipment manufacture, nuclear
That with the capacity of 500GW consumes
safety education, public acceptance of
about 5 million tonnes of natural uranium in
nuclear power, etc. 2) Natural factors that
the same period. In a red paper on uranium
are independent of people’s will. Due to word
resource published by the International
limitations, only the latter will be discussed
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it is pointed
out: as of January 1, 2013, 5.903 million tonnes of conventional uranium resources
Before the Fukushima nuclear accident,
that cost less than 130$/kg have been proven.
an organization in China ever proposed a
The yield would be merely 7.635 million
mid-and long-term vision of nuclear power
tonnes if the cost doubles (≤260$/kg). From
development in China: installed capacity
the information on domestic uranium reserves
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
currently available, it can be seen that to
operation are located in 13 high-quality
develop nuclear power of more than 100GW,
sites in 8 coastal provinces (autonomous
China would definitely resort to overseas
regions) with gross installed capacity of
uranium mining and bulk purchase from
about 48 million KW. According to my rough
the international uranium futures market.
estimation, all the units under construction
Considering the security of uranium supply,
and the units planned for construction can
it is not realistic for China to develop 400-
provide capacity of around 100 million
500 million KW of nuclear power.
KW in total. In my opinion, in the future it is unimaginable or impossible to build
Some argue that uranium resources may
nuclear power units with a total capacity
also be acquired by increased uranium mine
of 400 million KW in the remaining areas
exploration and fast reactor multiplication
of the 20 provinces, municipalities, and
technologies. Regardless of the effects of
autonomous regions.
these on the economic competitiveness of nuclear power (which is as important as
A survey published two years ago by China
nuclear safety), frankly speaking, the author
Nuclear Energy Association revealed that, in
does not expect much about the success of
the first decade of this century, when nuclear
R&D on fast reactor for business purposes and
power is in heated discussion, provinces
advanced spent fuel reprocessing technology.
and cities in Mainland China submitted
Recently, the Four Generation International
26 feasibility reports on candidate sites of
Forum (GIF) decided to postpone its ten-year
nuclear power plants, among which many
research plan (due to expire in 2015) for
feature undesirable geological, climatic,
10 years, which is a testament to my view.
or hydrological conditions. Even if these
Whether enough affordable sites that meet
undesirable candidate sites are included, the
nuclear safety requirements can be found
installed capacity in total can be expected
will be another intractable problem.
to be only 100 million KW or so.
In Mainland China, there are about 20
Therefore, according to the official
provinces, municipalities and autonomous
information currently available, the author
regions that may construct nuclear power
believes that, in order to maintain national
plants. The 48 nuclear power units that are
security, promote national economic
being constructed or have been put into
development, and protect environment,
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
China must maintain a substantial amount of
kw, 2.6 billion kw and 3.4 billion kw, and
nuclear power and a strong nuclear industry
the technical exploitation amount of wind
system. However, it is recommended that
energy resources at the height of 70 m over
the total installed capacity of nuclear power
the offshore waters at the depth of 5~50 m is
be controlled at about 150 million KW and
about 512 million kw. In 2014, the national
no more than 200 million KW. This will set
wind power installed capacity was 95.81
the record of the highest amount of installed
million kw, only accounting for a small part
nuclear power capacity in one country, far
of the total wind resources, which meant that
exceeding the United States. Moreover, it is
wind power should be further developed.
recommended that the pace of construction be handled stably, not necessarily achieving
According to the total annual amount of
the goal of total nuclear power capacity by
radiation and irradiance and the annual
2030. On this basis, after taking into account
average irradiance, China ’ s solar energy
the contribution of hydropower development,
resources can be distributed into four regions,
the lacking proportion of non-fossil fuels
among which the southeastern edge of
in primary energy needs other renewable
Xinjiang, the main area of Tibet, midwest
energy, especially wind and solar power,
Qinghai, western Hexi Corridor in Gansu,
to supplement.
Lashan Plateau in Inner Mongolia and the west part of the plateau constitute “the richest
3. Build Safe, Stable, Diversified
solar energy resources belt” in China with a
and Clean Energy System
total area of 22.8% of the national territory,
Wind power is one of the most promising
also called the first class area. It can be seen
renewable energy technologies. China is a
that there are rich resources for solar energy
country with a vast territory, long coastline
generation which will be an important pillar
and abundant wind energy resources. The
of our low-carbon green energy system.
Detailed National Wind Energy Resources
Survey initiated in 2007 and its evaluation
According to the report of China Energy News
results show that the technical exploitation
on December 22, 2014, the research project,
amount of wind energy resources with
China Renewable Energy Development
an average annual wind power density of
Roadmap 2050, carried out by the Chinese
over 300W/m 2 at the height of 50 m, 70
and Danish experts, has been completed after
m and 100 m off the ground is 2 billion
several years ’ joint efforts. The research
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
report of this project describes the trends
final primary energy consumption. As for
of wind power and solar power technology
electricity supply, non-fossil energy will
and equipment manufacture in our country
account for 91%, renewable energy for
with details, as well as the specific timing
86%, that is to say, nuclear power for about
and the prospect of deployment. There
5%. The author completely agrees with this
are two possible development scenarios
proportion of nuclear power. After achieving
in the design of the roadmap, a basic one
the objectives, the emission of CO2, NOX
and an active one. In the basic scenario,
and various pollutants of heavy metals in
by 2020, 2030 or 2050, China’s total wind
China will be lower than the emission of
power installed capacity will respectively
1980. This is the most optimistic vision of
reach 200 million kw, 400 million kw and
China’s new energy system that the author
1 billion kw; wind power generating capacity
has ever seen. However, even in Denmark
0.4 trillion KWh, 0.8 trillion KWh and 2
and Germany where there is the world’s most
trillion KWh; solar energy will replace
advanced renewable energy technology had
fossil energy resources, respectively over
not yet achieved this.
150 million tonnes, 310 million tonnes and 860 million tonnes of standard coal,
In the previous discussion, it is said that
which respectively provides electricity of
there is a great deal of renewable energy
150 billion KWh, 510 billion KWh and 21
coming onto the grid, the intermittency
trillion KWh. The total utilization of biomass
and randomness of which will bring a great
energy will respectively reach 110 million
influence on the performance of peak shaving
tonnes, 240 million tonnes and 340 million
and frequency modulation and the safety of
tonnes of standard coal.
grid. Especially for the super large grid of China, the largest developing country, the
According to the conclusion of the report
technological complexity and difficulty and
conducted by Wang Zhongying (王仲
its impact on the pricing of electricity is far
颖), the deputy chief of NDRC Energy
beyond that of the small or medium-sized
Research Institute and executive director
grids or that of the grids in the developed
of the joint research projects, by 2050, the
countries. How much capacity of base-
final energy consumption of China will be
load supply and reserve capacity of peak
32 million tonnes of coal and the use of
shaving and frequency modulation should
electricity will account for over 60% of the
be maintained is a very important problem,
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 5: The Role of Nuclear Power in Building a Sustainable Energy System 第五章: 以核电为支柱 建立可持续能源体系
and it is also difficult to be resolved. Many
climate change, but also guarantee the
experts also doubt the proportion of the fossil
security of the power system and achieve a
energy in the research report. All of these
better pricing of the electricity in the whole
problems need to be considered carefully.
society. At the appointed time, with the continuous development and innovation of
The author thinks when making the mid-
energy technology and unremitting efforts
and long-term energy development plan of
for decades, a safe, stable, diversified and
2030, experts in various fields of energy
clean low-carbon green energy system
system should be invited to brainstorm and
with wind energy and solar energy as the
express their views, in order to optimize the
main part, thermal power, hydropower and
allocation of different types of energy and
nuclear power as the complement, will play
finally determine a reasonable proportion of
a significant role in the great rejuvenation
the non-fossil energy in the power generation
of the Chinese nation and realizing the
structure. It should not only ensure to honor
second century blueprint of the Chinese
the international commitments to address
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Overseas” Strategy of China’s Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Out” Strategy of China's Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议 FAN Bi Inspector of State Council Research Office
范必 国务院研究室巡视员
China is one of the few countries with a
companies in China are quite high. Currently,
complete nuclear industrial system in the
the United States, Japan, Korea and other
world. In the recent years, the country ’ s
nuclear power countries set the USD interest
nuclear power installed capacity and the
rate of the 15-year long-term export credit
capacity under construction has been
for the nuclear power projects at 3.18%.
rapidly expanded, and the “ going out ” of
However, the USD interest rate of the
nuclear power has achieved initial results.
long-term export credit for the nuclear
However, China is a new comer in the nuclear
power projects has not been clearly defined
power industry. Whether we can win in the
in China. Generally speaking, the USD
international competition, it depends on our
interest rate of the long-term export credit
“strength”. Currently, we should focus on
that companies can get is 5-6%, which is
resolving the following severe problems.
a great disadvantage when compared with international counterparts.
1. Reduce Financing Costs of Nuclear Power’s “Going Out”
There is a single source to get the loan.
The financing costs of nuclear power
Nuclear power companies when “ going
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Overseas” Strategy of China’s Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议
out ” mainly rely on “ two preferential
Make use of the overseas loan under domestic
guarantee. That is, when overseas subsidiaries
concessional loan and preferential export
are in need of funds for production or
buyers ’ credit) offered by the Export-
operation, the domestic parent company can
Import Bank of China and commercial
apply for standby L/C or financing guarantee
loans. The government ’ s preferential loan
issued by a domestic bank, enabling the
commitment is relatively low, while the
overseas subsidiaries to apply for loans from
nuclear power projects require a huge
the overseas branch of the bank.
investment, which means that the loan amount cannot meet the demand of
Currently, the State Administration of
nuclear power companies ’ “ going out ” .
Foreign Exchange has regulated certain
In addition, it is difficult for some target
credit lines of the overseas loans under
countries, not within the loan directory of
domestic guarantee for all the commercial
the “ two preferential facilities ” , to apply
banks. It is recommended that on the premise
to use the “ two preferential facilities ” .
of strengthening risk prevention, State
The export credit insurance rate is so high
Administration of Foreign Exchange should
that it further improves the overall cost
make flexible use of the foreign exchange
of financing nuclear power projects.
reserves and increase the credit line by a certain amount to support the nuclear power
Equity financing is more difficult. A single
projects to “go overseas”. At the same time,
project of the equity investment institutions
the government should enhance its financial
established by the government has limited
support by providing special state financial
investment and high requirements for short-
subsidies for nuclear power’s “going out”; it
term returns, while the nuclear power projects
should enhance its support for export credit,
with a long construction period and no return
offer tax benefits and allow nuclear power
in the previous stage, is difficult to meet the
companies to publicly issue bonds offshore.
revenue requirement of equity investment
institutions. To meet the large, long-term,
2. Strengthen Nuclear Safety
low-interest financing needs of nuclear
Superv ision Cooperation and
power’s “going out”, we need to make efforts
Supervision Capacity Building
to solve the financing difficulties and the
China has a legal system for nuclear safety
problem of the high cost of financing.
supervision and a supervision mode in line
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Overseas” Strategy of China’s Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
with international conventions. As for the
Nuclear Safety Administration is not an
aspects of regulation of nuclear equipment,
entity, which will affect the independence
on-site supervision and radiation environment
and credibility of China ’ s nuclear safety
monitoring, etc., China has been close to
those countries which are developed in the nuclear power area. Through supervision
The supervision capacity building should
cooperation, we can help the target countries
keep up with the pace of the domestic
to improve their nuclear safety supervision
development of nuclear power and meet the
capacity and establish a nuclear security
requirements of the “Going Out” strategy.
system, which is very significant for getting
It is proposed to speed up the legislative
projects in these countries and exporting
process of Nuclear Safety Law. Investment
nuclear power technologies in the future.
in building the nuclear safety supervision
It is suggested that the nuclear safety
capacity should be increased. An independent
supervision authorities should coordinate
supervision authority should be reestablished.
with the competent authorities of nuclear
The compensation of the personnel in
power authorities and diplomatic authorities,
the nuclear safety supervision authority
identify a number of key partner countries
should be improved. The development of
and take the nuclear supervision cooperation
the nuclear safety research platform should
as one of the bilateral diplomatic issues.
be established, a nuclear safety equipment inspection system established and improved,
We must be aware of the shortcomings of
and the supervision of a total life cycle of
China ’ s nuclear safety supervision. The
the key nuclear facilities improved.
growth of nuclear power installed capacity is relatively rapid, while legislation on
supervision is relatively lagged behind,
Recognition of Nuclear Power
institution not independent enough,
lacking of human resources and financial
Since nuclear technology is sensitive,
resources, limited in the capacity of nuclear
different countries have different nuclear
safety research, short in the nuclear safety
power development policies and the
international exchanges and international
supervision and certification systems are
cooperation funding. These issues are also
not the same, which leads to a poor mutual
very prominent. Especially, the National
recognition of different standards. After the
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Overseas” Strategy of China’s Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议
Fukushima nuclear accident, the international
United States and France, when the nuclear
community proposed higher requirements on
power goes overseas.
the nuclear safety and stricter requirements on the prevention of subsequent accidents
The standardization of nuclear reactor types
and severe accidents and the mitigation
design should also be put on the agenda. It
measures than ever before. The existing
is recommended that the competent nuclear
international regulations, standards and
power authorities manage to standardize
norms on nuclear safety have been constantly
the reactor design, construction design,
revised and improved.
equipment manufacture of “ HualongOne ” as soon as possible, to prevent a
The Chinese standards for nuclear power
conflict of two “ longs (dragons) ” made
are coordinated with the development of
by two companies. Secondly, based on the
the nuclear power technology, national
experience in building projects, the AP1000
supervision, the domestic equipment
design should be gradually standardized. A
manufacturing and the management of project
standardized design should be formed and
construction, which has not yet formed a
shared among the relevant nuclear power
complete system. China ’ s nuclear power
companies for the future mass production,
standards are not highly recognized in the
to prevent the emergence of a third AP1000
international community, which are unable
design of another companies.
to meet the demand of the “ Going Out ”
strategy. It is suggested that the National
4. Promote Steady Development of
Energy Administration, the National Nuclear
Nuclear Power Plant Construction
Safety Administration, Standardization
If China wants to have a share in the
Administration of PRC and other relevant
international nuclear market, it has to
authorities should strengthen coordination
have the advanced technology on nuclear
with the nuclear power enterprises on
application and development and conduct
making the nuclear power standards. The
the plant construction in a relatively stable
nuclear industry standards in China should
way. First, promote the construction of the
be compared with that in the United States
approved projects with “ Hualong-One ”
and France, in order to use China’s nuclear
technology, and lay a solid foundation by
industry standards and refer to authoritative
improving their own technology, to make
standards of the third country, namely, the
the “Going Out” strategy possible. Second,
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Overseas” Strategy of China’s Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
insist the AP1000 technology roadmap, to
clarify the base-load status of the nuclear
accelerate the approval of the follow-up
power with grid enterprises acquiring all of
the electricity generated by nuclear power and feeding it into the grid according to the
According to preliminary statistics, during
dispatching principle of energy saving and
the 13 th Five-Year Plan period, there are
power generation adjustment.
10 AP1000 nuclear power plants with 32 units able to start operation, a total installed
5. Establish Centralized and
capacity of which can reach 40 million kw.
Efficient Decision-making System
Every year about 5-8 units can be put into
of Nuclear Power
operation. During the 13 th Five-Year Plan
All the achievements made in nuclear
period, a list of projects with AP1000 can be
power construction we have ever made are
approved to get ready for the 14 th Five-Year
closely related to the centralized and unified
Plan period. Third, try to get the approval
leadership of the CPC Central Committee
of CAP1400 demonstration projects with
and the State Council which have paid lots
independent intellectual property rights
of attention to the development of nuclear
as soon as possible, to conduct a mass
power. Since 2011 when the Fukushima
construction during the 13th Five-Year Plan
nuclear accident happened, China has learned
period and to make it one of the principal
a lesson from that. In the past two years, the
models for the “Going Out” strategy. Fourth,
construction of some nuclear power projects
promote the inland nuclear power projects
has been restarted, but the number of new
in Xianning of Hubei province, Taohuajiang
nuclear power projects approved to start
of Hunan province and Pengze of Jiangxi
is still very few. It is related to the public
province step by step, which will be a
response and the disputes on the technology
breakthrough for the inland nuclear power
roadmap and the location of the plant, etc.,
projects during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.
but the lack of a centralized and efficient
To guarantee the nuclear power security,
decision-making system of nuclear industry
the third generation of AP1000 or CAP1400
may also be an important reason.
should be applied in the new inland nuclear power projects. Fifth, to make nuclear power
It is suggested that we should further
economical and enhance the support for low-
improve the coordination in the work of
carbon green energy, it is proposed to further
nuclear power industry by establishing
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 6: Suggestions on “Going Overseas” Strategy of China’s Nuclear Power 第六章: 对我国核电“走出去”的几点建议
a leading group for the nuclear power
companies and other related enterprises, as
construction and the implement of the
well as the major issues including project
“ Going Out ” strategy in the State Council,
financing, fuel, project construction,
to coordinate the authorities on energy,
equipment manufacturing and project
nuclear power supervision, national
operation. Thus, a better result will be
defense, the three big nuclear power
achieved by the joint efforts.
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略 ZHANG Jindai Chief Engineer of the Geology and Mining Department of China National Nuclear Corporation
张金带 中国核工业集团公司地矿事业部总工程师
The uranium resource is the material basis
energy, by implementing the three strategies
for the development of the nuclear industry.
of “ development driven by innovation ” ,
In the past 60 years, China has established a
“construction of large-scale uranium bases”
complete system and an industrial pattern of
and ‘ going global ’ to conduct mutually
uranium exploration and mining technologies,
beneficial and win-win cooperation”.
which has ensured the supply of uranium resources for the development of the nuclear
1.Latest Major Progress and
industry and nuclear military industry. China
Breakthroughs in Uranium E&D in
National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has
made great progress in the exploration and
Since the year of 2000, CNNC has ascertained
development of uranium resources since we
a batch of large and super large sized
entered the new century, and will continue
uranium deposits, innovated and improved
to promote the development of nuclear
the geological theories and exploration
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略
technologies of sandstone-type uranium
international advanced level. The technology
mine, so that the exploration of uranium
has been applied in the industry in a large
has reached the “ second mineralization
scale, contributing to the breakthroughs in
location ” , deep into 500 to 1500 meters.
the exploration of sandstone-type uranium
Major breakthroughs have also been made in
deposit in north China. The first green
prospecting uranium mine in the mesozoic-
uranium mine of thousand-tonne capacity
cenozoic sedimentary basin in the north.
in China is being constructed in the Xinjiang
Six large sized uranium bases have been
base. As for the Inner Mongolia base, major
established in Ili, Tuha, Ordos, Erenhot,
construction of some projects has been
Songliao, and Bayingebi basins. The north
accomplished, and the on-site expanding test
part of the Ordos basin has become the first
of some projects has already been completed.
100-million-tonne uranium base in China.
The production ratio of uranium extraction
Technologies of exploring deep uranium
by in-situ leaching has been increased from
deposits in the south have been significantly
27% during the 11th Five-Year Plan period to
improved. Remarkable achievements have
62% now. In south China, we optimized the
been made in exploring mines deep into
proportion of stock and production mainly in
and around the old uranium mines such as
Jiangxi and Guangdong uranium bases, and
Xiangshan of Jiangxi, southern Zhuguang
at the same time we are promoting projects
and Xiazhuang of northern Guangdong, and
around the mines.
Miaoershan in northern Guangxi. Besides, a batch of uranium mines has been newly
2.Opportunities and Challenges
found in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other
Rapid development of nuclear energy has
areas. South China is no longer the only focus
increased the demand for natural uranium.
for the exploration of uranium resources.
To develop nuclear power is an important
Uranium exploration is carried out both in
way to ensure energy security, optimize
south and north China.
energy structure, and improve ecological environment, as well as a significant method
The production of natural uranium has
to promote national economy and local
also been greatly increased. CNNC has
economy. China is now constructing the
indigenousl developed the third-generation
largest-scale nuclear power stations in the
uranium mining technology featuring CO2+O2
world. According to the national Mid-and
in-situ leaching, which has reached the
Long-Term Plan for Nuclear Power, by 2020,
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
the total installed nuclear power capacity in
uranium deposit has also been proven in
operation of China will reach 58 million kw,
south China, which shows that we have met
and the capacity in construction will reach
the requirements to construct large sized
30 million kw. In 2020, the natural uranium
uranium resource exploration bases. As the
needed for nuclear power generation will
period for ascertaining uranium deposit is
be 11,500 tonnes, and the consumption of
very long, for example, it takes 10 to 15
uranium resources will be 16,400 tonnes.
years to ascertain a deposit of above medium
From 2015 to 2020, the accumulated
size, we should enhance the geological
consumption of uranium resources will be
activities and the exploration of uranium
76,000 tonnes. By 2030, the demand for
deposits in China from now on, accelerate
uranium resources will be further increased
the deployment of process test in the early
with the expanding scale of nuclear power
stage of uranium deposit development, and
station construction. By then, the industry
utilize tech-economic appraisal.
of natural uranium will be faced with new opportunities and challenges.
Characteristics of Chinese uranium resources have brought new challenges
The uranium resources in China are “ensured
for uranium exploration and development.
in the short term, supported in the medium
Determined by its geological structure,
term, and potential in the long term ” . As
China ’ s uranium resources are featured
uranium is the strategic resource for both
by small-scale deposit, low ore grade,
military and civil use, we must make full use
complex ore types, rich paragenetic and
the resources in the international market and
associated compositions, and difficulties
at the same time focus on domestic resources.
in comprehensive recovery. We are faced
For domestic resources, the top priority is
with challenges in geological theories and
to construct several thousand-tonne uranium
exploration and development technologies.
resource exploration bases to increase the
For example, the Nuheting uranium deposit
production of natural uranium, so that the
which was the first super large-sized uranium
production pattern of natural uranium in
deposit proven in 2010 brought great
China can be fundamentally changed. Over
challenges such as soft roof, soft seam,
ten super large sized uranium deposits of
soft floor, and complex structure of ore
10,000-tonne capacity have been ascertained
components, though with large reserves and
in north China, and one 30,000-tonne
shallow buried bed. Therefore, it is difficult
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略
for exploitation and hydro-metallurgy
stable increase of investment in scientific
extraction. We must make full use of our
and technological innovation, and ensure
advantages in integration and systems to
capital supply and implementation of
make breakthroughs in both geological
major science and technology projects.
theories and exploration and development
Secondly, we should improve technology
technologies, so that the huge potential
support system and the ability of
of uranium resources can be utilized and
indigenous innovation. A sound technology
support system should be established based on industry development and
The grade of proven uranium mines and the
market demand. And we should create
scale of single uranium deposit in China
a technological innovative platform
cannot catch up with uranium powers, such as
for effective uranium exploration and
Australia, Canada and Kazakhstan. However,
development, which should be exploration
our uranium deposit is large in number,
and production integrated, large-scaled,
rich in type, widely distributed, and great
intensified, informationized, and
in potential production. It is estimated that
intelligent. We should make full use of
the potential reserves of uranium resources
technologies as support, and promote
in mainland China is over two million
the application and transformation of
tonnes. As many areas have not yet been
technological achievements. Third, push
explored, the reserves of uranium resources
forward innovations in mechanism and
to be proven may surpass that of the above
systems, and increase the efficiency of
technological innovations. Establish achievement transformation mechanism
3.Implementing Three Strategies
and multiple rewarding systems to
for Uranium Resources
facilitate the combination of scientific and
We should stick to the strategy of
technological achievements with markets,
development driven by innovation.
capital, and industry. Cultivate chief
Firstly, we should increase investment
engineers through “ talents with projects ”
in science and technology. We should
and cultivate chief experts. Cultivate high-
establish a long-term mechanism of
level creative talents through all types of
science and technology investment in a
research and development platforms and
multi-channel and diversified way, keep
through major scientific projects.
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
We should stick to the strategy of
countries on the basis of complementary
constructing large-scale uranium bases.
advantages. The proven reserves of uranium
Based on the demand for national medium
resource of “One Belt, One Road” countries
and long-term nuclear industry construction,
occupies one third of the total amount proven
CNNC endeavors to ensure safe, reliable,
in the globe. They are also rich in potential
long-term and stable supply of natural
resources and play important role in uranium
uranium, making the natural uranium industry
resources in the world. Kazakhstan, Russia,
the basis for the national nuclear industry and
Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, and
the support for overseas resource exploration
Mongolia are significant countries for
and international trade. In constructing
uranium production, with which we have
large-scale uranium bases, we should stick
long-term scientific exchanges and multiple
to the protective development strategies and
cooperation. At the growing stage of Chinese
optimize the top-level design of capacity
nuclear energy development, we see great
distribution, to push forward breakthroughs
potential for international cooperation in
in exploring uranium resources and high
uranium exploration and development.
efficiency of resource development and utilization. Focusing on the base construction
CNNC will take advantage of its strength
in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, and
of systems, technologies and talents in
Guangdong, together with other areas and
geological exploration, mining, processing,
provinces, four green and environmentally-
scientific development, project design,
friendly uranium mines of thousand-tonne
construction, operation and management
capacity will be primarily built in Ili, Ordos,
to promote regional uranium resources
Tongliao and Xiangshan by 2020. The
E&D together with “One Belt, One Road”
production capacity of natural uranium of
countries. Firstly, CNNC should enhance
the large bases will make up more than 90%
the cooperation achievements, and further
of national total production.
strengthen cooperation and exchanges with uranium-rich countries. Second, CNNC will
We should stick to the strategy of “going
cooperate with other large-scale enterprises
out”. We should implement the cooperative
at home, to establish the fund for overseas
strategy of “ One Belt, One Road ” and
uranium resources E&D, expand the
promote mutually beneficial and win-win
cooperative regions for uranium resources
cooperation with “ One Belt, One Road ”
E&D, and help each other to conduct risk
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 7:Three Strategies for Uranium Resource and Nuclear Energy Development 第七章: 助推核能发展 实施铀资源三大战略
exploration of uranium resources in CNNC
stick to the principle of “multiple investment
countries. Third, CNNC will enhance
and professional E&D ” so as to attract
cooperation with overseas enterprises in
strategic partners at home and abroad. We
multiple ways and modes to accelerate the
will facilitate the development of the strategic
construction of interconnections and uranium
cooperation platform, multiple investment
cooperation platforms.
platforms, and benefit linkage platform for the development of natural uranium. And
The rapid development of nuclear energy
with the help of scientific innovation, CNNC
has brought new opportunities as well as
will accelerate the construction of scaled,
challenges for China ’ s natural uranium
intensified, and informationized green
industry. CNNC will hold the “ open,
uranium mines, making new contributions
inclusive, cooperative, and win-win” basis,
to the national nuclear energy development.
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The CostEffectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性 ZHENG Yuhui Former Director of Technology Commission of China Institute of Nuclear Information and Economics
郑玉辉 中国核科技信息与经济研究院原科技委主任
CHEN Rong Deputy Director of Research and Development Department of China Nuclear Energy Association
陈荣 中国核能行业协会研究开发部副主任 “Develop nuclear power with high efficiency
economical. However, with the adjustment of
on the basis of ensuring safety” has been the
industrial structure and the advancement of
fundamental guideline for China’s nuclear
reform in the field of power system in China,
power development. Favorable economic
the economic competitiveness of nuclear
results are the inexorable requirement of the
power is facing challenges.
efficient development of nuclear power, and the necessary condition for nuclear power’s
1. Economic Evaluation of Nuclear
survival in the power market as well. Over the
past 30 years, it has been proved by China’s
Generally speaking, the cost-effectiveness
development and practice that nuclear power
of nuclear power can be evaluated at two
is not only a safe and clean energy, but also
levels: macro-and microscopic level.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
At the macroscopic level, the cost-
in the future, along with renewable energy and
effectiveness of nuclear power is mainly
carbon capture and storage technology (CCS).
demonstrated as its impacts on social and economic development on one hand, and
Electricity generation by nuclear power
its impacts on environment on the other.
will not emit any carbon dioxide directly,
Compared with coal and other forms of
but will release emissions indirectly during
electricity generation, nuclear power is
the process of nuclear fuel cycling. Indirect
clean and pollution-free, thus bringing
emissions depend on various links and the
great environmental benefits, manifesting its
technology employed. Study show that even
economy from the macroscopic perspective.
if calculated by its highest level of emissions, the indirect emissions of nuclear power
Nuclear power is currently the largest low-
are still lower than the direct emissions of
carbon power source in OECD member
fossil fuel power generation by an order of
countries, accounting for more than 21% of
magnitude. Even compared with the overall
power market share. Even after the Fukushinia
emissions of wind power and hydro power
nuclear disaster, many governments still
generation of the same capacity, nuclear
believe that nuclear power will continue to
power can still be regarded as a real low-
play an important role in low-carbon energy
carbon technology. (See Table 7)
Table 7 Comparison of emissions with different power generation technologies (Unit:t equivalent CO2 /GWh) Power generation technology
1 372
1 310
Biomass energy
Nuclear power
Hydro power
Wind power
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
The Chinese government has proposed that by
and 1990s, including Daya Bay (2×984MW),
2030, emissions of carbon dioxide reach the
Ling ’ ao phase one (2 × 990MW), Qinshan
peak and non-fossil energy accounts for more
phase three (2 × 700MW), and Tianwan
than 20% in primary energy consumption.
(2 × 1060MW). The unit construction cost
Nuclear power will play an important and
was 1658-2077 US dollars/kW,equivalent
irreplaceable role. From the macroscopic
to 13,760-17,173 yuan/kW.
perspective, the cost-effectiveness of nuclear power is beyond any doubt.
However, the construction cost for Qinshan nuclear power plant phase one, the first
At the microscopic level, the economy
nuclear power plant indigenously designed
of nuclear power is reflected in its
and developed by China, was only 5664 yuan/
competitiveness indicators, such as
kW. Later on, the costs for Qinshan phase
project costs, generation costs and on-grid
two, designed and constructed by China on
electricity price. Focusing on the microscopic
the basis of importing and absorbing M310
perspective, this article will make a brief
technology from France, Qinshan phase two
analysis of the economy of nuclear units both
expansion project and Aoling phase two were
in operation and under construction in China
10,986-13,426 yuan/kW.
and the factors that affect their economy. Since 2005, China ’ s nuclear power
2. Comparisons of Economy of
development entered into the stage of scale
Nuclear Units under Operation in
construction. Thanks to the achievements
in indigenous design, construction and
As of January 2016, there are 30 nuclear
operation of Generation Two improved
units in operation in China, all of which are
nuclear units, the localization rate of nuclear
Generation Two improved units, with a total
power equipment exceeded 80%, and the
installed capacity of 28.46GW.
cost budget was 12,300-13,400 yuan/kW, lowest among similar nuclear units around
1)Construction costs of the nuclear
the world.
units under operation Among the nuclear units currently under operation in China, eight of them are based upon technologies imported during the 1980s
2)On-grid power tariff of nuclear units in operation The on-grid electricity price for nuclear
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
power was calculated according to its
will be applied when the newly constructed
costs and profits before January 1, 2013,
nuclear units go into operation. In areas where
and needed to be approved by the pricing
the benchmark on-grid price for nuclear units
authorities. The policy implemented then was
is lower than that for coal-fired generating
one price for one power plant. On June 15,
units, for the first nuclear unit/units or pilot
2013, the National Development and Reform
project/projects which assume the task of
Committee released the Notice on Improving
introducing nuclear power technology, self-
the Pricing System of Nuclear Power On-
dependent innovation and localizing major
grid Electricity Price, implementing standard
and special equipment, the on-grid price can
electricity price policy for new nuclear units.
be moderately raised on the basis of national
Considering the average social costs and
benchmark nuclear on-grid price.
the supply and demand of the electricity market, the benchmark nuclear power on-
At present, the on-grid electricity price for
grid price was set at 0.43 yuan/KWh. In
nuclear power plants under operation in
areas where the benchmark on-grid price for
China are shown in Table 8.
nuclear units is higher than that for coal-fired generating units (including desulfurization
China’s nuclear power plants under operation
and denitration cost), the local benchmark
are scattered along the economically-
on-grid price for coal-fired generating units
developed coastal area of east China. In
Table 8 On-grid electricity price for nuclear power plants under operation in China
Nuclear power plant
On-grid price (yuan/KWh)
Zhejiang Qinshan Phase Two
Guangdong Daya Bay
Guangdong Ling’ao
Zhejiang Qinshan Phase Two
Zhejiang Qinshan Phase Three
Jiangsu Tianwan
Guangdong Ling’ao Phase Two
Zhejiang Qinshan Phase Two Expansion
Liaoning Hongyanhe Phase One
Fujian Ningde Phase One
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
2014, the on-grid electricity price for nuclear
3. Forecast of cost-effectiveness for
power units was lower than the benchmark
Nuclear Units under Construction
on-grid electricity price for desulfurized and
in China
denitrated coal-fired generating units in all
After the Fukushinia nuclear disaster, the
areas except Hongyanhe nuclear power unit
Chinese government explicitly regulated that
in Liaoning province. Compared with coal
newly-constructed nuclear power units must
power, nuclear power has exhibited fairly
meet Generation Three safety standards. At
high levels of competitiveness in coastal
present, there are 24 nuclear power units
area of east China (and part of central China
under construction in China, among which
also included).
nine are Generation Three units, including two in Sanmen Phase One in Zhejiang
With the adjustment of industrial structure
province (AP1000), two in Haiyang Phase
in China, the price for coal-generated
One in Shandong (AP1000), two in Taishan
electricity has been running low since
of Guangdong (EPR), two in Fuqing of Fujian
2015. The average on-grid electricity price
(Hualong-One), and one in Fangchenggang
for coal-fired generating units nationwide
of Guangxi (Hualong-One).
was lowered by about 0.02 yuan/KWh in 2015, and was cut by 0.03 yuan/KWh
1) The estimated project cost and
further in 2016. Take four provinces of
forecast for the on-grid electricity
Guangdong, Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangsu
price of the first AP1000 Generation
as an example. Except Guangdong where
Three nuclear power units under
the benchmark on-grid electricity price for
coal-fired units is 0.4505 yuan/KWh, higher
Sanmen Phase One and Haiyang Phase One,
than the benchmark on-grid electricity price
the self-reliant AP1000 supporting projects,
from nuclear power of 0.43 yuan/KWh, the
are among the first AP1000 nuclear power
benchmark on-grid price for coal power is
units in the world. The project budget estimate
lower than that for nuclear power in all
for the two units in Sanmen Phase One was
other provinces (0.4153, 0.3737 and 0.3780
34.57 billion yuan (fixed investment), with
yuan/KWh, respectively). Nuclear power’s
a total investment of 40.1 billion yuan and
economic competitive advantage over coal
equal to 16,040 yuan/kW. The project budget
power is waning.
estimate for the two units in Haiyang Phase
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
One was 34.4 billion yuan, with a total
delivery delay, and no precedent to go by
investment of 40 billion yuan and equal to
resulted in prolonged construction period
16,000 yuan/kW.
and it was estimated that project cost would increase by over 20%, and thus an increase
Taking 30 years as the economic evaluation
of on-grid electricity price accordingly.
period, and based upon the project budget
Predictably, with the advancement in scale
estimate, experts from the State Nuclear
and standardized construction of AP1000
Power Technology Corporation forecasted
units, and with the rise of localization rate,
in 2013 that the average on-grid electricity
the cost-effectiveness of AP1000 units
price for Sanmen Phase One nuclear power
will be improved. However, its economic
plant would be 0.452 yuan/KWh, lower than
competitiveness with coal power will face
the then benchmark price for desulfurized
severe challenges.
and denitrated coal-fired generating units in Zhejiang province which stood at 0.490
2) Forecast for cost-effectiveness of
yuan/KWh; the average on-grid price for
Hualong-One nuclear units under
Haiyang Phase One nuclear power plant was
forecasted at 0.451 yuan/KWh, lower than the
Based upon China ’ s more than 30 years
then benchmark desulfurized and denitrated
experience in the construction and operation
coal power price in Shandong province,
of nuclear power plants, and having
which was 0.4549 yuan/KWh. In 2016, the
absorbed the advanced design concepts
benchmark on-grid price for coal power was
around the world, Hualong-One is the fruit
lowered to 0.4153 and 0.3729 yuan/KWh in
of self-dependent innovation in the field of
Zhejiang and Shandong respectively, thus
Generation Three nuclear units. With the
eliminating the cast advantage of nuclear
full backing of the already mature nuclear
power over coal power.
power equipment manufacturing system and capacity, and with the employment of
Launched in 2009, the first unit in Sanmen
mature technology that has been tested, the
Nuclear Power Plant was originally planned to
localization rate for the first Hualong-One
be completed and put into operation in 2013,
units is expected to reach 85%, and the
but for now the actual construction schedule
project cost per kW is expected to be 20%
is about 36 months behind the contract
higher than that of Generation Two improved
period. Frequent change of design, equipment
nuclear units. It was demonstrated by the
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
construction of AP1000 units that the main
As of the end of 2015, there are 64 nuclear
cruxes of the first nuclear project with a
power units under construction in the
new type of nuclear unit lie in the changes
world, among which none of Generation
of system layout and construction blueprint
Three pressurized water reactors have
resulted from the change of design concept,
been put into operation. Large investment
and also in the successful development of
and delay in construction schedule are the
the key new equipment. Not like AP1000
two challenges which Generation Three
which adopts the revolutionary, completely
nuclear power plants are currently facing.
passive safety concept, Hualong-One is
For example, adopting EPR technology, the
incrementally improved Generation Three
No.3 unit in Olkiluoto nuclear power plant
nuclear unit, employing technology that has
in Finland started construction in 2005,
already been tested. The technology used by
and is expected to be put into operation in
its key equipment is based and improved upon
2018; built in France, the Flamanville unit
the technology for nuclear power equipment
was launched in 2007, and is expected to
already produced in large number in China,
operate in 2017. The first group of four
hence no manufacturing barriers exist, thus
AP1000 units in the United States which
creating favorable conditions for breaking
started construction in recent 30 years is also
away from the phenomenon of “first reactor
expected to have 18 months behind schedule.
is bound to experience delay” prevalent in
The up to US$6,000-7,000/kW unit cost for
the construction of Generation Three nuclear
AP1000 and EPR, and the unsatisfactory
power plants worldwide. Hualong-One is not
progress of the first reactors (projects), led
only oriented toward the domestic market,
to the repeated success of Russia in the
but also the main type of reactor for the
competition of the international nuclear
“ Going Out ” strategy of China ’ s nuclear
power market. Rosatom State Atomic
power. Thanks to the low investment cost
Energy Corporation currently has possessed
compared with other Generation Three units
orders from 12 countries around the world
around the world, it is fairly competitive in
for a total of 36 nuclear power units, in a
the international market.
large part due to its low unit cost around US$3,000-4,000/kW. Therefore, how to
4. Analysis of the Factors Affecting
improve the cost-effectiveness of nuclear
the cost-effectiveness of Nuclear
power on the premise of ensuring safety
Power Plants
is the challenge China has to face in the
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
nuclear power market competition at home
the purchase price could be gained.
and abroad. 2) Prudent selection and rational 1) Enhancing the self-dependent
utilization for plant location
design, construction and operation
Conditions for nuclear power plants are a
ability of nuclear power plants.
scarce resource. Apart from meeting the
With the realization of indigenous design,
requirement of safe operation, the location
China is not only able to fully utilize its
has to take into consideration its impact
cost advantage in domestic human resources,
on the economy of nuclear power plants.
thus reducing design and technology services
Site conditions, including seismic geology,
fees by a large margin, more importantly,
engineering geology, the adjacency of source
it can also obtain key equipment design,
of water, the sufficiency of water resources,
system design and project design technology
heady-duty transportation and atmospheric
through enhancing its localization ability,
diffusion conditions, will have a bearing
thereby gaining the initiative of purchasing,
on project costs. In the process of design
and improving its ability to manage changes
and construction of nuclear power plants,
and problems on its own in the process
necessary steps must be taken to address
of equipment manufacturing and project
these factors properly.
construction, and effectively reduce project cost.
If site conditions allowed, and after taking into consideration of the power grid layout,
Investment for equipment manufacturing
predevelopment costs and costs for public
accounts for about 50% of the total
facilities, test, project management and
investment for nuclear power projects.
construction can be saved by continuously
Equipment localization has a more direct
building multiple units of the same type on
impact on reducing project costs. Especially
the same site in one design. The cost for per
for those monopolistic equipment that are
kW of constructing two gigawatt units on
only manufactured by one particular company
the same site is around 15% lower than that
of one particular country, more efforts
of constructing only one unit.
should be made on self-reliant research and
development, so that the monopoly can be
3) Choosing mature nuclear power unit
broken up as early as possible and a say in
The more mature the nuclear power unit
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
is, the less expense would be required for
impact on project cost.
research testing, the fewer problems that have not been found and met with before
Strengthening quality, schedule and
will occur, and the few errors, incidents
investment controls and rigorous contract
and changes will likely happen, therefore
management are important measures to
the less the unpredictable costs would be,
minimize and avoid errors and delays in
consequently resulting in cost saving. At the
construction. Construction should follow a
same time, generally speaking, mature units
rational schedule. Do not relax control and
are more reliable when put into operation,
put off deadlines, nor speed up schedule
and more able to operate in a continuous
and rush towards deadlines for the sake of
and stable pattern, thus ensuring the cost-
upholding favorable images, since this will
effectiveness of units after being put into
bring potential quality and safety hazards and
cause even greater economic losses.
By standardizing and serializing design
5) Improving operation management
and equipment, research and development
of nuclear power plants
expenses could be reduced. It will also
The amount of on-grid electricity bears the
make it easier for manufacturers to
most significant influence on electricity
optimize processing flow, reduce equipment
generation cost. Therefore, increasing load
manufacturing cost, streamline safety
factor is the most effective approach to
approval procedures, be beneficial to
reduce generation cost and on-grid price.
accumulate experiences and popularize the
When load factor is raised from 75% to 90%,
utilization, and thus shorten construction
the on-grid price can be reduced by around
period and reduce construction costs.
4) Managing nuclear power projects
To improve nuclear fuel management by
more scientifically and rationally
extending refueling cycle and shortening
Project management with respect to nuclear
reload time; to enhance equipment condition
power plant construction includes quality
diagnosis, extend overhaul cycle and shorten
control, schedule control, investment control
overhaul time limit; to extend the operating
and contract management etc. Scientific and
life of nuclear power plants from 40 years to
rational project management has a significant
60 years…all these measures can effectively
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
reduce production cost and enhance economic
uranium reserve system at enterprise and
national level.
In grid dispatching, power generation cost
For other forms of power generation,
can be significantly reduced by employing
expenses for spent fuel reprocessing and
peak load regulation methods such as
waste final disposal are external cost; while
pumped-storage to allow nuclear power
for nuclear power, they belong to internal
plants to operate under base load to the best
cost. According to the general international
extent possible.
practice, China has set up nuclear spent fuel reprocessing and disposal funds to deal
6) Improving ability to support nuclear fuel cycle
with the expenses needed for spent fuel reprocessing and disposal.
The expenses for nuclear fuel cycle in general account for 20%-30% of the total cost of nuclear power, while the fuel expenses of
7) Pushing forward carbon emissions trading
coal and gas-fired power generation make up
According to the algorithm of traditional
for 40%-60% and 70-80% of the total cost
economics, the power generation cost of all
respectively. By comparison, the proportion
kinds of energy includes only internal cost,
of nuclear fuel cycle expenses in the overall
excluding the external cost caused by the
generation cost is relatively low, which
damage done on environment and ecology
means the volatility of nuclear fuel cycle
during the process of energy production
expenses has comparatively less effect on
and utilization. However, for the nuclear
the total cost of nuclear power.
power industrial chain, the external cost has become internalized. In order to
In all the links of nuclear fuel chain, the
evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different
price of natural uranium bears the most
kinds of energy sources in a scientific
significant impact on nuclear power cost.
and fair way, substantial reform should
In order to avoid such influence on the cost-
be done on the energy pricing mechanism
effectiveness of nuclear power, more efforts
to internalize external cost, which will
should be made to explore and develop
help release the inherent advantage of
overseas uranium resources, strengthen the
clean energy such as nuclear power in the
supply capacity, and improve the natural
competition of economy. By far, China
Chapter 8:The Cost-Effectiveness of Chinese Nuclear Power 第八章: 中国核电的经济性
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
has carried out pilot programs of carbon
national carbon trading market will be
emissions trading in seven provinces and
launched in 2017. With the national carbon
municipalities, all of which have realized
emissions trading market taking form, the
online trading, and the carbon prices have
economic competitiveness of nuclear power
been relatively stable. As planned, the
will certainly be strengthened.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues —— Discussion and Practice on Public Communication in Nuclear Power in 2015
第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁 ——2015年中国核电行业的公众沟通实践及其经验刍议
LOU Yun Senior Manager of Social Responsibility Department of China General Nuclear Power Group
娄云 中国广核集团公司社会责任高级经理
1. Background
industry. Instead, it has become a key
As a significant achievement during the
question that deserves high attention and
progress of human science and technology,
nuclear power has provided us with clean
and efficient new energy. However, the
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster has exerted a
sustainable development of nuclear power
far-reaching influence on the whole nuclear
depends on not only the advancement
power industry in China. As the media ’ s
of technology, but also the public ’ s
repeatedly reporting this accident, especially
acceptance of nuclear energy. Up to now,
the TV live broadcast over the whole process,
communication with the public is no longer
details of this accident has been revealed and
a dispensable choice to the nuclear power
exposed to the whole world. As a result, a
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
great psychological impact has been brought
restarted one after another on the condition
to the public, and fear and doubt of the
that they had been through strict safety
Chinese public to nuclear power are also
review and assessment. However, despite
constantly intensified. In fear of the possible
of the stress coming from the greenhouse
danger caused by the Fukushima accident,
gas reduction, the nuclear power projects
a number of citizens from many cities in
will still be driven and examined with more
China even went on a salt-buying spree. Four
caution and rigor. It is a long progress to
days after that accident, Chinese government
expand the development scale of China’ s
released “ four principles ” to regulate the
nuclear power and to improve the proportion
development of nuclear power, demanding
of nuclear power in the energy structure.
safety inspection should be conducted in
Therefore, nuclear power enterprises in our
all nuclear power plants both in operation
country are now trying to build up a closer
and under construction, and suspending the
relationship with all sectors of society in
approval of new nuclear power projects.
regard of communication and interaction in
Especially, inland projects were not allowed
order to drive the nuclear power projects on
during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-
the basis of the public’s acceptance and trust.
Our nuclear power enterprises have long been exploring an effective way of communication
Under this circumstance, the government
with the public and devoted to establishing an
when making decisions concerning nuclear
open and transparent public communication
power projects is gradually paying much
system to achieve a reasonable and fair
more attention to the public’s attitude and
understanding of nuclear power on the part
their acceptance of nuclear power. The
of the public. During this process, the key is
public’ s attitude toward nuclear power is
to deliver objective, accurate, reasonable and
becoming an important factor which can
scientific messages to the public, especially
affect the decision-making of both our
to those organizations and people who hold
country and enterprises. The nuclear power
negative and biased views toward nuclear
projects and enterprises related to nuclear
power, try to remove panic and mistrust and
power are now confronted with increasing
win the support of the public and the society.
stress from the public.
By doing that, nuclear power will be not only the force driving the development of
In 2015, the planned nuclear power projects
national strategy, economy and society, but
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
also regarded as an indispensable part in the
is another category, namely the “ insider ”
overall development of the country.
group (staffs, cooperative partners and contractors).
2. Strategies 1) Recognizing the key interested party (communication object)
The core interests and appeals of the above groups are different, but their common point
The International Atomic Energy Agency
is that they can probably gain economic
defines interested party as follows: the
benefits from the development of nuclear
interested party refers to a group of people
power, yet they also have to take possible
who have a specific interest relation with
risks brought by it. The typical NIMBY
the given question or decision, including
events in recent years show that to have a
the internal interested party and the external
good communication with the critical groups
interested party. According to the operational
has been a priority in public communication.
experiences of our nuclear power projects,
Therefore, as for those different groups, we
the typical interested parties of the nuclear
classify them before recognition, study them
power projects can be mainly divided into
before judgment, and then apply a variety
four categories: the government, the adjacent
of communicative means and channels to
community, teenagers, the third party opinion
deliver messages accurately and respond
leader and social organizations. In fact, there
adequately to audiences’ appeals and social
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
concerns in order to guide public sentiment
to make detailed solutions: analyze their
and lead public opinion.
appeals, preferences and inclinations, try to understand how their opponent stand is
2) Taking active actions
formed and the means to shift it, take the
Facing with the crucial interested parties
people and groups whose benefits could
and diverse views even those opposed
be directly influenced especially by the
ones toward nuclear power, nuclear power
economy and the environment into serious
enterprises should take an a modest, open
consideration and persuade and guide them
and transparent attitude, conduct active
with accurate and convincing evidence and
communicative and promotional activities,
measures. In regard of the extreme wording
consolidate supporting groups, win over
and discussion frequently used by the anti-
the neutral groups and try to persuade the
nuclear people, the communicative personnel
opposed ones.
must specifically provide them with accurate information and try to prove that kind of
In the communication with the supporting
discussion is untrue and improve the public’s
and neutral groups, we on the one hand
consciousness. Besides, we must get fully
request them to actively cooperate with our
prepared for the emergencies and make
national policies and development strategies
detailed solutions.
concerning nuclear power, enhance constantly their understanding of the nuclear power and
3) Ensuring adequate transparency
boost their positive attitude and confidence
Nuclear safety is the paramount responsibility
in the development of the nuclear power; on
that all the nuclear power enterprises should
the other hand, we should guarantee that the
shoulder. The nuclear energy impresses
communication channels will be continuous
people with its mystery and closure, making
and smooth, launch various communication
it difficult to prove to the outside that it’s
activities and reflect exactly their advice
safe. One of the primary issues related to
and suggestions in the concrete promotion
public communication is to ensure adequate
of the projects to stimulate their enthusiasm
transparency and make the fact that nuclear
and participation.
energy is safe be understood and accepted by the society.
For those groups who hold opponent attitude toward nuclear power, we need
As for the nuclear power industry,
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
“transparency” is mainly reflected in two
professional, nuclear power enterprises
aspects: one is to make the operation
adopt evaluation means to track work
of nuclear power enterprises open and
and formulate improvement measures
emphasize the release and disclosure of
in respects of planning, execution and
safety information. By doing that, the society
resources, and thus to ensure the whole
will gain a deeper understanding of safety
communication activity remains upgraded
conditions of enterprises and the broader
and improved. That will also contribute to the
external supervision could be done, thus
popularization of the nuclear safety culture.
promoting nuclear safety to be operated in
In the meanwhile, we will conduct a deep
transparent environment. The other is the
analysis of the unsuccessful and ineffective
popularization of the general knowledge
communication activities (cancellation of the
of nuclear power. We should emphasize
nuclear fuel project in Jiangmen, domestic
that nuclear safety in nature is not just a
PX petrochemical project and so on) to avoid
problem regarding safety and technology,
the occurrence of similar problems. The
and that it ’ s also a social psychological
evaluation means with the help of interview,
experience. The public’s fear toward nuclear
telephone, questionnaire survey and so on
energy as well as their incomprehension and
are mainly applied in the key groups. In-
rejection of it all resulted from the reality
depth interviews or small-scale interviews
that they rarely have the chance to contact
are conducted among opinion leaders and
with nuclear safety in their daily experience.
experts. As for the media, test is done mainly
Therefore, it’s really crucial to remove the
about the exposure degree of information, the
public’s misunderstandings with reason and
accuracy when delivering the information,
general knowledge and to overcome the
the coverage of the information, etc. and
“environmental anxiety” occurring during the
subsequently on the basis of qualitative
period of social transition. The nuclear power
analysis we will collect and analyze data
industry in China should ensure adequate
to finally carry out quantitative evaluation.
transparency in both aspects mentioned above.
3. Cases and Practices 1) Information disclosure
4) Evaluating and improving effects
We believe that the safe operation and
In order to make sure the public
supervision of nuclear power must be open
communication is systematic, efficient and
and transparent and that all the information
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
regarding nuclear safety should not be
of press spokesman. They take an active part
concealed. Nuclear power enterprises
in spreading information of nuclear power
adopt ways such as disclosing information
in various ways, including press conference
at websites, holding press conferences and
and technology promotion conference.
issuing social responsibility reports to actively
Taking CGNPC as an example, it held six
reveal nuclear and radiation information to the
press conferences in 2013 and over 20 press
public, remove their doubts in time and build
conferences in total during 2014 and 2015.
the foundation of mutual-trust and interactive
Besides the previous safety production
communication. In 2011, the first “Nuclear
situation of nuclear power, strategic plan,
Safety Information Disclosure Platform” in
technology research and development, and
Chinese mainland was launched in Daya
social responsibility are also revealed at
Bay Nuclear Power Base. This platform
press conference. This enables the media
under the leading international standards
and the public to learn about nuclear power
discloses information in time to protect the
enterprises from various aspects.
public’s right to know. Currently, nuclear power enterprises represented by CGNPC
2) Media cooperation
even disclose the zero level operation events
Chinese nuclear power industry takes an
of all the units in operation, and meanwhile
active part in communicating with the
they require that the open platforms of the
media, with focus on the classification
new units should synchronize with their
and the effectiveness of communication.
putting into commercial operation for the
It will provide different service according
sake of facilitating the public to search
to different media, so as to ensure that the
relevant information online at any time. In
media could broadcast the nuclear power
2015, 8 zero level nuclear events happened
information effectively. In 2015, nuclear
among 14 operational nuclear power units
power enterprises, such as CNNC and
of CGNPC, all of which were disclosed and
CGNPC, cooperated extensively with
announced to the public within 48 hours.
China Central Television in broadcasting
It is higher than the working standard of
the following events: the commencement of
similar units in the world. In the aspect of
the construction of No.5 unit of Hongyanhe
news release, each nuclear power enterprise
Nuclear Power Plant, the commencement
in China has established normalized
of the construction of Hualong-One
information release mechanism and teams
demonstration unit, 87 Open Day for
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
Experience, the progress of China-UK
through the Internet. They have established
nuclear energy cooperation, and Offshore
over 100 platforms for social-media, with
Small Nuclear Reactor Project. These large-
tens of millions of pageviews each year.
scale broadcasting has fully introduced the
In 2015, CGNPC WeChat official account
development of Chinese nuclear power
obtained over 14.4 million pageviews, and
industry and especially highlighted the
CNNC WeChat official account got over
importance of nuclear power towards
13.1 million pageviews. By taking advantage
Chinese future development strategy, our
of social media platforms, nuclear power
international competence, the security and
enterprises have organized several activities,
the general knowledge of nuclear power.
such as “micro-interviews” on the subject
They also raised public ’ s attention and
of nuclear power; and “ micro-tourings ” ,
awareness of nuclear power. CGNPC also
organizing netizens to visit nuclear power
worked with “ The News of Truth ” , a TV
bases. They also paid attention to learn
program on Hunan Satellite Television, to
about the popular internet elements and the
produce a feature program on nuclear power
latest reading habits and language styles of
that integrated nuclear power knowledge
readers, and launched a series of art works
with entertainment activities. During the
including videos, animations and songs with
30-minute program, Li Rui, famous host of
the theme of nuclear power. A Little Apple,
a national popular reality show “Where are
a video produced by CNNC, won Excellent
we going Dad”, led the TV crew to reveal
Advertisement and Micro Film Award at the
to the public the mysterious nuclear power.
2nd Asia Micro Films Art Festival. “Micro-
The program has caused wide concern, with
touring”, made by CGNPC, was selected as
the ratings ranking first in Hunan Satellite
one of the top 10 micro-blog operation cases
Television and second in the whole nation
of Chinese enterprises. The social media of
among all TV programs in the same time slot.
both CNNC and CGNPC have become one of the most influential new media of Chinese
3) Internet platform
state-owned enterprises. CGNPC worked
All nuclear power enterprises in China have
together with Guokr, a famous science
opened official micro-blog and WeChat or
popularization website in China, to open
other social media accounts. They encourage
an online zone for science popularization,
the affiliated companies, staffs and experts
and 60,000 people participated in its quiz
to communicate proactively with the public
activity and about 1 million people viewed
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
the web page.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
National Energy Administration, and State Administration of Science,Technology and
4) Public participation and dialogue
Industry for National Defense. During this
To promote public participation in nuclear
period, over 3000 representatives from state
power projects through face-to-face
ministries, local governments, enterprises
communication is one of the prerequisites
of nuclear power industry chain, media,
to gain public comprehension and trust.
industry associations, and NGOs came to
All nuclear power enterprises in China
16 nuclear power bases that are affiliated to
have established normalized public
CNNC, CGNPC, SNPTC and HNP, and their
dialogue mechanism. They have held a
neighboring communities. They participated
series of activities including opinion polls,
in activities and had conversations with
symposiums, conversations, and telephone
nuclear power enterprises, which were
and internet consultations for new nuclear
also broadcast live on the website. The 3N
plant projects. They lay emphasis on the
(Safe Neighbor, Friendly Neighbor, Warm
communication with all walks of life, as
Neighbor) Harmonious Community Concept
well as the feedbacks. They expect to accept
proposed by CGNPC was highly praised by
the supervision initiatively from the society
many participants.
through open dialogue. In 2014 and 2015, all standing committees of people’s congress
5) School education
in the city where CNNC ’ s and CGNPC’ s
Nuclear power enterprises also popularize
new nuclear plants are located have
nuclear power knowledge in school campus
deliberated the proposals of local nuclear
and establish distinctive brand of nuclear
plant construction, and provided advice. All
power knowledge popularization. CGNPC
of these have laid public opinion foundation
combined nuclear power knowledge
for the promotion of nuclear power projects.
popularization with school education by
In order to widen and deepen public
working together with local governments
participation and dialogue, CGNPC’s “Open
to compile textbooks on nuclear power
Day ” was elevated as a common activity
knowledge popularization. The contents
held in all national nuclear power plants
of these textbooks are both scientific and
and the whole nuclear industry from July
interesting. In some places where nuclear
to August of 2015, under the organization
power plants are located, nuclear power
of National Nuclear Safety Administration,
education has been included in the courses
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
of Junior One, lasting for one semester. This education project was initiated in Hongyanhe
6) Communication network and expert resources
Nuclear Power Base in Liaoning province,
In order to expand the influence of nuclear
and has been promoted to 100 schools in
power promotion, Chinese nuclear power
nine provinces. Over 15,000 students have
industry has established communication and
accepted this education. The first nuclear
cooperation with governments at all levels,
power knowledge popularization course
industry associations, research institutions,
for college students in China was set up in
universities, opinion leaders and celebrities.
Dalian University of Technology. CNNC
It also starts to look for spokesmen of clean
trained teachers to popularize nuclear
energy resources and build support teams.
power knowledge and held a nuclear power
China Nuclear Energy Association conducted
knowledge contest, with over 200,000
the first peer review of public communication
participants and 20 million pageviews in total.
work in Chinese nuclear power industry.
These education activities helped students
It completed detailed assessment reports
establish right concept on energy resource
and provided suggestions for three nuclear
and nuclear power during the process of
power projects, CNNC Qinshan Nuclear
study and interaction. It will encourage
Power Base, CGNPC Ningde Nuclear Power
more groups to learn about and understand
Base, and Hunan Taohuajiang Nuclear Power
nuclear power industry comprehensively and
Plant(Inland). The peer review promoted
objectively, and consolidate the social basis
the level of public communication in the
of nuclear power development in the future.
whole industry. Nuclear power enterprises
Chapter 9: Enhancing Open and Transparent Communication on Safety Issues 第九章: 开放透明,架起核电与公众的畅通桥梁
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
also worked together with experts to carry out
exhibition halls all over the country. Its
activities including subject researches, media
“ Industrial Tourism ” project has been
broadcasting, interviews, conservations and
operated for over ten years, receiving over
internet communication. During 2014 and
250,000 visitors in 2015. CNNC plans to
2015, CGNPC cooperated with Southern
construct a nuclear power service center
Metropolis Daily and Sun Yat-sen University
in Haiyan, Zhejiang province, integrating
to conduct a large-scale public survey on the
technological design, training and tourism.
acceptability of nuclear power, collecting
It aims to form a distinctive tourist route
over 20000 network samples and 1200 field
consisting of both nuclear power culture and
samples. Daya Bay Nuclear Power Base,
local traditional culture, so as to promote the
affiliated to CGNPC, set up Nuclear Safety
participation and mechanism construction of
Advisory Committee, which has operated
nuclear power tourism. Besides, CNNC also
for over 27 years, to serve the region of
used caravans to popularize nuclear power
Hong Kong. This committee assembles a
knowledge; CGNPC organized a clean energy
lot of celebrities and experts, reflects key
themed exhibition tour, spreading ideas such
issues that the public are concerned about
as “utilize atomic energy peacefully” and
and puts forward policy suggestions to
“make good use of natural power”. Nuclear
governments and nuclear power enterprises
power enterprises take an active part in all
through regular meetings, discussions and
kinds of exhibitions, including overseas
information sharing. It also clarifies and
exhibitions, China Hi-tech Exhibition
feeds back information to Hong Kong media
and International Nuclear Power Industry
regularly, so as to ensure that citizens in
Exhibition. They make full use of these
Hong Kong are able to obtain accurate and
opportunities to advertise themselves and
objective nuclear power information.
communicate with peers, professional groups and technology enthusiasts. In the exhibition
7) Tourism and exhibition
scene, there are experts and staffs answering
All Chinese nuclear power enterprises have
questions at any time. All of these help to
built exhibition halls of nuclear power or
raise popularity and reputation of nuclear
auxiliary facilities. CGNPC has built 10
power industry.
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统 FANG Jinqing Researcher, Ph.D Supervisor and Consultant in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE)
方锦清 中国原子能科学研究院研究员、博士生导师
Nowadays, the issue of energy is one of the
of China ’ s nuclear energy.
most significant worldly challenges, for it has far-reaching influence on the economic
sustainable development for all countries
At present, there are two major drawbacks in
in the world. And the most important issue
conventional nuclear power. One is that the
for each country ’ s strategic decision is to
uranium-235, as fuel of the thermal neutron
solve the problem of energy in the future.
reactor, only accounts for 0.7% in natural
This paper briefly introduces the Thorium-
uranium and has low utilization rate; the
based molten salt reactor nuclear system
other is the radioactive leakage and difficult
(TMSR) as one of the future development
disposal of nuclear waste caused by possible
means of green nuclear energy, and makes
super-critical accident.
a review of the development strategy, research situation and primary development
The current system of nuclear power
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
estimated by the current fission nuclear
transformable nuclear fuel melt into high-
energy development is that earth reserves
temperature fluoride; and with fluoride as
of land-based uranium-235 and fossil energy
the coolant at the same time, it circulates
will be almost simultaneously depleted and
in the reactor both internally and externally
mankind will face a crisis of Uranium-235.
by carrying the nuclear fuel. The principle
How to cope with this unprecedented
block diagram is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Schematic diagram of the principle and structure of thorium-based molten salt reactor (TMSR)
Both thorium and uranium are nuclear fuel,
Thorium resources in the earth are 3 to 4
but thorium cannot be used directly unless
times as many as uranium resources. In
it is converted into uranium-233 by nuclear
nature, uranium-235 is the only natural
reaction, which is therefore called thorium-
nuclear fuel, the content of which is less
uranium fuel cycle. Molten salt reactor
than 1%. Thorium is usually in the presence
(MSR), as the only liquid fuel reactor, can
of isotope thorium-232. After neutron
be used in thorium-based molten salt reactor
bombardment, thorium-232 can be converted
(TMSR) to make natural nuclear fuel and
into nuclear fuel Uranium-233 which is
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
prone to experience fission reaction. Like
with the current mainstream nuclear power
the Uranium-238, thorium-232 is also a
technology (the third generation reactor),
kind of multiplication material. However,
the fourth generation of reactor includes
compared with the plutonium-239 and
nuclear fuel processing technology, reactor
Uranium-235, which are artificially
technology and nuclear waste processing
converted by uranium-238, the neutron yield
technology, so it is called nuclear power
of Uranium-233 is higher. As a result, a more
system. The goal of the fourth generation of
efficient proliferation cycle could be built
nuclear energy system is to have high index
on this basis, and the high toxic radioactive
requirements, including the long-term and
isotope produced by thorium uranium fuel
stable supply of nuclear fuel, nuclear waste
cycle is less than that produced by uranium
minimization, the intrinsic safety, physical
plutonium fuel cycle.
anti-nuclear proliferation and economical efficiency.
With its natural advantages as nuclear fuel, thorium is regarded as one of the key means
The basic qualities of the molten salt reactor
for the sustainable development of the
(MSR) enable MSR suitable for thorium
nuclear energy in the future. Development
uranium nuclear fuel cycle. Since the molten
of the green and new nuclear energy system
salt reactor (MSR) applies the thorium
enables it to have a better nuclear reactor and
uranium fuel cycle, it is called thorium-based
play a dual role: it can not only burn more
molten salt reactor (TMSR). TMSR has five
nuclear fuel, but also reuse the nuclear waste
prominent advantages.
so as to realize the peaceful application of a new generation of green nuclear energy.
(1) Guarantee of the intrinsic safety. When the molten salt temperature of the molten
Prominent Advantages of Thorium-
salt reactor (MSR) exceeds a predetermined
based Molten Salt Reactor (TMSR)
value, the freezing plug installed at the
As one of the six candidate reactors of the
bottom will automatically melt and then the
fourth generation of reactor nuclear energy
molten salt carrying nuclear fuel will flow
system, thorium-based molten salt reactor
into the emergency storage tank immediately;
(TMSR) aims to meet the needs of the
at the same time, the nuclear reaction will
development of nuclear energy industry
be terminated instantly. In addition, Molten
in the coming 20 to 30 years. Compared
salt reactor (MSR) not only can work
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
under normal pressure with a simple and
uranium-233. This makes the international
safe operation, but also can be built in the
science community recognize that thorium
depths of the ground, which is helpful for
uranium nuclear fuel cycle is not suitable for
anti-terrorism and anti-sudden war.
the development of nuclear fuel for nuclear weapons, but only for producing nuclear
(2) Long-term stable supply of nuclear fuel.
energy, hence there is no worry at all. People
The land reserves of thorium are 3 to 4 times
are no longer fearful of the nuclear, but look
as many as those of uranium resources under
forward to the new era of green peaceful
conservative estimation, and 5 to 8 times
nuclear energy.
under optimistic estimation. Since China is rich with thorium resources, there is no worry
(5) Multiple purposes and flexibility. Small
for China’s energy supply in China’s future
modular reactors and mixed energy are the
once thorium is applied into the production
orientation for the development of nuclear
of nuclear power.
power in the future. The molten salt reactor (MSR) is not only an ideal reactor as small
(3) Reduction of the nuclear waste to the
modular reactor, but also a high-temperature
minimum. Molten salt reactor (MSR) can add
reactor, which is suitable for the application
nuclear fuel and reaction products online,
of producing hybrid energy such as hydrogen.
and can separate as well as process them
Therefore, miniaturization will make it
online (or offline) so that nuclear fuel fully
possible for the community to use green
burns and the final nuclear waste is only
nuclear energy system in the future.
about 1/1000 of the current amount.
Development Tendency of TMSR (4) Physical anti-nuclear proliferation.
Nuclear System
Because nuclear waste produced by
There is a huge amount of thorium over the
conventional reactors has a large amount
world, which can be converted to nuclear
of plutonium-239 which is easy to produce
energy in a variety of ways. China is rich
nuclear weapons, the peaceful application
with thorium resources, so it has a long-term
of nuclear energy faces the risk of nuclear
strategic significance to use thorium-232
weapons proliferation. The new reactor
to create new nuclear energy system. It is
burning thorium-232 produces nuclear fuel
also one of the major reasons for China to
uranium-232 along with the production of
choose molten salt reactor (MSR) as the aim
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
of making a breakthrough. Meanwhile, the
still under development. China plans to spend
molten salt reactor (MSR), as one of sixth
20 years in developing a new generation of
reactor styles, meets the fourth generation
thorium-based molten salt reactor nuclear
of nuclear power technology recommended
system (TMSR) with all the technologies
by international institutions; The molten
reaching the test standard and obtaining all
salt reactor (MSR), as the only liquid fuel
the intellectual property rights. As Chinese
reactor, using thorium uranium as nuclear
people ’ s major strategic decision, the
fuel recycling and fluoride salt as the coolant,
development of green energy will have a
makes natural nuclear fuel and transformable
huge impact in China’s future.
nuclear fuel melt into high temperature fluoride and circulates in both internal and
It is reported that, in 2005, China ’ s GDP
external reactor by carrying the nuclear fuel.
is the sum of 18.23 trillion yuan, with a total energy consumption of 2.23 billion
Great powers in the world loose no
tons of standard coal. Now, China has
opportunity in this endeavor. France, a
become the major country in terms of
member of GIF and the EU are engaged in
greenhouse gas emissions. In next 30 to 40
conceptual design of the molten salt reactor
years, China’s GDP may reach 117 trillion
(MSFR). Russia is doing the studies on molten
yuan, so how much energy will be needed
salt actinide elements of re-circulation and
correspondingly? In order to maintain the
transmutation reactor (MOSART) system,
sustainable development, China needs more
which use different components of plutonium
energy but less greenhouse gas emissions at
and minor actinides three fluoride as fuel
the same time. In terms of extant nuclear
with or without thorium. America, with
power technology, the heat released from
the support of the conceptual program of
1kg of uranium is 196 million kilocalories,
advanced reactor, focuses on development
while 1kg of standard coal can only release
of the fluoride salt cooled high-temperature
7000 kilocalories.
reactor with low cost and complete passive safety, and is designing a comprehensive
Therefore, at this critical moment of global
energy device of thorium-based molten salt
climate change, energy saving and low
reaction for Jamaica and Haiti.
carbon economy urges the revival of nuclear energy all over the world. According to the
The new generation of nuclear reactors is
International Energy Agency (IEA) forecast,
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
to 2050, the total capacity of global nuclear
the reaction with groundwater. At the same
power will reach 1200-1700GWe. At present,
time, the site selection of a new generation
China ’ s nuclear power only accounts for
of reactors will become more free: it can be
less than 2% of total energy consumption.
built in the inland without having to be close
According to the long-term nuclear power
to the ocean; it can be built underground with
development plan issued by the National
tens of meters deep, not only completely
Development and Reform Commission,
isolating the ray, but also preventing the
China operation of nuclear power installed
enemy from launching a sudden attack; it can
capacity will reach 40GWe in China by 2020
be built in big cities as well as in the wilds,
and may be increased to more than 260GWe
transporting permanent electrical power to
by 2050, which suggests that the application
remote mountain villages.
of nuclear energy will be over 20 times in China in next 40 years!
Obviously, TMSR nuclear system is much more likely to change the energy landscape
S t ra t e g y
of the whole world, which marks that the
Prospects of China’s Nuclear Power
world energy strategic leadership is turning
from stereotypical Western countries to the
Rather than the conventional reactor operated
rising technological innovation powers. What
under high pressure, the new reactor with
a promising prospect!
thorium as nuclear fuel is operated under normal pressure, thus enjoying a simple and
Going back to the history, it has taken nearly
safe operation. When the temperature of the
twenty years to complete the commercial
nuclear furnace exceeds a predetermined
promotion of nuclear power plants from
value, the frozen plug located at the
the success of the world’s first reactor test.
bottom will automatically melt, the fused
Then, after another more than twenty years of
salt carrying nuclear fuel will all flow into
development, the mainstream nuclear power
emergency storage tanks and the nuclear
plant technology has matured in current
reaction will stop working. Because the
stage. In order to realize the promotion
coolant is a fluoride salt (while carrying the
and application of TMSR, it is inevitable
fuel), it will become solid salt after cooling,
to experience a long-term struggle and
which makes the nuclear fuel not easy to
overcome multiple scientific and technical
leak and avoids ecological disasters due to
obstacles. China plans to spend 20 to 30
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
years making it possible to have all the
II The developing stage from 2016 to 2025:
technologies reach the pilot-scale experiment
to build TMSR pilot-scale experiment system;
level, possess all the intellectual property
to comprehensively solve the technological
rights and ultimately realize industrialization.
problems; to reach the international leading
Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a
level in the field. The goal of the project is
three-step development planning for 20
to build 100MW thorium-based molten salt
years, please refer to Figure 10.
demonstration reactor and 10MW liquid fuel thorium-based molten salt experiment reactor
I The initial stage from 2010 to 2015: to
by 2025, first achieving the application of solid
establish perfect research platform system;
fuel molten salt reactor (MSR) in the world.
to learn and master the existing technology; to carry out the research on the key scientific
III The breakthrough stage from 2020 to
and technological issues. The goal of the
2030: to build 100MW liquid fuel thorium-
project is to build 2MW thorium-based
based molten salt demonstration reactor by
molten salt experiment reactor and make it
2030 and first achieve the cyclic utilization
reach the critical point at zero power level.
of thorium uranium fuel in the world; to
Figure 10 Three-step road map of TMSR nuclear system
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
build industrially exemplary TMSR system,
must meet the requirements for the
solve related scientific problems, develop
development of the fourth generation of
and master all relevant core technologies as
advanced nuclear energy system. China ’s
well as realize the industrialization of small
fourth generation of nuclear energy system
modular molten salt reactor. The goal of the
with fast reactor as the core device can
project is to build exemplary 100MW TMSR
fully comply with the requirements of the
nuclear system and reach the critical point.
above and has three major characteristics: (1) Combined with the advanced fuel cycle
The fourth generation of advanced nuclear
system, the fast reactor can greatly improve
power system was first proposed by the
the utilization of uranium resources (such as
United States in 2000, and then the USA
reaching 60-70%), which makes the nuclear
established the “ The Fourth Generation of
power experience large-scale sustainable
International Nuclear Power Forum ” (GIF)
development as the main energy. (2) It can
with the developed countries to carry out
transmute the long-lived radioactive waste in
research and development on the fourth
the spent fuel and realize the minimization
generation of nuclear power system.
of nuclear waste, so that the nuclear energy
GIF puts forward four requirements: (1)
can be peacefully used, and its development
Sustainability: It requires to greatly improve
can coexist with the environment friendly
the utilization of resources and reduce
and harmoniously. (3) It has high inherent
radioactive waste to a minimum; (2) Safety
safety; it can completely derive the passive
and reliability: It requires very low core
residual heat and guarantee the multi-channel
melting probability and need no external
mutual independent containment barriers.
emergency preparations; (3) Economical
Even in the case of serious core meltdown,
efficiency and nuclear non-proliferation:
the radioactive substance can be contained
It can be comparable against other types
within the factory.
of energy during the working life and can avoid financial risks and be controllable; (4)
The general strategy put forward by China
Nuclear non-proliferation: it requires that
for the development of green nuclear energy
the system should have anti-proliferation
in the future is: pressurized water reactor
and anti-terrorism capabilities.
(PWR) - fast reactor - fusion reactor, form a closed cycle system of nuclear fuel, make
The future development of nuclear energy
full use of uranium resources and realize
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
the minimization of nuclear waste, so as
China’s Progress and Challenges
to ensure the sustainable development of
According to the academic annual conference
nuclear fission energy. The development
of the Chinese Nuclear Society in 2015, the
of fast reactor and fuel cycle system is of
research of TMSR by China based on the
great significance to the clean and efficient
thorium resource has already begun to take
utilization of nuclear resources in China, to
its shape. Up to now, China has mastered the
the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
key technology of the experimental reactor
as well as the China ’ s national economic
and has made significant progress in the
construction. Mastering the fast reactor
development of four prototype systems. By
engineering technology is the key link
2020, China will build the first 10MW solid
for China to the acquisition of the fourth
fuel thorium based molten salt experiment
generation of nuclear power technology.
reactor and a 2MW liquid fuel thorium based
China’s first fast reactor, a key project in
molten salt experiment reactor in the world.
“ 863 Program ” (the National High-tech Research and Development Program)
China’s future research on TMSR nuclear
-- China ’ s Experimental Fast Reactor
system has extended to four major research
(CEFR) has been critical for the first time
fields: thorium-based nuclear power,
in July 2010 and has succeeded in grid-
molten salt reactor (MSR), comprehensive
connected generation for the first time in
utilization of nuclear energy and advanced
July 2011, which marks that China has made
basic scientific research on nuclear energy;
a major breakthrough in the research and
and these have been developed on seven
development on the fourth generation of
orientations: the safety of molten salt
nuclear power system. In accordance with the
reactor (MSR), thorium and uranium
three-step strategy of “experimental reactor,
radiochemistry, materials of molten salt
demonstration reactor, and commercial
reactor (MSR), reactor core physics and
reactor ” , the next step will focus on
technology, molten salt chemistry and circuit
carrying out the research and construction
technology, hydrogen and carbon chemical
on demonstration fast reactor in 10 years
and engineering, synchrotron radiation and
and laying the foundation for building the
super computing. Up to now, these researches
fast reactor nuclear energy system that fully
have been carried on smoothly.
complies with the requirements of the fourth generation nuclear energy system.
With natural advantages as the nuclear
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
fuel, thorium is regarded as one of the key
nuclear fuel which then are melted in the
means for the sustainable development of
high-temperature fluoride salt. And at last,
nuclear energy in the future. It is reported
by carrying the nuclear fuel, it circulates
that since the launch of the pilot project
inside and outside the reactor.
“Advanced Nuclear Fission Energy in the Future -- TMSR Nuclear System”, Chinese
China’s TMSR prototype system advances
Academy of Sciences has made significant
smoothly. The design of the thorium uranium
progress in the conceptual design of molten
cycle and heap ontology engineering has
salt reactor(MSR), in the building of the
reached the international advanced level; the
verification test bench as well as in the
molten salt loop and a security permission
research of theoretical method. They have
are at the international forefront and the
also achieved international leading positions
thorium uranium cycle prototype system
in the research of molten salt materials.
will effectively improve the economical
The breakthrough in their research on
efficiency of molten salt reactor (MSR)
the structural materials has had decisive
nuclear energy. At the same time, the key
influence in the world.
technologies of the experimental reactor that China has basically mastered or surmounted
The task of China’s pilot project for TMSR
include: extraction and separation, high-
nuclear energy is to develop the solid
end molten salt, nickel base alloy, nuclear
TMSR and liquid TMSR. Though the two
graphite, corrosion control, dry separation
kinds of molten salt reactors (MSR) need
and tritium control.
same technical basis, they have different applications. The former has higher
In short, it is a long-term plan and a sincere
technology maturity and can work as the
hope for China and even all mankind to
pre study for the latter. Therefore, TMSR
carry on the peaceful development of green
pilot project carries out the researches
nuclear energy with a firm resolution. In
simultaneously on the two kinds of heap
order to achieve China dream, Along with
types and develops them successively. And
the development of fast reactor, China
with thorium and uranium as nuclear fuel for
implements two kinds of advanced nuclear
recycling as well as fluoride salt as coolant,
fission energy: thorium based molten
the final liquid fuel reactor transforms the
salt reactor (TMSR) nuclear system and
natural nuclear fuel and the convertible
accelerator driven clean nuclear system
Section Three: Perspectives from Chinese Experts 第三部分: 中国专家观点
Chapter 10:The Future of Green Nuclear Energy: Thorium-based Molten Salt Reactors (TMSR) 第十章: 未来绿色核能发展道路之一:钍基熔盐堆核能系统
(ADS). There are lots of challenges to meet in
international cooperation and conquer all
order to make the green new nuclear energy
obstacles with wisdom and diligence to gain
go from laboratory to industrial applications
victory! China will make its due contribution
and ultimately become national energy. China
to solving the energy problems for the whole
will vigorously develops both domestic and