
Page 1

Civilization and Prosperity

'l'hc tiistorical Beijing F!:om Northcrn important Straltegic -ltrwn to Politiclll (


TJrorkouclian & Upper

C-lave, the

Mysterious Cranium

-l'lre Greart Welll, the Crcat Wonders Yranclndu Site

, the Olcl City Witll

'fl-re Cit-v Wallancj Gate in thc Ming atncl Qing D)natsties,

"lr)nor Nrne ancl C)utetr Sel'en"





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(l\\,lr I .iltlt'WorlCl




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Beijing is a y()(rng cily too. Today's Beuing, is devckrping wifh rzrpicl speed

that ranks among tho inferniltional metropolisos.


is localtcxl in ther

rltlrthernnlost pafi

of the Norfh China Plain in the North of China. Thc climalc of Beuing makos


clear clistinction ltefrveen the four seasons.

lf you want to lake a trip to tleijing,

better choose the April ancl



commutativc periocl befween spring and summcr or the septernbcr ancl october in autumn. At those timcs, it is warm in th(] air and the flowcrs in blossom or sny! in autumn is high and amoshero pleasant,

the highest temperature ge)nerally tiorn 2()

to l5


in the da).time, that is very suitable

for tourists.


This is an old ancl boautifut

-l -j\


capital, a young ancl cha'rrmlng city, shc warrnly Strotch oul both arms, welcome

you approaching this place ancl comc into Beijing.


The P


o (:

lt I




Nearty 600,000 to TOo,OOo hundred years ago, Yongding River which flowed through the southwest of Beijing was still a wide great river with abundant water, gathering brooks, flourish forest

on both banks, haunted wild animal. On a hill in river valley of


t (:

lt I


Yongding, there were gregarious ape-mans lived in the caves. They made a living by enclosin$ and catching preys and fishing. They were the Peking Man. In the l92OS or l93OS, Some tooth

fossils of Peking Man and Several intact cranium fossils were found by the archaeologists. In the Same place, Some ancient zoolites and used fire marks were found also.



or 6,000 years ago, Chinese ancestors who were

generally acknowledged, the two heads of the northern clans, emperors of Huangidi and of Yandi formed an alliance, they defeated

other clans at that time. Later the Yandi were defeated by the younger Huangdi who Lrecame the new leader and established tho capital in the area near BeĂœing. This was the earliest legend tlvrt Betijing area as the capital. BeĂœing area was called Youzhou at




llto Yxtzlrtltt wtts the earliest nalre of Beljing area.



portanf Strategic Town

In the t lth century 8.C.,

the clan of "Zhou" was powerful in the North of lO45 8.C., the first monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, the king of ZhouwLr conferred "North Yan" area on the "Zhaogong", it is today's Bejjing and surrounding area. The offspring of "Zhaogong" were all called the Yanhou. ln the site of ancient city whero thc capital of yan of Western Zhou was found in the Dongjialin village of Liulihe in Fangshan district of Beijing, there is history of more than 3,OOO years nowadays.




the Spring and Autumn period after Zhou Dynasty,

through the constant civil war, amalgamated from dozens of small countries conferrecl by king of Znou into seven big countries progressively, these were

lh.corne! Pavilion of Yuanmingyuan

"Seven Powerful States of the Warring Stafes Period" in China's history. State of Yan was one of "Seven Powerful States", regarded Ji as the capital. According to the archaeological discovery, the expert infers Ji city should be the area from Xuanwu Men to Heping Men in the southwest of Beijing today.

The Air Map of drc Old



Itl llr'llt,,l I rlr r, r \llr.t ttr,ttl\ rrrtl ll ril| l,ll tl r

In rzoo. the Tiemuzhen


governancc centre hcre namecl Dadu, calleci Yanjing to(). From thcn on, Beuing became the political centre of a unified multi-nationality country from a important borclerland strategic town in the North of China ln the l3th contury Marco Polo, a ltalian tourist came to China fiom fhe remofe place, he had exactly seen the prosperous scones of Yuan Dadu at thal

,lllIl!' l,rtrl' t,trIr ItlIII'rI l,\ tt,rr ltt r,rllr,rl lilrt r rl l.ilrli l(,r It,trlr lr k rl l,tr| ( IililtltI ll trrl t ltlil, l ,r\ ,, l l|lllt tg ll;llot 1r,1,1', \, il




time, and propagated the economy and culture here to tho western countrjos by his travels


eog, zhu Yuanzhang set up Ming Dynasty and establish fhe capital in Yingtianfu (today's Nanjing of Jiangsu Province). ln thc same year, he eliminated the army of Yuan Dynasty, captured Dadu mostly, rename as the Beipingfu. ln l4o3 the Ming Chengzu, emperor Zhu Di renamed the Beipingfu as Shuntianfu, called Beijing also This was the earliest origin nameof "Beijing". lnthc Igthyearof Yongle (|42I). MingDynastymoved the capital to Beijing formally, anci Nanjing lowered as a second capifal

I rV

ll| || ',('l rl\r'rIll1r,r,11 rll,rl lrr Yirrrlir r1l, irrt<l was namod ttt tlt t11ol llr,llll 1;r,15 llrtrrtrl rilitl ir) tllohisf()ry. ,ll

establishcd the Crcat Mongolia Kingdom and

was electcd as Genghis Khan Genghis Khan lecj his M()ngoljan army lnarched into Central Plains. and had occupie)d tho arcil of Yaniing In 1272, Yuan Shizu, the founder of Yuan Dynasfy Qttbilai l)uilt the new

Beihai's Yudong Bridge of rhe Old Beijiog


namecl Poidu.

lfltrllrrruyrran of rhe Old Beijing

'l'hc limr (.hnng tn Strcct of thc Old lSciiing

,l llI l,t,l rIItl


,t,rt ( j!rt lli,/ll(.t I()l Illt(.ll11-()lX](,

,t',,Itl (Il l.,lt|k,rr l(,r llrr.1ri rllrl)l(,;lli(]rltalnto(i 't ,,1lrt'.,ilt|\ lir (,tl rlill(.li(.i,inil ill)(is()l ul) thc r l tt t, rl r ,l \ ll|! l )\,l t, t,,l\, \,\,t t silngili WltO WaS ', 1 ,t',1,r rl lor llt(' (;t(.ill (_.liilg ( ()ut)1r)/ ", thaf I,rrrr lrrt lrr rlt,,1r,tl( lt lt()()l)s iln(l.sul)l)rcss tlte l,rrl rl |[ltlt til\ (]t(,,tl (,)ilt1i(()t il)lr\/Itit(lC:lpturCCj 'r r ,rl tlr ,,,ilr(.\(.i ll, I ntl )(,r()rSl rrrizlti movecl r ',lrr rrr'lttrrl rllrl,t\.,, ...J

,,,,r,,,,,,, \i,,;r(,,rri:,iii,lllL:l].;1illil:

Tho narnes of Bcijing in th(r Diflercnt peri().l you lO45 B C yan

60(-)0 B C.

17s B C. .Ji

A D g.JU N,rnjing yi]lUing

A.D. I tSlJ Zhongrlu A.D. t272 Dadu

A.D. 13613 A D. t.403

A.D. IU2A A.D. l9zt9

,/ Beiiing



Ut' :ti.


rl I Ir rllr\ I)t ,eililt\itl s(.t r, rrvt,t ll[(,vV (Jil)g Irr ltr,grrrlrlrr ol (iltilir itrr<l lirrislrr,rl llrt, r r1r ll1,11l ,lo( l I \'(.ilts l1 llrr, r.i ttl\, \,(,i*.s ()l l\l \\,1.. ,,ttll llt(.r irlllirl lurrl rcr)lllrt,rl;rs

I 1,,

lrtt rtr

l\4t rr

in F-esrival

On October t, tg4g, the people's Republjc of China w,as declared its cstablishment here, BeUing has becamc rhe capifal of tho people,s Republic of China, the old BeUing rake on an enfirely new looks About the history ()f tleijing, there are relevant exhibitions in th(] newl;r built th(j Capital Musolrm located in West Chang'an Street of Bejjing

\1",r I I rrrqr,l I rrrlr ror ( lrrrnlzlrr rr 1,1 I l,r r,r lt rrr rlrr jrrrrl,lr,rrr t,,rrl



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Ill rllr ()l (:l lllt, INl,t() Z(,(l()tlll ()t t(,(,wr()1c I llt(.(;l(.ill \,\,itll n{tl l)(.il ll.ll(.lt)ar),,



nttllt,il\ rlr,lIrtrlirrll 1rt0jt,t,l irr trrrc:i()rrl times in t\ lt I.,,t.,\iltlxrl ()l clrrrr<,sc nali()n t)s its long \\ltlt\r.tV llllll rt(.1 )ulitli()ll ill)(.1 voryttrmous in lr l'\t,rrrrlrl0l l,ll\,1)1. t,l titiii Milltilor,s tomb of tirl l',1,Irl rr 11, q,1, llrr.1;;1,;,1 Witll :rre praisecl aS ll l', ll,,l('rl l r "tlrr. lrlrilirg<t (liroctory of the I llll rlt,t,,l,,t.r I lo

I rrr

)l(.( I itJi lltC: lturnan COmmOn


Great Walt of China was built in the Spring ancj Aufumn and thc

Warring States Periods befbrc the 2nd century B C., the construction work


has gone through more than 2OOO years intermittently, the total lengfh up to more than 5o,ooo kibmeters. Thc Groat Wall where we see today is mostly the Creaf Walt built in the Ming Dynasty in the l3fh ccntur:y. It reached in the east of Yalu River in Liaoning from the Jiayu Pass of Gansu in the wcst, lotal long 6350 km. lt looks like a vigorous huâ‚Źie clragon,

, lt, rt.ili.rqr,,l,

traversed fho North of China At all times and in all lancls, the person have been ro fhe Great wall wondered for its boundless imposing manner all withouf excepfion

The creat wall was a protective screen of defending the war in the past and as the pcaceful symbol and the tie of friendship today.

I l,

rl,,rlr.rrr ( ir,.rr V.rll


(,1(,ll \\itll t:r lrir lrl|rlrrrlltc nl()ilnl,lit) lil( il tlrr rrorllr ol Il('iiit)tj i[('il. llit l)itss('(l ll)l()ltgll ,,il( l) (i r or rrrlir.s its N4iyrr|t, IIuilirorr, l,inggu, \,ü)(lI)ii. (,lriItgl)ing, N4ont()Ug()u, otc l\\'injng rrr

Irorrr Nr)t ll)('ilsl(rrn (liroclioLt to tltct Northv\/ctst. ( \l('r

l( I (i21)

n l( )l

)lilir I ri(lgos ancl cn thc


kil()ntotcr.s. nt()stl\/ conslructfecl in high clifl It is worlcl-fantorrs

l()r lllo spcctalculatr ancl hUgo sctale. 't'here are r)r()r() than uoo plallbm:;, 7 t passc)s ancl 8 camps in all in urt tho C;rcat Wall ()f ßeUing ncrcording to

investigirlion att tr)rosetnt, a lot of famous beauty sconci sr.rcril el.s tsa(lt)ling, \4utianyu, Gubeikou, Simartai. Shcntaingy,rr ancl y.rrtho city otc . ancl

lnany airrong them have alrea(l\/ bectrnte the farnor-rs sccnic sljot \,vhcrc-. are vor)/ well-kn()wn all ovcrr tilo u/orlcj

Creat lWall Snorv Scenes

-Jinshan I-ing


rear \i/alJ

'rT. irrFtJ.

i'l:1,*^- '4

I j


tltc Prrk

dadu S&fe, In






s, Zhongdu (Beiiing in that time) in Jin Dynasty was

captured by Genghis ttran and his Mongolian soldier' In 1266' his grandson Yuan Shizu Qubilai felt Zhongdu was too broken, then asked famous scholar Liu Bingzhong in that time to plan,

then built a new city in the northeast of the zhongdu City regarded present Beihai as the centre. Tltough about l8 years of constn-rction, complefed unttl | 27 6, there is a history of more Firsr Sun Rays in

rHltnn l,ltrg Ororrt Wirll ls l-ocrate(l in the ,vt tHltll r lt klk rtrrelr,rs, l,iliuU)lltg cx)unty of

lg hl llx! tlltHl t(l lll(l L()r)gyukou in the rrlFfi, 'l'l lo llillnc ('itill() fi<lrrt some the hilrnll ( l)r1 lill(l Xliur) ,ilrr t{Ul ln the Ming rl Wnll ol',tlllnlIül t.lilg ls wln(ling with r(r ill(,rfl lrrlrrr'1 lrirrt ilt tho crcat wall in

Irnrr l,lrrg, ilullnly vlow it.$ hug() dragon-

l(lt1tt(lntls(t(l tirll, I


wcll as boundless

It f{lr(\l('lllng ttnrl trncltrluting grotesque

Jinshanling Grcat Vall


Moroing ofJinshanling


ln Yuandadu Site Park

than 7oO years so far. Until now up to more than lo meters traces of city wall can be seen that is catled "soil city" by citizens in Beüing, it was listed as the chinese major historical and cultural monuments under state protection of Beuing ln 1957. And moreover, based on the ruins wall. the "park of the Historical Reritage of the Yuandadu" has been approved and built by Beijing Municipal Government in lgaa. Tree of Jimen" was a stafting point of the palk westelrxnost platform remained the stone tablet of "smoking Tree of Jimen" the city end, in made which was Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. That was known as one of the eight scenes in Yanjing, symbolizing the early stage of ancient city development of BeÜlng. Group of stone carvings named the "Grand ceremony of Dadu" regarded Qubilai and Imperial concubine of Yuan as the center, there are l9 important persons in cornrnon, beside the civil officials and military officer while founding state in Yuan D),nasty on both sides, there were ltalian tourist Marco Polo, famous astronomer Guo Shoujing, Nepalese alchitect and s<:rrllltor Anikai etc.. All of which had reproduced the grand occasion in

The "Smoking

Jxrlltk;irl, ()(x)tl()tnic, military and cultural aspects of Yuan il lirrg()sl oul(kx)r gr()tll) of stattlos in BeÜing thus far.

Dynasry Thatwas


o (l H I


0 C H I


Oly pic l"ark and Olytttllit:



Beijing olympic Park is located in the north end of the urban central axis of Beijing, is the main area to 2oo8 olympic Games, which concentrate I 1 matches and lo venues, including such important establishments and facilities as Olympic Village, International Broadcast Center, main press center, etc.. With very distinct commemorative character, the Olympic F채rk becomes the sign of the Olympic Games legary The subway olympic cames branch line will run through the park from south to north with underground second floor of central axis, wifh total length about 4 4 kilometers and four subway stations.


National Stadium National Stadium is one of the landmark building of the Olympic Park, located in the east of the central axis of central area the olympic Park and the west of the dragon-shaped viewing water system, Divided and arranged on the both of the central axis along with the National

Swimming Centre and the National Gymnasium, because structure

subassemblies of the stadium supported each other and formed nefwork shape, it is called "Bird Nest" vividly.

The base of National Stadium covers an area of Taooo square meters, and

attaching a permanent warming-up place of 4oo

Nrt r rrrrl Natacorim (Model of Cubic \9ater)

meters runway, total floor

National Swimming contro Tho Nntknnl ltvl the south, the centre parl of'll$|llng OlytilIl

area about 260,OOO square meters, the height of the building about 68 meters, including ao,ooo permanent seats and 2o,ooo temporary

hectares of construction lanrl, toltrl l'ltrttf ttfon u the height of the buildlng :l I rn(rfrlrn, 'lltr rlfr consist of more than 3,OOO g(xnnolrl(:nl Wflltrf I cube" by people.


Nacional Stadium (Model of Bird



The ltajor [Iistorio:rl ilnd (lullural

ltonunrenf$ ulxcler S(ltle I'ro(ecli(rll in eeliing Ancient Architecture

Dongyuctrrlitl()'llrl Ill )l('

Dongcheng Districl

Qingjingliua (lily'li)w(rr Qlllg

changping county

Fuwang l'ri(:()'s l{('sl(l(tlltlä



The Palace Museum Ming and Qing

\1 llll I

charoyang l)is1ri(rl


Juyongguan Cloud Platform Yuan


The Badaling Great wall Ming Yanqing

chaoyang Districl .lilr ol slllltl Itf

The Temple of Heaven Ming changping County zhihua Temple Ming Chongwen District

The lmperial college Qing Dongcheng District

Yonghegong Lama Temple Ming Dongcheng Dislrict

summer Palace Qing Haidian District Confucian Temple Yuan, Ming and Qing Haidian District

Chongli Residence Qing Dongcheng District

The Drum Tower, Bell Tower Ming, Qing Dongcheng District Ke Garden Qing Dongcheng District

Miaoying Temple White Tower Yuan District Hall Ming Xicheng District ties Emperor's Temple Ming, Qing xicheng District Nantang cathedral Qjng xcheng Districf Jingshan Ming, Qing xicheng District Baiyun Taoisl Temple Qing Xicheng

Beihai and Tuan cheng Ming,Qing

xicheng District Huangshicheng Ming, Qing Dongcheng District

Tcmplo Ming Sllllhlt{$llHn

Tanzhe Templo Qinil M(,lll( )l llltltl Wanfotang, Kongsl)l lk l()rlg ( ancl Tower sui t() MinA litlulrlßn Bi),un Templc Ming, Qhrg lltlhllBn Dahui Temple Ming t lill(llilll I Shifang Pujuc'lcrnlt() Qhlg I lllk

Juesheng Templo Qing I lilkllllll I Zhenjue Temple Wilrri()r 'l'llr( )ll0 the trive Pagodtrs 'llilnlll(') Mlllg District

simatai Great wall Millg llill(llllll Yunju Temple Towor StoIX: S( Tang, Liao, Jin Fangslulll l)lslrl(!l Moden sitos and Memorltrl

Red Building of Beuing t llllvnrilly of May 4 Movement irl I o lf ) I District Lugou Bridge 1937 l'(xlgläll l)liffl€l Site of the Central Orgilrl, ( lllhl(!Hö äa Youth League Monument to the Pe()[)l(ts llt!l(l6a Center of Beijing Tian-an Men (Gate of I loilvtlllly Founding of PRC I949 (;()lllt:f l)l The former Residenco of siollr{

Beijing Ancient Observatory Ming'Qing

in Beijing 1963 Beihcyilrl, l)(

Dongcheng District southeast watchtower Ming, Dongcheng District Zhengyangmen of Beuing Ming'Qing

The former Residenco ()l (

lmperial Divine TemPle Ming'Qing

Xcheng District

Silver mountain Tallin of Beijing Jin, Yuan Changping The lmperial Ancestral Temple Ming' Qing Dongcheng District

Tianning Temple Tower Liao Xuanwu

District Niujie Mosque Ming, Qing Xuanw'Lr District Fawan Temple Qing Xuanwu District Allar of Agriculture Ming, Qing xuanwu District Jietai (Sila Altar) Temple Liao, Song Yuan' Qing Mentougou District

District t

963'l 97a xicheng Distrkrl

Ancient Tombs The Ming Tombs Ming charlgl)ll1g

Jingtai Tomb Ming Haidian l)l3trl(ll

Ancient Remains

zhoukouclian Ancient Siter 'l'llo Age Fangshan District Liulihe Sile Western Zh()(l Dislrict



Yuanm jngyuan Palaco Sll6 Fangshan District

Jin Zhongdushuiguan Disftict

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