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HrlfitiijjE, EEträi. tf)rffig, lb-FK)r^)Etr, AJtEtR634o.s+äAE. inäj:t;eEFIä+EEt H!14)fr+,t'il#€*!)6trfirt, ^lü^^fr, EHjüEö+fn. Dk)E. 1=,EfitftfrlEpEiü. t)Strrqi+FtEpnrä)fi. äEü. ffiäilfi[ F!.trt2,üü. Shanghai is Located in the foreside of the Yangtze Delta which is the richest place of China Shanghai is wahsed by the East Cnn, S.. #,the east and Hangzhou south,bordering on Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province on the west with the total area of 6,340.5 sq k m North of the city, the Yangtze..River pours into the East

Bay on the

China Sea Now,Shanghai has become the Largest economic center and well-known port city in China as well as an important bäse of science, tourism, technology,information and culture Moreover;Shanghai is striding toward the center of international economy,finance, trade and transportation La ville Shanghai est situde

au bout du fleuve Yangzi , sur le littoral ouest du Pacifique La s6parent de la ville Shanghai de Donghai ä l'ouest, de la baie

Hangzhouausud,delaprovinceJiangsuaunordetZhejiangausud Elleoccupelasuperficied'environ63405dekmca116 Aujourd'hui, l'öconomieshanghai s'est d6velopp6e rapidement,la ville est devenue la plus forte en öconomie,informatique,voyage,science et culture en chine. D'ailleurs elle est entrain de se construire et devenir le centre de l'6conomie, de la finance,du commerce et du transporl en Chine.

LtEItFtrDi/vtDriffitt.[iEL. HtrHiEtEffia, H'trt^'r!j/AtFFHL. Etrir#F .'tffiir_.Ä Lt*ffi,L. lblrE?roF]tr L#lr-,(. #f&6 ffiit6340.5+h+aTb6" rEE. ri6il+EäJtrrffiiÄtr'üLH4'/tt&El.fitrtlt-:/:tatF$i:. f++n. &c)8. lä+R. I.fto€44tüfrü/r:k" rta itE trHffi iA. +fril, HD. zkt:E4ff o F,t' trt ts 6 pHf : F] 111** L(L \ 6 " aöl]= äfäA4+oll +l öH ?,1 trl . oe= .ö|]sl E_:!r LJoe=:Br.+ür+ o,!=J?tgol ääa,trädoll "Jäl_r +oe= ^l ^lE=5^loll äfägöll+oll ?l-löfl ?ltrl.E^|"J4= 6340.5km2o1trl -d^ll,ätöll: ZrJl=drll Bf+E^lolEi "i-+71ä,+lJ,ä.Eel Eöl"l =+4trlI"l goe EflI!öfn ?l+. ä_e-d 7l^l0lrl.ärö|]= +424,=3,+elrl äE=d= +EE


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Photographer: LiDaoming

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Xintiandi -+.fi).IM tl!^l




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