samples 2 0 0 5 - p r es en t born on 18.06.1987 + london, united kingdom
the silver studio. a space oddity concept. design. detail. construction 2013. masters in architecture. städelschule. frankfurt
The Silver Studio, a space of architectural excess, is a place for self exposure and self reflection. Its perfectly superficial gleaming veneer dissolves all geometric references within the space while containing architectural study models in itself. As a part of the Städelschule ’s theme of Interiority, the silver studio is a condition saturated with architectural, social, political and philosophical nuances. A project of an interiority expression, the studio opened to the citizens of Frankfurt during the annual open day as an interior suspended in time and space, under the guidance of Thomas Bayrle’s students Sebastian Stöhrer and Stefan Wieland.
the garden state design. detail. mapping. construction. choreography. host 2014. masters in architecture. städelschule. mousonturm theatre. frankfurt. buenos aires. venice
A choreographic community garden : a social oasis, a utopian island and a temporary autonomous zone. The Mousonturm theatre space of Frankfurt was transformed into this biotope in January 2014 by Mamaza and the ACAP, Städelschule. Potted plants of all species, sizes and forms were collected from and brought by citizens. Within Garden State, these plants were recomposed on mobile and fixed platforms forming a changeable archipelago of green islands. Together with carpets, pillows, soundscapes, lightscapes and fruits, planned events like yoga, gatherings, theoretical seminars, talks, music performances, city walks, parties created a mobile, artificial, malleable free space to be inhabited, shared and dreamed up together by the people of the city. It brought together the spatial topologies of gardens, the theatre stage and auditorium as well as domesticity within private and the public.
house on a stream design. detail design. site execution 2013. architect at architecture brio. mumbai
A stream weaves through this weekend Mumbai getaway. Like an organism trying to make the best of its resources and surroundings, the house with its several limbs reaches out into the landscape, sometimes a beautiful tree, sometimes the cascading monsoon water. A multitude of medicinal and fruit bearing trees provide an intimate ambience and a comfortable microclimate. The day areas are separated from the master bedroom by a bridge that spans across the stream. The kitchen is the heart of the house : a large high ceiling, inviting volume. The living, dining, pantry and guest bedroom span out from here in different directions, sometimes embracing a tree to create a courtyard, or sometimes lifted off the ground onto the panoramic mountain view, utilising the full potential the site has to offer. A connection between the manmade and nature is emphasized by the simple use of highly detailed terazzo, burma timber, raw concrete and pure white plaster.
a butterfly reserve design. detail. drawing. technical communication 2012. architect at architecture brio. mumbai
A 75 acre Butterfly Reserve is proposed in the endangered Himalayan butterfly hotspots, currently under urbanisation danger. A lush variety of nectar and feeding plants revive the population and variety of the butterflies. Interventions are minimum and include a scientific research centre, tourism & research pavilions and an observation tower, sensitive of the social and physical environmental impact. Just as a butterfly perches tenderly on a flower barely touching it, so do the interventions with minimal lightweight timber frame structures on light steel columns that touch the ground, prefabricated to reduce disturbance at site. The entrance tower structure is the culmination of the Reserve as a constructed ecology. Based on tensegrity and balance, biomimicry is at play in the form of camoflage and display. The butterfly is a reminder to make changes when the opportunity arises. Change and transformation are inevitable for us all, and the journey through the park encourages this in the hope of a better environment.
diverse housing competitions design. detail. presentation 2017. architect at molestina architekten. cologne. germany
The competition team at Molestina Architekten is passionate, dynamic and energetic. Together, we worked on several housing competitions with a focus on sensitive living spaces, both indoors and outdoors. The growing demand for a stronger association with nature and energy promote sustainability even at the most basic social housing level.
pavilion detail. drawing. presentation 2016. architect at molestina architekten. cologne. germany
Situated in the middle of the Martin Luther Plaza in Düsseldorf, the pavilion is a humble acknowledgement to the Johannes Church besides it. Its generous arches welcome people from all its sides into a warm cafe and restaurant on three levels. An underground space provides for a community hall for the old city center. With the setting sun, this porous pavilion acts as a lantern attracting friends and family into its warm abode.
villa petra design. detail design. drawings 2015. architect at marlene uldschmidt architects. portugal
Located in the southern Algarve coast of Portugal, this private home follows the fundamental principles of contemporary portuguese architecture : pure white elements marked by sharp openings towards vistas of sea, vegetation and the sky. Previous interventions and extensions led to the current shape and form of the building which needed to be retained and the inner spaces were entirely reconfigured. The first floor terraces and balconies shade the main building from harsh sunlight. The pool’s orientation allows air cooled by the water into the primary openings. I was involved in the design, detail and drawings of all the secondary elements : the terraces, balconies, pool side details, glass railings, floating timber steps of the pool and sloping terrain, outdoor kitchen. I also conducted vernacular material research, determining opening sizes, designing the car park, physical and digital modelling, landscaping as well as initial site visits.
Hotel Maison 1896 design. permission. drawing. communication. co-ordination. tenders 2018 - 2021. project architect at darchitectura. paris. dijon
A luxurious 5 star hotel in the historic center of Beaune, in the heart of Burgundy for wine loving clients from around the world. With only 16 rooms, a Michelin restaurant, a bistro and a bar, the dilapidated 1000sqm1896 building is completely restored to portray its original charm : burgundy limestone, oak parquet, stained glass windows, gilded mouldings, carved wooden panellings, painted ceilings, wrought iron details, etc. The courtyard is covered with a new glass rooftop with an outdoor balcony binding various hotel spaces. Under the famed client David Fink of Relais & Chateaux, this bilingual project has faced immense challenges, mainly of co-ordination arising due to differences in the client’s requirements, his interior and lighting designers, city council, french historical patrimony, structural engineers, technical teams and french bye-laws. Project head from its initial conception, to obtaining permissions, to negotiating between the client and various designers, to construction drawings, details, tenders & supervision.
softscapes. urban meanders dissertation 2014. masters in architecture. städelschule. frankfurt
Urban lifestyles reconfigure ones association of social structures, and one encounters more strangers than otherwise. How do a group of strangers behave in an urban atmosphere? How do their seemingly random bodies respond to each other? Bodily relations are softened by creating a space for people to drift and linger, a breather. Two semi-ambiguous programs are mixed together enabling people to choreograph their own experience.The ambiguity of body and functional relations help soften such drifts, and results in an experiential phenomena. The space is activated by the intrusion of events and its users, within its layered porous immersion. Openness calls for active play, indeterminacy calls for participation, and the absence of spatial hierarchy requires communal initiative, hoping to become a pleasant place for an urban pause.
staged domesticity concept. new domesticity. 2013. masters in architecture. städelschule. frankfurt
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Domestic life is staged through a careful articulation of living spaces. It is viewed as a theatre, which infuses social relations amongst the actors, and thrives on momentary experiences between the body, furniture, architecture and the city. The stage is the formal backdrop of the domestic. Domestic rituals result in the need for objects as identity, comfort, mark of inhabitation or a social collector. The actors in their own little plays complete the domestic setting. Free stages between defined spaces of use allow self-programming. The television as the connector to the outside, the bedding as the endorser of privacy, and the coffee table as the spill in between. These instances create proscenia that move, shift, open, close and play with levels of exposure and focus upon various rituals, sometimes quiet, sometimes loud. Openness calls for active play, indeterminacy calls for participation and lack of spatial hierarchy requires communal initiative. How can this be used to create a system of engagement and participation in an ever changing society? Can this create a platform relationships . stage andbackgrounds object relationships . stage and object where and resources of people are appreciated and shared? Perhaps this catalyses us in the shift relationships relationships .different stage . stage andand object object relationships . stage and object relationships . stage and object relationships relationships . stage . stage andrelationships and object object . object and actor relationships . object and actor from a predetermined behaviour backdrop :: spatial :: low fluidity backdrop :: spatial :: low fluidity relationships relationships . object . object and and actor actorin space to a more nomadic mode of constant, adaptive, flexible, new domesticity?
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an elemental system system generation 2013. masters in architecture. städelschule. frankfurt
A system is generated by two points, a path and a vortex. Variable sections on the path are always focussed through the vortex. When interpolated, these sections create myriad geometries in systemic vigour. A form was made with styrofoam and digitised through a system generated for its creation. This system, in turn, allows the generation of varying spatial forms. On changing the variables, in this case, the section profile and the path, a variety of forms are generated.
residential development brünnen competition. drawing. presentation 2011. internship. wahlirüefli architekten ag. biel. switzerland
A competition in close collaboration with Rollimarchini Architects of Bern, I worked with the principle architects to design, develop, detail and present the scheme. A new urban landscape is being developed at the edge of city Bern.Functions layer from the public outdoor parking, a patio, an open space towards the private residences and the central green court. Encouraging a reduced motorised transport, the outdoor parking can eventually transform into studios and small shops. A lower courtyard allows a mezzanine floor for community use and privacy to the ground apartments. A standard 3.5 room apartment allows a free room to be used as desired. Free flowing, open apartments allow visual links between cooking, relaxing and socialising. Two such standard apartments can create one 4.5 and one 2.5 room apartments.
a pavement vendor’s cart mobile. temporary. prototype 2006. bachelors in architecture. krvia. mumbai
Mumbai’s pavements are saturated with unauthorised temporary vendors. This mobile lightweight cart, designed for a cigarette vendor, folds up like a suitcase without disturbing its contents, to change locations or be carried home at the day’s end. A simple mechanism of hinges and pivots, the cart incorporates an attractive expanding display, a sunshade, a seat and sufficient extra storage.
a discussion space an outdoor pavillion 2006. bachelors in architecture. krvia. mumbai
Communal interaction is encouraged and promoted in this outdoor seating pavilion. It allows for a multiple level seating facing inward, as well as an outward seating facing the outside world for the sole observers and contemplators. Sunlight filters through the structure and a contained intimate space is created. Built with wooden boards bolted together, it can be installed and dismantled easily in a couple of hours.
unconfining the mentally ill design dissertation 2010. bachelors in architecture. krvia. mumbai
The mentally ill are usually looked down upon by families and society. They have constantly been shifted out of the growing Mumbai city towards the cheaper farmlands. I aim to shift this institute back in the city for their healthy development. Institutionalisation, medication and monotonous labour are the easiest but disastrous therapies. The city’s former mental institute is opened out to the city, the compound wall is broken making it a part of the city’s public green. Here the mentally ill can live, heal, work, learn, play and interact. Public workshops, shops, a library, an amphitheatre and a pedestrian thoroughfare allow them to interact with the public on a daily basis, and provide new observations. The undulating topography of the site is transformed as guide paths that subtly segregate spaces and territories. Walls emerge out of the landform creating volumes and courts. The busy, active openness enables the mentally ill to live and perceive space, neighbourhood and people. The residential integration of this public green enables society to linger around and urges them to enter the park and perceive the mentally ill as normal people.
suspended corridors indoor. outdoor. prototypes 2007. bachelors in architecture. krvia. mumbai
Corridors in a residential house connect private spaces with public ones. Suspended above gardenscapes, these semi-enclosed structures make one feel neither inside, nor outside. Sun-lit yet sheltered, aerated yet slackened, they slow down one’s pace, physically and mentally. Contemplative relaxed walks or pauses are encouraged and allow one to self program the transitory zones.
thought. space. design.
SUJATA CHITLANGIA + london, united kingdom