List Of C Programmes for CSE and IT students Till 6th April 2010

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Computer Programming and Numerical Mehtods Programs 1. Write a program for addition of two numbers 2. Write a program to calculate average of three numbers 3. Write a program to display number of years, months and days present in a given number 4. Write a program to check whether the given number is vowel or not 5. Write a program to display the three numbers in ascending order 6. Write a program to check the given number is prime number or not 7. Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number 8. Writer a program to check whether the given number is angstrom number or not 9. Write a program for calculate the following series a) ex=l+x+x2/2!+X3/3! + --------b) Sin x - x-x-73! +x5/5! -x7/7! +-----10. Write a program to read x,y coordinates of 3 points and then calculate the area of triangle formed by them and print the coordinates of the three pints and the area of the triangle. What w ill be the output from your program if the three given points are in a straight line? 1 1. Write a program to check the given number is palindrome or not 12. Write a program to print the Fibonacci series 13. By using switch case write a program for calculate a net salary according to Gender. Gender: Male The basic salary is 3000 to below 4000, hra =10% of basic salary The basic salary is 4000 to below 5000. hra =12% of basic salary The basic salary is above 5000, hra = 15% of basic salary If the Gender is Female The basic salary is 3000 to below 4000, hra =12% of basic salary The basic salary is 4000 to below 5000, hra =15% of basic salary The basic salary is above 5000, hra = 20% of basic salary 14. Write a program to y =1 for x>0, y = 0 for x = 0. y = -1 for x < 0 by using conditional operators 15. Write a program for statement to find the following from open set of 20 integers i) Total number of even integers ii) Total number of odd integers iii) Sum of all even integers iv) Sum of all odd integers 16. Write a program to print the following format 1 2 3


4 5


4 5

3 4


4 5


Arrays: 17. Write a program to find the maximum element from the given array 18. Write a program to display the position of a given number in an array 19. Write a program to insert a number into an array in required position 20. Write a program to calculate the frequency of a given number in an array 21. Write a program to calculate the mean, variance and standard deviation for a given array 22. Write a program for reversing of a number in an array 23. Write a program to display the upper matrix to a given array 24. Write a program to evaluate the matrix multiplication of m*n, pxq matrix Strings: 25. a) Write a program to perform copying , reversing and determine a length of given string by using built in function b) Write a program to perform concatenation and comparison of two strings by using built in function. c) Write a program to convert the string from lower case to upper case and upper case to lower case by using built in function 26. Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not with out using any built-in functions 27. Write a program to convert the string from lower case to upper case and upper case to lower case with out using built in functions Functions: 28. Write a program to add, subtract, multiply, division and remainder of two complex numbers by using functions with arguments and no return values 29. Write a program to sum of all elements in an array by using functions with arguments and return a value 30. Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series by using recursive function 31. Write a program to calculate a factorial of a given number by using recursive function 32. Write a program for transposing of a square matrix in place by using function with arguments and no return values Pointers: 33. Write a program for swapping of two numbers by using functions with arguments return a value 34. Write a program to display the elements presented in a given array by using pointers 35. Write a program to find length of the string by using pointers Numerical Methods: 36. Implemt Bisection method to find a root of the x3-2x-5=0 equation to a given accuracy 37. Implement Regula- falsi position method 38. Implement Iteration method 39. Implement Newton Raphson method 40. Given a table of x and corresponding f(x) values, write a program which will determine f(x) value at an intermediate x value using Lagrange's interpolation

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