DR. CHINMOY SARKAR M 55 chinmoy.sarkar@yahoo.com; Cell : (0)9831929355
Former University DEAN Senior Professor, VIT, Vellore Director, JECRC University Faculty, IIT, Kharagpur Global Consulting Practice, TCS Deputy Director, NPC Experience at a Glance It is an era of developing human resources with right blend of competencies and values for future global society. Universities are now focusing on imparting competitive edge and inspired vision to students through development of right kind of knowledge, skills and attitude. Potential of students can be drastically transformed if they are empowered to adapt to changes happening in the market place. Over a period of last 34 years, I have been exploring both Industry and academic arena to discover basic ingredients of education that contributes to professionalism and leadership. Last six years, in particular after successful tenure at Tata Consultancy Services, I travelled all across India, East-South-North-West in this order as a senior professor, Dean and Director of Universities. I got myself acquainted with three pillars of higher education, Academic, Administration and Academic-Industry Interface. People in Academic and Industry world know me as a passionate organization development professional. In this journey I have directly spoken to over 2,00,000 students and 3,000 teachers to know their aspirations from higher system of education in India.
Academic Qualifications - Post-Doctoral Research at IIT Kharagpur - Ph.D Industrial & Systems Engg IIT Kharapur - M.Tech Industrial Engg & Mgmt ISM Dhanbad - Post Graduate Diploma in Productivity from NPC - B.Tech ISM IIT Dhanbad Industry Experience - Global Consulting Tata Consultancy Services 16 years - Productivity Consultant, National Productivity Council 6 years - Assistant Manager Steel Authority of India Ltd 3 years