Chioma Audrey Amugo - Candidature for SCOPE Director 2017/2018

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CURRICULUM VITAE IFMSA POSITIONS Apr '12-Mar '13 Local Officer on Research Exchange Apr '13-Mar '15 National Officer on Research Exchange Apr '14-Mar '15 National Officer on Research Exchange Mar '14-Mar '15 Local Exchange Officer Apr '14 -Mar '15 National Exchange Officer Oct '14 -Sept '15 Regional Assistant SCOPE-Africa Oct '15 -Sept '16 Regional Assistant SCOPE-Africa

Chioma Audrey Amugo PERSONAL INFORMATION No 38 Cotonou Street, Zone 6, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria 900286 +234 808 420 0175 3rd July 1990

IFMSA TRAININGS/EXPERIENCES Aug '14 Minutes Taker-SCOPE sessions (AM 2014 Taiwan Aug '14 Participant in SWG on Global Health in Exchanges Dec '14 Coordinator SCOPE sessions- ARM 2014 Uganda Sept '15 Trainer- EMSS Dubai PRET Dec '15 Coordinator SCOPE sessions- ARM 2015 Rwanda


EDUCATION Kwame Nkrumah University of Science

Mar '16 SCOPE sessions team- MM 2016 Malta Aug '16 SCOPE sessions team- AM 2016 Mexico Jun '17 Trainer - NIMSA Abuja PRET


and Technology

Aug '14 August Meeting 2014, Taiwan


Dec '14 Africa Regional Meeting 2014, Uganda

2010 - Date

Sept '15 Sub-regional Training EMSS Dubai

University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana

Dec '15 Africa Regional Meeting 2015, Rwanda

2008 - 2010

Mar '16 March Meeting 2016, Malta

Holy Rosary College, Enugu, Nigeria 2001 - 2007 Makurdi International School, Benue, Nigeria 1995 - 2001

Aug '16 August Meeting 2016, Mexico Dec '16 Africa Regional Meeting 2016, Burkina Faso June '17 Sub-regional Training NIMSA Abuja

NATIONAL MEETINGS April 2011 National General Assembly, Accra April 2012 National General Assembly, Kumasi April 2013 National General Assembly, Tamale April 2014 National General Assembly, Accra April 2015 National General Assembly, Kumasi April 2016 National General Assembly, Tamale

EXCHANGE/ELECTIVE AUGUST 2015 - Surgical Emergency Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford,United Kingdom JUNE 2017 - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria

SKILLS Database Management Leadership Creative Thinking Problem Solving Adaptability Time Management Team Work

LANGUAGES English (Native/Fluent) German (Beginner) French (Beginner)

HOBBIES Watching cooking shows e.g. Great British Bakeoff Dancing Reading (esp. horror series/novels) Meditation Traveling

MOTIVATION LETTER It is usually difficult for one to boast of giving a project full attention for an extended period of time, but I have been able to do this for 6 years. Being a part of the IFMSA exchanges for 6 years now isn’t a fluke, neither is it a mistake. It has been as a result of determination and passion. I am totally in love with our exchanges, and bordering on obsession. Be it in handling the database(it really excites me!), to actually organizing pre-departure trainings, receiving incomings, and actually going on exchange. The joy that comes from seeing the physical manifestation of your efforts is enormous. Seeing students actually being accepted into programs, getting their visas and finally taking that trip is enough reward on it’s own for me, all because I was able to negotiate and sign contracts with fellow NEOs. I’ve given SCOPE(and SCORE) my undivided attention for years , and I will not stop now. SCOPE and IFMSA has helped me grow a lot. I remember when I could not talk to people, when I had panic attacks just at the thought of having to meet or face strangers or even friends I had not seen in a while. Once I even missed a connecting flight just because I was trying to avoid someone I knew. But all that is a thing of the past. The immense amount of growth in confidence and leadership skills that has taken place within me from my first General Assembly in Taiwan, till now is life changing.

I believe in practicality and feasibility. I believe in a leader that not only delegates, but also gets down in the trenches and does the work. Our exchanges in Africa have grown tremendously.I cannot take full credit for this.The NEOs in Africa are amazing and together we have worked to improve exchanges in the region. Recently, I decided to actually take part in an exchange/elective in one of the universities in my home country, Nigeria, to actually see how feasible it will be to run SCOPE in the university. So far, it has been a wonderful experience, and being there on ground ,interacting with the university authorities has helped open their eyes and made them appreciate the essence of our exchange program. I am more disciplined, courageous, bold, honest, hardworking, organized and really passionate. I am very approachable and very innovative. These are what I have to offer to SCOPE. And believe it or not, many of these qualities were gained from working in SCOPE. Basically, it has been a two way street, and being SCOPE Director is my way of giving back to SCOPE what I have gained over time from it. I have successfully held  positions like LORE, NORE, LEO, NEO, RA, and I believe I have gained prerequisite skills to manage this standing committee . I will never regret the years spent being actively involved in our exchanges. I will never regret working to improve our exchanges. I will never regret wanting to continue working to sustain our exchanges. I am ready to serve scope because i have the experience, drive and passion needed to move this standing committee forward. We can work together learning from each other and embracing our diversities to grow our beloved standing committee. Only one thing is constant; CHANGE! And as we say in SCOPE, let's go exCHANGE the world!

PLAN OF ACTION Those who fail to plan, Plan to Fail. My plan of action is centered on improving current systems that are in place and bringing new vibrant innovative ideas to our Standing Committee. It is my hope to implement these plans, in addition to the duties of the SCOPE Director, as well as the innovations already being acted upon by the current SCOPE IT. This is based on the SCOPE strategic plan and will be implemented in accordance with the SCOPE Regulations and IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws. SCOPE Strategic plans The following plans of action are geared towards ensuring the accessibility, quality and sustainability of SCOPE. National Exchange Officers/Regional Assistants Motivation: A typical complaint I experienced throughout my term as Regional Assistant, was the lack of communication from NEOs. This could sometimes be as a result of lack of motivation. One of my plans is to increase the motivation of the NEOs by providing them with incentives, to make their time in SCOPE worthwhile, and promote healthy competition. This same logic applies to the RAs. The RAs are the backbone of the various standing committees. It is our duty to ensure that they are rewarded or at least appreciated for all their efforts, because without them, we have no standing committee. In as much as these positions are voluntary in nature, RAs sacrifice their resources to register for and attend meetings (atleast, in my case). This leads to some RAs not attending General Assemblies, and even sometimes, Regional Meetings, due to lack of funding. This can be prevented by partial/full sponsorship of registration fees/flight fares for regional meetings and GAs. Again, this will have to be agreed upon by SCOPE members and the EB, and a method of implementation agreed upon. SCOPE Language Centre: Lack of adequate language proficiency is a problem being faced by many NMOs, when incoming exchange students are not able to immerse themselves fully in the academic aspect of their exchanges. This tends to reduce the over all academic quality of the exchange, and also cause some problems with tutors/universities. It is unavoidable if some local committees (LCs) need official internationally recognized language certificates, but for LCs who just need assurance that their incomings are able to communicate adequately in the language indicated in their exchange conditions, this set up should be of great benefit. For a minute fee, students will be tested by the scope language centre (which will be made up of volunteer ifmsa members who are native speakers of the desired languages). The official results will be forwarded to the hosting and sending NEOs, as well as language certificates issued directly by the language centre. Monies gotten from this will go towards the bid to give NEOs/RAs incentives for all the hard work they do. I plan to conduct a SWG on this topic during the August Meeting in Tanzania, to further test this idea and refine it if it is accepted.

Capacity building (Local, National and International Level): -Continuation of the Training New Exchange Trainers Initiative. -Making videos (animations) of all our manuals in SCOPE, to make it easily understandable to new LEOs/NEOs/RAs. It is a well-known fact that people prefer to watch and listen than read. With all the manuals available, we still have NEOs asking questions that have already been answered. Increase accessibility of our exchanges by: Offering free/partially funded exchange opportunities: We want our exchanges to be easily accessible to every medical student, and the fact that it is a student organized exchange program should make it affordable. The truth is that some students still cannot afford this opportunity. We can help create these opportunities by: -NMOs offering free exchanges. Students are to apply directly to NMOs offering the internships or SCOPE IT; and fair selection will be made; -Externals (WONCA, FIGO, etc.) offering internship opportunities and if possible, sponsorship. These internship opportunities could also be used as incentives to reward our NEOs/RAs Activation of more NMOs. Strengthening of existing ones. Deactivating the NMOs that do not meet up to the standard of the SCOPE exchange (this should only be after several attempts have been made to keep that NMO active, and nothing else can be done. This will be to avoid substandard and mediocre exchanges). At the end of the day, it is about quality and not quantity, and our students have paid to get good quality experiences. -Database (continue working to improve database and fix existing errors) -Active social media platform (blog, instagram page, and also the database) as a means to promote the exchange program -Continue with the Exchanges Week and work on improving it over time. -Idea cafes during GAs where new innovations can be discussed and ways of promoting the SC. This will be one way of varying the contents of the SCOPE sessions during the GAs. -Improve collaboration with other standing committees eg SCORE, SCORA. -Continue in efforts to improve AQ and recognition: Updating logbooks, affiliation with more international medical bodies, ensuring active participation by students in the exchange program, etc Personal Goals -Full dedication of time and effort -Attendance of meetings (GAs + RMs as priority). -Continuous improvement of my leadership and managerial skills -Prompt response to emails and problems

With the above plans, I believe we can raise our standing committee to even greater heights.

Personal Information Name: Chioma Audrey Amugo NMO: FGMSA - GHANA Region: Â AFRICA

Priorities for the term SCOPE Language Centre NEOs/RAs Motivation Capacity Building Increased Accessibility of our exchanges

No. of IFMSA GAs attended: 3 No. of Regional Meetings Attended: 3 No of PRETs attended: 2 No. of years in IFMSA: 6 Languages: English (Native/fluent) German (Beginner) French (Beginner)

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