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Kelly’s Heroes Women in Fish and Chips


Kelly’s Heroes!
Women in Fish and Chips Brings Shops Together at a Crucial Time
The Women in Fish and Chips (WiFC) conference took place recently week bringing female fryers and managers together to share business ideas.
Key topics included how to deal with rising costs including the suggestion of an industrywide £10 minimum price for fish and chips.
“We must work as an industry to raise the value of fish to keep our businesses running profitably and sustainably,” said Kelly Barnes, co-owner of Krispies in Exmouth.
Other topics included how to ‘green’ your business, from The Bay Fish& Chips’ Owner, Calum Richardson.
Tips included looking into the journey of every product in your business, from responsible fishing and farming, to using biodegradable and sustainable packaging options.
Kaylee Herbert, Director of Harlees, a fish and chip shop chain across Dorset and Wiltshire, explored how to take better care of your ‘back end’ with the use of Google Forms and Flow Training.
Other speakers included Chantelle Wright, Owner of Wrights Fish and Chips in the USA, Andrew Crook, President of the NFFF and Julie Waites, Executive Director of FASFA.
This was the first physical WiFC conference to take place since the pandemic began.
Kelly Barnes, said, “It was great to finally get together, face to face, to share our stories after such a long time.”
Calum Richardson added, “It’s great to see JJ Foodservice going beyond being just a wholesaler to bring the industry together at an important time.”
The JJ Foodservice event was co-sponsored by Kerry Foods.

FabulousFish Roe Fritters

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