2 minute read

The Grand National


Last year, National Fish and Chip Day was a day like no other, with everyone talking about the nation’s favourite dish from first thing in the morning until late at night! People across the country came together to celebrate their love of fish and chips. The PR campaign around the day led to shops reporting their highest footfall of the year…even higher than Good Fryday in many cases. 62 million people would have seen, heard or read about National Fish and Chip Day and we almost broke Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with 156 million reach on Twitter alone!

Friday 5th June 2020 looks set to be even bigger and better as the most popular awareness day of the year returns for the 5th year running. From fish & chip shops, pub chains, restaurants, retailers and hotels, to the fishermen and farmers who provide the sustainable and natural ingredients used to create it, the nation will be enjoying this iconic family favourite.

Following the huge demand for our range of super National Fish and Chip Day merchandise, we are delighted to be once again selling our t-shirts, available in S, M, L, XL, 2XL and 3XL in red, white, blue and new for 2020 - black (pics attached) and caps which will be available again in black or red. These t shirts are undated so can be used again and again. They can be ordered online at the National Fish and Chip Day website www. nationalfishandchipday.org.uk

There will be downloadable posters to print and display, plus logos, social media headers, a press release template for you to add details to and circulate to your local press and an updated Campaign Toolkit packed full of ideas and hints and tips for getting the most from National Fish and Chip Day 2020. Things like running competitions in the build up to the day in your shop and on social media streams, running an offer “free side with every fish and chip meal” on the day, or a competition to help customers celebrate National Fish and Chip Day. You can decorate your shop with balloons or bunting and create a real buzz on the day. It really is very simple to get involved and it doesn’t have to be costly. You can do as much or as little as you are able to – but whatever you do, you will be part of a huge, nationwide celebration of the UK’s favourite dish!

This event is championed by trade organisation, The National Edible Oil Distributors Association (NEODA). NEODA represents all the major refiners, key packers and distributors of edible oils as well as suppliers of nonoil products (such as batter mix, sausages, packaging, range manufacturers and potato preservatives) in the UK. NEODA President, Gary Lewis, comments, “National Fish and Chip Day has become more successful each year and in 2020 we want it to be even bigger. It’s a celebration of the stars who work hard to bring Brits their favourite traditional takeaway. We want to bring the whole industry together to celebrate and showcase the great British institution that is Fish and Chips.”

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