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A Fush Called

A Fush Called

Let’s provide value to our community in other ways so that people know, when I buy Fush, yeah I’m getting amazing fish and chips but I’m getting a whole bunch of other stuff as well. I’m getting the language, the culture, I’m getting all the other things that are packaged together with Fush that I can’t get anywhere else. So, it’s an experience with the brand. It’s how they feel when they engage with us.

What advice would you give any person starting their first business?


Make sure you get good advice. Surround yourself with the people that you want to aspire to be like. Identify role models and mentors and then put yourself in their circles. Because those are the people that put pressure on you in the right way. When someone’s already doing a really good job, they’re not trying to take from you. They’re there to try and help you. They’re going to force you to become better. Challenge yourself to be the least experienced in the room, with the least knowledge – that’s a good place that changes whanau for ever. I want my people to have limitless beliefs about what they can do. I want them to have an abundance mindset. I want them to become great role models for their friends and whanau, and to be proud of the legacy we are building, and the people they are becoming along the way. A big part of creating that level of success, is making sure that we surround ourselves with the right people and that includes our banking partners too. www.fushshorebro.co.nz

What does the future hold for Fush?

The vision for Fush is creating more stores, to create more opportunities to share our kaupapa with more communities. We want to scale Fush and really show the world that we can become a great brand who showcases some of the very best that Aotearoa has to offer. We’re a young brand, and we’re ambitious, but we’ll always be guided by our core values of manaakitanga, aroha, kaitiakitanga, hūmārie and rangatiratanga, and we will never stop hustling.


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