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We ate all the Pies!
Judging at the 2023 National Pie Awards!
By Austen Dack
Recently I represented the Fish & Chip industry alongside Andrew Crook and helped to judge the National Pie Awards, held annually in Melton Mowbray.
The supreme champion (or ‘Pie of Pies’) was Brockleby’s Moo & Blue Pie, a Steak and Stilton Pie. Brockleby’s are based in Melton Mowbray. The pie beat off stiff competition from over 900 other pies of all types to win the most prestigious award in the pie world.
Awards chairman, Matthew O’Callaghan, said: “This year we had the pleasure of enjoying some spectacular pies, and Brockleby’s Pies has overcome exceptionally stiff competition for not only the best hot-eating savoury pie, but has triumphed over all entries and been crowned supreme champion. “These awards celebrate the skill of British piemakers across the nation, so I’d like to say a particular congratulations to Brockleby’s for this huge success.”
Over 150 judges (including myself and Andrew) chomped their way through the pies in St Mary’s Church in the Melton Mowbray. Some 23 classes covering Pork Pies, Steak & Ale, Game, Vegan, Gluten Free, Dessert,

Vegetarian etc.
The Supreme Champion piemaker is invited to the British Fair in Japan with Flight and Hotel expenses paid courtesy of the generosity of Hankyu Department Store of Japan. The winner of the best fish and chip pie category was The Cod’s Scallops for their excellent Steak & Scale Ale pie, and they were also Highly Commended for their Chicken, leek and ham pie. Our job is to get more chip shop pie entries for 2024!
Finally, after a hard day’s judging we assembled for a de-brief at the Ann of Cleves (est 1384) public house. They had pie on the menu but somehow we just couldn’t face it
For details of individual winners including Class Champions, Highly Commended, Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards visit www.britishpieawards.co.uk