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Merry Fishmas and a Chippy New Year
Merry Fishmas & A Chippy New Year!
Christmas is a fantastic time of the year. We love to have fun with our Advent Christmas front page replacing last year’s lovely effort with another Christmas Advent. It has been a very difficult year again, and all of our partners would like to show their appreciation and good wishes to shops for getting through the challenges of 2022!
As we approach the big day these partners want to wish you and your families well at this festive time. Here are a few of their comments.
Oliver Boutwood Isle of Ely Produce said. “Please enjoy a wonderful Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you all again at the Isle of Ely Produce open day in 2023! “The team at Kerry Foodservice would like to wish all Chippy Chat’s readers a successful festive season and will look forward to seeing many of you over the coming year.” “James T. Blakeman & Co. Ltd. wish all our new and existing customers a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.” With your support during a difficult period and our continued investment to improve our products we envisage an excellent future for us all.” Mr Philip Blakeman
Leanne Green from Nortech said “The team at Nortech would like to wish all Chippy Chat readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We would like to thank you for your support and custom, and look forward to speaking to you in 2023.”
Kevin McWhinney says “The team at McWhinney’s Sausages wish all our customers, suppliers and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year, thanks for your heroic efforts in 2022!”
Finally, the team at Chippy Chat wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a whole lot better New Year! We would like to thank all of our readers and partners for helping us in 2022 here’s to 2023!
Austen Dack Chippy Chat Publishing Editor

FabulousFish Roe Fritters

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