7 minute read
The Hen Party! Take a trip to Ahoi in Germany
The Hen Party!
Take a trip to Ahoi in Germany

In 2017 we opened the first AHOI in downtown Hamburg, and it was already clear to us. This concept is so ingenious that it doesn’t just belong in Hamburg. Because now let’s put it to the fish: delicious food must be at home everywhere!
Now you might be wondering: Who is “we” anyway? We that’s Steffen and Peter Henssler - two brothers from Hamburg, with fire under our ass & a lot of good ideas. Just like the founding of the AHOI.
According to the motto “The main thing is delicious”, in addition to our top seller Fish’n’Chips, there are also burgers, shrimp’n’chips & delicious sushi bowls. But we are also damn good at classics like currywurst and schnitzel – all with a pinch of Henssler, of course. Quasi down-to-earth and yet never boring. Just like everything that comes on our plates.
But it is clear to us: to feel good you not only need delicious food, but also a great crew and of course the right surroundings. The full program, so to speak. And if you think of the colourful hustle and bustle of the harbour when you hear the word AHOI, you are spot on: you will find shipping containers, wooden planks, harbour bollards & a few neon tubes within. Not too colourful and still a lot to discover typically, Hanseatic. There are now 9 AHOI’s across Germany with more planned.
Steffen Henssler was born on September 27, 1972. Together with his father, he has been running the “Henssler Henssler” restaurant in Hamburg since 2001 and a second Hamburg restaurant called “ONO by Steffen Henssler” since 2009. In 2015, the “Hensslers Küche” cooking school opened at the Port of Hamburg. In February 2017, two more restaurants followed in Hamburg with the “Ahoi by steffen henssler” and in 2018 with the “GO by Steffen Henssler”. The “Ahoi by steffen Henssler” now also has locations in Travemünde, Otterndorf, Scharbeutz and now in Cologne. The “GO by Steffen Henssler” also has locations in Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin and Düsseldorf. Further locations are planned.
Furthermore, the star chef can be seen again and again on stage and in numerous TV shows. With his first three stage programs “You don’t cook mermaids - love goes through your stomach”, “Hamburg, New York, Tokyo - My culinary trip around the world” and “Henssler tischt auf...!” Steffen Henssler thrilled viewers nationwide.
On May 12, 2018 he set an official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS RECORD: A total of 6,512 spectators came to the finale of his live tour “Henssler tischt auf...!” in the Frankfurt Festhalle, with 6,000 required. He now holds the record for “Largest Audience for a Cooking Show”.
He now has seven cookbooks (“Main thing delicious!”, “Fast, faster, Henssler”, “Simply Henssler – quick recipes with a maximum of 6 ingredients” at Dorling Kindersley; “Grill den Henssler – Das Kochbuch”, “Grill den Henssler - Das finale”, “Henssler’s quick number” by Gräfe und Unzer). He also publishes the children’s cookbook “Hensslers Küchenbande” (with Henssler Mucke).
Chippy Chat Editor went into AHOI Hamburg and said: “This restaurant was recommended to him for its cool staff and ambience. The fast service is something these restaurateurs also care about. But also the quality of the food is as good as we found in Hamburg.” www.ahoisteffenhenssler.de

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Isle of Ely Produce and Chippy Chat are once again opening their doors to chip shop owners and managers on Sunday September 10th 2023! It is one of the FREE industry events of the year. The event starts at 9.30 am at our farm in Ely, Cambridgeshire with a coffee and a chance to talk to industry colleagues. It is invaluable, not only do chip shop owners and staff find out first-hand how the potato crop is faring for 2023/24, but they also get an idea about predicted cost and quality of the crop for the year ahead. Add to that lots of key suppliers will be sponsoring/ attending on the day. In 2022 they included Pukka Pies, Middleton Foods, Premier 1 Filtration, TQuality, Drywite, Friars Pride, Preoday (Qikserve), Agrico, McWhinney, Seafood from Norway, BD Signs, Meijer Potato UK, Panaepos, Smales, PJ Lee & Sons, HZPC, JFK, Farm Electronics, Blakemans, Frymax & more. You will watch presentations 40 Chippy Chat & Fast Food Magazine • December 2022 Chippy Chat & Fast Food Magazine • December 2022 40
on our giant AV, with full staging, from award winning fish and chip shop owners, giving you valuable advice for your shop. Guest speakers for our 2022 event included NFFF President Andrew Crook, Sarah Heward from the Real Food Café, Kaylee Frost from Harlees Fish & Chips, Nick and David MIller from Millers, Josette Foster from Fish and Chips at Weston Grove plus more. Please email austen@ chippychat.co.uk if you would like to be a sponsor and/or exhibit on the day. We will also have Oliver Boutwood back with his Q&A sessions, plus the chance for you to try Babylon, a new chipping variety from Agrico, and lots of samples and freebies too. It’s the FREE industry event not to miss! The event is suitable for all levels of management and also young friers too. Maximum of 3 tickets per shop. FREE refreshments www.mitchells-potatoes.co.uk will also be served. info@mitchells-potatoes.co.uk Order your tickets at
www.eventbrite.co.uk, and
mitchellspotatoes search for Isle of Ely Produce @mitchellpots @mitchellpots

Open Day - Come and join us!
In 2022 over 50 people stayed in Ely too for an evening meal and drinks. A chance for you all to sit and relax with industry peers. Please let us know if you intend to stay email austen@chippychat.co.uk, and we will add you to the list for the restaurant and send you hotel choices (if staying).
Enjoy the Day Austen Dack - Chippy Chat Publishing Editor
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