What Is Negligence To A Personal Injury Attorney?

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What Is Negligence To A Personal Injury Attorney? One of the most common questions a personal injury attorney gets asked is “what is negligence?” It’s obviously very important when in terms of personal injury cases, determining who was negligent and who wasn’t. However, the word itself leaves quite a bit of room for interpretation. How can one person be proven more negligent than another in terms of a car accident or a slip and fall case? These are the kinds of questions that people wrestle with daily. The LA Injury Group has laid out a simple explainer that can hopefully clear up some questions about negligence. WHAT IS NEGLIGENCE? AN ANSWER IN FOUR PARTS To answer the question “what is negligence,” the law says that there are elements to a negligence claim. All of them must be proven to show that the person at fault (the defendant) acted in a negligent fashion. They are, in no particular order: the legal duty the defendant had to the plaintiff was breached since they acted or failed to act in a particular way. Another is “duty.” Under the circumstances of the event, there was a legal duty that the defendant owed to the plaintiff. Additionally, “causation” is the one that might be the easiest to wrap one’s mind around: through their actions, or inaction the defendant literally caused the plaintiff’s injuries. “Damages,” means that, as a direct result of the defendant’s action, the plaintiff suffered, was injured and harmed. As you might imagine, that can be a high bar to clear. However, the personal injury attorney at the LA Injury Group have years of experience and can prove that the answer to “what is negligence” is “what the defendant did” in your case. The word “duty” can have many meanings when it comes to personal injury law. The first thing people think of when they hear the word “duty” is that someone directly reporting to someone above them – like a cop talking to their commanding officer. While that makes sense in some cases, as in a general practitioner owes any patient of theirs competent medical care, but that’s not the only way the word is used. When asking “what is negligence,” it’s important to keep in mind that the word “duty” has a range of definitions. For example, one of the other ways that “duty” is used in the context of personal injury law is in terms of driving. When you drive a vehicle on the road, you may not realize it in these words, but you do have a “duty” to those around you. That duty is to drive with a certain degree of care. You follow the rules of the road and all applicable laws for yourself and for others. You have a duty to your fellow drivers and pedestrians, and you do everything you can to live up to it. So, when someone violates that duty in a car, they could end up getting someone hurt. It doesn’t mean necessarily that they’re driving under the influence (which is absolutely

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