"traffic signal countdown timer system :countdown signal display system",

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Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC SYNOPSIS BRIEF: This paper is a brief introduction to the signal countdown timer and presents changes on the traffic effects post-installation. The device is a warning enhancement system within the transition phase of a traffic signal and allows drivers to anticipate and identify the exact point of the signal change—green to red or red to green— within a fixed-time plan.

DETAILED ANALYSIS: Countdown timers at traffic lights could ease flow, reduce accidents.

Signal control systems are intended to regulate traffic passing through intersections safely and efficiently. Though conventional signal systems play an important role in controlling traffic flow. Because the actual transition point is completely unpredictable in many conventional signal locations, drivers that are caught in the dilemma zone may make judgment errors about whether they should go or stop. Therefore, intersection safety and capacity could potentially be enhanced among drivers by providing additional warning about the onset of the transition. Signal countdown timers are widely used in East Asian countries and have provided some useful operational and safety benefits. The basic assumption is that drivers will apply this information to make better decisions on the proper time to enter the intersection. The device is used in conjunction with conventional traffic signal indications as an auxiliary part of the whole signal control system. When a signal is counting down for a specific phase, the countdown control system shows the remaining time for that phase.

The above pictures illustrates some of the crashes happened while beating the red signal

The countdown devices are intended to provide safety and operational benefits by • improving capacity of signalized intersections by reducing lost time; • helping drivers better understand traffic flows; • enabling drivers to make decisions on the remaining time left on the green or red phase; and • reducing the crash frequency of the intersections. The objective of the device is to inform driver’s current signal status so that installing the device might have some effects on decreasing delays and increasing safety by reducing drivers’ response time. It was long believed that the increased level of certainty would improve the drivers’ decisionmaking ability, awareness and safety. Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC PICTORIAL REPRESENTATIONS: In this page we have a pictorial representation of a Right Angled crash when a decision is made to pass through the intersection by a driver since he is not certain about the yellow light.

Fig 1.1 In this illustration, the RED Car is approaching towards the signal when green to make a right turn.

Fig 1.2 In this illustration, the RED Car observes that his light is about to turn red, This driver decides to move much faster to cross the signal.

The dilemma zone can have two scenario wherein the first type of the crash can be explained as right angle crash as shown in the figure. This happens when the driver after passing the dilemma zone decides to enter the intersection to pass the signal. This kind of crash can be avoided to a maximum extent by installing a countdown signal display systems. This gives an opportunity for a driver to decide much accurately whether to halt or proceed to the intersection by calculating the remaining time and considering all the other factors like speed and distance. Fig 1.3 In this illustration, the BLUE Car begins to move when the signal turns green and The RED car making the right turn, This yellow trap scenario results in a crash.

This adds up to the safety of the drivers and also enhances the driving experience since the decision can be planned much precisely.

Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC PICTORIAL REPRESENTATIONS: In this page we have a pictorial representation of a Rear end collision when a decision is made to stop suddenly by a driver since he is not certain about the red light.

Fig 2.1 In this illustration, the RED, BLUE, YELLOW Car is approaching towards the signal when green to make a left turn.

Fig 2.2 In this illustration, the RED and BLUE Car observes that his light is turns yellow, This driver decides to move much faster to cross the signal.

The dilemma zone can have two scenario where in the second type of the crash can be explained as rear-end collision as shown in the figure 3.3. This happens when the driver after passing the dilemma zone decides to suddenly stop at the intersection to halt at the signal.

Fig 2.3 In this illustration, the BLUE Car begins to move when the signal turns green on the main stream and The YELLOW car suddenly decides to stop at the junction and this sudden decision makes the ORANGE car driver to react in a very short distance and this might end up in a rear end collision..

This kind of crash can be avoided to a maximum extent by installing a countdown signal display systems. This gives an opportunity for a driver to decide much accurately whether to halt or proceed to the intersection by calculating the remaining time and considering all the other factors like speed and distance. This adds up to the safety of the drivers and also enhances the driving experience since the decision can be planned much precisely.

Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATIONS: In this illustration we have tried to explain the speed fluctuation with and without the signal countdown timer system. The graph shown illustrates that the car approaching the signal in an intersection being unaware about the traffic light changing pattern tends to increase the speed in order to pass the signal.

This kind of pattern is most likely because of the uncertainty about the decision taken by the driver whether to go or to stop the vehicle. This may lead to crashes which could be either right angle crash or a rear end crash. Fig 3.1 , In this illustration, the pattern of speed in a decision zone without countdown timer system has been explained. The graph shown illustrates that the car approaching the signal in an intersection knowing the traffic light changing pattern helps a driver to decrease the speed in order to make a much precise decision to go or to stop. This kind of pattern gives the driver an idea whether to stop or is the time remaining is enough to enter the intersection being safe. This leads to a better driving experience and an enhanced decision

Fig 3.2 , In this illustration, the pattern of speed in a decision zone with countdown time system has been explained.

Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC YELLOW LIGHT DILEMMA ZONE: The yellow light dilemma zone is widely known as an area on the high-speed intersection approach, where vehicles neither safely stop before the stop line nor proceed through the intersection during amber interval.

Fig 4.1 Probability Diagram, In this illustration, the location of the decision zone has been explained.

A dilemma zone is a circumstance near signalized intersections where drivers hesitate when making decisions related to their driving behaviors. Therefore, the dilemma zone has been identified as an area with high crash potential. Within such an area, a vehicle might be involved in a right-angle crash or rear-end collision. When a yellow light is on at high-speed signalized intersections (i. e., posted speed limit is 60 km/h or greater), one important question for drivers is the decision to go or stop. There is a zone, known as dilemma zone, on the intersection approach, where vehicles at the onset of yellow phase neither safely stop before the stop line nor proceed through the intersection by the start of red light. Within dilemma zone, a decision to pass through the intersection might result in a right-angle crash, whereas a decision to stop might produce a rear-end collision. However this situation can be handled better when the driver is much certain about the decision he has to take. So being certain about the signal plays a vital role in this. Having the countdown system for the signals enhances the decision making making it more precise regardless of the driver's behavior. The dilemma zone can be completely avoided be installing the countdown timer devices which will ease the traffic flow in an intersection. Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION: This explanation helps us to understand about the difference in decision making and impact on a driver’s decision making ability by installing these countdown display systems. While driving towards an intersection or a junction, the main intention of a driver would be to by pass the intersection as quick as possible. While being in that mindset it is important to be aware about the traffic lights going off and on which is quiet uncertain. This still does not stop the driver from deciding .which might end up in crashes. Increase in speed also affects the driver’s capabilities to control the vehicle.

Fig 5.1 Probability Diagram, In this illustration, the RED car approaching the intersection increases the speed to cross the junction unaware about the yellow light going off.

Therefore, to avoid the above situation, it is important to have sufficient time to make a decision. This can be achieved by being certain about the signal going off and on. By installing these countdown display systems, It helps in taking wiser decisions to enter an intersection or to halt. It also helps to know the time left to enter into the intersection considering other factors . It helps to ease the driving experience Fig 5.2 Probability Diagram, In this illustration, the RED car approaching the intersection increases the speed to cross the junction unaware about the yellow light going off. Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701


The below illustration shows pedestrian crossing with non countdown pedestrian display which may lead to accidents since pedestrians are always in a hurry to cross and are unable to precisely judge the time remaining.

Fig 6.1 , In this illustration, the pedestrian rushing to cross without countdown timer system has been shown.

By installing pedestrian countdown display systems, the risk factor are further decreased for both [pedestrians and the car drivers. By having these display system a pedestrian will then know whether the time remaining s enough for him/her to cross the road or to halt there and wait till the next round. This also helps drivers to prepare themselves to stop and move since they are now more certain about the time remaining . This enhances the driving experience and also safer to the pedestrians comparatively. This display system shows the time remaining to cross and also time remaining to wait when it says don’t cross for better safety reasons.

Pedestrian countdown display systems


Fig 6.2 , In this illustration, the pedestrian crossing with countdown timer system has been shown.

Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701


Another added advantage by installing this system is it helps us to save fuel. As we all are aware that fuel is a renewable resource and in this modern world because of more usage of the fuel everywhere the resources are depleting, Also efforts are made nowadays to switch to electric cars and much more innovations are being made to save fuel. By halting a car with a running engine for 3 minutes is equal to fuel consumed for driving a kilometer distance, so it is our mission to save fuel while halting at a signal junction which becomes an added feature and also playing a responsible role as a citizen to the world. Without the countdown signal display systems, it is unpredictable as to hen to start the engine or time left to switch off the engine which is why mostly all drivers keep their engines switched on regardless of the time left, It is also not convenient for the drivers if they are not let enough to switch on the engine once the traffic signal turns green and thereby may cause unnecessary congestion, traffic jams, honking and rash driving by overtaking and loosing lane discipline. By installing these timer display systems, a driver is certain to stop or go and at the same time it helps the driver to understand the time left so he can now decide whether to stop the engine or continue to run the engine. This helps mainly to conserve the renewable resource and also it gives the vehicle a quick break and helps the engine also to cool down. In this illustration we have explained about the stopping of engine, When traffic signal turns RED, first notice the time remaining and when it is exceeding a minute it is time to switch off the engine and save fuel. When the traffic light turns YELLOW, or when the RED light timer is less than 10 seconds, it is time to switch on the engine and wait till it turns GREEN to drive away. DRIVE SAFE AND SMART Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

C AND C DS DWC LLC TYPES AND DESIGNS: Now that we are aware about the Positive changes and enhanced driving experience through installing the Signal Countdown Timer Devices we can probably think of various designs and ideas in creating the timer to be installed. The following stereo types are examples of different types of display systems which can be implemented as shown on figure 7.1. However the intention remain same regardless of the designs proposed. Here are a few examples of the designs apart from conventional display pattern.


The first one has a central head which indicates the light and the light sections along the central head goes on fading showing the time remaining for the signal light to change.

Fig 7.1 Innovative design for traffic countdown display systems

The second one resembles an hourglass, the light starts fading away from the top to accumulate at the bottom showing the amount of time left also displays last three digits 3-2-1 before change of light.

However there is a very conventional design which is used in most part of the world which resembles the Analog clock display which is accepted worldwide as well. So this design has been proven that it gains a drivers attention completely as is a very useful informative display device. It is also said that this device has helped in enhancing the driving experience as well.

CONCLUSION: THERE ARE MANY USES AND ADVANTAGES BY INSTALLING THE SIGNAL COUNTDOWN DISPLAY SYSTEM AND THEREFORE WE RECOMMEND THIS SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED IN OUR DUBAI TO ENHANCE THE DRIVING EXPERIENCE AND TO BE MORE CAUTIOUS AND SAFER WHILE DRIVING. Address: Office 228, Building A3, Business Park, Dubai World Central, Dubai South, P.O Box:712502, Dubai, U.A.E W – candcdesignstudio.com E – chithan@candcdesignstudio.com P - +971 48812411 M - +971 56 8689701

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