Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis? Arthritis Remedy
Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis? ď‚—
Arthritis is a very common problem, especially in elderly people and women but Ayurveda provides complete relief from the arthritis and it too helps in the prevention of the disease.
If you thought Aloe vera, the wondrous anti-ageing plant was used in cosmetics only, think again for it is a remarkable pain reliever as well. Its gel lubricates the body joints and is an excellent remedy for treating vayu doshas which cause pain. Aloe vera juice or gel taken empty stomach gives instant relief in arthritis pain. Ayurvedic advice for all Arthiritis patients is to keep stomach extra clean taking some natural laxative often.
Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis? ď‚—
Honey with cinnamon works well in curing chronic arthritis. Daily intake of two spoons of honey in one cup of warm water and one small teaspoon of cinnamon powder gives miraculous results. But nothing can beat the regular breathing exercises (pranayama) which can regenerate and rebuild the dead tissues by energizing each cell of body and supplying oxygen to it. I had seen this miraculous change in my mother, who was bed ridden for sometime on account of acute arthritis. Half an hour practice daily of Kapal Bhati and Anulom Vilom pranayam along with heat treatment of knees with salt potli does wonders.
Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis? ď‚—
1 to 3 pods of garlic taken on empty stomach with water is another useful remedy for joint pains. "Taking 10 gms of juice of fresh bathua leaves daily gives pain relief in arthritis. This can be taken on empty stomach in the morning or at four in the afternoon. No meal should be taken for 2 hours before or after the intake of juice. Within 2-3 months one can get relief from pain. Knead the crushed leaves of bathua with wheat flour and enjoy green chapattis for faster relief as the old grannies of the house used to do," says Acharya Balkrishna, an Ayurveda exponent.
Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis?
Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis? ď‚—
For knee pains in arthritis, a teaspoon of Methi seeds powder with water in the morning taken empty stomach gives a miraculous effect. Persons with hot temperament (or Pitta dosha) can soak the methi seeds overnight in little water and take that water empty stomach in the morning to get equal benefit. Methi seeds are an alternative to cod liver oil. Including 2-3 walnuts in regular diet has proved worthy in curing arthritis pains. Research study says that people who are in a habit of taking fresh coconut in their diet are less prone to arthiritis in their old age.
Are you seeking pain relief from Arthritis?
A mixture of 100gms turmeric powder, methi seeds, sonth (ginger powder) in equal ratio with half the quantity of Ashwagandha powder with warm milk in morn and night helps a lot in treatment. But whatever remedy you opt for, have full faith in that; coz nothing works for a faithless person.