Contribution of patanjali yogpeeth in the field of yoga

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Contribution of Patanjali Yogpeeth in the field of Yoga


The Indian think tanks have shown various ways for the salvation of the soul and one of them is the eight yogic principles or commonly known as the ashtang yoga of Saint Patanjali. The popularity of yoga in the western countries has once again increased the prestige of yoga. Yoga , ayurveda, seer culture and civilization are a divine gift of Indian saints to the world.

“We have just reproduced the knowledge in a scientific manner before the nation and the world. In the International Yoga Convention, which was held recently, apart from the top scientists of India the learned scientists and experts from various countries participated. In the presence of learned scientists from Harvard Medical School, USA, Instituto Do Cerebro De Brasilia – Hospital Israelite Albert Einstein, University of Sydney (Australia), University of Hong Kong, Oxford University, UK, California State University USA, All India Institute of Medical Science (AIMS) and National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) it was established that with the help of Yoga and Ayurveda, de-generated cells are being regenerated and people are being cured. Even the blood cells, muscles, neuro cells, bone cells, brain cells, cells of liver, kidney and heart have been re-generated. Patanjali Yogpeeth has popularized yoga from classes to masses and tried to extend its benefits to the person, standing in the last strata of the society.” Swami Ramdev


He believes that modern medical science is allopathic Symptomatic treatment while in yoga and Ayurveda, it is systematic treatment. He believes that modern medical science is Allopathic Symptomatic treatment while in yoga and ayurveda it is systematic treatment. The pranayam has been given due respect over other yoga exercises, which has largely benefited many people.


Patanjali Yogpeeth has conducted many researches in the field of Yoga and Ayurveda, which cured many diseases and ultimately, many persons got relief. Entire humanity has been benefited but Swami Ramdev never desired to get rewards. “We would continue to struggle in the interest of humanity according to seer tradition. We just need the love and the cooperation of the people,� says Swami Ramdev

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