Understand the nature of disease, before taking medicine

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Understand the natUre of disease, Before taking medicine


Ayurveda describes in detail the nature of diseases of body and mind. The diseases can be described in three categories- on the basis of their nature, treatment and three kinds of suffering; through it cannot be ruled out our acts or sins play a major role in the occurrence of a disease.


It is said that diseases are caused due to sins committed in the previous births. They are knowingly or unknowingly the unholy acts of our present life too. These diseases are called Karmaj Rog (ones which are the result of our own sins).Though in such diseases, any deformity is not caused but they keep us troubling at times. Even after a lot of treatment, they can not be treated. After undergoing painful suffering and penance to repent our sins, the diseases can be cured. To cure such diseases one has to lead sacred life and do good deeds. Noble acts like giving valuables to needy people, serving cows, worshiping the Almighty, making arrangements for the treatment of the poor, go a long way in repentance for sinful activities, thereby reducing suffering of a person.

Inappropriate food habits cause an imbalance in Vata, Kapha and Pitta (The three doshas) which are responsible for many diseases. Such diseases can be categorized into two- common problematic diseases like fever, diarrhoea, etc and diseases caused by internal problems. They include 80 diseases related to pitta, 40 are gastric related and 20 are Kapha related.

Some diseases seem to be cured with the use of medicine, but the moment the medicine is stopped or something unfavorable is taken, the disease strikes back. Such diseases are called Yaap diseases. It seems often that the disease is cured with medicine but problems remains in hard positions of body like joints etc. They don’t cause the death of the patient.

The diseases which cannot be cured by any kind of treatment or medicine come under category of incurable diseases. The patients lives in agony and anxiety all the times and the patient seems to be heading towards death.

“Here it is important to note that an incurable disease cannot remain so all the time. The disease become curable if medicine is invented after thorough research and clinical trials For example- Tuberculosis, enlarged testicles and enlarged intestines were considered as incurable diseases till few decades. Nowadays by operations, such diseases are easily cured. Similarly, the diseases which are categorized as incurable in modern medical science are curable in Ayurveda.” – Acharya BalKrishna.


Even then, simple and curable diseases should not be overlooked. Diseases are as deadly as fire and poison. Initially simpler and smaller diseases, if not treated in time, become incurable. A simple disease like cold and cough, if not treated it can turn into deadly disease like TB.


Hence a doctor’s success depends upon his ability to understand the cause of the disease because from eating habits to thinking he needs to sense all such factors. To get rid of all the complications, it is important for a doctor to know the nature of the disease before starting its treatment.

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