Yoga is a complete medical science
 Lots
of arguments have been put up against and in favour on this issue whether Yoga is religion or philosophy. Now we must understand that yoga is different from both these aspects. Yoga can be called religion from the angle of faith and belief. One can follow any religion of one’s choice, and still be a follower of yoga. Yoga is the religion of the entire world. Yoga considers all religions to be equal. It is not a philosophy from the angle of yoga training. It is based on the researches conducted by the saints and great personalities.
Swami Ramdev does not consider yoga as the religious process. He considers it to be science in the purest form. I will prove this is to you. Swami Ramdev says that yoga is no less than miracle. He relieves the patients from their diseases and gives them a new lease of life. “Yoga has been existent from ancient times; we are just making it scientific. Good health is the birth right of everyone and we must strive for it. We have sufficient testimonies which can prove yoga to be a complete science.� - Swami Ramdev
Yoga science is being widely used in the Patanjali yogpeeth. People are attracted towards the knowledge obtained from this tradition. Around 20 crores people have been influenced by the yoga of Swami Ramdev during the past two decades and around 2 crores are practicing yoga regularly.
It has been effectively used in numbers of cases. Seven stages of pranayam (Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Bahya Pranayam, Anulom-vilom, Brahmari, Udgeet and Ujjayi Pranayam) were examined successfully on 50 lakh people and were implemented only after that. Around three lakh people attend the healing camps organized every month in different places of the country throughout the year.
Yoga can make the person free of diseases. Medical science also believes that 80 per cent of the people are suffering from mental tension. Pranayam and meditation can be the solution to this problem. If done under the guidance of a fractioner yoga can give the positive results for excellence. Yoga can make India a Super Power.
Yoga is a spiritual knowledge on one hand and a complete medical science on the other. The dream of Super India can be achieved only when Yoga is treated as a complete medical science in the entire world. It will be in the interest of nation if yoga, Ayurveda and Vedic culture are adopted.