FMB Stage 2 - @ease

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project declaration Chloe Weston N0733476 8845 Words

This submission is the result of my own work. All help and advice other than that received from tutors has been acknowledged and primary and secondary sources of information have been properly attributed. Should this statement prove to be untrue I recognise the right and duty of the board of examiners to recommend what action should be taken in line with the University’s regulations on assessment contained in its handbook. Signed ...............................Chloe Weston............................................... Print Name........................Chloe Weston................................................ Date....................................13.05.2020...................................................

@ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ea

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contents 1. introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Rationale 1.3 Aims & Objectives

5. brand development 3-4 3-4 5-6

2. methodology 2.1 Overview 2.2 Structure 2.3 Sample Size 2.4 Secondary Research 2.5 Primary Methods 2.6 Advantages & Limitations

9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 11-12 13-14

3. opportunity 3.1 Chapter Introduction 3.2 Future Thinking Insights 3.3 Stage 1 Insights 3.4 The Problem 3.5 Opportunities 3.6 Idea Generation 3.7 Concept Testing 3.8 Final Concept/Conclusion

17-18 17-18 17-18 19-20 21-24 25-26 27-28 29-30

53-54 55-56 57-58 59-70 71-86 87-90 91-92 93-94

6. consumer segmentation 6.1 Chapter Introduction 6.2 Consumer Profiles 6.3 Customer Journey Map

97-98 99-104 105-106

7. market strategy 7.1 Overview & Objectives 7.2 Yr 1 Strategy 7.3 Yr 2 Strategy 7.4 Yr 3 Strategy 7.5 Long Term Objectives

109-110 111-112 113-114 115-116 117-118

8. Communications Plan

4. the market 4.1 Chapter Introduction 4.2 Market Health 4.3 PESTLE 4.4 Market Drivers 4.5 Gap/Perceptual Map 4.6 Primary Competitors 4.7 Secondary Competitors 4.8 Porters 5 Forces 4.9 SWOT 4.10 Market Readiness

5.1 Overview & Objectives 5.2 Brand DNA 5.3 Brand Identity 5.4 Brand Guidelines 5.5 The Products 5.6 The Website 5.7 Business Model 5.8 Value Proposition

33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 45-46 47-48 49-50 49-50

8.1 Overview & Objectives 8.2 AIDA & DRIP 8.3 Timeline 8.4 Website Launch 8.5 Campaigns 8.6 Influencers & Blogs 8.7 CRM 8.8 KPI 8.9 Yr 2&3 Comms Plan

121-122 123-124 125-126 127-128 129-130 131-132 133-134 135-136 137-138

9. business management 141-142 9.1 Chapter Introduction 141-142 9.2 Finance Objectives 143-144 9.3 Raising Capital 143-144 9.4 Start-Up Costs 145-146 9.5 Yr 1 Marketing Costs 147-148 9.6 Yr 1 Sales Forecast 147-148 9.7 Yr 1 Profit & Loss 149-150 9.8 Yr 1 Cash Flow 149-150 9.9 Yr 1 Sensitivity 9.10 Yr 2&3 Sales Forecast 151-152 9.11 Yr 2&3 Marketing Costs 151-152 153-154 9.12 Yr 2&3 Profit & Loss 155-156 9.13 Yr 2&3 Sensitivity 155-156 9.14 Summary

10. evaluation 10.1 KPI 10.2 Risk Assessment 10.3 Ansoff Matrix 10.4 Growth Plan 10.5 Conclusion

159-160 159-160 161-162 161-162 163-164

11. references 12. Illustrations 13. Bibliography 14. appendix

165-168 169-180 181-190 191-230

1. introd 1

duction 2

1.1 introduction @ease is an Ecommerce platform offering products that relieve the effects of burnout with the aim that this can be integrated into the daily routines of male consumers. Following Stage 1 research, insights have been taken and implemented within this brand in order to provide a solution to the gap and opportunity found within the wellness industry. The purpose of this report is to outline a strategic business plan through SOSTAC analysis (see Appendix 14.2.1), taking into consideration the overall brand DNA, core consumer and a situational analysis to reflect on the feasibility of the opportunity. Thereafter, a three year marketing strategy followed by a one year communications plan has been developed to showcase the launch of @ease and its growth, this also considers crucial aspects of a new business proposal including finances, risk assessment and competitive strategies.


1.2 rationale Hegemonic masculinity serves as a list of traits that show what a “real man” can be defined as, which is shown to leave little room for fluidity (Lomas et al, 2016). These traits include the expectancy of power, emotional distancing and an aversion to anything deemed feminine which is causing a strain on men who don’t fit within this ‘man box’. These ideas have had a longstanding impact on all industry sectors. However, as these stereotypes have worked their way into the wellness industry in particular, it has caused men to neglect aspects of their wellbeing out of fear of being seen as ‘less of a man’ (Bailey, 2018). Within this, the aversion to help seeking and the unwillingness to open up about emotions are both key traits from traditional masculinity that link to male wellness, which has in turn left the current male population to suffer in silence. However, in recent years, new wave masculinity has seen society take notice of these issues and upcoming generations are beginning to strive for change and acceptance regarding their wellbeing. Brands are beginning to showcase a variety of ways in which men can act and have adopted the ideology that being a man is about how you feel, not whether you conform. Despite this, the acceptance and positivity within the wellness industry is still largely directed towards the female demographic. Industry sectors such as self-care and mental health often promote underlying messages that aid the unwillingness to participate from male consumers, again with the use of gender stereotypes. Therefore, while sectors within wellness such as male grooming are now rapidly growing, there is still a lack of focus on other key male pains surrounding their wellbeing that are again more accepted with a female demographic, such as stress and anxiety, which shows a gap for further development. 4


To understand the current strains on male wellbeing and from this consider where a new business proposal could intervene.

To conduct a thorough market analysis to provide realistic opportunities for brand development within the wellness industry.


To reflect on current trends and integrate these within the business plan to make and keep the brand socially relevant.

To set up clear brand guidelines and develop a strong brand DNA to help differentiate from competitors.




To create a three year strategic direction plan to launch the brand into the market, alongside a one year communication plan to develop a relationship with the consumer.

To layout finance for the brand alongside the strategic direction and set pragmatic revenue targets to aid the effective commercialisation of the brand. 5


1.3 Aims & Objectives The aim of this report is to create a feasible and innovative business plan for a male wellness Ecommerce platform that offers anti-stress and relaxation products, enabling men to care for aspects of their well being deemed effeminate by social stereotypes.


2. methodolo 7



2.1 Overview 2.3 sample size Mixed methods of qualitative, quantitative and secondary research have been conducted to gain an indepth understanding of the market and consumer landscape that the new brand is launching into. This is to ensure that the brand meets the requirements it needs to be successful. Also, the complementary nature of these methods helps to cover all aspects of consumer behaviour and desires, which can be used to solidify the gap in the market that the brand fills (Almalki, 2016).

2.2 structure Initially, secondary research was used to gain an understanding of the market gap that presented itself from stage 1. Then market research was conducted, looking at readiness, size/growth and competitors. Primary research consisted of consumer surveys and expert interviews to learn whether the new business would be feasible from a professional viewpoint and whether the target consumer would be willing to buy into the brand. This also gave insight into whether they understand the brand, the consumer pain it meets and what they wish to gain from the brand experience. To extend, consumer journey maps were conducted to understand where the stress points were throughout the consumer’s daily life and used to see where the brand offerings could be used most effectively and to finalise what products to offer.

The sample group for consumer testing fell in line with the brand’s target consumer. Men aged 18-25 were used for the questionnaires/consumer interviews as this is the age bracket of the primary consumer. Within this, it helped to gain awareness of the pains this demographic face regarding their wellness to align this with what the brand offers. Following from Stage 1 research, it was found that males aged 18-34 are significantly over indexing for stress and anxiety (Weston, 2020), hence another reason for those within this bracket being part of the sample group as further questioning was made as to why this is. Secondary consumers were also sampled. Females ranging in ages were interviewed to see if this brand was applicable to them regarding whether they feel the men in their lives need it. By interviewing females about male pains it also helped to understand any wellness struggles that men may not wish to talk about directly.

2.4 secondary research Secondary research was undertaken to conduct a situational analysis of the wellness market. This included an evaluation of the market health and it’s readiness, a look into key drivers that can be utilized within the launch of the brand, an exploration of competitive businesses to understand what works well


within t informa opportu included articles, which a of the d the mar informa size and wellness advanta if the ne Howeve availabl stress se includes calming which p hindere Also, so and pod a second behavio consum need for

the market and lastly how this ation can be used to develop the unity platform. The sources used d credible market/trend reports, , books and competitors websites all provided an understanding data and predictions regarding rket health. There was extensive ation available surrounding the d previous growth of the general s market which proved as an age when trying to understand ew brand could be successful. er, there was restricted data le on the health of the antiector due to the fact that it s numerous sub sections, from g techniques to detox products, proved an overall limitation as it ed the accuracy of the research. ources such as blogs, social media dcasts were evaluated to gain dary perspective of consumer ours and further where the target mer found from Stage 1 sees a r development.



2.5 primary methods

business opportunity survey

branding survey

expert interviews

stress maps

consumer interviews

males aged 18-25 100 respondents

To understand male perceptions on how they are taking care of their wellbeing, in what ways and what factors they feel go neglected. This was to also compare against Stage 1 findings regarding what aspects of male wellness are struggling to solidify an industry gap. This survey was also used as consume testing to understand interest in a new brand.

males aged 18-25 100 respondents

To understand what the intended consumer finds visually appealing and what they perceive to be a ‘wellness aesthetic’ to allow @ease to be recognisabl as such. This was also used to understand the connotations behind the brand name and whether the consumer can create their own understanding o the connection between @ease and wellbeing.

1 male wellness influencer

To gain a professional viewpoint on the feasibility of a new business development and obtain insights on market readiness from an influencer within the intended industry sector.

males aged 18-25 3 respondents

To track the daily routine of the consumer and pinpoint when they experience stress. This was to evaluate what products to offer that can fit in this routine. Participants were asked to note when they used self-care products/undertook wellbeing tasks, this was to understand what the demographic are currently using.

males aged 18-25 2 respondents & females aged 21&56 2 respondents 11

To understand what male consumers want from a wellness brand. This was used to go into depth about how important they feel self-care is and if the see the importance of this relating to stress and to analyse the consumers and market readiness. Two female consumers were interviewed to gain an outsi perspective on the effects stress is having on men, an further if they could be a consumer for the brand.


n er




ide nd


advantages & limitations

Participants take care of their physical well being more frequently than emotional, with actions relating to relaxing ranking last in priority (see Appendix 14.1.2). Most participants stated that they did not have time to care for all aspects of their wellbeing, and over 80% said they would be interested in the new brand, however most participants wanted to know the product benefits beforehand.

Limitations- This does not provide much analysis of how the consumer feels about wellness products and what specific actions they take to care for themselves. This gap however has been filled with numerous in depth consumer interviews. Advantages- 100 responses were taken for a wide understanding of visual preferences.

A more vibrant colour palette and a simplistic logo were found to be the most effective in representing wellness and giving off an aesthetic that male consumers prefered (see Appendix 14.1.4).

Limitations- There were a limited number of options, therefore an understanding of how a wellness aesthetic is perceived could be seen as limited. This has been assisted with secondary research to ensure that @ease is on trend.

Due to the current pandemic, an expert interview was not obtained but was attempted (see Appendix 14.1.6). The intended expert was interviewed in Stage 1 and gave insights that relate to the new business feasibility. The expert stated that he sees a gap for a discussion about male relaxation and that men are often an afterthought when it comes to this. He shared that men are more interested in the end result of a self-care product rather than the product itself, a key insight to use within @ease.

Advantages-If successful, this would have given insights from a professional immersed in the wellness market to understand if @ease is viable, adding a business perspective to the consumer insights. Limitations- Due to the pandemic, this interview was not conducted and therefore a business perspective was not obtained. However, as the same expert was interviewed for Stage 1, insights given previously can still be used to look at the industry and its trends. Advantages- A clear way to track when the consumer feels stressed to understand when they would use @ease’s products.

Key findings included that the majority of male participants suffer from stress related symptoms in the morning and during work/University (see Appendix 14.1.9). Additionally, when asked what wellness products they use or actions they take, the large majority stated that they used skin care or grooming related products as a form of self-care.

There was a general consensus shown that the portrayal of men in marketing should be more inclusive (see Appendix 14.1.5). Both male participants classed grooming as their way of selfcare and have never used any relaxation/ anti-stress products but would be willing to try if they knew it worked. The participant with a job in London stated that they experienced stress often. From the female participants, the key findings was that they are already buying products for the men in their lives relating to wellbeing as they know they won’t buy it themselves.

Advantages-The use of a survey helped to gain more accurate responses from participants as it provides a sense of anonymity (Wright, 2005), found popular among the sample group through Stage 1 research. 100 participants were also used giving a wider understanding of consumer perceptions.

Limitations- Only 1 week was tracked which provided limited data. An attempt to combat this has been made through consumer interviews, where participants were asked in more detail about stress. Advantages- This allowed more detailed answers as it was conducted in a personal manner, allowing participants to feel more comfortable. By asking male and female participants it allowed for two of the possible consumers for @ease to give insights as to what they want from a wellness brand.


Limitations- While 1-to-1 interviews are more personal and conversational, there still may be an element of hesitation from the participants when giving accurate answers as the interview is still covering a sensitive topic, therefore responses given may not be fully reliable.

2.6 overall r advantages &

The use of mix method research allowed method to be overcome in alternative way were still present. The honesty of informa sensitive topic was discussed, therefore it w felt fully comfortable with disclosing their Another limitation was that, due to the cu interviews had to be conducted in ways un participant, therefore taking up more of th it in turn meant that the expert interview industry insights for the new brand develo from Stage 1 research.


research & limitations

for any restrictions given from a specific ys. Limitations of the research overall ation given was not always promised as a was difficult to understand if participants answers, hindering deeper insights. urrent pandemic, consumer and expert nfamiliar to both the interviewer and he research time. Within this situation, could not be conducted, limiting the opment, which therefore had to be taken



3. the

e opportunity 16


3.1 chapter introduction

3.3 Stage 1 insights

An initial problem has been presented within the wellness industry from previous research. From this, an opportunity platform has been developed and consumer testing was conducted to expand on this and show the basis of a feasible business plan.

Research into male wellness, marketing and influence was explored to understand what is causing the focus on females within the wellness industry, and whether the masculine stereotypes played a role in this. The insights found were:

3.2 future thinking insights


Traditional masculinity is a reason for negative traits within male wellness, including an aversion to help seeking, a lack of emotional openness and an unwillingness to participate in actions deemed feminine as this is not what is socially classed as ‘being a man’.

One main insight from the ‘Mindful Wellness’ trend was that younger generations are showing an equal focus on their physical and mental health and are seeking ways in which to keep these at peak performance. Mindfulness practices such as holistic living and meditative reflection are becoming popular ways to ensure that consumers strive to be their ‘optimised self ’. Another insight was that burnout is one of the main reasons that consumers are looking for different ways to relax to improve their overall health and, with this now being registered as a health diagnosis, it shows that emotional/ mental wellness is now at the forefront of consumer’s minds. Additionally, there was a clear indication that the wellness industry is marketed more towards female demographics, which posed the question as to why this is, showing signs for further research.


New wave masculinity is rising within younger generations who are starting to see the importance of breaking out of the ‘man box’.


Primary research identified that Gen Z males showed some understanding of the benefits of relaxation/anti-stress methods on both physical and mental wellbeing but said that they rarely took part in/used products relating to this as they saw it as ‘pampering’, which was also seen as ‘feminine’.


There is a growing need for masculinity to be reframed to include actions stereotypically seen as feminine to allow men to feel more comfortable with and open up about all aspects of their wellbeing.


Burnout is a leading cause for stress, anxiety and depression within young adult males. 18

I haven’t ever considered buying [anti-stress products] as I don’t really know what they are or if they’re even for me most of the time male aged 24 (see Appendix 14.1.5)


3.4 The problem

are higher than females (Schumacher, 2019). While younger generations are beginning to expand on these stereotypes and understand that there is no ‘set way’ to be a man, subliminal messaging surrounding this is still getting across through almost all industry sectors; the wellness industry in particular. Sectors such as spas and relaxation products are almost always marketed with women in mind, even though there are no gender restrictions on such services. Therefore it is clear to see why men feel that such services are not for them, and in turn do not associate these actions with their own wellbeing.

Men across all generations are letting the mental and emotional aspects of their wellness go neglected as society has deemed these to have feminine connotations, something which is noted as a significant aversion to manhood within this stereotype (Connell, 2005). Asking for help and a willingness to slow down are two key areas of wellbeing that men show a lack of focus on, this is reiterated as survey results show that ‘over 80% of males aged 18-25 stated to only caring for physical attributes of their wellbeing, as opposed to only 40% stating that they regularly take time to relax for their health’ (see Appendix 14.1.2 ). This focus on physical health shows a link to traits within hegemonic masculinity such as a need for strength, as caring for their physique is the main way men feel they can obtain this (Connell, 2005). However, this disassociation with feelings and wellness is having the opposite effect and could be argued as one of the main reasons why the male suicide rates

This shows that these stereotypes are causing men to overlook the benefits that relaxing and tackling stress has on their overall health due to their feminine nature. Thus, the problem lies within the subliminal marketing of these stereotypes, and further how related services are using this.



Market Drivers



optim personalisation

online wellness

mental health

organic & natural

environmental impact

breaking stereotypes

rise in ecommerce




umer behaviours

3.5 opportunities

mised self

By comparing wellness market drivers against consumer behaviours found from previous research, it gave an idea as to what opportunities are presented that can help solve the problems identified. Both categories identify that emotional health is becoming a sizable sector within wellness and that the future of brand growth lies in Ecommerce. Furthermore, the need to reflect on society’s environmental impact alongside the serge in vegan culture shows a need for organic/natural products. With stress related illnesses on the rise, consumers are looking for ways to combat this and are beginning to embrace a slower way of living. Additionally, stereotypes have almost always been a part of both market drivers and consumer behaviour, however upcoming generations are beginning to challenge these which poses an opportunity for new brands to do the same.

mindfulness slow living social media influence veganism

digital ‘detox’ ke’ culture



3.5.3 where’s the male market? 3.5.2 self-care is in the beard Shifting mindsets in younger generations are beginning to see the benefits and strength in self-care, and this is starting to evolve in pockets of the grooming industry. Both Gen Z and millennials have a more compassionate take on masculine stereotypes and are showing signs of being open to new ideas and experiences outside of the ‘man box’, something which self-care has almost always been excluded from. This rise in male selfcare has grown within the beard and facial hair sectors, and skin care brands that offer more cosmetic based products such as oils and face masks with the promise of beard health have seen popularity (Bailey, 2018). This is further reiterated as primary research showed that, when asked what products come to mind when they think of self-care/what they already use, ‘89% of Gen Z males stated grooming and beard related products’ (see Appendix 14.1.2).

“The representation of men in the media needs to change… the representation should be less about being a ‘tough male’ and become more versatile” (Male, aged 24, see Appendix 14.1.5)

Consumer interviews identified that younger men do not see relaxation, pampering and detox services as being for them (see Appendix 14.1.5). This is due to the lack of education surrounding the benefits of such products and services on wellbeing as they are almost always marketed with a woman’s perspective, and therefore feel out of reach for male consumers. Stage 1 showed that female marketing in most industry sectors is more flexible with its stereotypes, and such industries now highlight the importance of challenging these notions. However, this is somewhat lost in translation with masculinity and, the wellness industry in particular, does not provide male stereotypes with the same ‘break the mould’ attitude. Therefore, the opportunity to redefine masculinity presents itself. 24

3.6 idea generation


Previous research indicates that the opportunity within the male wellness industry lies not only in a new product/service, but how this is marketed in order to engage with a new male consumer. There is ample opportunity in utilizing the current male stereotype as well as crossing the line between this and femininity, however, both opportunities show a need for the reframing of stereotypes in a more positive light.


Anti-stres ecommerce marketing a ‘self-care’ a mascul

blurring stereotypes A spa-like service with gender neutral promotion to encourage younger male generations to feel more comfortable attending such services.

ss and relaxation e platform with the aim of incorporating and openness into the line stereotype.

Educational platform for men about the benefits of relaxation and stress treatment, marketed in a way that shows strength in opening up about sensitive health issues.

utilizing stereotypes



91% of men aged 18-25 wanted to be clearly made aware of wellness product benefits before buying them.

94% of men aged 18-25 stated that they would be interested in trying a relaxation/stress relief product/service.


3.7 consumer concept testing

The previous research shows opportunity for a new platform/service that helps to connect men and their masculinity with stress relief and relaxation. Further consumer testing was undertaken to understand how younger male generations would feel about such opportunities, and what needs they want met from such a brand/service/platform. Both consumer interviews and survey responses highlighted the need for men to be made aware of the benefits of relaxation/stress relief more and to clearly understand that such products are as much for them as they are for women (see Appendix 14.1.5). This reiterates the notion that most men do not see caring for such aspects as having any relation to masculinity, which therefore highlights that this male ideology needs to be reframed. As market research suggests that the grooming/ skin care sector is growing in popularity, a product-based service that incorporates this reframed masculinity poses a more feasible business opportunity.

I don’t think there’s much out there for stress for men, I know services like yoga are for everyone but I wouldn’t feel comfortable going to something like that male aged 24 see appendix 14.1.5


3.8 final concept/conclusion

The combination of both concept testing and future thinking/stage 1 insight shows a clear opportunity for relaxation and stress relief benefits to be incorporated into male wellbeing routines. Market drivers suggest that the route for this lies within the grooming and skin care sectors as these are showing a growing popularity with younger male generations, those of which are also the primary consumer for a need for change regarding the masculine stereotype.


to allow for asp wellb effemin ste

what? how? why?

w men to care pects of their being deemed nate by social ereotypes

ecommerce platform


@ ease, a brand that sells stress relief and relaxation based skin care products targeted towards men that can be integrated into daily routines


4. the market 32

4.1 chapter in

The following section evaluates the factors that will affe the health and wellness market. Key drivers, market siz the targeted sector that @ease aims to penetrate; relaxa secondary competitors are addressed and their busines understand how the new business can take insights from



ect the potential success and growth of @ease within ze and future growth predictions are analysed alongside ation and stress relief. Additionally, possible primary and ss models are placed under comparison with @ease to m successful brands within the sector.


4.2 market health 4.2.1 wellness market size/future growth No more than ever, consumers are prioritizing actions that have a direct impact on their lifestyle. They understand the importance of taking health into their own hands and are spending money on new ways to improve their well-being (Nelson, 2019). This is evident as the size of the wellness industry has expanded in the last decade. According to the Global Wellness Institute, the ‘global wellness economy reached an estimated size of $4.5 trillion in 2018 and equates to 5.3% of all global economic output for that year’ (Global Wellness Institute, 2019). This size has been driven predominantly by the personal care, beauty and anti-aging sectors which contributed $1083 billion to the overall wellness economy, however predictions suggest that future growth lies within the spa and wellness tourism sectors. With this, the year on year growth rate for the wellness industry as of 2019 is ‘estimated at 5.36% with an overall incremental growth of $810.69 bn from 2019 to 2023’ (Technavio, 2019).

the total spending on healthcare, wellness and fitness is estimated to reach £209bn in 2020 in the uk (PWC, 2019)

This suggests that @ease would be secure within the wellness industry as it promises rapid future growth and the main contributing sectors for this are the generalised categories that @ease would fall under, further reiterating that consumer demand is increasing for such products/services.


In the Beauty & Personal Care market, 19% of total revenue will be generated through online sales by 2023 (Statista, 2019a)

4.2.2 self-care sector size/future growth Regarding the grooming industry, it was found that male consumers respond more effectively to a wider range of products rather than just those relating to shaving. These include, facial cleansers/masks and essential oils; all specifically for men (Statista, 2019b). This again shows that there is a growing need for such products that have been targeted towards women previously, further reiterating that @ease would show promise within this sector as such products would be involved in the offerings.

@ease would fall under both the personal care and grooming sectors of the wellness industry, both categories of which are experiencing a growth in popularity with consumers. Personal care will hold a market volume of $232,094 million just at the beginning of 2020 and this is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.4% (statista, 2019a). Additionally, the grooming market has become more diverse and experienced a similar surge, particularly with male consumers. Older men have begun to spend more money on ‘male-specific toiletries’ and sales of skin care have skyrocketed. This equates to the global male grooming market being worth $66.81 billion as of 2020 and is in turn expected to reach a net worth of $81.2 billion by 2024 (Statista 2019b). This reiterates that there is ample opportunity for the success of @ease within the wellness industry as a whole and the brand’s prospective sectors.



p e s


With the final date for Brexit negotiations set, this could bring changes to both big and small businesses in regards to the way they operate inside Europe. This could mean that trading laws could change which may impact on how some businesses source goods and even deliver. From this, the value of the pound has seen constant fluctuation and is only set to endure more volatility as withdrawal deals are made (Telegraph Finance, 2019). Both factors could have implications on setting up a new business as, if the value of the pound goes down, both the economic and social aspects of this could pose a threat to gaining consumer expenditure for @ease.

Despite the somewhat negative economical connotations surrounding Brexit, the average household disposable income rates are set to rise 0.9% in 2020 (Statista, 2019c). This shows a possible increase in expenditure on nonessential and luxury goods for consumers which is beneficial for @ease as it falls under such categories, therefore spending may not be so much of a barrier when deciding to buy into the brand.



Like most industries, the wellness industry is saturated with competing brands all vying for consumer attention. While this range of brands has made it easy for consumers to consistently try new products/services, it has meant that consumers are just as quick to forget their favourite brands as they are to praise them (Archibald, 2019). This has further led to brand loyalty and customer attention to become difficult to obtain. With this in mind, @ease will have to constantly evolve and keep up to date with social trends in order to sustain and stay relevant in the consumers minds.


t l e


With new technological advances being made everyday, technology will have and has already had a significant impact on the way businesses operate. Online and ecommerce selling platforms are quickly becoming a part of all brand strategy as brands are seeing the importance of an online presence to staying current and successful (BigCommerce, 2018). Within this, social media has become an ecommerce platform of its own and apps such as Instagram one of the main ways in which small businesses, entrepreneurs and influencers make profit. @ease sits comfortably within this as it is an online brand only and will be present on all social media channels and while the lack of a physical space may make the brand out of reach for certain consumers, this poses an opportunity for future omni-channel growth.

Legal requirements need to be met when starting a new business to ensure the business and consumer are protected and that it is safe to sell. These include ensuring the business is registered, that it falls under data protection rights and that trading and production laws are met, all of which @ease would need to clarify before conducting business (Eukhost, 2016).


With sustainability being a global trend impacting on all industry sectors, what goes into making products and how they are delivered are key factors that are showing a change from this trend. Brands are beginning to understand the environmental costs of unsustainable packaging and many start ups include being ‘eco-friendly’ within their ethos. This is a key element that @ease needs to consider as both packaging and delivery options need to be equally environmentally friendly and cost effective.



4.4 Market drivers Macro/Micro Trend

How this impacts @ease

a mindful attitude

The notion that health and wellness is consisting of mainly physical attributes is changing and upcoming generations are placing more focus on their mental state and how this can have an impact on overall health. A key attribute within this is that consumers are becoming more ‘mindful’. They are constantly reflecting on their health choices and are actively seeking ways in which to be their ‘optimised self ’. Micro trends such as mindful meditation and holistic/slow living are being trialed by consumers, and with stress related illnesses becoming a prominent health issue, it is clear to see why consumers now want to take time out of their daily lives to relax for the benefit of their health (GlobalWellnessSummit, 2019). @ease encompasses this, the brand takes the need for relaxation and a focus on emotional wellness and offers products that can be used within this new way of living.

slow skincare

Slow skincare is a new lifestyle trend incorporating a holistic and natural approach to wellness. It involves taking small moments in the day to practice self-care with natural products and ingredients to take in its relaxation benefits, and over time this has proven to have bigger results on overall health (HappySkinCare, 2020). By utilizing this trend, @ease can help to add these relaxation benefits into the lives of men in a more subtle way as it only takes up small moments, and is therefore helping men care for this aspect of their wellness over a longer period of time.


The excessive feeling of being overworked and stressed with regards to work has been labelled as ‘Burnout’ in recent years and with this now being recognised as a legitimate health diagnosis, it is clear as to why consumers are looking for ways to combat this in their everyday lives (WHO, 2019). This is further reiterated as consumer interviews and stress maps conducted showed that Gen Z men felt more stressed and anxious when at work (see Appendix 14.1.9). This assists the reasoning behind the new business development as there is a clear need for an easy access way to combat these symptoms. 39


4.5 gap analysis/perceptual map

@ease is positioned in the targeted self-care market for male consumers. This market is saturated with similar brands such as Keeps and Asystem, which offer products that tackle aspects of self-care. While these brands are similar regarding their approach to marketing in a way that celebrates masculinity, the products on offer are more medical based, offering solutions for hair loss and ED. This is where @ease differentiates, while the brand is an Ecommerce platform much like its competitors, a platform found most effective for male shopping habits found in Stage 1, the area of self- care that is targeted is relatively untouched by male selfcare brands in depth. While these brands challenge masculine stereotypes to place positivity on caring for the ‘feminine’ aspects of wellness, their product offerings are limited highlighting a gap for a different approach. Secondary competitors for @ease are the more corporate brands such as L’oreal which has almost always been integrated into the daily lives of men due to the size of the company and ease of access. The history behind these brands gives them a sense of comfort for men as this is what they are used to when going to buy any form of skin-care, posing a threat as to how @ease could position itself as such.

targeted self-care

@ea 41

gender neutral

generalised self-care

ase male specific 42

4.6 primary compet 4.6.1 hims Hims is an Ecommerce brand that sells men’s personal care products including hair loss treatments, ED medication and health vitamins. Their mission, much like @ease is to create an open discussion between men about ‘embarrassing’ topics to encourage men to care for themselves. The brand trades solely online and operate a wellness blog containing tips and discussions about wellbeing (hims, 2020). Regarding competitive advantage, hims has seen unprecedented success within the male wellness sector as it was one of the first start-up brands to take on a new wave of masculine acceptance, unlike larger brands who are having to now change their views to connect with a younger consumer. However, while @ease does encompass the same positive masculinity, it offers products that relate directly to stress relief and relaxation, an area of personal care less saturated. There are also other male personal care brands that offer an almost identical product range to hims such as Manual, further showing @ease’s differentiation.



4.6.2 asystem Asystem is another Ecommerce platform that sells personal care products for men under the vision that there needs to be a discussion between men about stress and emotional wellness. They offer subscription based packages including vitamin supplements and performance skincare at a premium price point and, much like hims, has an online informative blog about the products (Asystem,2020). While the targeted area of personal care is similar to that of @ease, the products are more science based, unlike @ease which aims to use a more holistic and natural approach within its products, and, with natural living becoming a key trend within the wellness sector, this shows a route for success for @ease and a means of differentiation.


4.7 secondary competitor 4.7.1 l’oreal mens expert L’oreal men’s expert (LME) offers grooming and personal care products such as skin care and bathing essentials and has been quick to become one of the leading male skin care brands (L’oreal Paris, 2020). LME offers similar products to @ease however the ingredients within this and the reasoning behind shows differentiation as LME offers a basic range of skin care for men, while @ease is more targeted. While LME offers a more generic approach to masculinity, it’s product range is trusted within the male demographic and has been a part of the daily routine of men for a long time. This poses a competitive edge against @ease as it may prove difficult to get men to experience new products and step out of their comfort zone regarding personal care.



4.8 porters 5 forces Porter’s five forces were analysed to understand the depth of competitive threat that @ease would face going into the wellness market (see Appendix 14.2.2). The threat of new brands entering this crowded market could mean that @ease could struggle to gain traction as consumer interest and brand loyalty is spread thin, therefore this threat is high. The bargaining power of suppliers poses a neutral/medium risk. While suppliers could be a threat in regards to an increase in prices due to law/economic changes from factors like Brexit, which could prove damaging to a new business, the likelihood of this happening in the first year of the start-up is minimal as negotiations are still underway (see PESTLE). Therefore if this does occur in the future @ease will be in a stronger financial position. The bargaining power of buyers however is high. As @ease is a start-up, the number of initial customers will potentially be less than that of its competitors and with many alternatives to choose from, male consumer interest is crucial to @ease’s success. Customers are also able to check the price of different wellness products online and may therefore be tempted by this. This also shows that the threat of substitute products would be high. With the general consumer need falling under wellbeing and the notion that this can be achieved in numerous ways, sectors such as fitness take precedence. Additionally, the area that @ease falls under is often the one neglected by male consumers the most and therefore these alternative actions/products are more of a threat. The rivalry of competitors is also significant. As brand loyalty is hard to keep, competing brands will have to be consistent with their B2C engagement through social media marketing and therefore @ease will need to have a strong communication strategy in order to show significance within this rivalry. Overall, while there is significant threat within all sectors regarding competitors, these threats can be strategically handled by creating a strong USP for @ease which can then be translated into an effective communications plan. Through this, the B2C relationship will hold strong foundations from the launch of the new business and will in turn show promise of brand loyalty from consumers.


threat of new entrants= high

bargaining power of suppliers= medium

bargaining power of buyers= high

rivalry among existing competitors= high

threat of substitute products= high 48

4.9 brand swot strengths


While there are many Ecommerce brands that encompass the same ethos as @ease regarding the reframing of masculinity and offer similar products, the strength of such a targeted sector within the wellness market that @ease provides is both on trend and relatively unsaturated.

The overall wellness market is highly saturated with online start up brands and @ease runs the risk of not gaining much traction as consumer choice is endless. Therefore, @ease needs to encompass a strong B2C plan in order to stay current in the consumer’s minds.



Much like competitors, there is the opportunity to expand @ease into an informative platform alongside offering products. This could help provide a discussion board for @ease customers where they can open up about using the products and their emotional health.

The threat of larger and more long lived brands such as L’oreal Men’s Expert means that gaining customer loyalty may prove challenging as brands such as these have been in male consumers daily lives for a long time and therefore may be weary about stepping out of this.

The opportunities highlighted alongside the challenges that @ease could face upon entering the market show ways the brand could further develop within the three-year marketing strategy as well as in regards to long-term business. Before entering the market @ease needs to clearly differentiate its product range and

strengthen how it reframes masculinity to be that of including relaxation within the masculine stereotype as opposed to the ‘men can be feminine’ approach already within this sector. This can further be used as a USP for the brand to help solidify competitive differentiation and possible advantage.


4.10 market readiness & conclusion The health of the wellness market shows that a new business would be feasible particularly if it falls in line with future trends within the industry such as the spa sector and personal care. Both Stage 1 insights and consumer interviews conducted showed that there is a clear opportunity within the wellness market and the self-care/ grooming sectors for a focus on stress relief and relaxation for men, two aspects of wellness going widely neglected. This is assisted by concept testing results as ‘94% of men aged 18-25 agreed that a brand that incorporates new masculine ideologies in line with stress relief and relaxation products was something that they would be interested in’ (see Appendix 14.1.2), therefore clearly showing that this new brand development would gain attraction. While there are similar competitive brands within this sector, there are few that offer a targeted approach to that of burnout and stress, showing clear differentiation and a readiness for opportunity within these sectors.


5. brand development 51


5.1 business overview & objectives @ease is an Ecommerce brand offering personal care products designed to assist a need for relaxation/stress relief. The aim is to create a platform that men feel comfortable using within wellness sectors that are often seen as feminine within society. This brand aims to target Gen Z males within the age range of 18-25 as these are the core consumers that are driving a need for change surrounding masculine identity, and therefore would be the ideal consumers willing to try such a brand that challenges this. The need lies within the lack of focus on emotional and mental wellness, and because of this overall wellbeing is suffering. Through a deeper analysis, it has been identified that the sector within this that is having the most impact is the emotional effects of work, such as burnout symptoms, stress and a need for relaxation. Therefore, @ease aims to offer products to combat this that can be used in the daily lives of men so not to make men feel too pressured to do so. @ease aims to reframe the masculine stereotype within this in a way that helps men see the benefits of such self-care alongside including such actions within a new masculine stereotype, as opposed to offering a service that helps men show their ‘feminine side’.



To be the leading relaxation/stress relief brand among Gen z male consumers.

To develop a range of innovative and functional products that can be integrated into daily routines to combat the effects of stress and help relaxation.



To obtain competitive advantage among target demographic of 18-25 year old males through consistent and effective b2c engagement.

To be the link between men and them caring for aspects of wellbeing deemed feminine by social stereotypes.



5.2 brand dna

5.2.1 mission 5.2.2 v To help men care for once neglected aspects of their wellbeing and step away from the traditional masculine stereotype.


To assis the disc surround openness a silenced t help impro male we


5.2.3 usp

st with cussion ding male about once topics to ove overall ellness.

“Simple stress relief for the modern male� Relaxation and masculinity have long been disconnected and @ease aims to provide the link.


5.3 brand identity 5.3.1 brand values trust Full transparency from what goes into making the products to how they make their way to consumers. @ease offers products that are 100% recyclable and cruelty free.

comfort A platform that men feel comfortable using as it covers a sensitive subject. The brand wants men to feel content using the products and to allow any stereotypical notions to disappear.

community The idea is to bring together a community of real people enthusiastic about helping men with their wellbeing and breaking gender stereotypes through open and honest discussions between both consumers and @ease.

acceptance Masculinity is just as complex as each individual consumer, and therefore @ease feels it cannot be defined in such rigid terms any longer. It wants men to step out of their ideologies and reap the benefits of accepting and fully caring for themselves.


5.3.2 brand pyramid essence Acceptance and comfort through personal care.

personality Challenging, Confident, Accepting, Motivational, Informative

emotional benefits @ease empowers users to be a part of a community that is paving the way for a new masculinity. It wants users to embrace self-care and emotional openness, two aspects neglected out of fear of being ‘emasculated’, and accept that these can now be factors in being a man.

functional benefits @ease offers personal care and grooming products targeted towards helping the effects of stress and caring for relaxation needs.

features & attributes An Ecommerce brand that sells stress relief and relaxation based products targeted towards men that can be integrated into daily routines to allow men to care for neglected wellbeing attributes.


5.4 brand guidelines 5.4.1 brand name “Free from worry or awkwardness; relaxed.” (oxford, 2020) The brand’s name comes from the notion that Men’s minds need to be put ‘at ease’ from the stresses and worries of everyday life. They need take a step away from the masculine stereotypes that may be holding them back and take a step forward with regards to self-care. This term also has both mental and emotional connotations, again indicating one of the core values of the brand as @ease aims to get men to open up about emotional troubles. Additionally, the military connotations further support this, as it commands a relaxed position from soldiers, insinuating the idea that this brand is commanding men to relax and care for themselves. There is also a sense of ‘strength’ and ‘manhood’ associated with the army/soldiers and could therefore cause an element of interest for men who value such traits. This is further supported

through consumer testing. When asked what they think of when hearing the term ‘at ease’, the majority of answers included phrases such as ‘worry free’ ‘relaxation’ ‘comfort’ and ‘slowing down’ (see Appendix 14.1.4), all of which are core values of the brand therefore showing that the intended consumer resonates with what is being offered.

5.4.2 brand slogan The slogan ‘Putting men’s mind at ease’ has again been influenced by consumer testing of which such a phrase was related to the term ‘at ease’. This simple yet effective slogan aims to work with the name of the brand to provide a complete sense of stressfree wellbeing. This also connotes that by using the brand’s products, the masculine stereotype that men are holding onto will be finally put to rest.


putting men’s mind

@ease 60

5.4.3 logo The ‘at’ within the term ‘at ease’ has been replaced with the punctuation symbol ‘@’. This is to separate the logo and provide more dimensions to draw the consumers eye. This replacement was also chosen for social media purposes as it provides an easily accessible link to the brand which will in turn drive B2C engagement.

@ease Consumer testing showed that this logo was the preferred choice for a wellness brand among 18-25 year old males (see Appendix 14.1.4). The logo appears all in the same font size and spacing to give a sense of uniform and structure to the brand, further assisting the soldier connotations present from the brand name. In addition, the logo should always contain a block background with either a complementary or contrasting font colour in keeping with the brand’s theme.


@ @ @ linkedin





@ease #your’reamanif

All social media logo designs are kept the same for brand continuity and consumer recognition. Only the ‘@’ is used to spike consumer interest and again keep in tone with the social media feel, something crucial for @ease as the brand works solely online.



5.4.4 colour palette When deciding the colour palette, the themes of wellness and health were evaluated to understand what colours have connotations within this, and which of those would work with a male consumer. Blue tones are often considered to be beneficial for the mind and body and are strongly associated with calmness. This, accompanied with the stereotype that blue is a masculine colour, provide the base of the colour palette for the brand. The use of this stereotypical colour will also entice male consumers to the brand through the colour palette alone, even if they are not aware of the brand initially. The colour yellow is said to stimulate mental activity and promote joy and uplifting energy, this was chosen to give a lighthearted tone to the brand as, while it covers

the serious topic of health and wellbeing, the brand aims to show that this does not have to be a stressful action. Much like yellow, orange hues provide a sense of energy and happiness, feelings often associated with being ‘stress free’. Orange also represents encouragement, which will help @ease encourage male consumers to both use the products and try new experiences for their wellbeing (Colour Wheel Pro, 2020). Furthermore, the combination of these colours help give an uplifting and encouraging approach to wellness and, through consumer testing, were shown to be the most popular among the target demographic (see Appendix 14.1.4).


5.4.5 do’s and dont’s do use

do not use

@ease @ease @ease @ease @ease @ease

@ease @ease @ease @ease



The logo should be placed with equal size and spacing between letters.

@ @ ease ease do not use

The ‘@’ symbol should not be placed above or below within the logo as it distrupts the uniform structure of the lettering.

There should be equal spacing between the lettering.

at ease @ease The brand name should not include the word ‘At’ and should only refer to the symbol for online efficiency. This should only be used for website domain as ‘@’ cannot be used.

All lettering should be of equal size for a uniform look.


5.4.6 font bignoodletitling abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

This font will be used for the logo, website headings and promotional aspects. This has been chosen for a minimal and modern feel keeping in line with current wellness trends. As aforementioned, its structured look also helps to mimic that of the connotations of the brand name, assisting with a well-rounded meaning for @ease.


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz A serif font has been paired with the logo to provide a sense of formality/sophistication to the brand to give the sense that the brand is informative and trustworthy. Additionally, the combination of both a serif and sans serif font creates subtle changes within the text and helps to keep consumer interest with the change in dimensions.


5.4.7 tone of voice The tone of voice for @ease is consistent with that of the brand personality. The brand will offer both a conversational and fun tone to wellness to help men feel more comfortable shopping with the brand as it creates a more personal connection. This also helps to take the pressure of men for feeling like they need to care for their wellbeing but don’t want to do so in certain ‘feminine’ ways; this aims to open the new masculinity discussion. Alongside this, there will also be elements of both a confident


and challenging tone to the brand. @ease aims to challenge men to find strength in caring for themselves and breaking out of the masculine stereotype and wants to encourage men to create their own personal definition.

you’re a man if you

relax 69

5.4.8 promotional images All promotional images will only use male dolls or action figures as ‘models’ for the brand. This is to give a different take on the ‘male aesthetic’. The wellness market is saturated with brands using male models with the stereotypical physique which can often cause another sense of insecurity within manhood if the consumer does not fit to this. Therefore, the absence of male models aims to build self-confidence and enhance the comfort between brand and consumer. The promotional language used will be in the form of statements to clearly depict a reframed masculinity and will include taglines such as ‘you are a man if you relax/are stressed/need help’ (see Appendix 14.2.5 for Marketing Mix- Promotions).


5.5 the products @ease offers a range of six personal care products targeted towards men and the need for stress relief (see Appendix 14.2.5 for Marketing Mix- Product/Price). All products can be integrated into daily routines so there is no need to take time out of a busy lifestyle to achieve the product benefits. Regarding pricing, when asked through consumer testing, the key demographic of males aged 18-25 stated that ‘they would be willing to pay between £30-40 for a wellness product’, and therefore all products fall in or near this range (see Appendix 14.1.2).


5.5.1 the packaging The @ease product and delivery packaging will consist of a repeat logo design along with the brand’s colour palette. This will be made from recyclable materials and the aim is to give the packaging an ‘instagramable’ aesthetic and to be something that consumers can keep and use for other amenities.


5.5.2 the ingredients Natural remedies are becoming a trend within the wellness industry and are one of the main sources of stress relief within skin care products. Ingredients such as ginger and ashwagandha have proven benefits for counteracting the harmful stress chemicals and can help with symptoms of sleep imbalance and depression (Prakash, 2017). Additionally, tea extracts such as green tea and chamomile help to improve mental state and productivity which in turn decreases the levels of the stress chemical cortisol (Scott, 2020) and, although typically ingested, show stronger effects when used within skin care (Sullivan, 2020). Furthermore, essential oils to combat stress and anxiety are trending. Traditional oils such as lemongrass are widely recommended to promote

relaxation and increase serotonin levels (Wong, 2020) and CBD, a more recent addition to the industry, shows positive effects against symptoms of depression (Cochrane, 2019). All of these ingredients will be used within one of the @ease products depending on the key target area for maximum effect. Each product will contain only one main natural ingredient that has such benefits so that the consumers do not feel too overwhelmed. Therefore, the use of a central ingredient will allow male consumers to be fully informed of the product benefits before buying, something which consumer testing showed to be the most important factor for men when buying a self-care product (see Appendix 14.1.2).






green tea

cbd 74


5.5.3 name: cool down ginger price: £25 (inc. vat) description: The ‘cool down ginger’ cooling mask leaves you with calm and cool looking skin in just 2 minutes. The mask contains a cooling agent to minimize the appearance of pores and the ginger extracts give an added bonus of counteracting stress chemicals released by the body. So whether you need to prepare for the day ahead or are in need of a cool down at night, this mask is the perfect quick fix.


5.5.4 name: wake me up before you go price: £35 (inc. vat) description: We know you don’t like the taste of green tea, so why not get the same benefits but from your face wash. The ‘wake me up before you go’ morning facial scrub includes dissolvable cleansing beads to exfoliate the skin and give you a brighter start to your day. This scrub is infused with green tea extracts known to improve your mental state and promote productivity, so those of you who need some extra motivation in the morning, this is the product for you.




5.5.5 name: leave the day at the door price: £35 (inc. vat) description: Struggling to calm your thoughts after a long day? A few spritz of our ‘Leave the day at the door’ sleep spray and you’ll be out like a light. With ashwagandha properties, this spray helps to regulate sleep imbalances by releasing calming scents as you drift off to ensure you get your 8 hours of uninterrupted leisure.


5.5.6 name: can eye have some tea? price: ÂŁ30 (inc. vat) description: This targeting under-eye cream helps reduce the stress and puffiness the day at the office leaves. Infused with chamomile leaves this cream quickly soaks into the skin to target and tackle the stress chemical cortisol to leave you feeling more relaxed and rebooted than ever.




5.5.7 name: fresh start price: £35 (inc. vat) description: Been feeling off your game recently? Jump on the CBD bandwagon and start your morning off on the right side of the bed for a change with the ‘fresh start’ day cream. With proven relaxation and stress relief properties, every day can be a brand new start to becoming the best you.


5.5.8 name: happy beard, happy life price: £40 (inc. vat) description: We know how important your beard is to you, it’s your shield of manhood and it needs to be protected as such. The ‘happy beard, happy life’ oil is enriched with moisturising properties to stop from dry skin and has been soaked in lemongrass to promote relaxation and increase serotonin levels, so not only does your beard look and feel refreshed, you will as well.





about us


our products


5.6.1 home page

The home page will consist of a slideshow of promotional brand images. These will also include customer photos whic assist brand engagement and provide a sense of community as consumers have the chance to be featured on the websi The use of few sub-pages provides ease when the consumer moves through the website as too much may deter the con from opening all aspects. The header image consists of the brand logo and each page will change to other logo and co combinations to highlight all aspects of the brands personality and guidelines. 87

5.6 the website

basket/log in

in contact

put your mind @ease

5.6.2 cover page

ch will ite. nsumer olour

Upon opening the @ease website, a cover photo is presented with the brand slogan and a rotation of promotional photos to break up the website viewing for the consumer and peak interest as consumers will have to go further into the website to see what is offered, aiming to increase customer retention.



5.6.3 our products

@ease home

about us

our products

basket/log in

get in contact

Home/Our Products/Cool Down Ginger

‘cool down ginger’

£25 description: The ‘cool down ginger’ cooling mask leaves you with calm and cool looking skin in just 2 minutes. The mask contains a cooling agent to minimize the appearance of pores and the ginger extracts give an added bonus of counteracting stress chemicals released by the body. So whether you need to prepare for the day ahead or are in need of a cool down at night, this mask is the perfect quick fix.


5.6.4 about/contact



Home/About us

Home/Get in Contact

about us

contact us

Psst. Men, we know you’re stressed out sometimes, and it’s okay, you’re manhood will still be intact after you’ve had your detox.

all socials: @ease email:

We know everyone feels stressed, there’s no secret to that, but how often do you take time to really deal with this? We know it’s not as often as you should.

telephone: 01*********


But what’s the reason? Do you not have enough time? Do you not know where to start?


5.6.5 product home page

Introducing @ease, we offer a selection of stress relief and relaxation personal care products that can help with the effects of stress in your daily lives. We aim to help men see the benefits of such care and to not be afraid of wanting a little ‘me time’, something that has always been seen as a feminine action. But masculinity is changing, and we want to be a part of the movement to bring masculinity and self-care together.

Message: (1000 Characters)

@ease home

about us

our products

get in contact

Home/Our Products

our products

cool down ginger

leave the day at the door


can eye have some tea?

5.7 the business mod Limited company




@ease will operate as a B2C (Business to Consumer) b this business model to create close connections betwee engagement in order to help build a community, a cor will be through its Ecommerce platform as this is one o therefore assisting start-up success (see Appendix 14.2. register as a limited company under the gov. Compani allows the company to not be liable for financial losses



ommunity & differenciation

brand. Like competitors, @ease aims to use en the brand and its consumers with consistent re @ease value. The brand’s main revenue stream of the most accessible channels of distribution .3 for full Business Model). Additionally, @ease will ies House to provide limited financial risks as this s (Companies House, 2020).


personal care

5.8 value proposition

(see appendix 14.2.4)



Men neglect emotional wellness aspects such as stress and relaxation due to the feminine connotations they present, which is having a detrimental impact on overall male health.

An Ecommerce brand offering natural solutions for stress relief in the form of daily personal/self-care products.




Men are able to care for neglected well being in a subtle and quick way to relieve stress symptoms and are opened up to the benefits of such products, showing them the positive impacts and helping them overcome their stereotypes.

A personal care brand that targets a niche wellness sector in a more holistic way, as opposed to the medicated approach of competitors.



6. consumer segmentation 96

6.1 chapter in

This chapter evaluates the core consumer for @ease. consumer needs to ensure that @ease fulfils this as w offer effective engagement. This has been translated engagement points can be met for an optimised custo 14.2.5 for Marketing Mix-People).



. It covers segmentation as well as evaluating well as giving an understanding of how @ease can into a customer journey map to highlight how these omer experience with the brand (see Appendix


the catalyst


6.2 consumer profiles


name: james age: 24 occupation: personal trainer lives in: newcastle

personality Adventurous

lifestyle Cautious Night Out

Open Minded Extrovert

Night In

Rigid Ideas Fitness Fanatic

Slower Living

Introvert Busy Calender

Free Time



Fitness Healthy/clean cooking reading socialising with friends

feels he only cares about physical health and has a busy lifestyle therefore struggles to find time to relax

points of engagement instagram wellness blogs seeking competitor alternatives

the need for @ease James has a busy lifestyle with both his fitness job and interest in socialising with his friends. While he is an outgoing individual, he does sometimes find that he needs to take some time for himself or relax as the constant social calendar can be draining. Additionally, the nature of his job and his overall lifestyle means that his actions are predominantly based around his physical health, such as exercise, eating healthy, taking vitamins etc. And therefore James is beginning to feel like his emotional health should be cared in just as much detail. James is confident in who he is and does not feel that stereotypes are relevant to him and he is always willing to try new things to help with his health/fitness journey.



name: Liam age: 22 occupation: accounting assistant lives in: london

personality Adventurous

lifestyle Cautious Night Out

Open Minded Extrovert

Night In

Rigid Ideas Fitness Fanatic

Slower Living

Introvert Busy Calender

Free Time



Fitness music reading the news on commute relaxing with girlfriend

suffers from work and financial stress but does not open up about needing help, he is sceptical about natural products

points of engagement

the need for @ease


Liam has just entered the job world of accounting after his studies and is starting out in a lower position than he originally intended. He is somewhat closed off and does not always want to admit to needing help which is making his work life stressful. He tries to go to the gym frequently but does not do much else regarding caring for his well being. He is also under some financial stress and his commute is often busy, delayed and expensive. He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend and is comfortable telling her about the stresses he faces. However, while she has told him to try going to yoga or other classes for his stress (something that she does regularly) he is not comfortable with this as it is often a female event and feels he wouldn’t fit in.

morning commute recommendations from girlfriend


the sceptic


the helper


6.2.3 name: bethany age: 21 occupation: penguine books illustrator lives in: london


personality Adventurous

Cautious Night Out

Night In

Open Minded

Rigid Ideas Fitness Fanatic

Slower Living


Tough Love Busy Calender

Free Time



yoga/meditation drawing skin care relaxing with boyfriend

can see her boyfriend is suffering from stress but knows he will not admit to or want to slow down/ take time to relax

points of engagement

relationship with @ease

all socials

Bethany is an illustrator from London who is heavily invested in activities such as yoga, meditation and art therapy. Her lifestyle includes a mixture of both physical and mental care and she enjoys trying new natural/holistic ways to benefit her wellbeing. More recently, her boyfriend has opened up to her about feeling stressed at work but will not take her advice to try any of the relaxation classes she takes as they make him uncomfortable. She wants to help him but does not want him to feel too pressured into doing something he is not fully comfortable talking about and is therefore looking for more subtle ways to help him relieve his stress.

seo and search engines welness blogs/platforms


6.3 customer journey maps digital communication

forms of communication

(see appendix 14.2.5 for marketing


There will be two main beginnings for the customer journeys. The customer is made aware of @ease through social media marketing (Affiliated links, Sponsored content etc.) or they put SEO related content into a search engine and land on the @ease website.

tv social discovery

Custom further we is undert consider

display search website/mobile ad marketing

Affiliated links through search engines and social media take the customer to the @ease website and/or product specific page where they are informed of the brand and overlook what is offered.

email marketing phone/technology product experience online home/work


mix- process)


mer interest is peaked and ebsite/product exploration taken and more items are red/placed in the basket.


experience product

Steps are followed to purchase. Customer has options to log in/create account/sign in as guest with the options for CRM and promotions.

Purchase is made on prefered device and items are sent to customers through the chosen delivery option.

Customers receive the products and begin using them. They decide if they are happy with the purchase and consider buying again. 106

Journey is now closed. Customers can decide to share reviews/product experiences on social media and/or with peers and can be featured on the @ease home page for customer engagement.

7. market 107



7.1 3 year strategic overview & objectives A three-year marketing plan has been outlined to present how @ease aims to grow within the wellness industry. A number of objectives have been set for each stage to outline the key targets and possible outcomes for each of the three years as well as highlighting a feasible timeline for this to be achieved.



To successfully penetrate the uk wellness/personal care market within the three years and increase market share by a minimum of 5% year on year.

To create significant brand loyalty over three years among core male demographic through creating a sense of community and continuing to innovate with new product development.




to launch the @ease ecommerce platform in november 2020 within the personal care sector of the wellness industry.

To procure a significant customer base by the end of the first year through the use of a strong social media presence and consistant b2c communications.



7.2 year 1 overview and objectives The main aim is to set up the business and generate a base of brand awareness that can be built upon in future years. The Ecommerce platform will launch in November 2020 to fall in line with International Men’s Day as this is a key event that encompasses the @ease ethos and is an effective way to instigate brand awareness as social media will already be covering the problem that @ease aims to solve. Male micro influencers that use their platform to highlight the

‘new masculinity’ will be gifted @ease products and act as sponsors for the brand to generate engagement and entice the @ease consumer. Throughout the year, more brand awareness will be generated through social media campaigns falling in line with mental health awareness week in May to bring the brand into the positive conversation surrounding men’s emotional health.


put your mind @ease continue


7.3 year 2 overview and objectives After building brand awareness from year 1, it is imperative that @ease expands to not only build on this awareness, but further secure loyalty by peaking interest for those already purchasing with the brand. In November 2021, 2 new products will be launched in line with both international men’s day and the brand’s one-year anniversary and will be promoted again by micro influencers to help build the @ease community. These include the ‘Deep Dive’


conditioner with mint extract and the ‘Mop Away the blues’ shampoo with brahmi oils, both of which promote relaxation and help improve brain function (Raman, 2019). By expanding into the hair care sector it will encourage further brand awareness as such products are a part of almost all male consumers routine, therefore these can act as another gateway into the benefits of the brand for the ‘sceptic’ consumer.

to expand the @ease product range to include more personal care products.

to obtain 10,000 more followers across all social media platforms.




brahmi 114

7.4 year 3 overview and objectives An interactive blog will be created under the name ’SOAK’ which stands for ‘Strength, Openness, Acceptance and Knowledge’, all core traits of the reframed masculinity that @ease represents. This new addition will include bi monthly posts from professionals within the male wellness sector surrounding topics from masculinity to new wellbeing trends to allow readers to ‘soak’ themselves with information regarding a new way


of thinking. While competitors have included such within their business models, the @ease differentiation lies within the fact that the posts will also include submissions from the @ease consumer themselves to encourage those who use the brand and want to expand their platform by sharing their experiences with @ease and their overall masculinity journey.

to expand the @ease platform to include an interactive and informative blog.

to increase social media followers by 25,000.



basket/log in

@ease home

about us

our products


get in contact


soak the blog run by you, for you.

“i’ve finally accepted i can still be a manly man and have a full on pamper sesh” Read all about the journey from masculine stigma to strength from a member of the @ease community.



to collaborate with a spa chain to use @ease products alongside treatments.

to continue to expand the @ease product range within both the personal care and grooming market.



7.5 strategic summary & long-term objectives

Following the strategic plan, the long-term objectives include growing the product range and collaborating with a spa chain to sell and use the products within the treatments. The future prospects of the brand further aim to expand the @ease community and place the brand at the forefront of relaxation in consumer’s minds.



8. co

ommunication plan 120

8.1 chapter introduction and communication objectives This chapter sets out a detailed one-year communications plan followed by an overview of years 2 and 3. The aim for this plan is to build brand awareness and build the @ease community by aligning the brand with key milestones throughout the year that fall in line with a new and positive masculinity.



to gain 20,000 followers across all social channels by the end of the first year.

to achieve a 3-5% average engagement rate per post on instagram by the end of the first year.



to achieve a ctr (click through rate) on sponsored posts of 2%.


8.2 aida & drip models


The AIDA and DRIP models show the stages in which a consumer will go through in order to purchase with @ ease. This has further informed the consumer touchpoints throughout the communications plan to obtain high engagement and awareness.

Social media and micro influencer marketin awareness pre and during the launch alongsi further into the year during Mental Health Aw encouraged to share brand experiences and wh build an @ease com


Created through informative posts abou reframed masculine traits that the bran spark conversations and create Us


Offering a modern outlook o stereotype and giving a solution face without promoting this a feminine side’ but rather keepi making it posit


These actions should consumers to the @ea where they will be i of the brand and per purchase the pro

8.2.1 aida 123


ng will be used to create brand ide International Men’s Day and wareness week. Consumers will be hat it means to them in the hope to mmunity.

The @ease USP of offering targeted personal care products with the aim of stress relief and relaxation, marketed in a way that reframes masculinity to include such actions.

A new way of approaching masculine stereotypes to reinforce the notion that there is strength in opening up and fully caring for yourself.





Educate men on the natural benefits within these products and highlight how stress relief and relaxation are important for overall well being.

Consumers can integrate @ease products into their daily routines through providing informative and engaging social media content.


ut the products as well as the nd aims to promote. This will ser Generated Content.


on the masculine n to the stresses men as ‘caring for your ing masculinity but tive.


encourage ase website informed rsuaded to oducts.

8.2.2 drip 124

8.3 timeline

Social Media

Social Media campaign


use of influencers



Oct Nov dec jan feb mar

web 125

a channels campaign for mental health awareness week

apr may jun jul aug sep

bsite 126

8.4 website launch The @ease Ecommerce platform will launch the week commencing 16th November 2020 in order to fall in line with International Men’s day (IMD). Prior to the launch, micro influencers and the @ease social channels will upload posts teasing the brand, giving small sections of information about the brand story and the products on offer to generate interest.

d i a p

n ow ed

bou ght /

The media channels will also launch alongside the website. As the campaigns are online and through social media, the channels used are mainly owned

and bought, and therefore high control regarding content and style is applied, providing less risks upon initial launch as the brand controls what is put out. From this, the earned media gives less control as usergenerated content will give real experiences of the brand, and therefore the brand cannot control what is posted. However, this will help build the @ease community and loyalty as it allows consumers to have their own opinions and discussions, creating a sense of community between the brand and consumers.

influencer collabs

social media channels

international mens day/ ecommerce website mental health awareness own social media campaign sponsored posts organic influencer posts mens day & mental health awareness press coverage/blog posts/podcasts user generated content

earned 127



@ease November 2020.


8.5 campaigns There will be two main campaigns throughout the year. The first will fall in line with the launch of the brand and will be used to celebrate IMD and to highlight that the brand aims to promote positivity surrounding masculinity. Alongside this, the socials will be showcasing the #Youreamanif campaign pre/during the launch. The aim is to give consumers insight into the brand’s personality and create user-generated content through sharing stories about what they feel makes them ‘a man’. The next focuses on Mental Health Awareness Week in May 2021. There will again be influencers that are advocates for male mental health awareness who create sponsored posts during the week to showcase how the brand aims to be a part of the discussion. There will also be competitions and giveaways for consumers to assist with brand engagement/loyalty.



happy international men’s day!

@ease Celebrate International Men’s Day by taking the first step towards relaxation with @ease.




@ease #yourreamanif

It ’s # m e n t a lh e a lt h a w a re n e s s w e e k s o h e re ’s a b r a n d t h a t is h e lp in g m e n t o o p e n u p ... m o re


8.6 social influencers and blogs Micro influencers will be used in the first year. In line with IMD and the website launch, they will be gifted @ease products and will create sponsored content based on their brand experience, the story and what it means to them. Influencers like the ones on the right will be chosen as their content falls in line with the brand offerings and their audiences all have over 50% interest in content relating to the intended sector. The engagement rates for such influencers falls between 1-3.5% which is classed as ‘good’, therefore good communication with the target consumer can be achieved and in turn will promote higher brand awareness (Ethicalinfluencers, 2020).

M y jo u r n e y t o w a rd s b e in g @ e a s e w it h m y m a s c u lin it y h a s b e e n a lo n g b u t p o s it iv e o n e ... m o re


@samgraystyle engagement rate: 2.50% audience interests: cosmetics & fashion: 94.35%

@freshandfearless engagement rate: 1.84% audience interests: cosmetics & fashion: 63.03%

@mrlukechristian engagement rate: 1.36% audience interests: cosmetics & fashion: 77.81% 132

(Influencer Hub, 2020)

8.7 crm

CRM (customer relationship marketing) is vital for securing brand loyalty and building the @ease community. @ease will aim to obtain this in ways specific to the brand’s different consumer. Email marketing will be used at the checkout to keep consumers educated and interested in the brand with information surrounding products and links to the @ease community, which is also something that can be shared among peers for more brand awareness.


consumer the catalyst

the sceptic

the helper

crm strategy Marketing for the ‘open minded’ consumer will consist of more direct contact as they are already open to trying new ways to improve their wellbeing. This consumer type will also be those who predominantly create the user-generated, sharing their experiences and participating in the discussion about masculine openness, therefore brand loyalty will be obtained through this sense of community. As this consumer type is not fully comfortable with opening up, the social media marketing will not be as effective as they may not participate in the sharing/discussions, however brand awareness will still be secured. The relationship with this consumer will lie in the third party purchase of the ‘helper’, who will see this discussion through social media marketing and in turn purchase on behalf of the ‘sceptic’ and after they see the product benefits, brand loyalty can be gained in this way.

Social media will be most effective as they are active within the wellness community and are often a part of wellness discussions and groups, therefore already follow some of the wellness influencers used within the communications plan. This consumer will be the link between the relationship of @ease and the ‘sceptic’ and brand loyalty can be secured as they will see how the brand helps their loved ones.


8.8 kpi kpi to gain 20,000 followers across all social channels by the end of the first year.

to achieve a 3-5% average engagement rate per post on instagram by the end of the first year.

to achieve a ctr (click through rate) on sponsored posts of 2%.


measurements using sponsored posts to gain brand awareness and measured by an increase in social followers.

total up likes, comments and shares on posts and divide by total followers then multiply by 100. eg. 600 (Lcs) divided by 20,000 multiplied by 100 = 3% engagement measure total link clicks and impressions, divide by eachother, multiply by 100 for accurate %.


8.9 year communic over

After the success of year 1, more money will be communications plan. This will be placed in trai male consumers begin to feel stressed in their da solution to their problem on the commute. The during the year (Men’s Day and Mental Health part of the solution for such important topics.

Year 3 will consist of more consumer interaction built upon in the first 2 years and as the SOAK b to write about their experiences with masculinity and encouraging openness.


r 2 and 3 cation plan rview

spent on online and offline marketing for the year 2 in stations as this is where primary research showed that aily routine, therefore they will be made aware of the influencer marketing will fall around the same events Week) to make these key holidays where @ease can be a

n with the brand. This is due to the sense of community blog is launched it will give consumers more opportunity y, @ease and general wellness topics; sharing their stories


9. business management 139


9.1 chapter introduction This chapter analyses the feasibility of @ease’s financial situation. Initial predictions for the start-up and marketing costs have been predicted in line with an estimated sales forecast for the first three years of business through calculating the potential trialists for each year. It is then highlighted how these sales will fall in line with spending over the course of each year and further where start- up loans are needed alongside an overall sensitivity analysis (see Appendix 14.3.2 for full financial justifications).


9.2 finance objectives


to increase forecasted units sold by a minimum of 15% year on year.

to breakeven by the end of year 1 operations.



to achieve a 30% minimum increase in overall net profit by year 3.

to secure a 3-5% conversion rate over the course of each of the three years.



9.3 raising capital The virgin start-up loan £25,000

Obtaining a business loan for @ease’s start up costs is essential for brand survival. The total amount of loan needed to cover start-up costs and the first month’s expenditure is £45,000. The majority of this sum will come from the virgin start up business loan which accumulates to £25,000 of funding and is repayable over 1-5 years at a fixed interest rate of 6%. This was

personal & family investment £20,000

chosen for both the financial mentor opportunities and the no minimum trading requirement. The rest of the start up costs will be covered by personal savings of £10,000 as well as family investment of £10,000. As these costs will be made up from the first month’s profits, they can therefore be repaid in a timely manner so family members will not long be out of pocket.


9.4 start up costs

The investment of ÂŁ45,000 is needed to cover overall brand creation (see Appendix 14.3.1 for cost breakdown). The highest spending lies within the product development as this includes not only the costs for product formula but also the initial units as it is important for a batch of products to be ready upon website launch.


9.5 year 1 marketing costs


The marketing costs for year one are minimal but the communications plan shows that this will be effective in driving engagement rates and therefore assisting profits. Within this micro influencers have also been used which although is a cheaper form of marketing, they often show higher engagement rates and therefore can create a closer connection to the @ease consumer to build on the profit. Additionally, from observing the sales forecast profit for year 1 it shows that the marketing costs can significantly increase in upcoming years for an even greater consumer reach.


9.6 year 1 sales forecast The Size of prize calculations show that the total annual product volume estimated to be sold in year 1 is 16,000 products at £30 RRP and COG £5 (see Appendix 14.3.1). The average level of potential trialists for NPD is commonly 10%, however as @ease is a startup and new to the market, this has been lowered to 5% as well as the assumption of 5% awareness, for a realistic estimation of sales that would be distributed across the 1st year of business.

The number of units shown in the sales forecast vary in line with the amount of marketing needed for each month of the communications plan. The marketing is expected to increase any sales after it has been undertaken and in turn increase the number of units ordered. An initial profit of £480,000 for year 1 is estimated without highlighting overheads and other expenditures (See Appendix 14.3.1 for sales calculation breakdown).


9.7 year 1 profit and loss A profit and loss has been calculated in line with the sales forecast and communications timeline and the total profit for the year without cash injection/loan is estimated at ÂŁ338,753.50. While this is a significant profit from the first year, this will decrease through costs of VAT, tax and interest from the loan therefore once this is taken these costs will bring the total to a more feasible start up profit. In line with this, each product has an RRP of ÂŁ30 which is a premium price point which has been done to fall in line with competitors and is still cheaper than these

brands, therefore the profit that is left is higher because the gross profit is high. These will be further used to build on marketing costs within years 2 and 3 to expand reach and engagement of the brand. Additioanlly, delivery costs will be added to the basket at end of purchase and that cost will come directly from the consumer to the delivery agent and therefore cancels out any overheads from this hence the exclusion from the P&L.


9.8 year 1 cash flow The overall cash flow shows a steady stream of revenue running through the entire year’s business. The cash injection of £45000 is added at the beginning of October in full to cover the start-up costs and the first batch of products needed for November, hence why the cost of goods is not included in November overheads as this is covered by the remaining loan at the end of October. The largest negative figures are only within the first month of business in October and therefore these overheads are included within the cash injection. Additionally, November shows a high profit but as the brand is launched mid

month the cost of goods is needed at the start of the year and is again also included within the loan. This is estimated to be made up in profits by the end of November and therefore loan repayments can commence in December. This loan will be paid back monthly because, although profits are high at initial launch, these dip in January to March as spending decreases after holiday seasons, therefore steady repayment ensures more consistency in profit. For years 2/3, the cash injection will be taken out of the final net profit for the previous years.


9.9 year 1 sensitivity analysis

Analysis of the sensitivity shows that it is strong for the first year and both an increase and decrease of 20% ensure that total overheads and net profit remain valuable and covered.


9.10 year 2 and 3 sales forecast Based on the Size of Prize from year 1 (see appendix 14.3.1) and an increase in marketing costs for year 2, the overall sales forecast should expect to increase by a minimum of 15% after year 1 profits and an additional 30% on top of year 2 for the third year. The additional marketing costs spent in year 2 can help secure the estimated 30% increase in year 3 in both units sold and overall break even profit as this marketing will ensure higher brand awareness.

9.11 year 2 and 3 marketing costs For year 2, almost half of year 1 profits are used for broader offline/online marketing to obtain a wider consumer reach to fall in line with the launch of 2 NPD’s (New Product Development). While this increase in spending reduces overall year 2 profit, the awareness made through this will ensure marketing costs for year 3 can reduce and overall year 3 profit will fall in line with sales forecast.



9.12 year 2 and 3 profit and loss The gross profit for year 2 falls in line with a 15% increase in units sold as estimated from the sales forecast (see Appendix 14.3.1). While the final profit is less than year 1, more money is spent on marketing to increase year three sales significantly. So while the breakeven is lower, the number of units sold does increase by 15%, as predicted. This increase in expenditure in turn shows that the year 3 gross profit will increase by 30% on year 2 as well as the break even profit.



9.13 year 2 and 3 sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity is strong for both years 2 and 3 due to high end of year profits despite larger expenditure on marketing and overheads in both years.


9.14 summary @ease both meets and exceeds the financial objectives set clearly showing that the brand can financially survive alongside competitors. The financial stability also shows that future growth of the brand can include more strategic risks as @ease will have a substantial base of profits.


10. ev 157

valuation 158

10.1 overall kpi’s type



strategic plan

To create significant brand loyalty over three years among core male demographic through creating a sense of community and continuing to innovate with new product development.

Measured through the number of followers across all social channels increasing year on year alongside monitoring consumer engagement and user generated content.

comms plan

To achieve a 3-5% average engagement rate per post on instagram by the end of the first year.

Total up likes, comments and shares on posts and divide by total followers then multiply by 100. This will also be measured by the amount of user generated content.

To increase forecasted units sold by a minimum of 15% year on year.

Measured through an increase in net profit leaving more expenditure for the next year’s marketing budget which will ensure more brand awareness and in turn more sales.

financial plan


10.2 risk assessment external/ internal








New entrants are similar therefore providing more competitors.

The threat of new entrants into the already saturated market spreads consumer loyalty and attention thin and means that @ease will have to fight for this attention more.

By building a strong relationship with the consumer through the effective and consistent B2C engagement this will help build brand loyalty. The presentation of the brand’s USP will also help the brand to stand out.

Initial financial funding not secured.

Without the initial funding @ease will not be able to undertake initial promotional aspects and secure the first batch of products, therefore the platform will not be able to gain brand awareness or sell products.

Acquiring the funding from multiple areas (Virgin Start-Up, personal savings and family loan) means that if one falls through, some funding will still be obtained and actions can be taken just in smaller quantities.

This will prevent purchases and brand awareness if consumers wish to get onto the website.

Each year the website will undergo maintenance to ensure this is working. Updates will also be made regularly by the brand’s director for the most modern use of the website.

This will mean smaller spending year on year for marketing and overheads, which will in turn decrease the reach @ease has.

By following the strategic and communications plan, @ease should be able to gain enough brand awareness which will in turn translate into sales.

Website crashes/difficulties.

Unable to meet net profit targets set.


10.3 ansoff matrix increasing risk

increasing risk existing market/existing products

existing market/new products

@ease should continue to build on the community built within the first year of business to continue generating brand awareness and reach the aim of getting the brand’s products into the daily routine of consumers.

Future growth of the brand could see @ease expanding its product range within the personal care sector to give consumers more choice when purchasing with the brand and further expand loyalty as it gives existing customers new interests.

new market/existing products

new market/new products

A collaboration with a spa chain could see the existing @ease products being recognised as a ‘holy grail’ product range within the spa industry and will in turn provide a more targeted treatment for the male consumers.

The product range can vary within the different wellness categories and @ease could in the future collaborate with health/vitamin/supplement brands to bring the product benefits onto the physical side of wellbeing as well.


10.4 growth plan @ease should continue to expand in the years beyond the strategic outline in order to reach more consumers and help them care for their wellness. This could include expanding into different wellness sectors by adding to the product range as well as service and brand collaborations to place @ease at the forefront of male consumers’ minds for relaxation.


10.5 con

To conclude, this business plan has set out a comme to solve the issues raised from previous bodies of res penetrate shows that there is ample opportunity in a helped to place the brand within the sectors that are and grooming. The three-year marketing strategy a brand awareness and assist the financial objectives. implemented upon extensive consumer testing to en pleasing to those who will purchase with @ease. Th within the number of competitors who all share sim projection of the brands USP across social channels @ease offers a solution to a problem that few brand

Overall, @ease is a stress relief and relaxation bran caring for their emotional wellness as this is someth seen as effeminate. @ease wants to reframe masculi and this does not have to necessarily mean tapping



ercially feasible brand development which helps search. An analysis of the market @ease will a rapidly profitable industry and trend evaluation e experiencing the most growth; personal care and communications plan will effectively build Additionally, the branding of @ease has been nsure that the brand is relevant and aesthetically he main threat to this business development lies milar beliefs to the brand, however the clear s will help differentiate and show consumers that ds have covered.

nd that aims to provide the link between men and hing that often goes neglected out of fear of being inity to show you can still be a man if you relax, into your ‘feminine side’ to complete this action.


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Weston, C. 2020. @ease Colour Palette [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).


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Pinterest.Lemongrass [DIGITAL IMAGE] Pinterest. Available at: https://www.pinterest.[Accessed 20 April 2020]


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Weston, C. 2020. @ease Product Mock-up [DIGITAL IMAGE](authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease Product Mock-up [DIGITAL IMAGE](authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Product Mock-up [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Product Mock-up [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).


Weston, C. 2020. @ease Product Mock-up [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Website [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease Product Mock-up [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Website[DIGITAL IMAGE](authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Website[DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease Website [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).


Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Website [DIGITAL IMAGE](authors own image).

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Weston, C. 2020. Consumer Profile [Digital Image] (authors own image).

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Weston, C. 2020. @ease photography [PHOTOGRAPH] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. Consumer Profile [Digital Image] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease photography [PHOTOGRAPH] (authors own image).

Pinterest. Brahmi [DIGITAL IMAGE] Pinterest. Available at: https://www.pinterest.[Accessed 20 April 2020]

Weston, C. 2020. @ease photography [PHOTOGRAPH] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ ease Website[DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease Social Media [DIGITAL IMAGE](authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease Social Media [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

Weston, C. 2020. @ease Social Media [DIGITAL IMAGE] (authors own image).

FreshandFearless (2020). Instagram. Available at: https:// www.instagram. com/freshandfearless/ [Accessed. 20 April 2020]


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MrLukeCHristian (2020). Instagram. Available at: https:// www.instagram. com/mrlukechristian/ [Accessed. 20 April 2020]

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Weston, C. 2020. @ease photography [PHOTOGRAPH] (authors own image).



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14. app 191

pendix 192

14.1 primary research 14.1.1 business opportunity blank survey This questionnaire aims to find out the consumer response to a new business platform. The business opportunity has been constructed as the result of a previous research project surrounding the effect of masculinity on male wellness, whereby the insights found within this have helped identify an area for brand development. The previous research found that there is a need for more acceptance surrounding all aspects of male wellness and that, due to traditional notions of masculinity, aspects of wellbeing that are seen as having a feminine nature are often neglected by men out of fear of being seen as ‘less of a man’. As a result of this research a new business idea has been created. The business is an ecommerce platform that sells anti-stress and relaxation products for men that can be easily integrated into daily routines. This will be marketed in a way that challenges the mascunine stereotypes to show that these actions do not make men unmasculine. From previous research it was also found that men aged 18-25 are the target consumer for such a brand, hence those asked to answer this survey being within this age bracket as it provides more accurate responses. This project is being conducted alongside the ethics/consent guidelines set out by Nottingham Trent University and is under constant supervision by a tutor. Before this survey is completed, please note that: Participation is optional and you have the right to withdraw at any point. The information given will remain confidential and anonymous and won’t be shared with anyone other than through the final assessment. The answers given will be used as part of my dissertation and will be submitted for assessment. The work will also be shown in an end of year degree show, at which the work will be available for anyone to view. If you would like to learn more about this new business development or the results of this survey please feel free to get in contact via email at: 1. What are the top 3 actions you feel you do to take care of your wellness? Fitness Taking time out Eating healthy Self care-routine (grooming, pampering ect) Spending time with loved ones Other 2. Do you feel like you have time to fully care for your wellbeing in a well rounded way? Please explain. 3. Do you feel there are aspects of your wellbeing that often go neglected/that you don’t think about? If so, what and why? 4. What self-care products do you use? If any? 193

5. What are the most important factors when purchasing self care/wellness related products? Choose all that apply. I am clearly made aware of the products benefits Aesthetic packaging On trend Something that lasts a long time Sustainable Easily integrated into a routine/doesn’t take too much time 6. How much would you be willing to pay for a wellness/self-care product? £0-£10 £10-£20 £20-£30 £30-£40 £40-£50 £50+ 7. In more detail, this new business development is an online brand that sells anti-stress and relaxation products targeted towards men. The aim of these products is that they can be easily integrated into daily routines to take the pressure away from feeling that men have to make time for certain aspects of their wellness, and can therefore do so in a more subtle way. Within this, the aim is to market the products in a way that reframes masculinity to align it with self-care and to show that this is a trait that does not have to be deemed effeminate. 8. Would you be interested in such a platform? Please explain.

14.1.2 business opportunity survey transcript 1. What are the top 3 actions you feel you do to take care of your wellness?

2. Do you feel like you have time to fully care for your wellbeing in a well rounded way? Please explain. no im often too buys with work or family to take time out yes yes mostly no i could make time to prepare healthier meals yes no as a student i would like to take time out for my stress levels more yes yes i think everyone would like to say yes but i think it puts pressure on people to constantly be thinking about wellness and health so i would say most of the time i do 194

yes no no im always too busy to care for my health fully yes yes this is important to me because if im not caring for myself i will not perform at my best yes i like to think so but some aspects could be worked on as i live a busy lifestyle yes yes not always sometimes im too busy for certain things but the majority of the time yes i think i do yes i would like to think so yes i make the time not as much as i would like to not always not always like most people im sometimes too busy from work yes i try to make time yes no i could eat better not always im a busy person yes i make time not always i always try to make time to take care of myself so that i am at my best but sometimes life gets in the way and im busy no sometimes but not all of the time Yes I think so No I wouldn’t say I always have time because I feel that’s unrealistic but I do try to make time to care for myself if I’m feeling bad no id like more time no i almost never take time for myself yes i do no i could make time for my happiness more yes i always make time to do things such as relax yeah i mostly care for all of my wellbeing but some areas more than others yes no im always busy because im a student yes i make time yes this is an important part of my day no could always do with more time yes mainly no could always do with more time to unwind I make time Yes like to look good no im always working as im a student so this is an afterthought yes i think this is really important so i always make time for myself yes i make time yes no im a student so this isnt a priority other than the basics no i work too hard sometimes and get stressed alot Yes it’s important to me to look after myself i try my best to make time but overall no i need time to chill out more mostly 195

I make time every day mostly in terms of my physical wellbeing yes i am an advocate for healthy wellbeing yes most of the time however i have a heavy workload which often stops me no i could focus more on my mental health yes yes my wellbeing is important to me no i should take time out more yes no im a father and i have a busy jon yes i make time as its important to me yes no i could relax more mostly but i could work on my fitness yes i work from home so make it a priority yes i think i do no mostly i always make time to eat well and relax no im always too busy to fully relax no im always busy for certain things no no i really try to care for my wellbeing in all ways no no i have a very busy job so its difficult for me to unwind yes i make time to care for myself otherwise i dont feel like im being my best self no i should go to the gym more no im always busy with work no i should go to the gym and eat better im often too busy to fully relax yes i always make time to go to the gym and eat right no i could use time to relax more Yes fit it in with daily routine Yes take time every day Not enough/ busy work schedule Yes like to feel healthy Yes daily No to busy working mostly although i would like more time to relax 3.Do you feel there are aspects of your wellbeing that often go neglected/that you don’t think about? If so, what and why? i could relax and have personal time more no no exercise more eating habits no relaxing no no fitness and eating habits go neglected often 196

no eat better i could go to the gym and make better food choices nothing i dont think about my emotional wellbeing as much as i could and i often stress myself out more than i should no i could eat healthier no no i could always take time for myself more and relax but this is not something that impacts me too much if i dont have it nothing really theres always room for improvement on my fitness levels nothing really i would like to take time out more mental health i would like to go to the gym more but i wouldnt say this was too neglected maybe my mental health not really eat healthier id say i dont take time to relax as much as i should nothing significant could eat better yes i dont always go to the gym as much as i should but i try to not put too much pressure on myself because then i start to feel stressed my physical health i think as a man i dont really talk about my mental health as much as i should but i dont suffer from any illnesses so its not always my concern Not that I think about I guess my feelings and everything get pushed back abit in my mind but overall nothing really yes i need to think about my fitness more i could relax more as im often stressed with work nothing i can think of happiness and joy could be a better priority i could eat more healthy to feel better sometimes no nothing definatley my physical health needs more attention but im too busy i dont really think about what i eat as much as i should my mental health yes i could care for my fitness more nothing i can think of yes i could be less stressed Pampering myself not many products I know about Yes relaxing products could exercise more could eat better mental state sometimes like stress no i could eat healthier need to destress sometimes I feel I cover most aspects of my well being 197

relaxing and winding down after the day would like to relax more Taking time to relax due to work load i could do things that help my happiness more like spending time with friends as im often always busy i think i could work on taking time for myself more to reflect and unwind not really i could exercise more mental health no i could eat better foods but this is sometimes expensive yes i should relax more and maybe focus on my mental health better no relax more exercise more no relax and unwind fitness as i dont always have time to go to the gym i could eat better foods no not really exercise and i could eat better mental health need to destress more yes i should exercise more yes i need to be more active maybe i could exercise more but overall no mental health no i need to relax more no id say i think of everything yes i often let my physical wellbeing slack because its hard to keep up with being fit i dont always relax as much as i should i think my physical health could be better but i dont have time to make health meals always yes i often dont take time to relax or unwind because i dont have the time no i feel i care for my wellbeing well mental health because its not something i really discuss much/tend to deal with things personally No think I cover all aspects No try to cover all aspects Yes / work load No try lots of products Skin care / don’t know enough about it Health to busy relaxing and stress related symptoms i dont really take care of 4. What self-care products do you use? If any? nothing specific skin care none dont know what this includes shaving products, skin care, products for the bath none facial oils, skin care products none normal skin care 198

i go to meditation classes and yoga and i have alot of grooming products none that i can think of none skin care products nothing skin care routine, grooming and exercise nothing products i use are skin care but i go to yoga and meditation classes which i feel class as self care grooming products none i use skin care only the basics and i have a massage ball that i use alot for back pain none really skin care, spf products, moisturisers none that i can think of skin care if that is classed as self care grooming products essentail oils and skin care skin care grooming products nothing comes to mind shaving products and products for the bath none face wash, moisturiser, vitamins skin care products i use alot of things for the bath and shower i recently tried oils for the shower which i liked normal skin care shaving products, skin care, products for the bath Not sure what this covers Aftershave oils skin care dont really know what that includes i try alot of moisturisers and moisture treatments nothing specific serums and aftershave i use skin care and products for my eyes because i get dry eyes skin care products and grooming/beard oils nothing comes to mind none that i can think of skin care related products like grooming skin care, body things such as vitamin i get facials sometimes as i often go to spas nothing i can think of grooming products Creams/scents Just deodorants and aftershave nothing really skin care related products like grooming dont think i do no face wash and moisturiser none Creams/deodorants/scents none face products Vitamins/skincare/perfume products 199

not really sure what is classed as self care skin care, vitamins none that i can think of gym products, vitamins, skin care none that i can think of none i like to try different bath products skin care products nothing skin products skin care products nothing things for the bath and grooming only general skin care products i use skin care treatments and grooming products basic face wash nothing oils for my beard and skin care nothing only basic skin care and bath stuff none yes i use grooming products and i use a sleep spray which i think helps none i dont really use products basic skin care and grooming products bath products grooming products none i use daily face wash and moisturiser none really essential oils mainly for my beard Health drinks/vitamins/creams/ perfume washes Vitamins creams wash products Only basic hygiene products Creams/deodorants/face wash Deodorant spray/ scented wash Deodorants/aftershave basic face wash 5. What are the most important factors when purchasing self care/wellness related products? Choose all that apply.


6. How much would you be willing to pay for a wellness/self-care product?

7. In more detail, this new business development is an online brand that sells anti-stress and relaxation products targeted towards men. The aim of these products is that they can be easily integrated into daily routines to take the pressure away from feeling that men have to make time for certain aspects of their wellness, and can therefore do so in a more subtle way. Within this, the aim is to market the products in a way that reframes masculinity to align it with self-care and to show that this is a trait that does not have to be deemed effeminate. 8. Would you be interested in such a platform? Please explain. yes yes no yes if it works yes i would like to see if it works yes yes this sounds interesting yes yes yes yes yes yes i would like to try this yes yes if its easy to use yes yes this sounds interesting yes i would try something like this no but i know some people who would like this as a gift yes i think this could be something i would use in my daily life no i dont think so yes i think so i would consider it yes yes yes yes this does not interest me but i see its importance yes i think i would try something like this yes yes i would try the products to see if they worked but its not something i would think to go and buy 201

yes i have looked into this recently and would like to try new relaxing products yes i would like to try this yes this sounds like a good idea Not really but I know some people who would be interested Yes this sounds interesting yes yes not really something im interested in but i know people who might be yes this is something ive never tried before yes if i was feeling stressed then i might try a product but there are other things i would try before yes id try something like this i wouldnt buy it myself but i think id be willing to try yes if it was cheap yes ive seen some brands like this doing well so would like to try yes this sounds interesting yes i think this is something new i would like to try yes i like the idea of something new for masculinity yes this would work with my daily life i think Yes I would be interested as haven’t seen many products aimed at men Yes need to relax would like to try new products yes if i had the money yes yes sounds interesting not really my thing yes maybe when im older and have a job yes this would work well with my lifestyle Very interested like to try new products to see how well they work i wouldnt look for it but id try it if someone got it for me yes Yes very interested if there’s no fuss and easy to use yes yes this sounds like i could benefit from it without too much work or time if i knew it worked yes its something i have never really thought of but would try yes i would be willing to try not really yes this sounds really interesting yes i think this would be an easier way for me to unwind if the products work i would try it once to see if it worked not something i would really think about but id try anything yes this is something i would love to buy yes i would try yes i would try it yes mostly for the ease of it yes i like the idea of reframing masculinity i dont really think products like this work but i would be willing to try not really yes i like the sound of it yes if its easy to use yes im interested in news ways to look at masculinity yes yes yes id be willing to try if it works 202

yes if it fits into my busy lifestyle then id try yes if it helps me to relax or deal with my day and its easily applied to my life then id like to try it yes i would like to try this yes i would like to use something that is easy yes i like the new take on masculinity yes i like the idea that products can be used in my daily routine and i also like the new approach to masculinity yes because its easy to use and im willing to try anything yes it sounds interesting and new Yes if advertised well Yes if it fits in easily No happy with my routine Yes I like to try new products Yes / if advertised clearly Yes if affordable yes if it helps me and is easy to use then i would be willing to give it a try

14.1.3 branding survey template This questionnaire aims to find out the consumer response to a new business platform and its branding aspects to understand what the key consumer finds most effective and engaging. The business opportunity has been constructed as the result of a previous research project surrounding the effect of masculinity on male wellness, whereby the insights found within this have helped identify an area for brand development. The previous research found that there is a need for more acceptance surrounding all aspects of male wellness and that, due to traditional notions of masculinity, aspects of wellbeing that are seen as having a feminine nature are often neglected by men out of fear of being seen as ‘less of a man’. As a result of this research a new business idea has been created. The business is an ecommerce platform that sells anti-stress and relaxation products for men that can be easily integrated into daily routines. This will be marketed in a way that challenges the mascunine stereotypes to show that these actions do not make men unmasculine. From previous research it was also found that men aged 18-25 are the target consumer for such a brand, hence those asked to answer this survey being within this age bracket as it provides more accurate responses. This project is being conducted alongside the ethics/consent guidelines set out by Nottingham Trent University and is under constant supervision by a tutor. Before this survey is completed, please note that: Participation is optional and you have the right to withdraw at any point. The information given will remain confidential and anonymous and won’t be shared with anyone other than through the final assessment. The answers given will be used as part of my dissertation and will be submitted for assessment. The work will also be shown in an end of year degree show, at which the work will be available for anyone to view. If you would like to learn more about this new business development or the results of this survey please feel free to get in contact via email at: 1. Which colour palette do you find most appealing?


2. Which logo design do you feel best represents a male wellness brand?

3. What comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘At Ease’

14.1.4 branding survey transcript 1. Which colour palette do you find most appealing?


2. Which logo design do you feel best represents a male wellness brand?

3. What comes to mind when you hear the phrase ‘At Ease’ calm down a soldier put ones mind at ease/calm to stop worrying stress and worry free take a step down/relax make me feel comfortable/safe slow down to stop stressing content feeling no worries about a situation free of stress worry free feeling time out Relaxing with friends being happy safe feeling Time for myself happy and comfortable about something Peaceful putting my mind at ease worrying less safe feeling soldiers relaxing making sure im confortable before i do something safety relaxing after not feeling this way previously feeling right about something slow down/ stop worrying making sure im comfortable about something content relaxed/ feeling comfortable stop worrying and to feel at peace standing down worry free feeling soldier command


safety and comfort finally comfortable about something to relax slow down/ stop worrying out of soldier mode relaxed attitude about something soldiers feeling comfortable content relaxing relaced safe happy with something feel safe in a situation comfortable with something contentment calm down/relaxing after worrying about something slow down unworried about a situation command soldiers/military to stop worrying stand down soldiers command feeling content about a situation slow down stop worrying about something put my mind at ease soldier coming to a halt relaxed feeling content with life unworried stopping my mind from worrying slow down/ stop worrying at ease soldier- relaxed/stopped feeling content with something military command come to a stop/relax calm soldiers relaxed/ slow down coming to a stop comfort, relaxing soldiers stopping Take time out to stop worrying thoughts Chill out Slow down Take time for yourself Relax At ease soldier stop worrying to feel comfortable about a situation 206

relaxed, army, soldiers worry free come to a stop free from worry to finally put your mind at ease after worrying relaxed calm/stop worrying about something command, soldiers to stop worrying about something soldiers, coming to a halt soldiers, coming to a halt

14.1.5 consumer interview transcripts Male aged 19 -

How often do you experience stress? I wouldn’t say I get stressed that much in my daily life, there are things that make me stressed I guess like money occasionally if theres something that I need to pay for like for example my car needed something repaired the other week and I had to ask my parents for the money because I couldn’t afford it which stressed me out because I don’t like asking them especially when I have a job. Also Im pretty stressed at the moment with all that’s going on because im not working and im getting paid less than normal. What do you feel is lacking within the wellness industry in regards to your own wellness? (Such as representation or any specific services) I don’t really think about it that much to be honest, I mean I guess with representation it would be like it is with everything because you always see muscly men doing like ‘man things’ if that makes sense so i would like to see men doing other things because nowadays you always see women being whatever they want. Do you feel social stereotypes have an effect on your behaviour and to what extent? I don’t think they have a huge effect on my behaviour like its not something that I think about ever really but I guess it could affect me in the future like I would want to be the one who provides in the family and stuff like that or at least feel like I should but other than that I don’t think it changes what I do. What do you class as self care and how important do you think it is? I’d class self-care as things like keeping clean, doing things that make you happy and grooming. I know that when I’ve had a haircut or just shaved and got out of the bath I feel alot better because it’s like washing the day away you know? So yeah i’d say it’s important in making you feel happy and, like, self-confident. Do you use any products already that are classed as anti-stress/relaxation? (such as oils or sprays?) If so , what and if not, why? No I don’t think so not that I can think about, stuff like that I know my mum uses but ive never got it for myself. I guess if I wanted to relax I’d just watch TV or have a nap. Would you use a product that could be integrated into your daily routine to help combat any stress related issues? why/why not? Yeah I guess so, If it was like something I could use in the morning or at night and would help me if I ever felt stressed then yeah but I’ve never really looked at products for stuff like that don’t really believe they work very well.


Male aged 24-

How often do you experience stress? Pretty much every day at work. I work in IT and with customers a lot so it can often get stressful trying to communicate, i’m also on an apprentice wage and pretty much all my money goes on getting into work which doesn’t help with stress either. What do you feel is lacking within the wellness industry in regards to your own wellness? (Such as representation or any specific services) The representation of men in the media needs to change. I know it has become more accepting recently but I think there is more variety when showing women in the media so I would say that male representation should become less about being the ‘tough male’ and more versitile. Regarding services, thinking about the previous question I don’t think there is much out there for stress for men, I know services such as yoga and that are for everyone but personally I wouldn’t feel comfortable going to something like that, so maybe something along those lines. Do you feel social stereotypes have an effect on your behaviour and to what extent? I don’t think stereotypes make me act a certain way but they definitely make me feel like i should be acting a certain way. I would class myself as quite manly in the sense that I go to the gym a lot and that strength is quite important to me but there are definitely aspects that I don’t think I relate to like having a powerful job as i’m just starting out which knocks my confidence sometimes. What do you class as self care and how important do you think it is? When I think of self-care I think of relaxing, I think of the word pampering and things like that which are important because you can’t be constantly doing things, you need to unwind. Do you use any products already that are classed as anti-stress/relaxation? (such as oils or sprays?) If so , what and if not, why? I use this beard oil that has lavender in it which on the bottle says it helps with stress but that’s not the reason I bought it. I haven’t ever considered buying these products as I don’t really know what they are or if they’re even for me most of the time. Would you use a product that could be integrated into your daily routine to help combat any stress related issues? why/why not? Yes definitely like I said earlier I don’t think there are many services that offer this and I think that if it was easy to use in my day to day life then yes I would be willing to try and see if it works.

Female aged 21-

Do you feel the men in your life communicate their feelings well? I think my boyfriend does, we always talk about our days and if there are any problems and work through things together so yes he is quite open with me. If i’m talking about my dad then not really at least not with me he usually just keeps to himself. Do the men in your life tell you when they’re feeling stressed/anxious/struggling? Yeah again my boyfriend always tells me about his job which is stressful for him because he has an office job where he works with customers who can be difficult which I know he finds stressful. He’s a confident person though so he doesn’t really get anxious about trivial things. He is anxious about what’s going on with the coronavirus at the moment because it means he has to work from home which is making him less productive. What do you think is the main contribution towards the feeling of stress in regards to the men in your life? Definitely work and money issues. 208

Would you or do you buy products for the men in your life that help with wellness aspects? (Products that they may not think to buy for themselves). I always buy my boyfriend fancy grooming things because he’s into trying new products for that but usually if we are getting gifts then I buy what he wants. If we are talking about wellness products then often we do facemasks together and he always enjoys it but never does it on his own. Do you think that certain aspects of caring for wellbeing go neglected by men? If so, what and why? Yeah I dont think men pamper and relax as much as women at least not in the same way like I would say men relax by playing games or going to the gym whereas women are more focused on regimes like skincare and bath products.

Female aged 56-

Do you feel the men in your life communicate their feelings well? Not really, my son will often talk to me if he has a problem but nothing serious. Me and my husband talk alot but I think that has to happen in a relationship so we both know when we are feeling happy or sad. Do the men in your life tell you when they’re feeling stressed/anxious/struggling? My son not really, he’s good at handling things on his own and he’s a student so I feel he’s always stressed so it’s not new to him. My husband yes he tells me if he has a problem and we talk it out. What do you think is the main contribution towards the feeling of stress in regards to the men in your life? For my son it’s from being a student and for my husband it’s often work or family issues as his father has been ill recently. Would you or do you buy products for the men in your life that help with wellness aspects? (Products that they may not think to buy for themselves). I do buy products like that for both my husband and son. I buy things like bath sets for christmas which often have new products that they wouldn’t buy themselves because I see it as a nice gift and things like this they both never buy. Do you think that certain aspects of caring for wellbeing go neglected by men? If so, what and why? Yes, like I said they never buy fancy things for the bath or anything. I know this is quite a girly thing to do but I don’t think they know or realise how much it benefits them to relax with these things.

14.1.6 expert interview questions The new business idea is an ecommerce platform that sells anti-stress and relaxation products for men that can be easily integrated into daily routines. This is to allow men to care for aspects of their well-being deemed effeminate by social stereotypes. Do you feel there is a need for anti-stress products to be reframed in a way that makes them more approachable for men? Do you feel the wellness market shows a readiness for a new platform dedicated to anti-stress products specifically for men? If such products were promoted in a way that reframes masculinity to include relaxation, showing that using ‘feminine’ products does not make you ‘less of a man’, do you think this would receive a positive reception from male consumers? This new business opportunity is targeted towards men aged 18-25 primarily due to research suggesting that this is the age demographic that suffer from stress/anxiety the most. Do you feel this brand would be effective within this age group or do you feel another would be more receptive?


14.1.7 attempted email to expert

14.1.8 stress point journey map blank template


14.1.9 stress point journey map transcripts


14.2 theories and models 14.2.1 sostac Smith, P., Smith, P.R., Berry, C. and Pulford, A., 1999. Strategic marketing communications: new ways to build and integrate communications. Kogan Page Publishers


14.2.2 porters 5 forces

Michael E. Porter. “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy�, Harvard Business Review, January 2008 (Vol. 88, No. 1), pp. 78-93. Threat of new entrants= HIGH The wellness market is already highly saturated which could mean @ease struggles to gain consumer interest. Brand loyalty for consumers is tested as there is a vast amount of choice within this market. The diversity of competitors is somewhat low as @ease offers a targeted product range. New and reframed masculinity is being used by almost all male centric brands, showing a higher threat to the success of @ease. Bargaining power of suppliers= MEDIUM Neutral power Suppliers pose a threat regarding an increase in price due to factors such as Brexit and the value of the pound. This is not secure and may not affect @ease until it is in a better financial position. Bargaining power of buyers= HIGH As @ease is a start up, the number of initial customers will be less than competitors and with many alternative brands, customer interest is challenging. Consumers are able to access the price of goods online and can therefore be tempted by likely competitors. Threat of substitute products= HIGH The general consumer need is wellness This can be achieved in numerous ways such as fitness, eating healthy etc. This is dependent of what the consumer wishes to focus on and as the sector which @ease falls under is relatively neglected by male consumers therefore alternative actions/products are a threat Rivalry among existing competitors= HIGH As brand loyalty is hard to keep competing brands will have to be consistently engaging with consumers through social media, influencer marketing, discounted products etc. @ease will need to have a strong communications plan in order to hold consumer interest. 213

14.2.3 business model canvas

14.2.4 value proposition canvas


14.2.5 marketing mix/7ps (Physical evidence n/a) PRODUCT @ease will launch with a range of 6 products each with a key stress relief/relaxation ingredient. Only one key ingredient will be used per product so that the consumer does not feel too overwhelmed to understand the wellness benefits and does not get lost in understanding too many ingredients. All products fall within the personal care and grooming sector and all ingredients are natural to promote the organic/holistic lifestyle that is becoming a trend within the wellness industry (GlobalWellnessSummit, 2019).




green tea



Packaging will be in the form of clear bottles with the simple @ease logo on the front and further product information on the back. Each bottle will be recyclable as well as the overall packaging it comes with.


process become a part of the @ease community Follow the socials and discover the ‘why’ behind the brand.

navigate the @ease store Explore the @ease product range and learn about taking the first step towards relaxation.

put your mind @ease Experience the product’s benefits on your daily lifestyle.

share the wealth Share the @ease experience with friends and family.

price revenue stream



x6 @ease start-up products


This was based on consumer product testing as the majority of men aged 18-25 stated that they would be willing to pay £30-£40 for a wellness product. This is also a differentiation point as it is cheaper than key competitors.

place @ease will trade solely online and through social media assistance as this is where the market health and growth lies therefore there is ample opportunity for @ease. @ease


about us


our products

basket/log in



get in contact

@ease #your’reamanif


promotion Promotional images will keep with the colour palette and will only use male dolls/ action figures. This is to give a young feel and a sense of nostalgia, hoping to give a playful tone to the brand and to help men remember a time when they did not fully understand male stereotypes. This also gives a different take on the ‘male aesthetic’. The absence of male models aims to create a lack of no self confidence and enhance the comfort between brand and consumer. Language used will be in the form of statements to depict a reframed masculinity and will include taglines such as ‘you are a man if you relax/are stressed/need help’.

you’re a man if you

relax people


the helper

the sceptic

the catalyst

The 3 main consumer types for @ease are ‘the helper’ ‘the sceptic’ and ‘the catalyst’. All consumers will have a different relationship with the brand through CRM depending on their need for the brand. The ‘helper’ creates a close relationship with @ease through their want to help those around them relieve stress but know they will not do this on their own and therefore need a middle ground between them and the men in their lives; @ease is this middle ground. The ‘sceptic’ is the male consumer that ‘the helper’ buys for, they are stressed but suffer from not wanting to open up and appear ‘unmanly’ and therefore need a third party to introduce them to this. Finally, the ‘catalyst’ is the more modern man. He is willing to admit that he is stressed and wishes to seek something to help with this, he is also comfortable within who he is regarding masculinity and therefore is not phased by stereotypes.

14.3 finances and justifications 14.3.1 finance tables (cont. on next page)




14.3.2 finance justifications Size of prize-

(GIVEN BY TUTORS- total of 18-25 year olds men averaged over 15-19 and 20-24 age brackets)

(GIVEN BY TUTORS- norms for NPD of a beauty product)


Cost of goods/ sales forecasts justificationsChemist-

Manufacturing product w/ packagingThe average cost of manufacturing cosmetic products is $4/ÂŁ4 however, due to the brand being a start up and therefore smaller quantities of products will be ordered the price per uni will increase and therefore the average has been increased to ÂŁ5 because of this for accuracy.

Postage and packaging service (per 1 package)


Delivery packaging-

Compliment cards-


Pop up studio-

Social media influencers average cost per post-


Website building- with wordpress

Business registration-

Domain and email-


Personal wage15 hours a week (with the rest of expected wage to be made up from profits) x £8.72 (minimum wage)= £130.80 per week x 52 = £6801.60 per annum including national insurance. To be increased each year.

End of year accountant-


paypal2.9% of average £26 per product (this is without VAT) is 0.75p and with the additional average 0.30p charge per transaction = £1 charge per product= £16000 for the year.


Business phone line-

VAT20% of profits which equates to ÂŁ96000 taken from year 1 turnover Billboard and train station-



Freelance blog writers-


14.3.3 consent forms (signatures sent electronically)

consumer interviews


Stress Maps


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