Care Home
September/October 2018
How secure is your home? Could you defend yourself against a cyber attack? Care Show 2018 We’ll see you there!
Nutrition for health Feeding the skin; avoiding ulcers
Bathing Give your dementia bathroom the ‘wow’ factor Issue 75
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Editor’s Letter
Welcome to the September/October edition of Care Home Management
Care Home Management September/October 2018
Issue 75
Annual Subscription £30.00 Where sold cover price of £4 Managing Editor Ailsa Colquhoun Publishing Editor Steve Hemsley Design/Production Phil Cunningham Published by S&A Publishing Ltd Croham Lodge, Croham Road, Crowborough East Sussex TN6 2RH Tel: 01892 663350 Email: Advertising Space Marketing Tel: 01892 677721 Email: Copyright: Care Home Management Magazine 2018
The Publisher holds all copyright and any items within may not be reproduced in any way, for any purpose, without the written permission of the Publisher. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, the information contained within this publication is based on submissions to the Publishers who cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions. The publisher does not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors and cannot except responsibility for claims made by manufacturers and authors, nor do they accept any responsibility for any errors in the subject matter of this publication.
Care Home
September/October 2018
In April this year a ‘citizens’ jury’ convened by the Office for the National Data Guardian met to discuss when it is reasonable for patients to expect patient data to be shared. Over a three-day period the jury, made up of a representative cross-section of the population, tested a hypothetical patient journey through health and social care to judge whether it was reasonable for the patient to expect the information to be shared, or whether to expect privacy. In one of the scenarios, a fictional patient called Anita consulted a GP about her eyes, resulting in referral to a specialist, and a visit from a social worker to discuss adjustments to her flat. So, why is this information gathered? It is used by the National Data Guardian Dame Fiona Caldicott, and her office to provide guidance to the NHS and adult social care services, the public and other stakeholders who may need to share patient data: perhaps, the greatest test of what is – and isn’t - acceptable to a patient – is what patients themselves think. It will probably not surprise you to hear that in most scenarios the citizens’ jury looking at Anita’s case felt that it was reasonable to expect information to be shared between relevant healthcare professionals involved in her care, in order to improve quality of care, patient safety, and patient welfare. However, there were concerns that in doing so, there should be proper conditions for data management, storage, and/or access (such as tiered access, flexible platforms for relevant/necessary access, or other data security issues). If you are interested to read the full report, it can be found [online] at: https://www. privacy The concept of ‘reasonable expectations’ resonates with the principle that there should be no surprises to an individual about how their data has been used. The concept of reasonable expectations requires the health and care system to communicate to patients and service users about data use, to engage in an honest and ongoing conversation and to respect their privacy and choices. In today’s care environment, which waits with bated breath for the Green Paper’s roadmap for the future of social care, there is no doubt that increased integration with health services provided within the NHS estate and in patients’ homes is going to demand more than ever from care providers’ data handling processes and systems. Keeping one step ahead of the cyber criminals, while catering for people’s growing but ever more complex care expectations, is set to become a never-ending task. This month Care Home Management is pleased to launch a new online suppliers’ directory, online at our website, Here you’ll find a wide range of suppliers including those in the data protection business. With their know-how and tech support, you’ll be well on the way to making your home the best data guardian it can be.
How secure is your home? Could you defend yourself against a cyber attack? Care Show 2018 We’ll see you there!
Nutrition for health Feeding the skin; avoiding ulcers
Bathing Give your dementia bathroom the ‘wow’ factor Issue 75
Ailsa Colquhoun Publisher/Editor
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 3
Contents 8 6 Care Home Management magazine launches a new online supplier directory Find out who can help you improve your business – and all our other news from CHM Online 8 Outstanding practice Take a look at the learning points from two outstanding care homes 10 Ask the expert Your nut allergy questions answered – in a nutshell 11 Training Get your head into the clouds with cloud-based training technology
16 Cyber attack! All you need to know to defend your home against a hacker 17 CCTV Are your recordings GDPR-compliant? Don't let your CCTV let you down 21 Still struggling with the GDPR? If so, read this advice from Hempsons 22 Care home profile Care Home Management magazine visits Brendoncare’s pioneering dementia village development
14 Hall of Fame Read all about the winners and stars in our care homes
24 The Care Show 2018 Read our ‘picks’ of who and what to see (including the Care Home Management magazine team) at the Care Show 2018
15 Caldicott Guardians How this role can benefit your home
27 Who turned the lights off? How and why to avoid power outages
16 4 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
31 Energy efficiency Lower your utility bills with this easy-to-follow advice 33 Feeding the skin The role of food and nutrition in reducing pressure ulcers
38 Beautiful bathrooms How to give your dementia-friendly bathroom the ‘wow’ factor 41 Infection control Our industry experts go head-to-head with some top tips on infection control and management 42 People and events Who’s new and what’s happening in the care home world
43 Product spotlights CHM’s preview of this issue’s new products
Eleanore’s words to the wise Is Hancock’s finest hour still to come? By Eleanore Robinson, former editor at LaingBuisson and freelance healthcare journalist He has only been Secretary of State for Health and Social Care for two months but Matt Hancock has already come under fire for focusing on the NHS in his first speech and barely giving social care a mention. However, if you look at bit closer, there is cause to be cautiously optimistic over his appointment. As the former head of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, he has signalled his intent to bring in more technology into both health and social care, which currently lags seriously behind other sectors. In his first speech as health secretary he also mentioned more support for people in social care to develop their careers and step up into senior roles. He plans to expand apprenticeships; he also wants less of a division between community health services and social care.
Two weeks later, while giving evidence to the health and social care select committee, he revealed that this autumns’ Green Paper will be expanded include proposals for younger adults in care homes as well as over-65s. Part of it will also address the integration of the NHS, social care and wider local authority services. Is this just the innocent enthusiasm of someone coming fresh into a new role or could this actually herald a longterm change at the department of health and social care? If that is going to happen some serious hurdles need to be overcome. Research by older people’s charity Independent Age and accountancy firm Grant Thornton in July estimated that in order to cap care costs and raise the eligibility threshold (as promised in the Conservative Party’s last manifesto) income tax would need to rise by 1 per cent and National Insurance by 0.5 per cent. This is a hard sell to most taxpaying voters. On top of this, the top civil servant in his new department has warned that, while the Green Paper will set out the Government’s vision for social care and practical steps to achieve this, changes to current law and, more importantly, funding levels will be minimal. Maybe, we are not quite ready to crown Matt Hancock as the saviour of social care just yet. September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 5
News round-up
Care Home Management magazine launches new online suppliers directory
Sixteen of some of the biggest names in the care home industry have signed up to Care Home Management’s new online supplier directory. Available on our website at supplier-directory, the new directory
will enable care home managers to find and source the very best products and services to support excellence in residential care. In conjunction with our new online suppliers’ news service [online] at, the directory will also enable you to keep up to date with important changes. Categories of suppliers joining the directory at launch include training, security, legal services, marketing, food and catering, recruitment and management software and reference guides. Suppliers in the new online supplier directory at launch include:
■ Apetito
■ Care Home Management magazine ■ Courtney Thorne Edify Training ■ Edify Training ■ eLearning for You ■ Eric Howard Care Homes ■ Five On a Bike ■ Florence ■ GHM Care ■ Hendrix Training ■ Kickstart Publishing ■ My Learning Cloud ■ Qube Learning ■ Stephensons ■ Tidal Training ■ Wf Software
To find out more, visit:
Care home residents a priority group in 2018-19 NHS flu jab programme Care bed shortage blamed for Scottish patient 18 month+ discharge wait
NHS England has issued flu vaccination guidance to GPs and pharmacists to encourage early vaccination among care home residents and staff. People aged 75 years and over and those in care homes will be vaccinated under the NHS as a priority group, with a vaccine called Fluad, an adjuvanted trivalent flu vaccine (aTIV). Fluad has been chosen for care home residents aged over 65 years on the basis of strong clinical evidence that this is the most effective vaccine for this group, according to NHS England.
Due to supply issues – there is only one licensed aTIV in the UK deliveries to GPs and pharmacies taking part in the NHS vaccination programme will be in three phases between September and November this year. This will ensure that vaccination is offered to everybody by December, when flu infection rates rise. Read more on CHM Online at:
6 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
A Scottish MSP has blamed care home bed shortages for an “appalling” rise in bed-blocking in Scottish hospitals. Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has reacted to new statistics showing that there were 1,109 patients in hospital unnecessarily due to ‘health and social care reasons’ (as of June 2018) - 150 more patients than at the same point last year. The Scottish Liberal Democrat health spokesperson and Edinburgh Western MSP said: “It is appalling to see a 16 per cent rise year-on-year in the number of patients stuck in hospital because of health and social care shortages. Recent Scottish Liberal Democrat investigations found patients waiting up to 600 days.” Read more on CHM Online at:
News round-up
Public support for ‘fat-cat’ social care tax
Unison appeals sleep-in ruling
A wealth-related social care tax has more support from the British public, than a general increase in income tax or changes to the NI system, according to a survey from pensions and investment company Aegon.
In a poll of just over 1000 adults, the company found two-thirds of respondents supported a ‘fat-cat’ tax, compared to just 39 per cent support for a general rise in income tax. Read more on CHM Online at:
In the ongoing sleep-in shift legal battle with Mencap, Unison has lodged an official appeal to the Supreme Court, following Mencap’s victory at the Court of Appeal. If the Supreme Court accepts the decision and grants leave to appeal, it will cause further uncertainty – possibly lasting until the second half of 2019, a legal expert has said. The Court of Appeal ruling meant the £400million allegedly owed to care workers who had been deemed
DoLS reforms depend on the support managers receive “Without the right training and resources for care home managers, the most vulnerable in our society will continue to have their rights restricted and not receive the appropriate care,” Liberal Democrat spokesperson for health Baroness Jolly has said. Speaking as new Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) make their way through Parliament, she said that the DoLS reforms gives major responsibilities to care home managers. However, there are currently no provisions in place for how care home managers will manage this new responsibility or deal with any conflict of interests. Baroness Jolly says: “What the amendments need to ensure is a focus on the resources and training that are necessary to implement a DoLS assessment and to ensure patients’ best interests are met.” DoLS reforms are the main focus of the Mental Capacity Act Amendment Bill, which had its second reading in the House of Lords in July. The bill will next be debated in September. Read more on CHM Online at: dols-reforms-depend-on-the-support-managers-receive/
to be underpaid for overnight shifts is no longer due. Legal expert Matthew Wort, partner at Anthony Collins Solicitors, said: “I would anticipate the Supreme Court granting permission to proceed to a hearing. Care providers throughout the UK will now face further uncertainty at a time when consistency and continuity of the law is greatly needed.” Read more on CHM Online at:
And, it’s congratulations to…
The Shelley Care Home, Worthing Care Home Management is delighted to be able to share with you these examples of outstanding care home practice ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Safe: Outstanding Effective: Outstanding Caring: Outstanding Responsive: Outstanding Well-led: Outstanding
Safe “People were involved in decisions about their safety and their wishes were respected” “Risk assessments in relation to people’s mobility, skin integrity and nutrition... had been assessed appropriately”
Effective “Staff were encouraged to study for professional qualifications, such as National Vocational Qualifications and…training on specific health conditions” “Staff had regular supervisions, between four and six, per year” What the inspectors saw: Staff met regularly with other care home staff and took advantage of
What the inspectors saw: The provider had registered people, with their permission, on a scheme run by Sussex Police, which could act swiftly in the event of an incident. The home utilised the National Early Warning Score (NEWS), an NHS system for infection control. 8 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
practical training so they could get an understanding of, and develop empathy for residents’ health conditions. There were good relationships between The Shelley Care Home and nearby nursing homes to ease transition as residents’ health needs changed. Caring “The home had a culture of providing high quality, person-centred care” “People were given a range of options and empowered to be fully involved in decisions about their care, treatment and support”
Outstanding What the inspectors saw: New residents were linked up with staff and other residents with whom they might have shared interests. The right balance of friendliness and no transcending the line of overfamiliarity. Responsive “Attention to detail was evident and contributed to people receiving outstanding, person-centred care” “Staff… felt they all looked after one another, especially following a [resident’s] death”
What the inspectors saw: Staff identified when people’s needs changed and reacted promptly. Staff went out of their way to ensure people’s preferences and wishes were complied with at the end of their lives. Well-led “People were involved in every aspect of developing the service and were at the heart of the home“ “Staff spoke highly of the management team and of the support they received, which was caring and kind”
What the inspectors saw: Excellent communication: a bi-monthly newsletter, use of social media (closed Facebook page) and community networks. External awards, including finalist in the 2018 Care Home Awards, supported by Care Home Management magazine. Staff champions who provide additional advice and support to staff, as well as contributing towards positive outcomes for people. Read the full CQC report at: https://
in-house computer messaging service instantly and the care plan would be amended that day. People’s care records included a “My Childhood” and “Life history” scrap book, used with people to celebrate their lives as well as informing care.
Wisteria House (Plymstock) Dementia Care ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Effective: Outstanding Caring: Outstanding Responsive: Outstanding Well-led: Outstanding
Effective “Staff understood and applied the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) as required” “People lived in an environment… designed to promote independence for people living with dementia” What the inspectors saw: Staff had the skills and knowledge to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively. Staff knew the people they supported very well. Staff were allocated time to complete paperwork, complete ‘champion’ work, attend training or devise workshops or resources for families.
Caring “Staff … fully understood people’s needs” “Staff… used the accessible information standard to ensure effective communication and choice” What the inspectors saw: Staff share all cutlery, crockery, mugs, toilets and eat the same meals at the same time in the same room. Routines kept to a minimum and no labelling language. Once every three months people and relatives were supported to complete quality assurance forms. Responsive “People’s care records were very personalised” “People’s end of life wishes were well documented and respected”
Well-led “[There were] effective systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service” “There were clear values that included involvement, engagement, compassion, dignity, respect and independence” What the inspectors saw: The two registered managers worked together one day a week. This ensured that people and staff were supported every weekend and managers knew people very well. The home had achieved the highest Butterfly award for ‘Exceptional Personcentred Dementia Care, one of only eight in the country - another being the provider’s other similar service. Read the full CQC report at: https://
What the inspectors saw: Staff [were] given guidance using the September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 9
In a new series, Care Home Management asks our panel of experts to answer your common care queries. In this issue:
Nut allergies: Just how careful does a care home need to be when preparing and serving food (to all residents) when one resident has a nut allergy? Neel Radia, National Chair, National Association of Care Catering, answers: It’s essential that care homes have a food allergen policy in place that outlines specific procedures to
reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to peanuts/nuts or a more serious incident of anaphylaxis. This will include, for example: labelling of peanuts/nuts on menus, proactive food preparation and serving practices to avoid cross contamination; and plans to deal with an allergic reaction. . For residents with food allergies, an individual care plan must be in place, kept up-to-date and strictly adhered to. If a resident has a peanut/nut allergy, consideration must be given whether to ban all nuts/peanuts in the kitchen; this includes loose nuts, sauces such as curry sauce, satay sauce, peanut oil, peanut butter, etc. The decision will depend on the severity of the allergy present. A decision on visitors bringing gifts
10 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
containing nuts into the care home, either for residents or staff, must also be made and clearly communicated. Again, this will depend on the severity of the allergy. For more on food and nutrition in care homes, please read our special foodie focus, starting on page 33 Do you have a question for our panel of experts? We’ll try to answer any question on any subject of care home management, so fire away! Send these by email to the editor, Ailsa Colquhoun at All questions are submitted for publication, and publication of the question and the answer is at the editor’s discretion. No private correspondence will be entered into.
Get your head in the
larger care home groups will invest in a learning management Q: What will I system (LMS), to manage learn from this online courses. feature? Using the cloud is growing in popularity because it A: How to get adds a level of flexibility the most from when training people who the learning work unusual hours and at ‘cloud’ various locations. ELearning also provides immediate results in The cloud has changed the way we live and work, yet its terms of marks and feedback: it application in the care sector has been relatively limited – enables managers to analyse data despite its obvious potential in training. By CHM publishing from previous training sessions and modules so they can assess their editor Steve Hemsley team’s strengths and weaknesses. Most of us will use ‘the cloud’ at some computer. Think Google Drive, Apple Among the popular courses point today, even if we are not 100 iCloud and even Netflix. are: dementia awareness, lone per cent sure what it is. The cloud has changed the way we working, person-centred care, autism We already use it for banking, to live and work, yet its application in the awareness and message friends or to store photos, care sector has been relatively limited, training related to and care homes are now increasingly which is surprising given the potential the Care Certificate. utilising the cloud for training and when it comes to training. Steven Embleton learning. Cloud-based learning means using [left] at leading For the record, ‘the cloud’ refers resources that are stored in a virtual provider My Learning to software and services that run on environment and accessed from Cloud is chief cloud. Chief cloud Steve Embleton He says cloud the internet rather than on your own different web-enabled devices. Many
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September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 11
Training technology has changed forever how care home managers approach learning and development mainly because staff can see their learning progress in a more convenient way. “It allows care homes to generate powerful reports that shape and inform everyone’s learning needs because the system is designed to provide amazing metrics at a click of a button,” he says. Traditionally care homes would record their training on paper or on a spreadsheet on a local machine which meant only a few people could ever see the information. Using the cloud means learners can improve their knowledge at the times that suit them. According to Embleton, the most popular time for people to access eLearning is between 8pm and 11pm. My Learning Cloud produces CPD-accredited eLearning courses and fully customisable Learning Management Systems (LMS) for larger organisations. It was the first eLearning provider to be fully endorsed by Skills for Care.
“We want our customers to make the most out of the learning environment and to support this we deliver on-site training and seminar sessions at roadshows,” adds Embleton. Securing learning success In every sector technology advances at an incredible speed, and care is no exception. When it comes to cloud-based learning, we will see more use of virtual reality with learners wearing head sets, while the course content will become even more tailored and personalised. Yet despite its advantages, many care homes still avoid using cloudbased learning systems because they worry about data security. Embleton’s advice is to look at the accreditations each training company holds before booking and to ask providers where exactly they keep clients’ data. It should be clear what safety measures they have in place to ensure your data is safe.
12 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Cousins: Cloud-based learning is increasing
At another leading provider eLearning For You (formerly known as eLFY Training), managing director Rob Cousins [above] says adoption of cloud-based learning is increasing because care homes can implement new training courses quickly, and costeffectively scale up their learning as their business expands. Cousins is also managing director at Affinity Care Management which purchases and manages care homes for residents with specialist needs. He says cloud-based learning is perfect for staff working in this environment, but to stream courses effectively care homes must have a good internet speed and wireless access. Many courses require learners to download
Training graphics and involve the use of interactive learning tools. Cousins adds that another challenge is that health and social care companies often have disparate solutions which require similar HR data but are not connected. This leads to frustration, multiple passwords and often avoidable errors “The way forward is to utilise cloud-based solutions and integrate a significant number of these business solutions together, with one single point of access and search, sharing
the same data across different applications,” he says. He says this is achieved using a central dashboard which provides care home business owners and managers with the information they need to effectively manage their business and their teams, with learning being just one component. In future, Cousins believes that care homes will want a cost-effective cloud-based solution where they only pay for what they use. “As the training is cloud-based, it is scalable and can be accessible anywhere in the world, wherever you have internet access.” Like Embleton, he is also quick to reassure care home providers worried about security when it comes to the cloud. “By any reasonable comparison, cloud-based data is by far the safest way to store and access data,” he says. “Recent GDPR legislation has
reinforced that the biggest risk to our data is hacking, and the most effective way to prevent hacking is to adopt a prudent password policy. At eLearning For You, we have adopted the 10 digit recognised industry standard.” Engaging learners Of course, cloud-based learning only works effectively if it is engaging and learners can use it as part of a blended approach to training which includes a healthy amount of face to face support.
Qasir: Cloud = opportunities for continued learning
Simon Qasir [above], director of sales marketing at workforce management tools provider Webroster, says the opportunity for continued learning makes cloud-based training a powerful option for care homes. “For example, you could consider taking a 15-minute refresher course before your CPD or face-to-face training on the same subject. This will help to boost your confidence and maximise the value you get from the in-person training,” he says. Cloud-based learning is not intended to replace face-to-face but it does give learners more personal responsibility for the training they do and when they do it.
Qasir warns that this choice can be a double-edged sword because of the huge range of online training courses available. “What makes it harder is that courses aren’t directly comparable. For instance, a course on incident reporting might yield a page of results on Google with course times ranging from 15 minutes to an hour or more, not to mention the cost differences.” Among care homes themselves, the choice of courses available can make it difficult to select the most
appropriate training for their team, but they do appreciate the benefits of using the cloud. Zoe Fry, owner and manager at Valerie Manor Nursing & Residential Care Home in Upper Beeding, West Sussex, says cloud-based learning is best for new starters or for someone who, for whatever reason, is unable to attend a face-to-face course. Meanwhile, Sanjay Dhrona, managing director at The Close Care Home in Burcot, Oxfordshire, agrees that cloud-based learning will be used more often. He is already implementing it as an ideal option alongside class-based learning, on the job training and role play learning. “It works well because people can access the system at their leisure,” he says. “The systems we use are procured and suggested by our local authority to support Care Certificate compliance.”
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 13
CHM Hall of Fame
Proud to present…
…The Care Home Management magazine care home hall of fame
Housekeeping and catering double gold award for Derby Heights care home Avery Healthcare’s Derby Heights Care Home in Derby has won a double gold award for housekeeping and catering in the CAP Awards. This follows on from the same double achieved by Avery’s Crispin Court Care Home in Stafford. The CAP Awards promote and reward excellence in catering and housekeeping in settings including care homes. Pictured (l-r) are: Ian Jackson, chief operating officer, CAP Award; Lance Bosmans, manager at Derby Heights Care Home and Davesh Kumar, Avery head of hotel services. For more information, visit:
Barchester scoops health and safety award Barchester Healthcare has been awarded ‘highly commended’ in the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) healthcare services award: healthcare provider category. The awards recognise achievement in health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement. For more information, visit: awards
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14 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Safe information sharing: help for Caldicott Guardians This summer’s report by the Care Quality Commission, Beyond Barriers: how older people move between health and care in England was another reminder of the importance of information sharing across multi-disciplinary teams to the quality of care and patient outcomes. However, it was also an indicator that there is still a long way to go in establishing good, safe data sharing. The report concludes that organisations “did not always share information with each other, which meant they weren’t able to make informed decisions about people’s care.” Carey Bloomer is the registered manager and nursing director of a large nursing home in Shropshire and she is also a Caldicott Guardian (see box right). She finds it concerning that the Caldicott principles are not well enough understood in the care industry: She says: “What we see is extremes of behaviour. On some occasions intimate personal details about an individual’s condition are inappropriately shared with all the care homes county wide. In other cases, a hospital may refuse to tell any care home anything. This is quite worrying.” The UK Caldicott Guardian Council (UKCGC) provides members with practical guidance and resources, and networking opportunities. Chair Chris Bunch understands the predicament that many Caldicott Guardians face. He says:“The skill of a good Caldicott Guardian is to apply wise judgement to the precise circumstances of each case, but the right answer to a dilemma is often by no means obvious or straightforward. When there is nobody within their organisation with whom a Caldicott Guardian can turn to for help unpicking complex matters it can feel like they are in a lonely place.” It is strongly recommended that organisations which handle personal confidential information (such as medical records) or hold contracts with the NHS, have a Caldicott Guardian. UKCGC membership is free to care home managers. To find out more about the UKCGC visit: or contact them at
The Caldicott principles 1. Justify the purpose(s) Every proposed use or transfer of personal confidential data within or from an organisation should be clearly defined, scrutinised and documented, with continuing uses regularly reviewed, by an appropriate guardian. 2. Don’t use personal confidential data unless it is absolutely necessary The need for patients to be identified should be considered at each stage. 3. Use the minimum necessary personal confidential data Each individual item of data used should be considered and justified. 4. Access to personal confidential data should be on a strict need-to-know basis This may mean introducing access controls or splitting data flows where one data flow is used for several purposes. 5. Everyone with access to personal confidential data should be aware of their responsibilities 6. Comply with the law 7. The duty to share information can be as important as the duty to protect patient confidentiality To join the Caldicott Guardian register visit NHS Digital [online] at:
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 15
The hidden hacker in your home
Most homes will have some form of internet security on the office computer, but that’s not the only way hackers can get at your sensitive data. CHM publishing editor Steve Hemsley reports Every care home must be aware of cyber security threats to protect sensitive business and residents’ data as healthcare comes under attack from malware and third-party hacking. Some will already be aware of the threat posed by internet-connected medical devices, such as pacemakers and insulin pumps, which have already
Did you know? In a survey run by security company Synopsys last Spring, it was found that in 38 per cent of cases where a medical device had been hacked, potentially lethal inappropriate health care was delivered to the patient been targeted by cyber criminals. But how many homes would consider the danger presented by the smart
meter installed by their energy supplier? The government is keen for businesses and homeowners to install smart meters but security can be an issue because data is sent between the user and the energy supplier. Smart meters communicate via wireless links and hackers can fake consumption data, and access other smart devices around the building, including smart fridges and TVs, especially if these are controlled via someone’s mobile phone. In most cases the utility companies have worked hard to secure their meters. Most devices will flag up if a meter has been tampered with and most data is encrypted. But, if your meter is old, or where installation has been poor, there can still be risks. The problem with CCTV Similarly, CCTV systems can present another chink in your cyber armour, says James Wickes, CEO of cloudbased surveillance company Cloudview. “People think that Internet Protocol (IP) cameras and digital video recorders (DVRs) are benign but they must be secure,” he says. “It is not a
16 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
breeze to set up the security correctly on most IP cameras so this can get side-lined or left for later. This makes them low-hanging fruit for hackers.” Wickes claims that if CCTV cameras are connected to a network they can be a conduit through which all manner of information can be syphoned away. They also contain powerful processors and storage that can be used by hackers. “Traditional DVR-based CCTV systems have a number of security weaknesses: use of port forwarding, few automatic firmware updates, a lack of oversight because footage may rarely be looked at “If your and a predisposition smart meter among manufacturers is old, there to include ‘back door’ can be functionality which is risks” often then revealed on the web.” Wickes adds: “Many cloud-based CCTV solutions use the same IP connection and ‘port forwarding’ techniques as old-fashioned DVRs which can leave them equally insecure. Cloud-based systems are available which only provide an outgoing connection, making them much more secure.”
Five simple ways to protect your home from hackers
sensitive information on to personal
to a data breach and compromise health
devices or memory sticks.
or business information.
2 Beware the risks of using mobile devices at work
4 Don't get phished
1 Ensure you have a cyber security policy:
Mobile devices are sometimes not as
by a malicious email which looks real
protected as desktop computers so
but, when clicked on, can infect their
Everyone in the care home should
ensure all laptops, smart phones and
computer and the business’s IT system.
know how to act when it comes to
tablets containing any sensitive data
Phishing can happen if someone’s
protecting the organisation from cyber
are secure. These devices can easily be
password is too weak or they do not
threats. This means developing a culture
lost or hacked, especially if users access
have adequate data security protection
where people know as soon as they
open WiFi facilities in places such as
on all their devices. Email remains the
join what is and isn’t acceptable and
airports. Ideally all health data should
most used business communication
the consequences to them and to the
be encrypted.
tool so make sure staff understand
business if there is, for example, a data
Employees can easily be scammed
the seriousness of clicking on a
breach. Managers should clarify what
3 Never share passwords
data can be shared on social media and
With so many online accounts it can
set guidelines around removing data
be tempting and convenient to repeat
from the care home or downloading
passwords and share them with others,
5 Limit access to information and secure your WiFi networks
but this can put a care home at serious
Not everyone in your care home needs
risk. It is perhaps understandable why
access to every piece of business or
passwords are shared at work. It makes
resident information. Access should be
it easier when working within a team
on a need-to-know basis and linked
and for managers to delegate tasks, but
to a person’s job role and where they
doing so can have serious cyber security
are based. WiFi networks can easily
consequences. Sharing passwords or
be hacked if they are not password
using easy to guess passwords can lead
protected and encrypted.
rogue email.
GDPR and your CCTV system
Q: What will I learn from this feature? A: How to GDPRproof my use of CCTV cameras
If you use CCTV in your home it’s important that you do it correctly, or you could face a fine under the GDPR, warns Alexandra Johnstone, partner at legal firm RadcliffesLeBrasseur
Updated data protection regulations have important implications for care homes that use CCTV systems: recordings will almost certainly contain information that identifies individuals and their health conditions. So what does the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) say about CCTV? As data controllers care home managers must identify the relevant lawful bases for processing for both personal and special category data; this should be reflected in the organisation’s privacy notice. Transparency is also at the heart of the GDPR, and care homes who propose to use CCTV, should review how they propose to ensure transparency, gain explicit consent
– particularly if there are issues with capacity - and deal with objections. Bedroom areas require particular care as CCTV will generate sensitive personal data, including data concerning a person’s health. Under the GDPR the processing of such data will only be lawful if the data subject (in this case the resident) has given explicit consent to the processing of that data, or if an exemption (Article 9(2) GDPR) applies. continued on page 20
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 17
What do all these people have in common?
They illegally wedged open a fire door and could be serving a custodial sentence or heavy fine for breaching fire safety regulations.
Agrippa - holding your fire doors open legally. FREEPHONE 0800 978 8726 Fire Safety Solutions
18 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Ref: CHM18
What do all these Agrippa, holding your have in comm fire doors open legally Have you seen fire doors wedged open in your care or nursing home? This often happen when fire door closers restrict the movement of residents and staff. It is, however, an illegal and dangerous practice. It breaches fire safety legislation and puts lives at risk. Fire doors are an intrinsic part of slowing the spread of fire, giving staff valuable time to safely evacuate residents. Wedging fire doors open allows the fire to spread unhindered, so finding a legal way to hold them open is essential to meet both your fire safety obligations as well as allowing staff and residents free movement within the building. The Agrippa acoustic fire door holder from Geofire offers a great solution to this problem. It holds the fire door in the open position until
it hears the sound of the fire alarm system. It then allows the door to fall shut. To reduce the risk of the fire door closing due to other sounds the Agrippa can be ‘trained-in’ to recognise the sound of your fire alarm, making it ideal for busy and noisy environments. There is also an easy to read LCD display to check battery level and the reason for release. Being battery operated, the Agrippa fire door holder is easy to install and can be fitted to existing fire doors in very little time. It comprises of two components, a keeper plate, fitted to the top of the door and a magnetic door holder unit that is fitted to the wall. As it can be positioned at the top of the door where the door closer is located, warping of the door is prevented and the door holder will not
get in the way of wheelchairs or beds being wheeled through the door. You can also programme the Agrippa door holder to release your door at specific times of the day, such as evenings. Monitoring that fire doors are not illegally wedged open by staff members or indeed visitors is a time consuming activity. You could also face a heavy fine or even imprisonment if wedged breaches, They such asillegally wedged fire doors, open a of the Regulatory (Fire a Safety) could beReform serving custodial se Order 2005 are for found at a fire safety fine breaching fire safety inspection. Act today and order Agrippa fire Agrippa - holdin door holders from Safelincs, doors open lega Freephone 0800 978 8726
FR Fire Safety Solutions
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 19
Security Other key security issues: ■ Legitimate interest (Article 6 GDPR): Eligible grounds may include the protection of a resident in a suspected case of ill treatment by a member of the home’s staff). ■ Access to CCTV data: GDPR policy should detail who has access to the CCTV and for what reasons. Monitors should be located in secure areas only accessible to appropriate and authorised people. Monitors for bedroom CCTV require an additional level of security. Remember, residents have a qualified right of access under the GDPR to their own personal data and this will include access to recordings of them made by the CCTV. ■ Storage and use of footage: Under the GDPR personal data is to be processed for only as long as its purpose requires. CCTV policy, including any use of third-party processors such as cloud storage, should reflect this; considerations may include the requirements of any possible subsequent investigations, including by external organisations such as the police.
What the Care Quality Commission (CQC) says about CCTV The CQC information for providers on using surveillance to monitor services recognises that the use of CCTV cameras supports safety or quality of care but highlights the need to consider whether less intrusive steps would achieve the same aims. The CQC emphasises the need to discuss proposed surveillance with the people who use the care service, including residents, families and other visitors to care homes as well as staff. At the time of writing the CQC has not reissued its guidance to incorporate issues raised by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Where to get guidance Surveillance Camera Commissioner Code of Practice [online] at: ttps:// government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/file/204775/ Surveillance_Camera_Code_of_ Practice_WEB.pdf CQC information for providers of health and social care: Using
surveillance to monitor services [online] at: uk/sites/default/files/20150617_ provider_surveillance_information.pdf Information Commissioner’s Office guide for organisations: General Data Protection Regulation [online] at: guide-to-the-general-data-protectionregulation-gdpr/
Turning the tables on Big Brother Former attorney general and civil rights champion Dominic Grieve MP (Con, Beaconsfield) is expected to push for a debate into the use of mandatory CCTV in communal areas in care homes this month. The civil rights champion is taking up the work of the Care Campaign for the Vulnerable (CCtV), which has petitioned to introduce statutory use of CCTV in care homes to prevent harm. In response to a petition, which closed in April, the then Department of Health said: “The Government recognises that cases of abuse and neglect have been exposed as the result of hidden cameras. We acknowledge that there are occasions when it may be appropriate for their use to be considered.” But it adds: “Closed circuit television (CCTV) should not be regarded as a substitute for proper recruitment procedures, training, management and support of care staff, or for ensuring that numbers of staff on duty are sufficient to meet the needs of users of services. “The Government considers that the widespread introduction of CCTV into care homes would raise important concerns about residents’ privacy, as well as practicality. The use of CCTV and other forms of covert surveillance should not be routine, but should be considered on a case by case basis and… in consultation with and with the permission of those residents and their families.” CCtV was founded by former Big Brother contestant and glamour
20 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
model Jayne Connery [pictured below with her mother] following her mother’s experiences. Jayne became a carer for her mother in 2016, after concerns were raised about her mum’s care.
Jayne now works with care providers to reduce preventable accidents, particularly those caused by staffing and training shortfalls, using mandatory CCTV in communal areas to support quality care. She believes that the 13,000-plus signatures received by the CCtV petition show that there is demand by residents and their families to reduce incidents such as unexplained falls, neglect and residents who get lost. She says: “We just want to bring some credibility to the sector. There are some amazing carers but there also some bad ones. Bringing some transparency to this situation is good for everybody.” The CCtV petition and Department of Health response are available [online] at: archived/petitions/168920 Come and see Jayne at the Care Show 2018 (more information on page 24). Alternatively, visit the CCtV website at: www.carecampaignforthe
GDPR – are you compliant yet? ■ Is your staff training up-to-date to meet the new requirements?
Philippa Doyle GDPR day – 25th May 2018 – came and went with a flurry of privacy notices and policies filling our in-boxes but did everyone take stock of their data and their responsibilities or are there thousands of businesses out there who are yet to up-date their systems and processes? General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brings data protection into the digital age. It requires specific
mandatory requirements of data controllers and data processors, including increased security responsibilities, and increased access rights to individuals. ■ Did you get a privacy notice drafted for your employees? ■ Did you get a privacy notice drafted for your customers? ■ Have you updated your policies and procedures?
Notification of breach obligations are now more onerous, and fines are more eye-watering. If you haven’t yet engaged with the GDPR, or have started but put it into the “too difficult pile” then don’t delay and take the necessary steps to comply. Our team of professional lawyers can assist you with every aspect of GDPR, from ensuring data processing agreements are compliant, to staff training, drafting of privacy notices and advising on managing breaches. The ICO will allow organisations time to adapt to the new regime, but it won’t allow you forever! Contact: Philippa Doyle, Partner, Hempsons t: 01423 724028 e:
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 21
Brendoncare breaks new ground with UK’s first dementia village Care Home Management magazine editor Ailsa Colquhoun visited the new three-way offer that will allow residents to stay on site as their dementia needs increase Last month, in the middle of one of the best British Summers for some time, Brendoncare Otterbourne Hill opened its doors to new residents. For some, the move to the new-build property was a bit of an adjustment: they had swapped a very well-loved but old building with a large, mature garden for a brand-new, purpose-built complex, with empty gardens waiting for the Summer heat-wave to subside. However, with all staff from the former home transferring across, residents were reassured, believes chief executive officer Carole Sawyers. She says: “What makes or breaks a home, ultimately, is the staff. Residents have been most reassured to learn that “it will still be Christine who brings their tea in the morning.”
care, and planned and emergency respite support, the site also comprises 20 one- and two-bed dementiafriendly apartments for couples or individuals living with dementia, and a community hub where residents and local people can enjoy a range of dementia-friendly facilities, activities and social opportunities.
Sawyers: What makes or breaks a home is the staff
New-build advantages Looking at the pristine fixtures and fittings during the new village’s open day, the result of a two-year building project, A village apartment Sawyers says she is looking forward to the time when the home staff will see residents leaving their knitting on the sofas and Sawyers is confident that the doing their jigsaw puzzles. “These will be the things that make this a integrated model will appeal home,” she says. particularly to couples where only one partner is affected with dementia, as well as providing a one-stop “Once residents are leaving their knitting on residential care offer as people’s the sofa and have done their jigsaw puzzles – care needs increase. She says: “We these will be the things that make this building wanted to find ways where couples a home” can stay together. This is really In planning the new Otterbourne Hill development, Brendoncare important to people but not at all took the opportunity to create what it believes is a UK first: a threeeasy to do.” way integrated ‘village’ with a focus on dementia. As well as a 64-bedroom care home providing personalised nursing and dementia 22 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Social hub People who are familiar with one of Brendoncare’s 10 care homes and four housing-with-care locations across the south-east will also know of the Brendoncare clubs, offering activities including indoor curling, scrabble and keep fit. Open to the public for a small fee, the clubs are a useful way to integrate residents with
A sunny spot inside the Winter Garden
principles of dementia design (for more information on the centre, see page 39). Particular features of the layout include separate kitchen areas, in which to revive home-cooking skills, and themed corridor ends, styled with memorabilia, to encourage memories. Sawyers says the ability to build to modern 21st century standards was the company’s reason to take the difficult decision to close the former Otterbourne Hill site.
Staffing challenges
people in the local community, as well as introduce people to the care staff. “It’s less frightening when it comes to making the step to go into residential care,” Sawyers believes Of course, an inherent advantage of new-build for residents and staff is that the floorplan and facilities can be specification-led and tailored to the needs of 21st century life. The new site has been designed in accordance with the Stirling University Dementia Services Development Centre’s
Even for a new, purpose-built home with a ‘wow’ factor, Sawyers says that recruiting nurses is challenging. Brendoncare supports flexible working and is committed to upskilling care staff, to improve nursing capacity and improve professional satisfaction across the board. In the long-term, though, Sawyers is looking to the Green Paper, due this month, to provide some clarity on the way forward for sustainable care. She says: “More than half our staff are aged over 45 years. Where are the young carers? If we don’t value those people, pay decent wages and make it feel like a decent career, who will provide that care? “What we need is a conversation about what we, as a country, are prepared to pay for, and how we are going to pay for it. There is no magic wand. We have to talk about what is fair and right for the people we care for.”
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 23
Care Show
Six great reasons to attend the Care Show 2018
Building a better future for care
Make it a date: October 17–18 at the NEC, Birmingham a selection of just some of the presentations* that the Care Home Management magazine editorial team will try to see when we are at the event:
The Care Show has now faithfully served its profession and the industry for 20 years and the new event organisers, CloserStill Media, believe it is time that the show benefited from a fresh injection of a breath of fresh air…
So… Here’s SIX great reasons to make it a date
1. 180+ expert speakers 2. 60+ CPD accredited conference sessions in six content streams
3. 193 suppliers* all under one roof
4. Care Home
Management Magazine exhibiting on stand A16
5. Great networking
opportunity with live music, entertainment, tantalising treats and drinks
6. Voucher booklet
packed with exclusive show discounts and offers
Stronger conference programme The stronger, more practical training and education programme is set to be a key attraction for care home managers. The key programme themes are: Business: Covers core operations such as finance, customer service, marketing and HR. People: Key areas such as, recruitment and retention of staff, training and up-skilling, Brexit-impact, managing agencies. Dementia: Innovation and inspiration to equip care businesses for dementia care. Assets: Funding and finance, working with investors, effective procurement strategies, design and construction ideas. Regulatory/Compliance: Successful CQC inspections, safeguarding and health & safety. Excellence in care: Technology and innovation, personalised care programmes, successful integration with GPs, medicines management and specialist care programmes.
Check out the full programme online at agenda# In the meantime, here’s
24 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Wednesday 17 October Theatre 3: 11.30-12 (Business) Where business meets care. Speakers: James Parkin, co-founder and operations director and Richard Shore, finance director, Caresolve Keynote theatre 12.05-12.55pm (Business/excellence in care) - The social care green paper: does it go far enough? Panel speakers include: Dr Glen Mason, chief operating office, Human Support Group; Mark Greaves, care services director, Anchor Trust; Professor Martin Green, chief executive, Care England Thursday 18 October Theatre 1: 10.55-11.25am (People) What’s hot, what’s not, and what’s next for training in the health and social care sector? Speaker: Steve Embleton, chief cloud, My Learning Cloud. For more information on My Learning Cloud, visit the new Care Home Management supplier director [online] at www. Theatre 2: 12.35-13.05pm (Business/people) - Improving leadership among care homes. Speaker: Professor Julienne Meyer, executive director, My Home Life And, don’t forget to pay Care Home Management magazine a visit too! We’re on stand A16 To book Pick up your free pass [online] at: or call the delegate booking line on 0207 013 4671.
Editor’s picks Make sure you pay a visit to the following exhibitor companies while you are at the Care Show. BB Training Academy – Stand F32
With more than 15 years’ experience, BB Training Academy offers award-winning training to those looking to pursue a career in the care sector. BB Training Academy students will work closely with a team of expert trainers, all of whom have first-hand experience of working within the care sector, to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours carers need to aid career progression and provide quality care and support. BB Training Academy offers a range of qualifications, from healthcare support worker to specialist and clinical care diplomas, as well as short courses and bespoke training packages in line with an employer’s business needs.
Repose Furniture – Stand H1 Repose will be showcasing the Harlem and Boston porter chairs on stand H1 at this year’s Care Show. Available in small, medium and large, the Harlem has a maximum user weight of 20 stone and has been designed to offer a versatile solution for patients with Huntington’s disease. The Boston features unique wing handles for ease of portering when the chair is occupied and the backrest is reclined. A new double comfort lateral back cushion Kate Sheehan, resident adds luxurious support occupational therapist, Repose and comfort. There Furniture is a choice of electric or manual models; standard features include tilt in space, independent backrest recline and leg elevation.
Care Show Head: Fastroi – Stand K21 Fastroi believes that health and care workers should have access to the latest digital tools to help them deliver higher quality of care with greater accountability. Real-Time Care gives care companies a new way to improve the efficiency of their operations without compromising quality. Rotowash – Stand L50 Rotowash was established in 1981 to distribute high quality industrial floor cleaning equipment, manufactured to BSI and similar international standards. All models in the Rotowash range are incredibly effective on all types of hard floors. The high standard of hygiene achieved makes Rotowash a very affordable option. All machines are easy to operate and to clean after use, and staff training is provided free of charge for the life of the product. A high level of service and maintenance support can be provided by dedicated engineers across the UK.
A ca n ev re en co t fo mm r un ity
Caring has its problems. Let us help with solutions. Join us at the new and refreshed Care Show on 17-18 October 2018 at NEC Birmingham where you can enjoy CPD certified talks, see the latest equipment to make your job easier and have a good natter catching up with others who care just like you do.
Reserve your pass at or call 0207 013 4989 | 26 Care Home Management
@CareShow @careshows
September/October 2018
Building a better future for care
Keep the lights on In care today power continuity is crucial; unexpected power failures can prove very costly – and not just in monetary terms, explains P&I managing director Paul Benfield When Google suffered a power outage in 2013, the financial cost to the company ran to around £100,000 per minute. But, in a care home the financial losses associated with a power cut are overshadowed by the risks presented to resident safeguarding: as well as maintaining all-important lighting, heating and catering, there is specialised equipment to consider - such as nebulisers and ventilators that require a guaranteed power supply. Extent of power outages The most recent Power Outage Annual Report notes 640 reported power outages in the UK in one year. Root cause analysis finds that over half (330) were caused by faulty equipment/human error.
A common human error is when mains cables are cut during groundworks but other potential causes include: bad weather, fallen trees on power lines, animals and power surges. Another factor to consider is the growing demand on the grid, which means power outages are likely to become a common occurrence in the years to come. So, how can care homes protect themselves from these potential risks and ensure a reliable power source? The answer: ensuring they have a critical power system in place. Options can be long- and short-term. Long-term solutions Control systems Automatic Mains Failure (AMF) and Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) panels are designed to automatically
Q: What will I learn from this feature? A: How to mitigate the risks associated with a power outage
changeover from mains electricity supply to stand-by generators following a mains failure. When the mains supply is restored, the system automatically changes back and stops the generator. After a short coolingdown period, the stand-by generator will shut down. AMF and ATS panels can come as standard or they can be built to your specific requirements. Generator A generator will ensure that your facility’s critical load will continue to operate in the event of an extended power failure. Once the AMF/ATS panel has identified a power failure, a signal will be sent to the generator to tell it to switch on. It can take between 1560 seconds for the generator to start
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 27
LEADING THE WAY IN HELPING THE CARE SECTOR ACHIEVE HIGH STANDARDS IN FLOOR HYGIENE AND CLEANLINESS Looking for a single machine that works incredibly effectively on both hard and carpeted floors… then look no further. Rotowash machines are: • Simple to use • Easy to clean • Use up to 90% less water and chemical compared to other machines • Highly manoeuvrable • Highly efficient covering up to 1800sqm per hour • Lightweight machine which dries as it goes • National sales and support network with on-site service • ISO 9001:2008 and BSI Kitemark accredited ALL OUR MACHINES ARE PROVIDED WITH FREE OF CHARGE ONSITE OPERATOR TRAINING FOR THE LIFE OF THE PRODUCT AND ARE SUPPORTED BY OUR OWN TEAM OF DEDICATED ENGINEERS ACROSS THE UK
For more information, or to arrange a demonstration to see the effectiveness of the machine for yourself, please speak to one of our friendly team on:
T: 020 8847 4545 E: 28 Care Home Management | September/October 2018 W:
Energy meaning there will be no power during this time. To ensure you have no down time during this 15-60 second period, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should form part of your critical power system. UPS A UPS system is employed to supply a clean and consistent supply between the mains supply and any critical electrical load. However, during a power failure, the UPS provides instant battery back-up power until the generator is fully functional and able to take over the critical load. Although, a UPS may form part of your business continuity plan, it can also play a vital part in increasing the lifecycle and improving the operation of the critical equipment it supports.
Standby generators are one option to reduce the impact of a power failure Pros and cons of long-term solutions: Pros
With the combination of a generator and UPS, the UPS would cover the initial downtime whilst the generator starts. Therefore, there would be no impact on the facility and the business would continue as normal
Annual service and maintenance contracts are a must to ensure reliable power supply.
As permanent installations, the generator and UPS are available immediately in the event of a power outage and are owned by the business
Space for a generator and UPS can be an issue in some locations
No waiting on equipment to be delivered
Generators depreciate
When not being used during a power outage, the UPS will supply the facility with a consistent and clean power supply
Power demands can increase as your business expands so you could potentially exceed your current critical load capacity
Budget for around ÂŁ1,000 per year (depends on building size).
Pros and cons of short-term solutions: Pros
No capital expenditure
Typical response time is within four hours
Generator and UPS will be matched to your real time requirements
In the event of bad weather, your facility could become inaccessible for delivery vehicles with the critical power equipment
Spacing issues are only temporary whilst the hire equipment is in place during the power outage Hire costs as and when power outages occur, also no annual maintenance costs
Service and maintenance Servicing and maintaining your critical power equipment is an essential part of mitigating the risk of a power outage: regular checks and repairs will safeguard your equipment and your residents. Short-term solutions: Contingency plans and hire For businesses with capital expenditure limitations, a contingency plan with hire solutions could be an option. The plan should detail: required equipment and priority availability guarantee; site access and any complications; position of equipment, including cables; pricing and risk assessments. When planning and implementing your critical power system, it is crucial that it does exactly what you need it to do. If you already have some critical power solutions, you may only need to upgrade, rather than invest in a complete system overhaul. Each critical power system is unique to each business; therefore, you should always seek advice from a critical power specialist who can design bespoke systems or upgrades based on your specific requirements and budgets.
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 29
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Audit Trail
Is your home energy efficient? Read these top tips to smarter energy use in your home. By Smarter Business and Utility Alliance
Heating systems ■ Maintaining your boiler is key to energy-efficient heating ■ Install Low-H2O radiators - these use less water to produce the same amount of heat ■ Instead of electric heaters, warm your facility using central heating ■ Reduce the temperature of your heating - even bringing the heat down by one degree can save energy significantly. Did you know? Heating will typically account for 70p in every Pound your home spends on energy Insulation ■ Keep your insulation wellmaintained and topped up regularly. ■ Close windows to prevent heat from escaping, especially at night-time. Water ■ Fix dripping taps: a single dripping tap wastes thousands of litres per year ■ Encourage more mobile residents to use showers instead of baths ■ Install water-efficient showerheads.
Care home managers are being urged to look for the WEPL mark (see above) when choosing bathroom supplies. WEPL stands for the Water Efficient Product Labelling Scheme (WEPL), which is an initiative by the Bathroom Manufacturers Association (BMA) to promote water conservation.
Lighting ■ Install motion sensors that switch lights off automatically when a room is unoccupied ■ Smart key cards, like those in hotels, can be used to automatically turn off lights and other non-essential devices when a resident is not in their room ■ Switch to LED light bulbs Synchronise your bills: Longer, more structured contracts, with synchronised end dates allow you to plan your monthly spend on utilities for an agreed period of time.
The WEPL label is similar in design to the energy label found on electrical goods and shows the volume of water that the product will use when installed correctly. For more information on WEPL visit: consumer-advice/water-efficiency/
Know your costs: Use a meter to know when energy is being used, what’s using it and how much it’s all costing. On-site power generation: Get to grips with solutions that offer energy storage, combined heat and power systems, or renewables, and your home will be able to drop its grid kilowatt demand during peak cost times.
Shining a light on pooly-performing LEDs LEDs convert half the energy they use into light - compared to between five and 10 per cent for incandescent bulbs. That’s good news for electricity bills and the planet – so why are LEDs often so disappointing? According to BB Light Ltd, colour, character and lumen maintenance all influence the effect of LED. The colour and character of the light is delivered by layers of semi-conducting material. Tiny variations in these layers can alter the colour of the LED’s output. Phosphor - an ingredient used to create white balance - must be laid equally on all the diodes or some will look ‘bluer’ than others, creating an uneven light source. Another factor to consider is ‘heat-sink’. Unlike incandescent
bulbs, which get rid of the rest of their energy by dissipating it into the environment as heat, LEDs need a heat sink to move the heat away from the LED. If the heat sink is not carefully designed to move the heat away and disperse it, the LEDs will begin to break down rapidly: if you’ve ever bought or installed LED lighting that deteriorated way too quickly, you’ll know how disappointing this can be. For LED lighting to work well in the long term, the light needs to have the right balance between diodes, heat sink and the circuits that convert electricity to the voltage the LED can use. Installed correctly, the lifetime of a good LED can be many tens of thousands of hours.
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 31
Versatile porter and rise recliner chairs for healthcare environments
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Feeding the skin Skin is just like a plant: without food and water the leaves will wither and break. Here, CQC specialist adviser in tissue viability Siobhan Mccoulough explains how to prevent pressure ulcers through good diet and hydration
Providing residents with adequate nutrition and hydration is a vital component for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment. The skin is a living, functioning and complex organ, which requires feeding and hydration to function. Vital nutrients help the skin repair and regenerate. Old age, pressure ulcers and malnutrition may co-exist. Wounds in older people may already be slow to heal as a result of compromised skin integrity, which occurs as part of the normal ageing process. Malnutrition is also more common in older people, and evidence has shown that inadequate nutrition may lead to impaired and prolonged wound healing. When an inspector calls CQC inspectors will look for evidence of regular nutritional screening assessments to demonstrate care planning for pressure care prevention. Where care homes have excelled in their nutrition and hydration, there is evidence of nutritional assessment and reassessment, and individual care planning. There should also be a tissue viability or nutrition champion in-house and a clearly-documented and actioned escalation process for concerns. The hallmarks of poor care in nutrition, which often leads to serous pressure ulcers, include broken weighing equipment, staff unable to perform other benchmark tests such as the ulna measurement check, lack of
assistance at lunch times, and low mood of the residents resulting in poor appetite.
The basic building blocks of the skin The skin is made up of only three layers - the outer layer is the epidermis, the second, an inner layer of soft tissue called the dermis, and a base layer called the subcutis or subcutaneous. The base layer includes a seam of fat that the body uses as a fuel reserve in case of food shortage; this also works as insulation. The epidermis layer is constantly growing and repairing itself. New skin cells regenerate on a daily basis, replacing dead skin cells which are shed. Nutrition for skin function As an organ of the human body, skin naturally reflects your body’s internal needs, including the nutrients it requires. Changes in the skin can be a valuable visual clue that there is suboptimal nutrition or something else going on internally. The care giver who sees a resident daily is the key person to identify
Q: What will I learn from this feature? A: How to reduce the risks of pressure ulcers through nutrition
any changes taking place. There is no single magic diet to prevent pressure ulcers; the best approach is to offer a balanced diet and the plate model, as advocated by the Food Standards Agency in 2002, provides a useful visual template. However, residents with compromised nutrition must be supported with an individualised food and fluid care plan, with expert advice from a dietician and speech and language therapists. Those with a low risk score may be adequately supported by a balanced general diet, with regular weight checks. Changes to the skin, or even just a ‘less healthy look’, even if weight is unchanged, should be reported to the patient’s GP or the home’s senior nurse as it may be an indicator of something else going on internally. A pressure ulcer is often a first sign that there is nutritional compromise, internal changes, or external pressure forces.
Testing for a grade 1 non-blanching erythema. If the area remains red after applying pressure for three seconds, change the resident’s position to relieve pressure on the affected area and alert somebody immediately, so that all risk assessments including the MUST nutritional assessment can be reviewed
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 33
Nutrition Dehydration Dehydration is a common yet underrecognised problem, which can compromise tissue integrity. The signs and symptoms of dehydration include: ■ Thirst, headache, dry mouth and lips ■ Tiredness, feeling dizzy or light-headed ■ Passing small amounts of dark coloured, concentrated urine ■ Dry sunken eyes, fragile skin, confusion. Tips for encouraging fluids and hydration include: ■ Start a fluid balance chart to monitor input and output ■ Capture when and what drinks are preferred ■ Talk to your resident to understand their reasons for not drinking, such as fear of incontinence, dexterity with a drink container and not wanting to bother staff ■ Offer a variety of drinks regularly through the day.
Supplements Nutritional supplements may be useful for residents who are unable to maintain a healthy diet and weight through diet alone (see Food
First resources below). Nutritional supplements should be used only on the advice of a dietitian and prescribed as necessary.
Useful resources to help you improve pressure ulcer prevention and treatment National Institute of Clinical Evidence pressure ulcer prevention and management guidelines (2014) [online] at: CG179 NICE guidelines pathways [online] at: pressure-ulcers Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) [online] at: http://www.bapen. Case studies and Root Cause Analysis examples involving nutrition and pressure ulcers [online] at: https:// BAPEN ‘Food First’ resources [online] at:
support/nutrition-by-mouth/food-firstproject-leaflets Reference: The Hydrate Toolkit (2016) Improving hydration among older people in care homes [online] at: http://wessexahsn. toolkit%20V1.pdf NICE (2015) Guidance – Commissioning Excellent Nutrition and Hydration 2015 – 2018 [online] at: https://www.england. nut-hyd-guid.pdf Malnutrition taskforce. Information and tips on hydration [online] at: http://www.
An event designed for all care caterers, chefs and dietitians This two-day event will give you the latest advice in food, drink, technology and equipment to improve the catering service in your care establishment.
Incorporating the CaterCare Expo East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham
3rd – 5th October
HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Cookery demonstrations to give you inspiration for your menus Interactive workshops discussing; how to improve dignity at mealtimes for those with dementia, food allergens, nutrition in health and social care and The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Explore the exhibition hall for new products and services to implement in your care home Friday morning kitchen with Alexia Robinson, founder of Love British Food and British Food Fortnight and Candice Brown, Great British Bake Off winner 2016 Awards and Gala Dinner, a great chance to celebrate and recognise the unsung heroes in your industry
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TWITTER 34 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
@NACCCaterCare #NACC2018
Looks good, tastes good, does good Come and see us at The Care Show, stand H32
At apetito we’ve spent years understanding the needs of individuals with dysphagia (swallowing difficulties). As experts in Texture Modified meals, we are proud of our award-winning range of specialist meals, which provide visually appealing, great tasting meals for those living with dysphagia.
Come and talk to us at The Care Show to find out more about our Texture Modified meals, and how we can partner with you to improve the health and well-being of your residents.
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 35
Quick bites
Dysphagia training eLearning For You has launched training in dysphagia and texture modification, fluids and nutrition. For more information, visit: https://
New cookery training is a HIT HIT Training has launched a Level 2 Award in Professional Cookery in Health and Social Care. The qualification is specifically for people who cater for patients and residents in a health and social care setting, and is said to be the first of its type. To read more, visit: new-cookery-training-is-a-hit/
Infection control advice Cairn Care has published a free fact sheet, ‘Preventing food poisoning in your care home’. This includes useful advice on preventing food poisoning through infection control, cleaning schedules, effective handwashing and personal hygiene. For copies email
Go organic this September Chefs are being encouraged to take up the Organic September Menu Challenge as part of the Soil Association’s Organic September campaign. The Soil Association runs the ‘Organic Served Here’ award scheme. This offers a 1– 5 star rating depending on the percentage of the menu that is organic. To find out more about Organic September and download your Organic September Menu Challenge pack, visit: OSJCT goes Saffron The Orders of St John Care Trust have installed Creed Food Services’ Saffron catering software. Benefits of the system include: ■ Nutritionally analysed recipes ■ Real time ingredients’ prices ■ Portion size.
LET LOOSE SAFELY WITH WEARABLE NURSE CALL No matter where the action takes place, you’ll know if there’s a call or a fall
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How to successfully manage food and beverage budgets Care homes want to provide quality food for their residents but it can be a challenge to accurately cost portions and meals. Here Signature Senior Lifestyle shares best practice.
Neil Phillips, the commercial director for Signature Senior Lifestyle, and the group’s food and beverage manager Chris Burdett, say food and beverages is the second biggest expense after staffing. The group develops and operates premium homes for between 75100 residents and it needed to make changes to its catering operation. “Food is one of the key foundations of our service delivery, and one of the most important activities of the day,” says Phillips. “We have waitress service at every home and a choice of starters, mains, puddings and a light bite. It’s a great experience for residents and visitors alike.” Burdett says food prices fluctuate at irregular intervals and without much warning which can make it hard to manage food budgets. “On top of this, one of our main suppliers was not turning up with the correct products when needed, which meant some chefs in the homes had to purchase items locally, at greater cost and inconvenience.” He adds: “As a care provider, we are specialists in caring and not in the provision of food and drink. We don’t have the full visibility of the food
and beverages market and therefore we needed to keep up with industry pricing to remain one step ahead and plan our menus and budgets more effectively.” A decision was made to outsource the food and beverage procurement function to Pelican Procurement services’ specialist team. It would work in partnership with the group and support the price negotiations and supplier relationships, and help with the overall administration for this extensive function.
The initial result from this exercise was a reduction in cost in every category – 12% dairy, 8% fish, 4% frozen and grocery, 3.5% fruit and vegetables, and 1.5% meat. One of the first things Pelican did was to split Signature’s food purchasing into categories and put the business out to market for re-tendering with regional suppliers. Up until then the group was relying on one supplier to provide all frozen, ambient, meat, dairy, fish and fruit and vegetables on two-three deliveries each week. This should have provided the best market pricing, but the extent of the range and performance issues meant food costs were being impacted. “The initial result from this exercise was a reduction in cost in every category – 12% dairy, 8% fish, 4% frozen and grocery, 3.5% fruit and vegetables, and 1.5% meat,” says
Phillips. “The fresh food suppliers were also offering delivery six days per week, yet the increased service did not come at an additional cost and meant our order values were in fact lower.” Burdett says the company is now using regional suppliers and residents like to know that their meat, vegetables and fish are coming from local sources. “Ultimately, we have more control over how much we spend and every year since working with Pelican we have generated savings,” he says. “We’re not seeing the price movements. For example, we’re just reviewing frozen foods and prices have held. They are able to proactively alert us to potential increases and how we can work around them.” Signature has also adopted Pelican’s Pi system, which helps them to manage supplier payments, ordering, stock control, recipes costing and menu management. Chris adds; “We budget for around £7.00 to £8.00 per resident, per day and we aim to serve different protein on different days, so there’s always a fish, meat and a vegetable dish. With the help of Pi, we can manage recipe costings and plan menus accordingly. Without worry we can put on fillet steak if the money is available. For the full Signature story see
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 37
Put some fizz into dementia bathroom design It is possible for a bathroom to be suitable for people with dementia, as well as a luxurious sensual environment that is a beautiful space to inhabit, says Lynsey Hutchinson, interior designer at the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC), Stirling University Standards and guidance The bathroom door: The colour of the door must contrast clearly with that of the adjacent walls to aid recognition and visibility. It is recommended that all toilet doors should have the same, strong distinctive ‘signature’ colour to differentiate from other doors. The bathroom floor: Flooring should clearly contrast with the colour of the walls, sanitary ware and any furniture. This enables Contrasting door colours contrasting with wall people to see where the and strong toilet graphic and text help residents floor ends and the wall with dementia to navigate their way begins, and it makes the Bathrooms within care homes are sanitary ware more visible - which is often clinical spaces, based on pale essential for safety. To achieve suitable pastel colours lacking in visual and contrast, BS 8300 recommends sensory impact. It is doubtful many a difference of 30 per cent or 30 would refer to these small private degrees of LRV (Light Reflectance spaces as being design-led over Value) between critical features, function. or those that need to be seen, In order for a care home to including: floors, walls, and doors (BS create a dementia-friendly bathroom 8300:2009). environment, there are recommended In contrast to Royal National design standards which must be Institute of Blind People (RNIB) considered along with the aesthetics. recommendations for general spaces, The DSDC audit tool (see box tonal contrast must be avoided opposite for more information) can in a bathroom floor. People with be used to assess the dementiadementia often have visuospatial ‘friendliness’ of a complete building issues and experience a loss in colour both at the beginning and the end of discrimination (and may not see 3D). its construction and design, and of Contrasting colours in a floor can specific areas within a home, such as cause people with visuospatial issues en-suite provision, communal toilets to see steps in flat floors, to hesitate, and bathrooms. high step and then fall. Research has 38 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Q: What will I learn from this feature? A: How to design a dementia-friendly bathroom with the ‘wow’ factor
proven that maintaining tonal contrast on flooring can help reduce the number of falls. Flooring, therefore, should be tonally consistent throughout a building including threshold strips. In a bathroom, the colour of the adjoining floor finishes and any transition strip are recommended to be at most 8 per cent LRV of each other – the DSDC recommends a maximum of 3 per cent difference. Making it a sensual, cleansing environment Function is just one consideration in a bathroom; another is to understand what the bathroom, as a space, means to people. For many people, the bathroom is an intimate space, and this can be communicated through the careful selection of materials and colour. In Japan, for example, colour palettes are influenced strongly by the national culture, notably, the
Tonal contrast is helpful on walls but on floors it can cause falls in people with visual or cognitive impairment
Bathrooms concept of shibui which is derived from the tea ceremony. The values of shibui is are simple elegance, serenity, nobility and quiet luxury … perfect harmony with nature, communicated through colours found in unpolished gold and silver, slate and granite, ashes, the various soft greens of moss or the yellows of wild mustard, combined with natural materials such as wood. In the UK, for most people bathing is considered the most relaxing of activities, where warm water can soothe away the aches and pains of old age. In the care home environment, assisted bathing or a clinical aesthetic can often detract from the potentially luxurious experience of bathing. However, there are few reasons why the values and colours of shibui cannot be harnessed to create a softer and more relaxing experience that is also recognisable to people with dementia.
Using the DSDC Dementia Design Audit Tool The DSDC dementia design audit tool provides a framework for making decisions about the design of spaces for people with dementia, based on all current relevant standards. Guided by practical applications from home and abroad, the guide is a dynamic document with prompts and suggestions about what to look for in different areas. The tool breaks down a building into different areas, with units made up of a number of standards which are used for scoring. Standards fall into either ‘essential’ or ‘recommended’ items. The audit tool’s scoring system can be used to formally certify a building using three levels of certification: ■ 90 per cent +: Gold award (excellent design) ■ 75-89 per cent: Silver award (good). ■ 60-74 per cent: Bronze award (adequate).
A range of contemporary impervious carpets
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Bathing infection control
Your questions answered Care Home Management asked two bathing suppliers for their views on how to manage infection control in a care home Russell Pillar, director of care interiors, Spearhead Healthcare Q. How can a home mitigate against ever mutating viruses/ infections? A. “It’s vital to ensure the highest possible levels of cleanliness and disinfection in your home in the first place, to stop a virus or infection breaking out. “We recommend using cleaning chemicals that are certified to meet the British Standard EN1276, which will help to build up a level of resistance to mutating viruses and infections. “However, in the event of an outbreak, specialist cleaning products should be used in all areas of the building until the virus or infection has been eradicated.”
Q A Peter Eckhardt, chief executive officer, Gainsborough Baths Q. When infection control tech or processes are embedded in your bathing offer, how do you explain to residents and their families the challenge of ever mutating viruses/ infections and the need to comply with anti infection processes, eg hand washing, use of antibac gels, special inside shoes etc? A.“Care Home residents spend a lot of time moving between the bed and the bath, and it is one of the biggest carriage ways for contamination. Even in the best homes, at some point in the housekeeping cycle there is going to be increased risk of exposure to germs, putting staff and residents at risk of infection.” Q. When water-borne infections occur, what are your tips on managing the communication with residents, their families and the regulator? A. “The best approach is to be transparent and admit when things go wrong, and most importantly, to show what you are going to do about it. Gainsborough Biocote technology baths are a good first step. Biocote is at the very forefront of technological development and are regarded as essential complementary solutions for enhanced infection control and CQC compliance.” Q. What do you see as the business case for investing in infection control bathing products? Is this related to staff sickness, or being competitive in the market? A. “There is a very strong business case for investing in this technology. The antibacterial properties in our baths will reduce the amount of strong antibacterial cleaning products that a home will need, which will extend the lifetime of a bath and lower the cost of buying these consumables. The biggest advantage, though, is that it reduces the time staff spend on cleaning – probably about 90 minutes a day – which is time that can be redirected to residents’ care”
Q. How can a home communicate to residents and their families the need to comply with hygiene control processes, eg hand washing, special inside shoes etc? “Wall charts highlighting the hazards to be aware of and the products to be used in which areas, are beneficial.” Q. When water borne infections occur, what are your tips on managing the communication with residents, their families and the regulator? A. “Be able to document and communicate your stringent processes to stakeholders in the event of an infection outbreak, to reassure them that you are using the right cleaning equipment to deal with the situation and to prevent it from happening again.”
Q. What do you see as the business case for investing in infection control bathing products? Is this related to staff sickness, or being competitive in the market? A. “Hygiene and infection control are top priorities for care homes, first and foremost for the health, safety and wellbeing of residents, but also to meet regulatory requirements and safeguard their reputation as a home of choice in the local area. Care homes can enhance their market position and provide further reassurance to stakeholders by investing and committing to [infection control].”
September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 41
Events and Appointments
Events line-up
Appointments Two new appointments to the Independent Care Group The ICG management team has been expanded with the appointments of Lisa Pickard (right) as chief executive, and Beverley Proctor as operations director. The Independent Care Group is a representative body for independent care providers (private and voluntary).
September Thursday 20 September King’s Fund Integrated Care Summit, London For more information, visit: https:// Thursday 20 September National Care Association Care Study Day for Owners and Managers, Brighton For more information, visit: https:// Sunday 30 September Infection prevention in care and at home one day conference, Glasgow For more information, visit http://
New HR head for Borough Care Borough Care has appointed Jayne Hennessey as head of Human Resources. Borough Care is the largest not-for-profit provider of care for older people in Stockport and has eleven homes across the borough.
October Wednesday 3 October Care Conference, Maidstone For more information, email: Wednesday-Friday 3-5 October The National Association of Care Catering (NACC) Training & Development Forum, Nottingham For more information, visit: www. Wednesday-Thursday 17-18 October Care Show, NEC, Birmingham For more information, visit:
Star appointment Caley Eldred has been appointed director of supporter engagement, heading up the fundraising & marketing team at The Royal Star & Garter Homes. The charity provides specialist care for veterans and their partners who live with disability or dementia.
New managers Stephen Griffin at Richmond Villages, Painswick, part of Bupa. Stephen began his career in care as a carer.
Chris Hogan-Hind at Pelton Grange Care Home, where he was previously deputy manager for two years.
Tuesday 23 October Care Roadshow Cardiff For more information, visit: Wednesday, 24 October Public Health conference: the unusual suspects, Manchester For more information, visit: events/2018/public-health-theunusual-suspects/
Andrena Piggins at Willowdene care home in Hebburn.
Vicky Robinson at Aden Lodge Care Home, in Clayton West, Kirklees.
Come and see Care Home Management on stand A16 42 Care Home Management | September/October 2018
Product spotlight
Radio Nurse Call Leads the Way! With today’s technology, it is possible to upgrade an old Nurse call system in under a week. Gone are the days of engineers installing cables and being on site for weeks, as with the new Radio Nurse Call a call point can be fitted in a resident’s room in minutes. Flexibility is another benefit as units can easily be repositioned when necessary, and multiple displays can be positioned around the care home to ensure staff never miss a call. Southern Care Maintenance Ltd, SCM, was established in 1987 and are a specialist independent company for the Service and Maintenance of Nurse call, Fire and Nursing equipment. They have many years’ experience in both fitting and servicing Nurse Call systems covering Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Essex and South London. This month they are launching mySCM, a new online customer portal, free of charge to all service contract customers, so that they can access service records, certificates and invoices securely 24/7. For more information see and follow the link to the Nurse Call Page. You can also download a case study of a customer using Radio Nurse call or ring 01580 890089
Matrix medium basin’s smooth grab handles give support for elderly users
Compact dishwasher that’s a quick worker Hubbard Systems launches Comenda HF45 undercounter unit Manufactured by Comenda, the new unit is part of the upscale Hi-Line range, which combines a mid-budget price with advanced features, such as a rinse control device (RCD) to ensure the best possible results. The HF45 is a compact unit, measuring just 600mm x 600mm x 820mm high, and its door gives clearance of up to 400mm, so it can handle larger ware. It accommodates 500mm x 500mm racks and on the fast programme takes just 90 seconds per wash cycle. At the other end of the scale is the Eco2 programme, which takes 240 seconds but minimises energy consumption. Standard features include a stainless steel, double-skinned body, a single piece deep drawn tank, a multiple filtering system which minimises water consumption by keeping washwater clear for longer, and a self-cleaning cycle that functions automatically when the machine is shut down. The RCD system works by using a pressurised boiler and a rinse booster pump to maintain consistent water pressure and temperature throughout the wash cycle. This in turn ensures that all the dishes are cleaned thoroughly. Optional extras include an energy-saving heat recovery and steam condensing unit and a built-in water softener. Hubbard Systems is the UK distributor for Comenda warewashers, which are available via dealers nationwide. Hubbard Systems is part of HTG Trading Ltd. For more information call Hubbard Systems on 0800 616559, call 01473 350045 email or visit CHM_QUARTER PAGE ADVERT_92x135:Layout_1 18/07/2018 22:16 Page 1
Need help to tell your care home's story more effectively and powerfully? Do you need to feel more confident when talking to the media or presenting to stakeholders?
When planning and installing a bathroom for the elderly, the inclusion of a specialist hand basin is a “must have”. The Matrix Medium basin from bathroom experts Pressalit Care provides invaluable support and peace of mind for the elderly and for those in a wheelchair thanks to two grab handles smoothly cast into the front of the basin. The grab handles provide a welcome grip for transferring in or out of a wheelchair, and support for those who may be unsteady on their feet, when carrying out daily bathroom routines. The inward curve of the basin’s front edge allows the user to lean into the tap and reach it easily. Tel: 0844 8806950 email:
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September/October 2018 | Care Home Management 43
Improving quality of life...
SHC provides quality nursing and residential support for people with: • Physical and/or learning disabilities • Neurological conditions • Acquired brain injury (ABI) • Autism • Dementia • Nursing and/or residential needs Our homes based mainly in Sussex provide a safe, comfortable, homely environment and offer the people we support somewhere that they can make their home, as well as respite and short stays. The people supported are encouraged to maximise their physical, intellectual, emotional and social capacity, be better connected to their communities and to take part in as many everyday activities as they can, ensuring that they continue their lifestyle with personal privacy and dignity.
Across our services we can offer:
To find out more about our homes and the services we can offer, please contact:
01403 217338 44 Care Home Management | September/October 2018