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andGinnyEliot -towinbothBadmintonandthe worldchampionships,whichshedidin2018.
Oliver Townendfinishedsecondon Karen Shuter,AngelaHislopand ValRyan’sBallaghmor Class, a16-year-oldhorsewithan extraordinary record ofhis own:hehasneverfinishedlower thanfifthin afive-starevent,winning two of them,Burghleyand Kentucky, plusanOlympic goldmedalin Tokyo.
“He’s unreal,” saidOliver. “He’s had too many secondplaces - blame the jockey - but it’s a huge relief that he’s hadyet another good result ”
AustinO’Connorslipped aplacetothirdon the SaltySyndicate’sColoradoBlue,havinghit two railsasopposed to Oliver’sone,butheis thefirst Irishriderinthe topthreesinceJessica HarringtonandAmoyin1985.
“Naturally I’m a bit disappointed, but to be on the podium with two heroes - two of the best riders in the world -is pretty amazing,” hesaid. “The result is personally great for me, but I hope it willgive Irish eventing a lift ”
TomMcEwenconjured abeautifulclear round onhisOlympic teamgoldmedallistToledode Kerser to rise to fourthplace; TomJacksonscored hisbesteverBadminton result,risingfiveplaces to fifth onhis excitingride CapelsHollowDrift; andGemma Tattersall,whounluckilyhadthe very lastraildown,finishedsixthonJalapeno,the highest placedmare.
WorldnumberoneTim Pricefinishedseventh forNew Zealandon VitaliandBubbyUpton was eighthandhighest placedunder-25rideron Cola. Three-timeBadmintonwinnerPippa Funnell,who rodesuch asuperb earlycross-country roundon MajasHope,was10th,and Frenchfirst-timerLuc Chateaufinished11thon ViensduMont, ariseof 26places afterdressage.
RosCanterpaidtributetoher team, especially hermother,Heather (“she keeps the wheel turning”) andtrainer,CarolineMoore-and to the spectators. “Thankyou for being such a great audience and for sticking it out in this miserable weather,” shesaid,althoughnoamountof rain coulddampenBadminton’sjoy atsuch aworthy winner.
Rosalind Canter wonBadminton Horse Trials,presented by Mars Equestrian,inthebest possible style:with aclearshowjumping roundand ahugewinningmargin -15 penalties-the largest ofmoderntimes.
Sheledfromthe startofthe competitionon Michelle Saul’s11-year-old LordshipsGraffalo, ahorsethathas wonthe heartsofacheerful Badmintoncrowd,who remainedundaunted by the terrible weatheronahistoric coronation weekend.
“He’s an out-and-out event horse and it’s a privilege to have him in your life,” said Ros, 37, who wasalsoninthon Pencos RoyalJewel.“He hascharacterineveryporeandmakesuslaugh everyday.
“I think I was at my calmest when I entered the arena, but it’s been a long day.He jumped a bit with his head in the air, but he wanted to clear the fences ”
Withthisvictory,Rosbecomesthe fifth rider inhistory -andthethirdBritish woman, following inthedistinguished footstepsofLucindaGreen
1st Rosalind Canterriding LordshipsGraffalo, score35.3
2nd Oliver Townend ridingBallaghmorClass, score50.3
3rd AustinO’connorriding ColoradoBlue, score51.9
4th TomMcEwenv riding ToledoDeKerser, score54.4
5th TomJacksonriding CapelsHollowDrift, score58.4