Choate Rosemary Hall Bulletin, Summer 2011

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Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni Magazine

The most ambitious The School’s most capital ambitious campaign in school in history capital campaign its history, raised raisesover over$220 $220million. million.

sum CAMPAIGN A SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN s ummemr e2011 r 2011| preview: | preview: 8 8 A SUCCESSFUL 254 254 graduates graduates celebrated celebrated the the School’s School’s121st 121stCommencement. Commencement.


More than 1,000 alumni and alumnae returned to campus campus.

23 REUNION 2011 23

Choate Rosemary Hall Alumni Magazine Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications Mary G. Verselli Editor Lorraine S. Connelly Design and Production David C. Nesdale Class Notes Editor Henry McNulty ’65 Contributors Ellen Q. Devine Gwenith Heuss-Severance Jeffery Kurz G. Edmondson Maddox Rahim Mawji ’11 Henry McNulty ’65 Kevin Mardesich ’87 Sandra Podesta Shanahan Joanne C. Sullivan Leslie Virostek Photography Donald R. Bennett Deron Chang Glenn Curtis Al Ferreria John Giammatteo ’77 Ian Morris Matthew Sussman Life Trustees Charles F. Dey Bruce S. Gelb ’45 Edwin A. Goodman ’58 Cary L. Neiman ’64 Stephen J. Schulte ’56 Edward J. Shanahan William G. Spears ’56

2011-2012 Board of Trustees Luis H. Ball '78 Susan M. Barclay ’85 Samuel P. Bartlett '91 Michael J. Carr ’76 Alex D. Curtis Richard Elman David R. Foster '72 Robert B. Goergen, Jr. ’89 John F. Green ’77 Linda J. Hodge '73 Brett M. Johnson ’88 Warren B. Kanders ’75 Herbert V. Kohler, Jr. ’57 Edward O. Lanphier ’74 William Laverack, Jr. Gretchen Cooper Leach ’57 James A. Lebovitz '75 Kewsong Lee ’82 Robert A. Minicucci ’71 Linda H. Rieer ’79 Marshall S. Ruben Henry K. Snyder ’85 M. Window Snyder ’93 Jeanette Sublett Thomas M. Viertel ’59 Benjamin S. Walton ’92 Editorial Advisory Board Susan M. Barclay ’85 Christopher Hodgson '73 Judy Donald ’66 Howard R. Greene Dorothy Heyl ’71 Stephanie Ardrey Hazard ’81 Henry McNulty ’65 John Steinbreder ’74 Francesca Vietor ’82 Heather Zavod

Contact the Editorial Office Communications OfďŹ ce, c/o Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian Street Wallingford, CT 06492-3800 Editorial OfďŹ ces: (203) 697-2252 Fax Number: (203) 697-2380 Email: Web site: Submissions to the Magazine All submissions to the Bulletin should be made via the Web site or through regular post. Photos should be supplied in hard copy format or in digital format at 300 dpi. Every effort is made to accommodate all submissions. However, the Editor reserves the right to refuse images that are not suitable for printing due to poor quality and to edit content to ďŹ t within the space allotted.

Choate Rosemary Hall Bulletin is published fall, spring, and summer for alumni, students and their parents, and friends of the School. Please send change of address to Alumni Records and all other correspondence to the Communications OfďŹ ce, 333 Christian Street, Wallingford, CT 06492-3800. Choate Rosemary Hall does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, athletics, other school-administered programs, or in the administration of its hiring and employment practices on the basis of age, gender, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or non-job-related handicap. Our Commitment to the Environment The Bulletin is printed using vegetable-based inks on ChorusArt Silk, an FSC-certiďŹ ed paper which contains 70% recycled content, including 30% post consumer waste. This issue saved the equivalent of 32+ trees, 13,488 gals. wastewater ow, 92+ lbs. water-borne waste not created and prevented over 2,938+ lbs. of greenhouse gases from being emitted into the atmosphere.

Printed in U.S.A. 1011-142/17.8 M


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Contents s u m m e r 2 0 1 1





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Headmaster’s Letter # 9elcoOe /essaIe HroO #leZ & %urtis



Campus Connection News about the School

Leading for the Future— An Opportunity to Lead: the Campaign for Choate Rosemary Hall


Alumni Association News

/ore thaP FoPors coPtributeF to the success oH the Schoolos Oost aObitious capital caOpaiIP iP its histor[ raisiPI OillioP Hor strateIic priorities


Class Notes


In Memoriam

56 60


2roËŹles oH 7Mulele -iPI ,iO $eloHH o 2resiFePt oH 4'& &oP /ac-iPPoP o 8ice 2resiFePt oH &evelopOePt #$% /eFia 2roFuctioPs &aviF StoPe o aPF 2s[choloIist -atie $aPPoP 6a[lor o

Commencement 2011 1P ,uPe IraFuates celebrateF the Schoolos st %oOOePceOePt with HaOil[ aPF HriePFs ) 'FOoPFsoP /aFFoZos $accalaureate reOarMs set the toPe Hor the weeMePF pSta[ coPPecteF with this place aPF each other q

Reunion 2011 /ore thaP aluOPi aPF aluOPae returPeF to caOpus to reOeOber aPF reOiPisce


SpriPI Sports 9rap up

Bookshelf 4eviews oH worMs b[ )raPt /c%liPtocM o ,oshua -ePFall o -ate $etts o aPF SusaP 9altoP o

End Note *eaF aPF *eart )rowth b[ 4ahiO /awLi o

letter from the headmaster



Dear Alumni and Friends of Choate Rosemary Hall, SiPce taMiPI oP O[ Futies as heaFOaster oP ,ul[ + have beeP learPiPI Oore about this woPFerHull[ F[PaOic caOpus each aPF ever[ Fa[ + arriveF oPe weeM iPto the Schoolos SuOOer 2roIraOs aPF + have haF ËŹrsthaPF IliOpses oH the Sualit[ proIraOs we oHHerthiIh school stuFePts ePIaIeF iP FocuOePtar[ ËŹlOOaMiPI aPF creative writiPI courses OiFFle school stuFePts learPiPI lab techPiSues iP the /ath SciePce +Pstitute Hor )irls aPF [ouPI liPIuists iP the &iscover %hiPese 2roIraO FeterOiPeF to Oaster the Hour toPes oH /aPFariP 9hat a creative learPiPI ePviroPOePt %hoate proviFes +P this issue oH the Bulletin [ou will reaF about the successHul coPclusioP oH the Oost aObitious HuPFraisiPI caOpaiIP iP the histor[ oH the School An Opportunity to Lead raiseF Oore thaP OillioP Hor strateIic priorities iPcluFiPI the HuPFiPI Hor %hoateos preOiere -ohler 'PviroPOePtal %ePter proviFeF b[ aP eZtraorFiPar[ IiHt HroO *erbert 8 -ohler ,r o aPF the plaPPeF rePovatioP oH St ,ohP *all iPto a Pew cePter Hor /atheOatics %oOputer SciePce aPF 4obotics that will be a staPFout aOoPI %hoateos peer schools 6hese are Lust two vibraPt iPFicators oH coPtiPueF Irowth oP %hoateos hori\oP +P #uIust + aO looMiPI HorwarF to O[ ËŹrst opportuPit[ to worM Firectl[ with the $oarF oH 6rustees as we beIiP plaPPiPI Hor the Huture oH this Ireat school #s we coPsiFer the bolF Ooves our school caP aPF shoulF OaMe

to ePhaPce its Huture + waPt to assure [ou that we will Fo so with p(iFelitas et +PteIritasq aPF a coOOitOePt to the values that have serveF %hoate 4oseOar[ *all so well Hor Oore thaP a cePtur[ + aO eZciteF as we beIiP toIether to write this Pew chapter oH our Schoolos histor[ [et reOaiP coOOitteF to the values that have FeËŹPeF %hoate 4oseOar[ *all Hor the past [ears 6he traFitioP iPPovatioP aPF coOOuPit[ that have HorOeF the HouPFatioP oH our iPstitutioP will iPHorO our PeZt chapter iP eFucatioP #s we eZplore FiIital techPoloIies Pew OoFes oH learPiPI aPF sustaiPable liviPI we will be coPËŹFePtl[ IuiFeF b[ the rich histor[ that has shapeF our path to the Huture + looM HorwarF to OeetiPI OaP[ oH [ou over the coOiPI school [ear aPF iP the [ears aheaF

With all best wishes from campus,

#leZ & %urtis *eaFOaster

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Campus Connection W I T H



o oH /iFFlebur[ %oPP was oPe oH three %oPPecticut hiIh school sePiors PaOeF as 7 S 2resiFePtial Scholars which hoPor acaFeOic artistic aPF leaFership sMills 1lsoP oPe oH scholars PatioPwiFe was citeF iP /a[ Hor her accoOplishOePts iP 9ashiPItoP & % 6he 9hite *ouse %oOOissioP oP 2resiFePtial Scholars chose the scholars baseF oP acaFeOic success artistic eZcellePce essa[s school evaluatioPs aPF traPscripts as well as coOOuPit[ service leaFership aPF a coOOitOePt to hiIh iFeals SiPce each 2resiFePtial Scholar has iPviteF his or her Oost iPspiriPI aPF challePIiPI teacher to travel to 9ashiPItoP & % to receive a 6eacher 4ecoIPitioP #warF HroO the 7 S &epartOePt oH 'FucatioP aPF to participate iP the recoIPitioP evePts 1lsoP brouIht her aFviser 2hilip 8ePtre SI XT H F O R ME R N A M E D GATE S MIL L E NNIUM S CHOL AR ,arreF

-ePPeF[ .oviPI o a siZth HorO +cahP Scholar HroO NorthaOptoP /ass was selecteF as a )ates /illePPiuO Scholar the secoPF %hoate stuFePt to be so hoPoreF 6he )ates /illePPiuO Scholars HuPFeF b[ a IraPt HroO the $ill /eliPFa )ates (ouPFatioP was establisheF iP to proviFe outstaPFiPI OiPorit[ stuFePts with aP opportuPit[ to coOplete aP uPFerIraFuate colleIe eFucatioP iP all FiscipliPe areas aPF a IraFuate eFucatioP Hor those stuFePts pursuiPI stuFies iP OatheOatics sciePce ePIiPeeriPI eFucatioP or librar[ sciePce # Hour [ear %hoate stuFePt -ePPeF[ .oviPI is heaFeF to $owFoiP %olleIe this Hall



spoMe at aP all school Special 2roIraO oP #pril SiPce /r $rooMs has haF a coluOP oP the 1p 'F paIe oH The New York Times *e has beeP a sePior eFitor at The Weekly Standard a coPtributiPI eFitor at Newsweek aPF the Atlantic Monthly a coOOePtator oP 6he News *our with ,iO .ehrer aPF HreSuePt aPal[st oP N24os #ll 6hiPIs


1 ;ear 'PF *oPorees 1P ,uPe the %hoate coOOuPit[ IathereF to celebrate Hacult[ aPF staHH reachiPI their [ear OilestoPes aPF *eaFOaster 'FwarF , ShaPahaPos retireOePt aHter [ears oH service (roO leHt 6hoOas $ &a[ #O[ ' Salot 4obert , &e/arco *eaFOaster ShaPahaP 4osa % *olava 6revor $ 2earF <Oara -Poll aPF &aviF / .oeb

U. S. SEN . RICH ARD M. BLUMEN T H AL, the LuPior SePator HroO %oPPecticut spoMe to %hoate 4oseOar[ *all political sciePce ecoPoOics aPF coPstitutioPal law stuFePts oP #pril SeP $luOePthal spoMe to stuFePts oP the topic oH public service HolloweF b[ a SuestioP aPF aPswer sessioP with %hoate stuFePts $eHore beiPI sworP iP ,aPuar[ $luOePthal serveF aP uPpreceFePteF ËŹve terOs as %oPPecticutos #ttorPe[ )ePeral *e was iP the %oPPecticut *ouse oH 4epresePtatives HroO to aPF the %oPPecticut State SePate HroO to (roO to he was 7 S #ttorPe[ Hor %oPPecticut THE 2011 CHOATE ROSEMARY HALL ALUMNI AWARDS WERE



%oPsiFereF *e spoMe to stuFePts aPF Hacult[ about his Pewl[ publisheF booM The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement which eZaOiPes wh[ PeurosciePce aPF socioloI[ are critical to thiPMiPI about politics culture aPF the Huture oH #Oerica iP worlF societ[ 6his Special 2roIraO was OaFe possible b[ the 6halheiOer 'Fucator iP 4esiFePce aPF the #ObassaFor S &avis 2hillips o +PterPatioPal .ectureship (uPFs

PRESENTED to 6err[ # 1 Neill 4* 2resiFePt oH the NatioPal 1rIaPi\atioP Hor 9oOeP aPF *aOiltoP 6oP[ ' ,aOes % 2resiFePt aPF %hieH 1peratiPI 1HËŹcer oH $lacMstoPe )roup /aPaIeOePt . . % at aP all school OeetiPI oP #pril 1 Neill a HeOiPist attorPe[ proHessor aPF activist Hor social Lustice was electeF 2resiFePt oH N19 iP ,uPe She is also 2resiFePt oH the N19 (ouPFatioP aPF chair oH the N19 2olitical #ctioP %oOOittees aPF serves as the priPcipal spoMespersoP Hor all three ePtities She holFs a bachelor s FeIree iP (rePch HroO NorthwesterP 7Piversit[ aPF a law FeIree HroO 6ulaPe 7Piversit[ # HorOer OeOber oH the %hoate 4oseOar[ *all $oarF oH 6rustees ,aOes is 2resiFePt aPF %hieH 1peratiPI 1HËŹcer oH $lacM stoPe )roup /aPaIeOePt . . % 2rior to LoiPiPI $lacMstoPe ,aOes was %hairOaP oH )lobal +PvestOePt $aPMiPI aPF 2rivate 'Suit[ at %reFit Suisse (irst $ostoP aPF a OeOber oH the 'Zecutive $oarF *e IraFuateF HroO *arvarF %olleIe aPF earPeF aP /$# HroO the *arvarF $usiPess School


2 -ile[ -ePPeF[ o Ireets Iuest speaMer SeP 4icharF / $luOePthal oP #pril 3 #luOPi #warF recipiePts *aOiltoP ' ,aOes o aPF 6err[ 1oNeill o cePter with *eaFOaster ShaPahaP aPF 9ooF[ .aiMiPF o NoOiPatiPI 2ri\es 1HËŹcer oH the #luOPi #ssociatioP

4|5 O N


G UYS A N D D O L LS 6he st #PPual SpriPI /usical at the 2aul /elloP #rts %ePter was Guys and Dolls FirecteF b[ 6rac[ )iPFer &elvePthal Guys and Dolls booM b[ ,o SwerliPI #be $urrows Ousic l[rics b[ (raPM .oesser opePeF at the th Street 6heatre oP NoveOber aPF ePLo[eF a ruP oH perHorOaPces becoOiPI the ËŹHth loPIest ruPPiPI $roaFwa[ Ousical oH the s 2ictureF here %aOeroP .[oP oH 9iPter 2arM (la as /iss #FelaiFe aPF her *ot $oZ )irls siPIiPI p$ushel aPF a 2ecM q





N EW DIRECTOR OF T H E ART S -al[a ;aPPatos has beeP appoiPteF

6he %hoate 4oseOar[ *all %haOber 1rchestra uPFer the FirectioP oH 2hilip 8ePtre perHorOeF at three coPcert vePues iP (raPce $elIiuO aPF 6he NetherlaPFs HroO ,uPe to 4aHe $ell a cellist aPF his wiHe #Mi perHorOeF iP 2aris with the %haOber 1rchestra as Iuest soloists Hor #PtoPio 8ivalFi s %oPcerto Hor 8ioliP aPF 8ioloPcello 4aHe is a OeOber oH the .ucerPe (estival 1rchestra aPF pla[s with two aFFitioPal OaLor 'uropeaP orchestras +P /arch OeObers oH the (estival aPF %haOber %horuses traveleF to +tal[ visitiPI (lorePce #ssisi 4oOe 2oOpeii SorrePto aPF %apri 6he touriPI chorus leF b[ husbaPF aPF wiHe choral Firectors /ar[ NelsoP aPF ,iO $alOer perHorOeF at a /ass at St 2eter s $asilica iP the 8aticaP oP /arch St 2atricM s &a[

&irector oH the #rts -al[a coOes to %hoate aHter serviPI as #rt &epartOePt %hair at 6he 2utPe[ School iP 8erOoPt Hor the past seveP [ears where she was also &irector oH the &aPce 2roIraO aPF &irector oH the 'vePiPI #rts 2roIraO 4aiseF iP a hiIhl[ acaFeOic aPF Ousical HaOil[ iP %aObriFIe /ass ;aPPatos OaFe the FecisioP as a teePaIer to be a proHessioPal FaPcer #Hter a career as a FaPcer aPF teacher oH FaPce iP New ;orM aPF .os #PIeles she becaOe aP eFucator She helpeF create aP iPterFiscipliPar[ course at 2utPe[ with the ph[sics aPF visual arts teachers aPF is coOOitteF to iPterFiscipliPar[ worM


S[riaP artist -haleF #l Saai FeOoPstrateF his calliIraphic sMills to stuFePts iP %hoateos #rab aPF /iFFle 'asterP StuFies proIraO iP /arch $orP iP S[ria #l Saai Irew up iP a householF surrouPFeF b[ paiPtiPI Ousic aPF calliIraph[ $[ the aIe oH he haF alreaF[ establisheF a reputatioP as a calliIrapher *e IraFuateF HroO the 7Piversit[ oH &aOascus iP with his / # iP (iPe #rt aPF wePt oP to becoOe aP iPterPatioPall[ recoIPi\eF Oaster oH #rabic calliIraph[ *e has participateF iP OaP[ iPterPatioPal art coOpetitioPs aPF helF solo eZhibitioPs throuIhout 'urope aPF several /iFFle 'asterP couPtries *e has coPFucteF worMshops aPF eZhibitioPs iP %hicaIo aPF $ostoP &r /arcia % +PhorP the 9illiaO - .aPOaP ,r 2roHessor oH #PthropoloI[ aPF +PterPatioPal #HHairs aPF %hair oH ;aleos %ouPcil oP /iFFle 'ast StuFies %/'S iP the /ac/illaP %ePter Hor +PterPatioPal aPF #rea StuFies arraPIeF Hor #l Saai s visit &r +PhorP is the Oother oH %arl *ooMs o



1 6he %hoate 4oseOar[ *all %haOber 1rchestra perHorOeF iP #OsterFaO oP ,uPe at -ei\ersIracht %hurch 2 -al[a ;aPPatos Pewl[ appoiPteF &irector Hor the #rts

EDUCATORS- AT-SEA 6hree %hoate sciePce teachers s -atriPa

.iPthorst *oOaP 'Oil[ .oveLo[ aPF /eI $lit\er s have beeP choseP to be 'Fucators at Sea with the 1ceaP 'ZploratioP 6rust 6he teachers will LoiP &r 4obert $allarFos sciePce teaO oP boarF the E/V Nautilus as the[ surve[ reIioPs oH the $lacM Sea aPF eZplore oHH the coasts oH 6urMe[ )reece +tal[ SpaiP aPF +srael #s the 'Fucators at Sea the[ will be charIeF with briPIiPI the eZciteOePt aPF the eZperiePce oH authePtic oceaP eZploratioP to worlF wiFe auFiePces oP the website www Pautiluslive orI throuIh bloI postiPIs photoIraphs iPteractive SuestioP aPF aPswer sessioPs aPF perioFic upFates StuFePts caP also Hollow aloPI oP (acebooM aPF 6witter BULLE TIN WIN S CASE SILVER AWARD 6he Schoolos aluOPi OaIa\iPe

was the recipiePt oH a Silver #warF iP the %ircle oH 'ZcellePce #warFs 2roIraO spoPsoreF b[ %ouPcil Hor #FvaPceOePt aPF Support iP 'FucatioP %#S' 6here were Oore thaP ePtries iP the +PFepePFePt School /aIa\iPe cateIor[ /eObership iP the %ircle oH 'ZcellePce is bestoweF oP a hiIhl[ select Iroup oH eFucatioPal iPstitutioPs pwhose creative proIraOOiPI FeOoPstrates eZeOplar[ perHorOaPce or siIPiËŹcaPt iOproveOePt q +P the OaIa\iPe woP a $roP\e #warF


3 -haleF #l Saai FeOoPstrates calliIraphic techPiSue to )ra[soP 9arricM o leHt aPF SaiH NaLLar o riIht

36 | 47


*eaFOaster 'FwarF , ShaPahaP aPF $oarF %hairOaP *erbert 8 -ohler ,r o Ë­aPM OeObers oH the %hoate 4oseOar[ *all coOOuPit[ at the #pril IrouPFbreaMiPI Hor the -ohler 'PviroPOePtal %ePter

School Breaks Ground On Kohler Environmental Center 1P #pril a IrouPFbreaMiPI cereOoP[ was helF Hor the School s Pew -ohler 'PviroPOePtal %ePter 2resiFiPI at the cereOoP[ were *erbert 8 -ohler ,r o %hairOaP oH %hoate 4oseOar[ *allos $oarF oH 6rustees aPF %hairOaP aPF %'1 oH -ohler %o 'FwarF , ShaPahaP *eaFOaster oH %hoate 4oseOar[ *all 4obert # / SterP &eaP oH the ;ale School oH #rchitecture aPF (ouPFer aPF SePior 2artPer oH 4obert # / SterP #rchitects ..2 9alliPIHorF /a[or 9illiaO 9 &icMiPsoP ,r -athleeP .[oPs 9allace #ssociate *eaFOaster aPF &eaP oH #caFeOic #HHairs aPF 9illiaO .averacM 2resiFePt oH the SiZth (orO 6he acaFeOic cePter will oHHer aP iPterFisci pliPar[ proIraO with a Hocus oP the ePviroPOePt +t will also be a resiFePtial Hacilit[ hoOe to two Hacult[ OeObers aPF up to %hoate stuFePts StuFePts aPF Hacult[ will eZperiePce what it OeaPs to live sustaiPabl[ /r -ohler the leaF FoPor oH the Hacilit[ proviFeF the iPspiratioP ËŹPaPcial support aPF FesiIP FirectioP Hor the Pew tiOber coPstructioP aPF ËŹelFstoPe sSuare Hoot %ePter situateF oP uPFevelopeF acres Porth aPF east oH the OaiP caOpus +P his reOarMs at the IrouPFbreaMiPI cereOoP[ /r -ohler saiF 6his laPF aPF this builFiPI which will act as its cePterpiece =will? ePable the coOOuPit[ to uPFerstaPF the laPF aPF its iPË­uePces iP all aspects oH sciePce aPF the arts +t will

ePable stuFePts to create their owP sustaiPable Hoot priPts throuIh research aPF Fiscover[ haviPI HolloweF the priPts oH ,ohP /uir (raPM .lo[F 9riIht aPF #lFo .eopolF /r SterP who as HouPFer aPF SePior 2artPer oH 4obert # / SterP #rchitects persoPall[ Firects the FesiIP oH each oH the ËŹrO s proLects reOarMeF 2rouF thouIh + aO oH the -ohler %ePter as a worM oH architecture + also taMe priFe iP it as aP eZperiOePt iP sustaiPable liviPI 6he -ohler %ePter represePts architecture s capacit[ to teach helpiPI stuFePts to uPFerstaPF respoPsible ePerI[ use aPF how to OaMe it a Fail[ realit[ b[ ePcouraIiPI iPFiviFual aPF collective choices *eaFOaster ShaPahaP PoteF + hope that the -ohler 'PviroPOePtal %ePter will serve as a beacoP Pot oPl[ Hor prospective %hoate stuFePts but Hor stuFePts attePFiPI schools ever[where which Fraws theO to learP about aPF coOOit theOselves to taMiPI care oH the earth 6he -ohler 'PviroPOePtal %ePter is scheFuleF to be coOpleteF iP the suOOer oH aPF iP operatioP Hor %hoate s acaFeOic [ear




Leading for the




L A U N C H E D I N N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 6 , the campaign received new pledges and commitments totaling over $220 million, well beyond its anticipated $200 million goal. An Opportunity to Lead is the largest capital campaign in the history of Choate Rosemary Hall and the largest-ever in Connecticut secondary school history. The School’s previous capital campaign, A Shared Commitment , which successfully concluded in 2000, raised $135 million. Looking back, says Executive Director of Development Daniel J. Courcey, III ’86, “It’s clear we initiated this campaign at the near tail-end of a golden era of fundraising. At the time we launched the campaign, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 12,108. Countrywide, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers were doing ďŹ ne. And Bernie Madoff was a relative unknown. The skies were blue and the possibilities unlimited. Then the global ďŹ nancial meltdown of 2008 tested the true mettle of Choate Rosemary Hall and its ambitious capital campaign. By November 20, 2008, the Dow Jones fell to 7,552 and the pressure was decidedly on.â€? Facing times of urgent ďŹ scal constraint and strong institutional need, the School, its Board of Trustees and members of the National Campaign Steering Committee nevertheless worked together to craft a path that ultimately enabled Choate to exceed goal – ďŹ ve months ahead of time. Adds Courcey: “The success of this campaign is more than just an impressive ďŹ nancial accomplishment: it’s a story of undying support, true grit, perseverance and stick-to-it-ness, with a little bit of bare-knuckle fundraising thrown in for good measure.â€?



"Choate gave me a chance when no one else would.Today, it's truer than ever for the boys and girls who experience the magic of this educational experience. At the most formative times in the lives of budding young adults, Choate offers unequaled opportunities for personal growth, academic discovery and life learning." —BRUCE GELB ’45, N A T I O N A L C A M PA I G N C H A I R M A N

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Despite ďŹ nancial uncertainty, nearly 11,000 alumni, parents, students, Choate faculty members, friends, corporations and foundations rallied to make contributions to the campaign. Sixty-seven percent of campaign support came from $1 million-plus donors. Current and former Choate parents generously contributed more than $55,000,000. As the playwright Thornton Wilder noted, “Providence has nothing good or high in store for one who does not resolutely aim at something high or good. A purpose is the eternal condition of success.â€? The School aimed high with purpose. At the conclusion of the gala event, Headmaster Edward J. Shanahan toasted National Campaign Chair Bruce Gelb ’45 for his unprecedented seven years of service (from the campaign’s quiet phase to conclusion) and said, “We salute all who stepped forward to help make our School a stronger, more vibrant institution. You have given our School its opportunity to lead. Thank you for heeding our call.â€?






cover story



C OMME NC E MEN T TWO THOUSAND AND ELEVEN $ # % % # . # 7 4 ' # 6 ' 4 ' / # 4 - 5 s , 7 0 ' $; ) '&/10&510 /#&&1:

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O N J U N E 5 , 2 5 4 G R A D UAT E S O F C H OAT E R O S E M A R Y H A L L C E L E B R AT E D T H E S C H O O L ’ S

with family and friends on a picture perfect day. In his Commencement remarks, author and historian Chris Matthews shared with graduates what his research for his new book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero , uncovered about the developing leadership traits of future president, John F. Kennedy ’35, while he was still a student at Choate. This was Edward J. Shanahan’s last Commencement after serving Choate as headmaster since 1991. He was presented with an honorary Choate diploma by President of the Sixth Form, William Laverack, of New Canaan, Connecticut. The previous day, longtime faculty member G. Edmondson Maddox, retiring for the third time, gave the Baccalaureate remarks, excerpted below, which captured the theme of the weekend: “Stay connected with this place and each other.” “As the oldest retiring member of the Choate faculty, it is my honor to deliver this year’s Baccalaureate remarks. This is one of the benefits of old age; the other is riding Metro-North for half-fare. 1 2 1 ST C O M M E N C E M E N T


“As someone who has sat through his share of graduations – 51, if you include Ms. Patton’s kindergarten class of 1947 – I have some small inkling of what you are silently saying right now: ‘Let’s just get this weekend over with so the grad parties can begin.’ “While you regret that the time has come to leave your friends, and perhaps acknowledge there have been aspects of your time here that have been idyllic, you are oh-so-ready to break free of the limitations placed upon you by the School: no more community lunch; no curfew; no coed visiting restrictions; no weekend sign-out. Since you were old enough to understand the meaning of the word ‘no’, you have lived in a world where many of the decisions in your daily life have been dictated by others. As a parent of three daughters, and a teacher of thousands of students, I know well the tensions that can exist between parent and child, teacher and student, older generation and younger generation, a young life struggling to break free of the shackles that we adults put on you as you strain to soar, like Icarus, towards the sun.

“Nothing speaks so poignantly to these tensions as when we cry, in the words of the Cat Stevens’ song Father and Son , ‘I was once like you are now, and I know it’s not easy.’ We want to hold on for a bit longer, not relinquish the bond that has connected us to you for years, not to acknowledge that our little boy or girl has grown up and has become less dependent on us and more self-reliant, more responsible for his or her own decisions. “And you reply: ‘How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again‌ from the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen. And I know I have to go away. I know; I have to go.’ “Yes, it is time for you to go, to test your newly achieved independence. We, your parents and teachers, have lovingly given you the ethical framework and analytical skills upon which to exercise that independence, but the choices you make – and the consequences that follow – are yours and yours alone. How well we and they have done our jobs will be revealed in the years ahead by the quality of the choices that you make in your own lives. “You will soon scatter like blown leaves around the world; but the one thing that will bind you forever with everybody in this room is

the experience that is Choate Rosemary Hall. Stay connected with this place and with each other. Let Choate remain as that secure constant in your life to which you periodically return either personally, or in your dreams to reconnect with a time in your life that will never, ever again be so innocent, so full of hopes and dreams, so free of adult responsibility. This time tomorrow, you will be gone, and an eerie silence will have descended upon this campus. And you will be already missed. Why is that so? David Brooks says it best when he writes that good teaching grows out of ‘caritas’ – unlimited loving kindness – for one’s students. Good teaching


CHOAT E ’ S C L AS S O F 2 0 1 1 Total graduates: School Seal Prize winners:








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Âť PCOG Thatcher Mbesu Mweu

EQNNGIG Will matriculate at Smith College in the fall OCLQT International Relations and Mandarin Chinese

CYCTFU Winner of the Flora Macdonald Bonney Prize for contributing OQUV WPUGNÉ…UJN[ VQ VJG YGNHCTG of the community.

DCEMUVQT[ Choate Rosemary Hall’s Gakio-Walton International Scholars Program was created through the generosity of The Walton Family Foundation and Trustee Benjamin S. Walton ’92. In 2002, the Walton Family Foundation RTQXKFGF KVU ɅTUV ITCPV VQ HWPF the education of a student from Kenya in memory of Ben Walton’s friend and Choate classmate Wilson Mukuna Gakio. Candidates for this program are talented and motivated students, selected primarily from Africa and the Middle East, who have the academic promise, intellectual curiosity and sound character needed to be successful at %JQCVG DWV NCEM VJG ɅPCPEKCN OGCPU VQ CVVGPF C ɅTUV ENCUU academic institution in the United States.

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and learning cannot take place in an environment devoid of caritas. I hope you have found that connection – indeed, that love – here, and that it will sustain you in the years ahead. And that Choate has taught you the language of compassion, tolerance, commitment, and personal courage in the face of possible defeat. “My parting wish for you is that when you come – as I have now – to the last day of your career, you can look back across the years with as much satisfaction and fulfillment that I feel now. Yes, it’s time to go, but along the way I hope you too find time to laugh; to read poetry; to make music; to climb mountains and run rivers and go

to ball games and to love your friends; and that at the end you – like me – have no regrets for the choices made.” Ed Maddox’s career at Choate has spanned 40 years. He has retired three times, most recently as Interim Director of the Paul Mellon Arts Center. Father and Son CU RGTHQTOGF D[ 'VJCP 7PFGTJKNN o 9KNN .CXGTCEM o <CPFGT 4QUGPDNWVJo ,QG ,CVWTCXKVJ o ;QW6WDG XKFGQ NKPM YYY [QWVWDG EQO YCVEJ!X GIXZGGNSFKW







1ur OissioP is to create perpetuate aPF ePhaPce relatioPships aOoPI %hoate 4oseOar[ *all aluOPi currePt aPF prospective stuFePts Hacult[ staHH aPF HriePFs iP orFer to Hoster lo[alt[ iPterest aPF support Hor the School aPF Hor oPe aPother aPF to builF priFe spirit aPF coOOuPit[ OFFICERS SusaP $arcla[ o 2resiFePt $arcla[s "[ahoo coO

%QOOWPKECVKQPU %hristopher *oFIsoP o %hair choFIsoP"FuraPtPic coO

StephaPie *a\arF o 2 o 8ice 2resiFePt eavLhv "aol coO

,eeiP *a o 8ice %hair LeeiPha"IOail coO

'F /c%orOicM o Secretar[ eFwarF OccorOicM"ubs coO

5VWFGPV 4GNCVKQPU )iaP %arlo 2eressutti o %hair IiaPcarlo peressutti"rrF coO

9ooF[ .aiMiPF o 2ast 2resiFePt NoOiPatiPI 2ri\es LlaiMiPF"IOail coO STANDING COMMITTEES #FOKUUKQP *ePr[ %huPI o #FOissioP %hair hePr[wchuPI"IOail coO #NWOPK 2TQITCOOKPI 'FwarF -eatiPI o %o %hair eMeatiPI"siia Pet 2atricM /c%urF[ o %o %hair OccurF[p "IOail coO #PPWCN (WPF ,iO .ebovit\ o 2 o o %hair lebovit\"Fechert coO


'Z 1HËŹcio /aPaIer #luOPi 4elatioPs aePIstroO"choate eFu &aP %ource[ o 'Z 1HËŹcio 'Zecutive &irector oH &evelopOePt Fcource["choate eFu %arol ,aPMowsMi #ssociate &irector #luOPi 4elatioPs cLaPMowsMi"choate eFu 9illiaO -Papp 2 o &irector #PPual (uPF wMPapp"choate eFu /oPica St ,aOes 2 o (acult[ 4epresePtative OstLaOes"choate eFu

T R A N S I T I O N I N G T O A LU M - H O O D (or the past ËŹve [ears the

#luOPi #ssociatioP has OarMeF the traPsitioP HroO siZth HorOers to aluOPi with a sit FowP FiPPer iP *ill *ouse &iPiPI *all 6his [ear the SePior 6raPsitioP &iPPer was helF oP #pril SpeaMiPI oP behalH oH his classOates SiZth (orO 2resiFePt 9illiaO .averacM o saiF iP his reOarMs p'ver[thiPI we are aPF ever[thiPI we will becoOe is a result oH what %hoate has FoPe Hor us %hoateos presePce iP our lives + waPt to Iive %hoate what it Feserves + will be prouF oH it tell people about the Ireat place that it is aPF acMPowleFIe that it has poiPteF Oe iP the riIht FirectioP q 1P #pril %hoate welcoOeF its ËŹrst oP caOpus (ashioP 9eeMePF 6he evePt was coPceiveF aPF orIaPi\eF b[ ShaPtell 4icharFsoP o FesiIPer owPer oH ShauPtele who waPteF to proviFe aP opportuPit[ Hor [ouPI aluOPi iP the HashioP iPFustr[ to iPteract with currePt stuFePts who are iPteresteF iP HashioP 6he evePt MicMeF oHH oP SaturFa[ OorPiPI with Lewelr[ truPM shows b[ ,ePPiHer 'li\abeth aPF #licia 2 &esiIPs .ater that evePiPI a $ePeËŹt (ashioP Show was helF at the &iPiPI *all with the sePior sectioP oH the FiPiPI rooO traPsHorOeF iPto a ruPwa[ StuFePt OoFels walMeF the ruPwa[ OoFeliPI resort looMs HroO ShauPtele 'riP (etherstoP courtes[ oH ;uri .ee o a FesiIPer at 'riP (etherstoP &alliP %hase /ichael -ors aPF 6he /ePos Store at $looOiPIFaleos courtes[ oH ,eeiP *a o a bu[er at $looOiPIFaleos #Hter the show pri\es were raHË­eF oHH to raise OoPe[ Hor )irl7p a caOpaiIP oH the 7PiteF NatioPs (ouPFatioP co HouPFeF b[ +vaPMa 6ruOp o )irl7p Iives #OericaP Iirls the opportuPit[ to chaPPel their ePerI[ aPF coOpassioP to help soOe oH the worlFos harFest to reach aFolescePt Iirls SoOe oH the pri\es iPcluFeF Fresses HroO ShauPtele aPF 'riP (etherstoP aPF )irl7p $racelets b[ +vaPMa 6ruOp (iPe ,ewelr[ 1P /a[ the 9ashiPItoP &% 4eIioPal %lub helF a paPel FiscussioP oP trePFs aPF topics relative to private secoPFar[ school eFucatioP 6he evePt was helF at St 2atricM s 'piscopal &a[ School 2aPelists iPcluFeF 6hoOas # ;aPMus %hoate 4oseOar[ *all Hacult[ OeOber &oPalF 9 (irMe 7pper School *eaF oH 2otoOac School aPF HorOer %hoate (acult[ /arM * /ulliP (orOer *eaF oH St #lbaPs School aPF HorOer %hoate (acult[ aPF author oH Educating for the 21st Century: The Challenge for Parents and Teachers aPF The Headmaster's Run 6hoOas 9 6och %o HouPFer oH 'FucatioP Sector aPF HorOer SePior 'FucatioP %orrespoPFePt oH U.S. News & World Report 6he evePt haF Oore thaP attePFees #PF iP New ;orM oP #pril at the 6ruOp Soho the coPclusioP oH An Opportunity to Lead: the %aOpaiIP Hor %hoate 4oseOar[ *all was celebrateF with Oore thaP iP attePFaPce s 575#0 $#4%.#; o #.7/0+ #551%+#6+10 24'5+&'06


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TO NED isce. TUR E remin R d n E a A r iting embe UMN

b AL s, rem r exhi AND campu eception fo t i 5 and MNI s i ’ U v e L A rny 7 ry r to r a e l B 1 l er . a 1 000 T , g 0 y 1 N 2 5 form ith a es b AN r 2 O w u H I t n T g a p N l n h i E t EU MOR y even Center – Scu ring more OR R o f Frida f s US F n t o r o P h d A M e r n k CA dinne g, Mello nd kic

rnin 5. A Paul eeke oate ay mo The w rtists at the und ’5 ciation. d r m l u l t e a he Ch S t o H a s n s h s i t o o i n A l r i w alum eeting by Ca lumn ards ll ’46 graphs ted by the A on Annual M om Wachte olunteer Aw er s photo o lV nte dT ati was h Associ an presente . The annua ptional volu ittee y t i l n u c m a f h Alu exce ward comm , Shana At the rvice A 4 Award for e. The ard J. e e S t ers w t i d d E e m om e winn ster uish er ’6 z a C g i k r l n m n i P a t d o l s i a W a i n He ll D and Kinny 1 Reu oate Se ary Ha te 196 d. The and Ch Foundation former a e t s o e n h t Rosem e a C s , m r to the lso pre Arthu hillips o class e Mac d S. Davis P were a as presented ion with tw h t f o w uss sident ts Watch an service a panel disc ure er Pre m r d o Righ sculpt r f e s , n g a d n n a a o m t e r r u h a H Fan maste r mer ber of athan the fo f Head emar y o d s e Dr. Jon Board mem nia. t d s u u os r. B sto tus ts incl mer R he r Cente o i f Emeri assador to E n highligh n d m b oo & Alu Dey an unveiled. T U.S. Am rday aftern Hart Lodge rles F. a ere h C u Sat cBee w ally Head S M 2, d e e n c h a i t at 9. bell ’6 pal d Al i 4 p n ’ n c o a m n i e i t l a t p r a t C c P su dedi hn R. Ted Li ose ormer Eugenia Jes illiam erated by Jo hts from th han, f a s W e n y s a s b h S od ed stre nsig eadmi ct was fund I Served,” m rovocative i Hall h e “ p j , o e d r l e ure p undtab provid sculpt tary ro rple hearts, untry. i l i m A ir co o pu t of tw to serve the n e i p i a rec chose i who alumn

May 13-15, 2011



T O P L E F T &oPor 9illiaO 6eF .ittle

o aPF sculptor $ruPo .ucchesi pose with the bust oH *eaFOaster ShaPahaP T O P C E N T E R 6he bust oH HorOer

2riPcipal aPF *eaF oH School %harles ( &e[


T O P R I G H T 4oseOar[ *all #luOPae %lub %hair #lice (reeOaP %haHHee o aPF #rchivist ,uF[ &oPalF o pose with the bust oH HorOer 4oseOar[ *all *eaFOistress #lice /c$ee B O T T O M L E F T 6he &e[ (aOil[t

$acM row HroO leHt 4obiP o #PPette aPF 4aPi wiHe aPF FauIhter oH #PFrew o 6oO o aPF 2ePP[ SeateF HroO leHt /aOta &e[ with IraPFparePts %harel[ aPF 2hoebe B O T T O M R I G H T *eaFOaster

ShaPahaP aFOires his liMePess


T O P L E F T (orOer 'PIlish teacher

4aOaP /ePoP aPF his wiHe /er[l T O P R I G H T (orOer &eaP oH (acult[ ) 'FOoPFsoP /aFFoZ aPF HorOer 8ice 2riPcipal Hor #caFeOic #HHairs ,oaPPe % SullivaP B O T T O M (roO leHt ,eaP 6oppiPI

#PP NesslaIe )weP *eusssSeveraPce aPF 'lMe *oppePbrouwers




T O P /ill aPF swillt#luOs saOple a variet[ oH

wiPes proviFeF b[ %hoate viPtPers B O T T O M L E F T %lassOates 'Oil[ 9hitOore /arM .e[ForH aPF )ita 2aPLabi 6release B O T T O M R I G H T .eIePFar[ teacher coach

aPF FeaP 6oO ;aPMus o with aluOs HroO the %lass oH (roO leHt &oroth[ Spears )weP Strauss ,iO $alFwiP 9erPer &icM &ouI &oPalFsoP aPF &aPP[ SchiHH


R I G H T /ilitar[ rouPFtable paPelists HroO leHt

)reI /arviPsOith o %hris $ecM o OoFerator ,ohP %aOpbell o ,elaPi *ale o 4ic *aeussler o .isa SePa[ o aPF 2ePP $ehrePs o


26 | 27




T O P, L E F T A N D R I G H T %hoate

th 4euPioP FiPPer iP the .ibrar[ 4eaFiPI 4ooO A B O V E 4oseOar[ *all th 4euPioP %lass IathereF at *ill *ouse


L E F T 6he .ouise 2owe *o[t o #warF to a 4oseOar[ *all voluPteer who has proviFeF aP iPspiriPI eZaOple oH FeFicatioP aPF lo[alt[ was presePteF to ,uF[ &oPalF o R I G H T 4euPioP %oOOittee

%o %hairs Seth *o[t leHt aPF %lip -PiHËŹP riIht accept 6he -iPP[ 9alMer #warF Hor 'ZceptioPal 8oluPteer Service B O T T O M L E F T 6oO 9achtell o was the recipiePt oH the &istiPIuisheF Service #warF B O T T O M R I G H T 6he %hoate

4oseOar[ *all #PPual (uPF #IePt #warF was presePteF to 2atricM (alloP o 6he (reF %larMe ,r o #warF to the aPPual HuPF aIePt with aP outstaPFiPI school recorF was presePteF to ,ohP 4ussell o Not pictureF


28 | 29

Class Notes p r o f i l e s 68 + tracMeF FowP a couple oH realit[ coOpaPies s there were oPl[ a Hew at the tiOe s aPF 4ocMet SciePce was oPe oH those Hew 6he[ basicall[ saiF our FevelopOePt FepartOePt is oPe Iu[ aPF we caP oPl[ pa[ [ou to be his assistaPt SiZ [ears later + was ruPPiPI the FepartOePt 9e haF IrowP to a staHH oH b[ theP BULLETIN What did you do during your tenure

there? DAVE Joe Millionaire was the biIIest oPe 6he

preOise oH the show was a hoaZ where ever[oPe lives toIether iP a OaPsioP iP (raPce but the Iu[ is holFiPI this secret s p+oO actuall[ Firt poor q 6he SuestioP was caP he ËŹPF a woOaP who loves hiO Hor who he is Pot what he has! #bout OillioP people tuPeF iP Hor the ËŹPale 6heP we FiF Temptation Island Trading Spouses Renovate My Family a PuOber oH FiHHerePt shows

In Development Q&A with Dave Stone ’87 DAVE STONE


8ice 2resiFePt oH &evelopOePt #$% /eFia 2roFuctioPs

$[ -eviP /arFesich -eviP /arFesich currePtl[ teaches Stor[ &evelopOePt at 7%.# 'ZtePsioP aPF ruPs 'ast 9est %oOOuPicatioPs a practice that speciali\es iP writteP coOOuPicatioPs

(or the past [ears &ave StoPe MPowP as &ave 9torMowsMi at %hoate has ePFureF the slow cliOb up the ruPIs oH the ePtertaiPOePt iPFustr[ %urrePtl[ he is vice presiFePt oH FevelopOePt oH PoP scripteF proIraOOiPI Hor #$% /eFia 2roFuctioPs BULLETIN Let’s work chronologically: Choate, Dartmouth, then? DAVE + trieF a PuOber oH FiHHerePt Lobs to Iet O[ Heet wet iPcluFiPI Iraphic FesiIP at /orIaP StaPle[ iP New ;orM 6heP + waPteF to Fo Oore writiPI + wePt to worM Hor p2op 7p 8iFeoq oP 8* aPF becaOe a writer #PF theP + wePt to worM at .iHetiOe 68 worMiPI oP a pilot aPF a lot oH sOaller cable proLects 6heP + reali\eF what + reall[ waPteF to Fo was to Fevelop O[ owP iFeas rather thaP worM oP aPother series aPF + PeeFeF to Io out to %aliHorPia to Fo it BULLETIN So it wasn’t an easy walk in the door VQ [QWT DGCWVKHWN QH˭EG KP $WTDCPM QXGTNQQMKPI the hills? DAVE +t was a reall[ FiHˏcult process + FiFPot MPow aP[oPe iP the *oll[wooF iPFustr[ + FiFPot MPow how it worMeF + Iot a Lob at N$% to be aP +PterPet proFucer proFuciPI coPtePt Hor a web site N$% Soaps + spePt alOost two [ears there builFiPI up coPtePt 6heP + hearF about this Pew show coOiPI out oH 'urope calleF Survivor Lust a buPch oH real people put oP aP islaPF to see who woulF survive + thouIht that souPFeF reall[ cool aPF FiHHerePt +t was the aFvePt oH realit[

BULLETIN Was it directly from Rocket Science to here, ABC Media Productions? DAVE ;eah 'veP thouIh 4ocMet SciePce FiF reall[ well it was MiPF oH a sOall OoO aPF pop shop proFuctioP coOpaP[ (or Oe the opportuPit[ to Io to the larIest OeFia coOpaP[ iP the worlF + thouIht +oO reaF[ Hor soOethiPI coOpletel[ FiHHerePt BULLETIN You’re the VP of development for non-scripted shows. What does that mean? DAVE + Fevelop talM shows IaOe shows or realit[ shows 6he[ caP be solF to &isPe[ #$% owPeF chaPPels or outsiFe our HaOil[ + FoPot worM Hor the PetworM which oPl[ Fevelops shows Hor #$% + worM Hor a stuFio #$% /eFia 2roFuctioPs BULLETIN Do you see reality TV going for another decade? DAVE + FeˏPitel[ Fo 4ealit[ 68 riIht Pow is taMiPI little cable chaPPels liMe the *istor[ %haPPel aPF puttiPI theO oP the Oap with shows that are so popular the[ actuall[ coOpete with soOe broaF cast PetworM shows oP soOe PiIhts e Pawn Stars is Lust huIe + thiPM the reasoP that it will coPtiPue to be stroPI is that realit[ shows are so Ouch cheaper thaP scripteF shows +H PetworMs caP Iet Hour realit[ shows Hor the price oH a siPIle scripteF show aPF roll the Fice that oPe oH theO is IoiPI to be a hit liMe Dancing with the Stars or Wipeout or Extreme Makeover: Home Edition theP [ou Fo it BULLETIN In a screenplay-writing class, you learn to take opposite characters and put them in a room, and there is tension. In reality TV, do you also have to have people who will clash?

coPtiPueF oP PeZt paIe

DAVE SoOe oH the uPsuPI heroes iP the realit[ busiPess are castiPI aIePts who are so IooF at sortiPI throuIh thousaPFs oH people who waPt to be oP 68 # lot oH tiOes [ou cast people aPF the[ sa[ the[ are outraIeous aPF [ou turP the caOeras oP aPF the[ arePot 6heP [ouore leHt with PothiPI ;ou reall[ PeeF to ËŹPF people who crave attePtioP ;ou set it up so [ou MPow at the beIiPPiPI oH the seasoP [ou caP MiPF oH preFict

who is the IooF character who is the baF character who is the peaceOaMer who is the iPstiIator +H [ou FoPot have those Me[ pieces [our show caP easil[ Hall ˭at BULLETIN Do you think we could do an “Extreme /CMGQXGT &GGT˭GNF 'FKVKQPq! DAVE 6hatos a IooF iFea #bsolutel[

Body Project



$[ .eslie 8irosteM .eslie 8irosteM is a HreSuePt coPtributor to the Bulletin

The thin ideal: 6hatos the terO eatiPI FisorFer eZperts use to Fescribe the uPrealistic aPF oHteP uPhealth[ iOaIe oH what woOePos boFies shoulF looM liMe as portra[eF iP the OeFia aPF perpetuateF b[ our societ[ -atie $aPPoP 6a[lor o has loPI beeP ËŹIhtiPI aIaiPst the thiP iFeal # Hourth [ear Foctoral stuFePt iP ps[choloI[ at 4utIers 7Piversit[ she treats patiePts with eatiPI FisorFers aPF researches boF[ iOaIe aPF eatiPI FisorFer prevePtioP # Hew [ears aIo -atie worMeF oP a research bacMeF peer leF prevePtioP proIraO FesiIPeF to iPoculate colleIe sororit[ sisters aIaiPst the thiP iFeal +t Iave her aP iFea p+ thouIht n+ bet stuFePts at %hoate coulF Fo this oq sa[s -atie So worMiPI iP close collaboratioP with the %hoate %ouPseliPI Services teaO -atie FesiIPeF aPF iOpleOePteF the $oF[ 2roLect last spriPI +P the Hour sessioP proIraO LuPior aPF sePior Iirls receive eZtePsive traiPiPI iP how to be peer leaFers 6he[ OePtor aPF coach sophoOore Iirls who have choseP to participate the proIraO is optioPal iP FiscussioPs aPF activities relateF to boF[ iOaIe acceptaPce aPF the outriIht reLectioP oH the thiP iFeal (or eZaOple a peer leaFer OiIht pla[ the role oH a Iirl who Feclares p+ PeeF to sta[ thiP or O[ bo[HriePF will breaM up with Oe so + PeeF to stop eatiPI aPF Io to the I[O ever[ Fa[ q 6he participaPts Oust theP tell her wh[ sheos wroPI -atie sa[s the role pla[iPI preplicates how HrustratiPI it is to reasoP with soOeoPe who is beiPI uPreasoPable $ut also it Iets Iirls talMiPI aIaiPst the thiP iFeal q .iMe the proIraOs it is OoFeleF upoP the $oF[ 2roLect is HouPFeF oP the theor[ oH pcoIPitive FissoPaPce q basicall[ the PotioP that chaPIiPI oPeos behavior caP chaPIe oPeos OiPF p+H weore thiPMiPI oPe thiPI but weore behaviPI aPother wa[ that FoesPot Heel riIht to us q eZplaiPs -atie p$ut iH [ou start behaviPI a certaiP wa[ [our belieHs are IoiPI to catch up q

2re aPF post proIraO assessOePts relatiPI to boF[ iOaIe satisHactioP OooF peer relatioPships aPF eatiPI FisorFers s Oostl[ SuestioPPaires IiveP at set iPtervals s ePable -atie to tracM shiHts iP the stuFePtso attituFes aPF IauIe whether the proIraO is eHHective both iOOeFiatel[ aPF iP the loPI terO +Pitial HeeF bacM HroO peer leaFers aPF participaPts has beeP overwhelOiPIl[ positive &irector oH %ouPseliPI %harlotte &aviFsoP has beeP iOpresseF with the proIraO aPF with -atieos approach She Potes p-atieos coOOitOePt to this proLect attePtioP to Fetail aPF ePerI[ OaFe her a woPFerHul colleaIue to worM with q 2eer leaFer Nora -ipPis o sa[s %hoate is aP ePviroPOePt where pever[ Oeal is eateP iP public aPF ever[ worMout is FoPe iP public q She sa[s p+t is a harF place to live aPF be coOHortable with our boFies + Heel liMe + aO briPIiPI people toIether over soOethiPI ever[ Iirl has iP coOOoP but PoboF[ reall[ talMs about q 9heP -atie was a stuFePt at %hoate her acaFeOic aPF career aspiratioPs at that tiOe haF to Fo with political sciePce # IePeral ps[choloI[ course at ;ale HolloweF b[ classes iP PeurosciePce aPF statistics chaPIeF her OiPF p6hatos reall[ wheP + Iot hooMeF reali\iPI that ps[choloI[ was Oore oH a sciePce q she sa[s p9e caP chaPIe behavior we caP chaPIe our braiP cheOistr[ aPF we caP Oeasure these thiPIs statisticall[ q #Hter she coOpletes her Foctoral proIraO -atie woulF liMe to coPtiPue to Fo research aPF to worM iP aP acaFeOic settiPI She hopes the $oF[ 2roLect caP becoOe selH sustaiPiPI at %hoate s aPF be replicateF elsewhere p+ woulF love to see it spreaF across all boarFiPI schools q she sa[s p+ love that %hoateos the ËŹrst oPe to Fo it q

Music for a Cause &oP /ac-iPPoP o has FevoteF Ouch oH his career to the serePFipitous Fiscover[ oH Ousic s that OoOePt wheP [ou hear a piece oH Ousic aPF suFFePl[ FeciFe [ou F rather Pot live without it #Hter colleIe &oP starteF *ear /usic a coO paP[ FeFicateF to helpiPI people Fiscover Ousic be[oPF the 6op theP solF it to StarbucMs aPF built the Ousic busiPess there SerePFipit[ is also a IooF wa[ oH FescribiPI how &oP Iot iPvolveF iP 2roFuct

4'& the iPitiative that uPiSuel[ harPesses the Ouscle oH corporatioPs aPF coPsuOers to support the battle aIaiPst #+&S iP #Hrica +P late &oP receiveF a call HroO *owarF Schult\ StarbucMso chieH eZecutive alertiPI hiO to aP upcoOiPI OeetiPI with the rocM artist $oPo *e thouIht the OeetiPI with the 7 HroPt OaP was IoiPI to be Hor his p#rtist s %hoiceq %& series where &oP iPtervieweF HaOous artists about the Ousic that iPteresteF theO +PsteaF $oPo OaFe his pitch Hor aP orIaPi\atioP he was Lust beIiPPiPI to HorO calleF 2roFuct 4'& the plaP was to Iet the Oost creative people worMiPI Hor the worlFos poorest people &oP HouPF it so iPspiriPI that he leHt StarbucMs to help start up the Pew iPitiative he has serveF as presiFePt oH 4eF %oPtePt siPce prior to 4'& os 7 S lauPch oP the Oprah Show iP 1ctober 6he Ioal was to create a positive braPF a cool braPF aPF allow coOpaPies to Iive a portioP oH the proËŹts to the )lobal (uPF as well as Meep a portioP p+t has to worM Hor theO q sa[s &oP (or eZaOple wheP [ou re shoppiPI Hor aP i2oF NaPo there are a variet[ oH colors to choose HroO all at the saOe price +H [ou choose the 4'& NaPo #pple sePFs oH the purchase price Firectl[ to the )lobal (uPF 4'& has strucM siOilar arraPIeOePts with a variet[ oH coOpaPies iPcluFiPI #OericaP 'Zpress %oPverse &ell #rOaPi )ap *allOarM NiMe 2ePHolFs 2ePIuiP aPF StarbucMs 6he coPsuOer FoesPot pa[ eZtra Hor a 4'& proFuct but each coOpaP[ has its owP wa[ oH participatiPI 6he ePtreprePeurial Frive that lauPcheF *ear /usic aPF bolstereF 4'& was eviFePt wheP &oP was a stuFePt at %hoate p+ loveF it q he sa[s p+ haF trul[ aOa\iPI teachers that reall[ iPspireF Oe q *e Irew up iP Short *ills New ,erse[ aPF attePFeF all Hour [ears oH hiIh school at %hoate IraFuatiPI iP #s a stuFePt he helpeF start a political aHHairs OaIa\iPe calleF Viewpoint '85 p+ thiPM the OaiP thiPI + Iot out oH %hoate was a love Hor learPiPI aPF a love oH writiPI q he sa[s &oP starteF aPother OaIa\iPe while attePFiPI 9illiaOs %olleIe calleF Route 2 which he Fescribes as tr[iPI to be The New Yorker

*e starteF *ear /usic riIht out oH 9illiaOs where he IraFuateF iP with a FeIree iP 'PIlish 6he aiO he sa[s was to share Ousic the wa[ [ou F iPtroFuce Ousic to [our best HriePF 6here wasP t Ouch helpiPI such Ousic lovers at the tiOe the +PterPet was iP its iPHaPc[ *ear /usic starteF as a %aObriFIe baseF cataloI %ustoOers woulF call iP to place aP orFer soOeoPe woulF ruP iPto the warehouse Irab a %& ruP bacM aPF holF a speaMer up to the telephoPe receiver so the custoOer coulF listeP to the selectioP p6hat was our versioP oH streaOiPI q sa[s &oP *ear /usic also waPteF to builF a better recorF store oPe that iPcluFeF listePiPI statioPs custoOers coulF use to saOple selectioPs 6he ËŹrst store opePeF iP $erMele[ %aliH HolloweF b[ aPother iP 2alo #lto 6he busiPess evePtuall[ Irew uPtil there were stores iP the 7 S aPF iP %aPaFa p9e haF HouPF a wa[ to trul[ Frive sales oH recorFs that people haFPot hearF oH q sa[s &oP #Hter OoviPI to Seattle the coOpaP[ starteF OaMiPI coOpilatioP %&s Hor the StarbucMs stores aPF Irew the Ousic platHorO to a OillioP busiPess 9heP 4a[ %harles was beiPI turPeF FowP b[ OaLor recorF labels *ear /usic respoPFeF b[ proFuciPI a coOpilatioP iP which %harles perHorOeF with several Potables his last recorFiPI was pSorr[ SeeOs to be the *arFest 9orF q with 'ltoP ,ohP 1ther *ear /usic proFuceF albuOs iPcluFeF $ob &[laP s p.ive at the )asliIht q aPF p2ossibilities q b[ *erbie *aPcocM p9e were able to create recorFs that OiIht otherwise Pot have IotteP OaFe q sa[s &oP p$ecause we were able to Iet Ousic out there thousaPFs oH artists woulF sePF us their stuHH q #Pother serePFipitous outcoOe oH *ear /usic was &oPos OarriaIe to .isa .aarOaP *earos creative Firector iP .isa oversaw the FesiIP oH the *ear /usic stores aPF all the coOpilatioPs *ear createF at StarbucMs She haF previousl[ FesiIPeF Musician Magazine aPF CREEM 6he[ have a FauIhter 'OOa #s rewarFiPI as his worM with 4'& has beeP &oP reOaiPs coOOitteF to serePFipitous Fiscover[ wheP it coOes to Ousic 6houIh the +PterPet has OaFe Oore artists Oore reaFil[ available there reOaiPs a PeeF Hor a wa[ to help people Fiscover Ousic p;ou PeeF that curator to help the PorOal persoP ËŹPF theO q sa[s &oP *e s reaF[iPI a Pew iPitiative p+ O prepariPI to lauPch a Pew busiPess that s HocuseF oP Ousic Fiscover[ aPF curatioP q he sa[s p# Pew busiPess that s HocuseF oP Ousic q



$[ ,eHHer[ -ur\ ,eHHer[ -ur\ is the IePeral assiIPOePt eFitor at the Record-Journal oH /eriFeP iP charIe oH the Pewspaperos Heatures ePterprise aPF iPvestiIative reportiPI

30 | 31

Four-String King JIM BELOFF


$[ *ePr[ /cNult[ o *ePr[ /cNult[ is the Bulletin's %lass Notes eFitor

6hereos a uMulele booO both iP the 7PiteF States aPF iPterPatioPall[ these Fa[s s the biIIest boost the huOble Hour striPI iPstruOePt has seeP siPce #rthur )oFHre[ saPI aPF struOOeF oP raFio aPF 68 Oore thaP halH a cePtur[ aIo #PF the oPe leaFiPI the charIe is ,iO $eloHH o whose Ootto is p7Me caP chaPIe the worlF q ,iO s or p,uOpiPo ,iO q as he is MPowP iP uMuleleFoO s writes uMulele soPIbooMs aPF pePPeF the iPstruOePtos oHËŹcial histor[ recorFs %&s aPF &8&s oPe is calleF p6he ,o[ oH 7Meq Iives uOpteeP uMulele worMshops to people oH all aIes perHorOs HreSuePtl[ iP coPcert aPF sells Pew t[pes oH uMuleles FesiIPeF aPF OaPuHactureF b[ his brother iP law +tos beeP Suite a riFe siPce the HorOer aFvertisiPI sales OaP picMeF up a useF /artiP tePor uMe at a .os #PIeles Ë­ea OarMet iP #t %hoate where he was a two [ear Fa[ stuFePt HroO /eriFeP ,iO was alreaF[ MPowP Hor OaMiPI Ousic *e wrote aPF perHorOeF oP Iuitar with HriePFs Po Hewer thaP three rocM operas iP the $lacM $oZ at the 2aul /elloP #rts %ePter #Hter IraFuatiPI HroO *aOpshire %olleIe he heaFeF to New ;orM %it[ to write $roaFwa[ Ousicals aPF althouIh he haF soOe success he PeeFeF a Oore steaF[ iPcoOe So he starteF selliPI aFvertisiPI Hor <iHH &avis %o the specialt[ OaIa\iPe publisher aPF evePtuall[ ePFeF up iP .os #PIeles as #ssociate 2ublisher oH Billboard OaIa\iPe 6hatos where the uMulele buI bit hiO 9heP ,iO aPF his wiHe .i\ whoO he haF Oet iP New ;orM picMeF up that ËŹrst uMe oP a whiO p+ reall[ thouIht it was a LoMe s a siOple Povelt[ iPstruOePt Pot capable oH a lot oH subtlet[ q he sa[s *e sooP FiscovereF that he

was wroPI aPF Hell iP love with the uMulele Pot oPl[ Hor perHorOiPI but also Hor soPIwritiPI p+ haF HouPF O[ iPstruOePt q sa[s the HorOer Iuitarist ,iO iOOeFiatel[ trieF to learP Oore aPF HouPF a lot oH PothiPI p+t was a FeaF iPstruOePt q he recalls p+t haF becoOe uPcool HalleP oHH the pop culture raFar q *arFl[ aP[ shops solF uMes althouIh the[ were abuPFaPtl[ available at Ë­ea OarMets there were Po soPIbooMs Pewer thaP about [ears olF aPF eveP iP *awaii the birthplace oH the uMulele its popularit[ haF baFl[ waPeF p6here it was soOethiPI [our IraPFOother pla[eF or [our auPtie q he sa[s *e aPF .i\ theP a Iraphic FesiIPer iP the Oovie iPFustr[ FeciFeF to chaPIe all that (irst caOe the booMs aiOeF both at beIiPPers (Jumpin’ Jim’s Ukulele Tips ‘n’ Tunes) aPF at those waPtiPI to perHorO a certaiP t[pe oH Ousic s 'lvis soPIs %hristOas soPIs couPtr[ Ousic *awaiiaP soPIs 6iP 2aP #lle[ La\\ staPFarFs OaP[ Oore +P he Suit the $illboarF Lob 6heP caOe The Ukulele, a Visual History which was he sa[s the ËŹrst booM to tell the whole stor[ oH the iPstruOePt HroO its islaPF beIiPPiPIs to 6iP[ 6iO to the Oost recePt IePeratioP oH pla[ers 1Pe huIe HaP oH the histor[ was HorOer $eatle )eorIe *arrisoP hiOselH a uMulele aËŹcioPaFo who liMeF the booM so Ouch that he sePt it to all his HriePFs *arrisoP also FroppeF b[ the $eloHHso .os #PIeles hoOe oPe aHterPooP s (ebruar[ ,iO has Po trouble reOeOberiPI s Hor a OeOorable struO aloPI IatheriPI 6hese Fa[s ,iO aPF .i\ ruP aP oPliPe busiPess www Ë­eaOarMetOusic coO HroO their hoOe iP the shoreliPe coOOuPit[ oH %liPtoP %oPP where Ouch oH the FĂ…cor is s Po surprise s uMulele theOeF 6he ËŹrOos PaOe coOes HroO the Ë­ea OarMet where the[ bouIht 7Me No HroO the Hact that uMulele OeaPs pLuOpiPI Ë­ea q iP *awaiiaP aPF HroO the Hact that the ) % ' # tuPiPI oH a uMe is usuall[ FoPe to the worFs pO[ FoI has Ë­eas q ,iOos brother iP law OaMes uMe OoFels calleF the (luMe aPF the (lea s pliMe a balalaiMa iH the ,etsoPs FesiIPeF it q oPe custoOer saiF s iP SheHËŹelF /ass aPF the $eloHHs haPFle the booOiPI retail sales p2lus we love to perHorO q ,iO sa[s #PF he still caPot Suite believe that heos the oPe who helpeF taMe the uMulele oHH liHe support s or iP his worFs prepacMaIeF rethouIht aPF rebraPFeF aP essePtiall[ FeaF iPstruOePt q

32 | 33

Class Notes s u m m e r 2 0 1 1 N E W S



RH DORA BRADLEY writes p6he $rowP twiPs who were several [ears behiPF Oe at 4oseOar[ are Pow liviPI with Oe iP SaPta $arbara %# at a ver[ IraPF retireOePt hoOe %asa &oriPFa + aO Pow Po Oore 6ePPis q


Please note these guidelines: 1. Class notes should be veriďŹ able and appropriate for publication. 2. Submit photos electronically in a .jpg format to Please make sure the resolution is high enough to be of publication quality – 300 dpi at 4â€? square, or comparable. Please be aware that a photo that looks good on a computer screen might look fuzzy on a printed page. Your safest bet is to use a digital camera (not a cell phone camera) with a setting of at least 3 megapixels for the highest image-quality, usually â€œďŹ neâ€? or “large.â€? Please include a caption with speciďŹ c details (who, what, where and when) with your photo. Paper copies of photographs will not be returned. Please write your full name and class year on the back of the photo. 3. Wedding photos may be submitted only by the alumnus, bride or groom. Sorry, no third party submissions. 4. The Bulletin does not announce marriages until they take place (i.e., no engagement news), and does not report births until they occur (i.e., no pregnancy news). 5. If your note or photograph does not appear in this issue, it may appear in a subsequent issue, or be posted online to Alumni News on Please keep your news coming to Do you have or need updated information for your classmates? Contact: Christine Bennett at (203) 697-2228 or by email to We look forward to hearing from you.


RH MABEL WELLIN G H OFF writes p9ill alwa[s reOeOber happ[ Fa[s at 4oseOar[ *all iP )reePwich %oPP ,eaP #PFrews 2etersoP aPF + rooOeF toIether Hor Hour [ears there aPF later were rooOOates at Sweet $riar %olleIe + haF a ver[ Pice siZth HorOer call Oe to reOiPF Oe oH the #PPual )iviPI this [ear q


C ART H UR ROUN ER aPF his wiHe /oll[ leF teaOs to #Hrica Hor two OoPths this [ear coPtiPuiPI their [ears oH recoPciliatioP aPF healiPI throuIh HorIivePess iP 4waPFa 7IaPFa westerP -eP[a %oPIo aPF $uruPFi +P /arch aPF ,uPe the[ leF two healiPI retreats Hor #PuaM reHuIee woOeP HroO 'thiopia iP /iPPesota 4ouPeros olFest IraPFchilF 4achel <oraiFa 4ouPer OarrieF oP ,uPe


C E. MACBURN EY STORM celebrateF his th birthFa[ sMiiPI at /t *ooF 6iOberliPe iP 1reIoP *e is still reaFiPI sailiPI aPF ePLo[iPI liHe iP SavaPPah )#


RH DIAN A MCG H IE writes p+ have beIuP more adventures with D & J

,oaPie StulOaP )ilbert who lives FowP the roaF iP 1ssiPiPI 9e attePF opePiPIs aPF visit OuseuOs iP N;% where + OePtall[ Miss the siFewalM s + aO so IlaF to be iP New ;orM %it[ + talM with .issie 'vaPs *aOiltoP /arIaret *art 4oIers .ibb[ ,oPes 6horPe aPF visit with 2at SwePe[ *art iP 2ortlaPF /' 1ur soPs live a blocM FowP aPF three over HroO each other q


C MIK E O’ CON N OR reports p+ have retireF HroO the #ttorPe[ )ePeralos 1Hˏce aPF have a Pew IraPFsoP /aZ who is showiPI siIPs that he woulF be a IooF caPFiFate Hor the school upoP the hillsiFe + aO active iP the %ivics (irst proIraO which is aiOeF at iPvolviPI LuPior hiIh aPF hiIh school stuFePts iP Febate OocM trial aPF FiscussioPs oH %oPstitutioPal issues q MIG UEL A. SUAREZ writes p+ aO still practiciPI law iP /iaOi aPF traveliPI 'urope taMiPI opiZo Hor O[ photo booMs + Lust returPeF HroO 2olaPF where + FiF a FraOatic photo shoot oH #uschwit\ aPF oH .a 4ioLa iP SpaiP q


C CARLOS H ELLMUN D eZhibiteF his collectioP oH photos pSerePFipit[q at the 2aul /elloP #rts %ePter FuriPI 4euPioP 9eeMePF 6he collectioP was also showP iP 6oM[o aPF the %hase /orIaP #rt %ollectioP purchaseF Hour oriIiPals Hor their use


RH P E TR A M E U S E R F OW L E R writes p*oOe sweet hoOe iP the OouPtaiPs the wa[ it looMs aHter a ver[ warO aPF earl[ start to the suOOer # lot oH reaFiPI aPF writiPI but Pot too OaP[ plaPs q L A N DA MO N TAGUE F R E E MA N sePFs us this Pews p1ur secoPF booM has Lust beeP publisheF 6he title is In the Words of Women, The Revolutionary War and the Birth of the Nation, 1765-1799 +oO oPe oH its three authors the publisher is .eZiPItoP $ooMs PAT DAV I S GONDE L MAN writes p+ still pla[ tePPis twice a weeM aPF soOe IolH as loPI as O[ boF[ sta[s iP shape + ePLo[ O[ voluPteer worM 4eaF Hor the ;/%# +t is ver[ rewarFiPI q LY N F O ST E R MCNAUGHT writes p&uriPI oPe oH our loPIest aPF colFest wiPters we OaPaIeF to escape twice we wePt to the &oOiPicaP 4epublic iP /arch Hor two weeMs aPF haF a woPFerHul HaOil[ reuPioP with our MiFs at %asa Fe %oOpo 9e caOe hoOe Hor a short tiOe aPF theP wePt to &auHusMie +slaPF oHH *iltoP *eaF to visit O[ brother (raPM aPF his wiHe 6err[ q F R A N C I E A BB OTT MIL L E R tells us p9e celebrateF soP ,ohPos th birthFa[ iP Seattle 9e all caOe up aPF surpriseF hiO Not sure how + caP have two chilFreP over wheP + still Heel as iH +oO 6he oPl[ thiPI + caPot Meep up with aPF have Po iPtePtioP oH tr[iPI to is all the various wa[s oH sta[iPI iP touch with the uPiverse /[ heart still leaps up wheP + beholF a real letter iP O[ OailboZ q D OTTI E M C GOWA N MYL E S writes p/[ IraPFFauIhter 6aeIaP (eP $lacMwell is IoiPI to %hoate 4oseOar[ *all iP the Hall she will be a Fa[ stuFePt Hor her ËŹrst [ear She recePtl[ becaOe a NatioPal %haOpioP iP *ocMe[ aPF hopes to pla[ at %hoate 4oseOar[ #s Hor us olF HolMs we sta[eF up North this wiPter aPF watcheF oPe sPowstorO aHter aPother q V E R E N A TO P KE R AS CH sePFs this Pews p6his [ear starteF oHH with a trip to South #Oerica iP /arch toIether with three HriePFs aPF O[ sister iP law HroO )erOaP[ 9e ËŹrst wePt to SaPtiaIo %hile which is a lovel[ cit[ ver[ cleaP aPF orFerl[ 6heP we Ë­ew to the #tacaOa &esert iP PortherP %hile which was aOa\iPI visitiPI Ie[sers salt laMes aPF biI salt Ë­ats 6heP oP to $uePos #ires #rIePtiPa where we LoiPeF 1#6 travel tours visiteF the lovel[ cit[ aPF saw taPIo shows 6heP oP to 2uPta #rePas where we boarFeF the Stella #ustralis aPF saileF throuIh the Strait oH /aIellaP the caPals the (LorFs aPF saw Ilaciers pePIuiPs corOoraPts sea lioPs etc all the wa[ to %ape *orP 9e cliObeF the steps at %ape *orP aPF haF such lovel[ weather that we were able to sail arouPF the %ape which was iPcreFible q PA M B I S B E E-S IMONDS writes p1ur FauIhter $rooMe laPFeF a Ireat Lob as Feput[ Firector at .#%/# iP .os #PIeles so she aPF husbaPF ,a[ have a coOOuter OarriaIe betweeP .# aPF N; 1ur soP $raF Iuest FirecteF a Hew 68 FraOas so +ove becoOe a &84 LuPMie /[ elFest soP 4icM turPeF so we Iave hiO a troph[ huPtiPI trip iP South #Hrica he is IoiPI oPl[ with his bow aPF arrow SiPce retireOePt Hor [ears Pow +ove beeP FevoteF to a proLect to create a Oile biMe trail aloPI our shoreliPe aPF still worMiPI at it both resistaPce aPF total support varies q

TOP ,iO (aPPoP o who receiveF the $urPhaO #rt 2ri\e

BOTTOM (our OeObers oH %hoate %lass oH (roO leHt

FoPateF his pri\e to the school #rchives FuriPI 4euPioP 9eeMePF #rchivist ,uF[ &oPalF o was thrilleF with the Pew acSuisitioP

$ob #PFersoP ,ohP -auHHOaPP 2err[ /oProe aPF ,iO (aPPoP celebrateF their th 4euPioP

MIDDLE /iIuel Suare\ o aPF his wiHe ;olaPFa at their

FauIhter ;olios weFFiPI oP /a[

A LI B E L W O O D THOMPS ON writes p+t seeOs that the last ËŹve OoPths have beeP spriPMleF with Foctor visits Hor various thiPIs )uess it is tiOe to travel while we caP .ast suOOer we wePt to /aiPe to see .[PPe aPF HaOil[ aPF haF a reuPioP with O[ sister -a[ aPF her HaOil[ Hor a weeM at a caOp Pear $ar *arbor liviPI iP tePts oP wooFeP platHorOs 6ravis is Pot reall[ thrilleF about the iFea oH sleepiPI oP caOp cots + thiPM he woulF rather be sleepiPI iP a plush hotel beF 6ouIh patooties q B E T S Y A N GL E W E B STE R sePFs this Pews p2eter aPF + are wiPFiPI FowP our OoPth iP St #uIustiPe 9e haF aP aOa\iPI tiOe with HriePFs aPF HaOil[ visitiPI us FuriPI a OoPth oH woPFerHul weather + haF a hip replaceF iP ,aPuar[ but aO as IooF as Pew Pow +t was aP eas[ recover[ thaPMs to a Ireat surIeoP aPF Ireat help HroO 2eter 1ur chilFreP are still a Lo[ %hris aPF 4obiP celebrateF their th weFFiPI aPPiversar[ iP #pril 6he IraPFs are all IrowiPI up 6wo iP colleIe two iP hiIh school aPF the rest close behiPF 1ur [ouPIest is about to be No Oore babies iP our lives aP[Oore q


C R O B E R T K N I S E LY aPF his wiHe SusaP will welcoOe Hour aFFitioPal IraPFchilFreP betweeP 6haPMsIiviPI aPF 6haPMsIiviPI So Har the[ iPcluFe .[la 4ose )eisel oH $ostoP &aPiel $ruPtoP oH /illersville /F aPF ,oPah SchulMiP oH SaPta %ru\ %aliH 6hat will briPI their total to eiIht 4obert is aP aFLuPct proHessor at ,ohPs *opMiPs aPF SusaP Lust ËŹPisheF a [ear chairiPI the eZecutive boarF oH the #PPe #ruPFel %ouPt[

/F /aster )arFePers 6he[ live iP SeverPa 2arM /F aPF also spePF tiOe at (ar /use his acre retreat iP 9est 8irIiPia


C K E N W Y D R O is aP orFaiPeF iPterHaith OiPister aPF &irector oH 2roIraOs aPF 2roFuctioPs at the /aOa (ouPFatioP Hor the #rts +P #pril .esle[ Stahl oH %$Sos p /iPutesq HolloweF 8[ *iIIiPseP 'Zecutive &irector oH /aOa (ouPFatioP Hor the #rts aPF the p)ospel Hor 6eePsq Iroup as the[ learP to siPI aPF presePt )ospel aP oriIiPal #OericaP art HorO 9[Fro co wrote proFuceF aPF FirecteF the loPI ruPPiPI Iospel theatrical Mama, I Want to Sing which turPeF out to be the loPIest ruPPiPI oHH $roaFwa[ blacM Ousical ever


C H A R DY J O N E S has publisheF a booM Voice of the Dolphins +P he was swept iPto the uPiverse oH FolphiPs iP his worM as a ËŹlOOaMer (or Oore thaP three FecaFes *arF[ has HouIht to ePF the slauIhter oH FolphiPs b[ ,apaPese ËŹsherOeP aPF was iPstruOePtal iP coPvertiPI a FolphiP huPter to a FolphiP watch tour leaFer


RH J U DY B A N Z H A F KR US E aPF husbaPF 6oO are IoiPI oP their hoPe[OooP #lasMa aPF 2aciËŹc Northwest to celebrate [ears oH woPFerHul OarriaIe

TOP &ave 2hillips o aPF %hoaties IathereF oP the OouPtaiP

MIDDLE 'li\abeth )aiPes %arFoPe o aPF $ob )aiPes o

at 4oariPI )ap North %aroliPa Hor his FauIhter -ate s o ,uPe weFFiPI (roO leHt &ave .il 2hillips o $obb[ )err[ o &aviF 4ocMwell o aPF ,oe $r[aP o

holFiPI %atheriPe .oriPI %arFoPe borP /a[ %atheriPe is 'li\abethos ËŹrst chilF aPF her Hatheros ËŹrst IraPFchilF BOTTOM %hoate %lass oH celebrateF their th 4euPioP

34 | 35



DEAVER BROWN writes p6he class has arraPIeF a pre th

4euPioP weeMePF at #leZ )ooFwiP .evitchos caOp #FiroPFacM %aOp oP .aMe )eorIe Hor #uIust %lass 2resiFePt 9aFe .oIaP aPF his wiHe 'uPice are traveliPI Porth to attePF So Har $ob &ilHer aPF ,ohP /c9illiaOs have tieF the recorF Hor coOiPI the loPIest FistaPce the captaiP oH our uPFeHeateF Hootball teaO (reF #lcaro is hopeHull[ IoiPI to breaM the FistaPce recorF b[ coOiPI bacM HroO %hiPa Hor our soiree NicM SPow aPF &oP .iberOaP are coOiPI aloPI with 6err[ $eat[ who has a place across the laMe HroO #leZos caOp $ill 6hoOas was aP earl[ siIPup which ePcouraIeF others to LoiP us ,ohP %aOpbell our resiFePt politico iP 9ashiPItoP is LourPe[iPI up to reIale us with 9ashiPItoP evePts 4a[ 'IaP aPF /iMe (acMler are oPboarF Steve )ilhule[ aPF #laP Neel[ who have both Mept our Iroup IoiPI all these [ears are coOiPI too Pot HorIettiPI %hiPs %aOpbell who helpeF at that too 9e are up to aPF couPtiPI (or the th several people Iraciousl[ hosteF pre 4euPioP FiPPers such as 2arMer .lewell[Pos at the *arvarF %lub iP $ostoP Several people were able to coOe who coulFPot OaMe the 4euPioP itselH 9e hope to Fo Oore oH those throuIh the /a[ 4euPioP weeMePF ,ohP 9ilMes has voluPteereF to be the resiFePt &, with his Ireat olFies collectioP as well as tr[iPI to roust a Hew Oore Hootball pla[ers to coOe ,ohP attePFeF the th this [ear to Iet Oore iFeas Hor our evePt q W. PRESTON TYREE is retiriPI Hor the thirF tiOe #Hter a career iP iPterPatioPal OarMetiPI aPF as a sOall busiPess owPer he is currePtl[ the 'FucatioP &irector oH the .eaIue oH #OericaP $ic[clists #lthouIh he is steppiPI FowP HroO that positioP he will coPtiPue to worM with the .eaIue as a resource aPF coach Hor Pew traHËŹc saHet[ iPstructors MPowP as .eaIue %[cliPI +Pstructors or .%+ FRAN K LIN JOH N WILK ES, JR. reports that PeZt /a[ there will be a special celebratioP Hor the sePior pla[ers oH %hoateos uPFeHeateF Hootball teaO ShoulF aP[oPe have IaOe ËŹlOs or Hootball OeOorabilia HroO the seasoP please coPtact ,ohP 9ilMes %hair oH the (ootball %oOOittee Hor the %lass oH os th 4euPioP HLw "aol coO ,ohP is prepariPI a %oOOeOorative &8& oH the 6eaOos seasoP Hor PeZt /a[os 4euPioP


RH SUSAN ALDRICH H UBERT H writes p)raPFFauIhter 6a[lor woP the NatioPal 7PFer Iirls siPIle sculls %haOpioPship *er /oO is -atheriPe $urFIe o #lso saw -areP -leiP 4iple[ o iP $oulFer %olo recePtl[ -areP Lust haF a FiHËŹcult coOplicateF bacM surIer[ aPF the report is that she caOe out oH her proceFure successHull[ aPF is eZpecteF to Fo well /ust Iet her reaF[ to Iet bacM to %4* Hor her th reuPioP PeZt [ear q DAVYN E VERSTAN DIG writes p+ aO a Pew IraPFOother /[ IraPFsoP 'ric is Pow OoPths olF +oO still teachiPI literature aPF creative writiPI aPF aO the &irector oH the .itchËŹelF %ouPt[ 9riters 2roLect at the 7Piversit[ oH %oPPecticut www Fav[PeverstaPFiI coO www lcwp ucoPP eFu + coPtiPue to iPterview writers iPcluFiPI &aPi Shapiro $rooMe *a[warF &aviF 4abe 4oZaPa 4obiPsoP %aPFace $ushPell # , )urPe[ 4ose St[roP *oPor /oore #PP .ear[ aPF OaP[ others + oHteP perHorO Iive poetr[ reaFiPIs as well as writiPI worMshops + aO also a ,ustice oH the 2eace aPF vice presiFePt oH the #%.7 Hor Northwest %oPPecticut q

TOP &icM *ull o passeF the th 4euPioP pbatoPq to OeObers oH

BOTTOM 4oseOar[ *all %lass oH celebrateF their

the %lass oH Steve )ilhule[ cePter aPF ,ohP 9ilMes riIht at 4euPioP 9eeMePF

th 4euPioP

MIDDLE Su\aPPe 6eOple 2rescott o aPF husbaPF 4[aP

welcoOeF their ËŹrst chilF %oPPer 6eOple 2rescott oP /a[

36 | 37




C RICH ARD BOLE writes pStill worMiPI at aIe aPF hope to coOe to th 4euPioP + have operateF a rec[cliPI coOpaP[ Hor [ears 9e tr[ to rec[cle over Oaterials s Ilass plastic rubber wooF paper Oetals aPF others +oO Pow collectiPI olF MitcheP Irease HroO restauraPts which + Iive to soOeoPe who creates a bio Huel + hope to bu[ bacM his ËŹltereF Huel aPF ruP it iP O[ persoPal vehicle or O[ coOpaP[ vaP +H [ou Meep the Huel iP IalloP coPtaiPers there is Po taZ so Har /[ [ear olF soP 4icharF is iP IreeP real estate his wiHe is a peFiatriciaP /[ [ear olF FauIhter is also a peFiatriciaP OarrieF to a raFiatioP oPcoloIist /[ [ear olF soP is uPeOplo[eF q


Calling all Choate Rosemary Hall Food & Wine Lovers! 6*+5 '8'06 +5 (14 ;17

Come and join fellow alumni at the Sonoma home of Executive Chef Linda McCulloch '75 owner of Cuisine by Lela, for some incredible food and wine! 5#674&#; 5'26'/$'4 2 /

This evening will not only showcase Linda and her culinary treats but also a bevy of fellow alumni in the winemaking business with samples of their own to share. Don't miss this one! Kindly respond by September 12 to Christine Bennett at or (203) 697-2228.

RH MARG O H EUN BRADFORD is plaPPiPI to retire HroO her Lob as 1peratioPs /aPaIer at the 'FOoPF , SaHra (aOil[ .oFIe at the NatioPal +Pstitutes oH *ealth at the ePF oH this [ear 6ravel seeOs to be a Havorite pastiOe oH ROZ Z IE CHU BB wheP she caP Iet awa[ HroO her plaPtatioP iP )eorIia aPF her raPch iP /oPtaPa T IN A CLOSE coPtiPues to paiPt with Oore aPF Oore worM IoiPI to LiIsaw pu\\le OaMers She covers the ver[ hiIh ePF with beautiHul haPF cut wooFeP pu\\les HroO Stave 2u\\les iP Norwich 8t aPF the lower ePF throuIh /eIa $raPFs which OarMets iPterPatioPall[ aPF proFuces the Oore PorOal carFboarF pu\\les DON N A DICK EN SON has also traveleF a IooF Feal iP the last [ear aPF has taMeP oP two booM coPtracts this [ear 1Pe will be a short iPtroFuctioP to bioethics which will coOe iP several HorOats iPcluFiPI aP i2aF versioP AN N E CARROLL FURMAN has beeP FoiPI a lot oH traveliPI iP her retireOePt She has her house oP the OarMet aPF is looMiPI to FowPsi\e ALICE CH AFFEE FREEMAN wePt to 4euPioP 9eeMePF this spriPI She attePFeF the FeFicatioP oH broP\e busts oH 'uIePia $aMer ,essup aPF #lice ' /c$ee $usts oH /ar[ 'li\abeth .owPFes aPF %aroliPe 4uut\ 4ees haF beeP uPveileF last [ear 6he 4* %lass oH o haF its th reuPioP aPF showeF up #lice LoiPeF theO both oP the 9alliPIHorF caOpus aPF iP )reePwich oP SuPFa[ Hor a woPFerHul service iP St $eFeos HolloweF b[ a luPcheoP at the $elle *aveP $each %lub ePIiPeereF b[ $obbie $rooMs StephaP o aPF classOate 8icMi $rooMs DOREEN MCCLEN N AN G ARDN ER aPF her sister -i /c%lePPaP 4* o lost their FaF iP NoveOber MARY FORD lost her Oother iP NoveOber as well JEAN MCBEE K N OX coPtiPues to worM Hull tiOe as a supervisiPI eFitor at *ouIhtoP /iHË­iP *arcourt where pa Ireat buPch oH colleaIues help to ePliveP the tasM oH creatiPI teZtbooMs Hor chilFreP q She aPF her husbaPF Pow spePF OaP[ weeMePFs iP %ePter SaPFwich N * where the[ove built a little cottaIe that Oa[ becoOe the ËŹrst phase oH a retireOePt house +t was FesiIPeF b[ their architect FauIhter Sarah

8+5+6+0) %*1#6'! # *+5614+% +00 #6 6*' *'#46 1( %#/275

Open September through July, the Lodge is ideal for an overnight stay or a special event. It is available for the use of the extended Choate Rosemary Hall family, including: Alumni | Prospective Students and Families | Parents of Current or Former Students Summer Programs Families | OfďŹ cial Guests of the School | Relatives and Guests of Faculty and Staff. For more information and online reservations, visit: or (203) 697-3933.

MA R GO ME LTON NUTT lost her husbaPF oH [ears to caPcer iP &eceOber She is iP her th [ear oH worMiPI at the Dartmouth Alumni Magazine with Po plaPs to retire aP[tiOe sooP DA B N E Y PA R K-CHA PE L L is a IraPFOother OaP[ tiOes over 9hitPe[ is liviPI iP /assachusetts with chilFreP #PFrew aPF his wiHe are eZpectiPI their ˏrst chilF aPF live iP North %aroliPa her [ouPIest ,aOes aPF his wiHe haF their ˏrst chilF iP aPF live iP Storrs %oPP &abPe[os Ousic still coPtiPues to be a OaLor Hocus iP her liHe she still siPIs with a 4ePaissaPce Iroup baseF iP Storrs MI K E S H E R RY R OY retireF HroO )oss +PterPatioPal priPtiPI press OaPuHacturers but Iot talMeF bacM iPto worMiPI part tiOe Sheos happ[ with the scheFule as loPI as it FoesPot iPterrupt her travels B E T S Y O ’ H A R A STIE F VATE R writes HroO )erOaP[ p+ Iuess + have reacheF the level where Oost or all oH O[ Pews is about O[ MiFs spreaF over two coPtiPePts q *aviPI retireF two [ears aIo $ets[ spePFs soOe oH her tiOe teachiPI 'PIlish as a secoPF laPIuaIe R E E V E L I N D B E R GH TR IPP is collectiPI aPF eFitiPI her Ootheros uPpublisheF letters aPF Fiaries HroO to Hor a booM to be publisheF iP 6his Hall sheoll have a chilFrePos booM out about a cat aPF a librar[


RH 1ur coPFolePces to S US A NNAH STA NTON whose FauIhter 'lisabeth Stewart S\c\epaPsMi $eth FieF suFFePl[ oH Patural causes oP #pril iP *aPover /F where she haF beeP liviPI with her Oother


C R I K K LA R S ON is co author with his OeFiatioP colleaIues oH Mom Always Liked You Best: A Guide for Resolving Family Feuds, Inheritance Battles & Eldercare Issues. +t is available oP aOa\oP coO aPF elsewhere


RH S A R A H K E R NOCHA N writes p+P OiF ,uPe O[ Povel Jane Was Here was publisheF 6hese are harF tiOes Hor ˏctioP but +oO prouFer oH this thaP aP[thiPI +ove ever FoPe +tos a reiPcarPatioP suspePse O[ster[ + Oa[ have Lust iPvePteF that IePre about a [ouPI woOaP who turPs up iP a sOall New 'PIlaPF towP claiOiPI a OeOor[ oH IrowiPI up there [et sheos Pever beeP there beHore iP her liHe 6he LaPewashere coO web site has saOple chapters so + hope [ouoll checM it out /eaPwhile +oO LuIIliPI a script Lob the ˏrst tiOe +ove beeP asMeF to write soOethiPI erotic siPce 9½ Weeks aPF teachiPI a screePwritiPI Oaster class at 'OersoP SiPce the latter briPIs Oe to $ostoP oPce a weeM +ove haF a chaPce to visit with Hellow o ers &ebbie %hoate .isa &e .iOa aPF /arIot $otsHorF better MPowP as &ebbiebop .isabop aPF /arIotbop 9e were LoiPeF last [ear b[ Subop 1o*ara SoOetiOes we HaPtasi\e about all beiPI iP the saOe assisteF liviPI coOOuPit[ with &r &ebbie to treat us .isa to Meep us IooF hearteF aPF /arIot to Meep us HroO ruPPiPI aOoM with the law #s Hor Oe +oll be ˭oIIiPI ever[oPe iPto aOateur theatricals q

TOP .ee $ressler o aPF wiHe Shira welcoOeF a FauIhter 'FeP

BOTTOM ,oseH 2owell o aPF his wiHe /uPchaP celebrateF the

,o[ $ressler oP /a[

birth oH their secoPF FauIhter N[ra 2owell iP ,aPuar[

MIDDLE 4oseOar[ *all o at 4euPioP 9eeMePF HroO leHt .isa

$erIHelF Soleau .eiIh ,ohPsoP ;arbrouIh %orPelia FeSchepper School #rchivist ,uF[ &oPalF )ust[ .aPIe aPF .i\ SloaP &urIiP


C J O H N A R TH U R writes that aHter ver[ ePLo[able [ears at The Los Angeles Times where he rose to OaPaIiPI eFitor aPF eZecutive eFitor he laPFeF a Lob iP as eZecutive eFitor aPF vice presiFePt oH the $CMGTUË­GNF Californian iP the stateos %ePtral 8alle[ Not siPce the 2ress %lub has he haF so Ouch HuP he sa[s JA M E S B A LDAS S AR I writes p*aviPI spePt the past siZ [ears with 9[PFhaO 9orlFwiFe + LoiPeF /iPPeapolis baseF %arlsoP *otels iP (ebruar[ aPF aO respoPsible Hor the FevelopOePt oH HraPchiseF aPF OaPaIeF 4aFissoP aPF 2arM +PP b[ 4aFissoP hotels iP the Northeast aPF /iF 9est + aO worMiPI out oH a hoOe oHËŹce sleepiPI oP airplaPes aPF haviPI HuP aIaiP 2eI aPF + coPtiPue to ruP ballrooO FaPces ever[ SuPFa[ aPF recePtl[ have starteF teachiPI 1ur coOpetitive FaPciPI Fa[s are prob abl[ over 6he bo[s are liviPI iP %aObriFIe /# aPF 9aterbur[ %6 aPF we are oP our secoPF rouPF oH two Shelties aPF a Shih 6\u o6wo aPF a *alH &oIso so it Iets a little ePtertaiPiPI arouPF the householF DAV I D R . H O L M E S is happ[ to be a survivor iP the OerIer oH 9hitPe[ NatioPal $aPM with *aPcocM $aPM *e ePLo[eF his th 4euPioP H U GH LA N E , JR . writes p$oth oH O[ FauIhters are OarrieF two weFFiPIs iP a [ear ,ust celebrateF our th weFFiPI aPPiversar[ *ave haF a Ireat career Saw &aviF *olOes iP the Hall oH this [ear aPF haF FiPPer with /r St ,ohP last ,aPuar[ q DAV I D W H I T E writes p+P aFFitioP to O[ oPIoiPI worM ruPPiPI #rtvePtures New 'PIlaPF HorOerl[ #rtvePtures New *aOpshire iP the )raPite State +ove Lust beeP PaOeF #rtistic &irector oH 6he ;arF aP acclaiOeF artist resiFePc[ cePter HocuseF oP coPteOporar[ FaPce aPF relateF arts locateF iP %hilOarM oP /arthaos 8iPe[arF +oO looMiPI to Iet iP touch with %4* aluOPi iPteresteF iP the eZploratioPs oH coPteOporar[ perHorOiPI artists aPF their iOpact oP civic coOOuPit[ aPF issues oH social Lustice who live Hull or part tiOe oP the 8iPe[arF 2eople caP coPtact Oe at FrwpriOeOover"[ahoo coO


RH F R A N N I E FA I R CHIL D A NDE R S ON writes p+ worM Hor our school Fistrict but have the uPiSue aPF woPFerHul Lob oH ruPPiPI aP aHterschool pro IraO iP a hoOeless shelter + teach hoOeless chilFreP who live iP our shelter HroO the aIes oH Hour to /[ Lob is to close the achieveOePt Iap oH these chilFreP who tePF to be two to three [ears behiPF IraFe level b[ the tiOe the[ reach ËŹHth IraFe + have traiPeF colleIe stuFePts who worM with Oe to Iive the MiFs oPe oP oPe tutoriPI tiOe + also Iet to speaM arouPF the state aPF at PatioPal coPvePtioPs oP how to close the achieveOePt Iap worMiPI with chilFreP oH povert[ + was eveP able to speaM iP %oPPecticut a Hew [ears aIo /[ husbaPF aPF + have three chilFreP aPF Hour IraPFchilFreP whoO we thorouIhl[ ePLo[ q GU STY LA N GE writes p+ was oPe oH the Hew attePFees at our th reuPioP aPF + loveF beiPI there aPF reall[ hope our th briPIs Oore + have OaP[ Ireat OeOories oH O[ Fa[s at 4oseOar[ *all aPF close associatioPs with

TOP #li 2otts *ucMiPs o welcoOeF *a[le[ 'li\abeth *ucMiPs oP

BOTTOM .aurel 4ieF .aPIworth[ o aPF husbaPF $eP


welcoOeF -atheriPe 4ieF .aPIworth[ oP /a[

MIDDLE /a[a StossMopH o welcoOeF a bab[ bo[ SterliPI -eith

oP #pril

38 | 39

O[ class .iHe Lust Ioes b[ too Hast aPF these OoOePts are worth MeepiPI iP touch /[ FauIhter %helsea is aPF will be a LuPior iP *iIh School at (riePFs SeOiPar[ iP N;% She is ver[ iPto FraOa aPF + have to sa[ IooF at it She loves her school aPF HriePFs aPF she has all traits oH a teePaIer /[ soP &[laP is aPF will be a sePior at 9heatoP %olleIe iP NortoP /# *e is spePFiPI his Hall seOester iP +PFia aPF is a OusiciaP ehe is a FruOOer La\\ aPF LeObe /[ husbaPF Steve is puttiPI toIether Pew booM iFeas *is last booM Twinkie, Deconstructed was tiOel[ with all the iPterest iP HooF etc + aO IoiPI iPto O[ th [ear at 2ratt teachiPI 8isual 2erceptioP to )raF %oOOuPicatioP &esiIP StuFePts 9e spePF tiOe iP /aiPe + aO a Ma[aMer aPF love to be oP the water aOoPIst the islaPFs oH 2ePobscot $a[ LEIG H JOH N SON YARBROUG H writes p+ attePFeF the /a[ reuPioP iP 9alliPIHorF aPF haF a Ireat tiOe catchiPI up with the Hew Iirls who were able to be there HroO our class 6haPMs to .eZie /iller *owarF aPF %orPelia FeSchepper Hor coPtactiPI our classOates aPF ePcouraIiPI all to attePF # OeOorable weeMePF that was well plaPPeF (ollowiPI the weeMePF + visiteF brieË­[ with /arLorie #FaOs o at her hoOe iP /[stic %6 6heP oP to $ostoP where + sta[eF with O[ brother Hor several Fa[s + haF aP opportuPit[ to see the %hihul[ eZhibit at the /useuO oH (iPe #rts a Oust see /[ FauIhter %hristiPa aPF her husbaPF are Pow the ver[ prouF parePts oH a soP 4olaPF $etts borP /arch iP 4aleiIh q


RH PEN N Y H EALD writes p+ have haF a IooF 4euPioP ruP this spriPI + Ë­ew over HroO 'PIlaPF Hor a 8assar reuPioP aPF OaPaIeF iP aFFitioP to celebrate [ears oH HriePFship with classOates /ar[ .ou .aPIe -ate /owleO ,ereO[ Nichols aPF 6oPi 9iseOaP + also cauIht up with .i\ SloaP o aPF O[ 4oseOar[ *all biI sister )ust[ .aPIe o who subseSuePtl[ put Oe iP touch with &ebbie %ristOaP o whoO + haFPot MPowP was also liviPI iP .oPFoP )reat practice Hor O[ th Iulp 4euPioP PeZt [ear + will be there aPF + ver[ Ouch looM HorwarF to seeiPI lots aPF lots oH HaOiliar Haces s so ever[oPe please Iet [our traveliPI boots oP q


C DAVID C. K N IG H T, M. D. was iP /oProvia .iberia oP a two weeM surIical OissioP last /arch with aP N)1 PaOeF *eartt *e writes p+ brouIht two oH O[ surIical resiFePts aPF aPother surIeoP with Oe to worM at ,(- *ospital the OaiP public hospital iP .iberia 1P SaturFa[ /arch *eartt haF their ËŹrst HuPF raisiPI Iala FiPPer iP .iberia at the %it[ *all iP /oProvia # PuOber oH people Iave short speeches iPcluFiPI O[selH + eZ plaiPeF that + was a IePeral surIeoP HroO %oPPecticut OaMiPI O[ thirF trip to ,(- *ospital with *eartt #Hter the FiPPer a [ouPI woOaP approacheF Oe aPF saiF that she haF IoPe to school iP %oPPecticut wheP + asMeF her where [ou caP oPl[ iOaIiPe O[ surprise wheP she saiF %hoate 4oseOar[ *all 6he [ouPI woOaP is +Fella %ooper o aPF she is the &eput[ /iPister oH ,ustice Hor 'coPoOic #HHairs Hor the 4epublic oH .iberia 9e haF a woPFerHul

TOP &aphPe .ocM[er $utas o aPF her husbaPF #ras welcoOeF

MIDDLE &aviF % -PiIht o was iP /oProvia .iberia oP a

their thirF chilF $ruce #Patole $utas oP /arch $ruce LoiPs sibliPIs $ruPo aIe ½ aPF $rooMe aIe

two weeM surIical OissioP last /arch wheP he uPeZpecteFl[ Oet up with +Fella %ooper o the &eput[ /iPister oH ,ustice Hor 'coPoOic #HHairs Hor the 4epublic oH .iberia BOTTOM .iPFsa[ NeOirow &itto o welcoOeF her ËŹrst chilF

.iPcolP &oc &itto oP SepteOber iP %hicaIo +.

40 | 41



coPversatioP aPF + hope to be seeiPI her aIaiP wheP + returP Hor aPother two weeMs iP SepteOber + thiPM that two %4* aluOPi haviPI a chaPce OeetiPI iP /oProvia .iberia shows Lust how trul[ Ilobal the school has becoOe q BILL MON ROE is retiriPI HroO the State &epartOePt aHter Oore thaP [ears oH IoverPOePt service iPcluFiPI assiIPOePts to 'I[pt +raS $urOa 1OaP %hiPa SiPIapore -uwait 2aMistaP $ahraiP where he was 7 S #ObassaFor aPF ˏPall[ (raPce where he was &eput[ %hieH oH /issioP at the 7 S /issioP to the 1rIaPi\atioP Hor 'coPoOic %ooperatioP aPF &evelopOePt 1'%& *is retireOePt hoOe will be iP Sarasota (la close to the hoOe oH his parePts 2err[ %hoate o aPF $ett[ /oProe VAL SCH AFFN ER haF a show oH his photoIraphs earlier this suOOer at %aPioos )aller[ iP SaI *arbor N ; 6he subLect oH the eZhibit was -orea where 8al travels each suOOer with his wiHe /iP /[P aPF their chilFreP -a[a .ia aPF 2aFa PH IL SN YDER aPF ROB SN YDER ’ 69 have OaFe a short ˏlO # (arewell to #rO which is aP 1Hˏcial SelectioP oH the *oboMeP +PterPatioPal (ilO (estival +t screePeF SaturFa[ ,uPe th at the %eFar .aPe %iPeOa iP 6eaPecM N, 6he ˏlO is a *eOiPIwa[esSue spooH oH OaPhooF via a Hather soP arO wrestliPI challePIe


RH JESSIE RUT H G ASTON has writteP a booM ePtitleF Neither to Be Seen Nor Heard: The Life of Faith Alexandra Kamya Nasolo Mulira publisheF b[ -ePFall *uPt 2ublishiPI +P aFFitioP her FauIhter SaP[u 4uth /ulira IraFuateF HroO 'uIePe .aPI 6he New School iP New ;orM iP /a[ oH this [ear She has beeP accepteF iPto the #HricaP StuFies / # 2roIraO at 7%.#



PET ER READ writes p*i %lassOates + aO FoiPI Ireat 9oulF

love to hear HroO [ou q


C ROB ST. JOH N aPF his wiHe 7rch cauIht up with %hip 7PFerhill aPF /ichael 9elles at the OeOorial service Hor &uPcaP 2h[He this past spriPI 6heir coObiPeF voices aloPI with 4alph 8alePtiPeos aPF a host oH other %hoate aluOPi siPIers helpeF raise the raHters iP &uPcaPos hoPor at the )race 'piscopal %hurch iP 1lF Sa[brooM %oPP


C MICH AEL N APOLITAN O 2resiFePt aPF %'1 oH -aPsas %it[ /o baseF *air79ear is helpiPI to raise FoPatioPs Hor those aHHecteF b[ the FevastatiPI torPaFo iP ,opliP /o #s OaP[ relatives aPF HriePFs oH *air79ear eOplo[ees were Feepl[ aHHecteF his iPvolveOePt was OaFe oP behalH oH theO +H aluOPi or stuFePts wish to Iet iPvolveF please visit www reFcross orI to OaMe a FoPatioP aPF help support the people oH ,opliP *air79ear is the OaPuHacturer oH *airFo %lip +P 'ZtePsioPs b[ -eP 2aves aPF ,essica SiOpsoP 2ut oP 2ieces the 4aSuel 9elch SiIPature 9iI %ollectioP )reat .ePIths 'ZtePsioPs )abor 9iI %ollectioP #OericaP *airliPes aPF 8irtual 4ealit[ 8irtuesse

TOP Secretar[ oH State *illar[ %liPtoP FuriPI a recePt visit to

2aris presePteF the State &epartOePtos %areer #chieveOePt #warF to $ill /oProe o #lso iP the picture are $ill s soP StepheP aPF FauIhter 6iphaiPe MIDDLE %hoate %lass oH celebrateF their th 4euPioP

BOTTOM ,ohP -a\icMas o Ë­ew his eZperiOePtal )lasair SportsOaP N )< HroO +slip .oPI +slaPF to 1shMosh 9is Hor #ir8ePture the larIest IatheriPI oH aircraHt iP the 7PiteF States

P. J . PA R Z I A L E coPtiPues to hiMe iP 8ePtura %ouPt[ %# aPF bacMpacM iP the Sierra OouPtaiPs wheP his teachiPI scheFule perOits *is iPterest iP pla[s coPcerts aPF the liMe has beeP reLuvePateF 2 , creFits %hoate with ePcouraIiPI his PascePt iPterest iP these liHeloPI passioPs via his SpriPI 2roLect iP aPF the eZtePsive recorFiPIs iP the /elloP .ibrar[ aPF the #rts %ePter


C E D MU N D C HA NG writes pSpePt aP aHterPooP last Hall catchiPI up with /ar[ SulaviM o oP a trip to %hicaIo +oO looMiPI HorwarF to re coPPectiPI with classOates iP the Pear Huture q J O H N K A Z I C KAS HulËŹlleF a liHeloPI FreaO to Ë­[ his owP plaPe to 1shMosh 9is Hor #ir8ePture the larIest IatheriPI oH aircraHt iP the 7PiteF States *e Ë­ew HroO +slip .oPI +slaPF to 1shMosh iP his N )< his eZperiOePtal )lasair SportsOaP


RH L AU R E N B . CR AME R lives iP 6ribeca with her husbaPF &eOetrius (eZ[ aPF two FauIhters 'va aPF *eleP She is aP attorPe[ with a practice oH 6rust aPF 'states law with the ËŹrO /c.auIhliP SterP She serves oP a PuOber oH New ;orM Pot Hor proËŹt boarFs iPcluFiPI the NatioPal &aPce +Pstitute $allet N; aPF S[racuse 7Piversit[ %olleIe oH 8isual aPF 2erHorOiPI #rts #Fvisor[ %ouPcil


J E F F R E Y MAZIE writes p+ coPtiPue O[ worM as a 2riPcipal at .ocMtoP +PsuraPce $roMers iP FowPtowP .os #PIeles + have taMeP up bic[cliPI aPF + aO Oore ËŹt thaP + was [ears aIo + also ePLo[ coPPectiPI with aluOPi oP (acebooM q B U Z Z R O GOW S KI pla[eF a piaPo IiI Hor the aPPual /otherso &a[ .uPcheoP at 2arM 8iew 8illa retireOePt coOOuPit[ iP 2ort #PIeles 9ash *e sa[s pSoOetiOes it is the sOall thiPIs we Fo iP love that help this worlF the Oost q R O S A N N A E . TUF TS recePtl[ publisheF WINDFALL!! Taming the Jealousy Monster When You or a Relative Comes Into Money +tos baseF oP lessoPs learPeF wheP she iPheriteF her Ootheros estate oPl[ to ËŹPF her owP husbaPF turPiPI iPsaPel[ Lealous over her PewHouPF riches 4eSuireF reaFiPI Hor leIatees ever[where (iPF it at www 4osaPPa6uHts coO Y E S MI N M . VAL DIVIE S O has beeP the %oOptroller oH the %oOOoPwealth oH 2uerto 4ico siPce She writes p6his is a [ear terO Hor which + was PoOiPateF b[ the )overPor aPF coPËŹrOeF b[ both the SePate aPF the *ouse oH 4epresePtatives + aO iOOePsel[ hoPoreF aPF bus[ at O[ post but ePLo[iPI ever[ OiPute oH it /[ FauIhter ;esOiP #leZaPFra aIe will be IraFuatiPI HroO $ostoP 7Piversit[ iP /a[ aPF O[ soP 8irIilio aIe who has autisO is FoiPI reall[ well q

TOP (roO leHt *aPs -aiser StepheP 1rti\ aPF 2eter *ePr[

BOTTOM $u\\ 4oIowsMi o serePaFeF OeObers oH the 2arM 8iew

OeObers oH the %lass oH at the #luOPi .acrosse )aOe helF oP SuPFa[ /a[ 6he olF bo[s woP to

8illa retireOePt coOOuPit[ iP 2ort #PIeles 9ash at their aPPual /other s &a[ .uPcheoP

MIDDLE 2atricM 4oOaP o aPF his wiHe 'lleP <archiP welcoOeF

a soP .uMe /c%arth[ oP (ebruar[ iP 6oroPto 1Ptario


P E TE GE D D E S has beeP PaOeF /aPaIiPI &irector oH the $o\eOaP /oPt baseF #OericaP 2rairie (ouPFatioP #2(os OissioP is to create restore aPF OaPaIe a OillioP acre prairie baseF wilFliHe reserve iP /oPtaPaos NortherP )reat 2laiPs to the IraPFeur .ewis %larM witPesseF +PHorOatioP is available at www aOericaPprairiereserve orI 2rior to LoiPiPI #2( 2ete helF sePior OaPaIeOePt positioPs with the 2ropert[ aPF 'PviroPOePt 4esearch %ePter aPF the (ouPFatioP Hor 4esearch oP 'coPoOics aPF the 'PviroPOePt


TO M C O LT #ssociate &irector oH %olleIe %ouPseliPI at ShaF[ SiFe #caFeO[ OarrieF /eIaP ShielFs iP *e writes p9e live riIht PeZt to FowPtowP 2ittsburIh withiP walMiPI FistaPce HroO ever[thiPI /[ wiHe aPF + travel as Ouch as we caP s all over the 7 S aPF to places such as St .ucia %uba %aPaFa aPF hopeHull[ %roatia + also worM as a &ucM boat Parrator iP 2ittsburIh oP weeMePFs aPF iP the suOOer 6he Steel %it[ is a Ireat place to live aPF worM q


JAY LA K E is iP his Hourth [ear oH ËŹIhtiPI recurriPI Oetastatic coloP caPcer *e was recePtl[ awarFeF a 7 S patePt iP the telecoOOuPicatioPs ËŹelF Hor worM FoPe iP coPPectioP to cell phoPe teZt OessaIiPI *e has solF the )erOaP riIhts to three Oore oH his recePt Povels while )erOaP (rePch %\ech 2olish aPF *ebrew eFitioPs oH his booMs are beiPI publisheF this [ear A N D R E A LE A R N E D writes p+ have OoveF bacM to the 2aciËŹc Northwest aHter seveP [ears iP 8erOoPt +oO Lust ËŹPishiPI up a /asteros &eIree iP SustaiPable $usiPess %oOOuPities aPF aO Pow appl[iPI all O[ writiPI aPF coOOuPicatioPs strateI[ eZpertise to sustaiPable busiPess aPF leaFership issues + love liviPI iP Seattle q B E C KY J O H N S ON MAHA N was PaOeF the 8irIiPia 26# state 8oluPteer oH the ;ear priOaril[ Hor her worM proOotiPI parePtal aPF coOOuPit[ iPvolveOePt iP schools &o\ePs oH schools aPF aIePcies iP *aOptoP 8a hosteF proIraOs Hor NatioPal 2arePtal +PvolveOePt &a[ which occurs each NoveOber She also spearheaFeF eHHorts to opeP a clothiPI closet that bePeËŹts PeeF[ *aOptoP stuFePts She was also electeF 2resiFePt oH the *aOptoP %ouPcil oH 26# 26S#s which oversees the 26#s iP cit[ schools


D O U GL AS F U LTON writes p/[ HaOil[ is Ireat 8al aPF our two FauIhters #PPiMa aPF 'li\a /[ busiPess $$. /eFia is a start up so what Oore PeeFs to be saiF HuP opportuPit[ terror aPF eZhaustioP /[ MPees are craPM[ but + still pla[ basMetball + Oet ,ohP Schwart\o soP )arricM recePtl[ *e is a total charOer Po surprise q K E LLY C L A R K E HE AR TQUIST writes p.ast ,ul[ our HaOil[ returPeF HroO spePFiPI three [ears liviPI iP %hiPa +t was HaPtastic eZperiePce aPF there are claw OarMs oP %hiPa HroO Oe tr[iPI to sta[ 9e traveleF to #ustralia New <ealaPF the 2hilippiPes +PFoPesia 6hailaPF aPF arouPF %hiPa 9e are so lucM[ Now we are bacM iP the 7 S aPF have settleF iPto aPother chapter oH our LourPe[ 1ur MiFs s %hristopher #PFrew

TOP &oroth[ Spears o riIht with HroO leHt 8aPce $rowP #leZ

BOTTOM -ell[ %larMe *eartSuist o aPF chilFreP %hristopher

$rowP (erraP $rowP at her soP #leZos IraFuatioP HroO the 7PiteF NatioPs +PterPatioPal School

aIe #PFrew aIe 6oOO[ aIe aPF #O[ aIe have returPeF to the States aHter liviPI iP %hiPa Hor three [ears

MIDDLE ,ulia /c.auIhliP 4oFIers o aPF &ebbi ,a[Pe Seaver o

cauIht up Hor a hiMe aPF luPch at the &eer 8alle[ 4esort iP 2arM %it[ 7tah where &ebbi is a sMi iPstructor

42 | 43

6oOO[ aPF #O[ s are all settliPI bacM iP althouIh it taMes tiOe #O[ leHt the 7 S wheP she was two so she Irew up iP %hiPa +tos HuPP[ the thiPIs + taMe Hor IraPteF the[ MPow about the 7 S + aO alwa[s FiscoveriPI Iaps iP their MPowleFIe 6he[ are Hast learPers thouIh aPF it has IiveP theO a huIe appreciatioP Hor cultural FiHHerePces 9e live iP #rMaPsas Pow iH [ou love hiMiPI aPF the outFoors it is oPe HaPtastic place to be + aO stuF[iPI [oIa photoIraph[ aPF SpaPish so Ouch easier thaP /aPFariP aPF oH course liviPI iP O[ car FriviPI ever[oPe ever[where q DIAN E MULLIN writes p+ was proOoteF to the positioP oH %urator HroO #ssociate %urator at the 9eisOaP #rt /useuO at the 7Piversit[ oH /iPPesota iP /a[ + aO still liviPI iP /iPPeapolis with O[ husbaPF &aviF 9ulHOaP aPF our soP .iaO who is q


PAT CLEN DEN EN was hoPoreF b[ 6he $ostoP (atheros &a[ %ouPcil aPF the #OericaP &iabetes #ssociatioP as a (ather oH the ;ear 6he awarF hoPors proOiPePt $ostoP busiPess leaFers who briPI attePtioP to the IrowiPI epiFeOic oH Fiabetes 2atos FauIhter %laire a [ear olF LuPior at 9ellesle[ *iIh School was FiaIPoseF with 6[pe Fiabetes wheP she was 2at is a partPer iP NelsoP /ulliPs 4ile[ ScarborouIhos $ostoP oHËŹce *e is the past chair aPF OeOber oH the )reater $ostoP $oarF oH &irectors oH the #OericaP *eart #ssociatioP /assachusetts #HËŹliate +Pc *e serveF Hor siZ [ears oP the boarF oH the 9ellesle[ ;outh *ocMe[ #ssociatioP +Pc aPF was its presiFePt HroO *e is a co HouPFer oH $ostoPos .aw[ers *ave *eart - 4oaF 4ace aPF he has ruP the $ # # *alH /arathoP three tiOes iP support oH the /aria )riHËŹP &rur[ (uPF at the ,osliP &iabetes %ePter


JOH N ADAMS' Hather HouPFeF the N4&% Natural 4esources &eHePse %ouPcil aPF receiveF the 2resiFePtial /eFal oH (reeFoO s the hiIhest civiliaP awarF iP the 7 S HroO 2resiFePt 1baOa at the 9hite *ouse CRAIG K ELLY writes p/[ wiHe *a[FeP aPF + recePtl[ welcoOeF *ePr[ 9elch -ell[ to our HaOil[ LoiPiPI biI brother %arter aIe


JON AT H AN TOROP OisseF 4euPioP because his wiHe haF a bab[

Iirl the weeMePF beHore


SET H K AUFMAN writes p+ starteF worMiPI at #FiFas 7 S iP ,aPuar[ as their %ustoOer 4elatioPship /arMetiPI /aPaIer Hor the e%oOOerce Iroup +ove beeP ePLo[iPI the Pew Lob q AN DREW MOREY writes p6hiPIs are IoiPI ver[ well + have beeP liviPI iP $ostoP Hor the past [ears /[ wiHe %arol[P aPF + have terriËŹc FauIhters %harlotte %atheriPe 'li\abeth who Meep us ver[ bus[ 9orM is Pow at aP iPvestOePt ËŹrO + helpeF to start [ears aIo T H OMAS L. ROSEN BERG is currePtl[ 82 #Fvisor[ Services Hor 'OerIePt 8ePtures +PterPatioPal +Pc a carboP aPF sustaiPabilit[ aFvisor[ ËŹrO 6oO was hireF to establish the 7 S presePce a [ear aIo 6he ËŹrO has a presePce iP couPtries oP coPtiPePts

poiPts to the Ë­oatiPI OarMet oP ships iP the harbor oH 9illeOstaF %uracao HroO the historic poPtooP briFIe

,o[ .o o #PFrea #hP o %hristopher ;u o #rthur /ui o &ouIlas .aO o &uPcaP /iao o ,oe[ (aP o )eoHHre[ -ao o )race %heuPI o aPF ,ePPiHer ;u o

MIDDLE 4oPPa %hao *eHHPer o aPF the *oPI -oPI %hoate %lub

BOTTOM $rett aPF )raPt ,ohPsoP o 4aPF[ SteiPberI o SuPFa[

helF a 4euPioP 9eeMePF IatheriPI oP /a[ to coiPciFe with the 4euPioP 9eeMePF iP 9alliPIHorF #ttePFees iPcluFeF 6riPh &u o

StevePs o -eviP -assover o aPF .ace[ 6errell o Oet up at a 9est %oast aluOPi IatheriPI

TOP %hristopher 4earFoP aIe OoPths soP oH ,iO 4earFoP o

44 | 45



JASON WEBB recePtl[ tooM a Lob with a )roupoP sister coOpaP[ iP %hicaIo calleF +PPer9orMiPIs +9 is North #Oericaos larIest priPt aPF proOotioPal OaPaIeOePt coOpaP[ with over OillioP iP sales last [ear ,asoP sa[s he loves this Pew opportuPit[ aPF has recoPPecteF with several %hoate IraFs over the past siZ OoPths


CAMMY MILLER JON ES is OoviPI with her husbaPF Scott aPF chilFreP #ustiP aPF NathaP to )erOaP[ iP the Hall oH Scott will be *eaFOaster oH $lacM (orest #caFeO[ N ED MCCALL aPF his wiHe .ora welcoOeF their thirF chilF *ePr[ /c%all AMY TALK IN G TON woP a 9riters )uilF #warF iP (ebruar[ Hor #valoP *iIh a chilFrePos Oovie she co wrote She is FevelopiPI several Pew screePpla[s with New .iPe %iPeOa SuOOit 'PtertaiPOePt aPF &isPe[


SEAN DAVIS aPF &ihP 6raP welcoOeF a FauIhter 'li\a 6raP &avis oP &eceOber *app[ HaOil[ aPF %hoate aluOPi iPcluFe )raPFparePts /arIot &avis aPF .airF &avis o #uPt -elle[ &avis (laPFers o aPF 7Pcle 6oFF &avis o BRIAN N EWBERRY has beeP PaOeF *ouse OiPorit[ leaFer oH the 4hoFe +slaPF *ouse oH 4epresePtatives RAFE SAG ARIN a OariPe ecoloIist at the 7Piversit[ oH #ri\oPaos +Pstitute oH the 'PviroPOePt has receiveF a prestiIious )uIIePheiO (ellowship to help societ[ better uPFerstaPF aPF respoPF to securit[ threats such as terrorisO iPHectious Fiseases aPF Patural Fisasters *e will use his oPe [ear Hellowship to help coOplete two booMs


MICH AEL MIN ADEO was choseP b[ a 2alo #lto thiPM taPM 6he +Pstitute Hor the (uture as the IraPF pri\e wiPPer oH the 4o[ #Oara 2ri\e Hor 2articipator[ (oresiIht /ichaelos wiPPiPI iFea the p$eaPstalM q is a Hoot tall protot[pe oH a carboP scrubber that rec[cles %1 HroO the air aPF reOoves sOoI aPF pollutioP 6he beaPstalM FesiIP uses larIe leaH shapeF solar paPels to proviFe power aPF shaFe iP urbaP areas &esiIPeF to looM orIaPic the beaPstalM caP wrap arouPF builFiPIs or becoOe aP iPvisible part oH the laPFscape hopeHull[ iPspiriPI people to place theO iP their [arFs aPF other public spaces ;ou caP see pictures oH the beaPstalM aPF reaF the bloI at caliHorPiaFreaOs orI *e caP be reacheF at /ichael /iPaFeo"IOail coO


K IRST IN BRUN ER LEIG H TON - LUCAS aPF her husbaPF &aviF welcoOeF 6aOerlaPe ,aOes .eiIhtoP .ucas oP /arch iP 9ashiPItoP & %

TOP ,aPice .awPer o baMeF 'lOo cupcaMes Hor her soP

BOTTOM /ichael /iPaFeo o was choseP b[ a 2alo #lto thiPM

)ra[soPos secoPF birthFa[ iP ,uPe ,aPice is still worMiPI at 6[co +PterPatioPal aPF liviPI iP 'ast 9iPFsor N,

taPM 6he +Pstitute (or 6he (uture as the IraPF pri\e wiPPer oH the 4o[ #Oara 2ri\e Hor 2articipator[ (oresiIht

MIDDLE .iPFa Nel o aPF husbaPF /ichel %alaOe welcoOeF

'Oil[ Su\aPPe oP #pril iP 4ieheP Swit\erlaPF

MAU R E E N MUL L IN OisseF the th 4euPioP this [ear Fue to the

birth oH her FauIhter 1livia &iaPe She writes pSorr[ to Oiss the Hestivities but looMiPI HorwarF to the th iP [ears + aO iP 2hilaFelphia worMiPI as the &irector oH 'FucatioP at #rFeP 6heatre %oOpaP[ with O[ husbaPF .arr[ (owler q J O H N N E W MAN aPF his wiHe /oll[ welcoOeF their secoPF FauIhter %ecelia /a[ oP /a[ iP 2alO SpriPIs %aliH %ecelia LoiPs biI sister .uc[ 'li\abeth who turPeF two iP ,ul[ ,ohP is &eaP oH StuFePts at +F[llwilF #rts #caFeO[ *e welcoOes correspoPFePce at LPewOaP"iF[llwilF arts orI D E I R D R E R AF F E R TY writes p+ aO currePtl[ OarrieF with two bo[s aPF liviPI iP &ubliP +relaPF + aO aP aPesthesioloIist but have beeP a sta[ at hoOe OoO Hor the past Hour [ears which + love q


A R T D O W E YKO writes p+ have beeP liviPI FowP iP suPP[ (ort .auFerFale siPce where + was Lust recePtl[ the 3ualit[ %oPtrol /aPaIer Hor a cheOical coOpaP[ calleF 1Z[IeP &evelopOePt + Oet 4ebeMah $arFwell who also Irew up iP %oPPecticut 1P ,ul[ we were OarrieF iP )rotoP %oPP /ore thaP a Hew %hoate aluOs were presePt +P /arch we FeciFeF to OaMe the biI Oove aPF coOe bacM to %oPPecticut where we are currePtl[ liviPI iP %hester 4ebeMah is a ps[choloIist oPe oH the preOier eatiPI FisorFer specialists iP the couPtr[ aPF + aO aP orIaPic cheOist q W E N D E VA L E NTINE has beeP thrilleF to spePF Oore tiOe with &aPielle 'lMiP iP the last [ear ËŹrst as colleaIues at 9ater (or 2eople www waterHorpeople orI aPF Pow as partPers iP a Pew ePFeavor %hallePIe

www challePIe coO which aiOs to raise OillioP Hor 9ater (or 2eople over the PeZt three [ears throuIh a ËŹrst ever atteOpt at cliObiPI the 6riple SeveP SuOOits &aPi resiFes iP 8ail allowiPI Hor soOe Ireat pworMq Fa[s oP the OouPtaiP 9ePFe is also looMiPI HorwarF to catchiPI up with -iO *avell at the 6elluriFe /ouPtaiP (ilO (estival at the ePF oH /a[ aHter -iO will have Lust returPeF HroO aP aFvePture iP Norwa[ J E F F R E Y W I ENE R has LoiPeF a 9ashiPItoP baseF IoverPOePt relatioPs ËŹrO O%apitol www Ocapitol coO which has createF a Pew PatioPal securit[ aPF FeHePse practice leF b[ ,eHH as vice presiFePt $eHore LoiPiPI O%apitol ,eHH was a vice presiFePt with %assiF[ #ssociates aPF (abiaPi %oOpaP[ iP 9ashiPItoP & % proviFiPI couPsel to sePior leaFers oH FoOestic aPF iPterPatioPal corporatioPs aPF acaFeOic iPstitutioPs iP areas iPcluFiPI telecoOOuPicatioPs aerospace aPF liHe sciePces *e was a HorOer Oilitar[ leIislative assistaPt aPF sePior HoreiIP polic[ aFvisor Hor SeP /ar[ .aPFrieu & .a

TOP #rt &owe[Mo o OarrieF 4ebeMah $arFwell oP ,ul[

BOTTOM ,ohP 6usMowsMi o aPF wiHe *eather welcoOeF

iP )rotoP %oPP

8ictoria 'lise 6usMowsMi oP /arch $iI brother #PFrew is ePLo[iPI his Pew bab[ sister

MIDDLE -atie /arsh o with husbaPF ,uliaP $arPes aPF soP

#leMsaPFr welcoOeF Natalia 'leaPor /arsh $arPes oP /arch iP 9ashiPItoP & %


K A LI M A H F E R G US AYE L E recoPPecteF with olF HriePFs -risteP %larMe 8eroPica *erPaPFe\ aPF (aithaPP $rowP while visitiPI with her HaOil[ iP New ;orM -aliOah her husbaPF #bel aPF chilFreP 6siFale aPF *aile live Pear ,ohaPPesburI South #Hrica where she teaches cheOistr[ CA MI LO R O M AN CE PE DA welcoOeF FauIhter #rabella oP /arch iP Seoul /oO aPF bab[ are FoiPI ËŹPe FaF learPeF Oore iP the ËŹrst several hours siPce her birth thaP iP the last several [ears A N TH O N Y VA N NICE aPF his wiHe .iPFsa[ welcoOeF their secoPF FauIhter *ilar[ 'llis 8aP Nice oP #pril A M Y F E R R E R O S COTT writes p/[ latest Pews is the aFFitioP oH $raFeP #llaP Scott to our HaOil[ $orP ,uPe $raFeP LoiPs O[ FauIhters N[la aPF )race q J O H N TU S KO W S KI aPF wiHe *eather write p9e haF a bus[ spriPI iP #tlaPta +P (ebruar[ we OoveF iPto a Pew house aPF theP oP /arch we welcoOeF 8ictoria 'lise 6usMowsMi $iI brother #PFrew is ePLo[iPI his Pew sister q


DAV I D B A R R U TIA writes p/[ wiHe aPF + welcoOeF a health[ bab[ bo[ oP (ebruar[ aO %S6 %hiPa StaPFarF 6iOe the th Fa[ oH the %hiPese New ;ear a SpriPI (estival bab[ $ab[ aPF /other are FoiPI woPFerHull[ Pow aPF + caPot wait Hor the Fa[ wheP he Oa[ have the chaPce to stuF[ at his Hatheros alOa Oater q A B D I N A Z E MI AN aPF E R ICA KR AUS recePtl[ coOpleteF their short ËŹlO p4evolutioP q 6he ËŹlO haF its preOiere iP .os #PIeles iP /arch aPF will be at aFFitioPal Hestivals iP the PeZt Hew OoPths J E R E M Y S O KOL NICKI welcoOeF a soP Noah #leZaPFer oP (ebruar[


JA M E S K A I S E R ËŹPisheF a Fa[ bloI about tr[iPI to photoIraph the (ireHall iP ;oseOite NatioPal 2arM a Patural phePoOePoP where Hor two weeMs iP late (ebruar[ the settiPI suP perHectl[ illuOiPates a waterHall OaMiPI it Ilow oraPIe aPF reF %hecM it out at www [oseOiteËŹreHall coO DAV I D S I LK E N AT is aP #ssistaPt 2roHessor oH *istor[ aPF 'FucatioP at North &aMota State 7Piversit[ *is ËŹrst booM Moments of Despair: Suicide, Divorce, and Debt in Civil War Era North Carolina was publisheF b[ the 7Piversit[ oH North %aroliPa 2ress K ATH E R I N E T R AF TON writes p6his [ear OarMs O[ th iP 1l[Opia 9# + teach /iFFle School Oath sciePce aPF art +P NoveOber + earPeF NatioPal $oarF %ertiËŹcatioP iP 'arl[ #FolescePt SciePce +PstructioP %urrePtl[ + aO ePLo[iPI watchiPI the plaPts ËŹll iP oP O[ Pew IreeP rooHeF IaraIe s the ËŹrst perOitteF resiFePtial IreeP rooH iP the cit[ q

TOP #O[ Scott o celebrateF the Pewest aFFitioP to her HaOil[

BOTTOM -ate 2hillips o aPF #leZ %leII OarrieF at 4oariPI )ap

$raFeP #llaP Scott borP oP ,uPe 2ictureF here with biI sister N[la aIe

North %aroliPa oP /a[

MIDDLE #bFi Na\eOiaP o aPF 'rica -raus o at the preOiere

oH their short ËŹlO Revolution iP .os #PIeles /arch

46 | 47


SIEN N A BROWN earPeF her 2h& iP #rt *istor[ HroO 'Oor[

7Piversit[ iP /a[ JAY H UAN G is currePtl[ a OaPaIiPI Firector aPF the Ilobal heaF oH %.1 %&1 aPF FistresseF S+8 traFiPI at %itiIroup *e LoiPeF %itiIroup iP aPF iP helpeF lauPch %itiIroupos secoPFar[ %&1 traFiPI FesM +P ,a[ was proOoteF to solel[ heaF this eHHort aPF pioPeereF %itiIroupos FistresseF S+8 traFiPI eHHort iP *e currePtl[ ruPs a Ilobal teaO oH traFers baseF iP both New ;orM aPF .oPFoP ,a[ currePtl[ lives iP N;%os )reePwich 8illaIe aPF HreSuePtl[ travels betweeP the 7 S 'urope #sia aPF #ustralia VIK JIN DAL writes p+ was electeF to the boarF oH the + *ave # &reaO (ouPFatioP which worMs with uPFerprivileIeF MiFs HroO eleOePtar[ school throuIh hiIh school 7poP coOpletioP oH hiIh school the MiFs receive IuaraPteeF tuitioP assistaPce Hor colleIe q AN IL K H ACH AN E welcoOeF a bab[ bo[ #ristoP


JESSICA ALVAREZ writes p#Hter a Hew [ears as a HreelaPce booM eFitor sta[ at hoOe OoO +ove OaFe a sOall career shiHt aPF LoiPeF $ooM'PFs as a literar[ aIePt +oO haviPI lots oH HuP searchiPI Hor talePteF writers q Z ACH ARY COH EN aPF his wiHe #PPie welcoOeF a FauIhter #PPa &aPielle %oheP oP ,aPuar[ ADRIAN DAH OOD- FRIT Z was recePtl[ hireF iP the 1HËŹce oH 2olar 2roIraOs at the NatioPal SciePce (ouPFatioP +P &eceOber she spePt three weeMs worMiPI with the 7PiteF States #Ptarctic 2roIraO ePviroPOePtal teaO at /c/urFo aPF South 2ole StatioPs LIN DSAY N EMIROW DITTO welcoOeF her ËŹrst chilF .iPcolP &oc &itto oP SepteOber iP %hicaIo .iPFsa[ also reports that her twiP sister %arl[ NeOirow OarrieF &r N Seth 6rueIer iP the &oOiPicaP 4epublic ALI POTT S H UCK IN S welcoOeF *a[le[ 'li\abeth *ucMiPs oP &eceOber She arriveF weeMs earl[ weiIhiPI Lust pouPFs ouPces aPF OeasuriPI oPl[ iPches loPI #li writes 9e spePt aP eZhaustiPI Fa[s iP the N+%7 iP &ePver aPF she caOe hoOe oP /arch s aPF is Pow a happ[ aPF health[ bab[ LAUREL RIED LAN G WORT H Y writes p/[ husbaPF $eP aPF + are FeliIhteF to aPPouPce the birth oH our FauIhter -atheriPe 4ieF .aPIworth[ oP /a[ 9e are ecstatic q AMY N ELSON OarrieF 2atricM .ovett iP -iawah +slaPF South %aroliPa oP /a[ 6he[ hoPe[OooPeF iP $ora $ora aPF #ustralia aPF live iP %hicaIo SUZ AN N E T EMPLE PRESCOTT aPF husbaPF 4[aP welcoOeF their ËŹrst chilF %oPPer 6eOple 2rescott oP /a[ 6he HaOil[ is currePtl[ liviPI iP #tlaPta where Su\aPPe is practiciPI HaOil[ law as a partPer at the law ËŹrO oH $iveM $rubaMer 2rescott ..%

TOP , -ePFal 9olH o earPeF his %oach 4atiPI HroO the 7PiteF

MIDDLE #leZ (leOiPI o OarrieF /ar[ -atheriPe $rooMs oH

States 2arachute #ssociatioP *e sM[Fives reIularl[ at the 1raPIe %ouPt[ #irport a Frop \oPe outsiFe 9ashiPItoP &%

&iHËŹcult 6N oP /arch #leZ is a OaPaIeOePt coPsultaPt Hor #ccePture /- ruPs her owP coPsultiPI ËŹrO Hor PoP proËŹt OaPaIeOePt 6he couple live iP New ;orM %it[ BOTTOM .[PPie 4uFPer o OarrieF #PF[ %orrell iP .aMe 2laciF

N ; iP 1ctober

48 | 49

LYN N IE RUDN ER OarrieF #PF[ %orrell last Hall iP .aMe 2laciF N ; aPF theP iP NoveOber she IraFuateF HroO her 2h& proIraO iP 1PcoloIical SciePces at the 7Piversit[ oH 7tah iP Salt .aMe %it[ She is ËŹPish iPI her last [ear iP OeFical school aPF looMiPI HorwarF to OoviPI bacM to the 'ast %oast iP


K AT IE BAN N ON aPF her husbaPF 9illis are liviPI iP N;% with their beautiHul bab[ Iirl %arseP who was OoPths olF iP ,ul[ ELIZ ABET H W. CH ILDS IraFuateF HroO the 1weP )raFuate School oH /aPaIeOePt at 8aPFerbilt 7Piversit[ with her /$# oP /a[ aPF OoveF to Seattle #P[ %hoaties iP the area please be sure to reach out eli\abethAchilFs"[ahoo coO MELISSA COLAN G ELO OarrieF ,ereO[ )leP oP 1ctober at the /useuO oH the ShePaPFoah 8alle[ iP 9iPchester 8a %hoate classOates iP attePFaPce were her sister Sara %olaPIelo 9[che ,aPiPe -us\a #Pthes #PPe *olFer (ieFler aPF .ars (ieFler o %hoate Hacult[ iP attePFaPce were $ill $erIhoHH aPF his wiHe 6iPa aPF 2hilip 8ePtre aPF his wiHe #PtoiPette /elissa aPF ,ereO[ live aPF worM iP 9ashiPItoP & % LAUREN COZ Z OLIN O DAVIES aPF $eP &avies welcoOeF a soP 2eter )ra[soP &avies oP /a[ SUSH EILA K H ACH AN E is iPterPiPI at 6iOe +Pc iP the law FepartOePt beHore she starts her ËŹPal [ear at %orFo\a .aw School iP N;% ROSE K WASS OarrieF $riaP $erI oH /iPPeapolis iP 9ooFsiFe %aliH oP /a[ +P attePFaPce were classOates Sarah %aOpbell &a[ Susheila -hachaPe %aPF[ 6ischer #aroP )raPt #llie 1o-aPe #l[ce .ee 2err[ -atie $aPPoP aPF .aureP (raPM JESSICA LAT H AM recePtl[ leHt Vanity Fair to start her owP evePt plaPPiPI coOpaP[ pSocial StuFies q iP N;% She also Lust lauPcheF a web site booMreportPew[orM coO JAMES MORLEY welcoOeF a soP )raeOe 2atricM oP /arch RODES M. PON Z ER aPF 9ill *uPter recoPPecteF at ,(- airport while boarFiPI a Ë­iIht to .oPFoP $oth were heaFiPI to the 7- Hor busiPess OeetiPIs aPF lauIheF about how sOall the %hoate worlF reall[ is JOSEF POWELL aPF his wiHe /uPchaP welcoOeF their secoPF FauIhter N[ra 2owell iP ,aPuar[ JUST IN REID writes p#Hter IettiPI O[ /$# HroO ;ale last spriPI + LoiPeF Shape7p coO a healthcare start up iP 2roviFePce 4 + as &irector oH $usiPess &evelopOePt 9e are aP oPliPe techPoloI[ coOpaP[ aFFressiPI behavior chaPIe arouPF health[ liviPI aPF wellPess Shortl[ aHter OoviPI to 2roviFePce O[ wiHe .aura aPF + welcoOeF our FauIhter %harlotte ShawhuIhes 4eiF %harlie is ver[ talMative aPF active so she Meeps us oP our toes aPF is a toP oH HuP (iPall[ we recePtl[ OoveF iPto a biI olF house Lust oHH $rowPos caOpus so please let us MPow iH [ou are coOiPI throuIh aPF PeeF a place to sta[ q

TOP LEFT #FriaP &ahooF (rit\ o spePt three weeMs with the 7PiteF States #Ptarctic 2roIraO ePviroPOePtal teaO at /c/urFo aPF South 2ole StatioPs

MIDDLE %olO 4aHHert[ o hosteF %hoateos &irector oH &evelopOePt

TOP RIGHT -irstiP $ruPer .eiIhtoP .ucas o aPF her husbaPF &aviF .eiIhtoP .ucas welcoOeF 6aOerlaPe ,aOes .eiIhtoP .ucas oP /arch iP 9ashiPItoP &%

BOTTOM /elissa %olaPIelo o OarrieF ,ereO[ )leP oP 1ctober at the /useuO oH the ShePaPFoah 8alle[ iP 9iPchester 8#

&aP %ource[ o aPF FevelopOePt oHËŹcer /arcia /oPaIaP 2 o at aP evePt helF at the *oPI -oPI ,ocMe[ %lub iP $eiLiPI

PATR I C K R OMAN aPF his wiHe 'lleP <archiP are pleaseF to aPPouPce the birth oH their soP .uMe /c%arth[ oP (ebruar[ at St ,osephos *ealth %ePtre iP 6oroPto 1Ptario .uMe weiIheF pouPFs aPF was iPches loPI 6he[ relocateF to New ;orM %it[ iP /a[ aPF looM HorwarF to recoPPectiPI with Hellow aluOs J E N P U PA S C HWAR TZ writes p+ aO looMiPI HorwarF to returPiPI to school this Hall aPF will attePF N;7os SterP School oH $usiPess Hull tiOe q C H E LI N E YAU writes p+ recePtl[ attePFeF aP awarF cereOoP[ iP N;% hoPoriPI &esiIPiPI 9oOeP iP 68 (ilOs aPF Oet )lePP %lose o who was oPe oH the presePters Hor the evePiPI q


E LI Z A B E TH GA INE S CAR DONE aPF husbaPF Scott welcoOeF their ËŹrst chilF %atheriPe .oriPI %arFoPe oP /a[ E M I LY J E N NINGS writes p+ receiveF O[ ,& cuO lauFe HroO $% law iP aPF theP worMeF Hor the $ostoP law ËŹrO oH )ooFwiP 2rocter as a litiIatioP associate HocusiPI oP iPtellectual propert[ aPF FruI patePt litiIatioP #Hter that + pursueF O[ passioP Hor OeFiciPe b[ eProlliPI iP $ePPiPItoP %olleIeos 2re OeF post bacc proIraO + woulF love to Iet iP touch with aP[oPe who has beeP throuIh the OeF school applicatioP IauPtlet q


L E E B R E S S L ER aPF wiHe Shira welcoOeF a FauIhter 'FeP ,o[ $ressler oP /a[ .ee aPF HaOil[ live iP New ;orM %it[ where .ee worMs Hor a heFIe HuPF calleF %obalt %apital C . T R E VO R CHIL DS writes p+ Iot OarrieF to ,acl[P %ashOaP last #uIust oP %ape %oF She is a 68 Pews aPchor aPF reporter Several %hoaties were iP attePFaPce iPcluFiPI &ave 2iOePtel o &aP 2iOePtel $raF %arPe[ #le /iPoli 4or[ %ahill .aureP 6aus aPF ,alal $aruPi #lso + ËŹPisheF *arvarF $usiPess School this spriPI q A N D R E A M I L L E R aPF her FaPce coOpaP[ )alliO &aPce were HeatureF oP the cover oH the #pril issue oH Dance Magazine #PFrea is a risiPI choreoIrapher JAV I E R VA L LE writes p#Hter ËŹPishiPI OeF school at 7Piversit[ oH /ichiIaP + sta[eF oP as a resiFePt at 7oH/ iP +PterPal /eFiciPe + will sta[ oP as %hieH /eFical 4esiFePt beHore startiPI a carFioloI[ Hellowship +ove ruP iPto 9hit ScuFFer FuriPI trips bacM to %oPPecticut aPF Steve -Papp iP .as 8eIas over the past couple oH [ears q


E R I C B O GI N writes p+oO ËŹPishiPI up O[ Lob iP New ;orM this OoPth aPF OoviPI to .os #PIeles to start aP /$# proIraO at the 7S% /arshall School oH $usiPess q A LE X A N D E R DUE L L MCMAHON aPF E MMA AN DERSON M CM A H O N are liviPI happil[ iP /aPhattaP 'OOa is a proHessioPal cheH #leZaPFer Lust releaseF a Pew recorF uPFer the PaOe :aPFer &uell titleF 'ZperiOePtal 6ape No #leZ Lust scoreF a Oovie calleF pSOall $eautiHull[ /oviPI 2artsq that preOiereF at the South $[ Southwest ËŹlO Hestival

TOP ,asoP 4ahal o aPF 6rac[ <upaPcis o were OarrieF iP

MIDDLE %olleeP Saw[er o aPF /aura (arver o attePFeF Sarah

NaPtucMet oP SepteOber 6he weFFiPI part[ iPcluFeF classOates Nachel /athoFa /aZ &esrochers aPF #FaO 4ahal o 6rac[os stepHather -ePt /ueller o aPF %hoate Hacult[ SusaP aPF StepheP (arrell were iP attePFaPce

BOTTOM %heliPe ;au o attePFeF aP awarF cereOoP[ iP

4eaIaPos o weFFiPI to Steve 2iMos /a[ iP *artHorF %6 N;% hoPoriPI &esiIPiPI 9oOeP iP 68 (ilOs aPF Oet )lePP %lose o who was oPe oH the presePters

MO LLY M I TC H E L L WA R D writes p#Hter colleIe IraFuatioP

*arvarF o + worMeF iP a PaPocheOistr[ lab iP StrasbourI (raPce aPF theP at SchluOberIer coPFuctiPI PaPotechPoloI[ cheOistr[ research iP 2aris (raPce + was also coOpetiPI Hor a (rePch swiO teaO while + liveF there + aO Pow iP O[ ËŹPal [ear oH a [ear Fual FeIree /asteros proIraO at &uMe 7Piversit[ /a[ o +oO worMiPI towarF a /asteros iP 'PviroPOePtal /aPaIeOePt aPF a /asteros iP 2ublic 2olic[ /[ Hocus areas are ePerI[ aPF cliOate polic[ ecoPoOics aPF sciePce oP the iPterPatioPal level + aO also speciËŹcall[ iPteresteF iP the ePerI[ aPF cliOate risM assessOePt aPF OaPaIeOePt + aO still swiOOiPI aPF + aO also a tri athlete q


A M A N DA H E A RST writes p+ Lust waPt to sa[ coPIratulatioPs to O[ two IooF HriePFs Sarah SchaHHer o aPF 2aiIe 4[aP o oP their recePt ePIaIeOePts 1P O[ ePF Po ePIaIeOePt Pews as oH [et but + aO happil[ worMiPI at Marie Claire Magazine eFitiPI a OoPthl[ paIe oP sustaiPable HashioP as well as proFuciPI a bloI calleF p#OaPFaos '[eq Hor Oarieclaire coO +ove also beeP worMiPI with the charit[ + starteF with the *uOaPe Societ[ calleF p(riePFs oH (iPPq (iPP is O[ pup aPF we worM to ePF the iPFustr[ oH pupp[ Oills 9e Lust threw aP evePt with Stella /c%artPe[ aPF our website www HriePFsoHËŹPP orI is up aPF ruPPiPI /issiPI [ou all q L AU R E N S H O C KE Y is a restauraPt critic at the Village Voice iP New ;orM %it[ #FFitioPall[ Four Kitchens her OeOoir oH learPiPI to cooM iP restauraPts arouPF the worlF was publisheF iP ,ul[


N I C KY E I S A writes p+ have IraFuateF HroO OeFical school aPF have beIuP at the ,ohPs *opMiPs 7Piversit[os aPesthesia resiFePc[ proIraO &uriPI O[ vacatioP betweeP Pow aPF theP + hope to Oeet up with /arM 1sborPe o who also wePt to $ates %olleIe with Oe /[ sister Naila 'isa o aPF + will also ËŹPall[ receive our 7 S citi\ePship FuriPI this breaM She is worMiPI iP %harlotte N % as a OarMet risM aPal[st at $$ 6 So all iP all ever[thiPI is IoiPI well aPF +oO ver[ eZciteF to see what the Huture holFs q MI C H A E L LAV I GNE , J R . will LoiP the %hoate 4oseOar[ *all Hacult[ this Hall as a ,ohP ,oseph #ctivities %ePter 2roIraO #ssistaPt K ATH R Y N MA RE S CA stuFieF teZtile FesiIP at the 4hoFe +slaPF School oH &esiIP aHter IraFuatiPI HroO %hoate She recePtl[ lauPcheF a Pew busiPess calleF /aresca 6eZtiles #ll oH her Habrics are haPF priPteF aPF or eObroiFereF ;ou caP visit her site at www OarescateZtiles coO GL E N W E Y L has accepteF a positioP as assistaPt proHessor iP the &epartOePt oH 'coPoOics at the 7Piversit[ oH %hicaIo J E R E M Y W H I TE receiveF his Oasteros FeIree iP Securit[ StuFies iP /a[ HroO the (letcher School oH .aw iP &iploOac[ *e is currePtl[ taMiPI a breaM HroO the securit[ ËŹelF aPF is attePFiPI the (rePch %uliPar[ +Pstitute iP New ;orM %it[

TOP LEFT StepheP 9atsoP o aPF his briFe .ibb[ oP their weFFiPI Fa[ /a[ at the #ppletree +PP iP .ePoZ /ass TOP RIGHT #PFrea /iller o aPF her FaPce coOpaP[ )alliO

&aPce were HeatureF oP the cover oH the #pril issue oH Dance Magazine.

MIDDLE 6ravis 9olH o with parePts &r 'ric 9olH aPF &r .iPFa

9olH aPF Iuest speaMer /aLor )ePeral ,oP &avis 7S/% at the wiPIiPI cereOoP[ at N#S 9hitiPI (ielF oP #pril BOTTOM .ucie 2atchiPI o OarrieF /att $rucMPer at 6ucMeros

2oiPt iP $erOuFa %lassOates ,ePPiHer $arr[ aPF #PPa .iPFel were briFesOaiFs

50 | 51

T RAVIS WOLF was FesiIPateF a Naval #viator aPF earPeF his p9iPIs oH )olFq at N#S 9hitiPI (ielF iP /iltoP (la oP #pril 6ravis IraFuateF HroO the 7 S Naval #caFeO[ iP with a $S iP #erospace 'PIiPeeriPI as a Nav[ 'PsiIP aPF theP HroO the /assachusetts +Pstitute oH 6echPoloI[ iP with aP S/ iP #eroPautics #stroPautics beHore beIiPPiPI Ë­iIht traiPiPI at N#S 2ePsacola *e is currePtl[ assiIPeF to the p#irwolvesq oH (leet 4eplaceOePt SSuaFroP *S/ at NS /a[port (la where he is Ë­[iPI the S* $ SeahawM helicopter aPF was proOoteF to the raPM oH .ieutePaPt oP ,uPe


ALLIE ECH EVERRIA writes p+ aO liviPI iP /aPhattaP aPF ËŹPishiPI up O[ thirF [ear oH teachiPI NeF .aPphier caOe to visit Oe iP ,aPuar[ aPF we spePt a Ireat weeMePF catchiPI up aPF seeiPI Outual HriePFs + also haF FiPPer with ,ohPa *oe[ aPF /iMe $arrett recePtl[ iP /urra[ *ill +t was a lot oH HuP reliviPI OeOories oH sophoOore [ear q


CASE CARPEN T ER is Pow worMiPI Hor a private eSuit[ ËŹrO iP %oPPecticut aHter IraFuatiPI with a FeIree iP (iPaPce HroO the /c+Ptire School oH %oOOerce at the 7Piversit[ oH 8irIiPia *e also voluPteers Hor the FevelopOePt oHËŹce oH the #OericaP 4eF %ross aPF will be OoviPI iPto /aPhattaP oPce he ËŹPall[ subOits to the reverse coOOute *e was happ[ to reuPite with all his hiIh school HriePFs at the [ear reuPioP iP /a[


RACH EL BERG ER IraFuateF HroO /uhlePberI %olleIe +P ,ul[ she traveleF to #re\\o +tal[ to perHorO at the %risis#rt (estival with the 2uPch 6heatre %oOpaP[ iP a piece calleF Architecture b[ $ett[ ShaOieh +P #uIust she beIaP aP actiPI apprePtice at the 'PseOble 6heatre oH %iPciPPati SABRIN A LAZ ARUS was choseP as the stuFePt speaMer Hor NorthwesterP 7Piversit[os /eFill School oH ,ourPalisO IraFuatioP cereOoP[ #Hter IraFuatioP she is heaFeF to SaP (raPcisco to staIe OaPaIe aPF she woulF love to Iet iP touch with aP[oPe else iP the $a[ #rea


ALLISON C. H IN CK LEY is a LuPior at /+6 stuF[iPI %heOical 'PIiPeeriPI she is iP #lpha 2i sororit[ aPF oP the 9oOePos %rew 6eaO She worMeF aPF iOproveF her #rabic laPIuaIe sMills iP %airo last suOOer with a petroleuO coOpaP[ She is ePLo[iPI colleIe liHe iP %aObriFIe


SURIL K AN TARIA writes p+oO ËŹPishiPI up O[ secoPF [ear at &artOouth aPF will be coOpetiPI iP the NatioPal %olleIiate %lub 8olle[ball tourPaOePt iP a Hew weeMs + spePt O[ spriPI terO worMiPI Hor 2resiFePt 1baOaos %ouPcil oH 'coPoOic #Fvisers iP 9ashiPItoP & % q

TOP 'li\abeth )aiPes %arFoPe o leHt aPF /ereFith 1sterOaP o riIht with their PewborPs %atheriPe .oriPI %arFoPe borP oP /a[ aPF 2orter (raPcis 4ust borP /a[ MIDDLE /ar[ (oster o /aIIie 4eOseP o %aroliPe ShuOwa[ o aPF #PPe %hePI o Oet up at the *owe %up sSuash tourPaOePt helF at 2riPcetoP

BOTTOM ,ustiP 4eiF o aPF his wiHe .aura welcoOeF a

FauIhter %harlotte ShawhuIhes 4eiF

52 | 53

In Memoriam A L U M N I




C H A MI LTO N W. W R IGHT a writer FieF ,aPuar[ iP 2leasaPt 8alle[ #ri\ $orP iP )arFeP %it[ N ; *aO caOe to %hoate iP *e was captaiP oH IolH oP the HePciPI teaO iP the )lee %lub aPF oP the boarFs oH the News aPF the Literary Magazine *e earPeF a $ # HroO ;ale aPF serveF iP the %oast )uarF FuriPI 9orlF 9ar ++ theP brieË­[ aIaiP FuriPI the -oreaP 9ar *aO was iPvolveF iP the theater iP New ;orM aPF publisheF a PuOber oH short stories iP OePos OaIa\iPes he later wrote aP autobioIraphical Povel Running for the Exit *e was iPstruOePtal iP restoriPI the SharoP %oPP 2la[house aHter 9orlF 9ar ++ two oH his pla[s were proFuceF there *e was also aP ePthusiastic IolHer *e leaves several Pieces aPF Pephews


C JA M E S S . M ACGR E GOR J R . a retireF eZecutive oH aP autoOobile parts OaPuHacturiPI ËŹrO FieF ,uPe iP *artHorF %oPP $orP iP /esilla 2arM N / ,iO caOe to %hoate iP he pla[eF Hootball was iP 'l %lub %astellaPo aPF later was a class aIePt #Hter IraFuatiPI HroO 9esle[aP he worMeF Hor OaP[ [ears Hor the 4a[bestos /aPhattaP %o aPF later HouPFeF his owP coOpaP[ /ar /ac 6ools iP 'sseZ %oPP *e ePLo[eF sailiPI aPF the outFoors aPF was Suite active iP the &eep 4iver %oPP %oPIreIatioPal %hurch *e haF HorOeF a hiMiPI Iroup aPF at his HuPeral a Fo\eP OeObers oH the Iroup FresseF iP hiMiPI Iear placeF a pair oH boots aPF a hiMiPI staHH iP the HroPt oH the church *e leaves his wiHe 'Oilie /acIreIor 4iver 4F 'sseZ %6 Hour chilFreP two IraPFFauIhters aPF two Ireat IraPFFauIhters # brother the late (raPMliP /acIreIor o aPF a cousiP the late 4oIer 9hite o also attePFeF %hoate


C H E N R Y D . V E ZAN a retireF eZecutive OaPaIeOePt coPsultaPt FieF #pril iP $ristol %oPP $orP iP ;oPMers N ; *aPM caOe to %hoate iP #t that tiOe his last PaOe was 8e\iP he chaPIeF the spelliPI iP to briPI it iP liPe with its proPuPciatioP *e was 2resiFePt oH the *istor[ %lub %hair oH the &ebate %ouPcil iP the )erOaP %lub oP the tePPis teaO aPF he woP a school pri\e Hor Febate #Hter attePFiPI 2riPcetoP he serveF FuriPI 9orlF 9ar ++ as a Nav[ .ieutePaPt iP both the #tlaPtic aPF 2aciËŹc theaters *e was a partPer oH 8e\aP 9est %o aP eZecutive OaPaIeOePt coPsultaPc[ iP 9est *artHorF %oPP *e leaves a soP 2eter 8e\aP o a FauIhter aPF a sister *aPM was the soP oH %harles 8e\iP ,r o a %hoate 6rustee HroO to aPF 'Oil[ $utler 8e\iP 4oseOar[ *all o

1ur s[Opath[ to the HriePFs aPF HaOilies oH the HollowiPI aluOPi aPF aluOPae whose Feaths are reporteF with sorrow





C WILLIAM G . K ELLER a retireF OaPuHacturiPI eZecutive aPF HarOer FieF (ebruar[ iP a caPcer cliPic iP 6iLuaPa /eZico $orP iP SuOOit N , $ill caOe to %hoate iP he roweF crew aPF was oP the .ibrar[ %oOOittee #Hter %hoate he IraFuateF HroO 2riPcetoP aPF serveF iP the Nav[ *e theP LoiPeF the HaOil[ ËŹrO the FraHtiPI iPstruOePt aPF supplies coOpaP[ -euHHel 'sser retiriPI as 8ice 2resiFePt oH /aPuHacturiPI +P retireOePt $ill aPF his HaOil[ establisheF aP orIaPic cattle aPF hoI HarO iP suburbaP %harlottesville 8a which he raP uPtil his Feath *e leaves his wiHe .ois -eller /ouPt #ir (arO %ro\et 8# three chilFreP aPF PiPe IraPFchilFreP


C JAMES H EILMAN a luOber salesOaP FieF /arch iP 9alliPIHorF $orP iP /eriFeP ,iO was at %hoate Hor oPe [ear aPF pla[eF varsit[ basMetball *e theP LoiPeF the #rO[ #ir %orps pilotiPI $ s FuriPI 9orlF 9ar ++ #Hter the war he returPeF to 9alliPIHorF aPF worMeF iP the HaOil[ busiPess *eilOaPos $aMer[ .ater he worMeF iP the coPstructioP traFe aPF was a luOber salesOaP ,iO was aP aviF builFer oH OoFel airplaPes oPe oH his OoFels oH a $ is oP Fispla[ at the $raFle[ #ir /useuO iP 9iPFsor .ocMs %oPP *e was also a Oaster cabiPet OaMer *e leaves his wiHe /ar[ *eilOaP *all #cres &r 9alliPIHorF %6 three chilFreP siZ IraPFchilFreP iPcluFiPI -eira 6reaPor o three Ireat IraPFchilFreP aPF a brother #Pother brother the late NorOaP *eilOaP o aPF a Pephew the late 4obert *eilOaP o also attePFeF %hoate










C PH ILIP W. QUIG G a retireF LourPalist FieF /a[ $orP iP New ;orM %it[ 2hil caOe to %hoate iP *e was oP the $oarF oH the Literary Magazine was #ssiIPOePt 'Fitor oH The News was a caOpus cop aPF Secretar[ oH the )lee %lub aPF was iP %uO .auFe #Hter IraFuatiPI HroO 2riPcetoP he was aP #rO[ iPtelliIePce oHËŹcer iP 'urope #Hter the war he returPeF to 2riPcetoP where he worMeF Hor the Princeton Herald aPF was aP eFitor oH the Princeton Alumni Weekly OaIa\iPe +P he LoiPeF Foreign Affairs OaIa\iPe aPF was its /aPaIiPI 'Fitor HroO to *e was also &irector oH 2ublicatioPs oH the +PterPatioPal +Pstitute Hor 'PviroPOePtal #HHairs 2hil was a loPItiOe %hoate class aIePt *is wiHe #Fa 3uiII preFeceaseF hiO











C GE O R GE C L EVE L AND a retireF busiPess eZecutive FieF /a[ iP .illiaP #la $orP iP $riFIeport %oPP )eorIe caOe to %hoate iP *e was 2resiFePt oH the SiZth (orO lettereF iP Hootball basMetball aPF baseball was captaiP oH basMetball was oP the *oPor %oOOittee aPF StuFePt %ouPcil was iP the )lee %lub aPF %uO .auFe was busiPess OaPaIer oH the Brief aPF woP the *arvarF 6roph[ the #ureliaP #warF aPF aP awarF Hor eZcellePce iP athletics #Hter %hoate he IraFuateF HroO the 7Piversit[ oH %oPPecticut (or OaP[ [ears he was aP eZecutive with the ;orM FivisioP oH $orI 9arPer retiriPI as coOpaP[ coPtroller )eorIe ePLo[eF boatiPI IolËŹPI basMetball aPF reaFiPI aPF was aP active voluPteer iP his hoOe towP *e leaves Hour chilFreP aPF three IraPFchilFreP F. S E YMO U R NE L S ON a retireF iPHorOatioP services eZecutive FieF (ebruar[ iP New %aPaaP %oPP $orP iP %alFwell N , Se[Oour MPowP later as SaPF[ caOe to %hoate iP *e was #FvertisiPI /aPaIer oH the Brief was a %aOpus %op lettereF iP tracM aPF saPI iP the )lee %lub *e theP serveF Hour [ears iP the /erchaPt /ariPes aPF IraFuateF HroO 2riPcetoP iP SaPF[ spePt his career iP iPHorOatioP techPoloI[ startiPI with proIraOOiPI earl[ coOputers at %lairol usiPI puPch carFs aPF ePFiPI at $ristol /e[ers SSuibb as %orporate 8ice 2resiFePt oH +PHorOatioP Services #ctive iP civic liHe he was 2resiFePt oH the 7PiteF 9a[ iP New %aPaaP aPF was a 6rustee oH the New %aPaaP librar[ *e was also a %lass #IePt Hor his %hoate class aPF aP aviF IolHer *e leaves his wiHe %orPelia NelsoP .aurel 4F New %aPaaP %6 two soPs )eorIe p6ob[q NelsoP o aPF ,aOes NelsoP o Hour IraPFchilFreP aPF a Ireat IraPFsoP


C WA R R E N S HE R IDAN a retireF oil aPF Ias coOpaP[ eZecutive FieF (ebruar[ iP &ePver %olo $orP iP 'vaPstoP +ll 9arreP caOe to %hoate iP he wrestleF raP tracM aPF was iP the %horal %lub *e theP ePlisteF iP the Nav[os 8 aviatioP proIraO aPF aHter 9orlF 9ar ++ IraFuateF HroO 9illiaOs *e worMeF iP %oloraFo Hor %oPtiPePtal 1il %o theP HouPFeF #lpiPe 1il %o which FrilleF eZplorator[ oil wells iP the 7PiteF States aPF %aPaFa +P he iPvesteF iP larIe areas oH laPF iP SteaOboat SpriPIs %olo aPF OaPaIeF it as a IePeral partPer uPtil # 6rustee oH the 7PiteF States SMi 6eaO aPF the +PFiaP 4iver /eFical (ouPFatioP he was also a &irector oH the $o[s aPF )irls %lubs oH &ePver *e leaves his wiHe SusaP SheriFaP 4ace St &ePver %1 Hour stepchilFreP aPF PiPe IraPFchilFreP



%oPFolePces to ROBIN KIRKLAND MACDONALD whose Oother FieF iP (ebruar[

%oPFolePces to DOREEN MCCLENNAN GARDNER whose Hather FieF iP NoveOber

1964 1963


%oPFolePces to MARY FORD whose Oother FieF iP NoveOber


RH ELIZ ABET H MACDON ALD G EN T RY aP artist FieF (ebruar[ iP New *aveP %oPP $orP iP New ;orM %it[ $ets[ caOe to 4oseOar[ *all iP she was iP the -iPFl[ %lub the %hoir aPF 2hiloOel aPF was oP the )rouPFs %oOOittee She theP IraFuateF HroO the 2ePPs[lvaPia School oH *orticulture She was aP artist who tauIht classes aPF helF worMshops iP her hoOe Hor Oore thaP [ears iP earl[ #OericaP art 6heoreO paiPtiPI aPF stitcher[ She ePLo[eF tePPis briFIe aPF boatiPI aPF was active iP New *aveP area IarFeP clubs %oloPial &aOes aPF the ,uPior .eaIue She leaves her husbaPF /artiP )ePtr[ SMiHH St North *aveP %6 three chilFreP two IraPFchilFreP aPF a brother *er Oother the late 'li\abeth $oecMler /acFoPalF o aPF a cousiP the late #bb[ $oecMler 2earOaP o also attePFeF 4oseOar[ *all


C ALLAN M. RUSSELL a retireF ph[sics proHessor FieF (ebruar[ iP 4oOulus N ; $orP iP NewarM N , #llaP caOe to %hoate iP *e was a %aOpus %op iP the &raOatics %lub aPF the #rt %lub aPF he woP a school pri\e Hor eZcellePce iP photoIraph[ *e theP earPeF FeIrees HroO $rowP aPF S[racuse aPF tauIht ph[sics ËŹrst at S[racuse theP at the 7Piversit[ oH %aliHorPia 4iversiFe aPF at *obart aPF 9illiaO SOith %olleIes +P the s he worMeF oP the N#S# space coloPi\atioP proLect a plaP to builF huOaP settleOePts iP space #llaP helpeF establish a IraFuate research school iP bioOeFical ePIiPeeriPI at the 7Piversit[ oH NortherP %aliHorPia *e leaves his wiHe /arLorie 4ussell State 4oute 4oOulus N; ËŹve chilFreP IraPFchilFreP a Ireat IraPFsoP aPF two sisters


C G EORG E F. BRYAN T ” a retireF petroleuO IeoloIist FieF #pril iP #rliPItoP 8a $orP iP 1lPe[ +ll )eorIe caOe to %hoate iP *e was iP the %horal %lub the )lee %lub aPF the %urrePt *istor[ %lub aPF was oP the $oarF oH the Brief. He earPeF FeIrees HroO 9illiaOs aPF 6eZas # / aPF was iP the #ir (orce Hor two [ears attaiPiPI the raPM oH (irst .ieutePaPt )eorIe theP beIaP a loPI career as a petroleuO IeoloIist worMiPI literall[ arouPF the worlF iP such places as 6urMe[ .ib[a the %aPar[ +slaPFs #ustralia aPF 2apua New )uiPea as well as iP several places iP the 7PiteF States He later worMeF as heaF oH iPterPatioPal oil eZploratioP Hor #OeraFa Hess %orp aPF coPsulteF Hor %aithPess %orp retiriPI iP )eorIe ePLo[eF histor[ Ousic sailiPI aPF serviPI as %oOOoFore oH the #OericaP ;acht %lub iP 4[e N ; He leaves his wiHe $arbara $r[aPt 2op %astle 4F 9hite StoPe 8# two chilFreP iPcluFiPI )eorIe ( $r[aPt ,r o aPF ˏve IraPFchilFreP



%oPFolePces to SUSANNAH STANTON whose FauIhter FieF oP #pril


%oPFolePces to JOHN PAUL GENS aPF DAVID R. GENS o whose Oother FieF iP ,uPe



%oPFolePces to KI MCCLENNAN whose Hather FieF iP NoveOber



%oPFolePces to PETER VEZAN whose Hather HENRY VEZAN ’38 FieF iP #pril


C W I LL I A M E . C L AR K II a retireF patholoIist FieF /arch iP SeFoPa #ri\ $orP iP $ostoP $ill caOe to %hoate iP He pla[eF varsit[ tePPis aPF sSuash was 2resiFePt oH the %hess %lub aPF was a %aOpus %op #Hter %hoate he earPeF FeIrees HroO $owFoiP aPF HroO 6uHts School oH /eFiciPe He was a staHH patholoIist at HartHorF Hospital iP %oPPecticut Hor [ears theP retireF to SeFoPa #P aviF sMier aPF hiMer he also ePLo[eF IeoloI[ the Patural sciePces aPF ePviroPOePtalisO He leaves his wiHe 7lle %larM ShaFow 4ocM &r SeFoPa #< two FauIhters aPF three sisters His Hather the late 9illiaO ' %larM o also attePFeF %hoate


C GE R A R D J . H E INGA R TNE R the owPer oH a car Fealership FieF 1ctober $orP iP )reat NecM . + N ; ,err[ caOe to %hoate iP he wrestleF was iP the 2ress %lub aPF was HeaF %heerleaFer #Hter attePFiPI )eorIetowP he spePt two [ears iP the #rO[ attaiPiPI the raPM oH SerIeaPt He theP LoiPeF the HaOil[ busiPess -iPPe[ /otors iP 4iverheaF . + evePtuall[ owPiPI it He was a OeOber oH the NatioPal aPF New ;orM State #utoOobile &ealers #ssociatioPs He leaves his wiHe ,uF[ HeiPIartPer 2 1 $oZ 'ast 3uoIue N; two soPs )erarF HeiPIartPer o aPF &ouIlas HeiPIartPer o aPF a brother


C H O WA R D F. V U LTE E , J R . a retireF iPvestOePt baPMer FieF ,uPe iP 9est 4ocMport /aiPe $orP iP 4iFIewooF N , HowarF caOe to %hoate iP he was iP the 4iË­e %lub the )lee %lub the /ai[eros aPF was 8ice 2resiFePt oH the %horal %lub He theP IraFuateF HroO 2riPcetoP aPF the New ;orM 7Piversit[ School oH $usiPess aPF spePt a [ear iP Swit\erlaPF stuF[iPI 4ussiaP .iterature He worMeF iP corporate ËŹPaPce Hor 'astOaP &illoP 7PioP Securities iP New ;orM becaOe aP eZecutive oH $ooth %oOputer iP SaP (raPcisco theP was aP iPvestOePt baPMer Hor /errill .[Pch iP PortherP %aliHorPia HowarF was the HouPFer aPF ËŹrst presiFePt oH the SaPta %lara chapter oH the #ssociatioP Hor %orporate )rowth +P retireOePt he OoveF to /aiPe where he saPI with the 2ePobscot $a[ SiPIers aPF the &owP 'ast SiPIers he also pla[eF classical Iuitar aPF was oP the $oarF oH /aiPe )raPF 1pera He leaves his wiHe .ila 8ultee %hestPut St %aOFeP /' two soPs aPF several IraPFchilFreP aPF Ireat IraPFchilFreP



%oPFolePces to TOBY NELSON aPF JIM NELSON ’75 whose Hather F. SEYMOUR NELSON ’44 FieF iP (ebruar[



%oPFolePces to GEORGE BRYANT whose Hather GEORGE BRYANT ’49 FieF iP #pril

%oPFolePces to CHIP FORRESTER whose soP WILSON FORRESTER FieF iP #pril



C ROBERT C. WEBST ER aP eFucator FieF ,uPe iP 6aOpa (la oH leuMeOia $orP iP %levelaPF 1hio $ob caOe to %hoate iP he pla[eF varsit[ Hootball aPF was iP the #uto %lub the )lee %lub St #PFrewos %abiPet aPF the #ltar )uilF #Hter IraFuatiPI HroO 6riPit[ %olleIe he LoiPeF the Hacult[ oH the /acla[ School iP 6allahassee (la where he worMeF Hor [ears He tauIht sciePce Hor OaP[ [ears aPF was PaOeF chair oH the SciePce &epartOePt theP becaOe 8ice 2resiFePt oH the school aPF a colleIe couPselor #t /acla[ $ob was well MPowP Hor his siPIiPI voice aPF Hor his aPPual reaFiPI oH p6he NiIht $eHore %hristOasq Lust beHore the wiPter breaM He leaves his wiHe %iPF[ 9ebster .aOoPia (arOs 4F 6allahassee (. two chilFreP ËŹve IraPFchilFreP his Oother aPF Hour brothers


C D. G ORDON ST EVEN S a retireF FraOatist FieF /arch iP %harlottesville 8a $orP iP %harlottesville )orFoP caOe to %hoate iP He threw the haOOer aPF was OaPaIer oH the tracM teaO was a place MicMer oP the Hootball teaO was 2resiFePt oH the &raOa %lub woP a theater pri\e aPF was the ËŹrst stuFePt to both proFuce aPF Firect a pla[ at School p#rsePic aPF 1lF .ace q #Hter IraFuatioP HroO the 7Piversit[ oH 8irIiPia he co HouPFeF the 8ail 6heater )roup iP %oloraFo aPF proFuceF several pla[s there (our [ears later he returPeF to %harlottesville aPF HouPFeF #%6 aPother theater (or several [ears he was the co owPer oH a restauraPt iP %harlottesville )orFoP theP HouPFeF 8irIiPia 6ours which speciali\eF iP IuiFeF Fa[ trips +P recePt [ears he was a OeFical research specialist at the 7Piversit[ oH 8irIiPia retiriPI iP He leaves three sisters aPF two brothers iPcluFiPI % $ StevePs o HacMPe[ %oach .P No (airHaZ 8#


C JEFFREY H . BEECH ER a baPMer FieF /a[ iP HartHorF %oPP $orP iP New HaveP ,eHH caOe to %hoate iP He was captaiP oH both the varsit[ baseball aPF hocMe[ teaOs woP the HeOePwa[ 6roph[ Hor eZcellePce iP hocMe[ aPF was a two tiOe St ,ohP %up wiPPer as the varsit[ hocMe[ /82 He also pla[eF varsit[ Hootball aPF was oP the staHH oH the News #Hter %hoate he IraFuateF HroO SoutherP %oPPecticut State 7Piversit[ theP worMeF iP OuPicipal ËŹPaPce Hor OaP[ [ears with %hase $aPM He haF recePtl[ LoiPeF SovereiIP $aPM ,eHH was a &irector aPF coach oH the ;ale ;outh HocMe[ $aPtaOs Hor Oore thaP [ears He was active iP the ;alesville 7PiteF /ethoFist %hurch iP 9alliPIHorF aPF was iPvolveF with a PuOber oH charitable causes He leaves a brother &aviF $eecher o 4obiP Hill 4F /arlborouIh /# aPF a Piece /aFFie $eecher o



%oPFolePces to DAVID BEECHER whose brother JEFFREY BEECHER ’73 FieF iP /a[


%oPFolePces to JODY GELB whose FauIhter LUEZA FieF iP #pril

1981 %oPFolePces to C. B. STEVENS whose brother GORDON STEVENS ’68 FieF iP /arch


54 | 55


PAU L C . S C HMIDT aP attorPe[ FieF #pril iP 1lFsOar (la $orP iP %hicaIo 2aul caOe to %hoate iP he roweF crew aPF was iP the +PterPatioPal %lub )olF -e[ aPF the %orporatioP %lub He theP earPeF FeIrees HroO $ostoP 7Piversit[ aPF the &e2aul %olleIe oH .aw aPF opePeF his owP law ËŹrO iP /cHePr[ +ll He aPF his HaOil[ later OoveF to (loriFa He leaves his wiHe #rlette SchOiFt StoPeleiIh 2l 1lFsOar (. three chilFreP three sisters aPF two brothers


S A MI R DAS S I a soHtware ePIiPeer FieF /arch iP SaP (raPcisco $orP iP /oPtreal %aPaFa SaO caOe to %hoate 4oseOar[ Hall iP he pla[eF varsit[ hocMe[ #Hter %hoate he IraFuateF HroO ,ohPs HopMiPs #t the tiOe oH his Feath he was a soHtware ePIiPeer Hor Silver SpriPI NetworMs previousl[ he haF worMeF Hor 4ealNetworMs $lacM 2earl aPF %oOOerce1Pe He leaves his parePts aPF two brothers



ROBERT N . SOLLEN BERG ER who tauIht OatheOatics at %hoate 4oseOar[ Hall HroO to FieF /arch iP )rotoP %oPP He was $orP iP #labaOa 4obert earPeF a bacheloros FeIree HroO the 7Piversit[ oH #MroP 1hio aPF a Oasteros HroO SoutherP %oPPecticut State %olleIe He was ËŹrst a Nav[ subOariPe coOOaPFer serviPI oP the 7SS Nautilus Hor two [ears #Hter he leHt the Nav[ he tauIht Oath iP %oPPecticut at Norwich (ree #caFeO[ )riswolF HiIh School aPF 6haOes 8alle[ State 6echPical %olleIe 4obert ePLo[eF reaFiPI aPF worMiPI with coOputers aPF beloPIeF to several Naval orIaPi\atioPs He leaves his wiHe /arie SollePberIer -iPIswooF &r North StoPiPItoP %6 seveP chilFreP IraPFchilFreP aPF Ireat IraPFchilFreP


A N N LO E B BR ONF MAN ’50 who was a 4oseOar[ Hall 6rustee HroO to FieF #pril iP 9ashiPItoP & % HroO eOph[seOa She was $orP iP New ;orM %it[ #PP caOe to 4oseOar[ Hall iP She was 8ice 2resiFePt oH the (ourth (orO 'Fitor oH the Question Mark a Oarshal aPF iP the Ousic FraOatic .atiP aPF (rePch clubs #Hter 4oseOar[ Hall she attePFeF $ePPiPItoP %olleIe #PPe was a liHeloPI philaPthropist supportiPI a raPIe oH causes 9heP 4oseOar[ Hall OoveF HroO )reePwich bacM to 9alliPIHorF she aPF her husbaPF ePFoweF the $roPHOaP .ibrar[ oP the Schoolos upper caOpus it is Pow the .earPiPI %oOOuPit[ Fa[care cePter She also HuPFeF the $roPHOaP %oOOoPs iP the ,ohPsoP #thletic %ePter aPF ePFoweF the #PP . $roPHOaP o scholarship 9heP she was IiveP the 4oseOar[ Hall #luOPae #warF iP #PP was praiseF Hor pher eZtraorFiPar[ IePerosit[ to her alOa Oater Hor her FevotioP to eFucatioPal causes aPF Hor her eZtraorFiPar[ capacit[ to looM iPto the hearts oH others q She was also the bePeHactor oH the #PP .oeb $roPHOaP )aller[ at the 9ashiPItoP & % ,ewish %oOOuPit[ %ePter aPF supporteF OaP[ other proIraOs throuIh the #PP . $roPHOaP (ouPFatioP She was also aP aviF sailor She leaves ˏve chilFreP IraPFchilFreP two Ireat IraPFchilFreP two brothers a sister aPF OaP[ other relatives iPcluFiPI 6hoOas -eOpPer o <oe ShecMOaP o (raPces 2err[ o aPF #leZaPFer ;ouPI o # cousiP the late %arl -eOpPer o also attePFeF %hoate


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Scoreboard 2 0 1 1 s p r i n g s p o r t s

PH OTO Hilar[ %oaF[ o LuOps the hurFles at the

Oeet aIaiPst &eerËŹelF

56 | 57

$o[s 8arsit[ %rew woP the New 'PIlaPF +Pterscholastic 4owiPI #ssociatioP %haOpioPship Hor the ËŹrst tiOe iP [ears ËŹPishiPI secoPFs aheaF oH PF place &eerËŹelF )irls 8arsit[ 9ater 2olo woP the New 'PIlaPF title 6he[ beat uPFeHeateF rival .ooOis iP the ËŹPal to taMe hoOe their thirF straiIht title $o[s 8arsit[ 6racM aPF (ielF placeF PF iP the New 'PIlaPF tourPaOePt as well as the (ouPFers .eaIue )irls 8arsit[ )olH placeF PF iP the (ouPFers .eaIue %haOpioPships

BASEBALL Season Record: Captain: /ichael . &o[le o BOYS CREW Season Record: Captain: $oweP / 2earF o Highlights: st $oat woP New 'PIlaPF 6itle %oPIratulatioPs to %aptaiP $oweP 2earF o /ichael &aviFsoP o &aPiel )oIIiP o #leZaPFer $arMuOe o aPF %oZswaiP %[rus 9oPI o PF rF place (ouPFers .eaIue %haOpioPships GIRLS CREW Season Record: Captains: /ereFith , 2ersico o aPF #leZaPFra ) Huttler o BOYS GOLF Season Record: Captain: 9ill .averacM o Highlights: th place (ouPFers .eaIue %haOpioPships GIRLS GOLF Season Record: Captain: %aroliPe , $erPsteiP o Highlights: PF place (ouPFers .eaIue %haOpioPships behiPF a career low shot b[ %aptaiP %, $erPsteiP o BOYS LACROSSE Season Record: Captains: &ereM ' $ertoliPi o aPF 4ile[ H %ahill o Highlights: $eat #PFover iP Fouble 16 thriller

GIRLS LACROSSE Season Record: Captains: .ouise H %ocMrell o aPF HaPPa ) 1rIaPschi o Highlights: $eat )reePwich #caFeO[ Hor the ËŹrst tiOe iP [ears $eat SacreF Heart iP 16 thriller

GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD Season Record: Captains: (olariPwa #La[i o aPF /aria 4 /aFisoP o Highlights: th place (ouPFers .eaIue %haOpioPships aPF ËŹPisheF th iP the (ouPFers .eaIue

SOFTBALL Season Record: Captain: #l[ssa 2 Sherwill o Highlights: StroPI pitchiPI HroO HreshOaP .aureP 8alePtiPe o lost to 6aHt iP New 'PIlaPF SeOiËŹPals

GIRLS WATER POLO Season Record: Captains: %harlotte . .iOa o aPF #PLuli 9ebster o Highlights: 'arPeF thirF coPsecutive New 'PIlaPF title #PLuli 9ebster o PaOeF /82 oH the tourPaOePt %harlotte .iOa o PaOeF the /82 IoaltePFer oH the tourPaOePt ,aOie Hillas o aPF -ale (utterOaP o also OaFe the all tourPaOePt teaO

BOYS TENNIS Season Record: Captains: ,aOes , )reePwalF o aPF Harr[ & /uth o Highlights: 'PFeF up th out oH teaOs at the -1 +PvitatioPal GIRLS TENNIS Season Record: Captains: &aPielle S #Fler o +PFia ) $ulMele[ o aPF &oOiPiSue / HeFFerich o BOYS TRACK AND FIELD Season Record: Captains: 2hillip %asoP %raPe o aPF ,avoP , 6ai o Highlights: PF place (ouPFers .eaIue %haOpioPships PF New 'PIlaPF %haOpioPships

ULTIMATE FRISBEE Season Record: Captains: /aZiOiliaP ,ohP 7rra (uller o aPF /ichael 4 HoeMseOa o Highlights: (irst [ear as aP iPterscholastic sport 6he varsit[ ultiOate teaO beat last [earos New 'PIlaPF %haOpioP HotchMiss iP overtiOe BOYS VOLLEYBALL Season Record: Captain: ,arreF + -ePPeF[ .oviPI o

Correction: Winter Scoreboard Jamie Hillas ’11 set a New England record in the 100 meter breaststroke with a time of 105.7.


Go Choate!

TO P L EF T -ahlil -e[s o HroPt aPF $iMo 9alMer o bacM iP rela[ aIaiPst &eerËŹelF BOTTO M LE F T +Pterscholastic 4owiPI #ssociatioP %haOpioPs (roO leHt (irst $oat rowers /ichael &aviFsoP o $oweP 2earF o %oZswaiP %[rus 9oPI o &aPiel )oIIiP o #leZaPFer $arMuOe o aPF %oach #PFers SwaPsoP BELO W 7ltiOate (risbee ,uPior co captaiP /aZ (uller o

TOP RIG H T )irls (irst $oat practices oP .aMe 3uoPPipauI %oZswaiP #llie Huttler o $ow /oll[ .[Pch o 'OOa )olub o 4icM[ SaPche\ o StroMe /ereFith 2ersico o BELOW )ra[soP 9arricM o was a New 'PIlaPF %haOpioP iP the hurFliPI evePt at the N'2S6# 6racM %haOpioPships

TO P L EF T %o %aptaiP #PLuli 9ebster o was PaOeF aP #ll #OericaP

TOP RIG H T .eHt ËŹelFer 'Oil[ SoMol o FiIIiPI iPto a pitch

TO P M ID D L E <aPFer 4osePbluth o Frives a HorehaPF HroO the baseliPe

BOTTOM RIG H T +PËŹelFer $riaP )rasso o leF the teaO iP 4$+os Hor the seasoP aPF hit the wiPPiPI ruP hoOer iP s victor[ vs NorthËŹelF /t HerOoP iP /a[os 9alMer 6ourPaOePt at %hoate

BOTTO M LE F T ,ohP 7ppIreP o ËŹres a shot past the $ruPswicM IoaltePFer BELO W %aptaiP ,arreF -ePPeF[ .oviPI o spiMes the ball

BELOW -ate HoFIsoP o looMs Hor a teaOOate to pass to iP the oHHePsive ePF aIaiPst N/H


+P this issue aluOPi authors pa[ tribute to HashioP Ë­[ ËŹshiPI a HouPFiPI Hather aPF HaOil[ as the[ eZplore the HashioP oH the ËŹrst laFies the patiePce aPF iOaIiPatioP reSuireF Hor Ë­[ ËŹshiPI the iFios[Pcrasies oH a HaOeF leZicoIrapher aPF the plethora oH HuP HaOil[ activities Hor chilFreP oP the autisO spectruO

Everyday Icon: Michelle Obama and the Power of Style $[ -ate $etts o


#WVJQT -ate $etts o 2WDNKUJGT %larMsoP 2otter #DQWV VJG #WVJQT -ate $etts is a coPtributiPI eFitor at 6+/' OaIa\iPe 2reviousl[ $etts was the eFitor iP chieH oH Harper's Bazaar aPF the HashioP Pews Firector oH Vogue #DQWV VJG 4GXKGYGT 'lleP &eviPe is a OeOber oH %hoate 4oseOar[ Hallos 'PIlish FepartOePt

4evieweF b[ 'lleP &eviPe

(ashioP LourPalist -ate $etts eZplores the iPtersectioP oH st[le power aPF persuasioP iP her ËŹrst booM Everyday Icon: Michelle Obama and the Power of Style $etts traces the evolutioP oH /rs 1baOa s st[le iPterpretiPI that evolutioP as a OoFel Hor the FevelopOePt oH woOePos HashioP toFa[ 6iOe aPF aIaiP Everyday Icon Fraws aP iOportaPt FistiPctioP betweeP the trePF obsesseF worlF oH celebrit[ HashioP versus the careHull[ craHteF persoPal st[le oH a public ËŹIure +P $ettso haPFs HashioP aPF the public respoPse to it Io be[oPF aesthetics or OaterialisO +PsteaF a woOaP s st[le is the iPFicatioP aPF OaPiHestatioP oH her values aPF persoPal truth (or $etts /ichelle 1baOa has resolveF e the OistaMeP but ePtrePcheF belieH that st[le aPF substaPce FeËŹPe two Outuall[ eZclusive paths aPF that a woOaP has to choose oPe or the other 'veP Oore so thaP /rs 1baOa ,acSueliPe -ePPeF[ is the ËŹrst laF[ s[PoP[Oous with HashioP ,acMieos st[le aPF her iPË­uePce oP coPteOporar[ HashioP are oH course leIePFar[ but $etts FeOoP strates how the st[listic choices oH OaP[ ËŹrst laFies throuIhout #OericaP histor[ have iPË­uePceF aPF shapeF the perceptioPs aPF HashioP at the tiOe /artha 9ashiPItoP s selH OaFe Fresses &oll[ /aFisoP s turbaPs /ar[ 6oFF .iPcolP s taste Hor (rePch couture aPF oH course ,acMie -ePPeF[ s iOpeccable Fresses all iPspireF coOOePt aPF eZerteF iPË­uePce $etts presePts /ichelle 1baOa as the culOiPatioP oH all the ËŹrst laFies who caOe beHore aP iPtelliIePt aPF accoOplisheF woOaP iP her owP riIht who eZuFes treOePFous coPËŹFePce aPF certaiPt[ aPF FoesP t PeeF to wear a piPstripeF power suit to prove it 6he OaPPer iP which $etts

iPterweaves the bioIraph[ oH /rs 1baOa with the aPal[sis oH her evolviPI st[le is oPe oH the Oost coOpelliPI aspects oH the booM #s $etts asserts throuIhout her worM pst[le Oatters q 9hether it is coPsiFeriPI how /ichelle presePteF herselH as aP uPFerIraFuate at the preFoOiPaPtl[ white privileIeF 2riPcetoP or how she traPsHorOeF the #OericaP people s perceptioP oH her b[ traFiPI iP her #rOaPi power suits Hor , %rew carFiIaPs aP[oPe who reaFs Everyday Icon will walM awa[ HroO it uPFerstaPFiPI that st[le aPF aesthetics are Har HroO shallow surHace issues /ichelle 1baOaos st[le is Pot siOpl[ about Habulous FesiIPers aPF IlaOorous IowPs it is eviFePce oH her hoPest[ her approachabilit[ her ease aPF her williPIPess to be herselH 1H course Habulous FesiIPers Fo have their place aPF there is Po shortaIe oH iPterviews with both the bastioPs oH the HashioP worlF liMe 1scar Fe la 4ePta as well as the up aPF coOiPI FesiIPers whoO /ichelle has lauPcheF iPto the liOeliIht such as Narcisco 4oFriIue\ aPF +sabel 6oleFo #FFitioPall[ Po HashioP booM woulF be coOplete without IorIeous IowPs aPF eSuall[ IorIeous photoIraphs Everday Icon has Po shortaIe oH theO $ut FoPot let the Iloss[ paIes aPF color Hul la[out Hool [ou Everyday Icon's st[le Oa[ be reOiPiscePt oH a HashioP OaIa\iPe but its paIes holF sharp iPsiIht relevaPt observatioP aPF coOpelliPI aPal[sis that atteOpts to uPFerstaPF aPF eZplaiP woOeP power aPF HashioP iP a post HeOiPist worlF 6he result is a coOpelliPI aPF Fa\\liPI reaF


The Forgotten Founding Father: Noah Webster's Obsession and the Creation of an American Culture $[ ,oshua -ePFall o


#WVJQT ,oshua -ePFall o 2WDNKUJGT 2utPaO #DQWV VJG #WVJQT ,oshua -ePFall o is a HreelaPce LourPalist aPF HorOer .atiP stuFePt oH ,oaPPe SullivaP 6his is his secoPF booM #DQWV VJG 4GXKGYGT ,oaPPe % SullivaP is HorOer 8ice 2riPcipal Hor #caFeOic #HHairs

4evieweF b[ ,oaPPe % SullivaP

6he persoPal aPF iPtellectual histor[ oH Noah 9ebster caPtaPMerous FriveP aPF iPFoOitable New 'PIlaPFer is eZceptioPall[ coOpleZ 6he voluOe oH his writiPIs is ePorOous His FoIOaticall[ articulateF positioPs oP politics reliIioP aPF laPIuaIe Huriousl[ FeHePFeF were virtuall[ all evePtuall[ reverseF His siPIle OiPFeF Hocus oP the FevelopOePt oH a souPF aPF iFePtiËŹable #OericaP laPIuaIe spaPPeF [ears aPF tooM OaP[ HorOs 9e reSuire a clear heaFeF IuiFe aPF coOOePtator to coOprehePF it all aPF ,oshua -ePFall proves iFeal Hor the role His booM is a worM oH Oeticulous balaPceF scholarship presePteF iP a particularl[ reaFable HashioP )ePealoIical coPPectioPs aPF career paths oH scores oH proOiPePt aPF lesser ËŹIures are seaOlessl[ iPteIrateF iPto the Parrative aloPI with speciËŹc streets PaOes oH proprietors oH boarFiPI houses FoOestic Fetails about 9ebster s IarFePs clothiPI aPF HooF crotchets +s there PothiPI about his subLect that -ePFall Foes Pot MPow! +P aFFitioP to Hacile OaPipulatioP oH his researcheF Oaterial -ePFall has a uPiSue wa[ with Parrative He caP briPI histor[ to liHe beHore our e[es NothiPI + haF ever reaF beHore haF iOpriPteF so viviFl[ oP O[ OiPF the Fepth oH PatioPal priFe aPF relieH at the aFoptioP oH the %oPstitutioP as -ePFall s accouPt oH New ;orM s observaPce ,ul[ #s thousaPFs liPeF the streets to watch a Oile aPF a halH loPI processioP oH Iroup aHter Iroup oH citi\ePs represePtiPI all levels oH traFe aPF iPFustr[ OarcheF without Ousic or eveP cheeriPI so Ireat was the soleOPit[ oH over riFiPI Lo[ +t shoulF be reSuireF reaFiPI oH ever[ stuFePt oH #OericaP histor[

# secoPF aspect oH his reaFabilit[ is -ePFall s siIPature blePF oH precise PuaPceF authorial FictioP with colorHul coPteOporar[ speech so striMiPI that + beIaP listiPI such phrases iP the ePFpapers 9e sOile at beiPI tolF 9ebster ePvisioPeF writiPI the Oother oH all FictioParies aPF savor Fo\ePs aPF Fo\ePs oH woPFerHul eZpressioPs that leaveP the scholarl[ Iravitas Hor eZaOple such verbs as aZe cash iP shell out laObaste taMe the heat sMip towP Hoot the tab FraI iP racM up carr[ a torch Hor pa[ oHH slaO PiZ Io Powhere etc +t is as iH -ePFall were chattiPI with us about his HriePF Noah at a bacM[arF barbecue aPF we eat it all up 6he uPiH[iPI theses are ps[choloIical -ePFall taMes paiPs to poiPt out behaviors that reË­ect loPI lastiPI scars HroO 9ebster haviPI beeP sePt out oP his owP iPto the worlF at b[ aP eOotioPall[ FistaPt Hather He repeateFl[ shows us a OaP Hor whoO worlFl[ success aPF persoPal approbatioP were HrustratiPIl[ elusive aPF behiPF whose bravaFo alwa[s lurMeF a FaPIerous tePFePc[ towarF FepressioP the sole reOeF[ Hor which was obsessive worM at orFeriPI aPF s[Pthesi\iPI proFiIiousl[ coOplicateF boFies oH iPHorOatioP +P this reIarF -ePFall s bioIraph[ oH 9ebster echoes his view oH 2eter /arM 4oIet iP his eZcellePt The Man Who Made Lists

2utPaO + looM HorwarF to the iPsiIhts iP his PeZt ePFeavor alreaF[ uPFerwa[ .iMe 9ebster aPF 4oIet apparePtl[ -ePFall Pever rests $ravo

62 | 63

Flywater: Fly Fishing Rivers of the West $[ )raPt /c%liPtocM o

4evieweF b[ )weP Heuss SeveraPce

p+H ËŹshiPI is a reliIioP Ë­[ ËŹshiPI is hiIh church q writes 6oO $roMaw iP his iPtroFuctioP to Flywater: Fly Fishing Rivers of the West b[ )raPt /c%liPtocM o 6his beautiHul aPF larIe booM oH Hew worFs but Oore thaP iOaIes is a visual h[OP soPI b[ a photoIrapher who loves to ËŹsh Flywater is siOpl[ IooF water Hor Ë­[ ËŹshiPI (or /c%liPtocM it is Pot a Oatter oH a riveros si\e locatioP or HaOe but rather the Ilor[ oH the laPFscape aPF the eZperiePce oH aPIliPI (irst publisheF iP the booMos popularit[ was ePhaPceF b[ the release the saOe [ear oH the Oovie p# 4iver 4uPs 6hrouIh +t q 6he eFitioP coObiPes olF aPF Pew iOaIes has Po Oore thaP two paIes oH teZt Hor each oH the three chapters aPF so lets the pictures rather thaP the worFs Fraw the reaFer iPto the laPFscapes aPF the eZperiePces oH beiPI there Spring creeks or chalM streaOs as the[ are MPowP iP 'PIlaPF eOerIe Firectl[ HroO aSuiHers 6he water is less aciFic aPF the Ë­ow is stable alOost still /c%liPtocM observes pSpriPI creeMs are eleIaPt places that eZuFe a persuasive sePse oH calO aPF well beiPI e the[ are the IraFuate schools oH trout aPIliPIq because the[ reSuire the Oost sMill aPF ËŹPesse iP choice oH Ë­[ aPF eZecutioP oH cast $ut Oost oH the Hree Ë­owiPI rivers iP the 9est beloPI to the IutteriPI s[steO oH the 4ocM[ /ouPtaiP watersheF aPF are calleF freestones 9ilF aPF FepePFePt oP altituFe sPow Oelt aPF weather Hor Ë­ow aPF Fepth the[ proviFe the best Ë­[ ËŹshiPI upstreaO iP the bacM couPtr[ where the water is hiIh colF aPF Hast aPF iP the FowPriver Feep pools below OaP OaFe FaOs calleF tailwaters +P what /c%liPtocM calls pËŹshiPI Hor the heart[ q the ËŹPal chapter is about ËŹshiPI Hor steelheads s biI stroPI ËŹsh which liMe salOoP spePF oPe to three [ears at sea beHore returPiPI to their birth rivers to spawP /ore oHteP the weather is colF wet aPF Ira[ aPF the huPt reSuires hours oH repetitive FowPstreaO castiPI $ut #PF oh the Ilor[ oH that pbutq wheP the ËŹsh taMes the Ë­[ aPF pthe liPe is siPIiPI oHH [our reel liHe suFFePl[ Iets so IooF [ou caP harFl[ believe itos happePiPI q

%urious to ËŹPF out Oore about 6ulsa borP )raPt /c%liPtocM thaP the Brief coulF tell Oe + turPeF to )ooIle aPF a iPterview with World Outdoors writer -ell[ $ostiaP /c%liPtocM PoteF that photoIraph[ is Ouch Oore FiHËŹcult thaP Ë­[ ËŹshiPI because p+oO alwa[s thiPMiPI about whereos the suP IoiPI to be is that clouF coOiPI over is there IoiPI to be a raiPbow! e 2erseveraPce is the Me[ [ou have to be williPI to sit there Hor hours q Flywater is Pot a booM about ËŹshiPI reall[ Por is it a booM about photoIraph[ reall[ +t is a booM about patiePce aPF iOaIiPatioP aPF about evoMiPI eZperiePce throuIh the caOeraos lePs /c%liPtocM is a photoIrapher who loves to ËŹsh $ut + waPteF Oore iPHorOatioP about photoIraphic aPF aPIliPI eSuipOePt aPF techPiSue iH Pot iP the teZt perhaps iP soOe ePFPotes 6hat saiF as a soOetiOe aPIler aPF photoIrapher waPPabee + loveF this booM aPF was FeliIhteF to ËŹPF /c%liPtocMos other worM Watermark co authoreF with /iMe %rocMett 6hat booM covers the Ë­[waters oH the east coast HroO )eorIia to %aPaFa with a rhapsoFic ËŹPal chapter oP O[ owP phoOeq river the /arIaree iP %ape $retoP Nova Scotia


#WVJQT )raPt /c%liPtocM o 2WDNKUJGT 7Piverse 4i\\oli #DQWV VJG #WVJQT 6his is photoIrapher writer )raPt /c%liPtocMos thirF booM oP Ë­[ ËŹshiPI iP the #OericaP 9est #DQWV VJG 4GXKGYGT )wePith Heuss SeveraPce is a retireF OeOber oH the %hoate 4oseOar[ Hall Hacult[ She is aP aviF photoIrapher aPF ePLo[s Ë­[ ËŹshiPI iP Nova Scotia

Coloring Outside Autism’s Lines: 50+Activities, Adventures, and Celebrations for Families with Children with Autism $[ SusaP 9altoP o


#WVJQT SusaP 9altoP o 2WDNKUJGT SourcebooMs #DQWV VJG #WVJQT SusaP 9altoP is a Oother oH aP autistic chilF aPF a parePt aFvocate iP the SaP (raPcisco $a[ #rea #DQWV VJG 4GXKGYGT SaPFra 2oFesta ShaPahaP was aP aFviser to %hoateos #9#4' %lub Hor autisO awarePess 6haPMs to her eHHorts the %6 #utisO SpectruO 4esource %ePter holFs its aPPual 9alM 4uP Hor #utisO oP the %hoate 4oseOar[ Hall caOpus

4evieweF b[ SaPFra 2oFesta ShaPahaP

'ver[ tiOe + Frive b[ a hoOe with a traOpoliPe iP the [arF + autoOaticall[ assuOe aP autistic chilF lives withiP the ptraOpq is leIePFar[ Hor FeliveriPI positive sePsor[ bePeËŹts 6o author SusaP 9altoP however itos a Oere LuOpiPI oHH poiPt to huPFreFs oH other FeliIhtHul opportuPities to be eZploreF 6his bus[ Oother oH three oPe oH whoO is oP the autisO spectruO aFvocates MeepiPI HaOil[ HuP a top prior it[ aPF coPve[s step b[ step iPstructioPs Hor FoiPI so iP her Lust releaseF Oust reaF booM Hor those FealiPI with autisO 9ith the IrowiPI prevalePce oH autisO #sperIers 2&& N1S aPF relateF FiaIPoses Oore aPF Oore HaOilies are FevastateF as their spectruO MiFs upePF eZpectatioPs rearraPIe HaOil[ F[PaOics aPF provoMe proHouPF loPI terO care aPZiet[ (ortuPatel[ orIaPi\atioPs such as #utisO SpeaMs are IaiPiPI power aPF visibilit[ as the[ IePerate HuPFiPI Hor research coalitioPs to Hoster leIislatioP aPF vital support s[steOs Hor HaOilies iP PeeF 9ith her booM 9altoP achieves a FiHHerePt obLective oPe out oH the public spotliIht but essePtial Hor HaOilies who Heel coOpelleF iH Pot pressureF to Fevote ever[ available OoOePt to therapeutic activit[ 9altoP puts iP the palO oH our haPFs creative iFeas both whiOsical aPF practical aloPI with resources aPF persoPal success stories Har too PuOerous to Fetail here SuHËŹce it to sa[ [ouoll be chucMliPI while [ou reaF this iPspiriPI booM eaIer to tr[ her iPPovatioPs with [our owP HaOil[ aPF wise to acSuire ePouIh copies to share with relatives teachers therapists aPF HriePFs &eHtl[ coObiPiPI spot oP IuiFaPce with real liHe aPecFotes she oHHers iPvePtive iFeas Hor HaOil[ ePtertaiPOePt at sites HroO bowliPI alle[s part[ spaces aPF I[Os to roller aPF ice sMatiPI riPMs She Fescribes siOple but iPIePious wa[s to IuaraPtee both ePLo[OePt aPF saHet[ at pools aPF beaches with iPË­atable rePtals iPFoor swiPIs aPF haOOocM chairs She Fetails IaOes that caP be pla[eF b[ all oP car riFes loPI aPF short

6he author is well verseF iP the latest techPoloIies that ePtraPce our MiFs aPF ePhaPce coOOuPicatioP She cites i2hoPe apps that locate pla[IrouPFs aPF public parMs oPliPe tutorials Hor FeterOiPiPI the proper ËŹt Hor ice sMates aPF proviFes a listiPI oH restauraPts that oHHer IluteP Hree OePu iteOs She ePcouraIes us to use )ooIle aPF ;ahoo to locate or lauPch support Iroups aPF pla[ Iroups as well as to ËŹPF ciPeOas that presePt pSePsor[ (riePFl[ (ilOsq while MeepiPI house liIhts up aPF eZpectatioPs oH Suiet low 'Suall[ worthwhile are her coOpilatioPs oH OaPuHacturers that speciali\e iP aOusiPI clothes aPF coOHortable shoes spectruO MiFs caP easil[ put oP aPF reOove theOselves (or h[perleZic MiFs HasciPateF b[ PuObers aPF letters 9altoP suIIests IaOes that hiIhliIht strePIths aPF ePIaIe the ePtire HaOil[ (or those with allerIies she proviFes sources Hor iPHorOative teOporar[ tattoos shoulF the uPeZpecteF arise wheP visitiPI aOuseOePt parMs or other public places 1H Ireat value Hor OaP[ will be her thouIhtHul hiPts oP plaPPiPI Hor successHul visits with well OeaPiPI but oHteP uPprepareF IraPFparePts auPts aPF uPcles +H [ou Pever eZpecteF to use the worFs pautisOq aPF plauIhterq iP the saOe sePtePce theP LoiP Oe iP thaPMiPI SusaP 9altoP Hor OaMiPI it possible 6haPMs to her positive outlooM aPF williPIPess to share her iPvePtivePess eZperiePce research aPF persoPal success HuP is certaiP to be oP a Ouch PeeFeF upswiPI (or autisO spectruO HaOilies lauIhter is a repetitive behavior the[ will welcoOe with opeP arOs (iPall[ autisO aPF lauIhter will Po loPIer be Outuall[ eZclusive

64 |

End Note

RAHIM MAWJI ’11 will Oatriculate at HarvarF this (all

Head and Heart Growth +oO short 8er[ short o ½q to be precise + coOplaiP about it all the tiOe as + havePot IrowP at all siPce + was &uriPI spriPI breaM this [ear + visiteF a cousiP iP #ri\oPa 1Pe Fa[ he saiF p4ahiO ;ou havePot IrowP oPe bit iP the three [ears [ouove beeP iP #Oerica &o the[ Pot HeeF [ou at %hoate!q $eHore + coulF repl[ his wiHe ˏreF bacM at hiO p6hatos riFiculous %aPot [ou see that all his Irowth has taMeP place iP his heaF!q + was astoPisheF b[ her bolF stateOePt aPF iOOeFiatel[ beIaP to thiPM about this pheaF Irowthq that +oF haF iP O[ three [ears at %hoate + was borP iP -isuOu -eP[a O[ parePts live iP 6aP\aPia aPF beHore coOiPI to %hoate + attePFeF to put it OilFl[ a less thaP iFeal hiIh school iP Nairobi 2ile oP O[ HaOil[ ˏPaPcial probleOs aPF liHe was Pot looMiPI proOisiPI +P + was iPtroFuceF to /ar[ 2ashle[ aPF $eth 9hitPe[ who were looMiPI to awarF the )aMio 9altoP +PterPatioPal Scholarship to two -eP[aPs + applieF aPF wheP + HouPF out that +oF receiveF the scholarship + was absolutel[ overwhelOeF b[ two HeeliPIs Lo[ aPF aPZiet[ ,o[ because a Hull scholarship woulF taMe a huIe burFeP oHH O[ parePtso bacMs aPF aPZiet[ because + haF Po iFea what to eZpect HroO this supposeF .aPF oH $ouPFless 1pportuPities 6he Fa[ + leHt to attePF %hoate SuOOer 2roIraOs iP ,uPe was the ˏrst tiOe +oF ever ˭owP iP a plaPe aPF beHore theP +oF oPl[ beeP to two couPtries -eP[a aPF 6aP\aPia #Hter three [ears at %hoate +oO IlaF to sa[ that +ove beeP to SpaiP %aPaFa /eZico the 7PiteF #rab 'Oirates the NetherlaPFs aPF PiPe #OericaP states

6he ËŹrst thiPI that strucM Oe here was %hoateos reOarMable Fiversit[ + Oet people HroO ,apaP $ahraiP )haPa the %aribbeaP South #Oerica 'urope + Oet atheists ,ews $uFFhists hoOoseZuals aPF several other t[pes oH people +oF Pever ePcouPtereF beHore %oOiPI HroO a larIel[ hoOoIePous reIioP iP terOs oH race reliIioP aPF PatioPal oriIiP there was FeËŹPitel[ soOe culture shocM $ut iP Po tiOe + caOe to love aPF appreciate %hoateos Fiversit[ + love laPIuaIes aPF %hoate Iave Oe the opportuPit[ to stuF[ SpaPish iPtePsivel[ aPF to Io to SpaiP oP a terO abroaF O[ LuPior spriPI #t %hoate + have haF the opportuPit[ to taMe classes that +ove loveF liMe ecoPoOics cheOistr[ aPF bioloI[ aPF classes + thouIht +oF hate but ePFeF up ePLo[iPI Ireatl[ liMe Ousic 6hrouIh a %hoate scholarship + wePt oP a two weeM 1utwarF $ouPF trip over the suOOer sea Ma[aMiPI aPF bacMpacMiPI iP 9ashiPItoP State aPF + recePtl[ FiscovereF a love Hor earl[ OorPiPI [oIa %hoate has proviFeF pheaF Irowthq b[ IiviPI Oe oPe thiPI riIht HroO the beIiPPiPI opportuPities 1pportuPities to have iPcreFible eZperiePces IaiP iPvaluable MPowleFIe aPF sMills aPF HorIe liHeloPI HriePFships $ut OaP[ oH O[ eZperiePces have also leF to pheart Irowth q (or the past three spriPI breaMs + have traveleF with %hoateos /iPistr[ teaO to 1aZaca /eZico to perHorO coOOuPit[ service builF relatioPships aPF help the less HortuPate #FFitioPall[ O[ Hellow #HricaPs aPF + establisheF aP #HricaP stuFePt orIaPi\atioP #Hri%lub to raise awarePess about #Hrica aPF to orIaPi\e seOiaPPual all school clothiPI Frives So Har we have sePt to orphaPaIes schools aPF villaIes iP -eP[a 6aP\aPia <aObia aPF South #Hrica the eSuivalePt oH pouPF FuHHel baIs Hull oH clothes aPF shoes 6his [ear + have liveF aOoPI sophoOore bo[s iP 6ePPe[ House #s their preHect + have OePtoreF couPseleF aPF beHriePFeF all oH theO #PF + too have beeP OePtoreF b[ OaP[ Hacult[ OeObers here /r &oaM /r SOall /r ;aPelli aPF oH course /s 2ashle[ who have all ePcouraIeF couPseleF aPF supporteF Oe ever[ step oH O[ LourPe[ +t woulF be aP uPFerstateOePt to sa[ that %hoate has coOpletel[ traPsHorOeF O[ liHe 9heP + was IrowiPI up iP -eP[a aPF 6aP\aPia + haF a chilFhooF FreaO to attePF a certaiP colleIe iP %aObriFIe /assachusetts aPF to Fo Ireat thiPIs Hor #Hrica aHterwarF +t seeOeF outraIeous at the tiOe aPF iH +oF sta[eF iP -eP[a it woulF have reOaiPeF Lust a FreaO $ut toFa[ it is real +P the Hall + will Oatriculate at HarvarF #PF wheP +oO olFer s aPF taller s + hope to Fo Hor others what %hoate has FoPe Hor Oe opeP up aPF eZpose theO to a worlF oH awesoOe opportuPities aPF ePFless possibilities 6haPM [ou HroO the top oH O[ heaF aPF the bottoO oH O[ heart

The Trustees and Faculty of Choate Rosemary Hall request the honor of your presence at the Investiture of

Dr. Alex D. Curtis as President

You still have time!


Tuscany October 15–22, 2011

Wednesday, September twenty-first Two thousand and eleven at eleven o’clock Archbold Lawn Luncheon following on the Great Lawn

If you plan to attend, please reply online by September 9 at

Save the Fate Hor a oPce iP a liHetiOe aFvePture to $ella 6oscaPa with OeObers oH [our eZtePFeF %hoate HaOil[ (orOer %hoate Hacult[ OeOber aPF art historiaP $ill %obbett will leaF our tour (or Oore iPHorOatioP please coPtact #PP/arie 'PIstroO Alumni and Donor Relations

or aePIstroO"choate eFu

Choate Rosemary Hall 333 Christian Street Wallingford, CT 06492



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