Entertainment Guide

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How to set up your home entertainment system

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ome entertainment equipment is supposed to be fun, but setting it up can be daunting. In this guide we’ll take you through some of the more common traps that ensnare the unprepared, and help you

get the most out of your home entertainment purchases. I’ve pulled together a number of articles highlighting some

of the more common mistakes and try and help you differentiate between what’s important and what is just the retailer trying to catch your eye. Once you’ve spent your money we’ll show you how to avoid the things that can get in the way of your viewing and listening pleasure. This guide will take some of the mystery and complexity out of home entertainment equipment and let you get on with using it for its intended purpose – having fun!

Chris Ruggles Team leader, Digital Home


Contents Position your TV


Having the biggest TV in the street is all very

As TVs become smarter and wireless connectivity

well, but you’ll feel a bit silly if you’re sitting so

the norm, making the switch from a wired home

close all you can see is pixels

entertainment system has never been easier

Connect your TV


Powerline network 16

The days of simply making sure your VCR is plugged

Using the power lines in your walls is a novel way to

into the TV are long gone – particularly given the

connect up your home network. If Wi-Fi or ethernet

number of extra devices we now use

doesn’t work for you, it’s a viable alternative

Surround sound


Home networking 12


Know your cables 18

Speaker placement is a dark art. Here we give you

HDMI is the cable of choice, but there are still so

the lowdown (to the nearest degree of angle) on how

many options out there – vastly increasing the

best to set up your speakers

possibility for things to go wrong

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Positioning your TV

Measure the distance of your preferred sitting position and the screen. In the shop, stand about the same distance from the TV you’re interested in

real benefit unless you go for

Keeping the old TV

a really big TV.

We are moving rapidly into a

Measure the distance

digital age for TV and home

between your preferred sitting

entertainment, but you don’t have

position and the screen. In

to chuck out that trusty old TV just

the shop, stand about that

yet. There’ll be compromises, but

distance from the TV you’re

if you don’t mind having a slightly

interested in buying.

smaller screen or losing some of the digital picture at the edges,

A person sitting two metres away from a 127cm, 1920x1080p screen won’t see any pixels

How do I avoid reflections?

an aging CRT TV can be converted

Avoid placing the TV where

to display a digital signal with the

you can see reflections in it,

addition of a relatively cheap

if possible. If you can’t,

digital set-top-box (STB). You’ll

choose a TV with a matt

need to make sure the TV has (at

screen. Most plasmas will

the least) a component video and

have a reflective screen and

analog audio in connection. Just

How close should I sit?

of the same size would allow

most LCDs are matt or semi-

connect the aerial to the STB and

As a rule, people shouldn’t be

you to sit about two metres

matt. However, recently

the box to the TV. Choose an high

able to see pixels on a 127 cm,

from the screen.

manufacturers have tried

definition STB so you can see the

to reduce plasma screen

HD channels. They won’t be in HD,

1366 x 768 pixel screen when

However, if you like to

they sit about three metres

sit about three metres from

reflections and increase LCD

but most of the programming is in

from it.

the TV screen, the higher

screen contrast by making

standard definition these days

resolution alone will have no

screens more reflective.

anyway, so you won’t miss much.

A 1920 x 1080 pixel screen


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If you’ve an AV receiver which can handle HDMI pass through, you can connect all your devices to it and have only one cable going into the TV

Connecting your system In an ideal world

Speakers/home sound system

Game console

Given the huge variation in ways you can set up your system, we thought it would be best to show you what we think is the ideal way to connect things. HDMI HDMI

possible, and we believe an

speaker cable


cables should be used where AV receiver is a key bit of


DVD/BluRay player

kit. If you don’t have an AVR then use your TV as the hub



– but make sure it ships with


enough HDMI slots!

AV receiver

Pay TV

What to look for on your TV


Input connections Check those

same time. (See p18 for more on

back of the TV. Most models have

HDMI cable going into the TV.

on the TV match the output on


at least one digital audio output,

Your digital video recorder

the devices you want to hook up

HDMI (High-definition multimedia

which makes it possible to send

(DVR) should be connected

to it, such as a DVD player/

interface) is a digital connection

the sound from your TV to a home

directly to the TV aerial, then

recorder, cable TV or games

for sound and video in one cable;

theatre system. If you’ve an AV

connect it to the TV directly or

console, and that there are

the latest DVD, Blu-ray and HD

receiver which can handle HDMI

via an AV receiver. If you’re not

enough connections for all the

set-top boxes should have one.

pass through, you can connect all

using a DVR, the aerial should go

devices you want to attach at the

Audio outputs are usually at the

your devices to it and have only one

directly to the TV.

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Set up your surround sound

Try not to put the centre speaker too far below the screen as this will mean voices will sound like they are not coming from the actors

The position of the front three

speakers. This will help to mask

speakers is by far the most critical.

any odd sounds and is usually a

The centre speaker should be facing

good starting point. Don’t put it

directly in front of you and as close

hard up against a wall or jammed

to the screen as possible. Try not to

into a corner, because this will

put it too far below the screen as this

most likely result in boomy and

will mean voices will sound like they

unpleasant bass sounds.

are not coming from the actors.

Tuning your room

The two front speakers should be equidistant from the listening

It might seem odd, but the room

position and at the same height as

and its contents does have an

each other. Ideally they should be

effect on sound. Rooms with

placed at an angle of 22.5 from the

lots of glass and hard floors will

listening position if you’re watching

produce much harsher high notes

movies, and a little wider (around

than if they’re heavily curtained


30 ) for music. o

A typical speaker set-up for your living area

The correct angle isn’t critical, but making sure they are equal in every

and filled with soft furnishings on a carpeted floor. On the other hand the latter may sound dull or

other respect is, because the sound

and distance from the listener as

keeping them at the same height is

flat. If you’ve set up the speakers

will be unbalanced and surround

the front ones and at an angle of

important and try to angle them so

as best you can and the sound

sound effects will be reduced or

110 from the centre. In other words,

they face the back of your head.

is too harsh, it may not be the

lost altogether.

they should be just behind you and

Subwoofer placement is a bit of a

speakers that are entirely to

The rear (also called surround)

facing the back of your head. If this

dark art. The simplest way is to

blame. Try a rug or soft wall

speakers should be the same height

isn’t possible, and it rarely is,

place it near one of the front

hanging to soften the sound.



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Some bigger more expensive TVs with wireless capabilities are beginning to arrive on the market

Networking your home


hese are, of course,

router (and be called

for allowing you to share the

if your modem already includes

the days of Wi-Fi. And

a “residential gateway”

internet connection among

a router? Look at the rear: in

in an ideal world we

as a result).

more than one machine.

addition to a socket to plug

wouldn’t need to use cables

These days, most

The exception can be

in your phone line, there will

at all. Some bigger more

broadband modems

cable modems, which may be

usually be four ethernet sockets

expensive TVs are beginning

include a router, primarily

stand-alone. How can you tell

as well.

to come with wireless connectivity, but there is plenty already on the market

Modem Internet

to help you create your own

Phone line


home entertainment network.

What you need The router is the centre of Ethernet

Desktop computer

your network. It’s the device that forwards information from computers and devices to other computers and


devices. And, if you connect


a modem to it, it allows your network to access the internet too. As a router is so Ethernet

important, many broadband modems will also include a


Media hub

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Tablet and smartphone



Media hubs

Before you start, it pays to do some

the rest of the home without too

planning. See what equipment you

much trouble. Once you know what

want to attach to the network, and

goes where, plugging in cables is


sure all your TV shows, films

include an HDMI port, but not

where it will be. Which ones will

simple. Note that it doesn’t matter

and music play smoothly

all provide an HDMI cable. And

use wireless? Which will be wired?

what ethernet port you plug a cable

across the whole system too.

check whether the media hub

Where in the house will they be and

into on the router, except when it

And if you own a great deal

supports the cables you wish

how much cable do you need? Feel

comes to your modem. To facilitate

of digital media, the best

to use on your TV. Connections

free to get out pencil and paper and

easy set up of internet sharing,

solution is a media hub.

vary, but most will have a USB

draw up a diagram of your network.

among other things, most routers

That way, you can work out exactly

these days come with a WAN

world of free internet TV

networking capability (ethernet

what you need to connect it all.

(wide area network) port, which

and subscription services

port and/or Wi-Fi); a HDMI port

The modem, for example, may

looks the same as the others but

as alternatives to free-to-

(for HD TV); Toslink (optical audio)

be constrained by an existing

is intended for sole use by your

air and cable TV, without

and component (RGB) or

phone port, and it makes sense

modem. It’s usually labelled and

you having to go near your

composite (RWY) video sockets.

to have the modem, the router,

colour coded differently too


Some of the hubs available may

and any equipment that will attach

so it’s easy to

directly to the router close together.

pick out.

Connecting cables

nce you’ve connected

Connecting it up

up all your hardware,

Make sure you’ve got the right

you’ll want to make

cables beforehand – most hubs

They can also open up a

Many offer internet radio

port for external storage;

support Wi-Fi but only offer an

and direct access to online

adapter as an extra cost. And

If using wireless, the router is best

sharing services YouTube,

some of the others let you plug in

positioned near the centre of the

Picasa and Flickr. They can

a USB hard drive for virtually

house, where its signal can reach

also be a jukebox for your

unlimited storage, while some

digital music collection and

hubs only stream files across

photo albums.

your network.

A typical router back panel: notice the WAN port (also called “Internet”) for the modem, and four LAN (ethernet) ports.


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Powerline networking

Low speed and inconsistent performance dogged the f irst two generations of this technology, but it has f inally come into its own

Using your electrical wiring to network devices across

on each one. The two devices

your home is not new

will find each other anywhere

technology, but it is only now

across your home’s electrical

coming in to its own.

wiring and create a secure network link.

How it works

This simplicity can be

Powerline networking

invaluable when you just

has long been considered

want to connect a new

the poor cousin to wired

device to your network

ethernet and Wi-Fi. Low

without the hassle of

speed and inconsistent

configuring software settings

performance dogged the

on a PC. For example, you

first two generations of this

might want to add a new

technology, but the latest

network device to your

adapters seem to have solved

entertainment centre –

these issues.

perhaps a digital video recorder (DVR), games

Simple setup

console or Blu-ray player.

The best thing about

It is worth remembering

powerline networking is that

that the network speed your

you don’t need any technical

at its finest. Simply insert

sockets, connect them to

kit might achieve is reliant on

knowledge to create a basic

two of the devices into

the devices to be networked,

the type and quality of your

network – it’s plug and play

separate wall-mounted power

then press the setup button

home’s wiring.


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Which cable is that?


We’ve found no statistically signif icant variations in score either for picture or sound in [more expensive] HDMI cables

nowing the difference between cables will help you work out how


to best connect your devices. Two things to remember are:

Universal serial bus (USB) is a standard

• Some devices can be connected with more than one type of cable. • Some digital cables enable copy protection that lock content. Is dearer better?

connection originally designed for PCs and Macs. The data transfer speed of USB 2.0 has improved from the original USB 1.0.

HDMI During tests, we’ve found no statistically significant variations in score either for


picture or sound in HDMI cables.

FireWire is used in some Apple computers

We did find that for longer

for audio and video but some PCs also

lengths, the results were slightly

use the connection. FireWire requires a

better for the more expensive

special inbuilt chip in the device so it is

brands. However, the differences

more expensive.


were not enough to conclude any

HDMI cables support standard

brand delivers a significantly

and HD television and video as

better result.

well as multi-channel audio,

Digital audio Results for the

Digital audio

such as Dolby Digital surround

digital audio cable were even

Digital audio cables are used with PC

sound. However, they can enable

more conclusive, with no

audio cards, CD players, DVD players,

content protection to lock or

advantage to be gained through

car audio systems and other digital audio

restrict what you can do with

the use of more expensive cables

systems. They carry mono, stereo and

that material.

for better performance.

multi-channel audio signals.


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A video graphics array (VGA) cable has

This was developed to allow one plug

a 15-pin plug and connects monitors to

to connect many different devices.

computers to carry video signals. They’re

SCART will carry both video and audio

also used to connect computers to TVs

signals and is used with TVs, VCRs, DVD

and projectors.

players, projectors and games consoles.



RCA is the common round audio or video

This is an analogue video cable, which

connector used in home entertainment

carries data as two signals – luminance

equipment. RCA plugs are used for

and colour. The cables use a small, round,

both component and composite video

four-pin connector and are used in TVs to


connect DVD players and game consoles.



A composite cable is an analogue cable

Digital video interface (DVI) cables use a

used to carry TV and video images. It

rectangular connector with up to 29 pins.

doesn’t carry sound. It uses an RCA plug

They’re used with monitors, projectors

and is usually yellow. A composite cable is

and some DVD players and TVs.

often accompanied by white and red RCA cables to provide stereo sound.



TV aerial cable

A component cable is a type of RCA cable

The connection to your aerial is via a

that transmits analogue video signals

coaxial cable. Connections are either

where the picture is split among three

F-type with a screw connection from the

cables – red, blue and green. Component

wall, or the push-on 'PAL' type on most

cables are used with TVs, VCRs, DVD

TVs. Both come in male and female form,

players and personal video recorders.

but the TV connection is always female.

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