Nevada Park Ridge

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A VIBR ANT SE T TING TO C ALL HOME The vibrant setting of Park Ridge – on the outskirts of Logan City – offers proximity to unspoilt bushland as well as immediate access to one of the most exciting growth areas in Queensland.

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A NEIGHBOURHOOD FOR FA MILIES AND MODERN COUPLES Nevada Park Ridge is a 78-lot land development in a community of large, manicured properties. Within walking distances to new shopping centres, the estate is also situated in the heart of the Park Ridge Master Planned area – a priority development zone – which will be enriched with major new developments and infrastructure. Despite the country feel, residents are within moments of the Mount Lindesay Highway, making longer commutes even easier. A perfect neighbourhood for families and modern couples, seeking the best of all worlds.

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PARK RIDGE Nevada Park Ridge really is easy living. This charming residential community is perfectly positioned in Park Ridge. Nevada Park Ridge is a central piece in a 25-year development plan to create an urban hotspot, where everything is designed to support a better lifestyle. Public and private education providers are within minutes, and there are numerous childcare facilities within close proximity too. The refurbished Logan Hospital is just 15 minutes away, in addition to a brand new Woolworths and the upgraded Park Ridge Town Centre for your convenience. The residential community is within close distance to several city centres and industrial estates, providing strong employment opportunities. As the area grows, up to 13,000 new jobs are expected to be created in the immediate area. Perfectly positioned, the estate is within close proximity to the Pacific Motorway and numerous transport systems. It is located just 30 minutes from Brisbane CBD and less than an hour to the Gold Coast’s beautiful beaches.

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(07) 5501 3300 Built for thousands of happy families.

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B U I L D I N G A N E W H O M E E V ER Y DAY F O R 2 6 Y E A RS Over the past 26 years, Choice Homes has built premier residential housing throughout South East Queensland and the broader Queensland market. The company’s well-planned growth has continued, hallmarked by a record number of home settlements, outstanding sales results and significant award recognition.

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Choice Homes has strategically positioned itself in a number of South East Queensland growth areas to provide a range of quality residential investment opportunities.

Behind Choice Homes’ outstanding market success is a family-owned company that has executed strategic expansion into several complementary real estate and development businesses.

With the wave of exciting new development in the pipeline, and the green light being given on several major infrastructure upgrades in the area, investing in South East Queensland continues to be a smart strategy.

Choice Homes’ reputation has been built over a quartercentury of hard work and industry smarts, and we will continue to provide quality homes in growth locations for many years to come.

T H E C H O I C E H O M E S D I FFER EN C E Choice Homes is delivering a range of high-quality home and land packages in Nevada Park Ridge for owneroccupiers and investors.

From the date of signing, our market-tested systems ensure that delivery of each home is over and above the expectations of our clients.

Our estates have proven, over the long term, that they not only make great homes, but exceptional long-term investments.

These ever-improving systems allow our construction supervisors to provide pinpoint accuracy, ensuring an early-aspossible start date, short build timeframe, on-time completion date and consistent quality control.

We keep our valued clients up-to-date throughout the building process by way of monthly email, telephone or post contact and/or at key construction milestones, to ultimately give you peace of mind in your purchase decision. This is all part of the Choice Homes difference.

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Built for thousands of happy families.

Phone: (07) 5501 3300 Fax: (07) 5501 3399

44 The Esplanade, PO Box 396, Paradise Point, Qld 4216

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