Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex December 2022 in Living & Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com To adve rtise, co n nne e ct t wiith Chrisstine Hozza, 9 972 2 7 74 0 0101 or Christtine@CChho ice sinSenniio rLiivingg.co m B R A N D N E W 55+ A C T I V E A D U L T C O M M U N I T Y AmberlinAtTheStation.com Community Details on Page 7 T R E A T Y O U R S E L F T O H a p p i n e s s !

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Orchards at Arlington Highlands brings more than amenities, luxury apartment homes, and an unparalleled living experience. The Orchards brings award-winning lifestyle program, SUN®, to Plano. There’s a difference between living and experiencing Orchards is here to help you experience the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of. Discover
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Dallas/Ft.WorthMetroplex January2023 inLiving&Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com To advertise connect with Christine Hoza 9 972 2 7 740 0 0101 or Christtine@CChho cesinSeniorLiv ng g com m HERE IS WHERE YOU WANT TO BE! RETREAT AT WYLIE 469.440.9120 RETREATATWYLIE.COM January Edition P Paagge e 1 10 0 Dallas/Ft.WorthMetroplex December2022 inLiving&Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com To a advertise, c connect w with C Christine H Hoza, 9 972 2 7 740 0 0101 o or C Chr sttine@CChhoicesinSeniorLiving g com m BRAND NEW 55+ ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY AmberlinAtTheStation.com Community Details on Page 7 TREAT YOURSELF TO H a p p i n e s s ! December Edition Dallas / Ft Worth Metroplex R e t r e a t A tW y l i e . c o m AmberlinAtTheStation.com

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P Paagge e 1 12 2 ONLINE ChoicesInSeniorLiving com Dallas/Ft.WorthMetroplex nLiving&Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com h C H 7 0 0 C C S BRAND NEW 55+ ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY AmberlinAtTheStation.com ommunity Details on Page TREAT YOURSELF TO Ha pp iness! IN-PRINT Targeted Direct Mail STAY CONNECTED WITH CHOICES Dallas/Ft.WorthMetroplex January2023 inLiving&Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com HERE IS WHERE YOU WANT TO BE! RETREAT AT WYLIE 469.440.9120 RETREATATWYLIE.COM FEBRUARY & MARCH ADS DUE JANUARY 15TH Christine Stallings Hoza Senior Publisher Phone: 972-740-0101 Christine@ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com All real estate advertised herin is subject to the Federa Fair Hous ng Act wh ch makes it llegal to advertise any preference limitations or discriminat on based on race color religion sex handicap fam lia status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitat on, or discrimina tion We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law All per sons are herby nformed that all dwellings advertised are ava lable on an equal opportunity basis ” CHOICES in Senior Living & Care is published monthly All rights reserved by copyright, 2022 No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of CHOICES in Sen or L ving & Care Neither the pub isher nor the advertiser are respons ble for errors, mispr nts, omissions or any misinformation Any advertising spec als or inclusions may be discontinued without notice

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Orchards at Market Plaza brings more than resortamenities, luxury apartment homes, and an unparalleled living experience. The Orchards brings award-winning lifestyle program, SUN®, to Plano. There’s a difference between living and experiencing Orchards is here to help you experience the lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.
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J Jaanuary y 20223 3 C Covveerr: : Retreat at Wylie Cover Feature Communities D Deecceember 2 20022 Covver: Amberlin at The Station 1 P Paagge e 1 14 4 INSIDE THE ISSUE: Nursing and Rehabilitation Paramount Healthcare 16 Senior Services Lori Williams, Senior Services 10 ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com 69.440.9120 January Edition P Paage e 0 nLiving&Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com H pp ness December Edition Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex RetreatAtWylie.com AmberlinAtTheStation.com C Covveer Maasthhead d P Paagge e 1 10 0 C R O S S W O R D P Paaggee5 5 Answers on page 14 C Crossswoorrd d Puuzzle e P Paagge e 5 Senior Medical Care Crescent Senior Medical Center 07 Active Adult Living Evergreen Senior Communities 02 Twin Rivers Collin Creek 03 The Retreat Senior Living 04 Amelia Parc and Amelia Parc II 08 The Luxe at Cedar Hill & The Lakes at Grand Prairie 05 The Orchards at Arlington Highlands 06 Amberlin at The Station 07 The Retreat at Krum 12 Vistas at Rayzor Ranch 08 Twin Rivers Richardson 09 1 Solea at Tavolo Park 12 The Orchards Market Plaza 13 The Watermark at Broadway Cityview 15 S Sttrookkees P Paagge e 1 11 1 January Edition Page 10 December Edition Dallas / Ft. Worth Metroplex RetreatAtWylie.com AmberlinAtTheStation.com 5 R Reed Fllaggs s P Paagge e 1 10 0