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September Edition P Paagge e 4 August Edition C i h Dallas / Ft Worth Metroplex Christine Stallings Hoza Senior Publisher Phone: 972-740-0101 Christine@ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com “All real estate advertised herin is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitation, or discrimination We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law All persons are herby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis ” CHOICES in Senior Living & Care is published monthly All rights reserved by copyright, 2022 No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of CHOICES in Senior Living & Care Neither the publisher nor the advertiser are responsible for errors, misprints, omissions or any misinformation Any advertising specials or inclusions may be discontinued without notice C h o i c e s I n S e n i o r L i v i n g . c o m C h o i c e s I n S e n i o r L i v i n g . c o m Viissit : A Ammb b e erlin n At TheeSSt atiion..coom m V Vissiit : T TheeOakksAAt t H Haammppt onn..coom

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P Paagge e 6 ONLINE ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com IN-PRINT Targeted Direct Mail STAY CONNECTED WITH CHOICES inLiving&Care ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com Dallas/Ft.WorthMetroplex July2023 T d h C Ch H 72- 40-0 0 C Ch @Ch S L Con act u us a at 8 817-292-2006 S SEE O OUR C COMMUN TY O ON P PAGE 1 10 ToadvertiseCall/TextJanAutin,985-264-8748 ChoicesinSeniorLiving.com 504-229-0798 To Schedule a NO-COST Memory Screening for You or a Loved One. TandemC n ca Resea ch com ea n M Mo e o on P Pa e 4 As we age, forgetting the little things can be a big deal. TULSA OK NEW ORLEANS DALLAS FT. WORTH

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S Sepptemmbeer 2 20023 C Cooveerr: Amberlin at The Station Cover Feature Communities A Auguust 2023 Covverr: The Oaks at Hampton 1 P Paagge e 1 14 4 INSIDE THE ISSUE: Nursing and Rehabilitation Paramount Healthcare 16 Senior Services Carter Medical Equipment & Supply 12 P Paagee7 7 Crrossword P Puzzzzle P Paagge e 7 September Edition P Paaggee4 4 August Edition Connect with us Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex Christine Stallings Hoza Senior Publisher Phone: 972-740-0101 Christine@ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com “All real estate advertised herin subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act which makes illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is violation of the law. All persons are herby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.” CHOICES in Senior Living & Care is published monthly. All rights reserved by copyright, 2022. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of CHOICES Senior Living & Care. Neither the publisher nor the advertiser are responsible for errors, misprints, omissions or any misinformation. Any advertising C hoicesInSeniorLiving.com ChoicesInSeniorLiving.com V t A Ambe nA TheSta on com V s : T TheOaksA Hamp on com M Masstheaad P Paagge e 4 Senior Medical Care Crescent Senior Medical Center 12 Active Adult Living Evergreen Senior Communities 02 Orchard Pointe at Creek Valley 03 Twin Rivers Collin Creek 05 Amelia Parc and Amelia Parc II 08 The Vista at Rayzor Ranch 06 Solea at Tavolo Park 06 Amberlin at The Station 07 Aviva Fort Worth 12 The Retreat Senior Living 09 Twin Rivers Richardson 11 1 Anthology Senior Living 13 The Oaks at Hampton 15 P Paaggee110 0 A Aggiing G Graceefuully y P Paagge e 1 10 0 P Paaggee8 8 Summmer W Weellccome e P Paagge e 8

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5011 N US Hwy 75 Sherman, TX 75090 (903) 771-2000 CedarHollowRehab.com 8017 W Virginia Dr Dallas, TX 75237 (972) 709-1112 Lennwood.com 330 W Camp Wisdom Rd Duncanville, TX 75116 (972) 298-3398 TheLaurenwood.com 1610 Richardson Dr Richardson, TX 75080 (469) 906-5375 TheReserveAtRichardson.com 11855 Lebanon Rd Frisco, TX 75035 (469) 269-1000 StonemereRehab.com 1510 N Plano Rd Richardson, TX 75081 (972) 234-4786 LindanParkHealth.com 3100 S Rigsbee Dr Plano, TX 75074 (972) 423-6217 CollinwoodCareCenter.com N Nuurrssiin n g annd d Reehhaabiillittaatiioon n PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID MONROE, GA PERMIT #15 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER