Chois Gallery Vol. 32

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/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

/ 032 - 033 /


SX Building Wayfinding In the summer of 2014 the SX Building, a former glass factory built in 1914, got a makeover and was made into an office building where businesses that operate in sports marketing & media found a home. George&Harrison created their visual identity, a solid way finding system and fresh visuals for the interior.

// Client_Hal-2 // Agency_George&Harrison // Art Directors_Martijn Maas, Maarten Stal // Designers_Martijn Maas, Maarten Stal // Country_The Netherlands

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

Shop 03 For a temporary store, i29 transformed a serene, completely white space into a three-dimensional experience to surprise and inspire. What’s more, a radical concept was developed – two contradictory shops were brought into one, one white and rectangular, the other black and diagonal.

// Client_Frame Publishers // Agency_i29 interior architects // Designer_i29 interior architects // Photographer_Ewout Huibers // Country_The Netherlands


/ 040 - 041 /

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

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/ 058 - 059 /

Who Cares– Macau Social Issues Art Exhibition As members of a society, artists have duties to care for

arts like painting, photography and installation, as

the larger community. This year, 'Who Cares' – Macau

well as creations of texts and performance art. It is

Social Issues Art Exhibition has invited 20 local artists

our hope that the artworks can interact with viewers,

to create, through different approaches and media,

prompting them to pay more attention to the society,

artworks of varied forms that present their views on

as art is a bridge for communication.

societal issues. The exhibits included works of visual

// Client_OX warehouse, Macao // Designer_Au Chon Hin // Country_Macau, China

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

Crew Games Identity Crew Games is a festival of street culture, where appreciated are not individual skills but the team drive that will lead the best team to victory. To create the visual identity, I drew an icon collage of sports that have participated in group competitions. The main idea came from the words used often by the beginning skater - 'I do not know how to repeat it.' In my opinion, this phrase completely describes the professional level of training teams.

// Client_Crew Games // Designer_Sasha B. Perelman // Country_Russia

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/ 068 - 069 /

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

KOVCHEG International Nomad Festival of Puppet Theatres This is dentity for KOVCHEG International Nomad Festival of Puppet Theatres. // Client_KOVCHEG International Nomad Festival of Puppet Theatres

// Designer_Oksana Paley // Country_Russia

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/ 070 - 071 /

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

ee ee oo oo This design is for a Macau local candy store brand, which evolves from the Russian style while blends characteristics of Macau to give the impression of 'sweets of cultures'.

// Client_ee ee oo oo // Designer_Kun Lam // Country_Macao, China


/ 110 - 111 /

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

Curious When letter 'O' always wants to cross the caution line, it means that 'O' pokes its nose to someone's business. Be careful! This project is for people who want to hide their personal things and open new unknown places. 'To find your own forbidden way' becomes thus the motto of the project. Packaging, map, stickers and so on help you to feel comfortable in the underground jungles.

// Client_“Post It Award�competition 2014, Moscow // Designer_Vallery Shaposhnikoff // Photographer_Darina Beklemicsheva // Country_Ukraine


/ 128 - 129 /

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

Rudy & Billy - Beer Bottled Wine The world of ‘beer bottled wine’ has been largely unexplored. But who can say they would not like to at least try it? With this in mind, we implemented a playful concept that would appeal to a younger and more open minded audience, a ‘gateway wine’ to break them in gently.

// Studio_ NearNosis // Creative Director_Zac Collopy // Art Director_Near Nosis // Designer_Zac Collopy // Illustrator_Zac Collopy // Photographer_Zac Collopy // Country_Australia


/ 162 - 163 /

/ the world's best graphics / Vol. 32 /

Sunday Brand We branded a line of household products ranging from domestic detergents to food wrapping products. Using the strategy of 'cleaning your home with a smile' makes the day to day choirs nicer to handle with Sunday products. // Client_Super-Pharm // Agency_Sadowsky Berlin // Creative Director_Ayelet Sade // Designers_Oleg Babich, Polina Moriel, Or Roisin // Illustrators_Oleg Babich, Polina Moriel, Or Roisin // Copywriter_Ayelet Sade // Photographers_Istockphoto, shutterstock // Country_Israel


/ 184 - 185 /

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