The Exploration of of shape using lofting is done to create vases. The first vase began with a spiral descending using the golde n r a t i o. T h e s p i r a l w a s l o f t e d t o c r e a t e a shell like structure. The second vase was created using a simple loft of three cur ves.
This shape was explored using the data tree and by exploding the branches of the t r e e s t o f o r m a s u r fa c e f o r t h e l o f t . B e low is a skeloton table design which was designed using grasshopper by hift the t a b l e l i s t t o c r e a t e a g e o m e t r i c e x t e r i o r.
The first shape was an exploration using the g r a p h m a p p e r. m u l t i p l e p o i n t w a s c r e a t e d u s i n g t h e g r a p h m a p p e r t o f o r m a p o ly l i n e which was then loft multiple times. Below is search for geometry in a book shelf design. The golden ratio was used to r.
A 3 dimensional vornois structure was created using 3 dpopulate in a box. The pipe tool was used to create the lines within the box. A random list of lines was chosen using the cull pattern. The middle points of the lines was found a triangle was extrude from those points. The second structure below was created using a geodisac lines where the list was shift so that different points between the list would connect creating a criss cross pattern on the contoured surfaces.
To create this contour box, a rectangular box was first created. the box was exploded to give individual surfaces. The surface was then contoured to give individual lines. the contour was adjusted to give enough room for the expression of the curves. The surface behind the contours was adjusted using control point in rhino to acheive the wave structure. the contour lines was then extruded loft from the orginal place and extrude to give the contour panels
Voronois was remapped on to a sphere created in grasshopper to cheive the pattern. the voronois pattern was scaled to increase the distance in between each panel. i then split the surface using the voronoi pattern is used and selected the pattern. I culled the pattern to remove certain panels to give the sphere a more open and transparent look.
These grasshopper defination is to create a hexgon grid which is scaled in certain parts due to the magnetic field cause by point charges randomly placed in the hexagon grid. The scaled hexagon grid was then prepared to be remapped onto a surface. field mapping is interesting as the the field lines can create unique structures which remsemble coral reefs. The fields can also be seen using color by using the visual direction display or the scalar display.
The graphmapper is a good tool to used to change to profile mapping a curve or surface. In particular i think the bezier curve is the most effective as it can be used in many ways. I tried the exploration of other curves but was unable to generate as many interesting shapes. In the above defination, i used the bezier curve to generate a range for the an expression, this is some thing which i think i could explore further.
While creating this structure i was fascinated by how voronoi surface could change the texture of a ploy surface. I first created a vornois surface on a 2 dimensional plane. i then Bounded the voronoi in a union box and remapped it on to a poly surface. the poly surface was then adjusted by creating control point in row and columns to give a wave like feature to the voronois. waver bird mesh thicken was used to thicken the voronoi.
This is a secondary structure from the one on the left. A box was created around the structure to give darker accents to the emptied cells of the voronoi. Part of the voronoi was then filled using the cull pattern to fill these holes.
This is an iteration of the volatdom by skylar tibbits. Intially i found the defination hard to understand. However, over time the defination became easier to understand. A second defination was also provided to create the vaults using the voronoi. In this particular iteration, the hole at the top was created by creating a ssecondary cone and limiting the domain to 0.8- 1 which result in a large hole. the cones were also raise by simple increasing the height of cones.
.The sphere is a change in overall form. it cinsisted of a double layer of voronoi conical surface. the cones were placed on random point which populate the spheres. These spheres exist into layers to provide a layer for the geometery to populate. The double layer also gives a thicker look and feel to the geometric structure. A large aperature and low height to give a better view into the interior of the sphere where the second sphere is visible. Cone height is reduced to give a cleaner structure.
The reverse engineered form was easily acheived, the harder part of the grasshopper process was the details in the joints and panels. The first part of the structure was created by placing a grid on a surface. However, i did not use lunch box, thus i had to work around by extracting meeting points of the grid and remapping them and redrawing the grid once the point were mapped on the surface. This was particularly hard as the remapping domains had to be readjusted mutiple times. I then used the ploy surface to place the grid on to and extruded the grid to a point. I used brep intesections to create the joints which were 5 fived polygons. I used perdicular frames to get the polygons into place and created 4 polygon between each panel. The panels were then scaled to give some distance between them. the structure was then split using a offset curve from the outter triangle to give an empty center. overall, it wasnt too diffcult to reverse engineer the structure except for the triangular holes on the panels.
Some of the grasshopper defination started breaking when i tried extruding. The split began not to work. Probally due to the overlapping extrusions which where larger than the lofted surface which it was split with. In the future, will need to ensure a cleaner grid and extrusion to prevent overlaps. I personally prefer extrusion to a point compared to a direction in these algorithm as the extrusion to point gave emphasis to the center of the structure.
Creating the right panel hole was diffcult as it was a two triangle which faced each other . I tried to simulate the triangles by first creating a reactangle by scaling the exterior to acheived a rectangular holes. i then attemped to create a diagonal line to split the rectangle intwo two half into a triangle. However, i could not create the lines as the there went beyonf the the panel and created additional surface outside of the form. i then split the list and selected the outer panels. As only the verticle panels had the triangular holes, i made a list and culled the side panels to prevent them from receiving these holes.
The minimal surface was created by using kangaroo in grasshopper. Unary froces was applied to the grid and springs were layed on top of the grid to give a curve once the forces were acting on it. A response time of 20 sec was given for kangaroo to work out the shape. I then proceed to turn the mesh in to a planar surface in grass hopper which was a long a tideous process. However, i found a quicker wway to do it through rhino. the structure can be bake and turned from a mesh to nurb surface in rhino.
This is a continuation of the minimal surface using kangaroo in grasshopper. The mesh recreated into a surface for the hexgongrid to be mapped on. The hexgon grid was then extrude in using the z vector for a downward extrusion. This was also the frist time using lunchbox which was able to simply grid mapping on a surface. making it much easier and light of the grasshopper defination. However this defination, the one below, drained alot of computer reasources and lagged continously.
Intially i tried converting the mesh in to a surface in grasshopper and putting panels of planes on to the surface. However due the surface all acting individually all the grid also became individual. Thus i bake the mesh in grasshopper and converted the mesh to a nurbs ploysurface i rhino. i used the project grid on the surface and it work much better than becfore griving a more seamless finish to the grid on the surface
FIREFLY plugin for grasshopper was use for sound wave generation. The plugin enabled sound data to be readable in grasshopper. We then inserted a capture data with specific intervals. A data recorder was used to record the sound data and a mass addition and list length was used to create coordinate for a points. These points was then interpolate to from curves. The plugin was extremely useful in capturing sound data, without the plugin soundwave generation would have been impossible in grasshopper. The plugin measure the decibels in a range of frequencies where the decibels was the amplitude of the waves.
Initailly the soundwave was generated with a constant distance between the. This was set in the data buffer when capturing the sound. However, we wanted a variable distance between the sound wave to have an exploration of a more dynamic form. Thus we tried scaling by a biezer curve in graph mapper tool. However, it the defination failed to move the curves. Thus we tried to loft the surface and use contour lines. However, that defination also failed. To solve, this we loft the curves togeather to create a uniform surface. we then contoured the surface to give a variable distance. we then adjust the contour to give distance. However, as the sectioning produce did not suit with the design intent we used the sweep command instead.
To fufill the design intent of using multple sound wave curve, we needed a defination that could incorporate all the sound waves. Thus A culling pattern was created to combine the sound wave c. The culing pattern of each curve differetiate slight to fit togeather and give an intereesting composit set of soundwave curve. We then proceeded with lofting the surfaces togeather.
The curves above were the conceptacles which gave us the idea of walking through sound. The curves were createby filpping the composite set of sound waves and scaling the heights to give a more dramatic set of curves which would span the entire visual prespective of an individual. However to give some differentiation and dynamics to these curves, the sweep command was used to give curves a variable raidus. The curves were divided in to three points and a rectangle of different height and width was inserted into these points.
The sweep command extruded these rectangles along the curve. The thinner middle section meant that the line of sight would not be greatly affected However some problems was encounter during the sweep command as the list and branches were mixed and did not match those of the rectangles. thus the sweep command attempted to sweep the all the rectangles togeather, causing it to crash multiple times. however, with flatten and graft this was easily fixed.
The image sampler component was explored during the iteration of the perforations. As we wanted the perforation to be site determinent we used photos of the site and shadow electric. However, while using data from the image was interesting, i used a the black and white levels of the photos to determine the perforation size. The circles were divided even
through out the surface using a surface divide. However populate geometery gave more dynamic results when playing with the defination. it gave the surface a sense of unpredictability similar to that of the perforation size. With image sampler larger perforation tend to be group to geather as the photos often had groups of colours in similar areas
While changing the perforation size with the image sampler, the redius of the circles were too small. Hence, multiplication was done to enhance perforation size. The larger radius got much larger than the smaller radius. leading to a large gap between the largest perforation and smallest perforation.
Another factor used to determin perforation size was attractor point placed througout the surface. Points located close to the attractor point had larger radius. This was done by caculating the distance between the attractor point and center of the circle. The data was then divided to scale the magnitude of the radius appropriately. However, with attractor point s, not alot of effect can be seen from the perforations unless many points are
placed on the surface. Attractor curve works in a similar fasion. To obtain the attractor curve, we took out a sound wave from the sound wave generation and project it on the surface. A similar command of distance from point of circle to curve determine the perforations. Circles near to the curve had larger perforations. A SIN wave was also used as an attractor curve
To obtain a more curved surface which would fit the pre-existing buildings, we used a retain surface. The values of the coordinates of the retain surface and sound generated surface was added togeather and divided to receive and average value. This resultant surface was a composit between the retain surface and sound generate surface. Lunch Box was then use to panel the surfaces. However was panelling was too general and we decided to scale the paneling according
to attractor point and fields. While panelling we noticed that a 3Dimensional surface would not give a hexagonal panel as the panels was two 2dimensional. To combat this the hexagon cells was extruded to a point. The panel was then scaled and split with the original panel to give iteration on the right (middle). Extrusion of a gride was also done as this was similar to the reverse engeering case study done in part B.
Auto manufacturing is made possible by the use of computational tools. An example would be the use the production of our waffle grid. The waffle grid was created in grasshopper to have interlocking joints of half is width. This would be time consuming to do it manually as each joint had different width length and would need to interlock at half the width length for strength during vacuum forming. Thus with grasshopper, these joint were efficiently created and manufactured through laser cutting. These laser cut section were accurate and precise where the
waffle grid sat neatly and precisely togeather. This would have been extremely difficult to do by hand. However, as the joint were precise, the friction when interseting these pieces cause several problems as more effort is need to slide the pieves in place. Other components of our prototyping was also automated such as the CNC mould, sectioning and pre-existing site buildings. All of these automated technique can be done by hand but would be more time consuming.
The joints were easily created within rhinocerous. However, it would be interesting to test the physical limits for these joints in grasshopper through the use of physics engine. However, due to the lack of exprience and the short time frame for the design, this was not feasible. However, this could studied upon in future designs. where structural limitations can be taken upon during designing. Thus the design can be altered to suit a more economically and finiancial design.