Web Strategy as Organisational Strategy

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Occasional paper #1

Web Strategy as Organisational Strategy. Practical tips for small organisations. About us: Allotment provides affordable strategic consultancy for small and non-profit organisations. We assist our clients in tackling their big strategic issues by helping them focus online. We take the position that ideas are only as good as the heads they’re in. That’s why we’re sharing our ideas with everyone thorough these occasional papers. If you find them useful, please pass them on, and please let us know. We can be found looking after our allotment: allotmentspace.com

What we’re saying: Small organisations can’t afford expensive strategies, even less, expensive strategic consultancy. Web development, well managed, provides many useful and practical opportunities to focus on and manage any organisation’s broader strategic issues. This paper offers several useful recommendations for small organisations thinking about developing their websites. It contains key principles for using this opportunity to think more strategically about organisational operation and purpose, as well as practical hints and tips on getting the best out of web development. We’ve also included some examples of when we’ve done this for our clients, as its always best to show and tell. This paper is also useful for web developers themselves, and the advice should be useful for individuals and agencies wishing to focus their offers on more strategic opportunities. What we know: If we know one thing, it’s this – Your website is the single most powerful external expression of your organisation. However, we all know that. What many people don’t know is: Your website can be used to manage the internal workings of your organisation. This paper outlines some sensible and mainly nontechnical methods for doing this. Going full circle, what this means is:

1. Information architecture as organisational architecture. Developing the structure of your website is a great opportunity to reflect on how your organisation is structured, and if you’ve designed in the flexibility you’ll need as you grow.

2. Publishing strategy as workflow management. How and when you publish content to your website is a real opportunity to design rigor into your project management.

The internal workings of your organisation, managed through your website, contribute to the positive and honest expression of your organisation externally. As this paper explains, the transparent articulation of your organisation online can help you plan for the future, build your project management skills and improve your relationships with third parties. Or, to put it another way, you can use your web strategy as a major part of your organisational strategy, and you can use the web development process to develop this organisational strategy.


What you can do: On the following pages we’ve outlined three key principles to help you use web strategy as organisational strategy. We’ve included some examples of clients we’ve worked with that have employed these methods, and concluded each principle with some ‘golden rules’. These principles are:

3. Interactivity as communications strategy. Your website is an interactive medium. Getting interactive with your communications is an opportunity to get close to your customers and users, which is where you want to be.

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Web Strategy as Organisational Strategy by choosenick - Issuu